Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on Apr 1, 2010


Godly X-men chapter 17 all x-men,young avengers,brotherhood of evil and all other characters belong to marvel. the halliwell characters belong to the WB

It had been about a week since the incident and everything had almost gone back to normal. Scott came out to everyone and Wyatt came out to hi family. It was Wyatt, Chris, Paige and her children using their whitelighter healing power that saved me from making a decision about the fates choice.Although i haven't heard from zeus at all since then. Wyatt would come to the mansion whenever he could and I had moved into Scott's room. Scott and I would have sex everynight and when Wyatt came over, Wyatt an I would have sex alone first then Scott would join us after.

There haven't been any encounters with Hera and her gang. The only people that are giving the X-Men any trouble lately hav been the Friends of Humanity. They have been atacking place that have help mutants like hospitals and homeless shelters. The Professor hasn't beeen able to figure out who the leader is but he is certain he knows where they will attack next and it turned out they attack the mansion.

It was the middle of the night and i was sleeping beside Scott when I got a telepathic message from Ares saying that there were armed men surounding the mansion and that there was more coming as well as a strong evil essence with them.

I sent a message out to the other telepaths telling them wha was going down and i told the other vessels that they would protect the students that were not part of the X-Men and to see them to the safe house, the only two vessels that stayed were Laura and Emma.

The students were quickly rounded up and sent on there way and the rest of went to the caffeteria, which is in the middle of the mansion. I took th armed men little time to find us. We allowed them to form a semi circle around us. The leader came forward so i scanned the minds of the people around him and found out what i needed to. He was over 6 feet, had stark white hair and hazel eyes, and he had the body of retired football(american) player that stayed in shape. He wore a pitch black suit with purlpe buttons and a purple dress shirt with a grey tie."Hello Bastion, nice to finally meet the leader of the FoH." I said camly."I know you can not read my mind so you must have read the mind of one of my subordinates but it does not matter. What does matter is that I heard that this was a school for mutants yet i have only found you X-Men here and no students. Tell me where they are right now.""So sorry, I am afraid you just missed them but we are still here." I say very sarcastic.

Without pause the armed men open fire but Kitty phase all of us, with the help of Emma connecting all of our minds. It was weird to feel the bullets pass through me because i could still feel them but it did not hurt at all. Once all the ammo was used up Bastion ran towards me, once i turn solid, and i had just enough time to use air to cushion myself while Bastion ran me through all the walls between the caffeteria and outside.Once outside everyone follows us and starts to fight. Since the amred men are out of ammo they take out daggers to fight."Do not kill them just knock them unconscious." I told my team mates"Kill all of these mutant sum!" Bastion hollered

Bastion and I fought like two well trained gladiators niether one getting much damage on the other until I got in a few lucky strikes and Bastion fell to the ground.When he hit thw ground in the distance i heard a quiet gun shot then i felt something punch through my chest.

As i was falling to the ground dieing i felt Zeus waken inside me and start to heal me while he took over. I stopped falling and rose to the air. By now i was healed completely but i guess Zeus wasn't done since i still had no control. He righted my body and raised his hand and shot out a huge lightning bolt that went right to sniper that shot my from the tree line surrounding the mansion."you puny mortals dare to atempt to kill a vessel of a God!" Zeus declared as the sky darkened and thunder boomed. Zeus raisewd my hand and formed a huge lightning bolt that could kill everyone."Zeus, wait a second I do not think killing all these men would be a good idea." Laura said while she rose to my height. I could see that her eyes were completely white so i knew she was seeing the future. "If you kill these men Liam would blame himself and he would not be able to gather the strength to win against Hera.'Also all of these men will have kids that are mutants and that will make them except mutants as people.' Bastion is not human he is an advance sentinel inside a human form."

She went back to the ground to help the others subdue the armed men. Since Zeus was holding the lightning bolt he turned to towards Bastion and trew it at him with all his might and once it struck Bastion the skin melted to reveal the true robot form and then he exploded from being overcharged.

The team slowly rounded up the intruders and the Professor contacted S.H.E.I.L.D and they came and got their prisoners. "So Xavier this is the new mutant that has the alter ego of a ancient Greek god?" Said Nick Fury."Yes this is Liam meet Nick Fury leader of S.H.E.I.L.D." Said the Professor."Hi, i would like to say it is a pleasure but from what i have learned from others minds i can honestly say the i would never join your organization." I told him with out any expression. After that the soldiers packed away the prisoners and called in a chopper to haul them out.

Later that night while i layed in Scott's arms i had a very prophetic dream thanks to Zeus.

Everyone was on the field outside the mansion. All the vessels were in a straight line with me in the center. the was Logan as Ares, Ororo as Nantosuelta, Forge as Hephasteus, Emma as Freya, Hawkeye as Artemis, Human Torch as Belenus, Black Panther as Cernunnos, Nico Minoru as Isis, Thor, and Elektra as Athena. All the other X-Men were behind us along with the other members of the Young Avengers, Runaways, Fantastic Four as well as all the Halliwells. Also behind us was Doctor Strange, Morgana Le Fay and Dracula.

Across from us on the other side of the field was Hera and Gods. There was Magneto as Cronus, Mystique as Skatha, Sabertooth as Arawn, Sandman as Geb, Doctor Doom as Baltic, Loki, Mister Sinister as Seth, Mephestio, Spiral as Kali, Hydroman as Nun, Lillith and Satana. Behind the vessels were the Brotherhood of Evil, Deadpool, Lady Deathstrike, Gorgon, Viper, soldiers of Hydra, Ninjas of the Hand, Triton, Bullseye and Venom. "Liam this will happen within a weeks time you must ready yourself and the others also you must gather the rest of the vessels."

This is all for this chapter and by the way i am planning the story there might only be about 5 more chapters. So if you have any ideas or want anyother charactors as vessels or comments please email them to me at avalonpriest@hotmail.com.

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