Going Backward to Go Forward

By D One

Published on Jun 23, 2009



Sheldon awoke horny. He always did. As he ran his finger tips over his rock hardness, the nerve endings tingled. It always did.

His fingers moved to the base through the patch of red curly hair that entangled them and over his smoothly shaven testicles. Again his body shivered with excited nerves.

Sheldon usually heard his mother calling him by that time, but it was summer. And even better it was the summer following his graduation. She would never have to yell upstairs again. The fall would find him living with some unknown guy in a dormatory far away.

He wondered if he could enjoy his favorate morning indulgence then. Would the other guy ignore him? Would he pretend to be sleeping while Sheldon's body shoook, muscles tightened and gland convulse to erupt? Would he have to go to the bathroom so in private the body could find it's goal then?

His fingers moved over his belly next, there was no hair to interupt their trip up to his chest and over each nipple.

No matter how many times he grasped each nipple, Sheldon would gasp with the self inflicted pain. He had learned long ago that to enhance the sensations he'd use the left hand for the right nipple and vica versa.

Sheldon squeezed at first closing his eyes imagining another person's fingers there. Then twisting them both, his toes curled. His cock would somehow find skin to expand more. Deep in his belly the gut knot would grow.

He wondered how if he could endure such treatment by another while sliding one of his hands up and down his begging penis.

Relunctantly he released one hand while the other alternated between stretched man tits. He wanted to slide a finger under his testicles and into the chasm that felt good when filled.

It was going to be one of those special mornings he knew. Sheldon released himself long enough to unlock the bottom drawer. His parents never asked him why it was locked or what was in it.

Two ill gotten magazines were there. The covers were worn and wrinkled not only from his several years of use but that's the way he found them in a trash bin behind the adult video store. Pages had been torn out, even one cover was half gone. But the subscriber sticker was still attached. He had wondered then who D. MARKUS was.

Beneath the pile was the toy he purchased. He had been sweating and nervous. "It's for my sister, a gag birthday gift" he had stammered to the adult store clerk.

As he reached for it, Sheldon remembered the clerk's response "Be careful you don't gag on it" he smiled as if a secret wasn't secret.

The long rubber cylinder had known Sheldon intimately for a few years. He once showed it to a friend letting it hang out of his fly. Arnie laughed and asked where he got it. Sheldon hesitated to say it but then he did.

They had been wrestling in their underwear watching each other tent for a few months by then. So having a dildo was exciting though neither knew what to do with it.

Time. internet photos and his own lust instructed Sheldon the answer and his prize dildo found itself inserting, stretching and rubbing him from time to time.

That morning was one of those times. I moved in with difficulty at first then it's familiar feeling filled him making his erection bob in anticipation.

He lay there rubbing his hips so the dildo had traction on his bed. It moved enough in him that excitement reigned.

Returning his fingers to nipples and the other hand to his boner, Sheldon's thoughts took him to a plane of pleasure he sought.

Arnie had a curved cock when hard. He had watched it drool and spit out boyish spunk a few times and returned with his own show.

The naked classmates who surrounded him in the locker room provided more inspiration as well as the short length gay pornography clips he found on the internet.

All too soon, his body wouldn't be controlled let alone stopped. Sheldon let his body do what it needed and wanted. His biceps hurt, his nipples burned, his stertched anal muscles seemed to be brutally rubbed.

When the explosion happened, Sheldon heard his own voice yell out. He opened his eyes in time to see the third shot of sperm shoot into the air as if in slow motion and gaining speed as it landed on his freckled skin.

He lay there panting and feeling his body's muscles slowly release their knots and relax. His butt seemed to push out the toy without effort until it lay there like an ignored lover.

"Shit" he said. It had indeed been one of those special mornings. His young body felt drained, tired and useless like those days after he swam as fast as he could in swim meets.

The shower water refreshed him. He walked downstairs, still naked, even ignoring the towel he had wore briefly.

It was a workday. Both parents were away. He was alone. Sometimes when it was like this, he would go to the kitchen, living room, his fathers study or even their bedroom and jack off excited at the naughtiness of his actions.

That day he enjoyed just being free to be himself, eating cereal and conteplating the day ahead.

Arnie didn't answer his phone so Sheldon left a message. He had a plan and wondered if Arnie would join him.

Lathering lotion on his skin that would protect his freckles against the burning sun, Sheldon pulled on his gym shorts feeling sexy for wearing nothing under them.

He walked the blocks he had walked for years carrying books, his trumpet and gym bag. This time he carried none of them, not even a shirt.

Sheldon's mind wandered and he knew his excitement was obvious. Fortunatley there was no traffic. He adjusted his fleshy tent pole and continued the journey.

Thanks for the budget cuts there was no summer school. The place looked abandonded. For some reason it looked smaller then it did when he had to go there daily. Now he was a graduate and an alumni.

The grass was thick and green. Removing his shoes, he walked barefoot through it. Tempted briefly to remove his shorts too, Sheldon looked around before deciding not to go that far.

He walked around the gym building. It too was dark and empty. The familar steps down to the boiler room were dirty. Nobody had been sweeping. Sheldon knew that even the janitorial staff were not employed that summer.

The door creaked open. His key still worked. The coach had let him borrow it once so he could practice early. The hardware store didn't question his wanting a copy made despite the words "DO NOT COPY" engraved on the original.

He smiled. The plan was working. Sheldon found himself walking around the empty but still aromatic locker room. There were no discarded towels or jockstraps. Locker doors were all closed and no locks in place.

The shower room was dry and quiet. He moved through the doors to the pool. Here he had established himself in the school population. Until he wore the letter sweater, Sheldon felt like a nobody. But heads turned, people smiled, girls flirted and even teachers greeted him and his fellow swimmers.

Football jocks called them names, but they smiled their approval of fellow atheltes.

He stretched by the water. The water was emptied only before school began so the pool could be cleaned. Sheldon knew it would be full the summer as he had used it in summers past.

But those times, the classrooms were being used, the gym saw action and even the pool he had to share. Now he was alone.

He pulled the gym shorts over his smooth buttocks. His fingers slid over the skin easily. The cock once hard then soft hardened again.

Deciding against self pleasure he arched his naked body as he had done many times before. Then he had wore the school color very small speedos. All of the guys wore them and wore a size too small to intidate the opposition.

Their team photo they wore nothing though. The administration was pissed off when the photo appeared. But each member's crotch was hidden by a head of another or the school banner. They decided to let it be used in the yearbook.

All of the members were asked to sign almost all of the students yearbooks because of that. He laughed. It had been his idea.

The water surrounded his skin chilling him with it's unexpected temperature. Sheldon worried his penis would shrivel in the cold and ending his plan. He swam hard underwater and on its surface.

His body ached with the laps since it had been a couple of months since he worked out that hard.

Sheldon had swum naked before. Usually at other schools after meets, competing teams would dive in after the adults had left and swim suits were discarded. More then one had a visible excitement. Sheldon let his hardness be seen above the water as he swam on his back.

"Hows the periscope?" his team mates asked after these out of town antics. He'd smile and respond "still up".

It rose again as he let his body relax on the surface.

The sound startled him. The splash told Sheldon he was no longer alone. He peered across the pool past the spray of water.

A pile of discarded cloth was on the edge of the pool. As the splash lowered, he saw the wet face and blonde hair.

Arnie had gotten the message. He was here. The plan was working.

Sheldon returned to the surface so Arnie could see that indeed the Periscope was up.

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