Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 26, 2006


Ryan and Todd walked along the pier, heading in the general direction of Ryan's car. Their pace was gentle, as they moved along the darkened pier, Todd's arm still draped over Ryan's shoulder, as he gently kneaded the firm muscle with his fingers.

They were mostly silent, only exchanging small bursts of conversation from time to time, and by the time they reached the car, Ryan was feeling very relaxed, much more so than when he had initially ventured onto the pier after his bout with Julie.

Ryan unlocked his car, and the boys slid into the front seats, as Ryan started the engine,, and pulled away from the curb. He glanced over at Todd, and smiled, at seeing Todd's boyishly handsome face softly lit by the dash lights. Todd turned his head slightly, his eyes meeting Ryan's, and he winked, and reached over to give Ryan's thigh a firm squeeze, a move that sent instant jolts of electricity to Ryan's balls, and caused his penis to turn instantly erect. Ryan squirmed slightly in reaction, but Todd held firm, making no effort to remove his hand. Ryan cleared his throat, his mind racing, as it seemed every nerve in his system was centered on that spot on his thigh. He blinked several times, and risked a quick glance downward, to focus on Todd's hand lightly stroking his thigh, then, managed,

"So...um...like, where I am going, dude...?"

Todd shrugged, as he gave Ryan's leg another firm squeeze, then, removed his hand, as he answered,

"Wherever, I guess...maybe over to Bridges Beach....or...heck, I don't really care...anyplace is cool...or...just drive..."

Ryan felt as if the skin on his thigh might any second burst into flame, or at least glow in the darkness of the car, so searing was the sensation left there by Todd's touching him, and he longed for the contact to return. He shuddered in his seat, totally aware of his pulsing erection throbbing inside his shorts, and he realized that his breathing was shallow, and rapid. Jesus, he thought....just...well, Jesus...!

After stopping for a red light at the intersection, Ryan turned right onto Cliff Dr, and concentrated on guiding the car through the series of tight turns that followed the high bluff at the edge of the ocean, eventually leading to Bridges Beach, a spot highly popular with the surfing crowd during daylight hours, but generally deserted after dark. They reached the entrance to the beach parking lot, and Ryan turned in, crossing the large lot until he reached the far side where the bluff looked out on the sea, and he parked, killing the lights, and engine. The cars interior darkened as the dash lights went out, and the only light source was a faint orange hue from a distant street light standard, and the silvery glow of the moon. Todd tuned half sideways in his seat, and folded one leg, facing Ryan, as he leaned back against the car door behind him. He looked at Ryan, and said, seriously,

"If you want to talk about the Julie thing, Dude, its cool...might be good to get it out of your system, you know...?"

Ryan sucked in a deep breath, and released it slowly, as he met Todd's wide open gaze, and held it. He took another deep breath, part of him wanting to just blurt out the truth, that it wasn't Julie, or what had happened between them, that he wanted to talk about at all. It was the reason it had happened....that he wanted, needed, to get said, once and for all. Releasing the breath that he suddenly realized he had been holding, he blinked several times, and very nearly thrust himself across the small space between them, so very badly did he suddenly want Todd to hold him, and kiss him. He shuddered once more, and took in another breath, as he finally replied,

"Not really a whole lot to say about it, Todd...it's been sort of brewing for a while, and, things pretty much just came to a head tonight, is all."

Todd nodded, his steady gaze not wavering an inch, as he said,

"Right...the "complex" thing again, right...?...I hear that, Bro....girls...go figure..!"

Ryan was amazed that his penis was still hard as a steel rod in the snug confines of his shorts, and he suddenly felt the need to get out of the cramped car, and give it some room to relax. He pulled on the door handle, and swung open the door, then stepped out into the cool, slightly misty air. He seized the opportunity of having his back to Todd, and quickly reached down to adjust his erection to a more comfortable position, thinking how ironic it was that he be so rigidly erect now, and so totally incapable of managing it when it had most mattered, back there with Julie. Todd eased himself out of the car as well, and they both moved to the front of the car, leaning back, until they were half-sitting on the hood, side by side, and close enough that their bare thighs made contact beneath the hem of the shorts they each wore. Todd again slid his arm over Ryan's shoulder, and gave him a small hug, and Ryan relaxed into the hug, letting Todd pull him against him.

"I'm not trying to be nosey, dude....just want to help you feel better is all...so then, what...let me guess...you prolly made some really crude attempt to get in her knickers, right...?..and she got all pissy...?

Ryan snorted loudly, and even giggled a little, finding the proposal so far from the truth as to actually be almost funny. He recovered, and turned his head to gaze into Todd's incredible eyes, as he shook his head slowly, and smiled, maybe just a tad sheepishly, as he said,

"Not hardly, Todd...not even close....actually.....uh....well...pretty much the opposite of that...!"

He could feel the heat rise over his cheeks, as the blush flooded over him, as he realized that he may have said too much, very nearly spilling the truth in its entirety. Todd stayed silent, his eyebrows lifting slightly to form a questioning arch, as he contemplated Ryan's reply. As he seemed to suddenly understand Ryan's meaning, his eyebrows relaxed, and a small, sexy smile spread slowly over his face, as he said,

"Ahh...so then...I think I get your drift here, dude...your saying, like, she maybe wanted something to happen between you.....and....what...?...you...um...turned her down...?....is that it, dude...?"

Ryan looked away, his face very warm, and nearly breaking into a sweat, as he felt his heart beat quicken, and he nodded slowly, inhaling another big gulp of air, and answered,

"Yea, pretty much...and...well...not for the first time, either...she has been....well...pushing for us to....uh...well...like, do it....you know....and...aw man...shit...it just...well....it ain't gonna fucking happen....is all...!"

The last came out as nearly all one word, but it was clear enough for Todd to get the picture, and he added a little pressure to the arm holding onto Ryan's shoulder, as he asked, quietly,

"I get it, Ryan...I really do, dude...and if I'm reading you right....then...I know exactly what you mean, Bud....I'm like...been there...done that, you know...?"

Ryan shuddered strongly, and Todd gripped him tighter, as he leaned in closer, and added his other arm to the hug, pulling Ryan against him, as Ryan buried his face in Todd's shoulder, and Todd stroked his back slowly. Ryan choked back the urge to let go, and cry like a baby, his sob gagging in his throat, as Todd held him tighter, and mumbled soft nothings, telling him it was cool, and it was all going to be alright. Ryan burrowed closer into Todd's grip, and groaned softly into his shoulder, as he felt his aching erection press firmly against Todd's thigh. He gulped, sudden desire washing over him like a breaking wave, and he struggled with the urge to just reach down and grope Todd's crotch. He swallowed, and pulled back enough to look into Todd's eyes, as he blinked, and said,

"Yea, you got it, alright...just like all the other times...hot makeout, right...? all touchy-feely, right...?....then...shit...freeking moment of truth, right...?...and....well...lets just say that my...weapon....wasn't loaded anymore....you know...?"

Todd held Ryan's deer-in-the-headlights gaze, then, nodded slowly, and gently moved his hips side to side, causing his thigh to work against Ryan's rigid erection. Ryan involuntarily groaned, and pressed into Todd's thigh harder, removing any doubt as to his excitement, and Todd chuckled softly, as he said very quietly,

"Really...bummer, dude....but...your, um...weapon...is sure as hell fully loaded right now....definitely...loaded for big game, I think, too...!"

Ryan felt the heat of the blush on his face again, and really didn't care, as his whole focus centered on the mind numbing contact of his erection against Todd's thigh, and the multitude of overwhelming sensations that flooded through his trembling body.

Todd continued to hold Ryan, and steadily move his thigh back and forth, stroking over Ryan's throbbing penis, then, gently moved Ryan backward, until he settled onto the hood of the car, and leaned back on his bended elbows. Todd moved in between Ryan's legs, and nudged them apart, as he slowly eased downward, his knees settling on the soft sand, as he extended his arms to place his palms on Ryan's thighs. He moved upward, as if in slow motion, and Ryan closed his eyes, his heart threatening to explode, as Todd moved ever higher, until his fingers brushed over Ryan's turgid penis. Ryan groaned, felling his penis spasm inside his shorts, reacting to the incredible sensation of Todd closing his fingers around the rigid stalk, and gently sliding up, and down. Todd eased his other hand up to the snap on Ryan's shorts, and popped it open, as he tugged at the zip with his fingers, and finally managed the task, then, tugged the shorts, and Ryan's briefs, half way down his thighs, freeing Ryan's very erect, and oozing penis, and balls, to the moist night air. Ryan released a loud, deep groan, as Todd rocked back on his heels briefly, staring at the wonder of Ryan's cock, as it swayed tensely before him. Releasing a deep guttural groan, he hungrily absorbed the detail of Ryan's stunning erection, and the heavy scrotum below, as his shaking hand snaked forward to lightly trace the rigid shaft with a finger, generating an audible gasp from Ryan, who lay back on the car, stone still, his gaze locked onto his friends exploring finger as it moved up and down his cock.

After relishing the silky smoothness, and steely rigidity of Ryan's penis, Todd gently closed his hand around the thick shaft, his feverish mind registering that the throbbing hot shaft filled his palm, leaving the smooth mushroom shaped head exposed above his fingers. He stroked his hand slowly, eliciting another gasp of pleasure from Ryan, who let his head roll back on his shoulders, his eyes closing, as the tremors passed through him head to toe. Still steadily stroking Ryan's turgid cock, Todd slowly moved his other hand upward on Ryan's thigh, and gingerly cupped the heavy balls in his palm, as he watched, fascinated, while a pearl of Ryan's now oozing precum emerged from the tiny slit in the shiny smooth cock head. Unable to resist any longer, Todd leaned into Ryan, and extended his tongue to swipe at the tiny tear drop of slippery fluid, deftly extracting it onto his tongue, as Ryan groaned loudly from the sudden contact. Todd swabbed his tongue across the satin smooth head again, and then again, as Ryan lifted his head, and stared down, his balls literally searing with sensation, and groaned again, as he watched Todd open his mouth, and slowly engulf his rigid erection into its wet warmth.

"Ohhhh, God...!" groaned Ryan, his head once more rolling back on his shoulders, as he stared into the starlit night sky, gasping for breath, as his body very nearly went into overload from the multitude of sensation it was experiencing.

Up and down Todd's amazing mouth went, gliding smoothly over Ryan's drooling cock as if he had done it countless times before, as his hand closed over Ryan's dangling balls, hefting, and rolling them, as he savored the flavor, and feel of the pulsing stalk filling his drooling mouth. Ryan arched his back suddenly, and thrust his hips sharply forward, and Todd gagged slightly as the cock head drove deeper into his throat. He tightened his grip on the base of Ryan's cock, and drew his head back slightly, once more feeling the smooth head sliding along his tongue, and he jabbed the end of his tongue against the firm ring of tissue that ringed the head of Ryan's cock, as Ryan grunted, and once more thrust his hips upward, his cock suddenly spasming in Todd's mouth, and erupting. Rapid and strong, several volley's of thick, warm semen flooded Todd's already filled mouth, as Ryan's cock continued its strong pulsing, over and over, as Ryan uttered a steady cadence of deep groans, his balled fists thumping loudly on the hood of the car.

Finally completely drained, and suddenly exhausted, Ryan released all of the pent-up tension from his shaking body, and sagged back on the hood like a rag doll, as Todd pulled away, releasing his spent, and wilting penis from his mouth. He rocked back on his heels, as he swallowed, savoring the taste of Ryan's discharge in his mouth, and the slippery sensation of the copious fluid sliding down his throat, as he brought a hand up to swipe at the slivers of semen that drooled from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Ryan's saliva soaked penis, watching it deflate, and soften, as he slowly shook his head in amazement, as the stark realization of his act settled into his brain. He looked up, his slightly sheepish gaze meeting with Ryan's look of astonishment, then, smiled broadly, as he gave a small shrug of his shoulders, and said, very softly,

"Wow...oh man....wow....that...was...pretty fucking....amazing...!"

Ryan broke into a nervous grin, and almost giggled, as he nodded in complete agreement, and replied,

"Amazing...?....damn, dude...I'm not sure that amazing actually covers...that...I never felt so....intense...in my whole fucking life....wow...!"

As the passion of the moment waned, both boys suddenly felt slightly sheepish about their act, as well feeling a sudden concern for their exposed position, should anyone happen by, and they stood, Ryan quickly doing up his shorts, as Todd brushed the clinging sand pebbles from his knees. They hugged briefly, and Ryan felt Todd's rock hard erection press into his groin. He shuddered from the firm contact, and quickly moved his hand between their bodies, and gripped Todd's steely hard penis, causing Todd to groan, and flex his hips against Ryan's grip. Sudden chills ran down Ryan's spine as he moved his hand back and forth, stroking Todd through his thin shorts, and he relished the feel of the flexing penis in his grip, his breath catching in his throat, as he was suddenly overcome with desire to see it, and hold it bare, and hot, in his hand. He lifted his head, and gave a quick glance around, ensuring that they were still alone, then, dropped to his knees before a startled Todd.

He quickly gripped the elastic of Todd's shorts, and in one swift tug, lowered them, and his boxers to his ankles, releasing a low groan, as Todd's very erect penis sprang free to slap audibly against his lightly haired groin. Ryan groaned once more, as he briefly savored the sculpted appearance of Todd's erection in the soft moonlight, then, gripped its turgid length in his fingers, as he leaned forward, and lapped his tongue over Todd's plump scrotum several times. Opening his mouth, he carefully captured Todd's balls in his drooling mouth, and sucked on them, tugging slightly downward, as Todd groaned, and threaded his fingers into Ryan's hair. Ryan released the firm nuggets then, and licked up the underside of Todd's rock hard penis, then lapped eagerly at the leaking head, delving the tip of his tongue into the small slit and tasting the slightly acrid precum that flowed there. His heart felt like a jackhammer pounding inside his heaving chest, and he felt a sudden warmth course through his trembling body, like a sudden rush of warm water flooding through his veins, and he somehow knew how right, how amazingly right it was to hold this rigid stalk, and to lick it, and, now, to suck it. He heard Todd's sharp intake of breath, followed by a low, deep, groan, as he opened his hungry mouth, and slid the entirety of Todd's pulsing cock inside. He gagged slightly, as he greedily took the sizeable member too deep, and he backed off slightly, adjusting to the incredible sensation of the rigid, glass smooth penis filling his mouth.

Ryan moved tentatively at first, slightly awkward, as he searched for, and found, a rhythm, drooling heavily, as he savored the wonder of what he was actually doing, and he quickly warmed to the task, his instincts, and earlier furtive experiences suddenly rushing back to him. He deftly sucked the steadily drooling penis, his hands moving over Todd's hairless thighs, and stomach, and occasionally fondling the swinging ball sac that danced gently between his thighs, and Todd tugged at his hair, emitting a steady chant of pleasurable groans as Ryan quickly drove him to the edge.

The newness, and intensity of Ryan's deft movements made it over nearly as suddenly as it had begun, and all too soon, with one sudden flexing of his slim hips, Todd's balls exploded, ejecting thick ribbons of cum into Ryan's vacuuming mouth. Ryan felt the sudden explosion of warm, syrupy fluid flood into his mouth, and he instinctively swallowed, gulping down stream after stream of the creamy offering from his friends rapidly draining balls until there simply was no more to offer, and he released the softening cock from his slightly battered lips, as his fingers closed around the wilting shaft, milking the final small drizzles of nectar from the tiny slit, as he washed over it with his tongue. He looked up, locking his eyes onto Todd's wide-eyed, and amazed expression, and grinned, as he washed his tongue over his lips, and said,

"Damn, dude....damn...that....Jesus...that, was some load...!"

Todd giggled stupidly, his knees suddenly feeling like rubber, and he sank slowly down to the ground, where he grabbed onto Ryan, and held him, as he muttered, too out of breath to actually speak,

"Fuuuuck, Ry....holy shit...where did that...come from...?..."

Ryan chuckled, giving a slight shrug with his shoulders, as he replied,

"That, Todd, came from forever...my life...from finally....finally...doing what I need....want...and always have wanted...it comes from....me....being me....!"

The sated, and incredibly happy boys continued to hold each other, touching, and savoring each others scents, and lingering tastes, until they fell victim to the chill night air, and finally stood, Todd restoring his shorts, and got back into the car. Ryan sat behind the wheel as the motor idled, the heater flowing warming breaths of air into the cars interior, and looked at Todd, as a feeling of absolute calm, and peace, washed over him. As he put the car into gear, and backed out of the parking spot, he wondered why he had ever bothered to resist this special desire, and need. It was, quite simply, who he was, and always had been, and the bungled attempts with Julie had been a complete waste of time for them both. Moving out of the parking lot, he reached over to stroke Todd's smooth thigh, and Todd turned his head to smile at him, and nod his head, as he winked, and said,

"Turns out to be a really, really, good night for fishing off the pier, dude!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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