Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 10, 2006


As the following weeks passed, Ryan and Todd spent as much time as possible together, eagerly seizing any opportunity for privacy, as they continued their hungry exploration of each others very willing young body. Without benefit of any real discussion, their roles had quietly emerged, with Todd more or less adapting to the top preference, while Ryan had happily settled into the bottom role. He found that while he definitely enjoyed all aspects of their fevered couplings, his greatest pleasure, and satisfaction, came when Todd fucked him, giving life to his long held feeling that that particular act was the personification of his sexual longings, and the one from which he came away feeling fulfilled, and complete. His coming to terms with that understanding had helped him to understand why he had never been able to consummate his efforts at pleasing Julie, and, it provided a way for him to shed the lingering guilt regarding that failure, which he had carried long enough.

Now, as the two drove toward a mutual friends house to join the rest of their group at a house party being given in honor of one of the gang's birthday, their mood was a mix of happy, and maudlin. Maudlin in that this would be their final evening together for the next two weeks, as at mid-day the following day Todd, and his family, would be flying off to Hawaii for a two week family vacation.

Ryan sat quietly, watching Todd drive, as he mulled the lengthy separation the vacation trip mandated, and he hated the idea of not seeing Todd for such a long time, now that they had finally found each other, and their mutual interest. He sighed, forcing himself out of the doldrums that threatened to ruin this final evening, and slid across the seat, snuggling in close to Todd, uncaring if any passing motorist should look, and see the two teen boys cuddled close together. Todd slid an arm around Ryan, and tugged him in closer, as he steered the car with one hand, staying silent, but, feeling the exact same emotional trauma as Ryan. Ryan sighed again, and moved his hand into Todd's lap, his fingers groping his rapidly awakening penis, as he said,

"Two fucking weeks...Jesus...I am so gonna miss you, bud....and.....this, definitely...! He said, giving Todd's expanding cock a firm squeeze.

Todd grunted, a warm tingle coursing through him as Ryan groped his erection, and replied,

"Tell me about it, dude...us being forced apart, is all I've been thinking about all day...I mean...Hawaii rocks, and all, but...well...lets just say that...being... with you...rocks a hell of a lot more...!"

Ryan nodded silently, using his fingers to probe the fly of Todd's jeans, searching out the zipper, which he managed to ease down, as he tugged at the snap of the fly, and opened it, then, slid his exploring hand inside the small navy blue briefs that struggled to contain Todd's erect penis. His bare hand wrapped around the shaft of Todd's cock, and stroked it, as Todd shuddered, releasing a soft groan of pleasure, the intense pleasure quickly flooding through him. Ryan fumbled with the snug fitting briefs a bit, finally managing to work the elastic waist down, where he deftly tucked it under Todd's heavy balls, freeing his throbbing penis to the warm evening air. Ryan looked down, practically drooling, at the sight of Todd's pretty, naked, penis jutting from his lap, and he slowly moved his index finger back and forth across the meaty head of it, as Todd emitted another soft moan.

"Just so you know, hot stuff, I am no longer responsible if I, like, run off the road, and hit a tree, or something...my attention is most definitely waning here...!" Todd croaked, actually meaning it.

Ryan giggled, loving the effect his tantalizing was having on Todd, and he leaned close, and licked his ear, then, bit it gently, as he whispered,

"Well, then....park someplace, and let me have your full attention..."

Todd groaned again, as Ryan dug his hand deeper, and cradled his plump balls, again licking his ear, a move that Ryan knew full well drove Todd nuts. Todd flinched, as Ryan's hand inadvertently inflicted sudden pain on his balls where they were literally trapped within the tight confines of the small briefs.

"Yikes....that smarts, dude...chill with the balls already...!" he chirped.

Ryan quickly extracted his hand, and moved back to grip the rigid penis, as he again licked Todd's ear, and said, throatily,

"Sorry babe...if you park, I'll be glad to kiss it all, and make it all better..."

Todd moaned again, this time in pleasure, as Ryan's deft hand stroked his pulsing cock with a perfect touch, and his thumb passed over the smooth head several times, as he muttered in response,

"Promises, promises....!"

Ryan squeezed the rock hard penis in his hand, and lapped once more a Todd's ear, and he repeated,

"I really do promise, big guy...just pull over, and see...!"

Todd glanced around, getting his bearings, as he frantically searched his mind for some near-by spot where he could stop the car, and, with some degree of safety, call Ryan's insistent bluff. Spotting the municipal tennis courts coming up on his right, he made a quick decision, and veered off into the parking lot there, steering around to the back side of the courts, where he stopped the car. He looked around, confirming his thought that in the fading daylight any tennis buffs would have been forced to cease playing, and depart, and the careful look around proved his theory correct, as the entire complex appeared deserted. He turned off the key, and settled back into his seat, and grinned at the smiling Ryan, saying,

"Ok stud, put your mouth where your money is.....oops....I mean, put your money where your mouth is...!" he chuckled.

Ryan flashed another stunning grin, and gave Todd's burgeoning cock a firm squeeze, as he giggled, and replied,

"No...actually, I think you had it right the first time, dude...and.....that is exactly what I am gonna do...!"

With that, Ryan quickly dove down on the seat, and burrowed into Todd's lap, his warm, wet, mouth closing over Todd's thick cock, as he deftly took its length to the hilt. He fell directly into a steady up and down rhythm, expertly moving his soft mouth over Todd's rigid erection, as Todd shuddered, and threaded his fingers into Ryan's hair, gently guiding his head movements on his suddenly oozing cock.

"Oh man...fuuuuck, that's nice, dude....Jesus...I fucking well got to find a way to stuff you in my suitcase....fuck, that's good....!" He muttered, savoring the incredible sensations, and the slightly nasty, but very exciting slurping noises that filled the cars interior, along with small grunts from both overheated boys.

Ryan threw himself totally into the task at hand, and mouth, plying all of the recently learned, and perfected, skills in his oral arsenal, striving to bring Todd to rapid completion, eager now for that incredible explosion of the thick penis that filled his mouth so perfectly, and the creamy eruption of warm boy honey that it would bring. Todd rolled his head back against the seat back, lolling it from side to side, his balls singing with pleasure, as his friend expertly drove him toward his rapidly approaching climax. He no longer cared in the slightest if a crowd suddenly appeared, and stared into the cars interior, applauding, and shouting encouragement. Fuck them, he decided, this was just too damn good to care about anything as small as a few dozen people knowing he loved having Ryan suck his cock. He closed his eyes, letting himself totally go with the flood of feelings that washed over him, and in mere minutes he was there.

His back arched, and he tugged sharply at Ryan's hair, as his hips bucked upward, and his balls erupted, spewing forth his astonishing load of creamy cum, expelling it in strong, repeated volleys into Ryan's sucking mouth. Ryan felt the thick shaft of Todd's penis spasm, and spasm again, and yet again, as his mouth was suddenly flooded with Todd's exploding cum load, and he savored the strength of each eruption, and the resulting expulsion of thick, warm, fluid over his tongue, and into his gulping throat, as he stayed with the spewing cock, until it finally stopped shooting, and began to soften in his battered mouth.

He gave the silky smooth head one final suck, and lick, then, sat up, his hand moving to swipe at his cum soaked lips, as he smiled at a slightly dazed Todd, and said,

"Damn, babe....that was amazing...plentiful, and amazing...I love it how much you cum that way...hell, it might even be enough to get me through this damn party...but...be sure and stop here again on the way back, ok...?" he giggled.

Todd reached out to ruffle Ryan's hair, and chuckled, as he nodded, and muttered,

"Sure thing, dude.....a little late night tennis might be just the thing...!"

Todd was perfectly willing to reciprocate the pleasure Ryan had just provided, but Ryan demurred, choosing to save his pent up passions for a more leisurely opportunity later, and Todd got his clothing readjusted, and they resumed their drive to the party. Arriving, Todd found an on-street parking spot nearby, and eased the car into it. They climbed out, and made their way across the street toward the party house, noting the overflow of raucous loud music, and laughter, from within the overly crowded house. They went up the walkway, and entered the fray amid much hi-fiving, and exuberant greeting from the assembled small mob. They made their way to the crowded kitchen where a huge metal tub was filled to near overflow with various soda's, and beer. Ryan dug into the freezing cold water and ice in the tub, and handed Todd a Pepsi, taking a beer for himself. This was Todd's night to drive, and therefore stay off the beer, but Ryan quickly popped open the frosty can, and inhaled a long pull, the cold brew mixing nicely with Todd's recently deposited load. They mingled, and shouted verbal exchanges with friends, then, went into the jam packed living room area in search of the birthday boy.

As they passed the dining room-morphed-to-dance-floor, Alicia, a knock-out blond cheer leader, latched onto Todd's arm, literally dragging him onto the make-shift dance floor to dance. It was widely known that Todd loved to dance, and was exceedingly good at it, as well, and in mere moments, Alicia and he were wildly involved in the sex-to-music gyrations that was called dancing, their bodies wildly contorting in time to the blaring rock sound. Ryan grinned, tipping his beer can toward Todd, as he maneuvered through the throng, and made his way to the living room, where he promptly encountered Julie standing by the door, giving him the stern look that she had been giving him every time she had seen him since that final night in his car. He sighed, working his way toward her through the crowd, and finally stopped at her side, as he managed a slightly sheepish grin, then, pressed his mouth close to her ear, and all but shouted over the loud din,

"Hey, Jul...can we...um...find someplace to talk for a minute...?"

She turned her face toward him, the stern expression faltering only slightly, and waited a few beats, before slowly nodding, and giving him a "follow me" tilt of her head. She turned, and started back toward the rear of the house, Ryan following as best he could manage given the thick throng of revelers. They joined up again in the less crowded kitchen, and, as Ryan passed by the beer filled tub, he bent down and retrieved a fresh one. He sat the empty on a counter, and resumed following Julie, who had made it to the door, and out into the back yard.

Outside, the noise faded to a more tolerable level, and Ryan walked with Julie over to a grouping of lounges, and chairs, that were set about the yard surrounding the shimmering swimming pool that was the focal point of the very nice yard. Julie settled onto one of the padded lounges, and Ryan parked his slim butt on the corner of it, as he looked into her eyes. The steely expression he encountered there was actually sufficient to cause a chill to pass down Ryan's spine, as he inhaled a deep breath, and said,

"Look, Julie...I know how pissed at me you are, ok...you don't need to keep melting me with that look every time I see you...jeez...!"

Her expression held, and she actually made it slightly worse, as he curled her lush mouth into a small sneer, and snorted, as she replied,

"Really...and just what kind of a "look" did you expect, mister...rejecting me the way you keep you doing...and...making me feel like an idiot for practically...throwing myself at you...repeatedly, I might remind you...shit...!"

Ryan sighed heavily, the guilt trip that she was laying on him hitting home, and he reached for her hand, only to have her jerk it away, and say, angrily,

"Don't touch me, Ryan...jeez...just what is it with you anyway...all I wanted was for you to touch me...and you wouldn't....so....don't be trying it now...I am so no longer interested, ok...?"

He flinched, drawing his hand back as if burned, and stared into her anger filled face, as he muttered,

"Ok...Jesus, ok....cool it, will you...?...I know I seriously fucked it up with you, Julie....but...shit...I just wanted a chance to...explain...things to you...not that you will like it, God knows....but.....well, damn it...it matters to me...and...I really want you to understand a few things...that it has nothing to do with who you are...nothing at all...it's all about me, actually...!"

Julie actually managed to add a degree to her pouting smirk, as she snorted crudely again, and sighed, as she replied, an almost visible frost coating her words,

"Whatever, Ryan, ok?....say what it is you want to say...just don't get the idea I actually really care, ok....just say it, and let me get away from here, ok...?"

Ryan sighed, and tipped up the beer can, draining it, then, held up his hand, indicating that Julie should wait right there while he went back for a fresh brew, and she rolled her eyes, but nodded her assent, as Ryan stood, and hurried inside, where he retrieve not one, but three cold beers, then, returned, once more feeling Julie's vivid scorn. He sat back down at her feet, and popped open a beer, taking a long pull, before continuing.

"Ok then....um...here's the deal, Jul...the reason that I...uh....well, that I didn't...shit...couldn't...fu...do what you wanted...was....is...um...." he trailed off, his gaze suddenly taking great interest in his tennis shoes.

Julie stirred, righting herself on the lounge, and releasing a huge sigh of frustration, clearly signaling her intention to end this discussion, if it could be defined as such. Ryan took another deep breath, and put his hand on her arm to restrain her from standing, as he blurted, much louder, more forceful, than he had intended,

"Alright, God damn it, Julie...I'm gay, ok...?...there...fuck it all...now you know, ok...!?"

Julie froze, her lithe body going stock still, and rigid, save for her dainty chin, which suddenly sagged to meet her soft throat, as he mouth dropped open in surprise. Her eyes slowly widened, as comprehension of Ryan's words sunk in, and she once more struggled to stand, this time unimpeded by Ryan, who sat quietly, listening to his hammering heart. On her feet, Julie sneered once more, and delivered her final gambit, saying icily,

"Really...well Ryan, that's just fine with me...in fact, it actually gives us more in common, since now we understand that both of us are looking for a real man...and, I really hope your luck is better than mine has been, so far...!"

With that, she whirled, and rushed off toward the crowded house, burying her face in her hands as she ran. Ryan sighed heavily, watching her retreat until she disappeared into the packed kitchen, then, drained his beer, and opened another one, as he got to his feet, and walked aimlessly toward the back corner of the yard, moving out of sight behind the small cabana that fronted the swimming pool. He leaned back against the building, and swallowed another guzzle of beer, feeling strangely relieved, and, more than a few effects of the rapid beer drinking. He stared up at the star filled sky, savoring the fact that he had actually spoken the words, admitted his gayness to someone other than Todd, and he was amazed at how good it had actually felt. And why not, he reasoned, it was who he is, and he was not ashamed of those desires any longer, whether they were understood, or not. He had spent far too much of his young life denying, and fighting, the inner him as it was, and that was over now, and the self-admission was, if anything, uplifting, and he chuckled, recalling the shocked expression that had painted Julies face at his pronouncement. He hoisted his beer once more, draining it, as he became suddenly aware of movement to his right, and turned his head, peering squint-eyed into the darkness, making out a moving form, as he heard,

"Hey dude...everything alright with you...?"

Reflexively, Ryan nodded, as the person approached, and he recognized his friend Devin, who was also the star of the high school tennis team. Ryan and Devin had been acquaintances, if not fast friends, since eighth grade, and traveled in the same social groups in high school, and Ryan genuinely liked the boy, though his past attempts to step up the friendship had been gently evaded by Devin for reasons unknown to Ryan. Given that Devin' passion for the tennis thing had always been paramount in his life, Ryan had more or less accepted that as the reason for his seeming reluctance to cultivate close friendships, and he was mildly surprised, and pleased, at this show of concern for his well being. He tried for a somewhat sloppy, beer induced, grin, and replied,

"Hey Devin...what's up, dude...yea...it's all cool...just..uh...sorta ducking the crowd, you know...tipping a cold one..." he said, hefting his mostly empty beer can.

Devin settled in against the cabana along side Ryan, and nodded, a radiant smile lighting up his handsome face, as he said,

"I hear that, dude...freeking madhouse in there, actually...good party though...!"

Ryan chuckled, the beer he had consumed seeming to suddenly make everything seem slightly funny, or happy, the sense of profound relief once more washing over him, as he answered,

"Yup...it's that, for sure...no shortage of brewski's, either...though I seemed to have lost my...date...giggle...haven't seen Todd since he got dragged onto the dance floor...!"

Devin laughed softly, another dazzling smile crossing his face, as he nodded, and replied,

"Yea, well, you know Todd.... A regular John Travolta when it comes to dancing...kinda sucks, though, loosing your...date...I mean..."

Ryan giggled, actually blushing slightly at the repeated references to Todd as his date, but, feeling uncharacteristically brazen from the beer, and his recent admission to Julie regarding his sexuality, he blurted,

"Well, fuck it then, let him do his thing...I'll just have to check out the wall flowers, and round up a new date, then...!"

Devin turned more serious then, and inched slightly closer to Ryan, as he sucked in a breath, and said, quietly,

"You actually don't need to go searching the wall flower pool dude...I mean....well, actually, Ryan...I, um...well, I heard your little announcement to Julie, dude...and, well....aw, shit Ryan...I been wanting to be your date, like, forever, dude...and hell....I'm right here, you know...?"

Ryan felt his cheeks flush, and grow warm, his first reaction horror at Devin hearing his blurting pronouncement that he was gay, then, as Devin's meaning registered, the feeling quickly changed to one of curiosity, if not outright interest. He turned his head to look at Devin, scant inches separating their serious gazes, and he studied the steady gaze a minute, before saying, barely above a whisper,

"Devin....dude....you...um...you meaning what I...think...you are meaning...?"

Devin felt a warm flush of his own, as he held Ryan's steady gaze, and he nodded slowly, saying,

"Uh huh...definitely...and, for a long time, too...like I said...I just never thought for a minute that...well...you know, dude...!"

Ryan was stunned, and at the same time he felt his suddenly growing excitement at the prospect of Devin's own gayness, and he felt his penis thicken in his jeans, as he extended his arm, and cupped Devin's boyish face in his hand.

"Oh shit, Devin...damn, dude...you serious...for sure...?"

Devin nodded, inching closer to Ryan, savoring the faint scent of his mild cologne, and slid his arm around Ryan's slim waist, pulling him closer, as his lush lips parted, and he answered,

"Yea, Ryan, I am sure...totally sure...like I said, a long, long time..."

"Oh Jesus...!" muttered Ryan, feeling his body go limp, as Devin pulled him closer still, and slowly, gently, met his lips with his own, haltingly at first, then, feverishly, as the two mingled in a mind-searing kiss, their tongues flooding into each others mouths, as their bodies molded tightly together, their mutual passion rapidly rising along with their suddenly very erect penis'.

The kisses lingered, their panting breaths filling the quiet space around them, as they cling to one another, their hands groping at each others rigid penis, stroking, and exploring. Finally, Ryan broke off the kiss, sagging back into the cabana wall, as he felt Devin's hands on him everywhere, lighting his senses on fire, as he fondled his cock, and balls, and ran his hand up under his shirt to stroke the searing skin of his smooth chest, fingers gliding over the stiffness of his aroused nipples.

"Oh God, Dev...God...too fucking hot, man...Jesus...!" cooed Ryan, his cock so steely hard he was surprised it didn't rip through his soft jeans.

"Hush, man...just don't say anything, ok...just...aw, fuck it...!" hissed Devin, as he dropped to his knees in front of the panting Ryan, and literally attacked the fly of Ryan's jeans, all but ripping them open, as he frantically tugged them down his thighs, along with the small briefs that he wore. Ryan's turgid erection bounced free, slapping upward to lie along his groin, and Devin groaned, as his hand closed around the stiff shaft, and stroked it, as his other hand moved to cradle his balls.

Ryan wilted into the wall behind him, his body awash in amazing sensation, and surprise, as he looked down in amazement at the kneeling Devin, watching his hand work the stalk of his cock, as he hefted his balls with the other, until, with a quick upward glance, Devin leaned forward, and guided Ryan's throbbing cock into his warm, wet, mouth.

Ryan's knees buckled slightly, and a shudder coursed through his entire body, as Devin's incredible mouth moved over his pulsing cock, and his fingers continued to manipulate his dangling balls, and his eyes closed tightly, as he savored the intensity of the feelings. His breath came in ragged gulps, as his heart rate doubled, and his balls caught fire. Unconsciously, he began gently humping his hips, matching the amazing rhythm that Devin was maintaining on his now drooling cock, and he moaned, when Devin moved his hands to cup the firm globes of his ass, kneading them, and dipping a finger between them to lightly stimulate his tight little pucker, all the while the magic of his amazing mouth continuing to drive him to the brink. Ryan was close to hyperventilating, the effects of his shallow breathing, and the excess of beer making his head swim, as he groaned once more, feeling his balls roll upward in their sac, as his cock spasmed strongly, and he muttered Devin's name, just as his cock jerked in contraction, and erupted.

Devin pulled hard on his ass, forcing the spurting penis deeper into his mouth, as he sucked, and gulped, sensing each strong volley of Ryan's gushing eruption, as it spewed over his tongue, and into his throat, his taste buds exploding with pleasure from the thick, rich fluid that flooded into his mouth, seeming to never end. Finally, it was over, and Ryan sagged against the wall, panting, and groaning, dizzy with the immense pleasure waves that shook his body, and Devin rocked back onto his heels, letting the deflating penis slip from his lips. He held it, lightly passing his thumb over the slipper head, as he looked up, meeting Ryan's dazed gaze, and grinned, as he gently squeezed Ryan's spent cock, and said,

"It took a hell of a long wait, but....well....worth every bit of it...that...you...are amazing, Ry....totally...fucking....amazing....wow...!

Ryan grinned stupidly, still dazed, and puffing, as he reached down to help Devin to stand, then, wrapped both arms around him, and pulled him close, as he gasped,

"Amazing...no shit...dude...you really should have...well...said something...you know...?"

Devin chuckled, completely content to just stay here in Ryan's arms forever, as he pulled away slightly to look into Ryan's eyes, as he managed to weakly answer,

"Guess so, huh...but man...who knew...?"

Ryan joined Devin's soft laughter, nodding, as he slid his hand down between them, and gripped Devin's very erect cock thought the slacks he wore, stroking it lightly, as he said,

"Soon as I get my breath back, dude...well...gonna be some serious payback...!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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