Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 24, 2006


Todd had been gone on his family vacation to Hawaii for three days already, and Ryan was feeling restless, lonely, and, more than a little bit horny. It wasn't so much that his faithful right hand couldn't still take care of business just as well as it always had since he had discovered the endless joys of masturbation at around age twelve. The thing was, since he had experienced the immense pleasures of real shared sex, with Todd, and Devin too, for that matter, brief as it had been, the self-administered pleasure he derived from solitary jerking off just couldn't measure up. Every aspect leading up to the explosive orgasms he attained while engaged in mutual sexual pleasure with another male was just so much more intense, even amazing, and jerking off seriously paled by comparison. He sighed, abandoning his effort at getting off to relieve his morning erection, and rolled out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth, then, inspected his still boyish complexion closely in the mirror, deciding once again that shaving was definitely not a requirement, and sighed once more, idly wondering if that particular element of his emerging maturity was ever going to manifest itself, as he moved to the shower. Dried, he wrapped the towel around his slender waist, and padded back to his bedroom, and dug around in the dresser for some fresh underwear, deciding on small, light grey colored briefs. He dropped the towel, and paused, checking out his naked image in the full length mirror affixed to the back of his bedroom door. He noted the emerging broadness of his shoulders, and the gentle definition of his developed, though not chiseled, pec's, and the dark brown nipples that dotted his otherwise perfectly smooth chest. His gaze lowered, surveying his flat tummy, and small inney navel, then, followed the fine trail of soft, light hair that descended to intermingle with the light brown, and somewhat meager patch of pubes that splayed out over his groin just at the base of his penis.

He focused on the penis itself, and the silky pouch of his balls, deciding that his equipment was adequate, and pleasing to the eye. His cock remained slightly tumescent from his unrelieved horniness, as it distended downward over his scrotum a respectable four inches or so, which he knew would extend to just over six once it reached its full potential. He wiggled his slim hips slightly, causing the penis to sway side to side, and he giggled softly. He reached down, and nudged the staff to one side, and opened his legs wider, peering at his plump sac, as he flexed his hips again, watching the taut pouch sway slightly from the heft of his balls. Heavy, he thought, as in fully charged, and definitely in need of unloading, soon.

He executed a half turn, and preened over one shoulder, checking out the swell of his hot little ass as it bloomed off his lower back, round and attractive. He giggled again, his mind hearing Todd's many terms of endearment regarding his cute butt, as he leaned forward slightly, and reached back to part the flawless mounds, exposing the tiny pink pucker. He slipped a finger into the warm crease, and lightly teased over the tight little winkle of his asshole, and shuddered at the contact, as a flush of warmth washed over his body. Man, he thought, that's nice...sensitive as hell, now that Todd had shown him the magic associated with that special part of his anatomy. He probed there again, once more experiencing the flush of pleasure, then, stood straight, and stepped into the small, very revealing, briefs, and pulled them up his shapely legs. He dipped a hand under the elastic, adjusting his growing package within the confines of the tiny briefs, and glanced at the effect in the mirror. He smiled, pleased with the result that clearly showed the definition of his half-hard penis, and plump balls inside the small, sexy garment. He checked out his rear end, again looking back over his shoulder, and smiled again, equally happy with that view, as well.

Moving back to the dresser, he selected a pair of shorts, purposely choosing a pair of satin like basketball shorts that were not nearly as baggy cut as his usual cargo shorts, and shorter as well, the leg hems stopping about mid-thigh, rather than below the knee like the cargo's. He eased them into place, and turned again to the mirror, pleased with the way which the satin material clung nicely to the definition of his stuff, and the firm globes of his butt. He added a tank top to the ensemble, loving the looseness of its fit, and the fact that as he leaned forward, or sideways, it sagged, exposing a good deal of his smooth chest, and virtually all of his small, dark nipples. He dropped onto this bed, and finished off the look with white half-socks, and reasonably clean tennis shoes, then, stood to take one last look in the mirror, as he decided that the outfit said pretty much what he was feeling, to wit, I'm horny, and ready.

He pushed his money, and wallet and keys, into the pockets, and left his room, moving to the kitchen at the back of the house. He glanced at the clock, and decided that he had missed breakfast, so he dug orange juice out of the fridge, and drank down a glassful, then, went out the back door, and over to his car. He got it started, and slid a CD into the player, then, pulled away, deciding that he would head down to the beach, and grab a burger at The Landing, a popular beach-burger hangout for the high school crowd.

Fully awake now, and decidedly hungry, Ryan pulled into a parking spot in front of the Landing, and got out. He felt the warmth of the mid-day sun on his exposed skin, and noted the cloudless sky, and the gently breaking line of surf that washed lazily up on the white sand beach that fronted the restaurant, and he was once more grateful for the good fortune to be living in a beach town. He crossed the front deck, and entered the restaurant, glancing around at the few inside patrons, before moving to the order window. He surveyed the menu on the back wall, and ordered, then filled his drink cup, and moved out onto the large deck that faced the sandy beach. He greeted some friends, mostly couples, that were also digging into the delicious burgers, fries, and to-die-for thick onion rings that the Landing was noted for, then, spotted a table surrounded by several friends, and team mates from school who were waving him over. He moved to their table, and, after the requisite fist-bumping was completed, he eased into a chair, and joined them. They chatted, typical aimless summer conversation, and Ryan's food was delivered. He dug in hungrily, making short work of the juicy burger, and an order of heavily seasoned fries, all washed down with cold iced tea.

As he finished, and sat back in his chair, he spotted Devin moving onto the deck from the beach below, pausing at the top of the stairs to survey the crowded deck. Damn, Ryan thought, he looks freeking hot, shirtless, with a white towel slung around his neck, and his damp looking swim shorts clinging provocatively to the ample bulges at his crotch. His advanced suntan glowed golden in the bright sunlight, and Ryan instantly thought of perfect toasted marshmallow's, slowly toasted on an open fire. His smooth body was sleek, a typical swimmer look, and lean, and Ryan noted the light colored matting of still damp hair that coated Devin's lower legs. He wore sunglasses pushed atop his head, and, as he leaned on the deck railing, his small hips jutted slightly sideways, creating a near perfect pose of fit, and very sexy, teen boy. Ryan stood, muttering "c-ya's" to his friends, and moved toward Devon, his gaze moving slowly over the boy's beauty. He moved in along side him, still unseen, and actually startled Devon, as he said,

"Hey, Sailor...you come here often...?"

Devon whirled his head, his stunning blue eyes meeting Ryan's dark ones, and a slow, wide, smile creased his handsome face, as he answered,

"Yea, sometimes...the place is known to be a hotbed of hottie boys...but, until right now, it's never actually worked for me...."

Ryan chuckled, flattered at the quick comeback, and blushed slightly at the sly compliment, as he batted his eyelashes, and replied,

"Awww, I bet you tell all the boys that same line..."

Devon chuckled, shaking his head, as he leaned slightly closer, and said, softly,

"Nope...not even a little bit true, dude...but, dang...you do look seriously hot...and...I am most definitely happy to see you...!"

Ryan nodded his agreement, and the two chatted a few minutes, before Devin asked,

"So Ryan...um...how about doing me a small fave, dude...and then, well...well, then, I will, like, owe you...know what I mean...?"

Ryan smiled, catching the drift immediately, and nodded, as he replied,

"I like the sound of the "owe me"part, dude....so yea, most definitely, name it..."

Devin winked subtly, and explained that he was starving, but had left his shirt back on the beach, and, the Landing had a rule about no shirt, no service, so he needed Ryan to go in, and order him a take-out burger, so that he could take it down to the beach to eat. Ryan agreed, and moved inside to take care of the ordering, then, returned, a large bag of food in his hand. Devin inhaled deeply of the heavenly scents wafting from the sack, and grinned, as he said,

"Smells awesome...just what my rumbling gut needs, for sure...and then, dude...dessert, as in..."owe me..."

Ryan laughed, nodding eagerly, and followed Devin's retreating butt down onto the sand. They walked closer to the water, and dropped onto Devin's spread blanket, as Devin immediately attacked the food until it had completely disappeared. They lay back on the blanket, and Ryan shrugged out of his tank top, savoring the warmth of the sun, and the pleasant ocean breeze on his bare skin, as Devon openly checked him out, licking his lips obscenely between bites of his burger. Ryan giggled at the wanton display, and felt his cock thicken inside his shorts, as Devon's obvious meaning was unmistakable. His lunch finished, Devon stood, and gestured toward the distant pier with a mod of his head, as he said,

"Come on, hot-stuff...I'll show you my secret hide-out..."

Ryan smiled, and stood, dropping his hand to subtly adjust his half inflated penis in his shorts, then, followed Devin across the sand, and under the pier. As they ducked under the wooden structure, and emerged on the far side, Devon pulled himself up onto a narrow catwalk that ran the length of the pier. Ryan quickly followed, then they moved seaward along the catwalk, covering about half the length of the long pier, until Devon stopped at a small door, roughly half the height of a normal door. He looked around to ensure no one was paying any direct attention, then, gave a sharp tug on the door, pulling it open, as he quickly ducked into the opening, telling Ryan to follow. Ryan emerged inside a fair sized room, dim, given the only light source was the sun peeking through fairly wide joints in the badly weathered planking that made up the room. He paused, letting his eyes adjust to the dimness, then looked around. The room was mostly empty, save for a long structure along one wall that resembled a work bench, and a small, very worn love seat type sofa that sagged in a corner. Devon smiled at Ryan's curious expression, then explained that the room had once been a boat house where the long departed pier caretaker had once stored the small boat he used to inspect the underpinnings of the pier. He went on to tell Ryan how he had discovered the place a few years back when he was a freshman, and had often come there since to be alone with his thoughts, and, of course, to provide relief to his seemingly endless erections, and need to get off. Ryan laughed at Devin's abject honesty, and even envied him the discovery, slightly jealous that he had never managed to find such a private place to explore his own budding sexuality.

They were still then, their eyes moving over each others mostly exposed flesh, as they listened to the endless ocean waves lap at the pilings under them, and they slowly moved closer, inching toward each other, as their mutual passions rose along with both their young cocks, until they were mashed together in a heated embrace, their rigid boyhoods poking at each other, as they kissed, and moved their hands over each others warm, smooth flesh. Finally breaking the series of passionate tongue kisses, Devon pulled back slightly to look hungrily into Ryan's equally hungry eyes briefly, before lowering his head to run his warm tongue over Ryan's smooth chest, and stiffening nipples. Ryan groaned softly, his hands moving over Devon's smooth back, and he moaned again, as Devin deftly captured each of his nipples in turn, licking, and sucking, at them gently. He dropped to his knees then, and moved his mouth over Ryan's soft stomach, licking the satin like skin, and dipping his tongue into the tiny cave of his navel, as Ryan groaned some more, leaning back against the rough wood wall of the small room.

Devin continued to lap at Ryan's stomach, and his hands moved up and down his inner thighs, and finally onto his very tented crotch, as he gripped Ryan's turgid erection, stroking it outside the satin shorts, causing Ryan to shudder, and run his trembling fingers through Devon's soft, thick hair. Devin hooked his fingers into the elastic of Ryan's shorts, and tugged them down his legs, as Ryan lifted each foot, allowing Devon to remove the shorts, and toss them away. Devon groaned then, as his eyes focused on the tiny, bulging briefs that barely contained Ryan's rampant boyhood, and he moved his hand over the delicious bulges in the tiny brief, muttering how awesome, and sexy, they were. He leaned in, and captured Ryan's aching cock between his lips, stabbing his tongue against the cotton material that held Ryan's cock, and Ryan shuddered, feeling Devon's warm breath on his barely covered penis. Dropping lower, Devon lapped eagerly at the plumpness of Ryan's scrotum, then, licked all over his inner thigh, before sliding over, and licking back upward on the other side, until he once more was tonguing at Ryan's now drooling penis. He paused then, and reached out to tug at the tiny brief, lowering it, as Ryan's rigid cock sprang forth, and slapped audibly against his groin, pulsing in the dim light, the smooth, rounded head glistening wetly.

Devin paused, hungrily eyeing Ryan's throbbing penis, and his dangling, full, balls, then, leaned in, and laved his tongue over the drooling cock head, swiping at the oozing fluid, and savoring its nutty taste on his tongue. His hand moved, and captured Ryan's heavy sac, as he wrapped finger and thumb at the base of his penis, and slowly fed the entire pulsing length into his warm, wet, mouth. Ryan gasped loudly, arching his back slightly, and flexing his hips forward, as Devon began moving his amazing mouth up and down his rock hard cock, a his fingers probed gently at Ryan's softly swinging balls.

Ryan was lost to it now, his head spinning with sensory overload, and his breath coming in ragged, short gasps, as Devon expertly worked his inflamed cock, and his aching balls. He could feel the familiar tingling deep in his balls, and he felt his sphincter flexing, as he instinctively rolled up on his tip-toes, his fingers threading into Devin's soft hair. He thrust his slim hips back and forth, meeting Devon's fluid mouth movements, and he felt his balls draw tight, as his penis lurched, and thickened, in Devon's incredible mouth, and he groaned, a deep, lasting noise from deep in his chest, and he felt Devin pull back ever so slightly, widening his mouth, as his fingers rapidly stroked the base of his cock, causing him to erupt. His hips slammed forward just as his cock spasmed, and ejected a strong volley of creamy cum across Devon's offered tongue, followed immediately by another, and another, and yet another, as Devon slurped noisily, and gulped repeatedly, swallowing each warm, thick offering as rapidly as it flowed over is extended tongue. Ryan sagged weakly against the wall, his pulse hammering, and his cock finally reduced to small dribbles, as the intense orgasm washed over him, leaving him breathless, and rubber kneed. Devon lapped away the final small drizzles of Ryan's discharge, then, eased the rapidly wilting penis from his battered lips, and suckled just the smooth head for a moment, before releasing it to lean back on his heels, as he savored the nutty after flavors in his mouth. Ryan shuddered one last time, then slowly sank to the floor beside Devin, where he grinned widely, shaking his head in disbelief, as Devon pulled him close, and held him, as they mumbled sweet nothings, struggling to regain normal breathing. Finally, Devon pulled away slightly, and smiled at the still very flushed Ryan, and said,

"Freeking awesome, dude....and now...well...now, you....owe....me...!"

Ryan chuckled, nodding in agreement, and, between deep gasps of air, mumbled,

"Oh.....how cool is that...?"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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