Gordy's Ultimatum

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 14, 2000



(M/B B/B scat incest)


Gordy enjoyed playing with his big brother's video games-- what boy of 9 wouldn't? Alone in the house, he snuck into his brother's room and went into his closet. Even though Jesse had forbidden him to touch his things, Gordy felt safe knowing everyone was gone. He stood for a long time fingering the hand- held baseball game. Suddenly, he heard his brother slam the front door and bound up the stairs. Knowing he had no retreat, he quickly pulled the closet doors shut and hid.

Jesse came in whistling, locked the door, and hurriedly began to strip off his clothes for his afternoon jack-off. Peeking through the slats, Gordy was shocked and entranced when he saw his naked brother standing a few feet away from him playing with his thing! His eyes nearly bugged out when it saw that it was getting bigger--LOTS BIGGER!

Jesse was pounding away, working at his stiff boner and rubbing his other hand over his bare bottom. He was sideways to the closet and Gordy could tell that Jesse was rubbing on his butthole! When he saw his brother put his finger to his nose and smell it, Gordy squinched his nose up in disgust. Yeech! Why would he want to do that? Jesse did that a few times, then knelt on the bed and licked his finger real good. Then he stuck it right up his butt. Gordy could see him working it around in there. He wondered if his brother was going to smell it again ...or maybe lick it! Yeech!

Jesse closed his eyes and worked himself over, fore and aft. He stroked his long dick smoothly and sensuously while rapidly fingerfucking his asshole. Gordy heard him moan and speak out. "Aw, jeez! I'm touching my turd. Got an ass full of shit!"

Humph! Gordy thought. That should put an end to it. He ain't gonna want to get poop on his finger!

But Jesse was getting excited about having 'poop' on his finger. He rubbed it all around the end of his round turd, enjoying what he was touching, feeling nastier than he'd ever felt before. He dragged it out and put it to his nose. "AW, FUCK!" he cried, jamming it back up his butthole. Gordy could see some sticky juice hanging from the end of Jesse's thing. Sure didn't look like pee, he thought. He certainly couldn't understand why his brother was breathing so hard and seemed so excited. He wanted to burst out and ask Jesse what was going on, but he knew better. Jesse would surely pound him if he was caught.

A couple more times, Jesse removed that stinky finger and smelled it. The last time he pulled it out, he stopped stroking and looked it over. "Why not?" Gordy heard him whisper. The he just about fell over when he saw Jesse stick out his tongue and lick it!

Gordy pulled back in fright when Jesse suddenly hopped off the bed and moved away from his sight. He felt sure Jesse must have heard him and was about to yank open the doors! But Jesse was back soon, spreading a towel along the bottom of the bed, his long thing bouncing up and down. Gordy put his face closer to the slats and saw his brother hop back up onto the bed, standing there, looking over his shoulder.

Then Gordy realized what he was doing. He was looking at himself in the bureau mirror. He was bending over and pulling his butt apart to get a good look at it. Jeez! Why would any- body want to look at their own poophole?

"Oh, I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna do it!" Jesse said excitedly.

Suddenly, by the way Jesse was squatting down, Gordy knew what he was going to do. He was going to poop right there on the bed!!

Jesse grunted, looking back into the mirror, feeling totally nasty as a big turd began to emerge from his asshole. He squat- ted lower, and stared wild-eyed at his reflection. The boy in the mirror was bending over, naked, on his bed, taking a big shit! Gordy was flabbergasted!

"Aw, man, that's hot!" Jesse exclaimed as a long turd snaked from his rectum and fell onto the towel.

Pretty silly, if you ask me, Gordy thought. Poopin' on the bed! Jesse jumped from the bed, jacking off, and slowly surveyed the hot turd lying on the towel. In his imagination, Jesse thought he could see steam rolling off of it. His cock was leaking juice all over the place, and Gordy could hear the squishy sounds as he slopped his hand up and down his raging boner.

Gordy figured he might be able to sneak out when Jesse took the ugly thing away to put it in the toilet. But Jesse didn't do that. Instead, he knelt down at the foot of the bed and looked at it, still playing with his thing. Gordy thought he'd die when he saw Jesse lean over it and start to smell it! Probably lick it next, Gordy thought smugly, his feelings for his brother rapidly turning into revulsion. Jesse's hand was going 90 on his wet thing.

Talking to himself, Jesse said softly, "Can't do that, can't do it! Aw, fuck! It's MINE...I can do what I want!" He stood up and spread his legs widely apart, pounding on his meat. He bent over and his tongue came out of his mouth. A deep growling moan was coming from deep in his throat as he began to lick all over his stinky turd!

Gordy saw him fall to his knees, globs of sticky white stuff shooting out of his thing all over the floor, while he ran his tongue all over the mess he'd made.

"STOP THAT! STOP THAT!" Gordy screamed, throwing the closet doors open with a bang.

Jesse froze, his tongue still touching his big fat turd. Terrified, and unbelieving, he slowly turned his head to see his little brother standing there with his hands defiantly on his hips.


Instantly, Jesse flopped the end of the towel over the pile of shit and made a grab for his shorts. Cum was dripping from his hand and he seemed totally bewildered and ashamed. He had the sense of mind to grab Gordy as he made a beeline for the door.

"Wait, please Gordy, wait a minute! Let me, uh, explain or something. You don't understand."

Gordy stood still, a self-righteous expression on his face. "Okay, smartypants. Explain why you were lickin' your own poop! An'...an'...how come your thing gets so big. ARE YOU A WEIRDO?!"

Jesse tried catching his breath, and drew his brother next to him as he sat on the other side of the bed. "Listen. Believe me, You don't want to tell Dad. He'll...he'll hate me! That was something that nobody else was supposed to see. Aw, jeez, you'll ruin me. You'll really ruin me if you ever tell anybody. I know it was dirty and nasty, and believe me, I'll never do it again. I just went crazy for a minute!"

"Sure looked like you were enjoyin' it, Weirdo! I better tell Dad that you're turnin' into a weirdo!"

"No, listen, I'll...I'll do anything you ask. Anything! From now on you can play with my things all you want. I'll buy you candy and stuff out of my allowance. Just as long as you don't tell...for the rest of your life!"

Gordy got a smug, calculating expression on his face. He was feeling real evil at the moment, sensing a chance to pay Jesse back for all the times he'd called him a brat and treated him bad. Gordy had a lot of young pent-up grievance against his older brother, and had finally found the chance to humiliate him with fear.

"Anything?" he asked calmly.

"Anything at all!" Jesse sighed his first gasp of relief. Besides, Gordy was a kid--how much could he ask for?

"Even lick my poop?" Gordy sing-songed, smiling evily at his vulnerable brother.

"What? Gordy, you don't want me to do that!"

"Yes I do!"

"Naw, listen, think of something you'd enjoy better. That's nasty!"

"LICK MY POOP OR I'M TELLIN' DAD!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, assured they were alone in the house, but jumping slightly at the remembrance that he'd thought that once before.

"Alright, quiet down, stop yelling!"

"Alright? You said alright."

"I meant..."

"And I wanna watch in the mirror, like you did!"

Jesse threw his head back and closed his eyes, cursing what his horniness had gotten him into. He looked pleadingly into Gordy's hard eyes, but knew he was not going to budge. Okay, he thought, I'll call the little asshole's bluff. He won't do it. And if he does, I'll just let him go ahead and poop. See if the little prick can explain that to Dad!

"Okay, you wanna be a filthy little boy, go ahead. Climb right up there and and let's see you take a shit!"

"First, take that thing away and get another towel. Then pull the mirror closer, I can't see good that far."

Jesse did those things, then stood there almost unaware that he was still naked.

"Now wipe your thing off, I wanna feel it." Jesse grabbed his shorts and cleaned off his cock. Gordy squeezed it a couple of times, then let it go, unimpressed. He got up on the bed and tried different positions while looking into the mirror. "And remember, you gotta lick it when it comes out!"

Jesse cringed at the thought of licking on his little brother's turd, but anything was worth not being squealed on. Chances are, if he did it once Gordy would be satisfied and forget the whole thing. Gordy decided on a comfortable position on his hands and knees. He rotated his little butt until it suited his vision.

"OK, I'm gonna do it now. Get ready to lick!" Gordy grunted and pushed, straining to open his little hairless anus. "Put your finger on it and smell it like you did yours. No, wait! You don't need a finger. Just put your nose up there and smell it!"

Jesse shrugged, wanting to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible. He wasn't even hesitant. He knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed and just poked his nose between his little brother's cheeks and rubbed his anus.

"I don't hear you smellin'!" Gordy taunted.

"SHIT!" Jesse cried in exasperation.

"Really?" Gordy was delighted.

"NO! Just...just a little smelly." Jesse made a big show of breathing deeply, just to satisfy the little brat. Suddenly his nostrils began to twitch at the aroma coming from Gordy's pink little hole. Damn, he thought, this ain't half bad! He started to smell his asshole in earnest, even putting his hand on the boy's bottom and pulling it apart.

Gordy was no dummy. He instantly noticed the change in Jesse's manner. He could see the reflection in the mirror, and could tell from Jesse's expression that he was enjoying his smell! He started to twitch his butt, teasing Jesse's nose.

Jesse was becoming intoxicated with the tangy fragrance of the young anus. It was much milder than his own, but as innocent as the little hole looked, it was obvious that this was where the boy shit!

"You can lick it if you want, Jess," Gordy cooed, any trace of his former belligerence gone.

"You want me to, Gordy?" Jesse asked, quietly. "It's kinda nasty, and I've never done that before. But I'll do it if you want."

"Sure, Jess, go ahead. I won't tell Dad."

"OK, Gordy. I wanna lick it, you smell so good!" Jesse began to run his tongue up and down his brother's asscrack, luxuri- ating in the taste and feel of the tender skin. He pulled the cheeks apart more and put his mouth right on the boy's hole and wiggled his tongue around the wrinkled nub.

"Tickles!" Gordy giggled, squirming his ass. Jesse put his thumbs against the kid's anus and pulled sideways. Then he dug his tongue into the cheesy opening. Gordy giggled some more, and pushed his bottom back. Damn! Jesse thought. This is great! Who'd a thought! Gordy's got a swell-tasting butthole. I wonder if he'll let me do it again? Better get as much as I can out of this.

"Push on it, Gordy. Just like you're gonna poop. I want to stick my tongue inside."

Gordy was enjoying the strange sensations, and began to bear down. He wasn't sure why, but more than anything he wanted to feel his big brother's nasty tongue go in!

When Gordy pushed, his round flexible anus began to open right up. Jesse pulled back for only a second. He could see right up into Gordy's asshole! Then before it could snap shut, he quickly rammed his tongue in. Gordy flinched and the anal lips closed, gripping around Jesse's tongue and holding it inside. Jesse began to flutter his tongue inside the kid's rectum. The pressure and delight soon caused the hole to flower open again, and Gordy relaxed enough to keep it that way. Soon Jesse had complete access to his little brother's rectum. He pulled the butt firmly to his face and licked all around inside, wondering at the delicious taste!

Gordy felt warm all over and bent his head down. He could feel the tongue worming around inside his poophole, and he kept pushing his muscles harder to make the tongue go in deeper. He didn't know what that was causing.

But Jesse did! Something touched the end of his probing tongue, and his prick instantly shot up into a fierce erection. He was licking right on the end of Gordy's turd! Jesse's mind was going wild. Gordy was going to take a shit, and HE was going to get to lick it for him!

"I touched your turd, Gordy!" Jesse announced, breathlessly.

"Y-you did?!" He'd forgotten all about pooping. Now he became a little embarrassed. "You don't really hafta lick it, Jess. We can call it even if you want."

"No, Gordy. I licked it and I like it! Go ahead and poop, little brother. AW, MAN I WANT TO LICK ALL OVER IT!"

"You do?!"


Gordy had forgotten the mirror. Now he stared, amazed, at the reflection of Jesse with his tongue crammed up his butt, sucking right on his dirty poophole! It was nasty, but suddenly Gordy wanted nothing more than to watch Jesse lick on his...his turd! TURD! He liked the word. He wanted to say it. He pushed down and cried out, "LICK MY TURD, JESS! I'M GONNA PUSH OUT A BIG TURD! A REALLY BIG TURD! A BIG SMELLY TURD! OH, HERE COMES MY TURD!!"

Around Jesse's tongue, Gordy's anus burst open. A hot column of shit shot into his mouth! Jesse didn't have to think about it, immediately he began to suck on his brother's turd! He loved the smell and taste of the stuff coming out of his sweet little asshole. He loved the taste of the gooey coating surrounding it. His hard prick was dripping again and he was wildly tempted to eat the thing right down!

Gordy was making strange muffled noises in his throat. His eyes bugged out as he watched his poop going into his brother mouth. He watched Jesse sucking on it and thought he'd gone mad. His big brother was going ape-shit over his turd! He didn't understand it, but it was very exciting. Did his brother want to eat it?

"Golly! You can eat it if you want, Jess. Go ahead, I won't tell Dad! EAT MY TURD!"

Gordy's nasty words were too incredible to withstand. Jesse let the turd fall out of his mouth and he stood straight up. He began to pound his prick rapidly and squirted huge streams while licking his lips!

Gordy watched in fascination, holding out his hand and catching some of the spurting cum. He brought it to his nose and smelled it. Then he tasted it. Jesse caught him around the waist and pulled him back onto the bed, laughing and hugging him.

"You little prick! See what you made me do with your spying!"

Gordy noticed the playful pleasure in his brother's eyes, and cuddled up next to him. "Golly, you really like my poop, don't you?"

"Oh, little brother I fuckin' LOVE your poop! One of these days I'm gonna really eat every bit of poop you can squeeze out of there!"

And that's how his big brother began a total fascination with turds. Gordy's 24 now, and Jesse's 31. He still enjoys nothing better in life than putting his mouth around his brother's anus and sucking out a hot turd. And as long as Gordy can shit, Jesse'll never go hungry!

But let's go back a bit. There were a few side diversions along the way, and Gordy was mostly responsible. First there was Jimmy. Gordy had just finished shitting in the woods behind their house. Jesse had bent his head down there and licked it while it came out.

"Hey, Jess? Would you lick Jimmy's turd if he lets you? He's 11."

"Hunh? Are you kidding?"

"No. He might. And I'd sure like to watch you do it up close...if it don't smell too bad."

"Gordy, it always smells bad. You just hafta LIKE the smell, that's all. But, I don't know. Do you think Jimmy would tell?"

"You mean you'd really do it?"

"Uh, no. I guess I'd better not. He might tell."

"Hmm, not if he don't know who it is! What if he was blindfolded? Or you were hidden somewhere and he just sticks his butt in?"

The next day Gordy dragged Jimmy deep into the woods. "You'll like it Jimmy...it's kinda neat. But you gotta promise not to turn around, okay?"

"Alright, but this is really weird! Payin' ten bucks to watch a kid poop! Boy! I could make a mint. I poop all the time!"

"Everybody poops all the time, dummy. I told ya, he don't wanna just see ya do it. He wants to lick it!"

"But, why can't I see him? Who is he, some kinda pervert!"

"Uh, yeah, kinda. He's...he's an older guy...just passin' through. But don't worry, he won't hurt ya or nothin' like that. I'll be right there to make sure."

"You're gonna watch too?"


"Well...OK. But this is sure gonna be weird. Nobody ever watched me take a poop before."

Jimmy was led into a clearing. "Over there," Gordy said, pointing to a large cardboard box next to a big fallen tree. "He's inside." Gordy walked over and tapped on the top of the box. "We're here, Je...Jasper! His name's Jasper."

"Hmmm. That's a funny name," Jimmy squinched his eyebrows.

"Well, he's a funny guy, you know," Gordy whispered.

"Yeah. So what do I do?"

"Take your pants off and squat down here in front of the box."

Jimmy took off his corduroys and jockey shorts, embarrassed enough to hold his hand over his penis. Then he got down in position.

"No, don't kneel...squat. You gotta be up high enough so he can lick it. You can hold onto the tree. Now don't be surprised when you feel him touch you. He'll probably lick your butthole first, like he did me. Unless it's all dirty. Better let me check it out." Gordy knelt down between the box and Jimmy's round little butt. He stuck his head back there and used one hand to pull Jimmy's cheek apart. Jimmy flinched at the touch.

"Hold still willya!" Gordy was looking at his friend's bum. He stuck his nose close to smell it.

"Why ya doin' that?" Jimmy looked over his shoulder. "I ain't dirty! Shouldn't matter anyway if he's gonna lick my turd."

"It's OK," Gordy assured him. "He likes when it stinks a little!"

Jimmy blushed, taking his word for it, thinking he'd wipe better next time.

"But don't turn around any more, okay? He's gonna open the flap on the box. If you turn around he might not pay you." Gordy twisted his head, smiling at Jesse as he scraped the cardboard flap aside. Jesse twitched his nose in question. Gordy put his fingers to his nose, indicating that Jimmy sure as heck DID smell back there...just the way he likes.

That made Jesse happy. He scooted on his knees halfway out of the box and touched the smooth bottom.

"Jeez!" Jimmy gasped, suddenly realizing the enormity of his situation. "There really IS someone in there!"

Jesse softly fondled the little butt, gently kneading the flesh. Then he knelt on all fours and started to lap at the hairless asshole.

"Oooh, that tickles!" Jimmy cried, fighting a desire to turn around and see what the guy looked like. But he was determined to keep his word. He needed the ten bucks for the roller skates he was saving for.

Jesse lapped at the sweet hole, teasing the anus, and sticking the end of his tongue into the tiny opening. Jimmy grabbed tighter onto the fallen bark for balance and invol- untarily worked his bottom back to the wet intruder.

"Sh...should I p-poop now?" he whispered.

"Not unless you're in a hurry," Gordy giggled, putting his mouth up to Jimmy's ear. "Wait'll he sucks on your butthole some. It feels good! He'll stick his tongue in and get you ready."

"Alright, b-but I'm almost ready now, sittin' like this!"

Jesse reached between Jimmy's legs and fiddled with the kid's hanging balls, brushing his fingertips against the underside of his little penis. It gave Jimmy a strange thrill so he didn't complain. Jesse rolled the little balls in his hand, then he used his whole palm to cup the boy's genitals, and applied a little pressure around the base of Jimmy's tingling cock and pulled back, forcing him to arch his butt back to Jesse's face.

Being in this 'shitting' position, Jimmy's little pink anus began to slightly expand, the turd within causing his muscles to relax and pull aside. Jesse took the opportunity to poke his tongue up there and wiggle it around. Jimmy threw his head back.

Gordy watched his brother tongue-fucking his friend's behind, getting a strange satisfaction from it that he didn't really understand. All he knew was that his brother was going to lick some shit and he had a ringside seat! He was hoping he'd get to see Jesse eat it like he'd eaten his once. But licking would be fine, too.

"G-Gordy," Jimmy said breathlessly after Jesse had relin- quished his genitals and was holding his butt apart with both hands, thrusting his tongue in and out of the luscious opening, "I'm gonna do it soon!"

Gordy looked up for a moment. "Don't tell me...tell him. But do it slow so he can lick while it comes out!"

"I'm...I'm gonna poop, mister! I can't hold it any more." He began to bear down. When he knew from the way his hole was stretching that it was about to emerge, he calmed down and tried to do it slowly. His inside muscles now had a firm controlled grip on it, and he used his sphincter to push it a little bit at a time.

"IT'S COMIN' OUT!" Gordy gasped. "I CAN SEE IT!" His head was almost right up next to Jesse's. His eyes bugged out, fascinated at seeing his first human defecation at close range. The inch sticking out of Jimmy's rectum didn't smell much yet, but Gordy wasn't going to pull away even if it did. After all, you can't get cooties just from smelling! Besides, his brother was now running his tongue over it--licking off any cooties that might be on it.

Jesse was finding this nasty business more exciting every time he did it. He loved the sight of Jimmy's turd sticking out, making his wrinkled anus expand and wrap around it. Looking at that happening right in front of his face, made his tongue automatically reach for it. He licked on it, tasting Jimmy's tangy assjuice, not bothered in the least that as more emerged the smell became stronger. He guessed it was because the part that was deepest up Jimmy's butt was the freshest and therefore the smelliest.

"Ah, I'm doin' it! I can feel his tongue!"

When about 4 or 5 inches was hanging from the boy's rectum, Jesse noticed it was beginning to taper slightly. He put a finger on the end of it and pushed a little to keep it from falling out. Then he lapped his tongue up and down the column. He put his palm around the end and moved his fingers over the turd, playing with it, feeling Jimmy's shit and letting the boy dump into his hand. He moved his tongue right up against the anus and licked madly while the lips closed, squeezing out the soft end. He put the pointed end of it between his lips, and slurped a chunk into his mouth! Jimmy started to rise, but Gordy put his hand on his back, stopping him.

"Wait, he's gotta clean ya off first!" Jimmy eased back down into position and waited. Jesse swallowed what was in his mouth, and dropped the 6-inch turd behind him. Licking the shit from his fingers, he held the boy's cheeks and plunged his face into his asshole, noisily licking and sucking it clean! He winked at Gordy, then quickly backed up and pulled the flap closed.

"OK, all done. That was great! You can turn around now," Gordy said.

Jimmy seemed dazed. He stared at the cardboard box and the turd lying on the ground, the end of it showing where lips had pulled some of it away! He noticed a rumbling coming from the shaking box.

"W-what's he doin' now?" Jimmy asked, bending over, trying not to look as if he were trying to get a peek inside.

"He's jacking off," Gordy explained.

"What's that?"

"Don't you know?" Gordy asked, his knowledge only a few weeks old. "That's when older guys play with their thing when it gets big and hard. And juice squirts out of the end."

"Oh, I know what you mean. Mine gets hard when I gotta pee, too! But why does he wanna pee all over himself?"

"It ain't pee. I'll tell ya some other time."

"OK. Where's my money?" Jimmy asked, putting on his clothes after rubbing a finger over his asshole to see if it was clean.

Gordy fished a ten out of his pocket and handed it to Jimmy.

"Gosh! He really ATE some of it?!!" Jimmy gushed as they walked down the path out of the woods.

"YEAH!" Gordy said excitedly. "Just like it was candy!"

"Sick old fuckin' pervert! Uh, think he'd want me to do it again?"

Meanwhile, Jesse had reached outside and retrieved it and was excitedly shooting a huge load all over the turd he was holding. Then before his orgasm subsided completely, he lifted it to his mouth and licked the cum from it.

Dressed, Jesse stepped from the box and threw the turd into the bushes. He left the box intact, just in case they decided to use it again. Licking his fingertips, he smiled contentedly and headed out. Rounding a large tree, he bumped into Ferris Adams standing there in overalls and resting a large rifle on the ground.

"M-Mr. Adams! What're you doing here?" Jesse gulped.

"Quite an elaborate little sex game you have going there," he smirked. "I know kids are horny buggers, but you're about the nastiest little punk I ever seen or even heard about!"

"Golly, you...you saw us?!" the sophomore turned his head away, not able to face the man.

"Everything 'cept what you did in that box afterwards. But I can pretty well figure out what that must have been. I was out shootin' jackrabbits the other day when I saw you lickin' your brother's turd. Then I heard you two making plans. When I saw that box this morning, I kinda figured it had something to do with you boys. Sure is a good thing I know your dad...and Jimmy's dad. Maybe if I alert them to what you're up to, they can find some help for you."

"Oh, please, Mr. Adams! Don't tell. Dad'll skin me first ...and Jimmy didn't even know who it was!" Jesse was pleading, wondering why in the heck he always seemed to get caught.

"Kid, I hate perverts! You might be just a youngster, but you're the darndest pervert I ever seen. Trouble is, what a pervert needs done to him is exactly what you like havin' done to ya! A HOT TURD IN THE MOUTH is what perverts deserve!"

"Then...then teach me a lesson, Mr. Adams! Instead of telling on me, m-make me take your turd in my mouth!"

"Didn't you just hear what I said, punk? That wouldn't be teaching you a thing...you'd love it!"

"Oh, no, Mr. Adams...I'd hate it! I ad...admit I like, uh, boyturds. But if a man--a man like you--made me lick his filthy shit--maybe it would cure me! It'd be just so awful, I'd never do it again, you see?"

"Hmmm," he stopped to think.

"Wouldn't you rather cure me than have to explain it to my Dad? He'd really be hurt. You wouldn't want to do that, would you?"

"Your dad's a fine gent, alright. An' saving a pervert might be a real act of community assistance." He looked around. "Do hafta take a shit. Okay, take off your clothes!" He began to unbutton his overalls.

"W-why? Why do I hafta strip to do it?" Jesse asked.

"Your shirt--so you don't get shit all over it. And your pants so I can see whether you're enjoying it or not."

"Oh," Jesse shrugged, dejectedly, and began to remove his clothes. He knew he wasn't going to enjoy this...hell, perhaps it would cure him. The thought of licking this older man's turd was disgusting! Even more so, now that he could see Adams' naked ass! It was big and had a long line of dark hair running up and down his crack. Still, he tried to hide his prick, as the damn thing was beginning to rise in spite of his feelings. He was surprised that when Mr. Adams turned around to face him, he also had the beginnings of a massive hardon! He had a big, really thick piece of meat. Jesse couldn't help staring at it.

Adams smirked. "Gettin' ya a boner, boy?"


"That's alright. Can't help it myself. But not because I'm excited at this. All I gotta do is pull down my pants and my prick gets hard. Don't stare at it too long, punk, or I'll figure you wanna suck it!"

"No!" Jesse lifted his head in embarrassment. "I don't wanna..."

"Don't worry. I ain't gonna let you. I'll soon make your boner go down," he laughed, "real fast! Now lay down on the ground."

Jesse reluctantly obeyed, sprawling prone on the grass. Chuckling evily, the man straddled his head and began to drop his ugly bottom down to Jesse's face. He hiked Jesse's legs behind his and began to slap his ass, telling him what a nasty little shit he was. He grabbed the boy by the balls and squeezed them. Then he quickly stood up and turned around the other way. "Yeah, this is better. I don't wanna look at your cock, I wanna see your eyes!" He squatted down until his anus was just above Jesse's nose. "Oh, yeah, you like to smell it first, don't you, uh, JASPER! Well, go ahead...get a good whiff of that! Sorry, I live alone you know, so I don't fuss much about cleaning. Shouldn't bother you though, hunh?" he laughed.

Jesse stared, frightened at the sight before him even before the offensive odor hit his nostrils. That huge hairy asshole was coming closer and closer, and Jesse wondered what those round balls of skin were that were growing on his anus and hanging down!

"Oh, and don't mind my hemorrhoids, punk, you might even like licking them!"

As surprised as he was, Jesse was less concerned about the nasty things hanging from the man's asshole--after all, skin was skin--then he was about how dirty the man kept it. He could easily make out traces of crusty shit surrounding the smelly anus.

"P-please, Mr. Adams!" he entreated. Y-your butthole's all dirty! You smell awful!"

"Aw, don't kid me, boy. Little shitlicker like you must be in heaven with an asshole like mine. Now get to some serious sniffin' down there, then I'll grind it over your lips and let you clean the shit off my hole! Remember, punk...this is therapy!"

OK, Jesse agreed to himself. Maybe this would do the trick. There was simply no way he was ever going to enjoy this. Perhaps if he went through with it, he'd never want to do it again--TO ANYBODY! He began to sniff loudly, breathing in every bit of the noxious fumes coming from the man's reeking asshole. It was bad...it was horrendous...but it wasn't stopping his prick from getting really hard. Then, without being asked to, he took a deep, courageous breath and closed his eyes while he let his tongue slip out and touch the hairy, shitty orifice!

"Aw, hungry boy, hunh?" Adams laughed. "Lick my dirty hole, punk! Suck those itchy little nubbins into your mouth and wash the shit off of them! Mmmm, feels good." Adams had to admit having his hemorrhoids licked and sucked on was a tremendously relieving feeling. Fuck that Preparation H, he thought, get me a boy to suck on 'em when they itch! Then he felt guilty at such a thought. Naw, get me a girl to suck 'em!

Adams was now grinding his asshole over the high school boy's mouth, getting his anus washed clean, his piles tenderized, and his insides churning. Squatting down like that, he knew it wouldn't be long before his turd started making advances. Yeah, that would cure the kid. One of his smelly shits would cure anybody!

Jesse's brain was tossing back and forth. He loathed this man and his huge, ugly, smelly asshole...yet he couldn't help wondering how those hanging things might feel attached to a boy's fragrant butthole! They were kinda neat to play with, and he fluttered his tongue around them--not even sure just what they were. He held his hands under the man's cheeks, trying to keep his buttocks from smothering him.

"SUCK UP MY HOLE, KID! SUCK UP IN THERE! LICK THAT OLD SHIT OUTTA MY ASS SO I CAN GIVE YOU A NICE BIG FRESH TURD!" Adams was looking down at Jesse, holding his balls and hard cock away so he could watch the boy licking his asshole. He winked. "Ready for a big pile of smelly shit in your mouth?" Jesse shook his head. "Too bad."

Jesse had his mouth around the big anus. As the lips got wider, his automatically followed. Then the shit dropped between his lips without warning. The turd was semi-firm and was quickly filling up his mouth!

Adams was watching and smirking. "There you go, you fuckin' little pervert! What'sa matter? Having trouble breathing?" Jesse tried to nod. "Well, then, guess there's only one way to keep from strangling on it, isn't there? START CHEWING! YEAH, EAT THAT SHIT, KID! LOTS MORE TO COME, SO YOU'D BETTER START SWALLOWING MY HOT TURD!"

Jesse's eyes were watering just from the toxic, pungent odor of the man's shit. He fully believed that Adams would suffocate him on his shit if he didn't do something quick. Thank goodness it was fairly soft, he thought, deciding that he'd better eat or die! Working the back of his throat, he was soon able to break down the end of it and swallow. Then it was easier to work on the rest.

The man's eyes bulged out as he watched Jesse's mouth work at eating his column of shit. When Jesse's mouth was nearly flush with his asshole, Adams pushed out more, lifting his ass so he could see the boy eat it back up to his hole again.

Jesse thought it was awful, and knew he would have night- mares about it for a long time to come. But this was the only way to be sure his secret wouldn't be told to his Dad! Jesse eagerly ate the smelly turd as fast as he could gobble it down, hoping to get it over with. When the last of it squished out of the gaping hole, Jesse pushed it down his throat then took a deep breath of relief. Adams lowered his hole again.

"You ain't done yet, punk. Tongue that hole out...get it clean!"

He sucked the asshole clean, even digging his tongue inside to collect the gooey shit that rested in there. Then he wrenched his face away, gasping.

"Thought you liked keeping it dirty!" he growled.

"Not when I got a punk pervert to clean it out for me. Here, you'd might as well do this, too!" He lifted slightly, pushing his huge cock into Jesse's mouth. He grabbed the back of the boy's head and helped him work his mouth up and down his shaft. Then he unloaded huge globs of bitter, greasy sperm down his throat--finally making Jesse gag!

"Hey! I ain't no cocksucker!" Jesse jumped up on his knees and screamed out when Adams finally lifted off him. The man just laughed.

"Just eat a guy's shit, hunh?"

"Well..." Jesse hung his head, embarrassed. "You sure cured me of that...FOR ALL TIME!"

"Hmmm. I wonder," Adams smirked, slipping on his overalls.

"Don't doubt it for a minute!" Jesse said, defiantly. "That was the most awful, putrid shit I ever tasted. I'll never do it again!"

"OK, I'll take your word for it, kid. But all that jizz you shot all over your belly kinda makes me wonder!"

Jesse looked down. Sure enough, long streams of cum were dripping down into his crotch! He hadn't even been aware of it, and he didn't know at what point he'd done it.

"You...you gonna keep your mouth shut about this?" Jesse asked.

"Sure, Jes...uh, Jasper! But if I ever find you out here licking on boys' turds...I'm gonna figure one of two things. That you're not cured, or you want caught so you can get another taste of my shit!"

When the man walked away, Jesse got dressed. Yeah, I'm cured, man. He thought to himself. No more filthy manturds for me! He rushed home and cornered Gordy in the hallway, quickly slipping his hand down the back of the lad's pants and driving a finger up his pooper. He worked it around in there, collect- ing what he could, then carefully pulled his hand out and sucked on his smelly finger. He desperately needed a sweet taste to drive away the remnants of the man's foul cum. He also did it to test his desires after the old man's bitter shit. Still intact, and stronger than ever!

Besides Gordy's, his next sample of tasty boyshit was the turd of Robby Wilcox. Robby, 14, was visiting the old camp- grounds with his parents. The seldom used area still had an old outhouse built on a slope. The lower part built against the hill housed the huge barrel that collected the droppings. When Jesse saw Robby heading for the outhouse, he quickly ran around and slipped in the lower door, hiding against the wall. Like most people, the pretty black boy was sure to look down the hole first.

Bopping in, listening to his portable radio, that's what he did. When he turned, and Jesse could barely hear the rustle of his belt and zipper, the older boy snapped up the wooden barrel cover and quickly slipped it over the smelly container.

Just enough light filtered through the slats for Jesse to see the smooth bottom squirm onto the wooden seat. It was a luscious sight, and the boy's dark hole was spread apart. With the noise of the music, Jesse wasn't too concerned about making noise. He rested his palms onto the cover and hoisted himself up close enough to smell the kid's hole. It was heavenly! But just then Robby let loose with a loud, roaring fart that made Jesse's eyes water despite its mild, zesty aroma. Jesse loved the promise it held, and hefted himself onto the cover on his knees. This put his face right at the kid's bottom.

Putting his hands up to the floor for balance, he was able to twist and turn his face to sniff around...which wasn't easy because Robby was squirming his bottom to the music. Then he centered his butt and got ready to do some serious shitting. Jesse saw the lovely pink of the anus open and stuck out his tongue in preparation. Robby enjoyed the exquisite feeling as he slowly expelled the turd out of his ass, not aware that at that moment a boy was eagerly lapping away at the warm juice that coated his young, healthy turd!

It was so delicious that Jesse did a stupid thing. When the turd finally fell out and plopped onto the cover between his legs, he stuck his face closer and licked on the boy's shitty anus! Robby flinched his asshole, then jumped up in fright! He stared down into the hole. "WHAT THE HECK!" His wide eyes stared into Jesse's face.

"Lemme lick ya clean, okay?" Jessie gasped.

"HELP! HELP!" Robby screamed, hiking up his pants without wiping.

Realizing how dumb he'd been, Jesse quickly hopped off the barrel, snapped up the turd, and bolted from the door. He made a beeline for the woods before anybody could see him. He got a safe distance away before he hid in some bushes, put the turd in his mouth until he'd gotten his pants down, then he jacked off while licking the handful of Robby's delectable butt droppings!

He went the long way home, laughing to himself at how Robby was going to explain things if anyone heard his cries! Sure he'd seen his face, but Jesse wasn't really worried since the kid didn't live around there. It was dumb, but worth it! Jasper strikes again!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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