Gotta Put Out

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 21, 2002




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Hey, Lance!" Russell Tolliver's voice called to me in the locker room. I looked over at him, the eighteen-year-old quarterback of the football team, muscled and handsome as hell. I was a half-back, and his size and maybe even a little more muscled, but I was new in town and Russell was well-known and popular. So I was quick to welcome the attention paid to me.

"Hey, Russell." I said as I pulled my jockstrap on and fished out my blue-jeans.

"Want to double-date with me this Friday night?"

"Sure!" I said. "Who you got in mind?"

"What are you worried about?" Russell sneered. "When they go out with Rusty, they always put out. Same goes for whoever they bring with them for a double-date."

"I don't doubt the looks of your girl, Rusty." I agreed. "It's the dog she's dragging with her that has me worried."

"Well, quit worrying." He slugged me on the arm, hard but playfully, I grinned and took it. "I've already seen Mary's cousin Erin. She's a pretty good looker. Not quite up to Mary's standards, but I'd date her if I didn't have Mary already." He hit my arm again, just a tap this time. "So how about it? Mary won't go with me unless I get a date for her cousin."

"Okay." I said and tried not to grin like a maniac. Going out on the town with Rusty would do a lot to make me more accepted in town.

As for the girl, well, I could find a tactful way of quietly telling her I wasn't going to put any moves on her, and we could sneak off for a time later and come back and pretend to have done it. Girls will do that for you if you handle it right, tell them you were raised very strictly and plan to wait for sex until you're old enough for it. Of course, at eighteen, I was already old enough for it, but I could claim I was waiting for college and when I was out on my own, no quick roll in the back seat of a car or on a blanket in the park. Then they'd never guess that new guy Lance Mathews was a fag. It had worked well in my old school and it would work here.

Trouble was, my father was nothing like a religious man. I had to come home from that date and tell him I had scored. Even make up things some times. He was living his adolescence over again through me. When he learned about my date for tomorrow night, he'd be slavering with anticipation. I'd had the problem of settling into a new town and school and catching up in classes first, not to mention making the football team, as an excuse but that was wearing out.

It's not being gay that gets me down, it's all the fucking lies you have to tell when you live in a small town. When I graduated, I was heading for a big town and I was going to be so damned open on-campus and off that....

Bell rang. Time to get moving. I shucked my T-shirt on and went out, saw Rusty leaned over a girl. Mary O'Dell, cheerleader and righteous babe. Well, that was the general consensus. And putting out for Rusty on every date. Rusty had other girls, but she was his main one. I didn't fault his taste one bit. Or hers. Rusty was a real stud, and not a dumb jock either. He was a cinch for a scientific scholarship, and one day would do or invent something incredible and I could say I knew him when.

Mary waved to me and I went over and chatted quickly, promising to be ready tomorrow night and show Erin a good time.

Home was the grilling I had expected. Dad wanted to know all about Erin and I said I hadn't met her but I was sure she was a nice girl, and Dad leered and Mother winced and my little brother looked envious. Just another great day of teenage life.

Friday night, I was picked up by Rusty in his college brother's van, a big mother with a frigging full-sized mattress in the back! "Room enough there for us to make out at the same time." he crowed. I looked stealthily at him, his handsomely square face open in laughter, his dark brown hair closely cropped, looking hunky in his school letter jacket and white chinos. I was wearing my old school letter jacket and some nice blue jeans over new sneakers. Just right for a dinner-and-movie sort of date like Rusty had laid out that afternoon at school. Then off to Hunter's Point for parking and humping. If we had to go in the back of that van, Erin was going to need an extra special talk, I knew.

We got to Mary's house and I insisted on going up to the door, though Rusty wanted to honk and go. "Manners," I said. "It impresses the mother and then, even when she finds you're fucking her daughter, she doesn't care as much, because you're a proper gentleman." I pointed out.

Rusty laughed and agreed. We rang the doorbell and Mary's mother met up at the door. "Hello, Mrs. O'Dell." I said. "I'm Lance and you know Rusty. We're here for Mary and Erin."

"I'm so sorry, boys." Mrs. O'Dell said. "Erin had a family emergency and Mary has driven her back to her home in Wilton tonight. She said to apologize for missing the date."

Rusty was furious as we walked out. "Well, now what?" I asked him. "Call one of your other girls? Or two of them?"

"Naw!" he said. "They all already got dates. We could try cruising for chicks, but in this town, it's a waste of time. Naw, we might as well forget it."

"Yeah." I said, not too disappointed. "Well, we could go hang out together."

Rusty looked over at me, and suddenly grinned. "Sure. In fact, tell you what. I already picked up my tickets for tonight's movie. What say we make it a boys' night out on the town. Dinner and movie on me."

"Sure, Rusty!" I said, smiling broadly. God, to be on the town with the local hunk! I was in heaven. I sat and chatted with him during dinner (he insisted on picking up the tab, though I offered to split with him, and it was a nice restaurant, too, not some burger joint) and we sat during the movie where again, he insisted on buying the drinks and popcorn. We shared the bag of popcorn, it sitting in his lap and I had the excuse to reach over, eyes ahead like I was watching the movie, and fumble at his crotch to find the bag. I knew where it was, but I missed a couple of times. Didn't dawdle, but I got to touch that thick prod in his pants. I had seen it in the shower, and knew it was a real clam-digger of a pole. I bet it would swell up to ten inches, at least. I had never seen it hard, but half-hard once or twice. It felt nice and firm in his pants. He just grinned at me when I'd hit it and turn to apologize. Maybe I did that a little too often, now I come to think about it.

After the movie, we spent some time talking with his friends, and I was really sorry the night was over. I said as much as we talked during the ride home. "I've really enjoyed tonight." I told him sincerely. "I'm just sorry we didn't get any tonight."

"Yeah." he said. "Tell you what. Let's head up to Hunter's Point anyway and see who's making out with who tonight."

"Sure." I grinned. Hunter's Point was the focal meeting place of four towns; it saw plenty of action on weekend nights.

We cruised up there but Rusty didn't stop at any of the parked cars, just found a secluded spot which was probably his own staked-out make-out place, and parked. "Want to hop in the back and get comfortable while we talk some more?" he said.

"Sure." I said and climbed into the back. It wasn't set up for lounging but I hitched up against one side and Rusty stretched out full-length on the mattress covered in a sheet and (I had whiffed it distinctly that night) sprinkled with some light perfume or other.

"Come on, Lance, lie down and get comfortable with me." he said.

I shrugged and said, "Sure." and got down next to him. We were both laying on our sides, propped up on one elbow with our palm to our ear, looking at each other.

"You have fun tonight, Lance?" he asked.

"Sure, Rusty." I said. "It was terrific."

"Like the dinner?"

"Yeah, great." I said. "Thanks for buying it, and the movie, and the popcorn. Now I know why girls enjoy dates so much. All that fun and nothing to pay for."

"I wouldn't go that far." Rusty said. And he reached and I felt his hand on my hip. "You know my rule."

"Rule?" I asked, not daring to move, or look at his hand, for fear he'd take it away.

His hand stroked down my leg and back up again. "All my dates have to put out at the end of the night." he said softly. "It's the end of the night. You wouldn't want to ruin my perfect score, would you?"

"Uh, I...."

"Aw, come on." Rusty said. "I've seen the way you look at me. I haven't told anybody that you're a queer, have I?"

"No." I admitted, and admitted more than that with that one word.

"And I'll admit that I'm just a little curious." His hand was a living thing, moving over my leg and onto my side, fishing under my unbuttoned jacket. "Be a shame to ruin a perfectly good evening, wouldn't it?"

"Well...." I extemporized.

"Besides." he pointed out accurately. "If you don't put out, I'll kick you out and you can walk home. Two miles through a dark forest and ten more into town unless you can hitch a ride."

"Yeah." I said, getting into this. I was under his power, trapped out here. The fact I could probably go around until I found a school-mate and hitch a ride didn't even enter my mind that night.

"So why don't you scoot a little closer and let me taste those lips of yours? I've been staring at them all night, wondering what they taste like. And how they'll feel when they suck on my dick."

I licked my lips and he smiled, a warm, genuine smile, right at me and I just gave in. To hell with my reputation, to hell with what anyone would say, tonight I was going to make love to the school's number one hunk and no one could take that away from me!

I scooted over and he wrapped his arms around me and I was surprised that he did in fact kiss me quite hard. Really kissed me, running his lips over mine and when I felt his tongue probe into my mouth, I welcomed it with all the joy of long-withheld lust. He rolled on top of me and his crotch ground into mine and I kissed him happily, brought my legs up and around him and moaned.

His hands fumbled the buttons on my shirt open and he ran his hands over my chest and I damned near fainted, it felt so good. He fought his way out of the clutch of my legs and sat on my chest and said, "Now let's check out those lips on my pud." He fished at his crotch and I helped him with the buttons, he pulled them open (no underwear beneath!) and his cock jumped out at me. Just as long and luscious as I had known it was going to be, ten inches of firm teenaged cock, plump, sturdy and filled to the brim with hormones and need. All mine!

I moved up and grasped it and I said, "Rusty?"

"What?" He was insensible to the world, lost in the feel of my hand on his cock.

"This is my first time." I said.

"You mean I get to pop your cherry?" he said, disbelieving. "Hell, I figured you'd lost that a long time ago, a cute guy like you. All the girls are crazy about you, always asking me what I know about you and whether you're dating anyone."

"Well, you can tell them yes from now on." I said as I reached up and took his cockhead in my lips. I wet it with my tongue and laid back to work up more spit and to concentrate on fumbling my own fly open to release my cock, which was hard and hurting in the tight blue jeans. "That is, if you don't mind lying for me."

"Why should you be lying?" he asked. "I got more than one girl, yeah, but there's still room for you. If you want to."

"Oh, yeah!" I crooned and went back, and this time I shoved at his cock, tried to get it all down my throat.

I wish I could say I was a wonderful cocksucker, but the fact is, you fumble a lot that first time. Cocks take so much of your saliva to get moist, and without enough saliva they kind of stick to the roof of your mouth worse than peanut butter, and they choke you when they go in too deep until you learn how to take them. But Rusty was young and horny and I was young and eager; we forgave each other's mistakes. I slurped on his rod the best way I knew how and he moaned, groaned, his tenor building rapidly. Suddenly, he grabbed me and yanked me off his cock. "Your turn." he said, panting desperately, his chest heaving.

I didn't believe it, not even when he reached down to take hold of my cock, not until his lips and warm mouth engulfed me, only then did I believe that Rusty Tolliver, the big man on campus, was sucking my cock! I groaned and fished for his, my own need building fast. I wanted us to come together if I could manage it.

As my passion built up so damned quickly, I found his cock and I shoved it in and I slurped on him mightily. We were both hunching at each other hard as we could go, and the van was rocking from our motions, not hard, but moving beneath us in a slow roll, and I groaned a warning. Mmm! Mmm! MMMM!" I said, telling him plain as day I was about to shoot my wad.

"Mmm! Mmm!" he said in turn and I knew he was close as well.

I decided that I wasn't going to let go if he wasn't. Maybe he was waiting for the same, because we both climbed to the very top of climax, and I held back as long as I could, and then gave way, erupted into his mouth, just as he, who had been groaning in a similar manner, blasted into mine.

I drank it all down and was happy to do so! The dreaded diseases of the world be damned, this was my first time and I was going to enjoy it! I sucked him hard and I sucked him dry and I didn't care about anything in the world.

I crawled around to kiss him again, tasting the salt on his lips and my own, then rested my head on his chest just like I'd always wanted to do. "Well, Rusty, your score is still perfect." I murmured. "But now what?"

"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked.

"Nothing yet." I said.

"We could go swimming at a place I know." he said hesitantly.


"I'll pick you up around 1:00 p.m." he said. "Second date's even better than the first."

I kissed him fervently. "I can believe it." I said. "But what about Mary?"

"She'll sleep with anyone, and does." he said. "Fuck her!"

"No, thanks!" I laughed.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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