Grab Bag Part I

By William Steps

Published on Nov 18, 2010



There was a small paper bag for each of the guests when they arrived. They were sitting in a neatly organised pile on the dining table. Each bag was clearly labelled with the name of the guest it was intended for. The party was being held by Archibald Codder, and soon enough his palatial mansion would be filled with a selection of friends and casual acquaintances. The first trickle of guests began at seven in the evening, and by nine the main room was crowded with well-dressed party goers. There was expected to be fifty guests in attendance that night.

Among those attending the festivities was Jacob Cardona, who was spending his time talking to another attendee, Angelica DeWiles. Jacob was twenty eight years old, and worked off most of his stress in the gym. His dark hair was combed loosely back from his angular face, and in his hand he held the bag which had contained his party favour. Angelica was three years younger than Jacob and her figure was slim and athletic as well. Her dress hung off her with a well fitted grace, as did her gently waving black hair. Both the young socialites worked for large legal firms, and technically they were rivals. Neither person bore any reservations towards the other, however, and their conversation was light and friendly.

"What is with these things?" Jacob asked, holding up the grab bag in his hand. "I haven't the slightest Idea." Angelica answered, "What was in yours?" Jacob raised his eyebrow and opened the paper sack, presenting the item it held. It was a bra, lacy, black and sized 36E. Jacob shook his head as he replaced it in the bag. "I don't know what he thinks I'm going to do with that." He commented. "Not unless you have a little secret." Angelica joked. "Not as such." Jacob replied humorously. The two shared a brief laugh as their conversation continued. ""And what did you get?" Jacob asked. "A pair of pyjama shorts," Angelica told him, "I think our host just went through a department store and grabbed stuff at random. "How thoughtful." Jacob chuckled, "Indeed, for such random stuff it's odd they were labelled with our names." He said, "And where is he? I haven't seen him since we arrived."

The two lawyers continued their speculation about their enigmatic host as the party carried on around them.

Meanwhile two other revellers were getting acquainted. Brian Stuart and Cindy Harrow were flirting with each other in the opposite corner of the room. Cindy was every bit a blonde, her platinum hair gleaming in the dim light. Her dress was tight and bordered on the edge of being tactless. Her ample curves were showcased to her companion, who greatly enjoyed noticing them. Brian was nearly ten years older than the twenty-something blonde he was conversing with, which did not seem to be a problem for her. The chemistry between the two was clear, and it was apparent that they would not be going their separate ways once the party concluded.

The intended lovers had tossed their own party gifts on the sofa next to them, and neither cared what their bag contained. Their thinly veiled insinuations were put on hold as Brian excused himself to use the bathroom. He smiled broadly as he told Cindy that he would be right back, and Cindy returned his smouldering gaze. Brian was very pleased with himself as he walked off to find one of the many washrooms contained in the mansion. He was excited for his conquest on another hot young thing; another lithe, voluptuous body for him to enjoy.

He located a small bathroom down one of the maze-like hallways and locked himself inside. After he had relieved himself he washed his hands and prepared to return to Cindy's company. It was then that he noticed he had taken the gift bag with him to the washroom. He had no recollection of picking it up, yet it was sitting there next to the sink. Suddenly curious about what the bag contained, he opened the wrinkled, brown paper and peeked inside. Inside the bag were two things; a note and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He picked up the glasses first and looked them over; they seemed a little small and feminine for his face, besides which his vision was near perfect already.

The small note sitting next to them read, "All gifts will expire at dawn." It was signed by his mysterious host. On a whim he tried the glasses on. They were not a strong prescription, but he had to lean back from the mirror in order to focus on his reflection. As he had guessed, they looked too girlish for him. His eyes seemed to be adjusting to the lenses, and his vision became a little clearer. As he reached up to take off the glasses he happened to notice that his hair was looking a little shaggy and was due for a cut sometime soon. Brian made a mental note to make an appointment with his barber. He removed the spectacles, shocked to find that his eyesight was noticeably blurry now. He put the glasses back on his face and watched the room become crystal clear.

While Brian was wondering how he had damaged his eyes so quickly he also noticed something else; his reflection was changing. He looked thinner and, somehow, shorter. His face was changing shape and his hair was clearly longer than it had been a moment ago. He held up his hands and saw that they were small and slender. His clothes even seemed to be shifting, melting like butter in a microwave and changing colour. "What the hell!" Brian shouted as he steadied himself on the counter.

Back in the main room Cindy was getting bored waiting for Brian to return. She had no doubt that he would be back - it was clear that her ample bosom and discreet hints had more than secured his attention. After a few more minutes she grew impatient. She stood up and went to find the man she had been intending to take home that night, wondering if he had already turned his attentions to someone else. Without realising it, she took her party favour bag with her.

As she was scanning the house for Brian she realized she was carrying the gift bag in her hand. Opening it she idly poked around inside, finding that it contained a striped tie. She thought it would look amusing to wear it over her dress, so she tossed away the bag and quickly knotted the tie around her neck, letting it hang loosely. Afterwards she continued her search for her missing date. As she started to explore the hallways that led away from the main room, she suddenly stopped. She had passed a small mirror, and something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She noticed that something was not right with her reflection.

She took a few steps back, facing the looking glass. She darted back and forth, verifying that the image she saw was actually her own reflection. She could not seem to wrap her head around it, because as far as she could tell the person in the mirror did not resemble herself at all. She looked down at her body and then back up at the mirror. She could not figure out how or why she seemed to look like a thirty-year-old-man in a suit.

The schoolgirl that had previously been Brian was cowering on the bathroom floor in shock. Her blonde hair was tied in the archetypical pigtails and her stocking clad-legs stuck out from under her short skirt. "What's happening?" Brian muttered in his eighteen-year-old-girl voice. He remembered the note. A tiny feeling of relief helped him get his head together as he realized that the transformation might wear off in the morning. He could not decide whether to try and get help or to just keep hiding in the bathroom until he was himself again. He did not like the idea of having people know that Brian Stuart had been turned into a schoolgirl.

She didn't understand, but she knew it was true; Cindy was now ten years older and a man. She froze, staring at her new self in the hallway mirror. One hand reached down to feel the bulge in her pants that signalled her new manhood. She wanted to tell someone what had happened but she didn't know what she would say, or who she would say it to. The only person she had even talked to at the party was Brian, and she didn't know where he was. Scared and confused, she carried on in her search for Brian.

Though the process had been more tactful, Jacob and Angelica had also started leaning in the direction of a night together. After a few more glasses of champagne they started edging closer to each other. Another ten minutes found them in a less crowded hallway, arms around each other. Their first kiss was slow and passionate, and as they parted lips they moved to find an empty room somewhere in the mansion. They located a small bedroom on the second floor, and the two lovers slipped inside and shut the door. Their embrace resumed, more desperate this time. Jacob pressed Angelica up against the bedroom wall as he reached up to cup her firm breasts.

Jacob looked around the small room, spying an on suite bathroom. He broke his lustful embrace for a moment. "I'll be right back." He said, gesturing to the washroom. Angelica nodded, and the couple kissed one more time before they parted ways for a moment. Jacob shut himself in the bathroom and tossed his party favour bag on the counter. As he emptied his bladder he slowly turned to scrutinise the plain paper bag. Did he have that with him the whole time? He had no recollection of bringing it with him into the room, but there it was. After washing his hands he picked up the bag, unsettled by it's presence.

In the next room Angelica had made a similar discovery. She looked down to see the gift bag in her hand. She felt as though she would have noticed holding it while making out with Jacob, but she couldn't remember clearly. She opened the bag and looked inside for the second time that night. The bag still contained the same boxer shorts that it had before, ones which looked to large and mannish to be of much use to her, save being something to sleep in. Absent minded, she pulled them out of the bag, ignoring the note that was stuck to them. She held them up to herself, seeing how large the waist was.

Possessed by some bizarre urge, Jacob fumbled to put on the bra over his shirt. Just as he was wondering why the hell he had done that, he saw his clothes start to evaporate. His shirt melted away under his nose, he felt his boxers receded up towards his crotch and, looking inside his trousers, he saw that they had taken on the shape of a pair of black women's panties, and then his pants seemed to grow up his body, fusing together at the legs. In the span of thirty seconds he was now wearing a black cocktail dress over the female undergarments. In another few moments his body filled out to suit the clothes. His chest swelled up larger and larger until he had a pair of breasts that fit perfectly in the enormous bra. His hips expanded as well, reaching out to compliment his huge bust. His waist imploded and became narrow and curved, his hands and feet were smaller, but his lips and eyes grew larger.

A minute later he was a woman - a curvy, huge-chested woman with a sultry face and a shock of deep red hair. He looked at himself with his new eyes; deep green and peering out from under heavy lashes. He lifted up his new tits, feeling the weight of it in his petit hands. "Angelica!" He cried as he darted out of the bathroom, feeling his body jiggle all over the place. Rushing into the bedroom he found that Angelica was gone, but a young man in jeans and dress shirt was staring at him with a look of shock and surprise that matched his own.

On the other side of the mansion, Cindy had just passed a locked bathroom door on her wander down one of the long hallways. She was about to keep walking when she heard muted whimpers and high-pitched mumbling coming from within. She tentatively stepped over and knocked gently on the door. "Are you OK in there?" She asked in her new masculine voice. The sounds stopped for a second and there was a moment of silence. "Um, I'm fine." A small female voice replied with more than a hint of panic. "Are you sure?" Cindy pressed, "I think there is some weird stuff going on tonight, and I might be able to help." The girl inside was quiet for another few seconds. "Have... have other people been... changing?" The young voice asked."Well," Cindy said, "I can't speak for everyone, but unless I've totally lost my mind I've sure as hell been changing."

"How did you change?" The small voice inquired. "Well this may sound insane, but my name in Cindy and, until a few minutes ago, I was a girl. Now it seems I've become a slightly older man. Is that like what happened to you?" There was a short bout of hysterical giggling from inside the bathroom. "Cindy? That's you?" She voice squeaked. Cindy may not have been a brilliant thinker, but she began to figure out who she was talking to. "My god, Brian? Is that you?" The bathroom door clicked open, and slowly it swung aside to reveal the terrified looking school girl within. "It is. It's me, Cindy. These glasses, they turned me into a girl!"

Cindy shook her head in disbelief. "It was a tie for me, it did the same thing." She looked around the hallway, not seeing anyone else about. "Why don't I come in there and we can talk about it?" Cindy stepped inside as Brian closed the door behind them. "Cindy," Brian said desperately, "What are we going to do? There was a note in the bag that said the gifts expire at dawn, but does that mean we'll turn back or does that mean we have until then to find a way to undo it? I don't want to be stuck like this!" Cindy put out a hand to comfort the rambling schoolgirl that had recently been a man.

"It's ok," she said soothingly, "He can't leave us like this. If everyone in the house had a present like ours then there are dozens of people to make him change us back. This is probably his idea of a party joke." Brian tried to stop his head from spinning. "I guess you're right." He admitted. "It was just such a shock to watch my...penis disappear and this outfit grow onto me." He said sheepishly. Cindy moved to hug him, which she found a totally different action now that she was a man with nearly a foot of height over her companion. Her initial intention was to help calm Brian down, along with herself, but something happened that she hadn't counted on.

After a few moments embracing she felt a strange pulsing in her pants. It felt like part of her was throbbing and tingling. It took her a moment to realise that her new cock was getting hard, and arousal was spreading through her body. She couldn't help it, Brian was so small and sexy, and he smelled great. Brian, who was beginning to relax into the feeling of having a large man hold him, suddenly felt he twitching in Cindy's trousers. He pushed away from her slightly and looked up into her eyes with an expression of surprise and disbelief.

Jacob poked his new bust.

"Ok, so somehow the stuff in those bags gave us new bodies. How the hell does that work?" Jacob said, thinking out loud. Angelica pointed out the note that was sitting in the bottom of the bags. "So, does that mean we turn back to normal in the morning or what?" Jacob asked. "I don't know..." Angelica muttered. "Have you tried taking the bra off?" She asked. "Not yet, have you tried removing your shorts?" He inquired in return. "Not yet. It's worth a shot." Jacob agreed. "Well, this is the most interesting way someone has tried to get my clothes off..." He joked, despite his shock. While Jacob was fumbling to unzip the back of his dress, Angelica opened her jeans and pulled them off. Reaching up under her shirt she tugged off the boxer shorts and tossed them on the bed.

Nothing happened.

Jacob was too busy trying to get his own garments off to realize he was now in a room with a man who wasn't wearing any pants. "Can you help me with these?" He asked, turning his back to Angelica. She moved over to him and unzipped his dress, helping him to shrug it down to his waist. The then unfastened the clasp on the enormous bra. Jacob peeled off the bra and threw it aside, feeling his breasts bob free for the first time. He turned to face Angelica. "Nothing?" He asked. "Nothing." She responded. "Except..." She added quietly. "Except what?" angelica smirked. "Except I cant stop looking at your chest." She admitted.

Jacob looked down and saw Angelica's partial nudity. He could see the tip of her new cock poking out from under her shirt, and it seemed to be getting harder. "Are you getting turned on?" Jacob demanded. "Sorry," Angelica said, shrugging, "I am a man now, and you have an amazing body. I know it seems really weird." Jacob realised that the sight of Angelica's new penis had caused some stirrings within his panties as well. He blushed, trying to ignore the sensations. Angelica saw his embarrassment though. "I guess we should find our host and demand to know what's going on." Jacob said. "Definitely," Angelica agreed, "But, well, we have all night."

"What do you mean?" Jacob said, sensing angelica's implication. "This is such a rare chance, to experiment with a different body, a whole different gender. We were about to fool around before, couldn't we just keep going, then sort out what happened a little later?" Jacob looked at her incredulously. "Come on, for one night you can know what it's like to be a woman. We can show each other how it feels to be the opposite sex." Jacob should have argued, he should have thought about the potential consequences and how much danger there might be - but her cock looked so smooth, and thinking about it was making her body tingle all over. Jacob shook his head and smiled. "I hope I don't regret this..." He muttered.

Cindy's lust had gotten the better of her as she coaxed Brian into submission. He had started to resist when she began pulling of her clothes, but she just kept talking him down, leading him on. Soon she had stripped herself naked and was admiring her new, virile male form in the bathroom mirror. "I just can't believe this is me, I'm one good-looking stud." Cindy remarked. "And you," she added, "You are such an adorable little Lolita." Brian blushed. "Stop," He said shyly, "and you should put you clothes on before some finds us like this. Cindy did the reverse, pulling Brian to her once more. This time there was a relentless passion in her grasp. Brian tried to deny to himself what his body was making him feel. He felt the heat and desire building in his new girlish form. He wasn't even aware of what Cindy was saying, but he found himself following her suggestions.

"Don't worry, I wont tell any one." Cindy said as Brian-turned-schoolgirl obeyed the pressure on his shoulders and dropped to his knees. "But this is so weird." He said in his girlish voice. "I'm sure you'll get used to it once you start. Haven't you ever been curious?" Cindy replied. Brian, despite his protests, was obligingly stroking Cindy's new equipment. It felt so new to him, it was his first time after all. He barely knew what he was doing when he opened his mouth and took the first inches of her cock between his lips. Brian's glossy mouth moved foreword and took as much of Cindy's dick into her mouth as it could. "Yes, good girl..." Cindy whispered as Brian began to fellate her.

Back in the upstairs bedroom, Jacob let his eyes roll back in his head. Angelica's tongue felt amazing as it lapped at his new pussy. Jacob moaned and held Angelica's head to his crotch as she ate him. Jacob had squirmed out of his dress, and he could not believe how wet he felt between his legs when Angelica had moved her rough kisses from his lips to his lower region. He had never been hornier in his life when she peeled off his panties and crouched between his legs. Angelica's tongue worked miracles on his new pussy, and Jacob was soon whining and gasping as she pleasured him.

It was allot different than having his dick sucked, and he lost himself in the sensations. Angelica was getting more turned on by how worked up she was making Jason get. She knew from her time as a woman that she was doing a good job. She had Jacob quivering all over her face in no time. She couldn't take much more though, her manhood demanded some attention. She slid up Jacob's body, spreading his legs around her waist. They were both breathing hard as they looked into each other's eyes.

Angelica manoeuvred her stiff prod to the opening of Jacob's smooth pussy. The ginger pubic hair he now possessed was neatly trimmed back from his new organ, and Angelica's cock head teased him by running up and down the length of his snatch. Then she pointed herself down and pushed foreword. Slowly she fed her penis into Jacob, the natural lubrication making it effortless. "I can't believe we are doing this." Angelica muttered as she slid the last of her cock into the quivering woman lying on the bed."Oh fuck, I don't care," Jacob rasped, "This is great." He moaned as Angelica started stroking her tool in and out of his wet slit. Jacob felt completed as her member filled up his innards.

Jacob couldn't believe how much his new body was bouncing as Angelica fucked him. His huge new tits rolled up and down on his chest as he laid back and felt Angelica's cock drive deep into him. His new, sultry, red-headed body jiggled and bucked as his lover penetrated him. It was all so new from the perspective as a female, and it was one of the best feelings Jacob had ever known. He found himself pinching one of his nipples as Angelica ground her cock deep into his body. Her pace quickened, more force being added to each thrust.

Jacob's fingernails dug into Angelica's back as she violated him. He was moaning louder now, gasping for breath as the sensations overwhelmed him. Jacob smiled up at Angelica as they locked eyes, both lost in passion. From experience, Jacob recalled that most of his girlfriends found it easier to climax when they were on top, and he wanted to know what that felt like. Sitting up, Jacob kissed his lover as he pushed her back, motioning for her to roll over. There was a moment of horrible emptiness as Angelica's cock was pulled out of his body. Once she was on her back, however, he climbed on top of her and straddled her hips.

Jacob slid himself down on Angelicas dick, feeling it impale him once again. He started to grind his pelvis into her, riding her stiff organ. His tits were now bouncing instead of rolling, their soft flesh flopping up and down in front of his face. Angelica sat up and took one of his dark nipples into her mouth, sucking on the sensitive flesh as she squeezed his other breast. It was the most erotic sensation Jacob had ever known, and his first orgasm began to build up inside of him. Jacob's curvy body was beginning to glisten with sweat as he tried to get Angelica as deep into him as he could.

Angelica reached down and grabbed his plump ass, pulling it down onto her as she dug her fingers into his supple skin. That did it - Jacob felt an explosion that awakened every nerve in his body, he cried out as his first female orgasm wracked his body with tremors of ecstasy. "Don't' stop!" He begged, "Keep going, keep going, oh god!" He bucked as he came harder than he had ever thought possible. It seemed to last forever, pulsing though him over and over again. When the rapture finally subsided he smiled broadly down at Angelica, still sliding up and down slowly on her cock.

"That was incredible!" Jacob gasped. "Well we're not done yet." Angelica said in reply. "Oh god, I hope not!" Jacob exclaimed as he climbed off of Angela's prick. He looked down at her new penis, coated as it was in his own pussy juice. Lost in the moment, he leant foreword and took her cock savagely into his mouth, sucking down as much of it as he could as he stroked it with his delicate fingers. He liked tasting his new womanhood on Angelica's salty organ, and he repositioned himself so that he could continue to service her orally.

Remembering his magnificent new tits, he sat up and pressed them together around her cock. He started sliding his chest up and down, fucking his breasts with her member. He sucked the head of Angelica's dick whenever it poked out from the top of her massive cleavage. Angelica was grinning from ear to ear, loving the sight of her member being lost in a pair of amazing mammaries. Jacob loved how much Angelica was enjoying it, and he also loved slippery feeling of a penis sandwiched inside his bust, but he wanted more. He wanted her inside him again.

"How's that?" He asked playfully as he kept tit fucking angelica. "It's amazing." Angelica whispered. "How do you want me now?" Jacob asked. "I need you inside of me again." Angelica did not answer with words, but sat up and took hold of Jacob's shoulder. She flipped him around so that he landed on all fours. Slipping up behind him, she ran the tip of her cock up and down his snatch, and then pushed herself into his cunt. Jacob whimpered as he was penetrated again, Angelicas hands holding tightly to his womanly hips. Angelica's lust as mounting, and it wasn't long before she was drilling Jacob as hard as she could.

He may have climaxed easier when he was on top, but he quickly decided that being taken from behind was his favourite position. He loved having his ass ripple as Angelica pounded into him and, even more than that, he loved how his big tits swung up into his face. His voluptuous body quivered and writhed as Angelica took him fiercely. A second orgasm crept up on Jacob, and he was soon moaning as he climaxed again. He fell forward on his hands, pressing his ass into Angelica and squashing his breasts into the bed. His screams were stifled by the sheet as he came, revelling in the capacity for having more than one orgasm.

Jacob's own pleasure pushed Angelica over the edge as well, and she grunted in primal abandon as she drove her cock deep into his pussy. Her new dick throbbed as she came, filling her woman with her seed. She convulsed as she emptied her cum into Jacob's womb. With a final gasp Angelica squirted the last of her jizz, and her first male orgasm was at an end. Shivering, she pulled out of Jacob and collapsed next to him on the bed. Jacob was insensible from his own pleasures, and let his ass hang up in air for a moment after Angelica was gone. He felt the semen begin to dribble out of his pussy, running coldly down his thigh.

Jacob rolled over and closed his legs, holding the rest of the sticky mess inside him. Both lovers had to catch their breath after their energetic coitus. "That was unbelievable." Jacob murmured, stroking Angelicas' chest. "You're telling me," She replied, "Men may not be as orgasmic, but I loved the feeling of ploughing into you like that." Jacob laughed, "Believe me, I love you ploughing me." He quipped. "So we're going to go again now?" He added playfully.

Twenty minutes earlier, back in the bathroom, Cindy had pulled her rock-hard cock out of Brian's trembling mouth. Brian looked up at her through his new glasses, wondering and fearing what she had in mind next. Cindy sat him up on the large bathroom counter, spreading his legs as she did so. Brian just followed her prompting like a scared kitten. Cindy ran her finders over the soft cotton panties that covered Brian's virginal slit. She began rubbing his pussy through the fabric, causing little whimpers to escape from Brian's glossed lips. She then moved his little skirt out of the way and pulled the panties aside, revealing the hairless snatch underneath.

Cindy rubbed Brian even more, and then worked one of her fingers into his cunt. Brian was still reluctant and nervous, but some moisture was beginning to form as she fingered him. With her other hand, Cindy groped Brian's pert little tits. She tugged off his white shirt between kisses filled with unrestrained desire. Brian followed along, not knowing what else to do. Soon his bra was removed as well, and his perky, pink nipple stood erect in the chilly air. Cindy took one of then into her mouth, nibbling it as she continued to work his pussy with her fingers.

She kissed her way down his tender little body, eventually teasing his things with her lips. Butterflies filled Brian's stomach as she pulled his panties right off and brought her face towards his youthful sex. He bit his thumb and gasped when she started licking his pussy while her finger explored her inner folds. It felt great, but he was still scared of being found out. It wasn't right after all; he was a man and should not be enjoying having another man touching his eighteen year old body. Even if that man used to be a woman, it was all so confusing to him.

"You taste so sweet..." Cindy muttered as she lapped as his pussy. Then she stood up. Cindy had unbuttoned her pants and discarded her shirt while she had been eating out Brian's untouched slit. She now stood between his nubile legs, totally naked and erect. Brian realised what she was about to do. "Wait, I don't know..." He whimpered feebly, "I don't think we should do that." He said, not sounding very convincing. Cindy was not listening and was rubbing her cock up and down his silken lower lips. "Please, what if..." Brian began again, but the singles his body was sending were confounding him, making it impossible for him to think.

Then the head of Cindy's dick popped inside him after a second's resistance. "Trust me, you'll love it." Cindy said. "If you really want me to stop though..." She added, taunting him as she worked the first inch of her member in and out of his box. Brian could only whimper incoherently. Then slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Cindy fed her tool into his lithe body. Brian's eyes went as wide as saucer, which looked adorable on his new face. When Cindy was all the way inside him he was shivering all over, covered in goose bumps, his lip trembling.

"Oh fuck, you're so tight..." Cindy said as she started to pump her cock inside Brian's pussy. "Tell me you don't love it now." Cindy demanded moment later. Brian only whimpered again. Cindy began gently fucking the nervous teen on the bathroom counter, playing with Brian's firm breasts as she took him. Brian's brain was in overload. Part of him felt small and terrified and used, but another part of him loved how good Cindy's cock felt inside of him. He even found himself enjoying feeling like he was being taken advantage of. He had always loved seducing younger women, and now he was the epitome of that fantasy. He had become his own fetish.

Cindy was surprising herself with how quickly she was thinking of herself as male. The little slut is getting more responsive now. She thought as Brian started to buck his hips to meet her thrusts. "You're getting into it," She said, "Tell me how much you love it." She demanded, driving into Brian a little harder. "I love it!" Brian conceded. He was such an obedient little girl now. Each second that went by Cindy fucked him a little harder. Brian's submissive whimpers turned to moans and squeals as he was ravaged.

After a few minutes of fucking Brian as hard as she could and getting off on how his taut teenage body responded, Cindy pulled out and forcefully flipped him around. She kicked his legs apart as she shoved her dick back into his slick mound. Brian could see himself in the mirror now, a nubile little blonde being savaged by an older man. He wondered why it turned him on so much. His youthful tits jerked as he was fucked form behind. He yelped as Cindy grabbed his hair and pulled his head back as she pounded him.

They fell to the floor, tumbling onto the cool tiles. Cindy jumped between Brian's legs and slid back into him as he lay on his back, panting. Brian loved the abuse now, and he soon felt the first tingles of an orgasm upon him. He screamed as he came, each nubile muscle in his body flexing. Cindy loved watching the schoolgirl cum all over her cock. Brian could not believe how sensitive and electric his body was, and his climax was beyond his expectations. Cindy put Brian's legs together and placed them over her shoulder. She folded him in half as she drove deeper into him than she had before.

Brian yelped at this added penetration. He bit his lower lips as Cindy manipulated his tiny body. She suddenly pulled out of him and sat up, grabbing Brian's head and yanking it towards her slimy cock. More out of shock than anything else, Brian opened his mouth. Cindy inserted her dick between his lips and prompted him to start sucking her off again. Brain frantically tried to keep pace, stroking her tool as fast as he could. A moment later Cindy was having her own orgasm. As she came she shot load after load into Brian's mouth. He chocked on the sudden gush of hot cum. Brian didn't manage to swallow much of her jizz, and it leaked out of her mouth and dribbled all over her chin and chest.

Brian's glasses had fallen down over his nose, and he looked up at Cindy with wide, pleading eyes as she grunted out the last of her climax. Looking down at Brian she grinned at the cum-spattered school girl who was still milking her spent penis. "You're getting the hang on it now. You just need some more practice there, little Briana." Cindy said, laughing as she called Brian by his feminised name. "Maybe if I find another playmate for you we can really break you in..."

Jacob bounced up and down on the bedroom carpet. "I feel like I'm all tits and ass..." He said as he looked down at his new body. "I'm not complaining." Angelica said, leering. The two lovers had dressed themselves again, both feeling strange in their gender appropriate garments. "How do I look?" Jacob asked, turning around in his slinky dress. "All kinds of sexy." Angelica told him. Jacob reached for the door handle and turned the knob. They both stepped out of the bedroom and rejoined the party, curious to see what was going on.

As they walked down the hall they saw two cats chasing each other around on the rug. Jacob wondered who had the misfortune to find a collar in their gift bag. As he smirked to himself they re-entered the main room, and they were both taken back by what they saw. Jacob did not recognise anyone in the room at all. It seemed that the urge to put on the gift bag items had been triggered more or less simultaneously. Everyone looked confused, amused or nervous.

The most notable thing was the variation in what people had become. There was a woman standing near the bar who most likely had found a pair of costume antenna in his or her bag, because she was now a green-skinned alien Amazon that looked right out of some lurid 'B' movie from the sixties. Jacob wondered which, if any, of the people in the ballroom was their trickster of a host...

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