
By D One

Published on Feb 22, 2010



"OK let's do it" Collin was already out of his shirt when he announced what was going to happen.

Trev was both startled that Collin had appeared in his bedroom as well as his first words.

They had graduated the Wednesday before. The parties went very late into the night and disheveled tux clad teenagers occupied the local IHOP for hours early the next morning.

There were hushed rumors about who did what and to whom. Boisterous bragging could be heard. Girls giggled and held their hands over their mouths while they shared inside information about the boys their eyes glanced at.

Trevor was there. Angela was with him. They had been best friends since grade school, confidante throughout high school and dance partners at the proms and parties. She knew about Trevor's self discovery and exchanged appraisals about male classmates over the years.

"Uh my mom is downstairs" Trev stammered.

"Naw she took off, said she'd be back this afternoon. There's only you and me" Collin was unbuckling his belt.

There weren't any other classmates there as they were in the locker room when Collin first realized Trevor was staring at him. And who wouldn't? He was hunky whether fully dressed or just wearing a jockstrap as he was that day.

"Hey man don't stare at me" Collin had said quietly to him instead of challenging him or calling him names as Trevor feared. "I mean it's cool that you uh are you know..but the other guys will see and some don't like guys like you" he smiled.

It wasn't seductive or sarcastic, just a friendly smile. Trevor remembered that day.

"I'm not sure what you want to do, but hell anything goes right?" Collin was naked except for his sandals which he was unbuckling.

Trevor wasn't sure himself. He had lusted after Collin and others. The nearby College offered even more delights each time he and the others on the high school swim team went to work out at their pool. Collin wasn't on that team. But there were others.

Collin stood there for an awkward instant. He stretched his arms high showing his hairy armpits and bulging biceps. He bent forward touching his toes. Then he plopped to the floor and began push ups.

Trevor watched the private show. His cock was hardening to his delight. It had shrunk in surprise when Collin first showed up.

"Is he hung?" Angela asked when Trev told her about their locker room exchange. He hadn't thought about cock size that way before. True he had seen shorter ones then his, fatter ones and there was Aaron Sheffield who became respected once the word got around he had a very long one.

Before that Aaron was considered the class geek. Beaten up in prior years he was now befriended by jocks, cycle hoods and others alike. Perhaps everyone wished he would show or use his very long cock to their desires whatever they were.

But Collin wasn't excited about anything but Aaron's computer skills. He always was.

"You have a great body" Trevor heard himself say.

"Thanks, mostly genetics I guess but I've been working out for years" Collin said now standing and pulling on his still soft but dangling cock. "Come on strip off"

Trevor was nervous. He had been naked around Collin of course but not being judged.

"Hey you've got a nice body, man come on" Collin's words made Trev blush. He was about to have sex with another guy, complete sex!

There had been some fumbling around with others over the years. Even Aaron shared his bed for some mutual masturbation, but that was all it was.

He learned what he was doing with fellow swim team member, David Chase was called Frottage. They did it after pulling down their Speedos, in the shower naked and even once during a weekend hiking and camping trip.

"Nice as I remember" Collin's hand moved away long enough for Trevor to see he was mid erection. Trevor was naked except for his tiny whitey underwear now.

"You always looked good in Speedos" Collin reached over and patted his butt. Trevor's cock was tenting the white cotton now.

"Thanks" he said feeling like a kid showing off for an older guy, even though he and Collin were exactly the same age.

"Hey nice meet, you look good out there" Collin had come over to where the swim team stood waiting for their score from the judges.

He saw the guy with his arm around some girl coming closer. Collin nodded to the coach and some of the other guys. But what he had to say he said to Trevor. He remembered blushing.

"Yea that's nice, mine is about the same size" Collin was looking at Trevor's hard cock and bouncing his own. "So you want to suck, fuck, get sucked, fucked?

Trevor was startled by Collin's apparent knowledge of the possibilities and casual consideration of each.

"I only fuck kid" the whisper in the bathroom that summer night in the john had introduced Trevor to a chance encounter that left him pressed against the wall in the handicapped toilet stall. The pain and discomfort was what he remembered more then any pleasure that caused him to shoot his sperm against the wall during his first fucking.

"I uh don't know" Trevor said honestly as he started to reach.

"Hey it's ok man go ahead" Collin moved closer and put his hand on Trevor's shoulder "it's ok" they moved closer.

Trevor felt the heat of Collins naked body, it seemed to draw him closer like a magnet pulling him. He felt his chest skin touch Collins.

"Oh shit" he said feeling his gut about to explode.

"It's ok" Collin said as he moved his hand the back of Trevor's neck. Trevor didn't know what was happening next but without thinking his lips were pressed against Collin's.

The sounds made his ear drums quiver. Collins seemed to be as anxious as he was. The guttural sounds originating deep inside his chest vibrated his chest as well.

"Yea" Collins sighed as their lips parted for a second allowing each to breathe for an instant before feeling the other's tongue inside their mouth.

Trevor felt Collin's hands moving over his back, buttocks, sides, thighs and back up in-between them over his smooth chest and stomach.

He didn't need to but he shaved like the others on he swim team. He felt another person's hands on his ball sac for the first time when David shaved him and he felt David's cock and balls shaving him. Both had erections. "Makes it easier to have a handle" David laughed dispelling any embarrassment they each felt that day.

"I guess this makes us some kind of special buddy" Trevor said as he and David caught their breath after sliding their hands on each other until they orgasm-ed.

Collins hands moved to Trevor's leaking cock. "Hey hold on man we've got all that stuff to do, don't cum yet" he warned as hs hands moved under Trevor's balls and felt the smooth skin of the boy's taint.

"Shit yea" Trevor was saying as his lips traveled to Collin's neck then his chest. He wanted to bit the boy's nipples. He had never thought about doing it before. But now as his body heat elevated, his body felt handled and wanted, it entered his mind.

"What do you want to do with him? I mean are you a top or bottom?" Angela giggled that afternoon long ago. Trevor didn't know then. He just knew he wanted to be with the guy whatever the meant.

His lips were on one nipple sucking then biting. Collins yelped and he stopped.

"No no man keep doing that" Collins begged and Trevor bit harder on each of the boy's nipples making him curse and sigh and moan. "Shit you're one hot fucker" he added. "My turn"

Trevor winced feeling the boys teeth bite his skin and then his nipples. It hurt like hell worse then the times he had pinched them himself. But knowing Collin liked it, he held back any reaction and realized it not only was painful but aroused him more.

Feeling Collins hands on his bare buttocks grabbing the flesh and pulling him closer. Their bodies reddened by the passion neither could define slide against each other using the perspiration as lubricant.

Trevor just wanted to touch, feel, become part of the body that held him tight. The images of Collin in high school flashed through his mind and each reaction to seeing him then promulgated a new touch, a new bite, a new exploration.

He wondered if Collin was thinking of him the same way, was he fulfilling fantasies of months and years past, had he always wanted to be here.

"God you're hot, we should have..." Collin began the words but stopped as Trevor felt his hard cock swallowed. He looked down at the freckled shoulders, the blond hair, the arms whose hands still clutched at his buttocks.

He slid his arms across the boy's shoulders and over each rounded muscled shoulder. He was gay and that was wonderful. He was going to be fucked by this former classmate. Trevor had decided that for the first time. He wanted the boy inside him however rough he wanted to be was ok. He wanted to feel the hands on his body and the cock stretching his insides.

"Come on" Collin pulled his head back and guided Trevor to the bed he had only shared for adolescent mutual masturbation, wet dreams and his own endless self satisfactions.

It was there he closed his eyes and imagined that he knelt on the carpeted locker room floor to kiss Collin's balls, cock and skin while everyone watched.

Now it was there he let himself be guided into position so he could do that while Collins did the same to him. He wished the others were there watching and was glad nobody was there so the boy would be.

Trevor pushed back on the finger that had moved between his buttocks and had entered. There would be no mistake in Collin's mind. He fingered Collin too and felt the boy do the same. They were licking, kissing, sucking and fingering each other intent on giving and getting sensations that were previously unavailable to them.

"Break" Trevor heard himself say. His gut was about to explode. "Want to save it" He panted.

Collins was smiling "It's ok I can cum several times, once did it four times in one night" he bragged.

They shared the single bed's narrow length. Collins hands moved over Trevor's side while Trevor felt the boy's thick thighs. Each explored the other and at the same time themselves.

Hours, days, months and years of questions were being answered. It was that time that Trevor remembered best, not just Collins unexpected arrival and announcement "OK Let's do it".

Trevor rolled over to his stomach and felt Collin's body above him, the boys hands moving his legs apart, Collins' legs positioning him, fingers stroking his back, buttocks and thighs.

Collin's fingers spread his ass cheeks and probed the destination stretching the muscle gently further open and feeling the warm tissue inside.

"Just breathe deep" Collins said in a quiet voice. He didn't need to whisper or need to talk quietly. They were alone. But the soothing voice both relaxed and excited Trevor further. In his head he lay naked on the wooden bench while his classmates took turns using him the way he fantasized.

But instead of the laughing bravado of the horny teenage classmates, Collin's cock pushed into him gently.

"It's ok, push in" Trevor said wishing Collins had jammed into him as punishment for the years of fantasy without fulfillment, for his cowardice and self doubt.

He lifted his hips to meet the intrusion.

"Hey go slow, man, you're I know you're not used to this" Collins pet the sides of Trevor's buttocks.

Trevor had vowed never to be fucked again after that night in the park bathroom. It wasn't the pain so much as he felt humiliated somehow, cheap, whorish. He grimaced every time slang terms like "fudge packer", "butt pirate", "pussy ass" was heard.

Yet he used the memory to insert into himself while he masturbated seeking the sensations that were part of that memory. Even the dildo he stole from the Adult Video store didn't give him the same feeling.

Now above him and in him, Collins provided new stimulation, new pain, new pleasure and new longings. Trevor wanted to be fucked for hours. He wanted Collins' caring and soothing voice in his ear while his body clenched his thickness that ignore the challenge of his tight muscles and began a pistoning action that all Trevor could do was tolerate, enjoy, envelope and learn more about the experience.

"Squeeze when I pull back" Collins instructed. Trevor found he could squeeze and make his new lover groan louder with each time he did it.

"Fuck you are hot" Collins complimented. He was not clutching at Trevor's flesh, panting like he was struggling uphill and cursing at the same time.

"You ok?" Trevor asked and then heard himself say "Fuck harder and faster, it's ok I can take it" he pushed his hips up abruptly swallowing the cock that had become part of him.

"Shit yea' Collins accepted the hungry hips and begging. He jammed his cock into Trevor with each thrust now...again and again..harder and harder...faster and faster.

Trevor reacted with each thrust. It was different then the time with that stranger. It was better with Collins, he wished he could watch the boy's body pounding into him. Then as if hearing his thoughts, Collins said in the bossiest voice Trevor had heard.

"Quick turn over" The cock made a loud pop pulling out of Trevor. He wanted it inside again and turned over as Collins ordered.

The boy grabbed his angles and pushed his cock back into the still open hole. Trevor looked up at the sweat dripping from Collin's face. His well formed pectorals glowed. Trevor wanted to lean forward and lick the skin, bite the nipples again, nuzzle the armpit hair that he saw emitting droplets of sweat.

"Yea take it bitch" Collins said. The bossy voice surprised Trevor but the thrust of the cock that somehow felt as if it jammed deeper into him, made him growl in pleasure.

The bossy voice continued. Trevor was trapped. He was being fucked for the years Collins had wanted to before. Trevor took it, he wanted it even when he didn't know what he wanted.

This was sex with a man. This was the type of sex he had wondered about since he first noticed something different about the boys and men around him. This was the fantasy he hadn't had yet when first finding he could rub himself into a level of uncontrolled physical reactions.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Collins looked up like a boy turned werewolf howling at the moon. He pounded with several hip thrusts now. The regular rhythm was gone. Each slap against Trevor's ass noted each stream of sperm that escaped into his gut.

Trevor lay back, closed his eyes and imagined the thick helmet shaped cock head inside him spewing out the evidence of it's owner's lust. Collins had wanted him, liked him, fucked him.

"Shit" was all he heard Collins say before he lay on top of Trevor. He still felt the boy's cock inside him but knew it wasn't. His arms surrounded the wet body holding him close.

Trevor remembered Collin's words "Hell I can cum three of four times easy" and hoped his mother would be gone for the promised hours.

He had many years of afternoons, nights and mornings to make up for. The rest of his life would be better then before graduating.

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