Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 8, 2001


Last time on Grand Central High

"So, how old are you anyways? Figuring you're a sophomore I'd say your 16, and probably have your license."

"Well, I'm not exactly 16 yet."

"Oh, cool, you can be the baby of our group. We haven't one of those in a while."

"I'm not a baby, I'm just younger then ya'll." Justin replied, acting as if he was upset by the comment.

"Oh, and you say ya'll. Now we got two things to make fun of you for." JC teased Justin, pushing him friendly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"It's cool though, I like younger guys." JC smiled, and kept driving.

"You like younger guys?" Justin asked, a little nervous by the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm bi, that isn't a problem is it. Cuz, I could drop you on the side of the road if it is." JC teased, slowed down, and just started to laugh.

"Goodmorning honey." Justin kissed his mother on the cheek as he sat down for breakfast. "May I ask why you are ready for school so quickly?"

"Um, well theirs this kid, and he said he'd pick me up this morning. But he didn't say a time, so I have to be ready." Justin replied, gulping down two mouthfuls of cereal after he finished talking.

"Oh, a kid huh? I'm glad that you're making friends so quick."

"Yeah, me too. I met a lot of people. Josh, Joey, Chris, Lance, Britney, Christina, Jessica, Mandy, Nikki, Kevin, Brian, Howie, AJ, and Nick. Most of them are cool, but Kevin and Brian tried to beat me up." Justin shrugged as he continued to scarf down his meal.

"They what?!?"

"They tried to beat me up.It's a long story, I bumped into Kevin. But Josh came over and stopped them, they're all friends. And whoever Josh knows doesn't get picked on." Justin replied to the question slash outburst.

"Is their anything else I should know about this group of people?" His mother asked him dramatically, giggling at her son's happiness about almost getting beat up.

"Nah, we went to the mall after school. I drove with Josh, he brought me home too." Justin replied.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, we did. But the car ride was kinda weird. He asked me my age, and I told him, and he said that it was okay. Cuz I'm the youngest one out of everyone he hangs out with. And he goes, well it's cool I like younger guys anyways." Justin looked up at his mother to try and see what expression she was showing.

"Did you tell him that you, well ya know, swing that way." Justin blushed at his mother's comment.

"No, I don't know any of them enough." Justin replied after the blushing faded.

"Well, maybe you should. It seems to me like you already have a crush."

"Mom, I don't have a crush on Josh."

"Who said anything about you have a crush on Josh? I just said you have a crush." Justin blushed again at his mother's comment. And smiled at her.

"Thanks mom, you know how to make me feel better." He teased. "I'm gonna go grab my stuff. See ya tonight."

"Bye honey."

"Dude, I think you are the fastest person I've ever picked up." JC laughed as Justin jumped into the car.

"Um, I didn't wanna make you wait or anything." Justin replied.

"It's cool, trust me, when I pick up Joey I end up having breakfast with his mother." JC teased, and pulled out of his driveway. "So, whaddya have planned for tonight?"

"I don't know, I just moved here and all, I only know you guys." Justin replied, hating it that it was Friday and he was probably doing nothing after school ended.

"How bout you come to a party with us?"

"Alright." Once again Justin knew he seemed to anxious and begin to cuss himself mentally as JC laughed at him.

"Isn't geometry so boring?" Christina whispered to Justin as their teacher put up notes on the board.

"Yeah, but I'm not too quick with math, so I gotta pay attention." Justin replied, smiling at her.

"If you ever need help, go to Lance. He knows everything, about everything." Christina laughed, and set to copying down the notes.

"You going to the party tonight?" Justin asked, tired of taking notes. He knew he needed to pay attention, but he wasn't in the mood to take notes.

"Yep." Christina responded, not really looking up to see him.

"How are you getting their?" Justin asked.

"Um, I'm driving me and Brit. You're probably going with Josh, huh?" Christina assumed as she continued to take down the notes.

"Ahuh." Justin replied, quickly jotting down the notes on he had stopped taking.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"I'll see you at lunch." Christina smiled as the bell rang. Justin, stopped her.

"Um, I was thinking that you guys could come over before the party if you want. Ya know, after school." Justin asked shyly.

"Sure, talk to me about it during lunch. I'm gonna be late to class." Christina smiled and rushed off.

"You just made it." Britney laughed as Christina rushed into biology. She took a seat next to her, and behind Nick.

"Yeah, you know Ms. Balli doesn't like stranglers." Nick teased.

"And you know Ms. Balli doesn't like repeat students, but that doesn't stop you from being here." Christina teaseed back, getting a laugh out of Britney.

"Shut up." Nick joked back.

"What took you so long anyways?" Britney asked.

"Um, I was talking to Justin. He said something about having us all over before the party tonight." Christina responded.

"Cool." Nick had overheard their conversation, and was all for a party before the party. "I'll tell Kev and the guys after class."

"Shit." Christina looked at Britney. "I'm not sure if Justin wanted them to come."

"Oh well, they won't be a problem. I'm sure if Josh tells them to contain themselves they will." Britney joked. "Right Nick?"

"Sure, whatever." Nick responded to the question he had been asked without actually hearing what it was about. He was stupid like that. Both Britney and Christina busted up laughing, as class began.

"And what do we have here?" Joey asked as he sat at the lunch table.

"My lunch you lard ass." Jessica grabbed the bag out of his hands, and smacked him.

"Ahh, a little testy and protective of your salad today. Oh well, at least you are eating for once." Joey teased, it had been a long running joke that Jessica was aneroxic or bulimic, but they all knew it wasn't true.

"Whatever lard ass." Jessica used the name again, and went back to eating.

"Justin I hear you're having a part-ay after school." Britney asked, emphasizing the tay for laughs.

"Well, I was wondering if ya'll would want to come over after school. Then we could go to the party together." Justin replied.

"Cool with me." Joey agreed quickly.

"I'm in." Christina responded.

"Since Chrissy's my ride I'm in too." Britney replied.

"I'm up for it." JC replied.

"Me too." Lance joined in.

"Nope, I gotta work. But I'll catch ya'll at the party." Chris turned down the offer for his job. He hated to work, but he was glad that he had the work release from school on Tuesday's and Friday's. It got him out at 12:30 instead of the normal 2:30, and he was usual off in time to catch the party or whatever was going on during the night on Friday's.

"What about you Jess?" Justin asked politely.

"Um, yeah sorry, but I don't do parties hosted by lower classmen." Jessica responded rudely, making Justin feel like an idiot.

'"Whatever bitch." Joey responded lightly. "You don't do parties at all, cuz you don't get invited to most of them."

"Excuse me lard ass, I wasn't speaking to you." Jessica barked at him.

"Sorry." Joey faked fear, and went back to eating his double lunch.

"So, you guys are all coming then?" Justin asked anxiously, and he noticed that JC snickered at him again. 'I really have to control myself from getting excited so easily' He made a mental note, and went back to eating his own meal.

"We all be their Just." Britney responded.

"Yep, I'll take Brit and Lance, and you can ride with Joey and Josh." Christina responded.

"How do you know we didn't drive today?" Joey jumped into the conversation.

"Well, let's see, cuz I picked up Britney. And I know Chris brought you to school." Christina reasoned with him.

"Fine, but how do you know that Lance didn't drive his own car?" Joey asked, matter-of-factly.

"Because from the looks of Lance today, it's obvious he didn't spend the night at his own house." Christina caught Lance's blush and giggled. She knew she was right.

"So, who's house did you stay at?" Chris asked, anxious for the details.

"Um, I dropped my car off at my house and went back to uh." coughnick'scough

"You went back to Nick's house?" JC almost spit his food out.

"Yeah, we got drunk and I just chilled their." Lance replied this time with a decent face.

"Is that all you did Scoop?" Britney asked.

"Yes, that is all we did." Lance answered back.

"Alright." Chris laughed knowing that they probably did more then that.

"I'm serious that's all we did. His little brother was up with us the whole night, you can ask him." Lance started to get defensive.

"Ya know none of us see him, he's a freshman." Joey replied.

"He'll be at the party tonight, ask him or Nick." Lance replied.

"Alright, no need to get defensive. So what if you fooled around with Nick. We know how you get when you're drunk, you'll fuck anything that moves." JC laughed at Joey's joke, but tried to muffle it so Lance wouldn't think he was being ganged up on.

"Fine, we made out for a while. But no big deal, I was drunk." Lance laughed, and went back to eating. Justin and Jessica were the only one's silent of the topic. Jessica because she chose not to participate, and Justin because he didn't know any of them well enough to.

"This is the most boringest class ever." Joey moped, as they were brought through the bars and notes for the song they were to sing during their next performance.

"Yeah well, it is boring, but at least you don't have it alone." Chris leaned over, acting like he was still singing.

"And on the other bright side, Joey made it all the way through the class without saying anything until now." Christina teased.

"Oh, what time is it?" Joey asked, not even catching the joke.

"It's 2:20 Joe, we got 10 more minutes." Britney answered after checking her watch.

"I really wish the school would get some decent working clocks in the classrooms. Then maybe I wouldn't have to ask you guys the time." Joey complained.

"At least they got the pipes working before winter this year. Remember last year when they didn't have it up and running until January." JC reminded them all of the years before.

"Man, you guys have it rough. My old school always had working pipes and clocks." Justin jumped in.

"That's cuz you probably went to a private school." JC pointed out.

"Well, yeah, but."

"You went to private school?" Britney questioned in awe.

"Yeah, Justin's pretty well off." JC replied for him.

"And we're going to you're house? Dude, I'm so gonna have fun." Joey joked.

Ring Ring Ring

"And, now, it's time to have fun at that house."  Joey laughed, and rushed out of the room, screaming as he went out. "I'll meet you at your car Josh."

"So, you need to stop at your locker?" JC asked as he turned to Justin.

"Yeah, I wanna put my stuff away." Justin answered.

"Cool, I'll meet you at the car." And JC was gone, leaving Justin to go to his locker on his own.

"And we're waiting on..." Joey trailed off, as he saw Justin walking to the car as quickly as he could. "Never mind."

"Sorry." Justin mumbled an apology, and jumped into JC's car.

"Okay Chrissy, follow me to his house." Christina nodded in agreement with JC and pulled out of the her parking spot following him down the roads.

"I still can't believe you own all this." Joey mumbled as he ate more of the sandwich he had helped himself too.

"I don't, my parents do." Justin smiled, and led them down the stairs into his basement.

All of them stopped in their tracks looking at the pool table, air hockey, dart board, and numerous pin ball game machines. They found themselves directly opposite two large couches and a big screen tv. All of them had seen each of the things in the room, just never all of them in the possession of one family, at least that they knew of.

"Um, aren't you guys gonna make yourselves at home?" Justin asked, breaking them from their trances.

"Yeah guys, it's no big deal." JC smiled and moved into the room farther first. He jumped onto the largest of the couches, and positioned himself so he had perfect viewing ability with the tv, not to mention maximizing the whole couch."Whaddya wanna watch?"

"TRL" Britney screamed, as the tv was flipped onto MTV.

"I hate those guys." Joey muttered as the screen flashed the ending of a video by 98 Degrees. "How the hell are boybands even popular any more. They went out in the 80's." Joey muttered again.

"You just wish you were in one. I think they're cute." Britney responded.

"Me too." JC teased Joey, agreeing with Britney.

"Dude you know how sick it makes me when you talk about guys like that." Joey laughed.

"Nah, it just pisses you off cuz you get outvoted. Ya know you're the only guy in this room that is for sure 100 % straight. We don't know about Justin yet." Britney teased Joey, and looked over for Justin, in a way kinda asking him about his sexuality.

"Uh, I'm, well....


Well, what is Justin going to say? In case you didn't catch it, Justin is gay, I think I made that clear in the beginning of this chapter. But if you didn't catch it, then their ya go. So is Justin going to tell them the truth? Or is he going to keep it a secret until he gets to know them better?

I want to thank everyone that wrote me feedback for this story.

Next: Chapter 3

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