Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Last time on Grand Central High

"I hate those guys." Joey muttered as the screen flashed the ending of a video by 98 Degrees. "How the hell are boybands even popular any more. They went out in the 80's." Joey muttered again.

"You just wish you were in one. I think they're cute." Britney responded.

"Me too." JC teased Joey, agreeing with Britney.

"Dude you know how sick it makes me when you talk about guys like that." Joey laughed.

"Nah, it just pisses you off cuz you get outvoted. Ya know you're the only guy in this room that is for sure 100 % straight. We don't know about Justin yet." Britney teased Joey, and looked over for Justin, in a way kinda asking him about his sexuality.

"Uh, I'm, well....

"Justin, it's cool, ya know we'd be cool with whatever you are. After all, Josh is bi. Lance is something all on his own. So it's not like we'd hold it against you no matter what you are." Britney spoke up, hoping to relieve the tension.

"I'm gay." Justin replied with his head down. He knew that he was going to have to get the trait of being open, but it just didn't come to him naturally. He was by nature a shy person, and he could tell that he was going to get pick on if he didn't change that.

"Well, now I really am left out. Where's Chris when you actually want him?" Joey teased, as he grabbed the remote off of Josh. "Their will be no outnumbering Joey, he is the only real man in this room, therefore he will control the remote." Joey jumped down on the other couch, making room for Lance, Britney and Christina. Justin was left with only one other spot to sit, right next to Josh's head.

Working up enough guts he sat down, his lap only inches away from Josh's head.

"So, how come you just didn't tell me you were gay when we were in the car?" Josh asked looking up towards him.

"I don't know, I just, I don't like to talk about it." Justin replied, once again his shy nature coming back to him.

"Do your parents know?" Christina asked from her seat.

"Uh, my mom and stepdad know. But not my dad and step-mom." Justin replied, not enjoying that the attention was on him.

"You ever had a boyfriend?" Christina asked another question.

"Well, not really." Justin again replied shyly, his head hung low.

"That's cool, catch Lance on a Friday night and he'll teach you a thing or two." Joey laughed until he was hit with a pillow.

"Are you trying to say that I'm a whore Joe?" Lance questioned with a mock version of innocence plastered on his face.

"Um, kinda. You do sleep around with all the guys, and even a few girls. Last night it was Nick, last week it was Howie, the week before it was Mandy..." Joey shut his mouth quickly, regretting what he had said.

"You and Mandy?" Josh almost screamed.

"Uh, yeah, just a one time thing." Lance blushed, it took a lot to embarrass him, but something like dating one from that social group of girls was definetly something for anyone to be embarrassed about.

"And she actually put out?" Britney questioned comically.

"Oh yeah, no sex, but I defintely had fun that night." Lance statted in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"And besides that, I think you've been with everyone in this room except for Joey and Justin." Christina shot at him.

"None of you objected those nights." Lance objected. "In fact I think it was more like, 'Oh Lance, take me, take me.' And as for you Brit, we were both wasted. And Josh, well, that was a different story. You were definetly drunk, I was sober, but hell you didn't complain afterwards." Lance started to laugh at the past, and Justin just sat their, his mood changes a little, but no one noticed as the conversation continued on.

"I didn't object, but I don't think I would have been doing you if I wasn't drunk. Think about, I want to be clean from STD's when I get married." Josh laughed, throwing a pillow at Lance.

"And even though I wanted you that night, doesn't mean it was very good." Christina laughed. "I think you definetly lean towards the guy side of bisexuality." Christina teased, and only Britney laughed.

"I can't object, we were wasted, it was fun." Britney's voice was completely different from the others, and even though Justin still had disappointment written on his face, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm glad I never had sex with the group whore." Joey flipped onto a new channel.

"I've never had sex with him either." Justin boasted all the while laughing at the group.

"No, but by the end of this year, you'll have had sex with some one from this group." Joey boasted to Justin, laughing at Justin's jaw dropping.

"I will not." Justin fought back like a child.

"So, how we doing this tonight? Ya know date wise." Joey dropped the subject, turning towards the party.

"We have to have dates?" Justin asked, he too dropped the subject, more intent on learning that he needed a date for the party.

"Yep, and I guess since I'm a straight male, I'll be taking which one of you lovely ladies?" Joey smiled, facing Britney and Christina.

"You took Brit last, so I guess it's my turn." Christina mocked a frown laughing at Joey.

"And that leaves Chris with you Brit." Joey replied.

"Good, at least my date will be sane for the night. When he gets drunk, he gets normal." Britney laughed.

"I've already got a date, Nick asked me last night." Lance replied. "And Kevin is taking Mandy, Brian's taking Nikki. It's Howie's party, so he ain't got a date. And oh, uh AJ is deciding to be straight tonight, so he's taking some chick he met at a club." Lance smiled, giving out all the information.

"Well then, Justin, how would you like to be my date tonight?" Josh looked up at Justin, waiting for an answer. Justin blushed as Britney and Christina giggled.

"Sure." Justin replied trying to keep his enthusiasm in this time. He did an okay job, but he could tell that it still needed work.

"Alright, then it's all settled. We all have dates." Joey smiled. "Now, remember you're in charge of your date, so make sure if they get drunk you drive, vice-versa." Joey smiled again.

"Since when do you go over the pre-party rules?" Lance asked, offended that some one was butting in on his area. "Like Joe was saying, he's drinking tonight and who ain't?"

"Um, I guess I'm not drinking cuz we all know that Joe can't pass up a drink." Christina moped.

"And I guess I'm not drinking cuz Chris never passes up a drink if he's with Joey." Britney pouted, slapping Joey for no reason.

"I get to drink, cuz, well I'm staying at Howie's with Nick." Lance smiled and stuck out his tongue. "We both can get drink, and don't have to worry." Lance smiled.

"And Justin, you get to drink, cuz for some odd reason, our Josh man doesn't drink more then a beer." Britney teased Josh. Josh just smiled over at her and waved with his middle finger.

"I can't really drink and come home. My mom is pretty quick on that stuff." Jusin replied, not even really caring that he could or could not drink.

"You can stay at my place tonight if you want." Josh offered. "Joey and Chris usually come back too. And Brit and Chrissy usually come to."

"Okay, I'll just leave a note for my mom." Justin knew he was too anxious in that answer. But he caught that none of them laughed at him this time. He figured they were just getting used to his behaviour when it came to being excited.

"Oh, you gotta tell your mommy." Joey almost rolled off the couch laughing.

"Will some one hit him for me?" Justin asked, and watched as Britney slapped him across the back of his head.

"Behave will ya." Christina warned. Joey frowned at the two of them, and then at Justin as he burst out laughing.

"I didn't really think they'd hit you." Joey frowned again, realizing he had been hit when Justin was only joking. "Sorry." Justin apologized through laughing.

"Wait til tonight Curly." Joey smiled as he watched Justin laugh.

"Curly?" Josh asked looking over at him.

"I don't know, the hair I guess." Joey shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, watch yourself kid. Me and Chris are the best at pranks, and I'll get you back."

"I'll protect you." Josh smiled pulling Justin close to him in a hug met for humor. Justin smiled, and stuck his tongue out at Joey.

"Can you really trust him?" Joey laughed, watching Justin pul away quickly. "How do you know he isn't part of the joke I have planned."

"Cuz, you didn't have anything planned until now." Justin replied, realizing that he had reacted to Joey's words too quickly. "I mean, I just got you hit, so you couldn't have been planning on getting back at me for it." Justin replied again, thinking more clearly with his words.

"It doesn't matter you can trust me, at least until our date. I don't hurt my dates, but after that you're free game." Josh teased, and Justin rolled him off the couch.

"Well you're not on the date, so I was allowed to hurt you then." Justin laughed, but before he knew it he was being pulled off the couch on top of Josh.

Umph. Justin landed with a thud falling onto Josh, before being rolled off onto the floor besides him. "What was that for?" Justin asked with mock hurt in his voice and in his eyes. Josh just laughed at him and helped himself up.

"Want a hand?" Josh asked, looking down at Justin. Extending his arm down, he pulled Justin up in one quick motion.

"You're pretty strong for being so thin." Josh smiled at the compliment.

"Yeah, I work out."

"Hmph." Came from across the room in a small voice.

"What was that Joe?" Josh asked, looking at him.

"If you call driving to school, taking classes, and sleeping working out then you're a work-out-a-holic." Joey teased.

"I do more then just that. I party, and yes, for your information Joe I work out. You've been to my house, you've seen my room." Josh spoke matter-of-factly to Joey.

"Sorry, just don't think it's true." Joey teased again.

"I'd like to see your muscles, but all that fat gets in the way." Josh teased back.

"What?" Joey asked, taking offense to the comment.

"Guys, guys, don't start." Britney stopped Joey from continuing with a comment. "You two both tease each other to the limit. And I'm not going to that party, and staying at your house Josh with you two fighting." She warned harshly. "And I'm sure you're dates aren't either." Britney looked at Christina and Justin who bath laughed at Joey and Josh's blushes. It was like they were being scolded by their mother.

"Isn't this a great party?" Josh screamed into Justin's ear as they rounded the house. Josh had a coke in his hand, and Justin was holding a beer.

"Yeah." Justin half lied, half told the truth. It wasn't that the party was boring, it's just that he didn't know anyone besides his friends, and they had all last track of each other since the party started.

"You don't look like you're having fun." Josh stopped against the railing of the stairs. "You wanna go upstairs and watch some tv or something in one of the bedrooms."

Justin didn't know what to answer. He knew he was Josh's date, and something told him that he was suppose to act like one, not just be a fake one. But he didn't know if going up into the bedroom would be the best idea. At the same time, he would have died for the chance to be alone with Josh.

"Sure." Justin nodded in agreement, knowing that he didn't come off anxious, because he had thought about it so long, that he probably came off skeptical.

Josh led the way up the room. And Justin watched as he checked every room, making sure not to open any door to far. By the time they made it to the end of the hall, their was only one room left that wasn't full. Josh turned the knob, and pushed it open slightly, and seeing that no one was inside, he flipped on the lights, and walked in. Justin followed, and Josh pushed the door shut behind him.

Before Justin knew it, Josh was on the bed with the remote. He laughed, it seemed that Josh always made himself comfortable wherever he was.

"So, how come you didn't tell me you were gay in the car yesterday?" Josh turned down the tv, and faced Justin.

"I don't know, I just didn't really know if I felt comfortable telling ya'll. But then today, I kinda lost the choice." Justin replied.

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable around us, especially me." Josh smiled, and moved up to sit next to Justin. Justin was caught off guard at how close Josh was getting as he continued to talk." Cuz, I'm cool with you being gay and all, actually I'm really glad." Josh moved in, until Justin could feel their eyelashes fighting to get away from each other.

Justin didn't completely understanding what was going on, but before he knew it, Josh was kissing him, pulling him close. And before he realized it, he was wrapping his arms around Josh's back holding on for support, while he and Josh swappped their tongues back and forth in each other's mouth.

"mmmph." Justin half whimpered, half moaned as Josh pulled away from him.

"I take that as you aren't pissed that I kissed you." Josh started to laugh, as Justin opened his eyes with a pleading look on his face.

"I'm um, uh," Justin was shut up, by another kiss from Josh, pulling him tight again, and laying him down on the bed. Justin was in heaven as Josh rubbed his chest up and down under his shirt, stopping to rub over his nipples and stomach. But once again this kiss was cut short again, as Josh pulled back for a second time. Sitting up, he straightened out his clothes. Justin opened his eyes again, the same pleading look in his eyes.

"Sorry, but these bedrooms aren't exactly the place I want to be doing this. I don't you to think that you're just my party whore." Josh replied, kissing him on the cheek. "Let's go downstairs." Justin smiled back, but the pleading look remained on his face.

Once downstairs, Justin caught sight of Britney and pulled Josh along to go to the keg in the middle of the living room. That's where Britney stood watching over Chris as he poured another glass, basically missing the whole thing and spilling on himself. Christina was bent over rubbing Joey's back as he barfed in a trash can.

"Where were you two?" Britney asked with a sly smile.

"Upstairs, we got bored of the party." Josh answered in response quickly. "What about Lance?"

"He's off in some bedroom with Nick, or at least, Nick was who he was with last time I checked." Christina giggled.

"So, does that mean he's staying over here for the night?" Josh asked.

"Yep, he stopped me earlier, and he said he wouldn't need a ride back to your place." Britney replied to Josh, turning back to look at Chris who definetly looked like he pissed himself.

"Well, then maybe we could get out of here. It's already 1, and Chris is a mess, Joey's sick, and I don't know about you guys, but this isn't the best party I've ever gone too." Josh looked at Britney and Christina who both shook their heads.

"I'll get Joey, you get Chris?" Josh asked, looking at Justin.

"Sure." Justin nodded, not really having a choice.

"How long you think they've been asleep?" Britney asked, peeking through the crack of the door.

"I don't know, it looks like they've been cuddled up forever." Christina giggled, looking at her long time friend Josh and her new friend Justin. "They look so cute together. Ya think they're dating, or do you think they just fell asleep like that?"

"You tell me, why would they have been cuddled like that before they fell asleep if something wasn't going on between the two of them." Britney asked sarcastically. "It's just a good thing Tyler and Heather aren't home."

"Yeah, I know, Tyler's always been an ass to Josh's boyfriends." Christina scowled. "Remember that time he beat the one junior up that dating Josh. And geez that was last year, and Tyler was a freshman."

"He is pretty tough, Justin's gonna have his hands full with Tyler." Britney frowned. "Justin isn't a big kid, and Tyler's bound to find out, especially since he's sleeping in Josh's arms in their house."

"But I have a feeling that Josh won't let Tyler beat up Justin. And if Justin gets lucky, Heather won't be her bitchy self, and Justin can actually get her on his side. If he plays his cards right, he could even end up having Tyler on his side." Christina responded, but the look she got from Britney told her other wise. "I know, I know, it's far fetched."

"Huh?" Christina and Britney both froze, they could distinctly hear that Josh had woken from his sleep, sliding his arm out from around Justin and looking around with half opened eyes. "Who's there?"

"It's just us." Britney responded by walking into the room, Christina followed. "Chris and Joey finally fell asleep, so we came looking for the two of you."

"Oh, yeah, uh, about this." Josh looked down, not sure how to explain what they were looking at.

"You guys are dating aren't you? Josh tell me you aren't just sleeping with him." Britney asked, looking at him for a straight answer.

"We are, I think. I don't know, I never really asked him out, I just kinda kissed him."


So, how are Britney and Christina going to react to the truth? Will the like that Josh just kissed Justin without asking him out, or will they wait and hear him out? I'm not sure yet, you'll find out next chapter.

Next: Chapter 4

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