Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 15, 2001


Last time on Grand Central High

"Huh?" Christina and Britney both froze, they could distinctly hear that

Josh had woken from his sleep, sliding his arm out from around Justin

and looking around with half opened eyes. "Who's there?"

"It's just us." Britney responded by walking into the room, Christina

followed. "Chris and Joey finally fell asleep, so we came looking for

the two of you."

"Oh, yeah, uh, about this." Josh looked down, not sure how to explain

what they were looking at.

"You guys are dating aren't you? Josh tell me you aren't just sleeping

with him." Britney asked, looking at him for a straight answer.

"We are, I think. I don't know, I never really asked him out, I just

kinda kissed him."

"I hope you two are going out then. If he kissed you back then you are." Britney responded to Josh, noticing his embarrassed look.

"He did, trust me he did. We went back downstairs cuz I told him I didn't want to make him feel like a whore. I mean, we went into a bedroom, and I basically jumped him on the bed. I was surprised he didn't get upset." Josh blushed, he never really did like to talk about anything sexual with anyone. Well, when it came down to be serious that is. He enjoyed the jokes, and the teases, even when they were directed at him they were funny.

"Well, we'll let you two get some sleep. We should really check on Joey and Chris anyway. Just be careful, you don't want Tyler or Heather to find you like that." Christina smiled, and winked at him.

"I can handle my family. I think Tyler will like Justin." Josh looked up at them, hoping that they would agree.

"Me too." Britney lied, but kept a straight face to make it convincing. They slid the door shut, watching as Josh slid his arms around Justin, pulling him close.

"They look like they've been together forever." Christina cooed, before walking back towards the living room where the girls, and Joey and Chris were sleeping for the night. Usually Josh would sleep with them, but they could tell he wasn't going to wake up Justin and move him out their.

"You in the mood, to, ya know." Nick giggled, shaking Lance.

"Yeah, but no sex, just suck my dick." Lance responded, annoyed with Nick's silly attitude.

"Fine mister cranky." Nick didn't object though, and he went down on Lance like he had requested.

"I hate getting up in the morning." Joey rubbed his head as he sat down at the Chasez kitchen table. Chris sat next to him, and he was shocked to see that Lance sat next to Chris. Justin, Josh, and Britney sat on the other side. Christina and Mrs. Chasez at opposite ends. "Um, when you get here Scoop?"

"I got here hours ago dude, it is 10 in the morning." Lance snickered. Out of the whole group, Lance was the biggest party animal. Surprisingly, it never affected him though the next day. No sick stomach, no hang overs. Just same old, pleasant, know it all Lance.

"Oh, how come?" Joey asked, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Well, I got bored at Nicky's." Lance replied.

"That reminds me, you all went to that party last night. How was it?" Mrs. Chasez spoke a little loudly, causing Joey and Chris to grab their temples. She smiled and giggled, knowing that it worked all the time. "I'm glad you boys are at least smart enough to take people like Britney and Christina to make sure you don't drive home." She laughed at them.

"Yeah, it was fun though mom. And so you know, I didn't drink, I've told you a thousand times, I don't like alcohol that much." Josh replied to his mother, hating that she never included him as one of the responsible ones.

"As long as you all got back carefully, I don't care who was drinking." Joey and Chris both gave her wide smiles. She was the coolest of all their parents. She never cared if they drank, because she knew they would always end up safely back at her house.

"You're the coolest. Mrs. Chazay." Chris said the name wrong, his own little nickname.

"Thank you Christopher." She spoke the name loudly, to drive Chris insane.

"When's Heather and Tyler coming home?" Josh asked changing the subject.

"They went to a party last night too, but I don't know where they ended up staying. I told them to stay together, and Tyler promised me he wouldn't leave your sister some where."

"You let them have the car?" Josh asked a little surpised.

"I had to, I wasn't going to take them and pick them up. Tyler's 16, and your sister is responsible." Justin noticed how she didn't say Tyler was 16 and responsible, only that he was 16 and his sister was responsible. He giggled at it, before continuing to eat his cereal.

"You never let me have the car when I went to parties back then." Josh was about to start a fight.

"Calm down Joshua, like I said I had to."

"Fine." Josh replied like a child, going back to eating.

"I've got to get going everyone. It was nice to see you all. Justin it was nice to meet you." She smiled at Justin and walked out of the door.

"Your mom is nice." Justin said as soon as he heard the front door click shut.

"Yeah." Josh replied with little care in it.

"What?" Justin asked, upset that Josh hadn't really cared what he had to say.

"Think what you want, she can be nice some times." Josh responded, his same monotone voice.

"So, what's every one doing today?" Britney changed the subject quickly.

"Let's go some where." Chris suggested, getting looks of disgust.

"No shit sherlock, I mean where?" Britney through a piece of bread at him, which Chris caught and stuck in his mouth.

"Um, how about the movies? I heard that new movie Save the Last Dance was suppose to be pretty good." Christina suggested.

"I'm in." Josh replied.

"Me too." Joey replied afterwards.

"I guess I'm up for it." Chris replied.

"If you're going, I'm going too." Lance joined in.

"I've wanted to see that since it came out." Britney responded, getting a dumbfounded look from Christina.

"It just came out yesterday." Christina giggled at Britney.

"I know, and I've wanted to see it since." Britney laughed.

"I'm in." Justin was the last to respond, but he knew it would be fun.

"Great then. We'll all go home, and then meet at the movie theatre?" Britney questioned with hope.

"Yep." Josh replied. "How's everyone getting home?"

"I'm taking them all." Christina responded.

"You don't have to, Joey lives closer to me. I can take him home." Lance responded.

"That's cool then, I'll just take Brit, Chris and Justin then." Christina smiled.

"I can take Justin, it's out of your way Chrissy, and it's way out of Lance's way. It's only a few minutes down the street. I'll do it." Josh responded, smiling at Justin.

"Cool, then I get it easy. I'll just drop Brit and Chris off at Brit's house, and Chris can walk over to his street." Christina teased as she stood from the table. "See every body later." And with in a minute Justin and Josh were the last ones left at the table.

"So, we could just chill here. Then I could take you over to get some clothes to change into." Josh repsonded, with a sly smile on his face.

"Sounds fine to me, I need to grab some cash when we're at my house too." Justin responded.

"No you don't, I got it covered." Josh replied nonchalantly, clearing the table of the plates.

"You don't have to." Justin stood to help.

"Yeah I do, I'm your boyfriend. And I want to." Josh replied, continuing to clear away the dishes until they were all piled into the dishwasher.

"You're my boyfriend?" Justin asked with a hopeful impression on his face.

"I was hoping I was. I mean, I know I never really asked you out, but I thought the kiss implied it." Josh teased him.

"It did." Justin responded happily. "Now, how about we find something to do." Justin looked around Josh's house.

"Let's go to my room, we can watch tv." Josh suggested, and he knew that Justin knew he wanted to do more then watch tv. Leading the way, Justin followed as Josh entered his own bedroom.

"Wanna watch tv, or make out?" Josh asked quickly, causing himself to laugh.

"Um, I don't know. The second option sounded pretty good. I'll call up Lance, see if he wants to." Justin teased, before he was pulled down onto Josh's bed.

"I don't think so. I'm not interested in playas." Josh giggled, before applying kisses to Justin's cheeks. "I'm only interested in you, if you're faithful." A few more quick kisses silenced the both of them. As the kisses led from the cheek to the lips, and soon from just kisses to full blown making out.

Which is why it came to the surprise to both of them, when they heard a loud yell.

"OHMYGOD!" Josh jumped back from Justin, looking up to see his sister standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like sis?" Josh laughed, but he noticed that Justin was uncomfortable in the situation and he quickly cleared his throat. "Heather, this is my boyfriend Justin, Justin, this is my sister Heather. You'll get use to her screaming like that. And Heather you'll get use to me kissing Justin like that."

"Um, hi." Heather approached the bed. Soon the room was not only filled with her though, but also Heather and Josh's brother Tyler.

"I heard you yelling, what happened?" Tyler rushed in, looking around the room. "Hey, I know you. You're in my gym class."

"Yeah, I'm Justin." Justin extended his hand, and he felt it twinge with pain as Tyler shook back.

"I'm Tyler, Josh's brother."

"I kinda figured." Justin laughed.

"So, why'd you scream?" Tyler asked curiously, looking at her sister, then her brother, and then Justin.

"Um, I kinda walked in on them making out." Heather replied, over it now.

"Oh, so you're Josh's new boyfriend. It's been a while since Josh has dated any one younger then him." Justin didn't sense any real threat in Tyler's words, but he could sense some sort of hate in them.

"Tyler, you wanna get lost?" Josh asked, looking at him seriously.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go Heather, Josh wants some alone time." Heather followed her brother out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"That went pretty well. I mean, he didn't hit you or anything." Josh laughed now that they were alone.

"What do you mean?" Justin asked a little confused by the statement.

"It's just that Tyler doens't like me dating. Not so much that it's guys, he just doesn't think I ever make the right decisions, so he usual hates my boyfriends. He was some what cold towardsyou, but not as bad as he usual is." Josh replied.

"He sure squeezed my hand hard." Justin replied jokingly.

"Well, he's pretty tough. But if he picks on you, I can handle him." Josh smiled.


"Now um, didn't we come in here to do something else besides talk?" Josh made a mischevious smiles, and pushed Justin backwards. Quickly the two were making out again, Josh's hands roaming Justin's body.

"Josh, I, oh." Justin could only moan, as Josh slowly worked on his nipples with his fingers, squeezing them gently, extracting every moan he could from his boyfriend.

"You wanna stop, or..." Josh trailed off, as he unzipped Justin's pants with one finger easily. He looked up quickly, but with Justin's eyes shut he got the idea that it was okay to continue his path. Slowly he helped Justin slide of the pants, leaving him only a pair of boxer briefs. "I like you in these." Justin blushed, as Josh played with the strap of the underwear. "Tell me if you want to stop." Josh slid down the underwear, and Justin's erect cock came bouncing out. Josh looked at it and smiled, and slowly traced his pointer finger up the shaft of it. He could feel Justin shutter at the contact, causing himself to almost giggle at the response he drew.

Without warning he wrapped his hand around it, and slowly started to stroke it. Justin shuttered again, and Josh slowly started to quicken the pace, his hand flying up and down it, as his other hand rubbed Justin's ball.

"Oh, oh...." Justin slowly started to moan, and Josh just smiled. "I'm gonna, gonna..." And that was it, Justin didn't have a chance to even finish his sentence, as the cum came flying out. Justin's body shuttered with the orgasm, and he lay still in the bed relaxing from it. Josh stood.

"I'll be back." He turned and walked out of the room towards the bathroom. Meanwhile Justin slid his boxers back up, but discarded his pants which weren't even around his ankles anymore. "Back." Josh replied as he walked back in, seeing Justin in his boxer briefs still made him smile. "Man, you need to learn how to keep up." He teased, plopping down on the bed next to him.

"I've never felt that good before." Justin replied in a hoarsed voice.

"Trust me, I can do things better then that. Much better." Josh smiled.

"Have you, ya know, ever had sex?" Justin asked childishly.

"Yeah." Josh replied easily without thinking.

"With who?" Justin asked, again in a child like voice.

"Um, there was a girl in 9th grade, and this guy last year." Josh replied.


"What about you? How far ya gone?" Josh asked, changing the subject away from him.

"Right now, that was as far as I've ever gone. And it's only been with you." Justin replied, his child like voice seeming to be an ever constant at the moment.

"That's cool, I'll be your boyfriend and your teacher." Josh smiled.

"Thanks." Justin gained his normal voice back. "Now, be a nice boyfriend and pick up my pants." Justin giggled as Josh did as he was asked.

"Here, we should probably be going anyways." Josh replied as he threw Justin's jeans at him.

"All done." Justin jumped off the bed. "Let's go." Josh followed him out, and they left heading towards Justin's house.


Okay, first off an apology.I want to apologize for a week long absense. I had some things going on, and my computer got a virus. I'm sorry I couldn't write sooner, but I'm just glad that I was able to get this one out now. I know it isn't very long, but like I said I've had some things to do.

I also want to let anyone know who was reading my story Reaching Out. For some odd reason it has been moved to the bisexual celebrity section. I'm not sure why, but it was. So if you want to check it out, it's updated too.

This chapter didn't cover much. Justin and Josh did their first sexual experience together. Justin met Tyler. But it wasn't a real meeting, that will come on later. The next chapter will be out in two or three days.

Next: Chapter 5

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