Grand Central High

By Adam Irwin

Published on Jan 20, 2001


Last time on Grand Central High

"Whoa, Josh, how'd you manage to bag yourself a rich kid?" Pink

exclaimed upon entering the basement, and looking at everything the

group had found so intriguing the first time they had been in the house


"I'm lucky. But, it ain't the cash, it's the kid I'm into." Justin

blushed, as he made his way to the couch. He sat down and flipped on the

tv. He made room for Josh, who pushed him down instead of sitting next

to him. "I want the armrest." Josh informed him, and smiled. Justin

moved down some, and was surprised to see that Josh was patting his lap.

Justin smiled, and laid his head down on Josh's lap. He made it that his

feet were resting on the other arm rest, so that he was in a very

comfortable situation.

"Thanks." Justin smiled up.

"Any time." Josh smiled back down.

"Does some one wanna go and get a video?" Christina asked as they were all seated in the room now. Nick had arrived, and they were all settled in watching tv, but they all agreed that television shows were becoming boring. It was time for them to do something different.

"Um, me and Lance could go." Nick offered, grabbing his car keys out of his pocket. He looked down at Lance, who didn't even bother to look up.

"Why don't you just go Nick, I don't really feel like it." Lance looked up briefly sensing that Nick's eyes were on him. Nick looked disappointed, but smiled quickly to hide it.

"I'll go with you Nick." Britney offered, and soon the two were out of the basement. lance took the oppurtunity to take Britney's seat, although he soon realized that it wasn't a comfortable one. He couldn't move much if he didn't want to get in trouble for waking Justin and Josh who had fallen asleep.

"Don't they look cute?" Christina cooed, looking at them. They were in awkward position, but they could all sense that the two were comfortable. Justin was some what on top of Josh, his head in the nook of Josh's shoulder. Josh had his arm around Justin holding him tightly to him, with his own head laying limp against the wall.

"Yeah, I think Josh actually found a keeper for once." Pink added sincerely.

"Was that an Alicia moment shining through Pink?" Chris teased, to which he recieved a pillow to his face.

"I told you not to call me by my real name." Pink warned him with a vicious look. To which she was surprised that she recieved a pillow thrown back at her, and soon the members of the room that were awake were being smothered with pillows from all sides. In the process, Josh was smacked in the face with one by Joey, and the room stopped as Josh shot up, in the process almost throwing Justin off the couch.

"Who the fuck did that?" Josh asked harshly, as he rubbed his face.

"Uh, sorry Josh. We were fooling around, didn't mean to hit ya." Joey replied with embarrassment. In the meanwhile Justin pulled himself into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes.

"I hate you." Justin threw a pillow at Joey. "Why did you have to wake me?" Justin was obviously cranky.

"Ah, poor Justin." Chris teased, to which he got a disgusted look from Justin, and an angered look from Josh.

"Come here baby." Josh smiled and laid down, making it so that Justin could lay down next to him on the couch, and he could hold him.

"Thanks." Justin kissed him on the cheek, before laying down comfortably. "See, all I wanna do is relax with my boyfriend, and you all have to be asses and wake me up." Justin complained.

"At least you got a boyfriend, so shut up." Pink teased.

"Hey, stop picking on him." Josh teased back, kissing Justin on the forehead. It was beyond the point though, Josh could tell Justin was a heavy sleeper, because it was evident that he was already slipping back into sleep quite easily. "Um, maybe I missed something, but what happened to Britt and Nick?"

"They went to pick up a movie." Lance replied, flipping through the channels.

"Oh, how come you didn't go with him?" Josh asked, having missed out on it, he wanted to be filled in.

"No reason, just didn't feel like it. He's really clingy, he wants a relationship...I don't." Lance paused after stating Nick's point, and when the group gave him a look, he clarified that a relationship was not what he was looking for. It wasn't surprising to them, after all he had been with numerous people, in week's period.

"Don't you think you should stop fooling around with him then? I mean, you invite him to your friends house to spend the night. And I know you've fucked him already, you're leading him on Lance." Josh and Lance always got into this arguement, ever since the incident where they fooled around. Josh was a romantic person, into the whole love thing, and Lance was into the pleasure, the quick fix for sex.

"Nah, he knows it's just the sex. And yes, I have fucked him. But I let him fuck me some times too." Lance made it a point to make it clear that he had not been the only one with the pleasing.

"Some times, or once?" Josh asked back aggressively.

"What's your problem Josh? Calm the fuck down. He's not even your friend, so why would you care if he gets hurt?" Lance retaliated with words just as harsh.

"You're allowed to be pissed if you want." Britney stated as Nick and her drove into the entrance of Justin's plan. Up until that point that hadn't even really talked about anything.

"What do you mean?" Nick questioned.

"Well, I mean about Lance. I know he likes you, I can't see it. It's just Lance is a flirt, and a cheater. He doesn't know how to keep relationships." Britney explained herself.

"More like he doesn't know how to start them. I really like Lance, I've never been with a guy before until Lance. I mean, I knew I liked them, god did I know that. And Lance was always some one I looked at in an attractive light, but he's not what I thought he would be. He's great in bed, he's great at pleasing me, but after that, well there isn't anything after that." Nick explained himself to her, a frustrated look in his eyes, and evident in his voice as they pulled into Justin's driveway.

"I'll talk to him for you Nick. He's a great guy, he really is, he just needs to know that you want more." Britney explained, grabbing the bag with the videos they had rented and walked back to the house. Britney opened the door, and Nick followed her in.

"Hey guys." Britney hollered as she walked in, but her voice was barely over heard as Josh and Lance continued to fight. Upon looking up though, they both cancelled their arguement as Nick, the topic of it entered the room.

"What were you two fighting about?" Nick asked as he walked over to Lance. Lance smiled, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Nothing." Lance's answer was short and pointless, because Nick knew they had been fighting. And he wondered why he had even kissed him, because Nick knew that Lance never kissed him affectionately, only passionately during the sex.

"So, who wants to watch what? We got Scream the original, and Scary Movie." Britney decided a change of topic would be good.

"Well, I saw a funny movie earlier today, so I'm requesting Scream." Pink voted first.

"Scream." Nick replied, to which Britney knew would be his answer, because he had chosen that video in the store.

"Scream." Lance agreed with him.

Justin who had been awoken by everyone, and who had his cranky face on just shrugged his shoulders and leaned into Josh again.

"Scream." Christina smiled.

"Why did you vote for Scream Chrissy?" Joey asked with a smile.

"Cuz I like to be scared." She replied.

"Well, I'm voting for it cuz I like to scare you afterwards." Joey replied back.

"Me too, I could go for some girl scaring later on." Chris agreed.

"Even though I was going to say Scare Movie, it really doesn't matter, because I'd be the only one to vote for it. So I guess we are watching Scream." Britney shrugged and popped in the video. Before sitting down she switched off the lights.

"One warning, I'm not getting in trouble cuz ya'll scream. So don't be too loud." Justin warned, his body basically shutting down for sleep. "Oh, and also, I don't like scary movies, so try not to wake me up." Justin smiled, and shut his eyes. He felt Josh tighten his grip around him, and relaxed into sleep.

"This movie sucks, I've seen it a million times, and it never seems to scare me." Britney claimed as the credits came to an end. By the time the movie was even half way over, she had noticed that the room had emptied quickly. Nick and Lance had went off to fool around under the pool table on the other side of the basement. Justin and Josh were asleep still on the couch. Pink was dozing in and out of sleep, her head on Joey's lap on the floor. And Britney was the only one up, besides Christina and Chris.

"I know, I know, but hey, it's always fun to watch." Christina replied.

"Wanna scare some body?" Chris suggested looking around the room. He noticed that from the lack of movement on the opposite side of the room, that Lance and Nick were asleep too.

"Who?" Britney was all for the idea, because she was usually the one to get scared. So she was always happy to be on the giving end of it.

"Well, let's see. Pink is tougher then any one in this room, so I don't think she'll be flipping out if we scare her. Joey is tough too, so he doesn't get scared. Lance and Nick aren't going to be scared, they both aren't afraid of the situations. Josh is always one of the scarers, and he doesn't get afraid when we use to sneak out in the dark. So..." Chris trailed off, leaving only one person.

"So what? We scare Justin?" Britney asked to verify the conclusion.

"Yep." Chris replied with a smirk.

"But how?" Christina asked, pointing to the sleeping figure. "If we scare him we have to scare Josh too, and I don't feel like waking them up again."

"Fine, we just won't scare anyone then." Christina hated that Chris and Britney weren't pleased with her, but she wasn't in the mood to wake the couple up a third time that night.

"So, then what do we do?" Chris asked, changing the subject away from the topic.

"Let's see, we could discuss the couples since they're asleep." Britney suggested.

"Nah, I'm tired and I don't want to be talking about them right in front of them. Even if they are asleep." Christina turned it down. Without words, the three were cuddled up close to each other on the floor under one cover, letting sleep take them over.

"Who wants what for breakfast?" Justin's mother poked her head into the basement only to find that everyone was still asleep. However at her words, she notices that Pink and Joey begin to stir.

"Goodmorning." Pink looks up at Justin's mother.

"Goodmorning honey. Sorry to wake you two up, I'll come back later." And she was gone, but Joey and Pink knew that they were up for good.

"Should we wake up everyone?" Joey asked with a michevious smile.

"You know we shouldn't. But what the hell." Joey took off to wake up Lance and Nick. While Pink woke up the three on the floor, and the loving couple on the couch.

"Get away from me." Justin pushed Pink away, an annoyed look on his face.

"Dude calm down." Pink smiled down on him, smiling.

"Get." Justin pushed her back again, but he felt Josh wrap him into a hug. "Don't." Justin pulled out of his hands.

"Some one woke up on the wrong side of the couch." Joey laughed as he stretched next to the couch.

"I just don't like waking up until I eat breakfast." Justin shot back, standing up from the couch.

"But you were nice and gentle the morning we woke up together." Josh contradicted Justin.

"That's cuz I was happy to finally be with you. Now it's normal, so I'm grouchy." Justin answered with the same annoyed voice. "Leave me alone." Justin moped, turning. "I'm getting breakfast, all ya'll come up when you want to."

"Isn't it great that you have a grouchy morning boyfriend?" Pink teased Josh. Josh just smiled at her and slipped back on his pants over the boxers he had fallen asleep in.

"My boyfriend isn't always grouchy, so I'm happy." Josh followed the path Justin had taken up the steps, with everyone else in tow.

"Good morning everyone." Mrs. Harless smiled as they all took seats in Justin's kitchen and dining room. "How did you all sleep?"

"Pretty good." Josh answered for everyone.

"How was Justin when he woke up?" Mrs. Harless asked, getting a quick look from Justin warning her to stop.

"Grouchy." Josh shook his head indicating that it didn't even seem to bother him.

"You'll get used to that." Mrs. Harless replied. "If Justin doesn't have his cereal he's a real pain in the ass."

"Mom!" Justin almost spit out his cereal as his mother openly discussed his habits.

"Justin, their is no need to get upset at me. It's the truth." Everyone in the room began to laugh. "Well, I've got to run to the store. Justin, your father is going to be home soon. You should probably have your friends out by then." Justin's mother kissed him good bye on the cheek and walked out of the door.

"That means you guys have about an hour." Justin replied, biting down on another spoonful of cereal. Josh took a seat next to him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"You in a better mood now?" Josh asked with a sweet smile.

"Mmhm." Justin replied, with a moutful of cereal in his mouth.

"I'm gonna get going." Nick smiled. "Thanks for having me Justin." Nick turned to walk out and then stopped. "Um, I guess I should take some people home, since I know that Josh's car won't fit ya'll."

"I'll catch a ride with you." Lance grabbed his jacket.

"Me too." Britney replied in unison.

"I should go too, I need to be home to babysit." Christina replied.

"Thanks for having us Justin." Britney replied for the four of them as they walked out the door.

"Great, so now I gotta take home Pink, Joe, and Chris. I get the fun group." Josh smiled sarcastically, getting groans of annoyance from Joey and Chris. "I think we should go though too. I gotta work today."

"You didn't tell me you had a job." Justin looked up surprisngly.

"Yeah, I work over at Burger King." Josh replied, not looking at Justin.

"Cool, do I get a discount for being your boyfriend?" Justin asked amusingly.

"No, now I gotta go." Josh smiled down at the disappointed look on Justin's face. He took a quick chance to peck Justin good bye, and Justin was left alone in the house.


The next chapter is going to start on the Monday after this Sunday. It will be a situation in school, that could offend some. I'm sorry if it does, but this is a warning so you know before you read it. I think it will turn out to be a good chapter though, but the content is a serious one.

See ya next time.

Next: Chapter 7

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