Grand Finale

By Jessica Taylor

Published on Dec 20, 2000


Author's Notes-- Hi people, It's Jess with a little side project that I started. It's a joint Backstreet/N Sync little diddy, and who knows how long it's gonna take me to finish... that is if you want me to finish it. As my friend Lis says, "It was a plot bunny that bit me in the butt, and I just had to write it." This is probably gonna come out whenever my ideas for Pieces come out dry... or when I just get the inspiration to send a chapter of it. This isn't my main focus, just somethign for me to do while ideas for Pieces get organized and planned out in my head.

Disclaimer-- Yeah yeah. I would hope you people know this by now, sheesh. But I'm gonna say it one time, and one time only. NO I DON'T know the Backstreet BOys or N Sync, but if I did I would probably have to lock myself up in a mental institution since they are so insane. And NOOOO this story doesn't reflect on their actual sexual (say that three times fast "that that that" hehe) orientation. Oh and if you're under 18 you really shouldn't be here... ...And the characters of Taylor Mackenzie, Mike and Tom belong to me.

And now presenting, for your amusemnt, another production from Jess' little nuthouse she calls her mind...

The Grand Finale aka Goddamn It (We hate this shit)


"...In other news the tour dates for the Backstreet/*N SYNC joint tour were announced. One month ago it was announced on MTV's 'Total Request Live' that both groups actually harbored no animosity towards each other at all and were going to bow out of the spotlight by having one final combined tour for all of their fans. No real reason was given for their sudden want to get out of the limelight with this concert tour, but many suspect that the groups have become tired of the industry and the demanding life of a music artist, wanting a more peaceful life.

The tour will of course start and end in their 'home state' of Florida, with large venues and about a five month stint of tour dates stuck in-between. Tickets will go on sale Saturday morning, and it is projected that this will be the all time hottest ticket to get your hands on..."

From Backstreet.Net: 'The End of An Era' >From the Orlando Sentinel --Thanks to

"The 'Grand Finale' concert tour for both the Backstreet Boys and their-rivals-no-more *N SYNC went on sale yesterday. Unsurprisingly, the tickets were sold out within an hour, and the few that were able to get tickets to see the final concert from their favorite groups are dancing in their rooms with glee.

"The tour will take the fab 'ten' all across the United States, playing large venues and their sugar hits for about five months, hitting of course states like Florida, New York, Kentucky, California, and Ontario, Quebec and Montreal in Canada.

"No official reason has been give for their sudden want of a departure from the music scene, and speculation runs high as to their actual reasons for leaving. But with no word from the Boys or *N SYNC, it's anyone's guess.

"Expect this bow out concert tour to be talked about by tennies for a long time to come."

Chapter One

"Damn Everson Construction and stupid web page graphics." I muttered to myself as I went back to correct another code of HTML for the web page for 'Everson Construction', which just happened to be one of the biggest construction firms in California. I had been having problems with my HTML tags for the whole day today, and my day was getting darker by the minute.

The name's Taylor Mackenzie, and right now my brown hair is dyed a rather bright red. I have bright blue eyes, and what I guess you could call a nice figure, but I personally think that my butt's a little too big. But according to Mike it's just right. Like any woman really trusts what a guy says about their body. Yeah right.

I work for one of the biggest web page designers in Cali, or actually the world, since it's nestled right in Silicon Valley. I was one of the top web graphics designers at UC Berkley and I immediately went to work. I've been doing this for about three years, but every so often I have a day where HTML just does NOT want to cooperate, and today just happens to be one of those days.

"Knock knock." A voice said as I also heard the knock on my open office door.

"What'd ya want Mike?" I asked the tall guy with very short sandy blonde hair that was standing at my door.

"Tom wants ta see ya. Something about a new assignment he thinks you're gonna be perfect for." Tom was our boss.

"Now?" 'Please say now, please say now.' I thought. I really wanted an excuse to get away from this assignment for the moment.

"Yes now." Mike said condescendingly as he laughed slightly.

"Shut up asswipe." I said. Me and Mike are very good friends. We even tried dating for a while before we decided to break it off, realizing that it just wouldn't work.

"Just go see him." Mike said as he shook his head and left my doorway.

I saved my work, which really wasn't much, and shut off the power to my screen. I closed the door to my office and went down the hall to Tom's office. I knocked on his open door. "Ya wanted to see me?" I asked.

Tom looked up from his computer and smiled. "Yes I did." He said as he stood up and sat on the corner of his desk. "Come on in Tay. Close the door too."

"Okay." I said as I did exactly what he asked.

"You've heard about the Backstreet Boys and *N SYNC 'Grand Finale' tour right?" he asked me.

"Of course. You are one of the few people that know I'm a closet boy band fan. I tried to get tickets for it, but they were sold out in minutes."

Tom laughed. "Yes I do." He said as he suppressed his laughter. 'Where was he going with this?' I thought.

"Well what if I told you that I can get you to see the WHOLE TOUR? Not just a concert?" Tom asked.

"Honestly Tom? I'd say 'You're shittin' me'." Even though Tom was my boss, I was pretty friendly with the guy, so I didn't have to worry about 'being proper in front of the boss' if you know what I mean.

"Well I'm not." Tom laughed. He loved my up-front attitude.

"Yes you are." I said.

"No I'm not. The tour needs a new web-page designer and they asked our company to do it. I thought who better than our resident closet case." Tom said as he continued to smile at me.

"Oh my GOD!" I said. I actually went up and hugged him. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome...As soon as I can breath again." Tom wheezed out. I guess I was hugging him a little too tightly.

"Oh sorry about that." I said as I smiled and let go of him.

Tom continued to smile as he turned around and handed me a package that was on his desk. "Here is some of the preliminary info for the tour. There's also part of an agreement you have to sign. You leave in three days for Fort Lauderdale, where the guys are practicing for the tour." He told me.

"Um... what's gonna happen for my work on Everson?" I asked.

"I'll get Mike to finish it. He's got nothing better to do."

"Thank you Tom!" I smiled to him and I even gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome pretty lady." Tom smiled. "Now go." He said as he shooed me out of his office.

"I'm gone." I said as I opened his door and left his office.

As I was going back to my own, I passed by Mike's office, and he ran out of his office to meet me in the hall. "So?"

"So what?" I asked Mike, playing innocent.

"What'd Tom want?"

"Oh he just gave me a new assignment." I said dismissively.

"And what about the old one?" Mike asked.

"I think Tom said he was gonna give it to you."

"And the new one?"

"The Grand Finale Tour."

"Isn't that that Backdoor and N Stick tour you tried to get tickets to last weekend?" Mike asked with glee in his eyes. He always loved to make fun of the fact that I liked boy bands.

"That's Backstreet and *N SYNC and yes, that concert tour." I said as I slapped him playfully on the arm.

"So when do you leave? What're you gonna do?" he asked me as he sat down in a chair.

"I leave in three days for Fort Lauderdale, and as to what I'm gonna do, I'm probably gonna just do a web page to document the final days of touring for the groups." I said as I skimmed over some of the things in the packet Tom had given me.

"Okay. So what're you reading?" Mike asked me.

"Some of the preliminary info I have to know about. Ooh... this is interesting."

"What?" Mike asked me as he looked over my shoulder at what I was reading, which just happened to be part of the confidentiality agreement.

"Says here that I have to sign this affidavit stating that 'whatever I see or hear about on this tour does not leave this tour, and if it does you will be prosecuted for breech of contract'." I pantomimed.

"Oh sounds like you're gonna have some fun." Mike stated.

"Let the games begin." I said as I signed the contract. Boy did I not know what I was getting myself into...

Yeah yeah I know, not much yet. But ya gotta start from somewherez. I PROMISE that if I do get the green light to continue this, the guys (all TEN of them) will be in the next chapter. And I'm not telling who's with who...yet... Email's still the same. So PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!

See yaz (hopefully with a new chapter of Pieces before the New Year) Jess

Next: Chapter 2

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