Greek Slave

By Dave

Published on Apr 14, 2003



***The character names and settings are fictional. This is intended for the reading pleasure of like minded individuals and not intended to influence others in any way.

The setting is the second era of ancient Greece. The city of Corinth and the slave trade is in full force. Many mixed race peoples of all backgrounds work their way through the maze of dirt alleys and marketplaces with a huge temple in the distance. The era of domestic service and slavery is at am all-time high. This story begins at a large compound filled with young men and women ranging from their early teens to twenties. All different in origin and sleeping in crowded bunks, with one large exercise yard located in the center of the oval facility. Several large men in tunics walk around ordering and occassionally hitting, swatting or whipping the young slaves at thier whim. All being prepped for the inevitable sale into domestic service...SLAVERY.

The morning begins with a loud banging at the door fo the fifth house for males. Khelan wakes to the ound of heavy footsteps and the bright light of the sun beaming in through the large iron door. All of the young men sit up and stand at attention in a single row as the largest tuniced man walks down the aisle stopping at Khelan. He sniffs and grunts before grabbing the young man's arm to lead him out into the courtyard. Khelan tries to get his bearings as the large man drags him to the main entrance. He tosses the teen into the forum room where he stands next to several other young men all in robes and bowing their heads. He follows suit as he has learned.

"Hmmmmm...." says a tall, black haired man in a long woven robe.

He is very powerful in build and paces along the length of potential slaves eyeing them in succession. He stops just past Khelan and turns. Khelan keeps his eyes down and stared at his bare toes, all even and grimy form dirt and sweat.

"This one." the man says over his shoulder to the guards.

The other young men are rushed out as the guards usher them back to the lock house area. Khelan shakes slightly as the tall man walks around him. He can smell the faint aroma of berry juice mixed with some sort of pungent nectar on him. The man seems very poised and almost kind.

"Remove the robe."

Khelan shyly looks at him and unties his belt and slips out of the tattered clothing. The man walks out wide and looks him over with little emotion. Khelan shifts in a nervous pace, not sure what was next. The sole facility foreman stands in the corner twirling a whip in his hands.

"Nice coloring. Could be assyrian? Maybe a nubian/phoenician half breed? Round firm buttocks, well developed legs, and nice feet. The full lips are a plus. He looks a little lean in the center. How are you feeding them?"

"Ummm...praetor...he is naturally, um...lean, SIR...."

"Mmmmm...turn around boy." he said firmly.

Khelan did and crossed his toes nervously. Not sure what to do next.

"Bend over and grab your ankles as well. Now..."

Khelan did as he was told. He looked over at the distroted view of the foreman in the distance, watching him. His dirty black hair hung over his face as he felt the big hands of the prospective buyer carressing his high set round buttocks.

"Hmmmm....firm, enticing as well. IF your inclined that way..."

Khelan shook as the man's hands caressed his hips, upper thighs, low back and arms while standing over him. Suddenly he felt the man's middle finger slid between his hips. It made him clench and whimper.

"BE STILL." He ordered in a calm tone.

Suddenly Khelan felt the man's middel finger slide up his rectum and circle in a slow winding fashion. The man's other hand rested on his curved back as he explored his anus. Khelan bit his lip and whimpered as his tummy tightened and his private areas began to tingle. The man slid in further and Khelan moaned softly as he shuddered.

"Untainted. GOOD." The man said as he sid out and ordered the slave to stand up.

Khelan looked down and folded his arms and shifted nervously. The man cupped the young slaves chin and ran his thumb over Khelan's soft full plum lips. Khelan closed his eyes and whimpered as the man fondled his shoulders, forearms, and taut abdominal muslces. He walked away and sat in a chair motioning for Khelan to follow.

"Hands behind you, boy...and on your toes..." He stated.

Khelan sighed and crossed his hands behind him and he arched up on his tip toes and walked awkwardly across the room. Head up and eyes closed. The man stared at his leg muscles, bulging calves and high arching feet with even, square toes.

Khelan stopped in fornt of him as the man proceded to cup his balls and roll them softly while tilting his head and watching Khelan squirm and get erect. He stopped after a few moments and stood pushing the slave back with a hand to the chest..

"He'll do. Deliver him to my uncle's address. He is in need of a new manservant.. It will be his belated birthday gift. You know the address..."

"Yes, SiR!!!" The foreman replied, sighing as the tall man walked out the door.

Khelan remained still as the two exchanged handshakes. At least he was out of this horrible place. By the looks of the new master, he would be well fed and clothed. The days pace quickened as he was taken to the bathhouse and made to bathe and trim his his hair and nails short, and given a fresh pair of sandals, a short tunic and then a tight, braided ankle bracelet woven an insignia he'd never seen. As the evening drew dark he was led to the main entrance. A place he had not seen since the age of 10. He smiled and shook in anticipation.

As the foreman entered the room, two guards took Khelan over to a table and made him stand at attention. A man in a robe similiar to the new master's came in and handed a mesh bag to the guards. Who then proceeded to place a thick leather collar around his neck. The front had a leash connection and the rear ring had a leather flap that hung down to his mid back. Before long Khelan found his hands bound high behind his back and a thick wooden bit-in his mouth and cinched tightly around his head. He stood in shock as the foreman handed the leash to the deivery guard. Khelan was led out into city streets walking briskly and facing the busy, loud streets of the city square, that he had not seen for over ten years. To his new home..... AND FATE.

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