
By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Oct 20, 2006


Greg, part 3, by justjames17.

Greg took me outside to their in ground swimming pool, his young brother, Tom was already enjoying the water as Greg did u huge bomb spraying water everywhere drenching Tom, who as the spray cleared was spluttering and cursing his brother. I dived in and began to swim up and down the length of the pool enjoying the feel of the water caressing my body. Greg grabbed me as I passed and pulled me to him kissing me aggressively, Tom giggled as he watched kicking his outstretched legs frothing the water.

Greg pashed on as I struggled to escape but his skinny arms were locked tight around my neck, I was amazed at the strength of his grasp and I didn't want to hurt him so I surrendered to him and began kissing him back. I could feel his dick straining against my abdomen, which caused my own prick to stiffen even though I tried to control my reaction. My cock was rubbing up and down his opened stretched arse crack as his legs wrapped around my waist, he wriggled against me erection as his tongue wriggled in my mouth, I felt the desperate urge to drive my pole up his rear end.

Greg teased me for ages and my urge increased till I was humping my hips in an attempt to open him and plumb his depths; he pulled off my mouth and leaned back looking into my eyes. He could see the burning desire flaming there and he smirked at me I dropped my eyes feeling defeated he had deliberately brought me to the pinnacle of desire then derided me with one glance establishing his total superiority. I felt dirty and used but still I wanted this manipulative teen, his skinny body wasn't anything to write home about but something was driving my desires I couldn't understand or reconcile my needs with his attitude or treatment.

Tom watching from the other side seemed to know what had passed between us because he laughed and said, "You've got Peter right where you want him bro, you amaze me how you do it."

Greg grinned at me and licked my cheek slowly and sensuously then whispered to me, "I like you Pete, I love guys that let me have my way. Now you can fuck my arse as a reward."

My cock had deflated with embarrassment and Greg began wriggling against me as he released one arm and reached down under the surface to grasp my cock and begin stroking me back to tumescence. My cock rose to the occasion and soon was standing at attention as Greg rubbed my engorged glans on his sphincter, I don't know how he did it but his arse lips were actually nibbling on my fat knob, his muscle control was incredible. My body was shaking, quivering with my eagerness to feel his insides wrapped around my tool, Greg already knew of my raging urge and he teased me for minutes until I was almost climaxing.

He then held still until my quivering calmed, a grin on his face as he moved in to kiss me again, this time sweetly like a lover. His moods changed almost in the blink of an eye he was now gentle and considerate. I was totally confused but still my raging cock wanted to penetrate him and leave my love juice deep inside his body, Greg pushed my knob to his clenched anus then he opened to me like a rose unfurling its petals and his hot moist rectum swallowed me totally. I gasped with unbridled pleasure at his tight humid silken grasp as my rigid rod sank inside him, his rippling rectal muscles coaxing caressing drawing me deeper.

I bucked my hips hard ramming the last vestiges of my manhood into his teen twat, Greg sighed as he hugged me and kissed me our tongues caressing wetly as we swapped saliva. My cock quivered inside his bowels, pulsing excitedly as his internals slithered about my prick, the muscles caressing my cock like tiny moving velvet fingers. I was trembling on the verge, my legs wobbling and I hadn't begun to stroke, his body was bringing me to a climax and I gasped frantically when my balls tightened tinglingly. My cock throbbed and grew deep in Greg's arse, I moaned loudly into his mouth then my hips bucked again and again driving deep as I blew like the sea surging through a blowhole. An explosion of steaming sperm sprayed convulsively from my rigid throbbing tool as Greg milked me like a dairy cow, my balls erupted my knees weakened as we collapsed slowly into the pool sinking locked together to the tiled bottom.

The lack of oxygen forced us apart as we desperately pushed off to reach the surface, my cock still spurting sperm in milky puffs like smoke rings in the water. We broke through the surface red faced and gulping air into our starving lungs, Tom watched laughing crazily and applauding our performance. We separated and staggered to the side to hang there panting and shaking from the intensity of our sexual encounter.

The sun and water soothed me and I slowly slipped down from the sexual high to stare at Greg hanging there beside me, eyes still closed pouting full lips parted as he sighed as if satisfied. His eyelids opened and he looked into my eyes and grinned then laughed to himself and turned lifting his long slim body slowly from the pool, treating me to the slow revelation of his body. The prominent shoulder blades then the knobbly spinal column clearly visible under his pale white skin set in the valley between long slim ridges of muscle from neck to the prominent tailbone at the top of his crack.

He raised his right leg to climb out causing his buttocks to open exposing his still partly spread red ring where my cock had so recently been lusciously inserted. I stared at this delightful attraction thinking how lucky I'd been to taste the nirvana of sexual delight as I rooted this incredibly mature and desirable young man. I felt he had bestowed a special favour upon me, something that he didn't give to just anybody. Greg rose totally from the pool and turned around treating me to the sexy vision of his front view, the long skinny torso pale as a fish's belly, the small compact nipples adorning the flattish plains of his pectorals. The prominent ribs exposed showing in ripples under the smoothness of his sides, the heavier rib bones at the junction of ribs and abdomen whence the flesh fell away to the flat abdomen with its tightly curled navel and faint treasure trail, the fine hairs flat on his skin from their immersion as the water beaded running down towards his crotch.

The running droplets led my eyes to the wet soggy pubic bush, the fine dark hairs lying higgledy-piggledy flattened on his prominent pubis. Thence the soft tube of his youthful meat hang heavy, drooping slack onto his low hanging gonads in their soft stretched bag its creases framing his flaccid member. Greg's long slender almost hairless legs and huge bony feet completed the picture, my eyes watched as he lifted his hands to his saturated mop of hair and he teased it with his long thin fingers shaking his head sending water droplets flying through the bright light like diamonds glittering in the air.

He breathed deep swelling his chest and flexed his muscles as I watched entranced by the display, Tom watched my reaction and giggled to himself before pushing off from his position and beginning to swim laps of the pool. I watched his cute tight buttocks rolling on the surface as swam freestyle back and forth; he turned at the deep end then rolled onto his back and began backstroking towards me. I could see his flaccid cock as he kicked his legs driving his body through the water, his strong young muscular tanned body the opposite of his older brother's.

Greg laughed as he watched me staring at Tom, he said, "He's pretty sexy isn't he? Wouldn't you love to have sex with him too?'

I tore my eyes away from Tom and stared at Greg seeing the evil smirk on his pale face, his dark intense eyes burned as he looked at me seemingly breaching my head to read my mind. I looked away and began swimming hard to drive out the erotic ideas created by Tom's body and Greg's suggestions. I wore myself out and looked for Greg, he was sprawled languidly on a sun lounge looked asleep as the sun pinked his paleness. I lifted myself quaking from the water, my tired muscles protesting the exertion and reached for a towel beginning to dry myself off. Tom was hanging on the pool edge behind me watching me dry myself and as I turned around he wolf whistled at the sight of my 4-inch soft cock then giggled as he pulled himself from the pool and sat bare arsed on the tiled coping, his muscular buttocks flattening bulging on the unyielding surface.

I finished drying off and looked at my watch seeing it was approaching midday I realised it was time to hit the road, I looked at Greg who seemed asleep and said to Tom, "I've got to get going tom can you tell Greg that I'll get in touch in a couple of days?"

Tom nodded and smiled saying, "It sure was great meeting and seeing you Peter, I hope you come again soon."

I headed inside and began dressing pulled on socks, shoes underwear, trousers and shirt, I grabbed my jacket, overcoat and cap then went to the lounge to say goodbye to Greg's parents. They said they hoped I wouldn't be a stranger and I left climbing into my car and driving off. My mind full of the strange happenings in the last twelve hours, my cock erecting telling me it had enjoyed the fun and games. I pulled into the laneway leading to my residence, a two-storied shop I'd purchased some months ago. I envisaged one day opening a business when my flying days came to an end.

I unlocked the rear gates and drove into the yard parking the Riley in the garage next to my almost new 2003 model Ford Falcon, I locked the car and headed inside unlocking the back door into the kitchen. I went upstairs and stripped off my clothes after hanging up my jacket overcoat and cap, I walked nude to the bathroom and jumped under the shower to clean up and wash off the chlorine, I dried off, slipped on some shorts and a polo shirt then went downstairs to cook lunch.

After eating I rang a few friends chatted for some time then decided I'd go visit a gay mate, Jeff to discuss my latest adventure, I set off and arrived at 4pm we sat out on his patio and enjoyed some cold beers as I filled him in on Greg and his family. Jeff was fascinated by my story and said, "Hmmm this young dude sounds very domineering are you sure you want to go this way? You are usually pretty laid back in your relationships but your never subservient."

I scratched my head before answering him trying to get my head around his comments, was I allowing this 17yo boy to dominate me? I thought about what we did and I realised that he was definitely calling the shots but it wasn't unpleasant in any way just intriguing to me. I nodded and said, "Yeah Jeff I suppose it is a little like that but I find it interesting and different. Do you think its bad or wrong?'

Jeff looked at me quizzically then grinned in his charming way and shook his head replying, "No mate as long as the little plonker doesn't get too much into the dominant role playing, he could make your life hell you know. Young guys don't have the experience to know when to stop if they are acting out a scenario like this."

We chatted and drank a few more ales then Jeff asked if I'd come down to the local restaurant and have dinner with him I nodded and we walked the few hundred meters to the Italian café. The place was half full and the music was loud so we sat at a table outside watching the passing parade as the traffic headed for home from the city. We enjoyed the meal as one does if the food is good and the company excellent, the owner knew Jeff well as he was going with his studly 18 yo son. We got top service and huge helpings of food and desert topped off with a couple of glasses of great Chianti then coffee.

We paid the bill and left as Giovanni, Jeff's boy friend appeared coming home from the University where he was studying medicine. We chatted to him and Jeff organised to see him back at his place shortly so we walked back and I jumped in my car after giving Jeff a hug and kiss and set off home again with a nice warm glow from the dinner and the company. I drove into the back of the shop to see a figure sitting at he back door, I was a little nervous as it was dark and I wasn't expecting anyone. I sat there in the Falcon trying to make out whom it was, finally the figure climbed to its feet approached and I could see it was Greg. I was astounded but at the same time I was excited to see him, I hadn't given him my address as yet only the suburb I lived in and my mobile phone number, I had no land line phone so how the devil did he find me?

I climbed from the car and locked it, as Greg walked over to me, I turned to him and he grinned at me as I said, "How did you get my address Greg?"

He looked triumphant as he said, "I looked in your wallet while you were asleep, and got it off your driving licence, I wanted to surprise you."

I looked at him and said, "You certainly did that mate and I thought you might be a burglar or something, sitting there in the dark."

He grinned at me and said, "Well come on take me inside its been cold sitting here waiting for you, I need warming up."

I nodded uncertainly and we walked to the back door where I unlocked it and ushered Greg inside, as soon as I entered he grabbed me and pressed his sexy lips to mine, tongue slashing at my lips until I opened to him letting his tongue find mine. His sharp bony hips ground against mine as his erect cock rubbed on my soft meat, he seemed in urgent need of sex and I noticed his eyes looked a little glazed, his breath smelt of cigarettes and a heady aroma possibly marijuana. Greg was more than slightly high explaining his behaviour.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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