
By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 5, 2006


This story contains sex between males of differing ages, please leave if this is not your type of tale or if you are underage or it is illegal in your place of residence.

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Greg, Part 7 by justjames17.

The breakfast filled my belly and I felt better in myself when the young waiter returned to remove the dishes, he tapped on the door entering at my acknowledgement. He moved gracefully to where I sat at the table sipping the final cup of tea, he stood beside me, close beside me facing me in a confronting fashion. I raised my eyes to his flushed face as he cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, excuse me sir, Simon tells me you enjoy sucking on a cock, would you be interested in sampling mine?"

I blushed and looked away out the window as the young man rubbed his groin invitingly, I looked back when I heard the sound of an opening zipper. He had undone his black strides and was fishing out a delectable teen tool, very smooth and fresh looking with a full foreskin hiding his cock head under its silken skin. I stared at the mouth-watering willy as it began to swell and grow in front of me; the lad was stroking his penis like a kitten slipping that silk cowl back and forth invitingly. His wet shiny crimson glans poking forth then hiding again as he wanked sexily, my mouth flooded with saliva at the sight of his swollen engorged member and the sensuous aroma of hot cock filled my nostrils.

I looked up at his smooth youthful face; I could see he'd never shaved by the soft peach fuzz that was faintly visible on his upper lip and chin as his tongue slipped shyly across his perfect pink lips. His cheeks were flushed; eyes semi glazed as his nostrils flared with his increased excited breathing and this lad was hot and begging to cum. I couldn't refuse his offer and disappoint him so I reached up and gently took hold of the burning pulsating prick and kissed his flared piss lips as his foreskin slid back behind the flare of his knob.

He shuddered visibly and his knees wobbled as he thrust into my salivary saturated mouth, my tongue welcomed him caressing his pulsing shaft as he plunged to the back of my mouth rubbing on my gullet before I swallowed him completely to his soft curly pubes. The lad's hands clutched my shoulders to steady his quivering body as he began thrusting hard; I licked and slobbered on his slipping sliding prick loving his taste and the copious deluge of his pre cum tantalising my taste buds. My hands clutched his tight arse feeling the muscles flexing as he thrust into my mouth, I was in paradise sucking this fresh tasty youth who was revelling in his nearing nut. I sucked him hard trying to drag his teen spoog from his almost hairless nuts, my ears heard and revelled in his continuous moans and whimpers as he see sawed frantically at my wet clinging lips. His tool swelling in my slobbering gob I increased my suction and tongue action as he began to rabbit root my mouth his dick flailing into me frantically.

I held his excited swollen balls tight in my grasp, delaying his discharge teasing him as I squeezed then tight to the bottom of his tight sack. He groaned aloud his cock pulsed again and again on my tongue as he pressed his pubes hard into my nose; I kept him teetering on the brink as he threshed about frantically. His balls were close to exploding when I suddenly released them and they flew up as if on rubber bands to nestle tight nuzzling his throbbing erupting cock. Sperm flooded my mouth in huge hard gouts again and again his penis pulsed and sent another spurt of delicious teen cum into my hungry mouth as I drank his nectar thankfully.

The lad wilted, his body shivering and wracked by spasms as his now empty balls tried to fire off more juice through his tormented tool, my tongue still licking his super sensitive cock crown. Finally he pushed me away and that still stiff spike slammed against his smooth lower belly and stood like a mast still throbbing visibly. His chest heaved as he gasped for air, my hands slid slowly, softly up his smooth belly feeling caressing his silky smooth flesh till I touched his excited pointy nipples. The lad gasped at my touch as I squeezed them gently rolling the hard little nubs in my fingers, he quivered whimpered softly his prick bounced as I stared closely at it my warm breath ruffled his pubes and I licked his velvet sack containing his perfect nuts.

His stomach flexed showing his neat six-pack; I licked his nuts again feeling the few strands of blonde hair tickling my tongue as he spread his legs wider. I sucked one ball into my mouth he groaned and shivered gasping out, "Oh Hell! I'll cum again in a minute."

I moved under his tight wrinkled sack to lick his perineum, he groaned and spread his legs open wider my questing tongue advanced deeper till I tasted his pucker, He almost leapt off the floor as he rose on tip toe hissing air through clenched teeth as I tasted his musky hole. I began walking on my knees edging him back to the rumpled bed behind him. The back of his knees bumped the edge and he was so unsteady on his feet he fell onto the bed as I pushed his long slim legs up towards his head. I exposed his sweet entrance and peered at it, a tiny pinkish button with wisps of fine dark golden hair sparsely around it, I inhaled his muskiness an intoxicating aroma of youth sweat and soap.

I pounced on him my lips surrounding his entrance as my tongue licked and teased that incredible little wrinkled muscle, he writhed on the bed groaning and murmuring, "Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Do me oh please do me."

I probed his ring saliva drooling wetly on his anus, which gradually opened like a sea anemone, my tongue tip investigated the pulsing pursed lips deeper and deeper it drilled into his burning hot rectum. I tasted him and found him delightful, his silken soft inner flesh saliva slick and his ring flexed again and again tightening relaxing over and over again on my tongue. I was buried as deep as my tongue could reach his internals rippled on my appendage like warm fingers trying to pull my tongue out and swallow it. I pulled my aching tongue from his hole and watched the little muscle slam closed as if it had never opened, the saliva gleamed in the light and I poked my middle finger into the hungry lips which opened and swallowed my digit instantly, he moaned loudly and flexed his arse muscles on my finger.

The lad was writhing and his head rolled from side to side, eyes closed, mouth gaping open his cute face changed totally lost in lust as he moaned over and over. I introduced a second finger, he hissed in pain then settled again as I screwed them around stretching that tight aperture, he soon relaxed again and I eased in a third finger spreading him open wide. His arse was mine; he was lost in a mindless sexual reverie as I stretched him wide with my fingers and slipped my knob painlessly inside his sphincter then removed my digits feeling his muscle crimp tight on my shaft.

I held still for a few seconds but lust, the desire to root him raged inside me and I lost it completely slamming hard and fast deep into his buttery guts. The lad grunted, "Oooomph."

My action slammed the air from his lungs as I filled his tight virginal bowels with my fat pole, I pulled back slowly relishing the reaction as his guts stroked my excited knob. My bulging knob pulled at his sphincter before slamming back making him grunt again, in and out back and forth I reamed his rectum, he was humping back onto my ravishing rod pushing against my entry getting every piece of my pole inside him as he deliriously writhed and moaned rocking on the bed. His teen tool stiff and throbbing on his tensed tummy suddenly spurted semen spraying his sweaty face and torso, his rectum tightened pulsing to his spasms ripped my sperm from my full balls painting his juicy innards with a flood of hot creamy cum.

We climaxed together each aiding in the other's climax until totally spent I collapsed heavily on his wet cum coated body and we lay locked together wet, hot and stinking of sex. I felt my erection wilting inside his burning body, it slipped wetly from him and he moaned under me, I kissed his pouting lips out tongues danced desultorily together as we recovered slowly. Suddenly he pushed me off him and sat up saying, "Oh shit I got to run or I'll get the sack, I've been here way too long. My boss is going to kill me."

He stood up pulled up his trousers and underwear, looked in the mirror to tidy his short hair and straightened his uniform, I grabbed my wallet and gave him $50 as a tip along with my card with my address and phone numbers on it as I said, "Thanks mate you were incredible and if you ever get across the pond to Australia be sure to look me up. You'd better rush but before you do what's your name?"

I saw on his badge the name Thomas, he smiled at me pocketed the tip and kissed me then said, "Tom Proust. Peter I sure hope we do get together again either here or in Australia but now I've got to run bye."

He grabbed the trolley as I opened the door for him and he went clinking off towards the service lift as I stood watching that delightful tight young arse waggling as he hurried away. I looked at my watch and realised I had to get a wriggle on to get to the airport to do the pre flight check in and weather forecast etc. I jumped quickly under the shower and cleaned up then dressed in my uniform and packed my bag and flight brief case left the room and hurried to the lift. I walked to the desk and handed in my room card signed the account and headed to the entrance to board the Qantas transport coach to the airport with the rest of our flight crew. We chatted about our stay and what we thought of the hotel and service till we pulled in front of the International Terminal, we climbed out and headed to the flight briefing offices where we went through the rituals then out to the waiting aircraft. The passengers boarded we did the flight checks called the tower and they retracted the gate as the steward closed the door.

The engines fired up and the flight engineer checked his panel then gave us the all clear and we were pushed out from the terminal, we taxied out onto the start of the runway and sat riding the brakes as we ran up the engines. The tower gave us the all clear and I pushed the four throttles forward sending the huge aircraft roaring rumbling down the tarmac, the co-pilot called out the airspeed and at takeoff speed he called, "Rotate."

I pulled back on the wheel feeling the plane lurch off the ground as we began to climb away into the clear blue sky, engines howling their song of power. The whine of the undercarriage sounded as we retracted the wheels and they thumped inboard, we climbed to 10,000 meters and levelled of heading for home across the Tasman Sea far below.

The flight was smooth and we landed on time deplaned filled out the flight report and I headed for home, I was glad to get here and get out of my uniform into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I felt somewhat tired after my adventures in the hotel and the flight back, not to mention battling the heavy peak period traffic home, I wanted to relax and veg out in front of the TV. I prepared a light meal just two ham and pickle sandwiches and pulled a cold stubby of beer from the fridge then settled down to watch A Current Affair on Channel 9 and dozed on and off during the next few programmes.

I awoke felt sleepy so I turned off the telly and made my way upstairs after locking the back door; I fell onto the bed after stripping to my briefs and was soon fast asleep lying on the bed in the warm night air as the light northerly breeze gently blew through the open bedroom window ruffling the curtains. I awoke sometime in the night feeling a mouth sucking my raging hard on, I looked down in the gloom and saw a mop top bobbing on my bone. How the devil did Greg get in?

I sat up and Greg lifted off my tool wet lips glistening as I turned on the bedside light, he grinned at me and I saw his hard cock standing stiff and tall against his smooth belly. I said, "How the hell did you get in Greg? I locked up when I came upstairs to bed?"

He just laughed giggling at me I realised he was off his face, his eyes were strange sort of glassy; he just nodded his head at the window. I said, "You climbed up to my window? You could have fallen and broken your neck you crazy fool."

He giggled again and said, "No way, it is wicked easy just climb up on the fence then onto the little veranda over the kitchen door and then into the window."

I was stunned at the temerity of this kid nothing fazed him it seemed. He'd arrived from goodness knows where, off his face and proceeded to find a way into my home come what may. He squatted there grinning stupidly at me fondling his erection then he slipped up my legs and took my hard dick in his hand and proceeded to sit on me burying my erection up inside his hot arse. Greg rode me like a bronco until gasping and moaning I flooded him full, he folded down onto my torso my sloppy stalk clenched in his rectum as he rubbed noses with me, his glazed eyes staring into mine. I could smell the grog on his breath then he bit my nose playfully and let my cock flop free.

Next thing he'd grabbed my ankles and was pushing them up over my shoulders as he began prodding his erection at my anus, again and again he pushed forward only to miss and slide up or down my stretched open crack. He grimaced angrily and swore under his breath, one hand went down so he could grip his cock and steady it against my ring, he smirked as if it was the cleverest act in history then heaved against my sphincter with only his pre cum as a lubricant, I protested to no avail. I groaned in pain as he breached my tender twat and buried his long slim stalk deep inside my protesting body. He fumbled in his discarded tatty jeans and pulled a small bottle from his pocket unscrewing the cap and pushed it under my nose, I smelt this weird aroma and my head spun as I tried to pull away but he just pushed the open neck harder to my nostril forcing me to inhale. I felt incredibly horny suddenly and felt my heart pounding faster in my chest, my head spun crazily but I had the urge and now wanted him to root me desperately.

He fucked me hard pain surged through me until our combined juices eased the friction the scent of teen, grog, essence of whatever it was in the bottle and arse filled the bedroom as he hammered me mercilessly. I was now on fire pushing back to his hard thrusts as my head spun, heart thundered and my cock was again stiff, not just stiff, it was rigidly steel hard and throbbing in a way I can't describe. My body was in overdrive, sex mad, burning with a deep conflagration that consumed any objections to Greg's behaviour. He could do what he wished at that moment I doubt I could have objected if he wished to choke me, I was totally under the control of the unknown stuff he kept me inhaling.

My cock exploded untouched as he rammed me incessantly, he kept sniffing the bottle then pushing it to my nose so I inhaled as well, we were both totally out of control as he erupted ejaculating over and over it seemed to last forever as I pushed up onto his embedded pole. He continued rooting me even after he blew his load then finally exhausted he collapsed gasping on top of my heaving body. I lay there zombie like my mind a confused mish mash of sexual lust as Greg slowly came back down from on high. My arms were wrapped around his slim body pulling him to me tightly; he kissed me with wet loose lips, tongue dashing into my drool filled mouth swallowing my saliva as if it was nectar.

We fell into a deep sleep locked together as our sweat and cum dried in the warm air, Greg stirred at dawn awaking me as he pulled my arms away to run for the toilet. I lay there with my head throbbing, that stuff I'd inhaled was causing a headache of monumental proportions. I lay there feeling my head pounding, my stomach rumbling I needed to crap badly so I staggered off to await Greg finishing his piss as I stood there viewing his slim rear view, stark white tight buttocks and long thin legs. He finished and came out groping me as he passed, I bolted in and perched on the porcelain crapping out the huge amount of cum from my sore arse, I cleaned up washed my hands and face, took a couple of Panadol for my thudding head then slithered back to the bed where Greg was sprawled out on his back mouth open and dead to the world again.

I crawled onto the bed and lay there watching his long pale slim body as he slept, his flaccid cock lying on his thigh, longer than mine but slim very svelte. His light pubic bush of silky hairs glistened in the early morning light as he breathed softly; I studied his face, the long slim sharp nose and wide apart eyes with long lashes, heavily freckled nose and cheeks, the succulent pouting lips that begged to be kissed, the firm chin with the dimple in the centre. Greg was intensely desirable and if he filled out a little more and put on some muscle he would be ravishingly attractive guy.

I sighed and grabbed my pillow curling around it and drifted back to sleep as my headache dissipated. I awoke sunlight streaming in the window and rolled over yawning and stretching my muscles, I looked beside me Greg was gone. He'd arisen and left while I slept, I felt sorrow and wished he'd awoken me to say goodbye.

To be continued.

I have a group where I post my stories at Please ensure you have your age showing as 18 or over in your Yahoo Public Profile as it is an adult only group.

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