Gregors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 8, 2023


Sunday morning of Gregor's date with Mac. It was still early and he felt Chase's arm around his middle, snuggling. He smiled. He felt Chase, but he was thinking of Mac. "It's your big date with Big Mac today, isn't it, sweets?" Chase whispered into Gregor's ear, tickling it slightly. "MMMM. Feels good. Yes. What an interesting character he is. 'Big Mac' "Well, it's not a big mac, but it's a footlong, and it's hungry. Roll over on your belly Greg." Their Sunday morning love making was something Gregor looked forward to. Sometimes, in fact most times, Chase spent too much time worrying about how Gregor felt, was he hurting him, was he enjoying himself, etc. He preferred the kind of rough, TAKE IT BITCH kind of sex that he got from Mac. That might have explained why, as Chase entered him, he began thinking of Mac. "You like that sexy Spaniard," Chase whispered into Gregor's ear, and Gregor smiled. "Yes Big Red. YES. Take me. TAKE ME HARD." He felt Chase reaching underneath him, to get to his nipples and play them. Gregor's nips were much less sensitive than his ears, or his neck, but Chase liked playing with them. Gregor tried. "Oh, stud man. Let me feel your beard. Let me feel it." Chase rubbed his neck gently. "HARDER. Please HARDER.." "You sure you don't want me to leave a mark ? It's Mac" That was exactly WHY Gregor wanted the mark. He could "read" men pretty well, and he knew that Mac was possessive, and jealous. if he thought Gregor had been roughed up by someone else... maybe he'd get some of it. He'd have to ask Mac to scruff him. He barely felt Chase, as he slid back and forth, faster and faster. "You are just so FUCKING HOT." Chase yelled, and he shot into Gregor's butt. Gregor smiled as Chase bent down and kissed him. "I'm so glad we're together Greg." He kissed him again, then began to stir to get out of bed. Chase was working a part time job at a big department store, while he went back to school. It would give Gregor a chance to get some more sleep, before he got up, cleaned himself out, and got to the club to meet Mac. He put on the white jeans that Mac had requested, and then chose a contrasting, very dark colored shirt, and tossed a bright red sweater over his shoulders. He gave himself a smile as he left the apartment.

It was no surprise to him that Mac was sitting in the lobby of the club when he got there. He expected it. Mac was a successful man, and very confident, but when it came to this aspect of his life, he was almost a little boy. A big smile crossed his face when Gregor walked in. "GREGOR. YOU SHOWED UP!" He looked so surprised, Gregor's heart began to break. "Of course I showed up Mac. Why would I miss a day with you." Mac leaned in to kiss him, and Gregor whispered "not here. Let's wait for your car, ok?" Gregor turned to Roger's assistant, who was at the desk. It was a new one: since Chase had left, Roger could not seem to find anyone who could handle the job. "We'll be back early evening." He turned to Mac "What do you think? 7? 8? " Mac blushed. "oh, if I had my way Gregor, I'd never bring you back, but should we say 8? " "SHIT. WHY DID I SAY THAT?" Mac thought to himself. "FUCK!" Gregor smiled "8 it is. I'll check in if we're delayed." Mac held open the door for him - again, a small gesture that warmed Gregor's heart - and when he saw that Gregor was walking closer to the street curb, immediately changed positions, something a courtly European would have done but, well, something Gregor didn't expect - not even from Chase. "I hope that my wheels are ok. I don't really have a fancy car, Gregor. I drive a van. Is that gonna be ok?" "If you're driving, it's a chariot, Mac," Gregor smiled. "AWWW GREGOR. You're gonna make me all soft and gushy inside." Gregor took his hand. "As long as you stay hard and rigid outside." As they got in the car, Mac said "Now how about my kiss?" "Oh, of course Big Mac." Gregor leaned over and kissed. It was inconvenient to French kiss in the van, so he gave Mac a series of short, tender kisses. "I'm shivering all over Gregor. See what you do to me?" "Well, you know what you do to me Big Mac. Gonna do that later, promise?" "OOOOH YEAH." Mac started up the van and began driving. They made some small talk on the way. "So, Mac, I'm not supposed to ask this, but don't answer if you don't want to. What do you do for a living?" "Oh, no, I got no problems telling you, Gregor. People think I'm a day trader, and that's kind of right. I do SOME day trading, but I also manage a trucking company. That's the part that people don't know about. I do it from home when I can, but most days, I need to spend a few hours at the office, making sure that our guys are out, on the road, getting stuff delivered. I trouble shoot, etc. Sometimes, I ask the guys if they see things that might be interesting as investments, and if the turn out, I'll get my paws in the thing, and then I share any profit with the driver. Sort of a "finders fee." "Sounds like you're a good man to work for." "That's kind of you. I work my guys hard, it's true. But I pay well. They seem to respect me. There are a lot more gay guys in the trucking industry than you might think, but I don't know of too many who are out." "Hmmm. Interesting. Do you have out drivers too?" "Some. It's a lonely job. I know because I did it for about 15 years. Very hard to form a relationship when you're on the road all the time." "Are you looking for one now, Mac?" Mac smiled. "I am. Let's talk about that a little later when we sit down, ok Gregor?" "Oh, sure. Hey, there's the zoo right ahead. " After they had parked, and gotten their tickets, Mac opened his black wind breaker. He was wearing not a t shirt, but a sweat shirt that said "All American Grizzly." Gregor smiled. "You DID wear it!" "Well, not exactly, Gregor. I said a t shirt but... I wanted to put on something a little more dressy since I knew... you were gonna look so good I'd be embarrassed however I dressed. But I'll change before we go to eat tonight. I promise." Gregor laced his arm through Mac's. "You can change if you want to, but don't change for me Mac. Don't change at all." He meant it. This guy, whom everyone seemed to think was a brute, was a perfect gentleman.

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They started at the bears, and then they decided they'd alternate animals. The zoo had two grizzlies, and they were out: Ursula and Begonia. "Every zoo seems to have the females, Mac, never any males. Wonder why." "Oh, Gregor, it's the danger. And if you have male grizzlies, you can only have one. Two males would fight, all the time. And a male and a female, well.." He began to laugh. "I guess you can figure that out." "Well, I brought my own male grizzly with me. " Gregor teased, and Mac just answered. "GRRRRRRRRR" After the bears, they saw the giraffes, for Gregor, and the penguins, for Mac. "I'm surprised you picked the penguins, big Mac." "Oh, I LOVE the penguins. You know, they say they're the stupidest of all the birds, and I guess that's right, but if you ever saw a penguin fight a bigger animal for his or her chicks. They're very protective." "I imagine you're like that, Mac." He smiled. "I am. Protective, and possessive. I admit it." "OH. A caveman," Gregor thought. "I'm liking this guy more and more." After the penguins, with his hand on Gregor's back, Mac asked "You hungry handsome?" "I AM a little. Should we go and find their cafe'?" "Well, we can, but..." and he blushed. "I figured a healthy, handsome guy like you wouldn't want to eat the kind of crap they serve here, so... I packed a bunch of veggies, fruit, some cheese, whole grain crackers. I thought we might just picnic. If that's ok with you." Gregor looked at him. His smile was the biggest of the day. "You just think of everything Big Mac. You know, there was a song called Mack the Knife." "Oh, I know that one, but don't ask me to sing it." "Well, I was thinking you're not Mack the Knife. You're Mack the Sharp." "Awww, Gregor, you're gonna make me just get melty again." "Let's go eat, Mac. We'll check out the other animals afterward.

When they sat down, Gregor asked. "So, tell me what you were gonna tell me about relationships, Mac. I'm curious. A guy as nice as you, as sweet as you: you shouldn't be alone. " Mac seemed to get a little embarrassed. "You're such a modern guy Gregor, so... I'm really more than a traditionalist when it comes to relationships. I mean, I make a really good living. I make more than enough for two people to live on. So I want my man to stay home. Here's where I get in trouble, Gregor. I kinda dig the old style of marriage, with the submissive wife at home, making herself look good for her husband, pouring him a drink, cuddling with him on the sofa... And I've been in relationships but.... look I know I'm not a gift to the earth looks wise. Never have been. And I get so jealous and so, well, ANGRY, when I see my guy checking someone else out. "

Gregor reached out and squeezed Mac's hand. "You shouldn't be alone Mac. You're such a good man. Anyone who had you as a partner: he'd be really, REALLY lucky." Mac squeezed back. "You think so Gregor?" "I know so. And please. Gregor is my real name, and we use it at the club, but call me Greg. It's easier." "Ok Greg. I wondered. I mean, you're so elegant, you look like a Gregor, but you're just a really normal guy. I feel like I could just, oh, I don't know, go out for beer with you, or get into a rugby scrim, or something like that." Gregor laughed "A rugby scrim? You'd flatten me." Mac smiled. "YEAH. It would be HOT. Feeling you squirm under me trying to get up." Gregor couldn't help himself. He agreed: it WOULD be hot. Chase didn't do that kind of thing. Being wrestled to submission, being controlled. Damn, being a housewife to a man like Mac: it was seeming really, REALLY attractive. "Shall we go and see some of the other critters, Greg." "Let's." And when they got up, Gregor grabbed Mac's hand. "I don't care what people think, do you?" "Never did, never will." They were off to the kangaroos next, and then "My spirit animal. The rhinos," Mac chose. "Why do you think of them as your spirt animal, Mac?" "Well, you see that horn? It's all hair. And that rough skin? It burns easy. They're not nearly as tough as they look. It's all appearance. Like me." Gregor stopped and looked at him. "Mac, would you do me a favor? Would you kiss me? Right here in front of the rhinos?" "SURE Greg. I'd kiss you anywhere." When they kissed, Gregor opened his mouth. He was going to give this sweet, lug of a man, the best fuck he could tonight.

When the keeper began to ring the gong that the zoo was closing, they began heading out. "Greg, can you give me just a few minutes? I wanna step into the bathroom and change before dinner." "Mac, you don't have to do that" "No no. I want to . I carried this stuff and... I just wanna look good for ya bud." As Mac was dressing, Gregor pulled out his phone. There was a message from Chase. "Hey stud. I found out Benjy is in town, so I'm gonna be there tonight. Have a good time with your caveman, and I'll see you tomorrow." Benjy was, as Chase called him, his "Top for intellectual purposes. " Benjy had a doctorate in history, and an 11 inch cock. So, when Chase allowed himself to be topped, it was usually by Benjy. Then he called the club. "Hey. Gregor here. Everything is going fine. You know... I don't know what it is, but Mac is SUCH a sweetie. I don't know why anyone else complained." He felt a hand on his shoulder as he finished. "Because I wanted more than they were willing to give. Took the money, didn't feel obliged to reciprocate." "Mac, can I say something? I appreciate the tips. But... you know, you're such a good love maker, that's all I need." "Now I wanna kiss you Greg. May I?" "I'd be insulted if you didn't"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx "By the way, I didn't say it, but you DO look real handsome Mac. But I LOVE your grizzly sweats. " Mac had taken off his jeans and put on dress khakis, and a wine colored turtleneck. He added a sweater, after he offered it to Gregor if he was cold. They were talking over salad and ravioli at an informal, but nice Italian restaurant, where Mac knew Rosella, the hostess, and Pietro, her husband, the cook. "Signore Mac... is this your boyfriend?" Mac smiled. "Not yet, Pete, but I'm working on it." Pietro looked at Gregor. "None of my business, but you won't do much better." "That's how I feel about you Greg. Here, finish my drink for me. I gotta drive." Gregor looked at Pietro. "I know. I feel lucky to be out with him." "You know, we used to call him Mac and cheese. We heard someone call him that." Gregor laughed. "There's a story there I imagine." "OOOH YEAH Greg. One day."

It was 8 when they got back to the club. They were holding hands, and Gregor looked at him. "You wanna come upstairs, big Mac?" "Am I welcome?" "Always." When they got to Gregor's room, Gregor began to open his shirt. "Hey. Wait a minute Greg. Don't do that. " Mack was sitting on the bed. "Come sit next to me, ok?" "If that's what you'd like , sailor." When Gregor sat down, Mac put his hand on the back of his neck and kissed him. He kissed him deeply and for a while. "Thank you for a wonderful day Greg. Thank you so much." "It's not over yet Mac. Know what I'd like?" "Tell me." "I'd like to feel some of that grizzly fur on my ear. " "You mean like...." Mac leaned in and began rubbing his face gently over Gregor's ear. "OH YEAH. But stronger, stronger. Like you were gonna mark me as yours." "MMMMMMM. " came out of Gregor's mouth, as Mac began getting into it. Gregor felt Mac's fingers opening his shirt, then his hands running across his torso. "You have just the right amount of hair Greg. Not a grizzly, not even a cub, but... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" He tossed Gregor on the bed "You know what I want don't you?" "I do. Bet you don't know what I want." "Ok, I don't . Tell me." "The same. But I want a kiss first." Now Mac was mischievous. "Come and get it handsome." He was pinning Gregor down, and Gregor pushed, but there was no question: Mac was too strong. There was also no question: Gregor was getting harder and harder. Mac saw it and smiled. "You want me to jerk you, Greg ? You took care of me so many times... " "I'm here to take care of you Mac." "Well, who takes care of you?" "I take care of myself." "That's gotta change, Greg." He opened Gregor's pants, and Gregor did NOT resist. Mac's hands were rough, but that just made the hand job more exciting for Gregor. Mac seemed to know his touch was rough, so his motions were deliberate, gentle, and he kissed Gregor's ear while he did it. "Tonight about you babe. All about you." "FUCK. MAC. You are such a.. Such a teddy bear. " Gregor was tired, so he didn't yell or cry out at climax, but climax he did. "OH GEEZ. I'm gonna have to call you Old Faithful Greg. GEEZ. Look at the mess. " "It's nothing like the mess YOU'RE gonna make, my sweet grizzly. Drop your pants. I'm gonna give you the best BJ you ever had." "You think you can get your mouth around it without hurting yourself?" "Without hurting myself" Gregor thought. 'AND HE'S PAYING FOR THIS. DO THEY MAKE THIS KIND OF MAN ANYMORE?" "Grade me for effort, stud." Gregor took a deep breath, and worked his lips around that big, thick cock. "OH GOD. OH MY GOD GREG. FUCK. YOUR TALENTS NEVER END. DAMN..." He began to pump, and then Mac yelled. "GREG. BACK OFF. I'M GONNA SHOOT. " And Gregor looked at him and shook his head no. Mack tried to pull out, but this time Gregor had HIM trapped, and his orgasm just flowed down Gregor's throat. "I'm sorry Greg. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Gregor looked at him. "I made you do it sweetie. I wanted every drop of you. Now come here. Don't get dressed and leave on me. Let me just look at you, my big teddy bear Mac." They lay there for about fifteen minutes before Mac sighed. "I really gotta go Greg. Let me get cleaned up and head out. " He kissed him. "Greg, thank you for the best day I've had since Christmas when I got my first truck." Greg felt his heart crack just a little more. Mac busied himself in the bathroom, and came out, zipped up in his jacket all packed. "Listen babe," I had a great time." Gregor paused and then , he said it "Mac, let's do this again. On me. Maybe we could go to your place? " Mac looked at him. "ARE YOU SURE? YOU WON'T GET IN TROUBLE? " He laughed. "If they fire me, I have another job. " He gave Mac a look. "And I COULD always become your housewife." "Don't tempt me Gregor. Don't tempt me. I would LOVE to go out with you again." "Let me call you Mac. And I will. Just let me check my schedule." Mac held him and Gregor whispered "You're a good man, Mac. Don't let anyone tell you anything else." Mac's eyes were wet. "Take care Greg. I'll wait for your call." He was out the door, and Greg went to clean up the bathroom. "Hmmm. He left behind his sweat shirt. " When Greg moved it, he found the five hundred dollar bills. He put on the sweat shirt. It was big, but it had Mac's musty odor on him. He wore it to bed that night. And he came again in the morning..

Next: Chapter 4

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