Grey Baker

By Julien Gregg

Published on Nov 11, 2023


A Year In the Life of Grey Baker The Saguaro University Chronicles by Julien Gregg

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I was born a son, grandson, nephew, and sibling to David and Mary Baker on July 12, 2000. David Baker was a professor of English at Pinecrest Academy in Haven, Arizona. Mary is a high school math teacher at Haven High School. Thomas Baker was a year old when I was born, and Sierra Baker was two years old. Life was good for David and Mary when I came along, but in July of 2006 disaster struck. My father and I were on our way back from a birthday party for a fellow classmate of mine when an oil truck struck a pick-up truck, causing a ten-car pile up. I was the only survivor.

After that I was a very popular little boy and the trouble at home started for me. By the time I was seventeen, I had broken fingers, my wrist, my nose, my left ankle, and my right collar bone. All of these injuries were at the hands of my brother, Thomas Baker.

In 2006 I became a t-ball player. So I was now a son, grandson, nephew, cousin, sibling, and a t-ball player for the Haven Sharks. I had to sit out the end of the season because my brother had stomped on my ankle, breaking it in two places. In 2009 I became a short-stop for the Haven Sharks. In 2010 I became a national little league baseball player on national television for the Little League World Series. We lost unfortunately, a fact that my brother loved to tease me about.

My paternal grandparents died in an auto accident in 2011 and my maternal grandfather died of a heart attack in 2012. Also in 2012 my father's best friend, Chris Mason began to teach me survival tactics, how to build a fire, hunt for food, find fresh water and to build a shelter. In 2014 my shelter made the cover of Survivor Magazine. A fact that angered my brother so much that he slammed my hand in the car door, breaking my left wrist. No baseball for me that summer.

In 2015 I became a high school student and a short-stop for the Haven High Cougars. I also lost my maternal grandmother to a stroke that year. Chris died from a massive stroke later that year and I was alone again with Thomas. The day of Chris's funeral, my brother struck me with a baseball bat, my own actually, and broke my collar bone. He later broke my fingers by squeezing my hand so tight that they snapped. Several days later, I inherited Chris's house, his two cars, and his entire estate which was sizable.

In 2017 I got my room to myself because Tommy joined my sister in college. Now in 2018 I am a Saguaro University Freshman who will play short-stop for the Saguaro University Lions this coming spring. It is my sincere hope to become a brother of Alpha Beta Omega this year as well.

Grey Baker Freshman

Chapter One

He printed his essay and put it in a plastic page protector and placed it in the drawer of his desk. He sat back to wait for Jason Fillmore, his room mate to come home from wherever he was at this time. He'd been after Grey to pledge Aboo with him and their friends across the hall pretty much since they'd arrived, but Grey was a legacy at Kappa Delta Alpha. He'd been to their party tonight where he'd heard his brother telling another brother that Grey didn't know that he hoped Grey got in because he was going to torture and extort him. Grey was a millionaire and his brother and sister got nothing. Chris left him eighty-five million when he died. Sierra and Tommy were excluded by name. Upon hearing of his brother's treachery, he'd left the party then and there and began to write his essay for Aboo. He was hurt and pissed off. Then his phone started to chirp.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Grey? Frank said you left the party, what's going on?" asked his sister, Sierra.

He told her exactly what was going on and how he wasn't going to be Tommy's whipping boy anymore. When he told her about Tommy's plans for extortion, she nearly had a fit. His sister was always his confidant, she was always on his side. She'd seen first hand what Tommy could and would do to Grey, so she knew that what he'd said was true.

"Oh, Grey, I'm so sorry," she moaned into the phone. "I'd thought all of that crap was over now that you're both adults."

"Well, I'm an adult now," he said slowly. "Tommy's just a bully."

"Do you want me to tell Mom?" she asked.

"No," he sighed. "She'll hear something from Tommy about how I ran out of there and I'll have to tell her what happened myself."

"Well, I'm going to tell Frank," she said. "He was so excited to meet you, and he was thrilled to have another legacy pledge."

"I'm pledging Aboo," he said.

"That's great!" she enthused. "That's our brother fraternity. Omega Beta Zeta partners with Aboo all the time. Plus, Kappa Delta Alpha is Aboo's main rival fraternity."

"I know," he laughed, ignoring the rivalry part of what she'd said. Although that was something to consider. "This way we'll at least be together at all of the parties."

"Well, not the first three," she said. "Those are for prospective pledges."

"Yeah," he said. "The first one is tomorrow night. We're supposed to turn in our essays."

"Did you write one?" she asked.

"I sure did," he said with satisfaction.

"Well, all right," she sighed. "You keep me informed on your Aboo journey, and I'll talk to Frank and tell him that you were set to pledge but Tommy ran you off. And I won't tell Mom."

"Thanks, Sierra," he said. "Love and stuff."

"Love and stuff right back atcha," she laughed.

He was closing his phone when Jason came in. He was all excited about something, but Grey wasn't about to ask what it was. He had his own stuff to deal with, and Jason could go on and on about whatever excited him.

"I hear you left the party at Kappa Delta Alpha," he said. "Tommy have something to do with that?"

"He had everything to do with it," Grey said and quickly explained the situation.

"That sucks," he said. "Wasn't your dad Kappa Delta Alpha?"

"Yeah," Grey sighed. "But I can't be Tommy's whipping boy again."

"I hear you," he said. "I just can't believe that he ran you off. Now what are you gonna do?"

"I wrote my essay for Alpha Beta Omega, and I'll attend the party tomorrow night with you guys," Grey said with a smile.

"This is going to be epic!" he cried. "Wait till Ryan and Chris find out."

Jason was a shorter guy than Grey's six feet. He had dark hair and a perpetual five o'clock shadow. His blue eyes were dark as well, but his body was toned from his days on the baseball team. He'd already pulled out his phone and to make phone calls. Grey just sat as his desk with a smile on his face. Jason was so excited that Grey would be pledging Aboo that he was calling Ryan and Chris to tell them all about what had happened and what Grey was doing now.

It seemed that Jason, Ryan, and Chris were all pledging Alpha Beta Omega this fall. Aboo and Obiz, Omega Beta Zeta hold rush week twice. First rush is in September and the second is in February. The houses were huge, and there were so many brothers. He hoped to become one very soon. Kappa Delta Alpha and all of the other frats and sororities were throwing parties to welcome new freshman and get them excited about Greek Life. They only held one rush week, so it was more important for them to get prospective pledges.

"Ryan and Chris are excited about you pledging with us," Jason said as he put his phone away.

"How many pledges actually make it in?" he asked.

"Five," he said. "They'll post a list of ten pledges on Sunday, and we'll be in Pledge Class starting Monday. I hope we all four make it."

Aboo, the nickname for Alpha Omega Beta, was a social fraternity that focused a lot on philanthropy. It was also prestigious, and doors would open for you that never would have for anyone else if you graduated with all four years in Aboo. Obiz was the same right down to the doors opening. Grey was excited, but worried about what Tommy's reaction would be when he learned what was happening.

He got his first reaction the next morning. It was Thursday and Grey had and eight o'clock class, a ten-thirty class, and a one o'clock class. Frank Dillard, the president of Kappa Delta Alpha blocked Grey's path as he was headed to the cafeteria to get breakfast. He was six foot with dark hair, brown eyes, and a menacing look on his chiseled face. He crossed his massive arms over his chest and looked at Grey.

"Sierra says you left the party last night because of something Tommy said," he said. "You can come to the party tonight. Tommy has been reprimanded."

"I've decided not to pledge the fraternity," Grey said calmly. "Please let me pass."

"Grey, think, man," he said in earnest. "You're a legacy. I can't let you just walk away."

"You can," Grey said. "I refuse to be part of a fraternity where I'm not safe."

"We'll keep you safe, man," he said.

"Yeah? Well my mother couldn't," Grey replied. "She couldn't stop Tommy from breaking my nose, my fingers, my wrist, my ankle, and my collar bone. So, tell me how it is that you'll keep Tommy from doing any of those things again. If I could switch my scholarship, I'd leave Osage and head for Nevada or Utah just to get away from him. Now let me pass."

He stepped aside but he wasn't happy about it. His eyes had grown large when he'd heard all that Tommy had done to Grey over the years. Grey had meant what he'd said. He wasn't going to have anything to do with a fraternity that couldn't keep him safe.

He went to The Sizzler in the cafeteria and got an omelet with hash browns, bacon, and juice. He chose a table and sat down, and then he was joined by four guys wearing Kappa Delta Alpha t-shirts. They weren't as muscular as Frank Dillard, but they were no slouches. Two had dark hair and dark eyes. One was blonde and blue and attractive in a way. The other was a red head with freckles all over his face and brown eyes.

"We've come to change your mind about pledging Kappa Delta Alpha," said the red head. The other three nodded their heads.

Grey looked around and saw a table full of Aboo brothers was just a table away from them and said loudly, "Stop harassing me! I'm not joining your frat."

They all four had the balls to look shocked when he got up and dumped his tray in the garbage. He noticed that the entire table of Aboo brothers were watching. Then he headed out. He went right back to the dorm and slammed the door, waking Jason in the process.

"What?" he asked, sitting up straight and looking around.

"Four goons decided not to let me eat this morning," Grey explained. "They're Kappa Delta Alpha scum. Frank Dillard blocked my path to the cafeteria before that to tell me to pledge the frat."

"Shit," he said. He wasn't articulate when he was woken up too early. He didn't have to be in class until one.

"Yeah," Grey agreed. "So, I'm pissed off and hungry."

"Hungry I can do something about," he said, pointing at his foot locker. "There are snack cakes and chips in there. You've got all that bottled juice in the mini fridge, too."

"Thanks, Jason," Grey said as he slid off his bed and opened Jason's foot locker. He took two snack cakes and got himself a juice.

"So they wouldn't let you eat?" he asked.

"They sat there with their arms folded over their chests, glaring at me," Grey said. "I high tailed it outta there."

"That's wild," he said. "I'm gonna go shower."

They lived in a building with two-person rooms. The showers were at the end of each hall. Jason got his shower stuff and headed out of the room, scratching his boxer clad ass on his way.

Grey still had an hour to get to class so he sat down and went over notes that he'd taken the week before while Jason showered and got his head together. When Jason came back, Grey was closing his books and getting ready to leave again.

"You're not gonna like this, but the goons from Kappa Delta Alpha are sitting outside the door," he said.

"Shit," Grey said, shaking his head. "Do they really think that harassment is going to change my mind and make me join Kappa Delta Alpha?"

"I don't know what they think, but they're outside," he said.

He got up and grabbed his bag. He decided to just get this over with. He walked out of the room and sure enough, the four goons decided to follow him. He paid them as little attention as he could as he walked across campus to class. They sat down outside the class as he went in the door.

"Mr. Baker, please tell your friends to leave," said Professor Spaulding as she glared at him.

"They're no friends of mine, Mrs. Spaulding," Grey said. "They followed me here, but they didn't say a word to me."

"Then I'll make them leave," she spat.

Great, he thought. Now she was going to be mad at him for the whole time he was in class. She went out the door and came back a few minutes later with a scowl on her wrinkled face. Professor Jane Spaulding was in her late sixties. Her steel gray hair was pulled severely back into a bun on the back of her head. She wore a soft gray suit with a white shirt with ruffles. Her red-rimmed glasses hung just below her chin on a red cord. Her dark eyes glared at Grey as she went to her desk.

He put up with her terse voice as she talked to him at different times during the class. He handed in his assigned work at the end with everyone else. She snatched his work out of his hand and said, "Next time, I'll ask you to leave."

That made up his mind for him. He walked out of class and saw them sitting there and sighed. He pulled out his phone and called Campus Security. They looked shocked and then angry as he told the officer on the phone that he was being harassed by four Kappa Delta Alpha brothers and they'd upset his professor by sitting outside the classroom and hindering students from entering.

Two campus policemen showed up. They asked Grey questions and he told them all that had happened with the four Kappa Delta Alpha brothers. They wrote a report and Grey signed it. The older policeman had dark hair and eyes. He filled out his uniform rather well, too. The second was younger with blonde hair and blue eyes. They looked at the four Kappa Delta Alpha brothers with disgust.

"I'm siting the four of you with harassment of another student," said the older one. "Sign here, all of you. I want your names. I can see from your t-shirts that you're Kappa Delta Alpha. At least I know which frat to fine."

"Sir, we didn't harass anyone," said the red headed Kappa Delta Alpha brother. The other three nodded in agreement.

Professor Spaulding came out of her lecture hall and said, "What you've done is make it nearly impossible for students who take this class to get into the lecture hall. Now, I've been angry with Mr. Baker for the wrong reason. Believe me if I'd known you were harassing him, I'd have called security myself."

"If you don't think what you've done is harassment, then what the hell do you think you were doing?" the older security officer asked the red head.

"Sir, we're trying to get him to pledge our frat," he replied.

"Well, you got him to do something all right," laughed the younger officer. "You got him to call us."

"Boys, in case this isn't clear, let me assure you that Mr. Baker's answer is no."

Grey was given a copy of the report and told he could leave. The other four stayed behind to receive their copies of the report. Grey walked out of the building and headed for his next class. He almost walked into an Alpha Beta Omega brother. He was taller than Grey with very short dark hair and green eyes like Grey's. His body was packed with muscles that put even Frank Dillard to shame. He fell into step beside Grey and walked with him to his next class. Grey was shocked when the brother entered the classroom and took a seat at the back

After class, the same brother walked with him to the cafeteria and into Nifty Fifty where Grey got a burger and fries with a soft drink. He directed Grey to a table full of Alpha Beta Omega brothers. Grey sat down and everyone said, "Hey there, Grey."

"Hey, guys," Grey said.

"So, what's up?" said a ginger haired, blue eyed guy from across the table.

"Not much," Grey said. "I called campus security on four Kappa Delta Alpha brothers when they tried to prevent me from leaving my Econ class."

"That's awesome," said a brown haired guy with the darkest eyes he'd ever seen.

"You called the campus cops on Kappa Delta Alpha?" laughed another.

"Just four of them, but they said that they knew from the shirts they were wearing which frat to fine," Grey said.

"Give me your phone," said the guy who'd walked him to lunch. "Name's Pete."

"Nice to meetcha," Grey said with a smile as he put his number in Grey's phone.

He heard a lot of "Put mine in there," from the others at the table. He ate his burger and fries, trying not to smile like an idiot. By the time the phone was back in his possession it had eight Alpha Beta Omega brothers' numbers in it.

"So, you're not pledging Kappa Delta Alpha?" asked the ginger haired guy.

"Nope," Grey said. "I'm pledging Alpha Beta Omega."

"Nice," said Pete.

"Grey, my name is Adam Pierce," said the ginger. "Bring your essay to the party tomorrow night and put it in my hand."

"Sure thing, Adam," Grey said with a smile.

"You got another class today?" asked Adam.

"Nope," he said. "My last class is canceled because the professor is working from home."

"Then two of you walk him back to his dorm," said Adam to the table. He looked at Grey again. "What's your schedule tomorrow?"

"History of Business with Pine at ten and then Accounting with Severn," Grey said.

"I'm in your Accounting class, Grey," said Pete. "I'll walk you over from Pine's hall."

"Thanks, Pete," he said.

"I'll walk you to Pine's class," said a blonde and brown guy. "Name's Aaron Stice."

"Nice to meetcha, and thanks," Grey said, smiling at him.

"After Accounting, you need to go back to your dorm?" Pete asked.

"Yeah to change and get ready for the party," Grey said. Then he looked at Adam and said, "I also need to pick up my essay."

"You've written it?" Adam asked.

"Last night," he said.

"You went to a party and wrote your essay for Alpha Beta Omega last night?" Aaron asked with a smile.

"Yeah," he said. "I was a little mad when I left that party."

"We heard," said Pete. "I'm good friends with your sister."

"Ah," said Grey, liking the fact that all of Alpha Beta Omega seemed to know his plight with Kappa Delta Alpha already.

"Aren't you a legacy at Kappa Delta Alpha?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, but as I told their president this morning, I won't be a part of a fraternity that can't keep me safe from my bruiser of a brother."

"Did he really break all of those bones?" Pete asked.

"Yeah," Grey said sadly. "He broke my ankle when I was six and he was seven, my fingers when I was nine, my wrist later that year, he hit me with a baseball bat and broke my collar bone when I was fifteen."

"Damn, and your dad didn't do anything about it?" asked a honey haired guy.

"My dad died when I was six," Grey said. "We were in a ten-car pile up coming back from a friend's birthday party."

"That was in Harris, right?" a sandy haired brother asked.


"Weren't you like the only survivor?" he asked.

"Yeah," Grey said again. "It's still difficult to talk about."

"Shut up, Jesse," laughed Pete.

"Your essay should be interesting," Adam said with a smile. "Remember to put it in my hand."

"I'll remember," Grey said as he got up. Pete and Jesse stood as well.

They walked with him back to his dorm and shocked Jason when he saw them coming. He was outside throwing a frisbee with Chris. Grey just smiled at him and went into the building. Pete and Jesse bumped fists with him before he went inside. Then they left to do their own thing. Jason was upstairs almost as soon as he'd closed the door to their room.

"What were you doing with Aboo brothers?" he asked.

"They walked me back to the dorm after lunch," Grey said and quickly filled him in on all that had happened since he'd left for class.

"Holy shit!" he cried. "You called campus security on Kappa Delta Alpha brothers?"

"I did," Grey said with a grin. "Charged them with harassment. Then I had lunch with eight Aboo brothers. Their numbers are in my phone."

"Damn, Grey, talk about pledging early," he laughed.

"I see that it could help out that they seem to like me," He said. Though he was also worried that this was just a gimmick to get one over on Kappa Delta Alpha. He knew that the two frats were rivals. He didn't want to be in the middle of something like that, but he did want to be in Aboo.

"And Adam told you to bring your essay to the party?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to put it in his hand."

"You know the rest of us don't turn ours in until Friday morning," Jason said.

"I don't know what to tell you," Grey said. "I'm just doing what Adam asked me to do."

"You do know who Adam is, don't you?" he asked. Grey shook his head. All he knew was that he was an Alpha Beta Omega brother. "He's the president of the fraternity. You have been accepted by the president of Aboo."

"I'd say made friends with or acquaintances at best," Grey said. "I just met the guy at lunch."

"Yeah, and he asked you to bring your essay early and to put it in his hand," he said. "That's something."

"Well don't read too much into it," he said. "It's not like I'm golden boy or anything."

Golden Boy was a boy named Ryan Glassman. He had been given the mother of all scholarships. He had a full ride for football, ten thousand dollars in incentive money and a brand knew Ford F-150 for signing on the football team. It was outrageous but apparently standard practice for the God of a sport at Saguaro. They'd heard that John Pressman was Nevada's Golden Boy for baseball, and a boy name Jim Plat was Golden Boy for track at the Utah campus.

"You're not Saguaro's Golden Boy, but you sure seem to be Aboo's," Jason said with a grin.

"Shut up and study," Grey laughed. "We've got a test on Friday or did you forget?"

They got down to studying after that, though Grey couldn't put the rivalry between Alpha Beta Omega and Kappa Delta Alpha out of his head or the fact that he might be a pawn in the middle of it all. He wanted the prestige that came out of Aboo, so he'd put up with a little fuckery, but too much would drive him crazy.

Once he'd studied enough to rot his brain, he got his shower stuff together and went off to shower. When he got back, Jason was already in bed. It was a Wednesday night after all. Not too much was going on unless you were hunting a fraternity which they were not.

The next morning Grey got up, made his bed, and got dressed while Jason slept. He had a funny course load. He never got up before ten. Grey had a ten o'clock class and a two o'clock class today so he got ready to leave. He'd woken up a little later than he usually did so breakfast was out of the question. He was happy to find two Alpha Beta Omega brothers waiting for him when he stepped outside. It seemed they'd remembered that he had an early class today.

They introduced themselves as Cam Jennings and Mark Fleming. Cam was of a height with Grey's own six feet with mousy brown hair and chocolate eyes. He wasn't overly built, but he looked like he could handle himself. Mark was shorter then Grey with chestnut hair and amber colored eyes. Grey assumed they were contacts.

They walked to the science building exchanging pleasantries and talking about the frat and what philanthropic event was scheduled for when. Grey saw three Kappa Delta Alpha brothers walking in their direction until they saw the Aboo shirts and veered to the left. He was happy to make it to class without incident.

After his class they went to the cafeteria to get lunch. Grey went to the Nifty Fifty for his standard burger, fries, and juice. They sat at the same table was the day before, and several brothers asked how Grey's day was going so far. They all thankfully introduced themselves so he'd know who he was talking to. Lunch went off without a hitch even though a table of Kappa Delta Alpha brothers glared at them the whole time.

They stayed at the table until it was time to head to his two o'clock class. Mark went with him as he was in that class, but Tom Dent was not. Tom was almost as tall as Grey with rust colored hair and brown eyes. His arms were nicely toned and his legs were as well. He informed Grey that he ran track. That explained the toned body. Mark and Tom followed Grey back to his dorm where he changed clothes and grabbed his essay. The party wasn't until seven and it was only just after four, so he hung out with Jason, Ryan, and Chris. They would walk to the party together.

Ryan had dirty blonde hair with eyes the color of the sky on a clear day. He wasn't muscular but he wasn't flabby either. He was the same height as Grey. Chris was muscled and toned from his days on the baseball team. He was a bit shorter than Grey with dark hair and dark eyes. He liked sour candy and had a bag of little bits of sour gummies in his possession at all times.

"So is Kappa Delta Alpha giving you any trouble?" asked Ryan in his deep voice.

"Not since the boys from Aboo started walking everywhere with me," Grey laughed.

"They walk you to and from class?" Chris asked.

"And to the cafeteria and back here," He said. "Once we start the pledge process they should leave me alone."

"Though something tells me they won't," said Jason. "Those four goons got fined and I'm sure they'll want to thank you for that."

"Fuck `um," Grey said with a smile. "They really shouldn't harass people."

They got ready to walk over to Aboo and left at six-thirty. The party was to start at seven, but it would take them a bit to walk across campus to Fraternity Row. When they finally got to Fraternity Row all of the other frats were on their lawns heckling them as they walked by. As they passed Kappa Delta Alpha his brother had a fit.

"Grey, what are you doing?" he demanded. "You know you belong here at Kappa Delta Alpha! You're a legacy like me."

"Tommy, I'll thank you to never talk to me again," Grey said and kept walking between Ryan and Jason.

A campus security car drove slowly down the street. It stopped in front of Kappa Delta Alpha and the officer said, "You guys remember to leave Grey Baker alone."

They made it to the massive three story house without further incident. Grey handed his essay to Adam and made his way inside. The inside of the house was radically different than what Grey had expected from the exterior. Outside, the house was sandstone with a flat slate roof. A circular part of the roof extended and was supported by two sandstone columns. On the lip of this roof extension were the Greek letters: Alpha Beta Omega.

Inside it was like a completely different place. The walls were paneled with dark wood in the hallway. The floor was covered with rust colored carpet. The frat's colors were red, black, and white. It was all here. Dark walls with black trim, rust colored carpet with white running stripes on each side next to the walls. Doorways opened into rooms with similar motif. The first room was the living room with two sofas, three recliners and a flat screen television. Brothers were standing around this room talking. The second room was the dining room with its long table with so many chairs that Grey didn't count. On the other side of the hall was the billiard room he supposed. There was as pool table and two dart boards in here along with a bar with bar stools. The kitchen was behind the dining room, and here were the kegs of beer. Across from the kitchen was a door marked, "President's Office."

There were brothers in every room that he could see. Several he'd already met. He found Pete manning one of the kegs in the kitchen with its dark paneled walls half way up and plaster with wallpaper to the ceiling. The paper had vines on a red background. The floor had rust colored tiles in two different shades.

"Grey," said Pete as he handed him a glass of beer. "I know you're not twenty-one, but campus cops give us a break during rush week as long as we don't get too out of hand."

"Thanks," Grey said as he sipped the liquid. He wasn't a fan of beer, but he couldn't exactly say that to Pete. This was a fraternity party after all.

"Tonight's just about getting to know everyone and having fun," he said. "Mingle and get to know some of us that you haven't met."

Grey went to the billiard room and hung out around one of the dart boards. Several brothers stopped to talk with him about the frat, the pledge process, and philanthropy. He had a great time playing darts with various brothers and showing them that he knew his way around a dart board rather well. He loved the talks about philanthropy. That stuff was right up his alley. Grey liked to help his fellow man.

By the time the party was over, Grey was only slightly buzzed. He liked the feeling and was glad he hadn't gotten as drunk as Ryan had. They had to hold him up and help him walk back to the dorm. Grey thought that wasn't leaving a good impression on the brothers of Alpha Beta Omega.

They next day he, Jason, and a hung over Ryan took the econ test together. Grey was sure he'd aced it, but Ryan assured them that he'd bombed it. He kept complaining about his head hurting. Jason laughed at him, but Grey felt sorry for him.

That evening as they got ready for the party, Jason said, "I hope Ryan's up for tonight."

"I hope he doesn't get as drunk tonight as he did last night," Grey said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

"Chris talked to him about that today, or so he said," Jason said. "Ryan almost didn't get up in time to turn his essay in on time."

"There's no way I'd mess that up," Grey said. "I mean, I put mine in Adam's hand last night, but if I hadn't, I'd have been at the frat at seven like they said."

"If not for Chris, Ryan would have missed it," Jason said. "I suppose there's always February."

"Not for me," Grey said. "I want to be a brother in the fraternity long before February."

"Oh, me too," said Jason. "I just meant that if Ryan had missed it, he could always just pledge in February."

"I got that," Grey said as someone knocked on their door. He went to open it and found Chris and Ryan on the other side. "Guys," he said.

"You punks ready?" Chris asked with a smirk.

"Yeah," Jason said. "You get your suit ready for tomorrow night?"

"It's ready, but we have to be invited to that party don't we?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jason said. "That one and Sunday's."

"I thought Sunday's party was only for the ten," Ryan said. He seemed to be doing better now than he had in class that day.

"It is, but the ten have to be invited," Jason said. "They'll post a list but if you don't bring your invitation you won't get in."

Grey filed that information away in the back of his brain. He hoped to be invited to Saturday's party as well as Sunday's. If he was then Monday he'd be in pledge class and he'd have almost reached his goal. So far so good on that end. He'd call Sierra tomorrow and let her know all that was happening.

They left for the party together. That night, Grey met brothers he'd only seen the night before. By the time the party wrapped up at midnight, he was sure he'd met all of the brothers now. They were handed a packet of papers and told to fill them out and return them by seven in the morning. Grey took his packet and followed Jason, Chris and a sober Ryan out the door.

He worked on the packet as soon as he got home. Jason did as well. The questions centered on his beliefs and prejudices. Several times it asked about his opinion of gay people. What did he think of them in general? Would he room with one knowing that he was gay. He answered affirmative to that one and favorably to the first. He was a gay man after all. He only hoped that the others were at least open minded enough to room with him if they got into the frat.

"Did you see the one about homosexuals?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," Grey said. "There are two."

"I just found the second one," Jason said. "I think they're looking for homophobes."

"Probably weeding them out," Grey said.

"That would be a good thing," Jason said.

The two had come out to each other at the start of the semester. They'd both agreed that though they found each other attractive, they didn't want to mess up the new friendship that was beginning for them. So they were both gay but just friends. He hoped that they remained friends. He finished the hundred questions and went to take his shower. He set his alarm for six and sighed when he saw that it was after two. He went to sleep for the four hours but was up again at six to go and have an early breakfast and be at Aboo by seven. He and Jason ran into Chris and Ryan when they got to the frat.

"Did you guys see the questions about fags?" Ryan asked.

Jason and Grey stopped in their tracks. "We saw them," Grey said cautiously.

"I think they're trying to make sure no fags get in," Ryan said. Grey noticed that Chris was looking at him as if he'd never seen him before. Grey was sure he was doing the same.

"Ryan, are you homophobic?" Jason asked.

"I wouldn't say that I'm homophobic," Ryan said. "I just don't want to room with a fag."

That, Grey thought, was what a homophobic jerk wold say. He said nothing about it, though. He did share a look with Jason. They'd wisely decided to wait to come out to Ryan and Chris. It seemed that was a good choice. Although Grey didn't think he would be able to be friends with Ryan now.

Chris and Ryan invited them to breakfast, but both Grey and Jason decided that a nap was in order. They separated at the Student Services building. Grey and Jason said not a word to each other as they walked back to the dorm. They were stopped by two Kappa Delta Alpha brothers along the way.

"Grey Baker," said the dark haired, dark eyed Kappa Delta Alpha brother. "You are summoned to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha."

"Kappa Delta Alpha goon," he said. "I refuse to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha. I thought I'd made myself clear. And no one summons me."

"You are a legacy at Kappa Delta Alpha," said the blonde haired, and blue eyed Kappa Delta Alpha brother.

"And I told your president that I would not be a member of a fraternity that cannot keep me safe from my brother," he said. "Now, kindly go away or I'll call campus security on you as well."

"What's going on here?" asked Pete and he and Adam walked up to the group.

"I've been summoned to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha," Grey said.

"What in fresh hell is this?" Adam asked.

"I don't know," said Grey. "I told them no one summons me and that if they don't get away from me, I'm calling campus security."

"But you are a legacy at Kappa Delta Alpha," said the dark haired boy.

"You don't listen well, do you, Goon?" Grey said, pulling out his phone and dialing campus security.

He was surprised when an officer stopped and got out of his car only moments after he'd called. The officer explained that he was already at the Student Services building and had caught the call.

"Gentlemen," said the black officer. "You didn't get the point. What are your names?"

"Dan Fielding," said the dark haired boy.

"John Ridgeway," said the blonde.

"Well, I'm filling out my report," said the officer. "Mr. Baker, who are the gentlemen with you?"

"My friends," Grey said. "Jason Fillmore, Adam Pierce, and Pete Jackson."

"Would you like the sign the report, Mr. Baker?" the officer asked, holding out the form on his pad.

"I sure would," Grey said. He was furious that they'd accosted him again. Were they nuts? He signed the form and handed the pad back to the officer.

"Thank you, Mr. Baker," you and your friends can go while I get the signatures of these two young men."

"Thank you, Officer," Grey said.

They walked away after that. Grey was livid. He couldn't believe that Kappa Delta Alpha hadn't given up yet. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised. They did seem to be a bit dense. He was just tired of it already.

"I can't believe you called security again," Adam laughed.

"I plan to call security every time they pull shit like this," Grey said.

"Are they stupid?" Pete asked. "I mean you already called security on four of their brothers. Did they think you wouldn't call them again?"

"They must be stupid," Jason laughed.

"Yeah well, it isn't funny," Grey said. "I've half a mind to pay back my scholarship and transfer to Nevada or Utah."

"Now none of that," said Adam. "You've made a number of friends here, Grey."

"Grey, you seem to be a bit more upset about this whole thing than I thought," Pete said. "You know we have your back, right?"

"You've proven that to me," Grey said with a sigh. "It just gets old real quick."

"Well, I'm breaking protocol, but let me tell you that you and Mr. Fillmore are both being invited to tonight's party. The invitations will arrive around five, but I thought you'd like to know before hand."

"Thank you," Grey said. Jason nodded. They'd reached the dorm by now.

"We'll see you later tonight," Pete said. "Gentlemen, wear your suits."

"We will," said Jason. "Bye guys."

"Later," said Adam.

"Are you really thinking about leaving?" Jason asked when they were safely in their room.

"The thought has crossed my mind," he said.

"You know Kappa Delta Alpha has chapters in both Nevada and Utah, right?" Jason said.

"So does Alpha Beta Omega," Grey countered.

"Yeah, but wouldn't the same thing happen in both cities?" Jason asked.

"I don't know," sighed Grey. "I just know that it has to stop. I'm over it."

"I'm gathering that," Jason said with a smirk. "I just didn't know you were this upset about it."

"We chose to come here both because our parents came here and because home is only three hours away," Grey said. "I knew that Tommy would be a pain, but I didn't know how much of one."

"Yeah but the brothers from Aboo seem to have your back," Jason said. "And I think Kappa Delta Alpha will back off once your name is posted today."

"That's right," Grey said. "They are posting the names of the ten today, aren't they?"

"Yes, at five o'clock," he said. "Once your name is posted, you are a potential for Aboo. They'll back you even more once that happens."

"More?" laughed Grey. "What're they gonna do get a truck and run them over?"

"They just might," laughed Jason. "One thing you can't say is that college is boring."

"No," Grey agreed. "It's anything but boring."

Grey went to shower. The hot sun had left a sheen of sweat on him today and he wanted it gone. He still wasn't sure what to think about Kappa Delta Alpha summoning him to pledge. Were they all stupid? He wasn't about to set foot inside that frat house again for any reason. He was pledging Alpha Beta Omega and that was final.

When he got back to the room, Jason had two black envelopes in his hand. He handed one to Grey. He saw that his name was embossed on the envelope. Inside he found his invitation to the party that night. Jason was on his phone to Chris and Ryan to find out if they got invited to the party as well. It turned out that Chris had gotten an invitation but Ryan hadn't. Grey had been certain that he wouldn't after his homophobic rant that morning.

Grey made sure that his suit wasn't wrinkled. It looked good, so he and Jason headed to the cafeteria for lunch. No Kappa Delta Alpha goons threatened them. They got burgers and fries with a juice for Grey and a soft drink of Jason. They sat at a table alone and ate in peace.

Back in the room they got down to studying. The party wasn't until seven and it was only one. Grey was studying his Econ notes while Jason was studying his History notes. Grey found it fascinating that Jason was studying History. The boy wanted to be a teacher. Grey wanted to own and operate his own business. He just didn't know what that business was yet.

Jason went to get dinner for them from Little Italy. He brought Grey Chicken Alfredo and himself lasagna. They ate while they talked about what it would be like to be brothers of Alpha Beta Omega. Grey called his sister and told her that he'd been invited to the party and was one of the ten. She told him the list had just gone up and Frank Dillard was pissed off. He told her that he couldn't help what pissed Frank Dillard off.

The boys got ready for the party and complimented each other on their suits. Grey's was black with a white dress shirt and black tie. Jason's was blue with a white dress shirt and blue and white striped tie. They grabbed their invitations and headed out. They got a few looks as they walked down the street, but no one said a word to them. Tonight none of the frats were on the front lawns. They each had parties going on. Grey and Jason stepped up to the door to Alpha Beta Omega and presented their invitations.

"Grey, you made it," said Pete as soon as he was inside the house. "Let me introduce you to Senator Gary More.

Gary More was the Senator for Arizona, a democrat that Grey's mother had voted for. He turned out to be a good conversationalist and Grey did his best to keep up with him. He was rescued by Pete once again only to be introduced to David Miller, the Olympic Speed Skater. He met so many famous people that night that his head spun. Still Pete made sure that Grey was only slightly tipsy when it was time to leave. Jason and Chris were in the same boat so they walked back to the dorm together. They were given invitations to the next party on their way out the door.

The invitations also had assignments. Grey was a server for the kitchen while Jason was a server for the bar. Chris was a server for the grill. The invitation said that clothing would be provided and that they should all be on their best behavior. Grey knew he'd do a good job. He'd waited tables at a diner type restaurant in high school to make extra money.

They got out of their suits and climbed into bed. It was after one in the morning. Grey woke up in a good mood. He waited for Jason to wake up and they went down to get breakfast together. This time Grey got scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. He had orange juice. Jason got a scrambler which was eggs scrambled with bacon, sausage, ham, hash browns, and covered in cheese.

They hung out in their room trying to pass the time between breakfast and seven o'clock when the party started. Grey packed a bag to take with him to pledge class and after a bit Jason did the same thing. They met up with Chris for lunch.

"Ryan's pissed off that he didn't make the ten," Chris informed them. "I wasn't surprised that he didn't make it. I'm kinda glad he didn't, if I'm honest."

"So are we," Jason said. Grey nodded.

"The homophobic shit?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Grey said. "I didn't want anything to do with that."

"Honestly, I didn't either," Chris said. "My younger brother is gay and he gets enough flack. I didn't need to hear it from my room mate."

"I hear you," Grey said. "Tommy's the same way."

"And much worse," said Chris.

"Yes, he was much worse," Grey agreed.

"So I hear you were summoned to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha," Chris said with a grin.

"Yes," Grey said. "I called campus cops again, too."

"Too funny," Chris said, lightly punching Grey's shoulder. "You are my most interesting friend."

Grey didn't think he was all that interesting, and he hadn't known that Chris considered him a friend. He wondered if he should come out to him. He'd said they were friends, and Grey wanted to be up front and honest with his friends. Still he hesitated. Coming out was hard.

They skipped dinner and headed to the frat house. Once there they changed into black dress pants, patent leather shoes, white shirts, and black bow ties. Grey hugged his sister and then got to the kitchen to grab a tray of hors d'oeuvres, his were canapés. He made several trips back and forth to the kitchen for more trays of this and that. The last was a tray of sliders made with chicken and beef. They were allowed to eat after an hour and then back to work.

Omega Beta Zeta pledges were also serving, so they worked in pairs. One cocktail waitress and one waiter. It worked out, but Grey's feet hurt when it was over. He changed out of the duck suit and followed Jason and Chris down to the pledge room after a goodnight hug and kiss from his sister.

In the pledge room he noticed that there were ten of them but only five beds. Grant Styles came into the room and told them to strip. Grey wasted no time getting naked. He wasn't ashamed of his body. Grant said that he was to be addressed as "Pledge Master" at all times.

"Welcome to the trials, gentlemen," he said. "At no time will you be hazed. Here at Alpha Beta Omega we want our pledges to want to be one of us not to be beat into being one of us. You will not consume alcohol or smoke anything. You will be uncomfortable but never in any pain. When I call out names please stand next to each other as you will be twinned for the week. Grey Baker, Nico Mancini. Jason Fillmore, Chris Jackson. James Bracco, Phil Brenner. Dom Morelli, Eric Fisher. Brandon Welsh, Alex Varner.

"Now, get to know your twin," he continued. "I don't want to know his major. I already know all of that about you all. I mean get to know him as a person, get personal details. This week is all about being your brother's keeper.

"You will be naked in this room at all times. You will sleep, piss, shit, eat, and even go to class with your twin. If you have a class at the same time that is different than your twin's let us know and a proxy will stand in for you. Lights out in one hour, pledges."

They looked at each other, and Grey had to admit that he liked what he saw when he looked at Nico. He and Nico sat on the first bed and started to talk. He found talking to Nico about his past to be easy and comfortable. Nico asked intelligent questions, but was respectful at the same time.

Next: Chapter 2

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