Grey Baker

By Julien Gregg

Published on Nov 13, 2023


A Year In the Life of Grey Baker The Saguaro University Chronicles by Julien Gregg

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Chapter 2

The sleeping was difficult with Nico's naked body so close to his own, but he managed it. In the morning they showered together, pissed together, and dressed for class together. Nico didn't have an early class so they went to Grey's first class of the day. After that class, Grey called the frat house and told them that he and Nico needed proxies to go to the next two classes with. They waited while none other then Pete and Cam showed up to be said proxies.

"So, what do you think of Nico?" Pete asked as they walked to his class.

"He's a good guy," Grey said. "I get along with him all right."

"Did you guys do the assignment for the trials?" Pete asked.

"We sure did," Grey said. "I learned a lot about Nico."

"Cool," Pete said just before Grey went into the classroom.

After class, Grey and Nico were reunited for a class they shared. Pete and Cam went to one of their own classes. Grey was happy to be pledging Alpha Beta Omega. He was even happier to see that Kappa Delta Alpha left him alone. He hadn't seen Tommy so that was a plus. He just hoped his luck held.

Back at the frat they were served hot dogs and chips. Then they were downstairs and naked once again. Grant came down and stood before them but said nothing as they folded their clothes and got naked. Then he called on Nico.

"Tell me about Grey Baker," he said.

"My new friend, Grey Baker is a freshman like me," Nico said. "He's the shortstop for the Saguaro Arizona Lions and has played baseball since t-ball. He has a brother and a sister that both attend Saguaro Arizona. He says he can't stand his brother but loves his sister. His mother teaches arithmetic at Harris High School, and his father died when Grey was six. He was the sole survivor of a ten-car pile up.

"After that," he continued, "his father's best friend taught him survival tactics like how to find fresh water, hunt, and build a fire. His name was Chris, and he died when Grey was twelve and left Grey his entire estate."

"Very good," said Grant. "Grey, tell me about Nico."

"My new friend, Nico is an only child who grew up in Michigan with his parents. His mother works for an insurance firm and his father is a lawyer. He spent summers with his paternal grandparents in California and played baseball there. He broke his wrist playing baseball when he was ten. He's never had a pet but he loves dogs. He was a cub scout and then a boy scout. He's now an Eagle Scout having planted a huge flower garden in the park and installing a coy pond at its center.

"He says it was his dream to got to college at Saguaro Arizona," Grey continued. "He likes the desert, and plans to move to Arizona permanently when school is over."

"Very good, both of you," Grant said.

Then he went to the other pairs of twins and none of them did nearly as good as Grey and Nico. Several got a point for their lackluster recounting of what they'd learned about their twin. Grey wondered what they'd talked about all night.

After that they were told to clean the showers and toilets in the pledge room. Then they were told to dress and head upstairs for a snack. They were fed peanut butter sandwiches with milk and then sent back down to the pledge room to get naked and study.

This went on all week. On Tuesday they went on a scavenger hunt through the city of Osage, looking for items on a list that were hidden throughout the city. Points were given for how well they searched and only two people got a point because of the scavenger hunt.

By the end of the week there were nine of them. On Sunday they went from twins to trios, and look books with pictures of each of the brothers in the fraternity were handed out. Their names were under their pictures. Brothers started to wear t-shirts that said, "Who am I?" Pledges were required to answer that question, and they lost two more people in the first two days of the week.

On Wednesday they were given shopping lists to go shopping for this or that brother. They gave them money to buy each item on the list. This was the only time the trios could part because this was an individual assignment. Grey went to the five and dime store and purchased all of the items on the list. He was two dollars short for the total so he put his own money in to make sure he had all of the items on the list. They were silly items like sponges, wipes, pencils, notebooks, was cloths, and various other items.

When Grey got back to the frat house, a brother stepped in front of him and pointed to his shirt. He was tall with light brown hair and soft brown eyes. Grey knew him and said, "You're Brent Tillman." He just smiled and walked off.

Grey gave the bag of goodies to Pete and stood there while he looked through everything and read the receipt. Then he said, "Where's my change?"

"There was no change," Grey replied. "I had to add two dollars to the total."

"Good man," Pete said. "You don't get a point."

"Thanks, Brother Pete," Grey said.

Later that night Grey learned that two people had gotten a point. Phil Brenner and Brandon Welsh had both gotten a point. They'd also been warned as Phil now had eight and Brandon now had seven. They had more points than anyone in the pledge class. Grey still had zero. He wondered about that, but he hadn't done anything to get a point as far as he knew. He decided to let it go even though he was the only pledge with no points at all.

Jason and Chris both had two points. Nico had three, but Dom Morelli had four. Grey remembered just how Dom had gotten all four of his points. He'd left his twin three times and failed to name a brother when presented with the question on his shirt. Grey thought that was really stupid. Why would you leave your twin when they'd told you what would happen? And why wouldn't you study the look book to get to know who all of the brothers were?

By Thursday, Grey had named Brent Tillman, Roger Dally, Kevin Biggens, and of course Pete Jackson. He'd shopped four times and had to add money twice. Twice he'd had to give back exact change. Once he'd actually been shorted by the cashier but he'd added the money to make it right.

Plus he'd stayed in his trio. Lucky for him that trio consisted of him, Jason, and Chris. They'd been friends since the start of the semester so it was easy to stay together. Plus he and Chris had virtually the same classes as their majors were the same. They'd called for a proxy on Monday and Wednesday because Jason had two different classes to get to on those days. They'd do it again on Friday.

Then on Monday they passed out the booklet on that chapter of the fraternity's history. They'd been charged to study the booklet for a test that would be given on Wednesday. Grey thought they were given every chance to succeed. They'd even told them when the test would be. He studied and did rather well on the test. He got no points. Jason got one, but Dom got three. He now had seven points and got a warning. They lost Phil Brenner on Tuesday.

Wednesday, after the chapter test they were given the booklet on the national fraternity. The test would be Friday, and Grey got down to studying. He also correctly named six more brothers. They called for a proxy for their trio and Jason got two proxies, and they took the test on Friday. They lost Brandon Walsh and Dom Morelli thankfully got no more points.

They were in the final week as of Saturday, and no more points would be given. Grey guessed that if you didn't know the brothers of the fraternity by now you just didn't know them. There was no more shopping, and no more "Who am I?" shirts. Instead Big Brothers were assigned on Monday and Grey was happy to get none other than Pete Jackson as his big brother. He hung out with Pete all week long. Pete gave him the ins and outs of fraternity life and really treated him well.

On Friday they were back in monkey suits along with the five Omega Beta Zeta pledges to be wait staff for a party that catered to the men of the fraternity and the women of the sorority. He got to see his sister again.

The next night was a party for the five pledges as they were inducted into the fraternity and made full brothers. There was cake and ice cream like a birthday party but there were drinks and sliders as well. Pete chatted with Grey about moving in to the fraternity. He told him about dues and residency fees. Grey had no trouble with those and asked if anyone had a truck to help him move in. It turned out that Pete had a truck and Cam would help him move. Jason was moving into the frat as well, so it wasn't like Grey was leaving him behind. In fact the only one not moving in was Dom Morelli. He couldn't afford the dues and residency fees.

Jason, Chris, and Grey spent the night in the dorm packing their stuff. Jason and Grey just repacked the boxes they'd unpacked before. The only other thing that Grey had to take with him was his mini fridge, but he'd get a dolly for that. He went to sleep in a sea of boxes marked "Grey" or "Jason". They probably wouldn't be room mates in the frat.

The next morning, Pete and Cam showed up. Grey said something about getting a dolly from the RA but Pete picked the fridge up and walked out of the room with it. Grey felt like a weakling watching that happen. Grey and Jason helped Cam carry boxes and bags down to the back of Pete's F150. Grey thought about buying a truck of his own, but quickly put that out of his mind has he helped Cam pack the back of the truck. Once all of the boxes and bags were in the back, the boys climbed into the backseat of the truck and Pete headed for Fraternity Row.

Back at the house it was chaos as they started to move stuff in. Grey was happy to have Pete next door to his room, but confused when Nico walked in with boxes of his own. It turned out that Nico had asked to move in with Grey, and Jason was in a room with his big brother. It worked out and Grey thought that there were worse things than being the sexy Italian's room mate.

He found a box on his bed with a hat and a t-shirt in it. At the bottom was a catalog of all things with the frat's letters on it and two fifty percent off coupons. Grey put his stuff away, broke down his boxes and then placed an order for two of everything in the catalog. He carried the broken down boxes to the dumpster behind the house. Nico followed a moment later.

Grey wrote a check for dues and fees and then followed Nico down to the dining room for a buffet of food. He ate and drank punch that wasn't spiked as he talked with brothers that he hadn't had a chance to talk to before. He was having a good day so far. Pete was always close by and Grey was thankful for that. He had questions now and then and Pete was always available to answer those questions. He was given a schedule of events just before he went back upstairs to study.

There were mixers and parties on the schedule, but there were also events like Frat Night at this or that restaurant or party venue. Wear you frat t-shirt and get in free or get fifty percent off. A list of philanthropic events was on the back. These were events that the frat threw all of the time. New brothers were encouraged to start their own philanthropic events as well. It wasn't a requirement though. You could just participate in the events that the frat was already throwing.

He studied his math and science and headed to bed early. He was happy to be a brother in the fraternity, but university life would go on as it had for the most part. He'd just have brothers to back him now. His last thought before sleep took him was that he'd had a brother and sister before and now he had a bunch of brothers.

The next day he had a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice before heading into the living room and sitting with Pete. Pete told him that the guys were off doing things for their residents at the nursing home.

"How do I get a resident?" Grey asked.

"You'd be interested in the Adopt a Resident program?" Pete asked. Grey nodded. "Well you'll have to wait for rotation for that. What we're gearing up for is toys for tots and Halloween stuff. They'll do the twelve days of Christmas, too. That'll be in December and its only October so we have time for both of those events. You could get in on the blanket run or the turkey run if you want, though you don't have a car. You could pack boxes or something."

"I'd like to buy a car soon," Grey said. "I just haven't needed one so far. Maybe I'll go look tomorrow after classes or Tuesday since I only have two classes I could go in the morning."

"Sounds like a plan," Pete said. "If you wait until Tuesday morning, I can take you to the car lot and help you look."

"Cool," Grey said. "I'd like that a lot. Thanks, Pete."

"Hey, I'm your big brother," Pete said with a cockeyed grin. "What else am I gonna do?"

"So," Grey said, "it's The Blanket Run, The Turkey Run, or Twelve Days of Christmas?"

"Don't forget toys for tots," Pete said. "That's a big one. We hold a toy drive starting this month. Then in December we wrap boy presents in green paper and girl presents in yellow paper and distribute them to a list of children provided by Family Services."

"That sounds cool," he said. "I could get into any of those four."

"I saw the issue of `Survivor Magazine' with your shelter on the cover," Pete said. "Maybe you could do something with survival skills for kids or something."

"I could," Grey said. "But not a shelter. That shelter took all summer to build and perfect. I could do finding fresh water and starting a fire I guess. I don't think a bunch of parents would like me teaching the kids to set snares for hunting or how to make arrows and a bow for hunting."

"You'd be surprised," Pete said. "Just think on it. It's too late for that this year, but you could do it next year. Think of this as a way to bring in all of the kids that didn't join the scouts."

"That's actually a great idea," Grey said. "I could make it free to the kids, too. I mean I have plenty of money."

"If you don't mind my asking, how much did your dad's friend leave you?" Pete asked.

"A little more than eighty million," Grey said with a straight face. It still felt weird to say it out loud. He still had trouble believing that he had that kind of money at his fingertips.

"That's amazing," Pete said wide-eyed. "What are you gonna do with the money?"

"Manage it," Grey said. "I'm a simple guy who doesn't need a lot. I have a house, two cars and a business to learn how to run. I don't need a sports car or a bunch of stuff. I just want to live my life."

"Wow," said Pete. "Just wow."

"Yeah," said Grey.

"Wait, if you already have two cars why are you buying a third?" Pete asked.

"Because I don't want to drive a Cadillac or a Hummer," he said. "Those are the two vehicles in the garage at my house. They were Chris's. I've ridden in both, but I don't want to drive them. I want a vehicle that's mine and that I'll drive on a regular basis. Right now the maid uses the Cadillac to go shop for supplies. That won't change. I'll probably sell the Hummer when I get back to Harris."

"Wow," Pete said again.

"The Hummer was Chris's play toy," Grey said. "I don't need anything that can run over a small car. I just need something to get me from Harris to Osage and back again and do all of the in between stuff."

"I hear you," Pete said. "I'm just still blown away by the money."

"In truth, so am I," Grey admitted. "I have trouble believing its mine. For one thing, I didn't know that Chris had that kind of money. Believe me the house is nice, but its not that nice. And he never flaunted his money in front of me."

"What's this business?" Pete asked.

"Medicon," Grey said.

"I know about that one," Pete said. "It makes MRI machines right?"

"Among other things," Grey said. "But its all medical equipment. There's a manager, or an acting CEO if you will. I get reports from him, but I don't know how to read them. Or I didn't until a professor went over one with me and explained some things. I was in over my head at first. That's why I'm majoring in Business Admin. I don't need a medical degree to run this business. I may make the acting CEO permanent or something and just sit on the board. We'll see."

"Are there other owners?" Pete asked.

"No," Grey replied. "It's not a share holder kind of thing. I own it."

"What's this board?" Pete asked.

"The ethics board," Grey replied. "It's a group hired by Chris to advise the CEO."

"So the board makes no decisions?" Pete asked.

"No, they're strictly an advisory board," Grey replied.

"Unreal," Pete said. "Maybe I should switch to business and come work for you."

"Maybe," Grey said with a chuckle. "You'd have to move to Harris though."

"That's a long way from Sedona," Pete said.

"Closer than this school," Grey pointed out.

"You've got me there," Pete laughed. "You're too much."

"Thanks, I think," Grey said.

"So what's Tommy's problem with you?" Pete asked.

"Tommy and I were close until my dad died," Grey revealed. "Once that happened, Tommy became a monster."

"Your picture was in the paper all over Arizona," Pete said.

"Yeah, and I got presents and money from strangers," Grey said. "Tommy took offense."

"Is it jealousy?" Pete asked.

"I don't know," Grey said. "At first it probably was, but later it just got to be something else entirely. Tommy hates me."

"That's sad," Pete said.

"Yeah," Grey said softly. "But I hate him right back. I mean who wouldn't after enduring him for as long as I have?"

"Yeah," Pete said. "But Sierra is a good girl?"

"My partner in crime," Grey laughed. "Sierra and I have always been close."

"That's good," Pete said. "At least you like one of your siblings."

"Yeah," Grey said. "Siblings aren't always a good thing."

"I'm guessing," Pete said. "Thank God I'm an only child."

"What must that have been like?" Grey laughed.

"Shut up," Pete said with a grin. "What's on your agenda for the rest of the day?"

"Gotta study for an Econ test that could be given any day now, then I'll probably just hang out. You?"

"I've gotta go do some stuff for my resident," Pete said. "But I'll find you later."

"Sure thing," Grey said. "Later."

He went upstairs to his room to study and found Nico still sleeping. He put his ear buds in and studied for an hour or so, going over figures and facts and trying to memorize them. Nico woke up while Grey was studying and interrupted him.

"All you do is study," Nico said, getting Grey's attention.

"I have a test in Econ that could be tomorrow for all I know," Grey said. "I don't study all of the time."

"Well, I'm gonna shower," Nico said as he yawned and stretched. "Who's downstairs?"

"No one as far as I know," Grey replied. "Pete was here but he had to go do something for his resident."

"The Adopt a Resident thing?" Nico asked. Grey was fully aware of the fact that Nico was naked again. Not a big thing since they'd been naked together for the trials.

"Yeah," Grey said. "We have to wait for rotation to join that. There are other things about to go on, though."

"Yeah," Nico said as he scratched his ass and headed for the bathroom.

Grey did his laundry, finished the assignment for History and ate lunch downstairs. He'd been meaning to ask Pete how the food was bought and if he needed to put money in. He'd ask him that when he returned.

Nico came down a little bit later and had a bowl of cereal. He didn't say much, but he kept looking at Grey. It made Grey uncomfortable so he went back upstairs to play on his computer.

When Pete and some of the others came back, Grey played pool with Pete. He wasn't very good at it, but he gave it his all. What he excelled at was darts. He wasn't a dart shark but he was pretty good. They played two games of darts and Grey beat Pete both times. Then it was time to grill for dinner. More and more brothers came home and they got the grill going with pork steaks and baked potatoes. Grey helped Pete make macaroni salad.

They ate in the dining room but there was a lot of talking and laughing. Pete told Grey that they did this about once a month. It was a Aboo thing. Next weekend was the first mixer and it was with Omega Beta Zeta so Grey would see his sister.

Grey decided to buy Halloween costumes for under privileged kids. He asked their contact at social services for names of these kids and to find out what costume they wanted. She had a list for him on Monday. He had Pete drive him to the auto shop on Tuesday where he bought a 2019 Jeep Wrangler Sport. It was black with black leather seats. It had two doors with roll bars and fog lights. It also had a CD player that played six discs. He went to get full coverage insurance and gas it up from the car lot.

He also had the list of costumes on him so he went to a costume shop and bought each one on the list. He put them in separate bags with the kids' names on them and put them in his Jeep. When he got back to the frat the guys went nuts over his Jeep. They each wanted a ride in it, but Grey had to empty it out before giving a ride to anyone.

The social worker came for the costumes to pass them out. She thanked Grey and all of Alpha Beta Omega for their contribution. Pete asked Grey about it, but Grey just told him it was his philanthropic idea. Pete slapped him on the back for it. Adam commended him but wondered just where the money had come from. Grey told them that he wanted to be a part of the Blanket and Turkey runs as well.

Nico loved the Jeep and told Grey that when he returned from Christmas he'd be driving his Ford F 150. He said it had been his high school graduation present from his grandparents in California. Grey couldn't wait to see it. He supposed it was probably a lot like Pete's, but Nico said his was a crew cab and Pete's was an extended cab.

He and Pete went on a grocery run to restock the house. Pete explained that brothers just took it upon themselves to take the list and go with it. It worked out most of the time. There were times when no one wanted to shop, but someone was always assigned on those days.

They had a great time at the grocery store, and Grey surprised Pete by getting everything on the list and a couple of things that weren't on the list. When it came time to pay, Grey used his Visa card. Pete didn't seem to like that, but he said nothing. When they got back some of the other brothers helped unload the truck and put the stuff away. Grey grabbed a few items that he'd bought for himself and headed upstairs to put them in his room.

Weeks went by and the brothers began to plan their Halloween Party. Pete asked Grey what he was going to be for Halloween and Grey said a vampire. Pete had a friend who worked in special effects coming to turn him into a zombie. Nico didn't have a costume and one of the brothers named Kevin Newbanks told him that if he wasn't afraid to show his ass he had the perfect costume for him.

"I'm not afraid to show my ass," laughed Nico. "Bring it."

Kevin came downstairs with a pair of leather chaps and a chest harness. There was a cod piece but it left the ass bare. Nico tried it all on and it fit him like a glove. He loved it. Grey had to adjust his erection from seeing his sexy room mate in that get up.

A few days before Halloween Grey went to the costume shop to buy a suit from the 1800's. He also got fang tips to put on his teeth and contact lenses to make his eyes shine in the light. Pete's friend was a guy named Tom Warsaw and he told Grey he'd paint him as well. Tom was tall and built much like Pete. The two fist bumped when he told Grey he'd paint him.

On the day of the party several of the brothers made paper mache tombstones and crosses to put in the yard. They painted each of these black and actually came up with a coffin that one of them had built out of old wood planks. Inside they put a skeleton that had been purchased at the costume shop. They had a fog machine as well to make the yard look foggy.

The morning of Halloween was a Wednesday and Grey skipped his morning class to be painted like a vampire by Tom. Tom painted both Grey and Pete bone white and let that dry. Then he added layers of make up to bring them back to almost human. He painted Grey's hands and did his nails. He even helped him put in his contacts and add the fang tips to his teeth. Grey dressed in his period suit and went off to his second class. When he got home for the day he found the yard done. It looked amazing with the straw filled scarecrow on the porch next to a bowl of candy with a sign that said "Help Yourself."

They had both hot dog and hamburger sliders and a lot of liquor. Grey stuck to the un-spiked punch for the night, but Nico was drinking rather heavily. Sierra showed up in a Cleopatra get up. She looked amazing with her dark hair curled under at the ends and the fake jewels on her forehead and breast bone. Her dress was light blue and she had more fake jewels running up her arms and legs from her sandals to her knees and her wrists to her elbows.

"You look great," she told Grey when she saw him.

"So do you," he said, smiling at his sister and showing his fangs.

"You look like a vampire," she said.

"And you look like the Queen of Egypt," he laughed.

"Maybe I'll win the costume contest," she said.

"I didn't even know there was a contest," he admitted. "Pete told me about it while Tom was painting us."

"Tom Warsaw?" she asked.

"Yeah, do you know him?"

"I sure do," she said. "He graduated from here last year. He's in the effects business in California. How did you get him here to paint you?"

"Pete called him," Grey said. "He painted Pete, too."

"That figures," she said mysteriously. She said no more on the subject.

They had the costume contest and lined everyone up. Grey was surprised to see that there was another vampire. This one was an Omega Beta Zeta sister. There was a dominatrix to go with Nico as well. There was another zombie but she wasn't as impressive as Pete with his professional paint job.

"In first place," said Adam. "We have our Zombies. In second place we have our vampires, and in third place we have our dom and dominatrix."

They were given gift certificates to the Taco Shack. Grey loved their tacos so he was happy with his prize. Pete and the female zombie got two hundred dollars. Grey didn't care about the money. He was just happy for his big brother.

"So you won second place," Sierra said as he came to stand with her again. She handed him a hamburger slider and a glass of punch.

"Yeah," he said. "I didn't expect the gift certificates though."

"We all love the Taco Shack," she laughed. "Obiz holds a sorority event there twice a year."

"Yeah, Aboo does, too," he said. "The first one is next Saturday."

"Are you going home for Thanksgiving?" she asked.

"I hadn't planned on it," he said. "Mom's not having a bird or anything is she?"

"She said she was planning to have Chinese," laughed Sierra. "Besides, Tommy's going home for Thanksgiving. Mom insisted."

"I told her that I got into Aboo and what happened at Kappa Delta Alpha," he said. "She was pissed off about what happened, so I guess she's going to rip Tommy a new one."

"We're going home for Christmas though," she said.

"Of course we are," he said. "But I'm staying at my house for the entire break."

"Mom's not going to like that," she said.

"Mom will be fine," he replied.

The party wound down and Grey said goodnight to his sister. Then he had to help Nico up the stairs to his bed. Nico stripped out of the costume and fell across the bed naked as the day he was born. Grey took a shower marveling that the makeup came off so easily. Then he took out his contacts and his fang tips and went to bed. Some time in the night Nico crawled into bed beside him, but he just cuddled up and went to sleep.

"What am I doing in your bed?" Nico asked the next morning. Then he winced from the headache.

"You climbed into my bed last night after I left you sprawled across yours," Grey said.

"Did I do anything to you?" Nico asked, looking scared.

"No, you just cuddled up and went to sleep," Grey said. He got up and headed for the shower. He'd showered the night before, but he liked to shower in the morning. When he came out, Nico was on his own bed fast asleep.

He went downstairs to see who was up and was surprised to find Pete and Tom downstairs. Pete was looking at a coffee mug with a revolted look on his face. Tom was laughing at him.

"Morning, Grey," Tom said as he sat down at the table across from Pete.

"Morning," Grey said.

"What's good about it?" Pete asked.

"You're as hung over as my room mate," Grey said.

"Under age drinking is an issue we have to deal with," Pete said. Then he went back to staring at his coffee cup with that revolted look on his face.

"How are you feeling this morning, Tom?" Grey asked, turning to the other man.

"Like I always do," Tom said. "I don't drink."

"Smart man," Grey said.

"Did you imbibe?" Tom asked.

"Nope," Grey said. "I wanted my wits about me."

"That's great," laughed Tom. "What happened that the drunks don't know about?"

"Nothing that I'm aware of, but I have a psychotic brother out there," he said.

"He sure does," said Pete. "Nasty little fuck."

"I've heard your story, Grey," Tom said. "I sympathize with you."

"Thanks," he said as he got up and grabbed a bowl of cereal. He sat back down once he had it made. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

"We have to get the yard cleared," said Pete. "Can't look like anything was amiss."

"So soon?" Grey asked.

"University policy," Pete said.

"Well, I have a class in an hour, but I'll help when I get back from my second class," Grey said.

"We'll have it cleared by then," Pete said. "The brothers just need a chance to regroup."

"Okay," he said.

Sure enough the yard looked like Halloween hadn't happened by the time Grey got back from his classes. He found Nico in the living room with a couple of brothers watching something on television and headed into the kitchen. Pete was flipping burgers on the grill outside. Grey could see him through the windows in the door. He stepped outside.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked Pete.

"Human," Pete replied. "Glad you're back. I made you a burger."

"Thanks," he said. "Wasn't sure what I was going to eat. Now I know."

"How were your classes?" Pete asked.

"Fair," Grey said. "I saw Tommy outside of the science building today, but he didn't see me so I escaped untouched."

"If he fucks with you we'll fuck him up," Pete said.

"So far so good," Grey said.

They ate burgers and chips in the dining room and then Grey went back upstairs to study for the Econ test that hadn't been given yet. He was still studying when Nico came in. A question that had been on Grey's mind all day finally had a way of answer.

"What did you mean by did you do anything to me last night?" he asked Nico.

"Thought I might have molested you or something," Nico said. "I guess I should just tell you. Pete told me to. I'm gay, Grey. And I've had this thing for you since the first night of the trials."

"Well color me shocked," Grey said with a smile. "I'm gay and have had a thing for you since the first night of the trials, too."

"Don't tease me," Nico said.

Grey got up and kissed him. Nico's arms went around Grey's neck and pulled him closer until their bodies were touching. The kiss deepened and Grey felt a tingling sensation start in his chest and radiate outward. He really liked kissing.

"I've wanted to do that since the first night of the trials," he said when the kiss ended.

"So have I," Nico said.

"Well its time for us to have a talk," Grey said.


"Us," Grey said. "If what you want is a fling then I can't be with you. I want a partner, a boyfriend."

"I want a boyfriend," Nico said. "Grey I'm falling for you, man. I don't want a fling with you. That won't be enough for me. I know we come from different places but I'm willing to work on that when we graduate. I think this could go all the way."

"I'm happy to hear you say that," Grey said. "I too think this has the stuff it takes. I just needed to hear you say it wasn't going to be a fling."

"I've never had a boyfriend before," Nico said. "I haven't been with anyone."

"It's the same for me," Grey said. "I've never been with anyone either."

They kissed again and this time Grey let his hands roam over the body he'd been lusting for. They sat together on Grey's bed and then Nico's hands were on him. Grey couldn't believe that this was happening. It was like a dream.

They kissed some more and then Nico tried to lift Grey's shirt off. Grey allowed this and pulled Nico's off as well. Soon they were both naked and lying together in Grey's bed. Grey let his hands roam all over Nico. When he got to the other boy's hard dick he took it in his hand, making Nico moan. He slid down his body and put his mouth on it. It was like he'd been born to do this. Nico only moaned.

Grey could feel the pulse of his dick in his mouth, every vein and ridge. He took him all the way to the root, marveling that he had no gag reflex. He did this over and over again and all too soon he felt Nico's balls move up in their sack. He knew what that meant from reading stories on the internet. He let his dick fall from his mouth and then Nico attacked him.

Nico wasn't as good at sucking dick as Grey was, but he gave it his all. Grey lasted longer than Nico as well. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have Nico's mouth on him. He twitched and moaned as Nico grazed him with his teeth. Then he pulled Nico up so he could kiss his mouth again. Over and over again they went at each other until they'd both cum down each other's throats.

"Well, I guess we have no trouble there," Nico said and laughed.

"So it would seem," Grey said, smiling at him. "Was it all you thought it would be?"

"And more," Nico said. "Give me a minute and we can do it again."

"I think I've had enough for now. I still have to study," Grey said.

"You and your studying," laughed Nico. "I'll study, too."

They did study. Grey got all of his studying done and then sat and waited for Nico to finish. Then he told him it was time to go down for dinner. They went down and had pork chops and mashed potatoes with everyone else. Pete gave them a smile and then smiled at Tom who smiled at them as well. Grey understood something in that moment. Pete was a real friend and could care less about his sexuality.

Days went by and they were constantly at each other in the privacy of their room. Thanksgiving came and the boys did up a turkey with all of the trimmings. They'd had it catered from the local supermarket so all they had to do was heat it up. There was even pumpkin pie.

Nico didn't go home for the long weekend either. He told Grey that plane tickets were too expensive. He'd be driving back to campus after Winter Break, but he wasn't going home until summer after that. Spring Break he wasn't sure about. Neither was Grey. He could go to Spring Break with his brothers or he could spend it in the frat house with Nico. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do more. He wanted to experience all that college life had in store for him, but he also wanted to work on his relationship as well.

Then they were all at the Taco Shack for the fraternity get together. They wore their frat t-shirts with their letters on them to get fifty percent off. They'd called in extra staff because the frat filled the restaurant. Grey had a great time and good food. When they got back to the frat, some of the brothers had dates, some had nothing to do but hang out in the frat house. Grey and Nico went upstairs to have sex.

He talked with his sister about that when they went to the Taco Shack to use Grey's gift certificates. She knew about his sexuality. Even their mother knew. Grey had been open and honest about it as soon as he'd figured it out. Sure, Tommy had a problem with it but that didn't surprise Grey. Tommy had a problem with anything that Grey did.

"So why isn't Nico going to Spring Break with the brothers?" she asked.

"He can't afford it and won't let me pay for him," Grey said with a sigh.

"Are you gonna go?" she asked.

"I've never been to a beach before," he said. "I'd like to go, but I'd like to be with Nico, too."

"Well you've got time to think it through," she said.

"Yeah," he said. "In two weeks we take finals, and then it's back to Harris for Christmas."

"Yeah," she said. "This year is moving fast."

"Will Uncle Thomas be at Mom's?" I asked.

"Probably," she said. "He's in town for Christmas this year."

"He wasn't last year," Grey said. "I never know where he's gonna be."

"Well he's a traveling nurse," she said. "He never knows where he's gonna be."

"True," he laughed. "I'm done are you?"

"Yeah," she said. "Thanks for bringing me here, Grey."

"I talked it over with Nico and he said to spend the day with you," Grey said. "He's pretty understanding when it comes to you."

"He's a peach," she said with a grin. "You tell him hello for me."

"I will," he said, gathering the paper from their tacos onto the tray. "Let's hit it."

Grey went back to the frat house after dropping off Sierra. Nico kissed him when he came into the room they shared. Grey got down to studying for finals. He couldn't believe how fast the year was going. It seemed like just yesterday they were starting the trials and now it was almost final exams. He hoped the second half of the year didn't go as fast as the first. He really liked college life, and he wasn't ready for a summer in Harris.

Nico couldn't believe his luck. Grey was gay and wanted to be with him. He couldn't believe it. For him, this was why the year was moving far too quickly. He imagined that Grey might invited him to Harris for the summer. He'd accept. It was just getting him to invite him.

They studied until ten and then they both got naked and went to bed. After showing their love for each other they went to sleep spooned together just like that first night of the trials. Grey was content.

The next day was Sunday and Grey spent the day with Nico. They drove to a craft fair and bought things to hang on their walls. Then they went to the Taco Shack for lunch. There they ran into Tommy and a couple of brothers from Kappa Delta Alpha.

"Well if it isn't my brother the fag and his little boyfriend," Tommy said.

"It takes one to know one," Nico said.

"What did you say?" Tommy asked, standing up.

"You heard me just fine, I'm sure," Nico said. "Why don't you just shut up. It doesn't look like your frat brothers have your back."

Sure enough the two frat brothers had remained seated and were giving Tommy a dirty look. He didn't notice though. He just glared at Nico. Fortunately a group of Aboo brothers came in about then. They looked from Tommy to Grey and stood between the two groups. Tommy left the Taco Shack throwing insults at Grey and Nico over his shoulder as he went. The two Kappa Delta Alpha brothers followed him but they didn't look happy.

"What was that all about?" asked Cam as he and the brothers joined Grey and Nico at their table.

"Tommy was just being nasty," Grey said. "It was nothing."

"Well it looked like something," said Grant.

"It could have become something, but you guys came in and they were out numbered," said Nico.

"His frat brothers didn't have his back," Grey pointed out.

"Well we have yours," said Grant. "Remember that. Adam will be very interested in what happened here today."

Grey didn't think it needed to be brought to the president of the frat's attention, but he knew that there was nothing he could say to make it stay between them. Tommy deserved whatever happened next. He was through worrying about the boy.

Sure enough shortly after returning to the house, Grey was called into Adam's office to talk about what had happened. Grey told him everything that Tommy had said. Adam was furious.

"You know, he may have crossed the final line," Adam said. "He was already on thin ice for losing them a legacy."

"What do you mean the final line?" Grey asked.

"Fraternities and Sororities don't take kindly to homophobic slurs, Grey," Adam said. "After all there is an all gay fraternity just two doors down from us. They come to all of the parties thrown by all of the houses. Homophobia doesn't work here at Saguaro Arizona. Tommy may have crossed the final line to get him ejected from his house."

"Great," sighed Grey. "Then he'll hold that against me."

"Tommy is going to hold stuff against you anyway, from the sounds of it," Adam said. "But I want you to come to us if he says or does anything else to you."

"I will," promised Grey. "I just don't want to be the reason he gets expelled from his fraternity."

"You won't be," Adam said. "He will be."

Grey had a lot to think about after his conversation with Adam. If Tommy didn't stop he'd be expelled from Kappa Delta Alpha. How bad would that look? And what would Tommy do to Grey once it happened?

The next day started the final week of classes. They'd take finals starting December third. Once they took their last final they could go home. Grey already had his finals schedule and so did Sierra. Sierra would be done the day before him but she had said she'd wait for him to be done so he could drive them home. She didn't have a car.

Word spread that Tommy had been expelled from the frat. He also couldn't return to the dorm so he was sleeping on couches here and there. Grey thought it served him right, but he wasn't looking forward to the backlash. Tommy was volatile anyway. Now he had a reason to lash out at Grey.

But Grey didn't see Tommy that week. He went to his classes, studied for his finals and hung out with Nico and Pete. He also found out that Pete was gay which shocked him. It had been during the big discussion about what Tommy had said at the Taco Shack that Grey learned about Pete's sexuality.

Grey had nothing to do but study as of Friday. It would be the weekend and then finals wold begin. He had finals every day that week and would take the last of his finals at ten AM on Friday. Once he was finished he could leave.

Nico studied hard, too. Grey already knew that when they graduated from college, Nico still had four more years of school to be a pharmacist. He didn't know what to think of that, but he knew that he'd figure it out. Nico could go to Saguaro Utah for those classes but that would have him in another state while Grey was either sitting on the board of Medicon or running the company.

Next: Chapter 3

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