Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Sep 14, 1999


He no longer remembered how this had all got started. Was there a specific moment when he had embarked on this path? Or had it been a gradual progression?

The following is a completely fictional story, which includes the Backstreet Boys as characters. It is completely fictional and a fantasy, and has nothing to do with the real BSB. Also, this story has a bit more edge to it than many others I have read, but please keep in mind that I already have long term plans for the story, which will include much more romance. Never fear! and enjoy!


James got up from bed and shook off his reverie. He looked down at his naked body. When had he started sleeping in the nude? Yet another question he didn't dwell on as he made his way into the bathroom and shower. The room steamed up quickly as he massaged scented soap into his pours - spending extra time on his testicles and erect penis. James took a deep breath, inhaling the flowery fragrance.....

....... it had been her perfume which initially caught James' attention. Some friends from work had forced him to go out to some trendy club for his birthday. He hadn't been to a club in years, and even in his "wild youth" had avoided them. They had laughed when he had answered the door in a shirt and tie. Then, the next thing he knew he was at Gamora, some trendy pseudo-goth bar. They had gone to great lengths to try and shock him.

The first thing he had seen upon entering the bar was the sight of two scantily clad men making out in the corner. He had been disgusted! How ironic that reaction would become... Once in the bar he and his three buddies grabbed a booth, and James quickly worked his way to the far back - putting as much distance between himself and the `locals' as he could. He tried to make awkward small talk as his friends laughed at his obvious discomfort. They made sure to buy him row after row of shots and within an hour, James had loosened up quite a bit. They even talked him into dancing.

He stumbled out of the booth and down into the pit which served as the dance floor. He almost passed out from the heat when he hit the floor, but quickly became absorbed into the throng of dancing flesh. At times the stench of sweat almost made him sick, but then, after stumbling away from his friends, he caught a whiff of something else... His nostrils filled with the sweet smell of jasmine and his breath caught in his chest. He turned around... and there she was.............

............... James stepped out of the shower and toweled himself off, wiping away the jism which had spilt down his leg. Walking over to the sink, he brushed his teeth and combed his hair. Next he grabbed the can of shaving cream and wiped it over his stubble. He pulled a straight edge razor from the cabinet - and stood there staring at it as minutes passed. Finally, he squeezed his eyes shut and began shaving his face. He was almost done when he nicked his ear, crying out in pain........

............. James lay naked on the bed, his arms and legs strapped to the bed posts. She came in from the bathroom, wearing nothing but a billowing black silk cape. She carried a razor in her hand. She had laughed at his shocked expression, as he swallowed hard. He closed his eyes and hoped for the best.......

.............. James touched his ear and his fingers came away bloody. He placed the fingers in his mouth and savored the slightly bitter taste

of the blood. He reached back to his ear, getting more blood and smearing it over his chest and nipples............

............. standing in front of him in the middle of the dance floor was a peculiar looking young woman. She was short, with pert breasts, readily apparent through her mesh shirt. She was not wearing a bra. James knew an attractive woman when he saw one, and this most definitely was. But it was not her appearance that took him aback, it was the sheer, unadulterated sexual confidence radiating from her body. A coy smile played about her lips as she reached out and pulled him close, planting a kiss right on his mouth. Before James knew it, her tongue

was in his mouth, running across his teeth and pinning his tongue.........

.......... she jumped on him and straddle his body, as she flipped the razor blade open. She just smiled at the sight of his face, and ordered him to open his eyes. He complied. Quickly. She began to shave the short layer of fur which covered his chest. James winced as the blade passed over his bare skin, and came dangerously close to his nipples. She worked lower, moving down to his legs and shaving them

bald. It was then that she stopped, and laughed evilly right in James' face. Grabbing hold of his erect penis, she first began shaving his testicles and then she finished off with his pubes. Despite himself, he had let out a small whimper at his lost manhood..........

......... James finished getting dressed and knotted his ties. He reached up and removed the small bit of toilet paper which had stopped the bleeding. Today was going to be a very important day, and he HAD to clear his head. There had been a time when his thought were not consumed by Atlanta, but he hardly remembered. She was his life now, her and Zach........

.............. she pulled back with a wide smile on her face. James smiled back with a goofy smile of his own. She said something, but he couldn't hear her over the loud music in the pit. James was about to suggest they get off the dance floor when suddenly he felt himself pulled back and away from the young woman. He turned to find his work buddies dancing drunkenly and started pulling him back to their booth. James turned around, but the woman was lost in the crowd.

Back at the table, he and his friends continued drinking, but James was no longer into it. His eyes constantly roamed the club, searching for the elusive woman. Finally he spotted her waiting for a drink at a bar across the room. James was about to get up and go to her when he noticed a young man, his age standing next to her. He handed her a drink and the two talked closely with one another. A jealous rage, the likes of which he had never experienced before racked through his body at the sight. What was he thinking? It had only been one kiss! But still, he was jealous at how close they were standing. The man was dressed all in black - the shirt silk and the pants leather. He seemed pretty well built, and had a slightly Asian look to him, especially around the eyes, which were enhance by black make-up. He was almost.... beautiful.

Just then the woman looked up at him and smiled. She pointed, and her male friend looked over. James quickly looked back

at his friends, red with embarrassment. She must think I'm spying on her! Clearly she's moved on, just get over it stupid. Despite

himself, he had to glance back and see what they were up. They were nowhere in sight.........

........... Yes, today was a VERY important day. All their plans rested on this final interview going well. He had to land this job! James picked his briefcase up off the floor and flipped it open. Inside were several files, including his resume. There were also several photos of the prey.... five smiling young men dressed in colorful clothes. His groin tightened at the sight of them.............

............. James excused himself and headed for the washroom. All that alcohol had to come out, his dick was hard with the need to pee. The washroom was dingy, like most public restrooms, and there was puddles of beer and water and possibly something else (given the smell) all over the floor. Surprisingly, it was also empty. He walked to a urinal and unzipped. He heard the door open and someone come into the room. James kept staring at the wall, waiting for whoever it was to take their place next to him - but they never did. Finished, he shook himself off, zipped up and turned around. Standing in front of him was the man and woman he had seen earlier.

"H... hey..." was all he could manage to articulate.

They merely smiled and eyed him up and down. "He'll do nicely." It was the man who had spoken, and with those words he exited the washroom.

The woman spoke for the first time, "you're going to come back to our place tonight."

James was surprised by the confidence in her tone. She obviously was not used to having anyone say no to her - and James didn't want to be the first. "Okay."

She laughed and took him by the hand. James tried to tell her that he had to tell his friends where he was going, but she never let go - and her grip was iron. She led him from the club and into a waiting car. Her male friend sat behind the wheel..........

................ The Backstreet Boys. Not really boys anymore when you thought about it - but still, somewhere in between. That was the appeal - old enough to shave, but not so old that they had to every day. He hoped that they were half as sweet and innocent as their reputations. That would make the conquest all the more satisfying............

............. Their names were Atlanta and Zachary. They lived together in a large Victorian house. Large and spacious, it was decorated sparsely, with the bookshelves being the only crowded area. Obviously one of them came from money. They showed

him into the main sitting room and then left him alone as they disappeared into the house. James was nervous, the last vestiges of drunkenness dissipating. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into.

Someone cleared their throat behind him, and he turned to find Atlanta and Zach standing before him. Well, at least Atlanta was standing. Zach was on his knees, wearing nothing but a leather leash, the opposite end held in Atlanta's hand. She too was nude. James gasped at the what he saw, and Atlanta laughed loudly. She tugged playfully at Zach's leash, and he dropped to all fours.

"There's one waiting for you too you know."

They came towards him slowly, and stopped three feet in front of him. James was paralyzed with fear, unable to move. His member was rock hard and his breathing was shallow. This could NOT be happening. He could not be thrilling at the thought of this. He couldn't!

Atlanta suddenly let go of Zach's leash and motioned him towards James. Zach leapt into action, tearing at James' clothing. James resisted momentarily, shocked at the sudden violent action but soon gave in. He gazed at Zach's swinging 8 inch cock as he was disrobed.

When it was done, he stood there lamely trying to cover his 7 inch throbbing member. Atlanta laughed again, and pointed at the floor. James was confused, but then noticed Zach on his knees. He followed suit, dropping quickly to the floor. He closed his eyes when he noticed Atlanta's feet coming closer.

"Eyes open!" she commanded, and James' eyes popped open. She reached under his chin and raised his face so that he was staring into her mischievous eyes. "Come!" she said, and James began to get to his feet. Before he even knew what hit him, Atlanta had slapped him hard across the face.

"I did not tell you to get up. Down!" James collapsed to his knees again. "Now you will come on your belly - you too Zach." Atlanta began walking again, as James and Zach crawled like slugs across the floor. It was tough, and painful - his hard cock kept banging

against the floor. What was he doing!

They eventually made it to the bedroom, where he was tied to a large bed. James did not get any sleep that night - as first Atlanta, and then Zach took turns on him. First they kissed him, Atlanta biting down into his lip and drawing blood. Next they began sucking on different appendages. One would go at his nipples while the other went down on his throbbing member. They both worked it like pros, keeping him up without bringing him to orgasm. Later, after Atlanta had loosened him up, Zach entered James' body. He had screamed - and Atlanta had laughed and slapped him, drawing more blood from his mouth. This went on for hours, and at times James slipped in and out of consciousness, only to be awoken with a slap. At one point, Zach had latched on to his testicles and squeezed - waking James with a painful yelp.

In the morning, they untied him - and all three lounged on the bed. They explained to him that he had passed all the tests but one. James got up and looked over at them. Atlanta lay lounging on the bed, but Zach was bent over, his sculpted ass up in the air, his anus inviting James in. He flashed back to the night before when he had been disgusted at the sight of two men kissing. James got closer, his rod growing larger with each step. He came to a stop in front of Zach and paused for only a split second before descending on him in a rush. Zach actually let out a scream at the sudden force James exerted on the other man's body. He continued to whimper as James thrust hard, again and again into him, gaining his vengeance for the night before. Finally James felt the orgasm kick in, and felt his juice coursing out into Zach. He grabbed the other man and spun him around, forcing his sagging cock into Zach's mouth and spewing the rest of his cum. Atlanta laughed loud and long. James looked at Zach's shocked expression and joined in the laughter........................

.................... James closed his briefcase, after one last look at the picture of the Backstreet Boys. He hoped beyond all hope that he would be able to get his hands on Nick. How would that adorable young hunk respond to the `razor treatment'. He just hoped he had enough hair on his body worth shaving!

He had already gone through two interviews for the job of Public Relations Liaison for the BSB's management team. His job would require him to work closely with each of the boys individually to develop press kits for them and individual websites. He would have plenty opportunity to bring them into the fold. Atlanta had commanded it.....................................

End of Part 1

Part 2

James walked down the hallway of the 15th floor of the Grand Plaza hotel, looking for Conference Room 2. So far all he had found were hotel rooms. He looked at his watch and started sweating. He was going to be late! He couldn't let their plan be ruined before they even got off and running. James started to hurry down the hall looking for any sign of the Conference Room. He glanced down at his watch again. When he looked up he barely had time to register the site before he crashed into a blond haired young man. Nick Carter!

They toppled down to the floor, James landing on top of Nick. He stared into Nick's beautiful eyes and found himself sweating even more. His groin began to tighten in the beginning stages of erection. Nick appeared transfixed on him too, and that realization sent his penis into full erection. If this had been a cartoon there would have been a "THWANG!". Nick let out a barely audible gasp and James blushed furiously.

"Uh... please excuse me Mr. Carter... I..I..uh didn't see you standing there.." James mumbled awkwardly as he got to his feet and tried to hide his swollen member at the same time. He looked down to see Nick still laying on the floor looking up at him with a smile on his face.

"Well obviously" he said with a laugh, "now are you just going to stand there blushing or help me to my feet?"

James quickly wiped his hand on his pants and reached out and took Nick's slender white hand in his own. Such lovely fingers.... so slender and neat... almost.. effeminate. He pulled Nick to his feet slowly. Nick seemed to pull back somewhat, and rose to his feet laboriously. James ran his thumb quickly across Nick's hand before letting go. They were both still a little breathless as they stood facing each other. A smile played across Nick's lips, and James' heart almost stopped as Nick's tongue emerged and ran across his full red lips.

"So. Thanks for the hand, but um, can I ask what you're doing on this floor, no one is supposed to be allowed up here" Nick finally spoke.

Shit! The interview! James had completely forgotten about it. Well, at least if all else failed he could tell Atlanta and Zachary that he had straddled Nick Carter, and thought he might be gay. Still, he didn't think Atlanta would be amused that he had screwed up.

"I'm uh looking for Conference Room 2, I have a meeting with your manageme-

"Oh, are you James Green?" Nick interrupted.

James couldn't believe that Nick Carter knew his name! Just hearing it come out of his beautiful lips had given him a thrill. He looked forward to hearing "oh James" purr from that mouth more in the future. James was shaken from his reverie by Nick, who had continued talking.

"... I'm on my way there too so you might as well come with me. I'm trying to get more into the business side of this I think it will be good down the road to know more."

"Yeah, that seems to make sense" was all James could mutter. God what an idiot! They started walking down the hall side by side, James wishing it could be hand in hand. "So what areas are you interested in?"

"Well, PR mainly - so if you get the job you may have to put up with me hanging around you all the time and bothering you with all kinds of questions." Nick looked James in the eye and smiled broadly, showing off his white teeth. God, was EVERYTHING perfect with this boy!

"You won't mind having me around would you?"

"NO!" James barked "uh... I mean no, not at all" he continued blushing.

"Good" Nick laughed. "Anyway we're here" he said, opening a door and ushering James in. James felt some part of Nick's body brush across his ass as Nick passed by him. Could it have been a hand?

James shook his head. Now was not the time for these thoughts, he had to get the job first before he could entertain any thoughts of Nick Carter. He focused his attention on the sight before him. Seated behind a long table were three people, two men and a woman. Nick took a seat next to the woman, still smiling. He gestured for James to take a seat. He sat down and placed his briefcase on the table. Putting on his best happy face and pulling out his charm he set about wooing BSB's management.

James gazed down at the bound young body on the bed before him. Zach was busy ramming his rod down the young man's throat, while Atlanta tightened the bonds. They had gone to the circus a few days ago, the night after his interview. They had all been taken by one of the smooth-bodied young acrobats and after the show had approached him. Kevin, his name was, not that it mattered much. He was only a temporary toy for them to play with. A loud moan escaped Zach has he exploded into Kevin's mouth. Zach retracted and collapsed onto the floor. It was James' turn.

He began crawling towards the boy, who could not have been more than 19 years old. He had a fearful look in his eyes, but he was busy licking the cum off his lips. James descended on his small erect penis, easily swallowing it whole. After Zach, 5 inches seemed like nothing. Kevin moaned as James quickly bobbed up and down on Kevin's smooth young member. He began to squeeze his testicles, slipping his hand down under and penetrating his tight young rear with his finger. James reached up and grabbed some of Zach's slick cum off of Kevin's cheek, using it to lube himself up. He heard Atlanta laughing to the side and then saw her slender fingers circle Kevin's cock and begin jerking him off. James concentrated

all his efforts on Kevin's virgin ass, fingering it some more before picking up his legs and placing them on his shoulders. He looked up to see Kevin's wide eyes and laughed. Kevin smiled and nodded his head. That was all the urging James needed as he stuck his throbbing cock into the young man. He screamed as James' mottled head breached his ring and slid inside. James began pumping slowly then gradually increased his speed.

James looked up and saw Nick Carter staring down at him. He smiled, imagining that it really was Nick. He began to slam into Kevin harder and harder. The acrobat was flexible but James was still surprised to see him flipping his lower body up higher, his feet coming to rest on either side of his face, and his asshole spread even wider, accommodating James' swelling dick. This boy was good - maybe he did deserve a spot in the fold after all...

James lost track of his thoughts as he felt himself beginning to orgasm. He yanked himself out quickly and straddled Kevin's chest. James still saw Nick Carter's face as he purposefully exploded full into Kevin's face. His jism sprayed across his cheeks and lips and his tongue flailed in the

air trying to catch the creamy white projectiles. When it was over, James rolled over and collapsed on the floor next to Zach, who was passed out from fatigue. He heard Atlanta laughing as she began to take her turn. He drifted off to sleep.....

James awoke to the sound of a ringing phone. He opened his eyes and noticed that Zach was snuggled up next to him. James took a moment to admire his physique before getting up and rushing to the phone. He noticed Atlanta, half-asleep nibbling on Kevin's hard nipples as he passed by.

"Yello?" he said, pickup up the phone. It was The Backstreet Boys head manager! And he had the job! James could barely breathe as thoughts of the naked Boys strapped to beds raced through his mind. Yes, it would all come to pass exactly as they had planned. He, Atlanta and Zach were going to bring their S&M sideshow on the road! He had been careful to get them jobs as his "assistants" so that they could all get their hands on BSB, and the guys wouldn't know what hit them. Very soon they would all be introduced into a whole new world of pleasure...

James hung up the phone after the conversation and went back into the bedroom to tell Atlanta and Zach the good news. They would have to ditch that acrobat kid and get things started ASAP. What was that kid's name anyway? James had already forgotten it..............

End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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