Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Sep 16, 1999


The following story is completely fictional and written for fun. Please do not take offense at anything written, or make any assumptions about the sexuality of the characters, which include the Backstreet Boys. I appreciate any feedback (positive or negative), which can be sent to Thanks and enjoy!

GUIDING LIGHTS Chapter 3 -- Preliminaries

James, Zach and Atlanta pulled up in front of The Grand Plaza hotel and handed their car over to the valet. They all looked disgustingly normal, dashing in fact. They had blackmailed a politician a few weeks ago and put the extortion money aside just for this purpose. James was decked out in a snug grey suit which accentuated his spare but muscular frame. Zach, as always was in all black, but he had traded in his simple shirt and pants for a coal black Tommy dress suit, with a scarlet silk handkerchief tucked into the pocket. He oozed charm, a young Mafia Don. Atlanta on the other hand radiated dominance in her ebony Armani power suit. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun and she was wearing a pair of neat gold-wired glasses. They all carried attache cases. They intended to leave a lasting impression on the BackStreet Boys.

They ascended to the 15th floor and were granted access to the floor by security. When they arrived at Conference Room 2, the Boys were already inside, sitting casually at the table and joking around. They all stopped as James and the others entered the room.

"Wow, fancy duds man!" A.J. finally broke the silence. They all smiled in response but remained very business-like and the Boys went back to sitting quietly.

"Now, James began, this is Atlanta and Zachary, my associates, as you know we will be handling most of your PR from now on, so we need to know a lot about you so that we will be able to answer questions and deal with possible problems. What we would like right now is to ask you a bunch of questions.

"Uhm, sure, Kevin spoke for the group, We were asked to go along with whatever you wanted so.. uh sure thing. So what do you want to know?"

James started to read off questions, asking about their family and relatives, if they had criminal records, anything embarrassing which may come out in the press. He was very casual and matter of fact, reading off the questions as Atlanta and Zach carefully monitored their reactions. Then James dropped the bomb.

"Sexual orientations?"

James quickly glanced up to gage their reactions. Nick looked directly at him before turning beet red and looking down at his lap. Kevin's eyes turned to stone and he stared straight ahead, clenching his jaw. A.J. just smiled and laughed, glancing at all of them. He seemed really amused by the question. Brian and Howie both blushed and glanced VERY quickly at each other. They then moved slightly further apart.

"We're ALL straight" Kevin finally said - decisively. The others all looked at him and, after taking in his facial expression, nodded their heads in agreement. However none of them seemed very sure...

"Sorry if I caught you guys off guard, but you have to realize that it's a definite issue for any boyband." James tried smooth things over.

"Sure, no problem - but it won't be an issue for us." Kevin sounded really upset and glared at the other Backstreet Boys as he spoke.

"Well, good then, one less thing for us to have to worry about" James said with a smile. Nick beamed back at him and all the Boys seemed to relax again - except Kevin. "So that's all guys, thanks for your time. We look forward to working `closely' with you.... Now if you don't mind we have some things to discuss....

"No problem dudes, we'll get out of your hair" A.J. said getting up. The other guys followed him out of the room. Nick glanced back with a smile. Kevin glanced back with a glare. Once they were out of the room, James, Zach and Atlanta let out a collective sigh.

"So. What do your "Gaydars" tell you" Atlanta asked, taking down her hair and shaking it loose.

James and Zach laughed, then began comparing notes. Nick was most definitely gay, if the way he was looking at James and Zach meant anything. A.J. they agreed was probably bi, he seemed to get pleasure out of the topic of sex - a pure hedonist like them. Brian and Howie seemed to be involved and were definitely flaming. Kevin on the other hand remained an enigma. James was of the opinion that he was straight, while Zach thought he was so defensive because he was gay. Atlanta wasn't sure, but thought she knew how to find out.

After discussing it for a while they came up with a plan of attack. They were going to separate and work different angles - see if they could find out more about the Boys separately. If they were lucky, and played their cards right, some of them might just get lucky....

-- The Seduction of A.J. --

Atlanta made her way down the hall. She had traded in her Armani power suit for something a little more casual. A thin black silk dress draped loosely across her shoulders, that left little to the imagination. She stopped in front of A.J.'s door and heard the radio playing loudly inside. Atlanta turned the knob slowly and smiled in satisfaction. She walked right in without knocking.

The room was cloudy with smoke and incense, but through it she could make out her prey. A.J. was laying on his bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black bikini briefs. He looked completely relaxed as he inhaled from a joint. A.J. looked up blearily and noticed Atlanta standing there. She walked purposefully toward him, gazing down at the large package in his briefs. A.J. noticed where she was looking and giggled loudly.

"You here to find out the answer to that question you asked?" he asked laughing.

Atlanta stopped for a second, surprised at how accurately he had guessed. Regaining her composure she moved along side the bed and sat down.

"Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a drink. I knocked but..... " she glanced meaningfully over at the radio.

"I don't drink..." was all A.J. replied, sucking back on his joint. He noticed for the first time what Atlanta was wearing, taking her in fully. The package in his briefs stirred - and Atlanta noticed it and laughed.

"Looks like someone wants to come out and play..." She reached over and caressed his underwear, feeling the beast underneath. A.J. choked on the smoke he was exhaling and moved further up the bed. Atlanta crawled up right after him, taking the joint out of his hand and putting it out in the ashtray.

Atlanta ran her fingers along A.J.'s underwear line, feeling the thin layer of dark fur of his underbelly. She suddenly, and quickly yanked his undies down and off his slender body, and his hard cock whipped out and smacked him in the chest. Atlanta smiled at the sight - no wonder he was so sexually confident - the boy was packing some major heat. She reached out and grabbed hold of his thick 8 inches with two hands. She began to lick his throbbing head as his gism began to ooze out. Atlanta could hear A.J. beginning to pant and groan. She slipped one hand down to his testicles and began massaging them gently as she began to go down on him, taking in inch by inch. A.J.'s groans got louder and louder, bordering on shrieks as Atlanta increased her rhythm. The hand that was playing with his balls slipped under and she slid one finger up A.J.'s ass, then two. A.J. was going crazy now, his head thrashing back and forth on the pillow, his legs flailing out to the sides. He was either experiencing ecstacy or else an epileptic seizure.

God he tasted sweet, Atlanta thought as she continued to go down on him quicker and quicker, all the while fingering his hole. Finally she sensed the tell-tale signs as A.J.'s cock began to quiver - and then without warning, exploded in her mouth. She swallowed some, and the saved a mouthful. As A.J. relaxed with a sigh, Atlanta flipped him over onto his stomach. The fun was only just getting started. She spit some of his cum down between his cheeks before swallowing the rest. The perfect lube.... Atlanta immediately slid two fingers up and into his anus, then worked in a third. A.J. was grunting into his pillow, but he wasn't telling her to stop. She started tonguing him as she stretched him out. She smiled as she heard moaning coming from her tattooed lover.

Atlanta smiled as she caught sight of a candle on A.J.'s bedstand, the nice thick kind. Grabbing hold of it, she slid it into A.J., working it up and down. Low chanting of "oh yes, oh yes" could now be heard coming from A.J.. Atlanta put the candle aside and gazed down at A.J.'s glistening tattooed body. He was so slender and beautiful.... but the pain had to come before the pleasure would be possible. She suddenly slapped his ass hard. He let out a shriek and turned with a look of shock on his face. Atlanta got on top, straddling his back and pinning him to the bed. She continued to spank him, harder and harder. A.J. was screaming now, but he was drowned out my the radio. Finally, when he was sobbing into his pillow, she got off and flipped him back over. Atlanta smiled in satisfaction as she saw his member was hard again. Some part of him had enjoyed his spanking - a very positive sign. A.J. stared up at her with a look of shock on his face - then smiled. He pointed meekly at his penis, asking for another blow-job. Atlanta just laugh loudly and left - slamming the door behind her.

-- Brian and Howie Get Some... More --

James made left his suite and walked down the hall to Nick's room. The plan was to ask him out for dinner and drinks. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. James tried again, but no one was home. Where could he be? He continued down the hall and into the lounge, but still found no sign of his boytoy. James rounded a corner and headed up to the billiards room. The door was closed, and from the other side he could hear muffled conversation. Ah... it must be Nick, it had to be!

James opened the door and found the room empty. Or was it? He could hear movement coming from around the corner. Rounding the corner, James came face to face with a marvelous and surprising sight. Brian and Howie lay on the floor, covered in blue chalk smears and nothing else. He stood there savoring the sight, they were both too caught up in the kissing to notice him. Both young men had smooth, glistening bodies with very little body hair. Neither was very well endowed, and had beautiful little boy-cocks. Zach could rave about massive meat all he wanted - James had always liked `em a little small. Brian was understandable, he was a small man to begin with, but he felt a little bad for Howie. His member barely rose out of his thick dark pubic hair. Brian he noticed, was shaved...

James was already getting very hard, just at the sight of the two young lovers. He heard a gasp and noticed Brian and Howie getting quickly to their feet. James casually slid over and placed himself between them and their scattered clothing.

"What the fuck!" Brian stuttered. "This isn't what it looks like..." Howie chimed in.

James just laughed. "So none of you are gay huh?" James laughed some more and gradually approached Brian, who took a step back only to find himself up against the wall. This wasn't exactly what he had been looking for tonight, but James saw no reason why he should let a perfect opportunity go to waste! With very little thought for the consequences, he moved in swiftly and planted a firm kiss on Brian's lips. Brian resisted for a moment before letting James' tongue enter his mouth. He began massaging Brian's tongue, and running his across B-Rok's teeth. He slid one of his hands down and gently stroked Brian's shaved 5 inch penis. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Howie beginning to stalk off in anger. James reflexes kicked in and he latched out and grabbed the tanned adonis by his squat 4 ½ inch dick.

James stepped back and pushed Brian to the floor, where he collapsed in a heap. He turned his attentions to Howie, who stood there in shock with a slight look of pain on his face. James released some of the pressure of his grip and pulled Howie in closer, planting a kiss on his lips. His tongue slid in and wrestled playfully with Howie's. With a sudden move he pushed Howie back down to the floor, where he lay next to Brian, who was now jerking off.

"Well boys, what are you doing just lying there naked when I'm standing here all dressed up?" James asked playfully.

Howie and Brian smiled back and crawled towards him. Howie took off James' shoes and socks, while Brian got to his feet and began unbuttoning his shirt. James ran his hands up and down Brian's back, squeezing his small firm butt. James inched his way towards Brian's hole and felt him trembled in response. Brian laughed as he yanked off James' shirt, sending the remaining buttons flying across the floor. Howie was kneeling between Brian's legs, and licked out at his young cock as he undid James' pants. They fell to the floor, and his boxers soon followed. His 7 inches whipped out, and the Boys took it in with a smile. Howie, still on his knees, grabbed hold of both cocks swinging in his face and began sucking on them alternatively. James was working on Brian's little hard nipples and sucking on his neck. Howie was really sending thrills up his body - he sucked like a champ. But it was time to mix things up a bit - and bring it up a notch.

James grabbed Brian and threw him onto a pool table, where he got to his knees. James worked his way round back, and started spanking Brian lightly, who laughed and begged for more (if he only knew!). Howie got up and came round as if to spank James, but James shook his head and ordered Howie up onto the table. He complied without even thinking about it, responding to the authority in James' voice. Howie knelt beside Brian and James started spanking both men.

Double your pleasure, double your fun, James thought to himself as he looked down at his two kneeling proteges. He noticed that they had already loosened themselves up, which would save James having to do it. He moved in on Howie first, gently probing the area with his cock and teasing him.

"You want this Howie?" James asked and received a grunt in response. He laughed, and told him that if he wanted he had to beg like a dog. Howie started

to make whining noises and James laughed some more. "That's right, now bark" he ordered. Howie, and then Brian began barking like little dogs. How perfectly submissive they were.... Atlanta would have a field day.

Without further ado James plunged full force into Howie, who began barking more loudly as James' thick meat slid in and of his nice round ass. Just when he was building up a nice rhythm and Howie was getting into it, James extracted his cock and moved over to Brian, who smiled in response. "Who told you to stop?" James said, with an angry look, and Brian started barking like a little Chihuahua. James laughed some more and forced himself partly into Brian's little ass. He took his time, not wanting to hurt the guy (at least not yet), after all he was used to "little howie". James slid more and more of himself into Brian and his barks became more shrill and mixed with moans.

On again, just when things were hitting a feverish pitch, he yanked himself out and went back and switched. James continued to alternate between the two young men, carefully controlling his own orgasm. He noticed Howie shoot all over the pool table, and then Brian, but he was still going strong. Both kneeling men were drenched in sweat and it dripped from their balls. James noticed they were about to start passing out, so he let himself go, plunging deeper and faster into Brian. He felt the orgasm coming and pulled his dick out. James placed one hand on his throbbing purple head and capped the flow as he moved around in front of Howie and Brian. When he was right in front of them, he let himself explode full into their faces. They both lapped at his quivering rod like little puppies, and then turned on each other's faces when James was done. He stood there watching them lick his cum off of each other

for a few moments before grabbing his clothes and sneaking out the door. He dressed hurriedly in the hall, hoping no one would come by and then returned to his hotel room.

-- Pool Pleasure --

Zach sat at the bar, nursing a glass of wine. He had been told that Kevin came in here sometimes at night for a nightcap, but so far had not seen any sign of him. Zach was sure that BSB's eldest was gay - and he intended to prove himself right tonight. His "gaydar" was never wrong - hell, he'd picked James out of the crowd that night. At the time not even James had known the truth about himself. He was a good guy, and would go far. They would all go far once they had their "benefactors" in place. Crooked and horny politicians weren't cutting it anymore, they needed more cash. Besides, young men were so much more appealing than fat old men anyway... although the governor's son had been a nice catch.

Zach downed the rest of his wine and decided to explore the hotel. Obviously it was too early for Kevin to make his appearance. He took the elevator up and got cleared by security. Zach worked his way down the hall and decided to see if Kev was in his room. After receiving no answer he moved down the hall to check the lounge. An odd sound was coming from the billiards room and Zach moved closer. Barking? Why would people bark while playing pool? He opened the door a notch and peered in. In front of him on a pool table were Brian and Howie, their eyes were shut in grimaces of pleasure and they were barking like little dogs! He noticed James pumping away behind them but closed the door before they could notice him. Should he join them and make it a foursome? No, James seemed to have the situation well in hand (Zach knew he could pull it off). Besides, he had bigger prey to catch...

Zach went back down the hall and headed towards the gym, maybe Kev was burning off some of the anger he had felt during their little inquisition this afternoon. The walls gave way to glass as he walked by the pool. Someone was in there, but who? The windows were partly clouded with condensation and he couldn't make out a face. Zach found the door and entered quietly, slipping into an alcove. It was Nick Carter who was in the pool, and he looked to be swimming laps. Zach smiled as the young man's smooth body crested the surface.

The Internet rumors were true, Nick HAD gained weight. He had a smooth, cut chest, but his stomach sloped slightly outward. When he inhaled, his abs were noticeable beneath the thin layer of fat. Nick's excess weight pooled slightly at his sides in adorable little love handles. Zach found the added curves highly sensual and he could feel a brick forming in his pants.

Zach calmed himself down and stepped out of the alcove, walking towards Nick. When Nick saw him coming, he dropped beneath the surface of the water up to his neck, hiding his body. Zach smiled and Nick turned scarlet.

"Mind if I join you" Zach asked, already kicking off his shoes.

"Uh... um.. Uh.. I g..guess not" Nick stammered shyly.

"Swimming alone is always boring" Zach replied. He had already pulled off his socks and had his shirt almost off.

"Yeah, I guess so" Nick replied somewhat lamely. He swam to the other side of the pool and rested against the wall.

Zach removed his shirt, revealing his smooth, cut body. A black jaguar tattoo stood out on his chest. He began loosening his belt.

"Nice tatto..." Nick cut off as Zach dropped his pants and revealed he was not wearing any underwear. Nick's mouth dropped open as he gazed at Zack's impressive member. Zack carefully controlled his breathing, keeping himself flaccid as he stood there naked in front of Nick Carter.

Nick, realizing he was staring, blushed again and turned his back to Zack - who took the opportunity to glide into the water with barely a ripple. He inched his way over to Nick's averted body, stopping inches away from him. Nick turned to face him shyly, and Zach splashed some water playfully in Nick's face.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you, I just didn't think to pack a swim suit."

"Uh. That's okay, you just surprised me is all" Nick replied, easing up a little. He splashed Zach full in the face and, laughing, ran away.

Zach chased him, thrilling to the hunt. They splashed each other and then Nick tried to tackle Zack. They wrestled, their smooth wet bodies slipping through their fingers. Suddenly Nick blushed and turned away.

"I.. I forgot you were you know... naked" he spluttered, embarrassed.

"No need to apologize. But you know you should really try it, its very liberating. Human beings need to take more pride in themselves and their

forms" Zach replied.

"Not me" Nick said sulkily. He stood up, showing off his slightly chubby figure. "Look at me, I'm fat!" Nick was starting to tear up.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to be around the guys all the time when they've all got such nice bodies. Do you know what it's like being told by video directors that I have to wear a shirt when the other guys are topless? I work out, I barely eat and still here I am with this fucking... fat!" he cried, squeezing his small belly, leaving a red mark.

"Nick, don't be so hard on yourself. You are not "fat", so you have a few extra curves, who cares? Have you noticed that you're the one the girls all love? You're the group's pin-up boy, do you really think millions of teenagers are wrong about you?

"I hate myself."

"Well you shouldn't. You're a sexy, beautiful young man. Not everyone can be perfect, and for that matter, who decides what perfect is? I think you're perfect just the way you are.


"Yes, I do. But you're the one who needs to believe me. You need to think it about yourself."

Nick smiled, but didn't say anything. He seemed to be squirming a little but Zach couldn't figure out why. When did he become such a shrink? Oh well, Zach had found himself really moved by Nick's words, and how insecure he had turned out to be. He tried to shake off the feeling - their first rule was no emotional attachment, at least not yet.

Zach looked up when he heard a splash. Nick was holding his bathing suit up in one hand triumphantly. He tossed it into the far corner of the room and then, to Zach's amazement, climbed out of the pool and stood on the edge.

Zach gazed up at Nick Carter's naked figure, his lean chest was dripping wet, and his nipples were hard. His gaze followed Nick's curves southward, over the belly and down the thin trail of hair leading to the pubic area. Zach took in Nick's groin, the small unruly mess of curly blond pubic hair, framing an adorable little penis, shrunken from being in the water so long.

"I am Nick Carter and I am proud of my body!" he screamed, and Zach laughed. Nick looked down and noticed his shriveled penis, blushing. "Well maybe I'm not so proud of this" he said with a laugh. "Damn shrinkage!"

Nick dived back into the pool and immediately tried to tackle Zach. They wrestled across the pool. The knowledge that Nick was as naked as he was beneath the surface was too much for Zach to take, and his dick soon swelled to his full 8 inches. Before he could do anything, Nick jumped towards him, and he felt his wooden member knock against Nick's body. Nick stopped where he stood and looked at Zach.

"So much for shrinkage" Nick said, laughing. He arched backwards, and as more of his body crested the surface, his erect penis emerged like a dolphin's dorsal fin, before sinking back beneath the water.

It had looked to be at least 6 or 7 inches, Zach thought. Looked like he was going to see some action tonight after all. He knew that James had wanted first dibs on Nick, but there was no way he was passing this up. Besides, James would have his turn - they would all have plenty of turns.... Now where was Nick anyway? Zach turned around the full 360 degrees but didn't see Nick anywhere.

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab hold of his cock, and another begin massaging his testicles. Well, this was unexpected! Sweet little Nicky was being

the aggressor.. Nick's head broke the surface as he stood up right in front of Zach. He smiled but looked a little uncertain after all. Good, Zach thought. He was so much better at being the aggressor than playing submissive.

Zach picked Nick up by the armpits, feeling his small patches of hair, and put him down on the edge of the pool. Nick's 6 inch cut penis's one eye stared out at him. Zach began to gently lick the head, probing around the edges. He was sending thrills coursing up through Nick's body. Zach looked up at him. Sitting down caused Nick's little belly to squish into three little rolls of fat, but he found that even more sexy, and Zach started to inch his way down Nick's veiny hard-on. He got all the way down to Nick's little swollen balls, which he was massaging with one of his hands. His other hand reached around back and he began teasing around Nick's tight virgin ass with a finger. Nick groaned but pulled Zach's hand away. Oh well, he thought, there was plenty of time for that later.

Zach started concentrating all his energies on giving Nick the best blow he had ever given anyone. This poor insecure boy was going to know just how desirable he was! Zach built up a steady up/down rhythm and gradually quickened the pace. Nick was screaming in pleasure and fell backward onto his back. Zach got higher up on his body, and with the increase in leverage came whole new pleasures for Nick who was no longer emitting any sound, his mouth open in a silent scream of ecstacy. He suddenly exploded into Zach's mouth and Zach kept sucking, swallowing it down - right to the last drop.

As Nick softened, Zack let him fall out of his mouth. He climbed up on the ledge an lay down next to Nick. He hoped no one came walking down the hall right about then. Nick nuzzled into Zach's shoulder, and Zach found himself enjoying the warmth. No, that wasn't right. He pulled away and Nick looked up at him, hurt.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" he asked quietly.

"No" Zach said brusquely. "Uh, I mean, that was great Nick" he added more sweetly.

Nick smiled up at him and got to his knees. He crawled towards Zack's awaiting cock, but then suddenly pushed Zack backwards into the pool. Zach came back up for air, annoyed. Nick was running across the room, and Zack took in the pleasing sight of his bobbing ass. Nick ran into the locker room, and Zack got out of the pool and pursued him. This boy better not end up being a tease! There was no way that he was going to face Atlanta and James tomorrow and tell them he had been seduced and used by Nick Carter! He was the one controlling this situation!

Zach entered the locker room and began looking through the rows of lockers, but found no sign of Nick. He did find one locker containing Nick's clothing, which he took and hid in a laundry basket. Zach continued to search, getting more and more annoyed. Finally he turned a corner and saw Nick standing naked in front of a door.

"There you are" Nick said, laughing. He noticed Zach did not look amused and stopped. "Follow me" he said, going through the door.

Zach followed, his erect cock leading the way. The room they were in was hot and steamy, and Zach noticed a large hot tub in the middle of the room. Nick was getting in, and Zack thrilled once again at the sight of his curvy young body. Zach was right behind him, and soon as he was in Nick turned to him and grabbed hold of his penis.

"I heard sex was good in the hot tub" he said in way of explanation, before descending on Zach.

Nick began by lapping at Zack's enormous cock. Starting at the base and working his way up to the top, he began running his tongue up and down the shaft. He's pretty good for an amateur, Zach thought to himself. He just needs a little coaching. Zack took Nick by either side of his head and placed his dick in Nick's mouth. He looked a little unsure, but Zach started moving his head up and down and gradually Nick got into the motion. He started descending further and further down the shaft. Nick couldn't get the whole thing down - not yet anyway, but Zach encouraged him with moans. He tweaked Nick's nipples and ran his hands through his wet hair. Finally Zach decided it was time for him to cum. He held on to Nick's head as he began shooting into Nick's mouth. He choked a little at first, but he was forced to swallow. Nick gulped down all but the last drop, then looked up proudly at Zack.

"Did I do okay?" he asked sincerely.

Oh god, Zach thought, why does he have to be so fucking sweet! There was no telling what Atlanta might do to him.... Zach said he did okay, but needed more practice. He HAD to retain control of this situation. Nick's smile faded away to a more sober expression, and he nodded his head in disappointment.

"Tomorrow morning we're all shipping out and flying to Toronto as you well know Nick, but tomorrow night, after you're settled you're going to stay in. You're "special training" will begin then. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir... I mean, yes Zach" Nick responded with a smile. "I can't wait!"

"Good." And with that Zach got up and headed back to the pool area. He got dressed again, and was annoyed to find his clothes all wet. Tonight had been fun, and things were only going to get better.

He left the pool area and returned to his room, where he got back out of his wet clothes. It was only then that he remembered he had left Nick's clothes hidden in the laundry basket. Poor kid. Zach smiled. Oh well, that little embarrassment was only going to be a small taste of what he would experience later...

James was turning the corner and heading back to his room when he saw him. Nick Carter was nervously making his way down the hall, naked with his hands over his crotch. James noticed he was dripping wet. What a sight! James took in his little belly and curvy figure, he just wished he'd move his hands! He had a nice tight ass. James continued to stand there, peering around the corner as Nick made it to his door. He let go of his package to open the door and James caught a brief glimpse of Nick's cock as he rushed into the room. James laughed to himself and wondered what the story was there.......

Meanwhile, up above on the roof of the Grand Plaza hotel, Kevin sat staring up at the stars. Bleary-eyed, he tried to bring them into focus. Finally he gave up, disgusted. He glanced down at the half-empty bottle of Jameson Irish Whisky at his side and let out a sob.

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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