Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Sep 27, 1999


PLEASE BE ADVISED..... The following story contains sexually explicit material and involves S&M activities. Please also note that although the Backstreet Boys are characters in the story, this does not imply any sort of sexual preference of any of them.

ALSO.... please give me your feedback and let me know what you would like to see next. I know this story is not everyone's cup of tea... but don't worry my trio of perverts will mellow with time. I mean who could really resist BSB!! So please send me your thoughts at the following address:

I look foward to hearing from you, and now on with the story............

Chaper 5: A.J. Gets a Lesson

The Backstreet Boys arrived back at the hotel, with Atlanta in tow, after a long day of rehearsals. The Boys all headed to their rooms to shower and get cleaned up for whatever their plans were for the night. A.J. held back and remained with Atlanta. She had told him that she had something special planned and not to go to his hotel room until she gave him permission. After telling A.J. to wait in the hall, Atlanta entered her own room. James and Zach were sitting at a table playing cards and waiting for her.

"If you EVER leave me to deal with those damn reporters again I will skin you alive!", she shot James a venomous look to go with her angry words. James swallowed, quite certain that she'd follow up on her threat...

"Now, she continued, it's showtime. You two meet me in A.J.'s room in fifteen minutes. That should be ample time for me to get things started... and DON'T be late." And with that Atlanta swept back out of the room, not even giving James and Zach a chance to respond.

Atlanta lead A.J. down the hall, he was fidgety and nervous - excited and scared at the same time. Just the way Atlanta liked them... A.J. unlocked the door and they stepped inside. He froze when he took in the bed, and Atlanta's "instruments" on the bed table.

"What the fu-"

"Not a word" Atlanta interjected. "From now you don't speak without permission. You do not breathe without permission. You don't do anything without permission."

A.J. jumped as Atlanta slammed the door behind her. He stood there looking at her in mute shock. She could tell he had a million questions but didn't dare open his mouth...

"Strip. Now" she ordered, and A.J. began tearing off his clothing.

Atlanta stood there and watched his every move and A.J. stared right back like a deer caught in headlights. She knew she dared not blink, not now. Atlanta had connected, and he had submitted - now she just had to keep control until he was tied to the bed. Then she could relax. A.J. dropped his purple bikini briefs to the floor and stood there in the buff, his long erect penis pointing out in front of him.

"Lie on the bed" Atlanta ordered, and A.J. moved over to the bed. He hesitated when he saw the leather straps on the bed posts and looked back at her uncertainly.

"NOW" she screamed.

A.J. lay down flat on the bed, and even put his arms in position to be tied. Atlanta moved over and laced up his right arm, knotting the leather tightly. She heard him gasp slightly from the pain. Atlanta moved over to the other side of the bed and tied up his other arm, this time tightening the knot even tighter. This time A.J. let out a grunt as he tried to swallow the pain. Or was it his pride?

Atlanta moved to the far end of the bed and gazed down at her captive. He was sweating profusely and his eyes looked a little wild. She began walking towards him, running her hand up the inside of his hairy leg and bringing it to rest on his scrotum.

"You may speak now - briefly" she said.

"W..w..what.. Are you g..g..going to do?" he quivered.

"A lot" she said, glancing significantly at the bed table.

"No more talk." She reached down to the floor and picked up his underwear, and then stuffed them in his mouth. Next she walked over to the radio and turned it on, blaring the music loudly like last time.

Atlanta heard mumbling coming from A.J. and looked over to see that James and Zach had entered the room. She was glad to see that they both had on their coldest faces. They both smiled wickedly at A.J. as they closed the door behind them.

"What a marvelous little toy you've picked out for us Atlanta" Zach taunted.

"Yes, I think he'll do quite nicely" James added.

Both men began to remove their clothing and A.J.'s legs started thrashing on the bed. Atlanta, James and Zach all laughed at him. The guys finished undressing, revealing their large cocks and circled around on either side of their prey. James moved in on the left side, and began sucking and chewing on one of A.J.'s nipples. Zach worked on the right. Muffled moans could be heard coming from A.J. - and despite everything, his member remained rigid. Atlanta moved down the middle and grabbed hold of A.J.'s manhood, licking the shaft and twisting the head in her fingers.

A.J. was moaning steadily now, his fears quickly forgotten in the waves of pleasure coursing through his body. James pulled the underwear from his mouth, instead gagging him with his own tongue. James plunged his tongue deep into A.J.'s mouth and felt A.J. retaliate. Zach had moved down A.J.'s body and was now working with Atlanta on his cock. She tongued his balls while Zach began swallowing his inches.

James moved back and left A.J.'s tongue flailing in the air. He straddled A.J.'s lean muscular chest, placing his cock in front of his mouth. A.J.'s tongue lashed out, trying to reach the head, and James made it a whole lot easier for him by plunging his hard rod right into his mouth. Slowly but surely A.J. choked down inch after sweet inch. All of a sudden James could feel A.J.'s body tense, and he looked back to see that Zach had begun probing A.J.'s ass with his fingers. James continued to face fuck A.J. getting increasing more rough. He expected the sides of A.J.'s mouth to tear at any moment.

Suddenly Atlanta clapped her hands loudly, and James and Zach retreated to either side of the bed. A.J. looked uncertain, not knowing what was going on.

"Wha-" A.J. never finished the word as Atlanta slapped him hard across the mouth, drawing blood.

"You were not given permission to speak" she said icily - and A.J. nodded his head meekly.

Atlanta looked down at the night table and picked up the whip. She seemed to consider it for a moment but then put it back in its place. She picked up the razor blade, but again put it back after a few moments consideration. Atlanta looked over at A.J. who was following her every move and was sweating heavily. She winked at him and he cringed as if struck. Atlanta picked up several candles and lit them. Once they were burning, she began dribbling hot wax onto A.J.'s chest and stomach. He gasped in pain but didn't say a word. The dribbling line of wax began to slowly near his pubic area and A.J. began to emit a keening whine.

Atlanta stopped just short of his cock, but some of the wax nevertheless began to congeal in his nest of wiry pubic hair. She snuffed the candle against his wet flesh and then motioned to James and Zach, who were standing at attention in more ways than one. They each grabbed one of A.J.'s small feet and pulled his legs up over his head, exposing his tight round ass. Atlanta smiled, and inserted the still hot candle inside. A.J. let out a loud gasp of pleasure as Atlanta began to ease the candle in and out. James reached down and began massaging A.J.'s swollen testicles. A.J.'s moans began coming faster and faster - then Atlanta abruptly

stopped and removed the candle, tossing it to the floor. The guys let go of his legs and A.J. flopped back onto the bed.

"Who am I?" Atlanta asked.

A.J. looked blankly back at her, then shot questioning glances at James and Zach, who remained expressionless.

"Who am I?" Atlanta asked again.

"Atlanta?" A.J. replied. Atlanta responded by striking A.J. across the face again. His eyes began to tear.

"Who am I, A.J.? Search your soul - you know the answer..."

A.J. hesitated, trying again to seek help from Zach and James. Atlanta slapped him again.

"Don't look at them! Look at me and know the answer, or else this all ends here."

A.J. started to cry, tears running down his cheeks. He continued to stare into Atlanta's face. And then something dawned on him - and he smiled.

"Mistress..." he said longingly. "You're my mistress!"

Atlanta smiled and nodded. She motioned to Zach and James.

"And them?"

"My masters!" A.J. responded eagerly.

"Good boy..." Atlanta ran her hand across A.J.'s cheek and through his hair. A.J. beamed up at her like a little puppy pleased that he had made his mistress happy.

James and Zack suddenly sprung into action. They were now free to do with him as they chose. They both moved towards his ass, but James got there first. He started licking at A.J.'s hole. He could taste the wax left over from Atlanta's candle. He eased two fingers up inside before realizing that Atlanta had already taken care of this... James got to his knees and inserted his wide cock into A.J. sliding it right in deep.

A.J. let out an "oh yes" as James began to pick up speed.

Zach had moved on A.J.'s still throbbing member and went to work on is. He payed special attention to the head. He squeezed the shaft to make the head swell, and slobbered all over it, his spit mixing with the jism. Zach seemed to want to get right inside his slit.

Atlanta straddled A.J.'s shoulders, and buried his face in her lush pubic hair. She felt his warm tongue reach out and begin to caress her clitoris. Despite herself she moaned loudly. He was good at this... better than James and Zach who were more skilled with men. Atlanta reached out and undid one of A.J.'s hands. She wanted to feel his fingers inside of her....

The friction from A.J.'s tight ass was sending thrills through James' body, and his sweat poured of his body, cascading down and mingling with A.J.'s. He felt himself about to cum and removed his penis, playfully spraying it on Zach. Zach laughed, wiping some of it off his face to use as lube on A.J.'s stiff manhood. James rolled to the floor, done for the time being.

Zach crouched down above A.J. and descended on his waiting cock. He felt A.J. slide up into him and he began bobbing up and down. Zach rode A.J. rough and wild, enjoying every minute. Finally he felt A.J. explode inside of him, and he stood up. A.J. plopped out of him and Zach knelt and licked up the drops which had spilt onto A.J.'s hard stomach. It was a nice mixture of James and A.J., both their sweat and their cum. He lay down, his head resting in A.J.'s pubic hair.

Atlanta continued to ride A.J.'s face and was coming close to orgasm. Oh yes, she thought, he would make a very fine manservant. Atlanta suddenly and almost violently let loose on A.J.'s face. She oozed into his waiting mouth and he started licking at her, and making slurping noises. She eased back and untied his other arm. A.J. was now free but remained where he was. Zach and James got to their feet and stood on either side of Atlanta. They all stared down at him.

"What now?" A.J. asked innocently.

James quickly grabbed A.J. by the hair and pulled him off the bed. He landed on his knees with a thud. A.J. tried to get up but Zach violently pushed him back down.

"Do you forget who we are?" Atlanta demanded.

A.J.'s eyes widened and he swallowed hard. He even let out a whimper before responding.

"No mistress, masters, please forgive me. I thought that was only before..."

"NO. That is always." Atlanta backed up her words by slapping A.J. across the face again, opening up the cut she'd made earlier.

"Please mistress, I'm sorry" A.J. pleaded.

"Understand the rules A.J." James spoke. "If you ever want to experience anything like tonight ever again - then you do as you're told. Do you understand?"

"Yes master, I do, I do understand. And I do want it again." A.J. groveled.

"Good then" Zach spoke. "And make sure you tell no one about this. This is our secret, if you tell anyone you will be punished. If you do ANYTHING which displeases us you will be punished." Zach looked meaningfully at Atlanta's toys, still resting on the night stand.

"I understand, and I'll be a good boy" A.J. said with a smile.

"Great. Now that that is settled.." Atlanta began, "we would like to be dressed now."

A.J. looked at her blankly. Atlanta gestured at their scattered clothing, clearly annoyed. Luckily for A.J. he caught on and began scampering around the room on his hands and knees, picking up their clothing. He brought it back and preceded to dress all three, first Atlanta, then Zach and lastly James.

"Good boy." James said and patted A.J. on the head. He beamed up at him, happy to be on their good side. James was a little surprised at how easily A.J. had accepted his fate - he had almost volunteered. Atlanta had been right again, A.J. was interested in this kind of stuff and really seemed to enjoy his new status as slave and concubine. The other Boys would not be so easy...

"Do you know what you are now A.J.?" James heard Atlanta ask him.

"Yours." he replied simply.

Atlanta, Zach and James left A.J. where he was, kneeling naked on the floor. Atlanta gave him one last order, to pack up her things - and bring them by her room the next morning. And with that they left. It was still relatively early, only 9:30 pm. They all headed back to their rooms to shower before heading back out on the prowl. There was more work to be done that night...........

Chapter 6: More Fun With the Boys

Zach was feeling giddy. They had all had a really great time with A.J. earlier, and the pay off had been better than expected. He longed to see Nick just like A.J.... on his knees and staring up with adoration at him. Then again, Zach doubted Nick would rise to the occasion the way A.J. had. Nick was really sensitive, and that worried Zach. He didn't think Nick would respond well when it came time for him to be brought over, but worse, Zach had some doubts about how HE would feel about that.

Nick had turned out to be much more special than Zach had anticipated. He really had not expected to find the insecure young man he had. Zach had always figured that, with so much adoration thrown his way, that Nick would be a little arrogant. Zach had looked forward to the conquest, but now, no matter how hard he tried to deny it - part of Zach had fallen for the innocent boy. He had weakened, and it was all he could do to keep it from the others. God how pathetic he was, mooning after some blond hunk!

Zach had invited James along tonight for Nick's first `training session'. He wasn't sure how he felt about sharing Nick. He knew the rules and knew he would have to share eventually.. But he still wanted Nick all to himself. Oh well, maybe inviting James along would help get these pathetic sentimental ramblings out of his head.

Zach exited his room and headed down to Nick's, but found no one home. Strange, he thought, where could Nick be? The Boys had all returned from dinner a little while ago, he'd heard them laughing as they'd passed his door. Zach headed down to the elevator and saw one of the off duty security guards waiting. What was his name again...

"Excuse me.. uh..."

"Burchard. Name's Burchard" the burly man replied. "What can I do you for?"

"By any chance have you seen Nick Carter? I.. Uh WE have some paperwork to go over with him" Zach asked.

"Paperwork eh? Yeah, well whatever. You kids these days need to learn to follow the straight and narrow and not get so carried away. Man, my roommates, now those two are a piece of work! There was this one time when they brought home this transvestite....

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt but uh, I'm really not sure what you're talking about. I just need to speak to Nick Carter. Have you seen him?" Zach said somewhat impatiently.

"Don't think we security guards have ears eh? Or eyes? I know what you and your friends are up to. Don't like it much, but who am I to judge."

"Uh... okay. And Nick?"

"Sure. I just came from the gym, he was heading in as I was heading out. You make sure you do right by that kid. He deserves better than you lot."

"Burchard, I really do NOT know what you are referring to. We handle the PR for the Boys."

"PR ain't all you been handling on those Boys" Burchard replied snidely.

"Whatever you say Burch.. Have a nice night" Zach walked away, troubled by how much the security guy had known. Granted, discretion had never been their forte, but for him to have figured out so much so soon meant trouble. He'd have to let Atlanta know about this, but she was occupied with her own plans tonight. Guess it would have to wait till morning.

Zach stopped by James' room and told him he was going up to join Nick in the gym. James said he'd be up later and to save some for him. Zach headed up a flight of stairs and walked by the pool, remembering his wonderful swim with Nick. He hoped tonight would be just as exhilarating. Zach still wasn't sure how he was going to go about his `lesson' tonight and figured he'd play it by ear.

He found the door to the gym and entered. Nick was there alone and was laid back on the bench press. He still hadn't noticed Zach, who walked over and stood at the end of the bench, just out of Nick's eyeline. Zach watched Nick's small biceps swell nicely as he pressed. He was wearing an old tank top and his hard nipples were visible. He had a pair of track pants on with snaps up the sides. Easy access....

Nick rested the bar back into its slots and started to sit up. Before he even had a chance, Zach jumped on top of him, straddling his body. Nick jumped and then laughed when he saw who was assaulting him.

"You're too early..." he pouted.

"What do you mean" Zach asked, lifting up Nick's tank top a little and running his finger tip around Nick's belly button - tracing the small trail of peach fuzz.

"Don't laugh, but I wanted to get myself all pumped up for you. I..I.. Uh.. didn't want you to have to look at my body... my ugly body again."

"What are you talking about?" Zach asked as he lifted Nick's tank top further up over his head. "There is NOTHING ugly about his bod...."

Zach began kissing Nick's chest and stomach. His tongue lashed out at Nick's nipples and Zach heard a giggle in response. He moved up further, burrowing in Nick's neck. Nick giggled more as Zach began munching on his earlobe.

"You really do make me feel attractive, you know that?" Nick asked.

Zach responded by planting a firm kiss right down on Nick's lips. He pulled back and smiled. "Well you should. You're the most beautiful blondie I've ever seen!"

Zach got off Nick and began walking over to the locker area. He heard Nick get up and come up behind him. All of a sudden Nick's hands were on Zach's waist, and seconds later his pants and underwear were down around his ankles. Nick pushed him down and Zach tripped and fell to the floor. What the....? Zach heard Nick laughing and rolled over to look up at him. He was smiling mischievously.

"That's for hiding my clothes last night!" Nick laughed some more, then seemed to realize for the first time that Zach was lying there completely exposed - and hard as a rock. He turned bright red. "Here, let me help you up" he stammered.

As Nick reached down to take Zach's hand, Zach moved swiftly, running his hands down either side of Nick's pants and undoing the snaps as he went. Nick gasped as his pants came loose and topple to the floor. Zach could see the crotch of his boxer briefs was full with his swollen manhood. He tore them off and threw them across the room and Nick's dick popped out. Zach got to his feet and grabbed Nick's hard-on with one hand, using it to lead him into the locker room. Nick followed, giggling slightly.

They got to the shower room and Zack turned to face Nick. He dropped to the floor and removed Nick's shoes and socks. Zach got back up and removed his shirt. This time Nick dropped to the floor - kneeling before Zach to remove his shoes and socks. He looked good on his knees.... Nick looked up and smiled. He grabbed hold of Zach and went to begin sucking but Zach pulled away.

"Not yet. Get up" Zach ordered. Nick complied and Zach led him into the shower, once again with one hand on Nick's cock.

He turned on the water, making sure it was scalding hot. Zach pulled Nick close and began kissing him passionately. He tweaked his nipples hard and Nick let out a cry of pleasure. Zack turned Nick around and spanked him gently. Nick laughed at the new game and bent over further. Zach started hitting a little harder, but couldn't quite bring himself to go full force on Nick's delicious little toosh. He turned him back around and began kissing him.

Zach pulled back and went up to the wall, bending over in front of Nick. Nick nervously gave Zach a

couple of love taps, giggling like a school girl. Zach sunk to his hands and knees. Now the `lesson' really started....

"Go for it Nick. I want to feel you inside me."

"Wha.. No.. I mean I couldn't..I..."

"Do it Nick, be one with me."

Nick sank to his knees and remained there. His hard cock rested inches away from Zach's ass, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Zach looked back and saw how uncertain Nick looked, almost like he was going to cry. Zach also saw James coming up behind Nick, fully erect. James' hand descended on Nick's shoulder and almost scared him out of his skin.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Nick cried out. He tried to get to his feet but James held him down firmly. "Look at me Nick. I know exactly what this looks like." James replied calmly.

Nick looked at James, and gasped when he saw his erect member. He stared back and forth at James and Zach, slowly realizing that neither was bothered by the presence of the other. James got down on his knees right behind Nick and put his arms around him, holding him close. He inhaled the fragrance of his hair, and gently kissed his neck. How long had he dreamed of this moment! Nick arched his neck back to face him and their lips brushed, then met again in a deep, passionate kiss. James' hands were moving up and down the front of Nick's body. He squeezed Nick's sensitive nipples and ran his fingers through his small patch of curly pubes. He reached lower and caressed Nick's testicles, then running his fingers up and down the smooth shaft.... James was in heaven, living out all his fantasies in one.

James opened his eyes and noticed that Zach, still on all fours in front of Nick, was beginning to get impatient. He eased up, but kept his hands around Nick's waist. His body was pressed up against the back of Nick's - his hard prick running up the small of Nick's back, and his swollen balls resting on his cheeks. James reached one hand down and grabbed hold of Nick's erection.

"You ready" James asked.

Nick looked down at Zach and nodded yes. James moved forward, pushing Nick ahead of him. Nick let out a moan as James inserted his cock into Zach. James thrust Nick's body forward, burying his inches up inside of Zach. Nick let out another loud moan. Slowly James withdrew Nick from Zach, and then moved back in. Nick started to catch on, and soon he and James were moving as one, pumping like an old diesel engine, thrusting in and out of Zach - who was moaning loudly and constantly. Like training a kid to dance, James thought to himself, as he guided Nick in and out of Zach's slender round ass.

"Oh my god!" Nick suddenly exclaimed. "Oh my god ohmigod ohmigod!" he screamed and then screamed for real, a loud shriek of pure ecstacy. James let go of Nick and watched his ass clench and unclench as he let loose inside of Zach. James pulled Nick backwards and out of Zach and turned him around. He grabbed hold of Nick's pulsing rod and began sucking the last drops from him. Nick ran his fingers roughly up James' back and pulled at his hair as his orgasm subsided. Finally he fell backward and crawled over to the wall where he rested.

Their bodies were all red from exertion, and from the hot water which continued to pour down on them. James stared at Nick's beautiful body and watched his cock slowly weaken and go soft. Zach had turned around and knelt in front of their conquest. James crawled over next to him and they both just stared at the beautiful young man before them. Nick looked up at them and smiled.

"Did I learn my lesson good?" he asked with a smile. Without waiting for a response, Nick reached out and grabbed Zach and James, one dick in each hand.

He moved towards them and licked one head, then the other. Nick engulfed the head of James' cock and James gasped as his member was quickly swallowed up. Nick pulled away and James felt the loss like agony. Nick now repeated the same process on Zach and very soon he was going back and forth, sucking on one of them and then the other. Zach and James were both panting and moaning as Nick worked them both over. Nick saw both their cocks begin to pulse and pointed both their heads towards his open mouth, trying to fit them both in but not standing a chance. They both blew their load into Nick's gaping mouth simultaneously. He tried his hardest to swallow it all, but the cum spilled over and dribbled down his chin.

When they were done, they all toppled to the floor, and all three men lay side by side letting the hot water rain down on them. They were all spent and were almost ready to doze off. Lying there together just felt good, James thought. And he had a feeling the others felt the same way.

Atlanta was all dressed up in black leather, an outfit she often used when on the prowl... She locked her door behind her and headed over to Kevin's room. After a brief knock, she tried the door. It was open, but no one was home. Atlanta walked over to Kevin's briefcases and began looking through them. Mostly clothes, and the usual toothpaste, brush, etc. He like boxer briefs and AquaFresh apparently... but that didn't tell her much.

Atlanta noticed a small carry-on tucked away under the bed and pulled it out. She let out a laugh after flipping it open. Inside were two half empty bottles of alcohol - one whisky and one rum. She also found a box of condoms (still in plastic), a dime of weed, and several porno mags. They were Playboy and Penthouse, so either Kevin was in some serious denial or Zach had been right - the leader of the Backstreet Boys was straight. He also indulged in some vices which Atlanta didn't really go for - she saw no reason to pollute the human body with alcohol and drugs. In the end they only got in the way of true pleasure.

He must not be very happy, Atlanta thought to herself, if he's dabbling in this shit. Oh well, she would make him happy - and take away any need for this trash. She closed the lid of the case and slipped it back under Kevin's bed. Where could he be...? she wondered. Atlanta headed to the elevator and went downstairs to the lobby. It was completely packed with reporters and fans, so she headed straight back upstairs. There was no way he would have gone through there. The Boys had the top two floors to themselves, so Atlanta concentrated her search there. She walked by the gym and noticed James following a trail of scattered clothes into the locker room. Good, at least he was doing his job...

She rounded a corner and saw Kevin walking towards her. He had just come out of the sauna and was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He had a nice muscled body, covered with a thin layer of dark hair. He was chiseled like a Greek sculpture... Atlanta sauntered over to him and he stopped in front of her. He blushed when he noticed her looking him up and down.

"Uh.. Can I help you" he stammered.

"Oh, I certainly hope so..." Atlanta purred.

`Wha-" Kevin choked off as Atlanta reached out and caressed his chest, running a finger around his left nipple and down to his navel. She gently moved lower, stopping at the edge of his towel. "Oh my god!" she heard Kevin gasp, as his large, 10 inch erection emerged. The towel fell to the floor. Kevin turned beet red and started stammering, unable to speak.

Atlanta reached down and ran her fingers through his lush patch of pubic hair, and began to trace the outline of his hard prick. She ran her fingernail up the shaft, and when she got to the large head, gave it a squeaze. Pre-cum began to drool out of Kevin's slit. Atlanta was about to lead him into somewhere more private, when to her surprise, she felt his cock convulse. Kevin shot a large load of cum all over Atlanta's hand, and a great deal more spewed onto her leather outfit.

She looked up at Kevin, who was bright red again and on the verge of tears. He was trying to talk but could only make strangling noises. Kevin grabbed the towel off the floor and tried to wipe some of his cum off of Atlanta's clothes. He gave up after a few seconds, horribly embarrassed. Atlanta was speechless herself, never having been in this situation before. Kevin suddenly garbled something and ran off in the opposite direction - into the stairwell and upstairs.

Was he a virgin? Atlanta wondered. That was a case of premature ejaculation if she'd ever seen one!

Recovering her senses again, Atlanta headed over to the staircase to give Kevin chase.

At this point there bodies were habituated to the hot water, and it was actually starting to feel cold. There bodies were even starting to prune, but none of them wanted to move. Finally Nick stirred and got to his feet. James and Zach remained on the floor, gazing up at Nick's beautifully rounded torso.

James got to his knees and crawled over to wear Nick was standing. He kissed the inside of Nick's thigh, and inched upwards. He began sucking on Nick's testicles, one at a time, and then fit the whole package in his mouth - playing games with them with his tongue. Nick was hard again, and Zach moved over and took control of the shaft. Nick was humming - HUMMINING! - what sounded like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". James began tonguing Nick's balls even more fiercely and humming cut off, replaced with loud moans. Did he really think he could play it cool with them?

James released Nick's package, and left Zach to work on the whole kit and caboodle. He slid between Nick's legs, and found himself facing Nick's tight white ass. James grabbed a cheek in each hand and playfully squeezed them. He noticed Nick looked back with a smile - a smile which disappeared when James started to inch his way in between them. Pretending not to notice Nick's concern, James sunk his face down in between Nick's "pillows", lashing out with his tongue. Nick's moans had turned into one long outpouring of ecstacy... James savored the taste, and enjoyed the fact that Nick was hairless in this area. There was nothing more annoying than getting ass hair stuck in your mouth....

James began to peel Nick's hole back slightly with his fingers, getting his tongue in deeper. Nick clenched up, unconsciously fighting him. James pulled him apart again, and this time slipped his index finger inside. He heard Nick scream, and immediately James pulled away.

"I'm sorry, James apologized, you're not ready."

Nick shook his head no, and turned around so that he was facing both Zach and James, both still on their knees. They were both saddened to see Nick's hard penis slowly softening. Looked like playtime was over....

"I'm sorry, I just got scared. I.. uh I don't know if I wanna do that yet..." Nick explained. He turned and walked back into the locker area.

Zach and James got to their feet, both of them going soft too. James turned to Zach and they both stared at one another for a moment - coming to an unspoken agreement that Atlanta was not to hear about this. She would not be impressed that they had let Nick go, and that they had let him call the shots. They'd been in similar situations before, and always they had used the blowjob as a distraction to keep the guy occupied while one of them went anal. But this time they had both recoiled at the sound of Nick in pain. James and Zach both looked a little troubled as they joined Nick in the locker room.

Nick was just finishing off with a towel, drying his body. He tossed a couple to James and Zach, who toweled off. James got dressed, and then fetched the clothing Zach and Nick had left on the gym floor. Playtime was definitely over.....

Atlanta managed to keep Kevin's naked body in sight as he ran up the stairs. Lucky for her he kept trying to tie the towel around his waist, only to have it fall off seconds later. She was far enough back that he probably couldn't see her - she only caught glimpses of him rounding corner - but he could most definitely hear her. She heard a door slam shut ahead of her and hurried to catch up before she lost him.

Atlanta burst through the door to find herself on the roof. It was windy and wet from the rain the city had seen earlier, and Atlanta slipped. She slid forward, crashing into the short ledge of the roof. To her horror, Atlanta felt herself tumbling forward, and saw the street - fifteen stories below appear in front of her eyes. Suddenly she felt large warm arms around her, and was relieved to find herself being pulled back from the edge.

She turned to find Kevin standing in front of her, his eyes downcast - absorbed with looking at his toes. He reached out timidly and took Atlanta's hand, pulling her along. They walked around a corner, where the hotel had a rooftop garden. Kevin lead her over to a bench and they sat down wordlessly. It really was a nice garden, although it was hard to tell. It was dark and the flowers were heavy with beads of water. The bench they were sitting on was wet, and Atlanta was thankful for the water. She glanced down Kevin's towel...

"You must be freezing!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, uh, I'm okay." Kevin muttered.

"Yeah, well I'm the one who has to explain to the press why we had to cancel the show cause you had a cold... so I think we should head indoors." Atlanta said firmly - truly not wishing to have to deal with any more reporters for a while. She started to get to her feet, but Kevin pulled her back down.

"No. Please, I mean, could we.. Uh couldn't we just stay here for a bit?" Kevin pleaded. Atlanta nodded and Kevin continued...

"I like coming up on the roof" he said. "Every hotel we go to, I always manage to find my way up to the roof. I just love looking out at the cities, and forgetting about all the shit...

"What shit?" Atlanta interrupted.

"You know... all that stuff. The business, the stress, dealing with the other guys - keeping them in line all the time and making sure they don't just fuck off. I mean, I love those guys - I really do, with all my heart, but sometimes I just wish I could get away, break free and be all reckless for once. I mean, I'm not that old - and I just get tired of being the `parent'.

God, this was not what Atlanta had been up for tonight, but despite herself she felt her heart opening up to Kevin. She could sympathize, in a strange way. After all, she was always having to keep Zach and James in check....

"Do you think I'm wrong for thinking this way?" Kevin asked with true sincerity. When was the last time he'd had the chance to vent like this? Atlanta wondered.

"No. It's only natural Kevin. If you're stuck always being the responsible one, then obviously you'll start to resent it. You need to find some time for yourself...."

The conversation entered one of those awkward pauses, and both Atlanta and Kevin became very aware of the presence of the other. Both were thinking about what had happened downstairs... Atlanta decided to break the ice.

"Uhm... you don't have to answer but...uh... are you a virgin?" she asked, feeling a little lame.

"What? No!" Kevin exclaimed, and then laughed at his own defensiveness.

"Oh, sorry..

"It's just been a little while you know? We meet plenty of girls on the road, but most are really young. Most of them none of us can touch - or want to - and those who are old enough usually flock to Brian and Nick. I can't remember the last time I got laid on tour... I've had a few flings with interns and industry people during our offtime - but not much really..

Kevin trailed off, and turned red again. Atlanta reached over and rested her hand on Kevin's wonderful six pack, which stayed taught ever while sitting.

"Let's take it slow this time, okay?" she asked playfully, as she got up and then straddled Kevin's lap.

They locked up in a passionate embrace, exploring every inch of each other's mouth. Atlanta felt Kevin's finger running over her back, before settling on her zipper. She helped him remove her top, and enjoyed the feeling of the cool air on her rounded tits as it came free. Kevin began to kiss her breasts, sucking

on the nipples. Atlanta buried his face in her cleavage. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her leg. It had already sprung loose, sending the towel dropping to either side of Kevin's body. She took it gently in hand, slowly rubbing it up and down, and hoping not to have a replay of earlier.

Atlanta kicked off her sandals and pulled off her pants. Kevin's beautiful eyes absorbed her naked form, drinking in every inch of her. He got to her feet and pulled her close, kissing her passionately. His hard manhood, which now stretched to an impressive 11 or 12 inches was pressed up between them. Atlanta kissed Kevin's neck and chest, working her way down his body. On her knees now, she lashed out at Kevin's large head with her tongue - and received a satisfactory moan in response. She began to swallow inches, but couldn't hope to get it all in. Kevin was wide as well as long, and Atlanta could imagine the edges of her mouth beginning to tear if she dared go any further. She concentrated on what she could handle, building up a good steady rhythm. Atlanta felt Kevin begin to pulse and pulled away. From up above she heard a whine escape his lips. She got to her feet and pulled him towards her. She guided his lighting rod towards her and grimaced as he slid into her. Atlanta's body had a hard time expanding to accommodate Kevin, but finally managed to do so.

"Are you okay" he asked.

"Shut up and fuck me" Atlanta moaned in response.

Kevin did as he was told, thrusting in and out of Atlanta's light body. He took care not to go too far too quickly. Kevin was a good lover, Atlanta thought to herself, he's thoughtful of the woman's needs. He was just such a sweet guy.... God, now she was starting to think like Zach and James! What was with these Backstreet Boys!

Any further thoughts flew from Atlanta's head as waves of passion and ecstacy flooded through her body. Kevin was deep inside of her now. She felt him tremble from within her and knew he was in orgasm. His whole body clenched, and he arched up onto his toes. A loud scream burst from Kevin's mouth.

When it was over he nearly toppled backwards, barely keeping his balance. He laughed briefly at his own expense, but stopped when he felt Atlanta pushing his body downwards. Kevin collapsed in front of her, on his knees. He buried his face in her and began lashing out with his tongue. Atlanta felt his fingers enter her, but after his large cock, they felt like nothing. His tongue though, was doing enough work to make up for it. It cascaded over her clitoris, enveloping her in its warmth. Atlanta dug her fingers into Kevin's shoulders, scratching his skin, as she felt her body tremble in orgasm. He drank it all up and kept on going. Atlanta was beginning to feel the first signs of delirium as her whole body underwent feelings of pleasure she had never experienced before. Her whole body spasm as she once again came to orgasm, spewing out into Kevin's waiting mouth. Still, he did not stop. Atlanta collapse to the ground and lay there as Kevin continued to suck and swallow. He seemed to be trying to drain her body of all fluid. Atlanta came another time, almost passing out in the process. Finally Kevin stopped, and crawled up to lay next to her.

"I've been told oral is my forte...." he said smiling. Atlanta only nodded weakly in reply.

They lay there for a while, both exhausted and enjoying each other's company. This wasn't right, Atlanta thought to herself. This was not going the way it was supposed to... But DAMN was he good... Once he was a slave she could order such treatment whenever she liked. Once he was a slave... Then he would be free of all his worries and concerns. His only concern would be her happiness... and James and Zach's of course.... She felt close to Kevin, and thought that they could be friends - but now was not the time, now she had to be resolved.

Atlanta stirred and crawled down to the lower half of Kevin's body. He smiled down at her, expecting another blowjob. He was going to get something else....

"My turn now... You had your way with me, and now I'll have my way with you."

Kevin laughed and lay back down, ready for pleasure. However instead of going for his rapidly expanding erection, she went down under. Atlanta buried her face in Kevin's ass cheeks and heard him cry out in surprise as she began to tongue his hole. She quickly buried a finger up inside. Kevin started to protest but Atlanta ignored him, pressing another finger in and lashing out more quickly with her tongue. He was going to cum, and she was not even going to touch his dick... Kevin's protests diminished as the pleasure overtook his body. His pleas gave way to moans of pleasure. He liked this almost as much as A.J. had - a VERY good sign.

Atlanta reached over and grabbed a gardening tool lying in the dirt. It had a long rounded handle, like a broomstick. It was no candle... but it would do. She eased the handle up inside Kevin and he began to moan ever louder as she fucked him with it. Atlanta pushed one of his heavy legs up further. Kevin caught on and helped her out by rolling up backward, resting his feet over his own shoulders. Atlanta began to fuck him faster with the gardening tool - a spade she thought... She wished she had something larger, or better yet a strap on dildo, but this would have to do. Pre-cum was dripping down from Kevin's cock and pooling on his chest. She stuck two fingers in with the handle of the gardening tool and Kevin screamed as his load shot down right into his own face.

Atlanta removed the spade and tossed it aside. She eased Kevin's body back to the ground and lay down next to him. He was licking his own cum from his face and smiling broadly.

"See Kevin, all you need to do is "loosen" up and relax every so often. Being uptight is a downer... but having a stick up your ass can actually be fun...." Atlanta made a face at her own bad joke. They got up and got dressed - it didn't take long for Kevin to put his towel back on....

"It's all the fashion in Paris you know" he joked, opening up the towel and dancing around like a showgirl.

Atlanta laughed, walking up to him and caressing his soft penis. Even flaccid it was an impressive piece of meat, hanging down a good five inches behind his massive scrotum. Those teenybopper girls didn't know what they were missing. From what Zach and James had reporter, except for A.J. and Kevin, the other Boys were hung like just that - BOYS.

They walked back downstairs and headed back to their rooms. Kevin asked Atlanta to spend the night with him. God, it was already close to 2:00 am! But she refused, saying he needed rest for his big concert day tomorrow. They passed a burly security guard on their way, who shot Atlanta a nasty look. What was his name again? Butch? She wondered what that was all about. Maybe he had a "thing" for Kevin...

They reached their rooms and after a parting kiss - with passion - they went their separate ways. This was a night Kevin would never forget, Atlanta thought to herself as she entered her room. One of many to follow......

James lay in his bed listening to the voices in the hall. Sounded like Kevin and Atlanta... Maybe he had been wrong after all, maybe he was straight - for the time being anyway. James had only been back in his room for about an hour. Leaving Nick had been hard and he hadn't gotten any sleep since then. He still hated himself for stopping. He could have had Nick tonight if he'd kept going... he just knew it! James wanted to get their first. Sharing Nick tonight with Zach hadn't been too bad, but he was determined to be Nick's first. It was only fair after all, Zach had been fucked by Nick first.... Somehow James didn't think Zach would agree though.

James got up. After all the exertion earlier he was thirsty. He threw on a robe and headed down the hall to the convenience machine to grab himself a Coke. The machine was set in an alcove along the wall - which was why James wasn't visible to the two young men who came strolling down the hall from the elevator.

"Tonight was great Howie, you know I just love being with you every chance we get"

"I know it Brian, I know it" Howie responded with a thick voice.

"So whose room tonight, mine or yours?" Brian asked.

"Whichever. It's too bad we couldn't find James earlier huh? Another threesome could have been fun!" Howie said.

"Yeah, I agree. Just remember our plan for next time we're with him....

"I know, I know, are you sure about this Bri? I don't know if its a good idea. Maybe we should actually just concentrate on the two of us you know, and -

"No, Brian interrupted, I want to do this. Come on, what are you afraid of? He made us bark like little dogs for Christ's sake!"

"Brian, keep it down!" Howie interrupted.

"Sorry Howie, I just think that next time - and there WILL be a next time - we should show him who's boss. We order him down to his knees and make him snort like a pig" Brian continued excitedly.

James listened to the whole conversation from around the corner, smiling to himself. So Brian thought he could play with the big boys huh? We would just see about that.... James wondered how much Howie was into it. At first he seemed really into another threesome, but then had backtracked... That could mean he wasn't into it - or it could mean that he was REALLY into it and scared at how much he liked it. James hoped it was the second. He tuned back into the conversation....

"So tomorrow night, after our concert, we come back here and make our move. We seriously seduce his ass" Brian was saying.

"Yeah, okay Brian" Howie said, noncommital.

"Geez, Howie, don't get too excited!" Brian exclaimed, somewhat digusted.

"Excited? I'll show you excited..." Howie returned slyly.

James heard some scuffling and then a gasp. He couldn't help himself and peeked around the corner. Brian's pants and boxers were down around his ankles and Howie and two handfuls of lily white ass in his golden fingers. Brian reached out and opened his door and the two tumbled inside. James heard the door slam and started walking back to his room, sipping from his can of Coke. He stopped outside of Brian's room and listened to the giggling and moaning coming from inside. Soon they'd be able to share that energy with others. Tomorrow night, it would be THEM who got the surprise. If James had his way, that surprise would include Atlanta and Zach. He thought they could easily bring both Brian and Howie over at the same time. They might even be able to throw A.J. into the mix!

James looked up and saw a burly security officer watching him from down the hall. He blushed, having been caught eavesdropping and hurried back to his room. What was that guy's name? Burton or something? In any case, he really didn't care for the look he was getting from him.

Once back in his room, James relaxed. Tomorrow they all had to go down to the stadium, first for a press conference, then they were taping a promotional spot of MTV, and then the actual concert. They probably wouldn't get back to the hotel until midnight, but when they did, Howie and Brian would be in for a surprise.....

That's all for now folks, thanks for reading. Please let me know what you thought and more importantly, what you would like to see happen next! Send your comments to: . Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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