Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Oct 4, 1999


PLEASE BE ADVISED..... The following story contains sexually explicit material and involves S&M activities. Please also note that although the Backstreet Boys are characters in the story, this does not imply any sort of sexual preference of any of them.

ALSO.... please give me your feedback and let me know what you would like to see next. And I'd really like to hear your thoughts on who should end up with Nick, James or Zach. So please send me your votes!

I look foward to hearing from you, and now on with the story............

Chapter 9: And the Thunder Rolls...

James awoke to the sound of rain. Lots of rain. Rubbing sleep out of his eyes, he glanced over at the window - snapping awake at the sight of the downpour. Rain was cascading down the window in sheets, causing the window to tremble in response. James leaped out of bed and ran to the window, looking out over the city of Toronto. The sky was a dull, dark grey, and there was no sign of the sun. Glancing at his watch he realized that it was almost 7:00 am, but by the looks of things outside it was nightfall. The street was far below and obscured by the rain, but from what he could tell the streets looked pretty flooded. It looked like that storm they had evaded on the way into town had turned around and come back with a vengeance. James' stomach tightened at the prospect of taking off in an airplane in such a storm.

James jumped back, startled as the hail briefly pelted the glass, before turning back to rain. God, he felt physically ill. There was no way he was getting on a plane to head to Vancouver tomorrow. He had managed to get through his first flight okay, but this was all his worst nightmares come true...

The bedside phone sprung to life and James walked over to answer it. It was management. The flight was postponed! James could barely contain his glee, but managed to sound calm and collected. There was work to be done now; James had to contact the press in Vancouver and let them know that the concert might have to be postponed by a day. Then he had to deal with the reporters downstairs and let them know what was up as well... But it shouldn't take more than a few hours James thought, hanging up the phone. After that he'll have a whole day to himself, and his.... pursuits.

James was a little worried about how fast things were going. Their plan had been to seduce the Backstreet Boys, teach them a lesson in pleasure and domination... but they had figured on it taking weeks of steady build up. Yet here they were, barely a week into the job and already they could count A.J., Howie and Brian amongst their love slaves. It was all just moving WAY to fast. A.J. had been an easy mark - he enjoyed similar pleasures. But the others should not have been so easy... James wondered if Howie and Brian were truly conquered yet. He was beginning to fear that they weren't - and that by moving so fast they may have put themselves in jeopardy... He would definitely have to bring up his concerns to Atlanta. She was always so confident... but could she be over-confident?

James stepped into the shower, and images of Nick immediately came to mind. He forgot all about his concerns thinking of the fresh-faced young man who had stolen his heart. James hated to admit it, but that is exactly what had happened. He had almost forgotten he had one, after being under Atlanta's tutelage for so long, but Nick brought back so many old feelings. He made James so happy.... With the others it was just sex, but with Nick it was so much more... Unfortunately, he suspected that Zach felt much the same way. James didn't know what he would do anymore if he was forced to choose between Nick and his partners.

Stepping out of the shower, James toweled off and started getting dressed. Kevin had been fun last night, and so had Brian and Howie... but one thing had been lacking. Nick. Where had he gotten to last night? James hoped that Nick was okay, and that he had felt abandoned last night when he couldn't find either him or Zach. Zach. What was he going to do about that... He was a friend and a good lover, but James didn't want to share Nick with him. Zach had already had all the good opportunities with Nick. It was James' turn now. He didn't even feel any need to have sex with Nick, he just wanted to get to know him better. God, what would Atlanta say to THAT!

James finished getting dressed and grabbed his briefcase, stopping to gaze momentarily at a group shot of the guys. Nick looked so great in this photo, the perfect teen heartthrob... But now James knew that was just a facade. Nick thought he was anything but perfect. He reminded James of himself before he had met Zach and Atlanta... They definitely had to talk. Soon as he was done with work, James was going to go see Nick and tell him exactly how he felt.....

Nick was awake. And he was cold. He knew he was awake, and he knew he was cold, but felt powerless to do anything about it. His head was throbbing, sharp pangs of pain lacing through the dull ache. Nick tried to open his eyes, and found it a surprisingly difficult task. He reached up with one hand and rubbed away the sleep and crud, finally able to pry his eyes open. More pain lanced through his head and light flooded in.

Gradually Nick got his bearings. He was on his bed, naked and damp with cold sweat. The weather outside matched his mood - overcast skies, filled with thunder and lightning. He cleared his throat and felt the residual taste of bile and vomit. Covering his mouth with his hand, he raced for the toilet - emptying his stomach into the basin as soon as he got there. Nick retched and coughed until he could no longer, collapsing back onto the cold tiled floor. He lay there, his head resting awkwardly against the wall. He gazed down the length of his naked body, feeling disgusted. His belly bulged out ever so slightly, but to Nick it seemed enormous. His small patch of pubes barely capped his dick, which was shrunken from the cold. Nick averted his gaze from his body, not wanting to think about it. Instead he looked around the room while trying to gather enough energy to get up.

The tub was filled with water, which was strange since Nick didn't remember taking a bath last night. Of course that might explain why he was naked... God, he had drank so much last night, his first time ever really drinking excessively. If this was the way it made you feel in the morning, he wanted nothing to do with it... It was all their fault - they had used him like a toy and lied to him. The fact that his friends, Howie, A.J. and Brian (especially Brian) had been in on it made the betrayal all the worse.

Nick finally began getting to his feet, slowly inching his way up the tiled wall. It was then that he noticed the dress. A simple black affair, it had a large puke stain on it. What the.... had he brought a woman back here last? Why would he do a thing like that? Nick had never really been interested in women, even from a young age he had always found himself looking at the other boys. But there it was - evidence that a woman had been here. Had he thrown up on her? God, he was NEVER going to touch alcohol ever again.

Nick staggered back into his bedroom, shivering from the cold and began pulling on some clothes. He walked back into the bathroom and pulled the plug in the bathtub. He needed a nice hot shower... Glancing again at the dress, Nick wondered just what he'd been up to last night after he had walked in on that little orgy... A sudden thought seized Nick. It couldn't have been Atlanta could it? He felt sick at the thought that he'd given into one of his enemies. Nick had a suspicion that she was the brains behind all of this. It was fishy that she was the only woman amongst all the guys.... Nick picked up the dress and threw it violently into the trash. It had not been Atlanta. It had not.

The phone rang, and Nick walked over and answered, fearing it would be someone he really didn't want to talk to.

"Hey Nick!" it was Kevin's voice.

"Hi Kev" Nick responded, relieved.

"Something wrong?" Kevin asked.

"No Kev, I.. uh I just got a lot on my mind is all...."

"Yeah, me too"

Nick thought that Kevin sounded a little strange. When he'd picked up, Kevin had been far more happy and upbeat than he usually was on the phone, and now his mood had just plummeted down to what sounded like depression.

"What's wrong Kev? You sound upset?" Nick asked, forgetting about his own worries, and concerned for his remaining friend.

"Nothing Nick. It's nothing really. I guess it's just the weather you know?"

"Sure" Nick replied. He didn't really buy that excuse. Kevin often had a lot on his mind, and sometimes Nick felt bad for him, having to take on a lot of the stress for the group. But he had never sounded so bummed out before.

"I'm coming over" Nick declared.

"No! I mean, uh no thanks" Kevin continued.

"You sure?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, positive. I'm just calling to let you know we're going to be here and extra day. No planes can take off in this mess."

"Oh. Okay then. Thanks for letting me know" Nick replied, crestfallen.

Nick and Kevin said their goodbyes and Nick hung-up the phone. So now he was stuck here. Nick had been looking forward to getting out of Toronto ever since last night. He wanted to be away from this hotel, this city, and more than anything Zach and James. Nick wished he could just go back home, but since that was out of the question, Vancouver would have sufficed.

Nick resolved that after his shower he'd order food and then just remain in his room for the rest of the day. He really didn't want to see anyone. He didn't know how he was going to be able to face Brian, Howie and A.J. again without punching them - or without crying. Nick flung himself onto the bed and pulled the covers up over his head. Sobbing softly into his pillow, he drifted off to sleep again.

Kevin hung up the phone after saying goodbye to A.J.. His duty done, Kevin walked over to the window and stared out into the storm. He was so confused. Never in his life had he had a single thought about another man. As a young teen he had wondered sometimes how other guys looked naked, but more out of a childish sense of competition than anything else.

He'd been an early bloomer as far a puberty was concerned - but along with having more hair than other kids his age, he also had a lot more acne. Eventually they had all ended up in the same boat, but for a good two years he had been the only one. So rather than be ashamed of his skin, he had taken great pride in his large penis.

He'd wear tight briefs to school so that the other guys could see how well he filled his underwear. The popular kids, the school studs and jocks who got all the girls gawked at him and Kevin would smile.... He remembered one day when this guy, Brandon, the most popular guy in school, had remarked on it. Brandon had claimed that Kevin was stuffing his briefs with a sock, and told the whole school about it. So Kevin had set up a showdown, unbeknownst to Brandon.

One day during lunchbreak, some guys and girls had been teasing Kevin as usual, calling him names and claiming he had to hide his little dick behind a sock. Then one of Kevin's few friends, a girl, had spoken up. She'd demanded of Kevin that he show his cock if he wanted them to know it was not just a sock, but in exchange Brandon had to show his. It had all been a set-up, and in front of all those people Brandon couldn't back down. Kevin had enjoyed how pale Brandon had gotten, and the sweat which had beaded his brow.

Kevin had closed his eyes and dropped his pants. He opened them again when he heard people gasping. Brandon's jaw had dropped, and Kevin had momentarily imagined shoving his dick down Brandon's throat. Kevin pulled his pants back up and looked at Brandon expectantly, who was trying to slowly back away. Someone had stopped him, and a look of utter desperation had come across Brandon's face as he realized he was trapped. Someone had his arms pinned, and Kevin's friend walked right up and yanked Brandon's pants and underwear down, exposing him for all to see. He had a very small, hairless little prick which had seen no signs of puberty yet. Brandon had let out a shriek and then sobs as he was utterly humiliated. Kevin had been overcome with guilt and had wanted to take him in his arms and make it all okay.

God, Kevin hadn't thought of that in years. But after last night's events the memory had come back. After he had humiliated Brandon, Kevin became popular - but as a freak not as someone cool. Brandon became a laughing stock, even though all the guys knew that they were just as small as he was. Kevin had tried to reach out to Brandon, had felt for him the way he had never felt for anyone else in his young life, but it was no good. Summer came and Kevin never saw Brandon again. He'd switched schools and Kevin had been heartbroken. He still wished he could have made it right, that he had not hurt Brandon so badly. Even now Kevin was no good at relationships, always fearful that he would hurt the other person.

Kevin rested his face against the cold window, trying to rid himself of the old painful memories, and bury them down again. He'd never thought of another guy that way again, and once his skin had cleared up had become quite the ladies man. Nevertheless, he always pulled away when things started to get too intense.

Things had been very intense last night. Kevin had basically given himself over to James and Zach, let loose for the first time in almost two decades. It had been the other night with Atlanta that had loosened him up (in more ways than one). She had brought him pleasures the likes of which he had never experienced. For the first time in his life, Kevin questioned his sexuality. Had he been hiding his homosexuality from himself for all these years? Is that why he had not thought of Brandon is so long? Kevin just didn't know. Clearly he had some feelings for guys, otherwise he would not have done what he did with James and Zach....

Kevin sighed disgustedly. He just didn't know anymore. He liked order in his life, he needed precision and control, but now he felt completely out of control. He didn't know what he would do next.... and how would he face Atlanta, someone who he was beginning to care for after having slept with her two co-workers (guys no less!)

Kevin shook his head, trying to clear away the confusion. As usual with him, he decided to concentrate on others rather than deal with his own problems. Nick had sounded really upset and sad on the phone earlier - for that matter all the guys had sounded odd on the phone. He was positive that Brian had been crying.... Kevin looked out the window again. Hell, maybe it was the weather after all, but all Kevin knew is that he really wanted to get out of this city and move on. Toronto had brought nothing but confusion and distress.

Brian lay on his bed in a fetal position, his knees drawn up to his chest. Despite the covers he was cold and shivering. When he'd gotten back to his room last night, after blowing off Howie abruptly, he stripped off all his clothing and curled up in bed. His pillow was wet with the tears he had shed through much of the night. He felt lost, and powerless, like he had just before his heart operation. When he used to get sad, he'd have Howie hold him and everything would be okay, but he couldn't do that anymore. He felt like he didn't know Howie anymore. He felt like he didn't know HIMSELF anymore.

Fresh tears filled Brian's eyes and ran down his cheeks, he could taste the salt in his mouth. It wasn't so much sadness he was feeling either. It was hate. And anger. Hatred of those who had turned his life upside down and anger at himself for letting it happen.

"Yes master! Brian will obey master!" Brian mocked himself, hardly believing the words had sprung from his lips last night.

He just didn't get it. That he had humiliated himself the first night with James had been bad enough, but what was worse was that he had plotted to return the favor. He had been so happy with Howie, but he had thrown in all away for cheap pleasure and a dash of perversion. Brian felt dirty, disgusted at what he had become.

He got up out of bed, and gazed down at his wiry young body. His pubic hair was just beginning to grow back in. Brian had shaved it off a little while ago as a joke, a surprise for Howie. Had it all started then? Maybe he only had himself to blame for all of this, maybe James, Zach and Atlanta were merely tools?

Brian dropped to his knees and clasped his hands together. Closing his eyes he prayed, prayed for guidance and help. He'd been raised right, and had always believed in the power of God and righteousness. God had given him a second chance at life, and Brian had vowed to make the best of it. He knew that many Christians believed that gays were sinners and the `devil's work', but Brian could not believe that such a loving god could possibly hate anyone. Up until recently, Brian had thanked God for Howie everyday.

"Please God, help me to get through this time of turmoil in my life. Give me guidance and help me find the right path. I have sinned, and have given into temptation. I have taken for granted the gift of life you gave me, and the wonderful partner you set up for me in Howie. Please God, I ask you help as a humble servant, repenting my sins. Amen."

Brian got back up and headed for the shower. He didn't know what he was going to do today. When Kevin had called earlier he'd been half asleep and overwhelmed with grief to really give the idea that they were stuck here for another day much thought. He knew he had to speak to Howie and explain to him why he had rejected him last night after the incident'. Brian had to make things right, he owed it to himself and to Howie to make sure that neither one of them would ever call anyone else other than God, master' again.

Howie lay in the tub, soaking in the hot water. He'd been happy to hear from Kevin that they were stuck in town - he just wished the weather were better. He'd retreated to the tub, where at least he could ignore the horrible storm outside the window. Depressed enough as it was, he didn't have to see that.

Last night had gone so perfectly until the end. Howie had been with James, just the way he had fantasized. He had tried to avoid it, he had really wanted to forget his feelings and concentrate on Brian again, but Bri had insisted on going ahead with his plan to dominate James. Well, that hadn't exactly gone as planned. Howie had enjoyed it though, and was glad to see Brian take to it so well. He'd turned out more eager than Howie! He'd felt a little tinge of jealousy at that, but then realized he was being silly. It wasn't like he was cheating this way, and he got to be with both James and Brian at the same time. As far as he had been concerned it had worked out great - and so what if he had to wear a collar and be a slave, at least he got to be with the men of his dreams.... And A.J. seemed to enjoy it.

But then things had gone off course. After they had left James' room, Brian had suddenly turned hostile. One moment he was beaming up at James and Zach and promising to be a good slave, then the next he was brushing Howie off. Brian had said that he had to be alone and didn't want to see Howie at all. With tears in his eyes, Howie had stumbled into his own hotel room and cried himself to sleep.

When he woke up this morning the first thing he noticed was the absence. Brian's warm body wasn't next to his, and he missed their morning snuggle. Brian was so small and skinny that Howie always felt protective of him - especially since his heart operation. He knew Brian got annoyed by it sometimes, but he also knew that Brian wouldn't have it any other way. Howie wondered what Brian was doing right now, what he was thinking. Did he blame Howie for what had happened last night? After all, he had been the first to submit and give in. Maybe Brian had only gone along for his benefit! Oh no, Howie thought, what have I done? And more importantly, what am I going to do now?

The thought of giving up James and the others made Howie sad, he wanted to make them happy the way they had made him happy. He already loved them all, but he loved Brian too. He just didn't know what to do.......

A.J. lay on his back panting heavily. After Kevin's phone call this morning he waited for a little while, wondering if he would be summoned to his mistress' bedroom like yesterday. As time passed and no one came and got him, A.J. had become increasingly horny. He'd finally given in, and now had the candle which Atlanta had first used on him buried up inside of him. He was easing it in and out more and more quickly. His hard erection stretched out across his chest and with his free hand he massaged his scrotum, rolling the balls in his fingers.

A.J. had always had an overactive libido. He started masturbating at a young age, a very young age. He couldn't even remember a time when he didn't masturbate. He had vague memories of his father catching him as a toddler playing with himself in the sandbox at the local park and telling him that we aren't suppose to touch there'. He's started peeking at other guys in the bathroom his first day of elementary school, and have even taught a group of classmates how to masturbate (because it made your dick grow faster). They had looked up to him for his supposed penis knowledge' and he'd used that to his advantage. One day during recess they had all squeezed into a stall and he had made them all jerk him off and blow him.

He'd enjoyed his little games for a long time, but as they got older, more and more of the boys stopped talking to him. They didn't want to have anything to do with him, he supposed they were troubled by what they had done. There was one boy though, who came back one day, when A.J. was twelve. He hadn't spoken to the guy, Frank, in close to two years. A.J. was in the washroom taking a piss and Frank came in and stood next to him. They nodded to each other but that was all. When A.J. finished he washed his hands and started to leave. Frank had called for him to stay.

When he turned around, Frank was facing him, his penis hanging out of his pants. It was huge, and A.J. knew right away that he wanted it. Without a word, Frank walked over to a stall, and A.J. followed. As soon as the door was shut, A.J. was forced to his knees.

"This time round, you're doing the sucking..." the words echoed back to A.J. over the years as he lay on his bed, nearing climax.

It was the first time he had ever tasted another man's member. He'd had trouble fitting it into his small mouth and had spent most of his time licking Frank's swollen head. A.J. still remembered his first taste of cum....

A.J.'s whole body jerked as he exploded, cum shooting up and hitting his chin. He pulled the candle out and let it drop. He lay there as his dick spewed the last of its cum on to his stomach. He had always loved the moments directly after orgasm - it was the only time when you were completely relaxed.

After that first blowjob, Frank instructed A.J. that they would meet everyday at the beginning of lunch so that A.J. could pay back all the blowjobs Frank and given him as a child. A.J. had agreed readily. It was then that he realized that he enjoyed being the submissive one much more than he enjoyed being the aggressor. He devoted the rest of his elementary school life to making Frank happy.

When they learned that they would be going to different high schools, Frank prepared a special treat for A.J.. When his parents were out, he invited A.J. over. He was ordered to strip the moment he walked through the door, and had then been lead by his erect penis to Frank's bedroom. Frank had taken his virginity right there on his bed - and it had been splendid...

A.J. got up and took a quick shower, washing away his cum and the last vestiges of sleep. So they had another day here, he supposed that was nice. Too bad the weather was so shitty though. A.J. almost never remembered which city they were in anymore when they were on tour, they all just blurred together. He remembered arenas and audiences, and that was all.

He got out of the shower and got dressed. Now what, he thought. He couldn't bare the idea of being cooped up here all day in his room, he had to get out and do something. A.J. just didn't want to upset his masters by leaving without permission, and he didn't want to risk disturbing them to ask. Finally A.J. decided to go see Howie and Brian, he figured there would be nothing wrong with going to see his fellow slaves, and besides he was curious to see how they felt about it. And if any of their masters needed their service, they would all be in the same place. He wondered if they had spent the night in Brian's room or Howie's?

Shutting his door behind him, A.J. headed down to Brian's room. No one responded to his knock so he moved along to Howie's. It took a moment but Howie answered the door. He was dripping wet and wearing nothing but a small white towel. A.J. could tell right away that something was wrong and that Howie was upset.

"Can I come in?" A.J. asked.

Howie moved out of the way and gestured A.J. in without a word. The first thing A.J. noticed was that Brian was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?" A.J. asked.

Howie only looked at him, tears forming in his eyes. He looked like a child lost in a shopping center. A.J. moved towards him and embraced him in a tight hug, not caring that his clothes got wet. Howie cried softly into his shoulder, his body shaking so much that his towel fell to the floor. A.J. pulled Howie in tighter and walked him over to the couch. They sat down, both men noticing for the first time that Howie was naked. He blushed and covered himself with a throw cushion.

"I don't know what happened..." Howie began, choking out the words.

"Was it what happened last night?" A.J. asked.

"No, I mean yes, but not what you're thinking. Last night was great, I loved it and I thought Brian did too, but afterwards he got mad at me and told me to leave him alone. Why A.J.? Why was he so mean to me?"

A.J. wished he had the answers that Howie needed, but only one person knew those. He rocked Howie gently back and forth, causing the cushion to fall to the floor. This time Howie didn't bother feeling ashamed, he was too far gone in grief to care. He rested his head in A.J.'s lap and curled up in a ball. A.J. ran his fingers through Howie's wet hair, wishing he could make everything all right.

He heard the door open and looked up to see Brian standing there. His smile evaporated at the sight of them on the couch. Howie didn't see him, but A.J. opened his mouth to explain. He didn't have a chance. Brian muttered something that sounded like "I'm too late" before turning and running from the room.

Zach rolled over and gazed out the window. God it was raining hard, that must have been what woke him up. After all of last night's exertions, he was still pretty damn tired. He got out of bed and went to take a closer look, even from inside the hotel room he could feel the static energy in the air. It made his naked body tingle with excitement. Zach had always loved the rain, especially thunder storms.

Before he'd met Atlanta, Zach had been a med student, with big dreams of becoming a doctor. He'd always been a bright student, with straight As, so Medical School almost seemed a given. His first semester there was a disaster though. Not that he didn't know his stuff, but because his roommate turned out to be one of the most gorgeous hunks of manhood ever to walk this planet. Tall, over 6 foot, with a chiseled jaw and shoulder-length blond locks, Gregory, was everything Zach had ever wanted in a man. He'd always been partial to blonds, and Gregory brought blond to a whole new level.

At the time, Zach was still a shy young man, a little on the skinny side and lacked he lacked any kind of confidence. They shared a small room, and Zach was always on edge whenever they were both in the room together. At night, even though he tried to contain himself he often masturbated, with thoughts of Gregory in mind. He never thought to wonder if Gregory might think the same way, assuming it as an impossibility.

One night, Zach had been out late studying and only got back to the room late. He walked into discover Gregory sitting on the edge of Zach's bed, sniffing his pillow. His pants were down around his knees and his large, eight inch erection stood tall and proud. Zach froze at the sight of the man of his dreams pleasuring himself to Zach's scent. Gregory, turned red with embarrassment and let out a sob. He yanked his pants back up and pushed past Zach who was numb with shock in the doorway. Coming to his senses, Zach gave chase, right out of the building.

As he ran after Gregory, a storm could be heard brewing overhead. They ran for close to twenty minutes, right out into the middle of a field. Finally Gregory could run no longer and collapsed to his knees, crying. Just as Zach caught up, the skies opened up and dumped a downpour of water onto them. Zach knelt down in front of Gregory and told him he wanted him to, and that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

They had made love right there that night, the first time with a man for both, as the thunder and lighting clashed up above. When it was over they were covered with mud, and freezing with cold, but for that little while, they had both been completely at one with nature. It had been as if they had absorbed the energy in the air and turned it into one another.

Zach felt the head of his penis touch the cold glass of the window and realized that he was hard. Thinking of that first time with Gregory always aroused his passions. He'd had sex in the rain since then, but it has usually turned out to be a disappointing experience. His partners never understood what it was all about and complained at being wet and muddy. The storm had never quite been right either, but this, now this was a storm to be reckoned with. This storm had power, had energy. There was no way he could let it go to waste. And he knew just who could join him, just who would understand. Nick. This storm would be the perfect opportunity to give Nick his first experience, just as a similar storm had introduced Zach to the joys of man on man sex. He had fine tuned his abilities with Atlanta, but it had been that night with Gregory which had provided him with the spark, with the passion.

Zach hastily pulled on some clothes. He had to go find Nick before they had to leave for Vancouver. He didn't have much time, but they had to make time. He had to share this experience with Nick. Finished dressing, Zach pulled open his door to reveal Atlanta standing there, one hand in the air as if she had been about to knock.

"Going somewhere?" she asked, pushing Zach back into the room and slamming the door behind her.

"I..I was going to go find Nick before we have to leave" Zach replied testily.

"My, my, aren't we snarky this morning..." Atlanta returned pleasantly. She walked over to a chair and sprawled in it luxuriantly.

"Look, I'd really like to take care of-"

"I had a nice little chat with Nick Carter last night" Atlanta interrupted.

Zach's heart almost stopped. He remembered her words the other day, how she had taunted him and James that perhaps she would be best equipped to deflower Nick....

"About what?" was all he could think to ask.

"Oh, this and that" Atlanta taunted Zach, enjoying his obvious discomfort.

"Did you...." Zach could not even finish the sentence, he felt ill.

"Did I... what? Strap his feet to the bedposts, strap on a dildo and ride him into ecstacy?"

"NO!" Zach screamed.

Atlanta laughed in his face and ordered Zach to remove his clothing. It was time for him to remember who was boss. Zach, barely controlling his tears, obeyed his order, removing the very clothes he'd just put on. Atlanta ordered him to lie down on the bed face down, and then lashed his arms and legs to bedposts with leather straps.

It had been a while since she'd had Zach bonded, and it showed in his growing weakness. Kevin's face popped into her head, and she imagined for a moment that this was Kevin laying on the bed before her.

"Atlanta please..." Zach begged. He had to get to Nick, he just had to... what had Atlanta done to him?!


Atlanta put aside her thoughts of Kevin, concentrating on the task at hand. Reaching into her bag, she drew out her whip. She tapped Zach one the ass with it, slowly building up the strength of her strikes. She could hear him whimper slightly. God, he had gotten weak.

"Don't cry Zach. Be a man. You know, Nick cried even worse than you did. He screamed like a little girl" Atlanta lied.

Zach let out a loud sob, and Atlanta whipped him harder. She reached into her bag and drew out her favorite dildo. Large and black, it was the one she had used the other night. She strapped it on and then forced her way into Zach.

"And then I took this little ol' dildo and made Nicky boy scream some more. Then I made him beg." Atlanta taunted Zach again, even more cruelly. Zach sobbed again in response as Atlanta rammed in hard.

"Please Atlanta, please, tell me you didn't please. Please, oh please" Zach begged and cried. His earlier fascinations with the storm forgotten, as he was overtaken with grief for Nick's lost innocence.

Atlanta dismounted Zach and looked down on him scornfully. How quickly he had lost his edge. And James was just as bad. He would have to be punished too.

"I did nothing to Nick Carter last night Zach" Atlanta explained. Zach looked back at her, his eyes full of tears.


"Nothing. But you had better do something soon or else I will" she replied gravely. Zach swallowed hard and nodded his head.

Atlanta went around and undid Zach's hands and feet. She also tended to his wounds, a few nicks from the whip on his buttocks. Zach barely said a word as she poured rubbing alcohol onto the gashes. Then he finally spoke.

"James and I did get some action last night though. We ran into Kevin in the steamroo-

Zach's sentence cut off as he screamed out loud. At the mention of Kevin's name, Atlanta had squeezed one of the gashes. Realizing what she had done, she tried to act like nothing had happened.

"Go on" she said.

"Uh, sure. We ran into him in the steamroom. At first he protested but then we tag teamed him, one on either side. He really got into it. And you were right, boy is that guy HUGE."

"There, all done" Atlanta said, rolling Zach over and getting up off the bed.

She picked up her toys and put them back into her bag, trying her hardest to pretend that everything was fine. It was not fine. Atlanta was feeling jealous, jealous that they had used Kevin without her permission. He was hers after all.... They were ALL hers. Fuck, she wished Zach would stop staring at her with that fucking half-smile of his on his mouth. Did he suspect that she was breaking her own rule, that she was getting personally involved?

The phone rang and Zach rolled over to answer it. Atlanta was glad to have his eyes off of her. Things really were going exceptionally well. They already had three of the Boys under control, and they had only been here a week. She was still concerned about this Burchard character though. Hopefully they could find out more about him when they got to Vancouver.

"Flight's canceled" she heard Zach say behind her.

"Sorry?" she said, turning around.

"That was James, he's on his way up from the lobby. Apparently the plane can't take off in this shit. So the good news is, we have another day here." Zach was already thinking of getting Nick outside in the storm again. He just wished he could figure out a way to get James out of the way. He was tired of sharing Nick, he wanted the guy to himself.

"That's good, we could use the time. Now, before we do anything else we need to check on our slaves and see how they're feeling this morning." Atlanta leveled Zach with a look, well aware of who he was thinking about.

"Sure. Okay" Zach replied. He knew she was right; they had to make sure that Brian and Howie remained submissive. Nick would have to wait till they were done.

He got up and got dressed for the second time this morning, gazing longingly out the window at the storm. When he was done, he and Atlanta headed down the hall in the direction of Brian's room. They were just getting there when A.J. and Howie emerged from Howie's bedroom. Howie was hopping on one foot as he pulled on his second shoe. It looked like he had gotten dressed in a hurry.

"Where are you two going?" Atlanta demanded, she and Zach making a wall in front of them.

"We don't have time to explain" Howie blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Atlanta asked archly.

A.J. quickly glanced downward, bowing his head. He seemed nervous though, and fidgety. Howie looked blankly at her, not comprehending. Annoyed, she pushed him backward. Still on one foot, Howie toppled easily. Zach guided A.J. back into the room by the elbow and closed the door behind them.

"No, Howie said, I need to go after Brian!"

"And where has Brian gone?" Zach asked.

"I don't know, but he's upset he thinks-

"Enough!" Atlanta hollered.

A.J. jumped and instinctually dropped to his knees at her tone. Howie noticed, and finally began to realize what kind of trouble he was in. The conflict was evident on his face, he didn't know whether to go after Brian or stay with his mistress and master.

"On your knees Howie" Zach ordered.

Howie got up onto his knees, but couldn't stop wringing his hands, clearly overcome with anxiety.

"Please master, I must go find Brian" he pleaded.

"No, Atlanta said, You do not. We will find Brian for you very soon, rest assured."

"But..." Howie began.

"But nothing!" Atlanta and Zach yelled in unison.

Howie bowed his head, sobbing softly. Zach made a motion to A.J., who began to remove his clothing. Atlanta gave Howie a look, and he did the same. Within moments both young men were naked. Atlanta reached into her bag and pulled out two collars which she handed to them to put on. They snapped them in place and looked up at her expectantly. With the collar on, Howie seemed to have given himself over to them. Almost all traces of his anxiety over Brian were gone. A good sign. Howie and A.J. were ordered to go kneel in opposite corners and did so, they're round butts sticking out into the room.

Atlanta and Zach drew close and discussed the situation. Clearly Brian had lost the eagerness he'd displayed last night, and he could pose a problem. They would wait here till James showed up and then two of them would go search for Brian while the other stayed here with their new slaves and helped to teach Howie the ropes. Zach tried to hide his disappointment at once again missing out on Nick. Atlanta continued to keep secret the fact that Nick had walked in on them last night. If Zach found out he'd fly off the handle and go looking for the blond immediately, and she needed him concentrating on other matters right now. She just wished James would hurry up......

James tried to keep his cool at the constant delays in the elevator ride. It seemed like someone was either getting in or getting out on every floor. Once the elevator had even gone back down again to pick someone up. He was resolved now. All the time he'd been talking to the reporters, his thoughts had only been of Nick. He was determined to go to him now and tell him how he felt, how much he loved him. If he had any doubts about it this morning, he didn't now. James knew he was supposed to join Atlanta and Zach, but knowing Zach's love of storms the way he did, he knew he couldn't waste any time. He was willing to chance their disapproval for Nick's sake.

The elevator arrived on his floor and James said a little prayer of thanks. The doors opened and James was about to step out when he realized that Burchard the security guard was standing in front of him.

"Excuse me" James said, trying to slide by, but he was blocked by one of Burchard's arms.

"Not so fast buddy" Burchard snarled.

Before James realized what was even happening, he was pushed back into the elevator. Burchard followed him in and pushed a button at random. As soon as the elevator was in motion, he pressed the "Stop" button and the came to a jerking halt. James looked up at the much larger man, who towered over him, his hands on his hips. He did not look happy.

******************************* End of Chapter 9

Next: Chapter 7

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