Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Feb 29, 2000


The following story is completely fictional and in now way does it mean to imply anything regarding the sexual orientations of any of the members of The Backstreet Boys. If you are under 18 do not read any further as this story contains adult subject matter, including S&M activities.

Hey all! I know I haven't touched this story is oh so many months, but after hearing all your pleading to continue, I finally gave in. You have Zach to thank for it above all of course, but thank you for all your comments. Theywere much appreciated. I hope that some of you, who may not have read all the stories at the bottom of the directory will take the time to discover my story now. It's not for everyone of course, and personally I find it only really takes off in the third or fourth installment. I've tried to make both the people looking for romance and thepeople looking for some hardcore fun as happy as possible! The last chapters actually throw in a little action and adventure to boot! So enjoy, and please let me know what you think. It's great to be back and writing again!! Feedback can be sent to ~James~

Chapter 10: Lightning Strikes

Kevin lay on his bed, looking out at the storm outside. He was reminiscing about Brandon again, remembering that tragic day when he had humiliated the boy. He had felt so attached to him afterward. Kevin had always been the protective, responsible type. It was no wonder he fell right back into that role with the other guys.

Had he always been interested in guys and didn't know it? He'd always thought of it as adolescent confusion. People experimented that all the time didn't they?

He hadn't thought of any guys since then. No, he was straight, Kevin was sure of that. But then what had happened in the last little while? Ever since Atlanta and the others had entered his life, his confidence had disappeared. He was so confused, but who could he possibly talk to? He felt a bond with Atlanta, but how could he possibly talk to her? He'd betrayed her with her two closest friends (guys no less). Dammit, why did he have to be the responsible one. He was always the one the others turned to, but now that he needed help and advice he was all alone.

Kevin thought again of Nick, and how strange he had sounded on the phone earlier. Maybe he should go talk to the guy. He was the youngest, and Kevin couldn't really see himself confiding this to Nick, but for someone his age he was quite mature and sensitive. Maybe that was the answer... Getting to his feet, Kevin fixed his hair in the mirror before heading out the door. There was nothing to lose, he decided, heading down to Nick's room.

Kevin knocked on the door but there was no answer. He called out to Nick and knocked again, hoping that he'd be in. He had to be in. Now that he'd resolved himself, Kevin knew he had to talk to someone about what he was feeling.

"Kev, that you?"

Kevin silently thanked god at the sound of Nick's muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. He heard the latch loosen and then the door opened slightly. Nick peered out with a haunted look on his face. What the hell was wrong? Worry immediately overtook Kevin. Nick glanced quickly from side to side to make sure no one was with Kevin. What was this all about? Kevin didn't know what to make of Nick's strange behavior. He was about to ask when Nick spoke.

"Good. You're alone, he said hoarsely, come on in."

Nick opened the door and ushered Kevin in quickly. He slammed the door behind him and threw the latch. Nick looked to be in bad shape. If Kevin didn't know any better he'd say the guy was hungover. And judging from the smell in the room, he suspected he may be right...

"Have you been drinking?" Kevin asked, with concern.

"Yes, but I really don't want to hear about it right now" Nick replied, his voice shaky.

"What's wrong with you?" Kevin asked, following Nick over to the bed.

Nick sat down on the edge of the bed, and Kevin sat down beside him. Nick let out a sob and began crying into Kevin's shoulder. Kevin patted him awkwardly, not sure what to say or do. After yesterday's events he felt really weird being this close to another guy. God, what was he thinking! This was Nick for pete's sake!

"It's okay Nick, why don't you tell me what's the matter" Kevin asked. So much for talking about his problems...

Between sobs Nick began to tell Kevin everything. He started with Zach in the pool, and then Zach and James in the shower. He told Kevin how much he'd come to care for both men. Then he told them about their betrayal, and about the orgy scene he'd walked in on. He told him about getting drunk, and finding the dress this morning and how he feared it was Atlanta's... He told him everything, then collapsed against his shoulder again, his body racked by sobs.

Kevin was first surprised when Nick came out of the closet - his problems striking so close to Kevin's own. But then when he heard that it was Zach, James - and Atlanta too! - who were involved in this, his concern had turned to stony anger. Those three had used and humiliated this poor kid, and him as well apparently... Kevin's anger focused more and more on Atlanta as the story progressed. While Zach and James had been out seducing Nick (and the other guys too apparently), she'd been working on him. He was just a toy for her. A plaything. They were all playthings. All that talk up on the roof? None of it had been real, it had all just been a ploy to seduce him. Her goal must have been to use that garden tool on him all along... And Zach and James - she must have sent them! He hadn't cheated on her at all, in fact he had done exactly what the bitch had wanted!

But how to break this to Nick? Nick hadn't caught on that the other Backstreet Boys had been used and seduced in the same way as he had He really cared for Zach and James, and was too caught up in feelings of betrayal. How to tell him that he'd been a victim, and not just that but that Kevin had slept with Zach and James too?

Howie knelt silently in his corner. It was cool in the room, and he could feel his testicles retracting and hugging close to his body for warmth. It was weird being naked with so many people around, let alone on his knees and awaiting orders. He really hoped that his masters would let him go find Brian. He had to explain that what Brian had seen was all a misunderstanding. He had to understand that. Howie loved Brian. More than ever he felt guilty over his thoughts about James. But he just couldn't bring himself to anger Zach and Atlanta. Brian would come around, he had to... They had both been so happy last night, deliriously happy. He wanted to live that way forever.

He glanced over at A.J., who was kneeling silently in the other corner. Howie knew that A.J. understood completely. Hell, how much fun would road trips be if they had the kind of bliss they had experienced last night at every hotel stop on their tour! He could hear Atlanta and Zach talking quietly amongst themselves near the door but he couldn't make out the words. They'd said that they were waiting for James to show up before searching for Brian. He wished he'd hurry up and get here.

************************************ "What do you think is taking James so long?" Zach asked Atlanta quietly, not wanting to let their bitches know that something was up.

"I don't know, but he's starting to piss me off. We should be using this time to make sure that our new little friends stay submissive. We're already losing Brian, and I didn't like that bit of defiance in Howie and A.J. this morning."

"So what do we do?" Zach asked, eyeing their two captives. He admired their smooth round asses. Howie's bronzed bottom in particular was nice to behold.

"This is what we're going to do. I'm going to go find Brian, and you're going to stay here and administer some punishment... and if James shows up... you are to punish him as well. Do you understand?"

"Yes Atlanta" Zach responded, remembering his lesson from this morning. His ass still smarted from where the whip had broken flesh. He did not envy James. He really didn't want to be stuck here either though, he longed to go find Nick. His heart swelled just at the thought of the blond adonis. He knew better than to push Atlanta in her current mood though...

"Good. Glad to see that you've remembered how this little operation works" Atlanta shot back with a smirk.

With that, Atlanta swept out of the room. Zach wondered momentarily what she would do to Brian when she caught up to him. He was sure she'd find some way of bringing him over... But now to the matter at hand. How to deal with their two rebellious little slaves? It couldn't be too painful, otherwise they might just bolt. No it had to be humiliating, but pleasurable at the same time. A spanking maybe? That would do, but he needed something a little more.

Zach made his way into the bathroom. At least the two knew enough to stay where they were told and not make a sound... He looked through the bathroom, and found what he was looking for. Heading back to the main room, he placed his discovery on the table and order his two concubines to come forward. A.J. and Howie turned and stared at the razor and shaving cream on the table in front of them. Slowly they crawled forward on hands and knees.

"You two were rather naughty this morning, talking back to us like that. You should know better", Zach taunted.

"I'm sorry master, I was just worried about Brian" A.J. began.

"Enough! I did not give you permission to speak!" Zach shot back, annoyed.

He sat down on the couch and motioned for A.J. to come over. He tossed the wiry young man over his knee and proceeded to spank him hard. A.J. groaned and whimpered occasionally, but Zach could feel his penis extent beneath him. He spanked harder and A.J. yelped. Casting him aside, he motioned for Howie to come over. His boycock was already erect from watching A.J. get spanked. Howie draped himself over Zach's knees and took his spanking with barely a whimper. This only infuriated Zach further.

"Beg for more!" he ordered.

Howie began to chant "please master hit me harder" between slaps. His cheeks grew steadily more red as the spanking continued. Finally he broke down and sobbed. Zach cast Howie off his lap casually and got to his feet. He handed the shaving cream and razor to A.J. and ordered him to shave Howie's legs. Zach sat back down and masturbated as his two bitches put on a show. When A.J. was done with Howie's legs, he ordered Howie to do the same for A.J.. They repeated the routine with their armpits and bellies until the only hair that remained on their bodies was the pubic hair.

Zach was about to cum, so he ordered A.J. and Howie to come closer. He spewed into their waiting mouths. Their tongues flailed around in the air, competing for Zach's milky juice. Now it was Zach's turn. He grabbed the cream and razor and, taking A.J.'s stiff cock in hand, began to gently shave his scrotum. Howie looked on in rapture. Next, Zach shaved the mass of wiry pubic hair that framed A.J.'s enormous cock. When he was done, he did the same to Howie. Without the mass of pubic hair surrounding it, Howie's dick didn't look so small.

When he was done, Zach surveyed his work. The lack of hair took years off of both boys - and they truly were boys now. They stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling insecure about their bodies.

"You little boys gonna get rebellious again?" Zach taunted.

"No master!" they sang in chorus.

"Good" Zach said, sitting back down on the couch, "now come wash my feet".

A.J. and Howie sank back down to their knees and crawled over to Zach. They took off his shoes and socks and then began to lick at his feet. They sucked on the toes individually, really giving them a once over. Ahhh... happiness is... Zach thought. But then he thought of Nick, and realized that happiness was something else entirely...

Atlanta was in a foul mood, one to match the weather outside. Where was that damn boy! She cursed herself for not seeing it coming. Between her problems with Kevin and Nick (she still wasn't looking forward to telling Zach and James that Nick had walked in on their little orgy scene last night), she had taken Brian for granted. Now he was an emotional loose cannon. They had gone too fast, and Atlanta had seen former slaves self-destruct before...

To top it all off the bloody elevator wasn't working, so she had to take the stairs. She had no idea where Brian could have headed. If it had been Kevin, she would have known to check the roof. Ah, the roof... Atlanta thought back to the night she'd spent up there with Kevin. It had been marvelous. She really had to get back to him soon. She was sure his experience with Zach and James had thrown him for a loop.

She worked her way up another flight of stairs, running out of breath and beginning to lose what little patience she had left. This was not good. She would need to be patient and understanding with Brian. In a way she could empathize with Brian, her indoctrination years ago had not gone smoothly either. She'd been a good girl once. She couldn't help but laugh about it now. What a perfect little Catholic school girl she'd been...

Atlanta opened the door and stepped out. This floor was devoted to the gym and saunas. God she couldn't believe that Zach and James had seduced Kevin in the steamroom. She had expected to work on him personally. She doubted Brian would be up here, but you never knew.

She walked by the pool and, to her surprise, saw Brian inside. He was swimming with his clothes on... how odd. Terror seized Atlanta suddenly as she realized that Brian wasn't swimming. In fact he wasn't coming up out of the water at all....

James stared up at Burchard in shock and climbed slowly to his feet, his back against the wall. Who the fuck was this guy? Sweat began to trickle down James' back as he assessed the security officer standing before him. He had a gun holstered at his waist, and carried a nightstick. There was no way James could defend himself against him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" James asked, trying to sound confident.

"The name's Burchard. And I want to talk to you. I have a little story to tell ya which I think you should hear. It's about those friends of yours."

"Why should I care what you have to say? I know that you know what's going on here, you've made that clear. And I really don't care if you disapprove."

Burchard laughed mirthlessly right in James' face. With a sudden move his nightstick was in his hand and he pressed it up against James' throat, pinning him against the wall of the elevator.

"You stupid little punk, those pretty boys aren't my concern here - or at least they're only part of it. You're part of it too...."

Burchard, satisfied that he had James' attention eased up on the pressure. James took a deep breath, massaging his neck with his fingers. What the fuck was going on?

"What d'you mean?" was all he could think to ask.

"Does the name Salinger mean anything to you?" Burchard asked.

"Huh? Salinger? No, it doesn't. Could you please try and start making some fucking sense! I have things to take care of and I don't like being locked in an elevator with some crazy-ass guard." James was getting panicked and desperate.

"Watch you're fucking mouth! You little brat, you should consider yourself lucky I'm even giving you this chance."

"What chance? You're not making any goddam sense!" James shot back, exasperated.

"My name is Burchard Salinger. My father is Xavier Salinger, and my brother Stefan Salinger. Any of those names ring any bells?"

James knew that Xavier Salinger was some rich guy who owned a computer company. James had read about him in the newspaper. His company had gone under last year for unknown reasons. One day it was a success story and then the next they were declaring bankruptcy. There had been rumors that Xavier's son, Stefan had squandered the family fortune...

"Yeah, everyone knows the Salinger story. Tough luck I guess, but what the hell does that have to do with me!" James was getting really upset and was starting to feel claustrophobic in the elevator.

"It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with your friends! Do you know who their partner was before you came along? Do you? It was Stefan!

James had no idea that there had been another man before him. He'd always figured it had been just Zach and Atlanta. Why hadn't they told him he was a replacement? James realized that Burchard was still talking.

"He fell in with them, became their little love slave and partner in crime. I didn't know it at the time of course, I was away at school, but he finally confided in me later. There was a price of course. Not only was he their little bitch, he was also their main source of income! They squandered millions on lavish parties. They created a whole little underground scene with their sex parties. That club Gamora that they picked you up at? They own it!"

"No! You're lying! You're making this all up. Let me out of here now!" James made a dash for the elevator buttons, but Burchard slammed him back up against the wall.

James started to sweat more and covered his ears, not wanting to hear anymore of this. He had a sinking sensation he knew where Burchard was heading.

"Funny how your situation is kinda similar... they pick you up, get you all worked up about getting this new job with a popular boyband... Wonder how long they'll keep you around once they have what they want..." Burchard continued sarcastically.

"No, its not true" James retorted weakly.

"You know where my brother is now?" Burchard asked, turning serious.

James did not respond. This was all just too unbelievable. There was no way that Atlanta and Zach could be keeping this all from him. They couldn't... They were his friends and his partners. They were a team. This couldn't be true...

"In an asylum. The fucking bastards made him so fucking dependent on them and so blasted submissive that when they betrayed him he broke inside. If you're smart you'll get out while you can, cause some day soon I'm gonna make my move and bring those bastards down. But there's no need for you to be involved if you choose not to. Think about that."

James collapsed to the floor in a heap, too dumbstruck to speak. Burchard pressed some buttons and the elevator launched into motion. He got out at the next floor. James remained on the floor. He felt nauteous, like he'd been punched in the stomach. Could this all be true? He sobbed quietly to himself. What had he gotten himself - and the Backstreet Boys - into?

Chapter 11: Confusion Reigns

The water closed in over Atlanta's head as she dove into the pool. She'd never been much of a swimmer, and she felt a moment of panic as her clothing dragged her downward. Regaining her composure, she realized the pool was not as deep as she feared. Making her way quickly to the deeper end, she grabbed hold of Brian's floating body. With all her strength she managed to hold him above the surface of the pool and doggy-paddle her way over to the edge. She tossed Brian's limp body onto the tiled floor and climbed out, heaving a sigh of exhaustion and relief.

Atlanta looked over at the pale young man laying next to her. His face was a purplish hue and his eyes looked sunken. He wasn't breathing. Dammit! She needed to get help and quick. She had no idea how to revive the boy. This was going to bring trouble, but there was nothing else to do. Getting to her feet, Atlanta turned to run and get help when she noticed James standing in the doorway.

He just stood there, staring at her. He didn't look much better than Brian did. His face was pale and he looked nauseous, as if he'd been punched in the groin. Atlanta didn't know what had happened to him, and at the moment she didn't care.

"What the fuck are you just standing there for, go get help!" she cried.

Without a word, James came walking towards her. She didn't like the glint in his eye. What was going on? Atlanta felt a tinge of panic as James descended on her.

She braced herself for a confrontation, but James merely continued right past her. He fell to his knees beside Brian and began administering CPR. Atlanta felt rather useless just standing there, and was feeling out of control. She didn't like the sensation, she was used to order in her life. Everything had seemed to be going so well just a few short hours ago, and now everything was a mess.

Beside Brian, James desperately tried to revive the young man. His thoughts and questions about Atlanta and Zach forgotten for the time being in his desire to save Brian's life. He alternately pumped on Brian's small chest and breathed down his throat. Come on Brian, breathe dammit! As if in response, Brian's eyes fluttered open and he began to gag. James turned him over as he wretched up water. He choked and spluttered, but thankfully he was breathing too. James rubbed Brian's chest to ease the pain and then held him close.

Brian let out a moan and tried to speak but no words came out. James placed a finger on Brian's lips and told him not to speak. Turning to Atlanta, he shot her a dangerous look.

"What the fuck happened here!?" James demanded.

"He tried to kill himself..." Atlanta began, but James cut her off.

"He what! What the hell did yo do now!"

"What? What are you talking about?" Atlanta was at a loss for words at James' accusing tone. What the hell did that `now' mean? Had he spoken to Nick?

James was getting to his feet, and helping Brian up. Brian still seemed really weak, so James picked him up in his arms and carried him. He began walking by without another word to Atlanta.

"Where are you taking him?" she asked.

"That's none of your business, you've done enough" James shot back and continued walking.

Atlanta let it drop and let James leave without another word. She really didn't know what was up with him, but it could wait. Obviously she had been late in teaching him a lesson like she had Zach. He was wavering, letting his sentimentality interfere. She thought of Kevin again, and then cursed herself for doing so. She had to regain control, she knew better than this. There was no way she could let this opportunity slip away...

"Nick..." Kevin began awkwardly. He really had no idea how to broach this subject. How could he possibly tell Nick that he had slept with Zach and James too. That all the guys had.

"Yeah what?" Nick's voice was muffled, his face still buried in Kevin's shoulder. His throat was choked up by emotion. Nick pulled away from Kevin and wiped his eyes. He smiled weakly up at Kevin and Kev's heart nearly broke at the thought of what he had to do.

"Listen Nick, there's stuff going on here that you aren't quite aware of I think..."

"Like what?" Nick asked.

Kevin looked at his young friend. His blue eyes were so open and innocent despite what Zach and James had done to him. Kevin reached out and ran his fingers through Nick's hair, falling into the fatherly role.

"I think that James, Zach and Atlanta are not the people we thought they were... You see, since they got here..." Kevin trailed off.

"Since they got here what?" Nick asked, starting to pay closer attention to Kevin.

"Since they got here they've been trying to seduce all of us" Kevin finished lamely. He really didn't know how he could put it any better, and he didn't want to be too blunt with Nick.

"All of us?" Nick asked, with a hint of accusation in his voice.

"You know that they got to Brian, Howie and A.J., and to you as well. But the thing is, they also got to me." Kevin braced himself for the explosion.

"Who got to you?" Nick cried, in a desperate tone. His hands clenched the front of Kevin's shirt.

"All of them."

"No!" Nick screamed, jumping to his feet. He whirled around and, before Kevin even realized what was happening, a punch connected with his jaw. Nick jumped on top of him and started punching at him with both hands. Kevin tried to fend Nick off without hurting him, but finally he had to use all his strength to toss the lighter man off of him.

"Nick, listen to me! It's not what you think, we're all victims here." Kevin tried to reason with Nick, but he could see that Nick was in a highly emotional and volatile state.

"Liar! You're all in on it! This is all a joke, a fucking joke. You know what though? Go ahead and fucking laugh at me! I don't care anymore. I don't!"

Nick turned and tried to open the door, but Kevin stopped him, putting all his weight on the door. Nick just glared at him sullenly.

"Please listen to me Nick. Just hear me out, I'm your friend - I swear it" Kevin pleaded.

Without saying a word, Nick stalked back to the bed and threw himself down on it. He sat there sulkily, not saying another word. Kevin took a deep breath and started relating to Nick all that had happened to him since Atlanta and company had entered their lives. He left out the conversation he'd had with Atlanta, but included the embarrassing details about the gardening tool. Nick's lips began to tremble and his eyes teared when Kevin started to tell him about the steam room incident.

"... and I don't think the other guys are in' on any of this either. I have a feeling they are as much victims as we are. If there is a joke' at play, then its on all of us - not just you. I know you care about them Nick, but you shouldn't. They're the bastards here, not us. We're your friends."

Kevin walked over to Nick and sat next to him on the bed. He draped one of his arms over Nick's shoulders, doing his best to console his friend. Nick rested his head on Kevin's shoulder again.

"I just can't believe this..." Nick said weakly.

"I know, I know. I think we've all been pretty unbelievable lately", Kevin consoled.

Nick turned his head to look squarely at Kevin's face. He reached out and ran his fingers over Kev's jaw, tracing the outline of where he had hit him.

"Sorry about that", Nick said, smiling a little.

"No problem slugger", Kevin smiled back.

Suddenly Kevin became aware that Nick was leaning in closer. Before he could protest, Nick's lips were on his own. Kevin thrilled at the sensation of Nick's soft lips. Involuntarily, his mouth parted. Nick, not wasting a moment, plunged his tongue down inside. He wrestled playfully with Kevin's tongue.

Kevin felt his dick expanding in his pants, and he could feel Nick's pressing against his thigh. This could NOT be happening. Nick was his friend - and hadn't he just decided he was straight? Kevin pulled back, and got quickly to his feet. Nick looked up at him, and Kev's heart almost broke at the wounded look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Kevin started, but Nick cut him off.

"It's okay, I understand. You don't want me either." Nick sounded completely dejected.

"No, Nick, it has nothing to do with that. I mean, I'm straight, that's all" Kevin tried to explain.

"Not so straight that you couldn't sleep with Zach and James though right?" Nick shot back accusingly.

"That was different Nick..."

"Why, did they rape you then?"

"No, but -

"But what! But nothing. I felt you get hard Kevin, don't deny it. You just don't want me!"

Nick got to his feet, upset now. To Kevin's surprise (and alarm), Nick started stripping his own clothing off. Kevin tried to stop him, but let go when he realized he was holding a half naked young man. He backtracked and Nick finished removing his clothes. Kevin just stood there, without a clue what to say. He kept his eyes averted, and was seriously considering hightailing it out of the room. But he just couldn't bring himself to leave Nick in this state of mind.

"Look at me" Nick said, his throat thick with emotion. Kevin did not respond.

"Look at me!" Nick yelled, and this time Kevin turned his head despite himself.

He took in Nick's physique. The boy was a little overweight around the edges, but he had a nice young body. Kevin couldn't help but think of Brandon all those years ago. His cock began to stiffen again involuntarily. Nick's dick stood out before him, fully erect. Nick started padding towards Kevin, with a look of determination in his eyes. Kevin broke out in a sweat, he felt trapped. Trapped and oh so turned on!

Zach sat on the couch, running his hands through A.J. and Howie's hair. They sat on the floor on either side of him. After they had gotten done with his feet, they had given a full tongue bath from head to toe. Zach had decided to give them a break - another sign of his growing weakness he supposed...

Zach was disturbed from his reverie when the door was thrown open to reveal Atlanta. And what a sight it was. She was soaking wet, and had a foul expression on her face. Had she been out in the storm?

"Get out!" she shrieked. Zach, A.J. and Howie hopped to their feet at her tone and started to leave the room.

"Not you!" Atlanta pulled Zach back with disdain.

Howie and A.J. began to gather up their clothes, but Atlanta wouldn't even give them that chance. Grabbing them by the testicles she maneuvered them out into the hall and slammed the door in their faces.

"What's going on?" Zach asked, disturbed to see Atlanta so out of control.

"I have no fucking idea" she shot back. Atlanta started stripping off her wet clothes, and Zach got her a change of clothes out of Howie's things while Atlanta told him all that had happened.

"What do you think got into James?" Zach asked, thinking he might know.

"I have no idea, but let me tell you this - it had better not be Nick Carter!"

Howie and A.J. stood in the hall, staring at the closed door. Their hands covered their dicks as well as they could. Both men seemed unsure of what to do, but they obviously couldn't just stand around here!

"Let's go to my room", A.J. suggested. The duo made their way quickly down the hall. When they arrived at A.J.'s room they realized that they had no way in - the key was still in A.J.'s discarded clothing.

"Dammit!" Howie exclaimed, "we can't let anyone see us like this!"


The boys froze as someone cleared their throat behind them, they turned in unison, their hands still covering their now-hairless dicks. Before them stood a rather large security guard - the new guy. A.J. couldn't quite remember his name though... Burchard he thought...

"Uh.. this isn't what it looks like!" Howie exclaimed.

Burchard stood there and observed the two young men before him. A.J. and Howie were very aware of their new hairless state. In the room with Zach it had been humiliating but now it was truly embarrassing.

"I know exactly what it looks like", Burchard said with a grin. A.J. and Howie merely gaped at him.

"Atlanta sent me to take care of you", he continued with a wider smile.

"Oh" was all A.J. could think to say. All he really wanted right now was to get the hell out of the hall. He didn't want anyone else to see him like this.

"Come with me" Burch ordered, and made his way down the hall to his room. A.J. and Howie followed close behind.

James finished removing Brian's clothing, tossing the underwear on top of the heap of clothes in the corner. He ran into the bathroom and grabbed some towels, drying off his small, chiseled young body. Once he was dry, James wrapped Brian up in his bed and, stripping off his own clothes, lay down next to him. He had to get his body temperature back up. He hoped he wouldn't have to call a doctor...

"Wha... what's going on?" Brian asked weakly.

"Shhh.. don't talk Brian, just relax", James said soothingly.

Brian turned over and pulled himself in close against James' body, attracted to the warmth. James held him close.

"I'm sorry Howie" Brian said, and started kissing James' neck. James pulled away, looking at Brian with concern. He was obviously a little delirious. Probably shock.

With a smile of contentment, Brian drifted off to sleep. James continued to hold him close, getting his body temperature back up. God, this was all their fault.

They had almost driven poor Brian to take his own life... For the first time in a long time, James started to question his life. What the hell was he doing? How had he convinced himself that this was alright? He was still reeling from what Burchard had told him... He had been unable to confront Atlanta earlier, but he knew he had to eventually. He had to know the truth. He couldn't believe he had devoted his whole life to a lie. Sure, he feared Atlanta - but he also loved her and Zach. They were a team, a unit. It wasn't all about power and submission, there was also love and understanding. At least he thought there had been. That had been the part he was most looking forward to with Nick and the others. Once they had gotten through the initiation, things would have been great. But maybe Atlanta didn't see it that way... maybe she just wanted the money and the power. He just didn't want to believe it - not of her and not of Zach....

Chapter 12: All Good Things...

Nick's hands were running up and down his back. They were on his chest and on his thighs. Kevin stood transfixed, staring into Nick's eyes - unable to break away. Every so often Brandon's face would appear superimposed over Nick's, as if at that moment the two were merged as one. Kevin felt his shirt being lifted over his head, and he did not resist, letting it slide off. Nick/Brandon immediately attacked his nipples, sucking first one and then the other. He proceeded downward, his tongue leading the way and leaving a trail of saliva right down to Kevin's navel. His tongue flashed inside, before losing contact with his belly.

Nick's hands were on his pants, loosening his belt. Now the button. Now the zipper. His pants fell down around his ankles. He could feel Nick sucking on his cock through his underwear, which were wet with pre-cum. Kevin looked down and Nick/Brandon stared up at him for a moment. Brandon's face dissolved, leaving only Nick's. He had a rapturous look in his eyes.

Nick peeled down Kevin's underwear, and Kevin stepped out of them. Kevin lifted one leg up to begin removing his shoes. Nick, not waiting, lashed out with his tongue - licking around the slit of Kevin's bulbous head. Pleasure shot up through Kev's body an he lost his balance, falling sideways to the floor. Nick was on top of him in a shot, kissing his neck, his cheeks, running his tongue over his lips. Kevin had never felt anything like this before in his life. But still, his reservations remained. This was Nick, his friend. He was straight, he knew he was.

Nick's mouth was on his large cock again, licking up and down the shaft. He was oozing steadily now, and he could not help but moan and write in pleasure. Nick released his dick and Kevin felt a great sense of disappointment at the loss of contact.

Nick was standing over him now, and Kevin gazed up the length of his smooth young body. Nick stooped down and removed Kevin's other shoe and his socks. He began sucking on his toes, and Kevin writhed in response to the unusual, but pleasurable sensation. Nick's hand was on his tool again, pulling upward. Kevin followed the motion, getting to his feet.

"Nick, this isn't a good idea" Kevin protested.

Nick ignored him, leading him by his manhood over to the bed. Nick eased his body backwards onto the bed, pulling Kevin down on top of him. Their lips locked again, Nick's tongue darting in and out of Kevin's mouth. Kevin moaned in response.

"Please Nick, let's not do this...", Kevin began.

"No Kevin, I need this. Please...", Nick breathed, whispering into Kevin's ear.

Nick's hands were running up and down his back again. This time they began to plunge lower, massaging his ass and creeping down into his crack. The sensation was wonderful, Kevin had never been treated this way by anyone ever before. But still...


"Please Kevin, I need you to want me. I know that you want me", Nick exclaimed, panting heavily.

Nick hands came up and caressed either side of Kevin's face, forcing Kevin to look fully into Nick's eyes. The look he was getting was both blissful and plaintive. Kevin was staring at a wounded young man who just wanted to be loved. And that's all Kevin wanted too - for him and for Nick.

Kevin leaned forward and gently pressed his lips down on Nick's wonderfully red and full mouth, enjoying the their smooth tactile feel. He moved down to Nick's neck, sucking playfully, but being careful not to leave any marks. He continued his journey further southward, making his way down to Nick's member. Kevin arrived. Taking Nick in his hands, he opened his mouth wide and accepted Nick into his mouth. He began swallowing inch by inch, feeling the member in his mouth, in his throat.

Kevin could hear Nick issuing moaning sounds from above, which got louder and louder the more Kevin swallowed. Kevin started to pick up speed. More than anything at that moment he wanted to make Nick happy. After all he'd gone through, Nick deserved this. Nick's moans got louder and louder, and longer and longer. Finally they merged to form one long guttural scream as Nick's cock surged inside Kevin's mouth and spewed forth his milky substance. Kevin swallowed and swallowed, savoring every last drop. He doubted he'd ever taste it again, and wanted to enjoy this for all it was worth.

When the orgasm was over, he collapsed back down onto the bed next to Nick, who snuggled down next to him. Nick rested his head on Kevin's chest, a smile of contentment on his face.

"Thank you Kevin", Nick said simply.

"My pleasure", Kevin laughed.

They lay there for a moment, not saying a word. Kevin's dick started to go limp, and he could feel an ache forming in his pent-up testicles. As if reading his mind, Nick slid his way down to Kevin's cock. He started to lick at it, making sure Kevin got hard again.

"Don't lose interest too fast now Kevin, we're not done", Nick said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?", Kevin asked, worried.

"I want you to take me Kevin, I need you to make love to me", Nick responded passionately.

Nick turned his body around, so that his ass was facing in Kevin's direction. He continued to gently lick at Kevin's cock, as Kevin started up at the young ass in front of him, contemplating what to do. Could he really do this? It would change their relationship forever, there would be no going back. Then again, if he didn't then their relationship would still be changed forever - although for the worse no doubt. Kevin knew now that this wasn't really about him. This was about Nick. The guy needed to know he was desirable after taking a hard fall after James and Zach... But was this right? God, at this moment there was nothing Kevin would have liked more than to begin loosening Nick up... but what did this mean for his sexuality?

"Please Kevin, do it..."

The words broke through Kevin's reverie and he succumbed to his emotions and his desires. Burying his face into Nick's crack, he began lashing out with his tongue at Nick's virginal rosebud. Nick cried out a loud `yes' in response, and this only egged Kevin on further. He began to probe around the hole with his index finger, and then gently slid it in. Nick grunted in response and pulled away. Kevin pursued him, licking some more and then sliding his finger back in. Nick grunted again, but did not move away. Kevin continued to work at Nick's bud, using plenty of saliva to moisten the boy. Another finger entered inside. Kevin knew he was a larger than average man, and that he'd be a lot of Nick to take. He wanted to make sure he was ready.

Finger number three. Kevin could hear Nick sobbing, but he knew that if he stopped now Nick would never forgive him. He continued loosening Nick up, and began to probe into Nick's hole with a fourth and final finger. Nick leaned forward, stretching himself out further and inviting Kevin in. It was time.

James was tied to a horrific looking spiked rack, in a dirty looking room. There were no windows and he knew he was far underground. The constant drip of water grated on his nerves. He heard taunting laughter from behind him, but he could not move his head, fastened as it was with a cold metal band. Atlanta appeared from behind him. She was decked out in full dominatrix regalia, and carried a whip in her hand.

"Now do you understand you foolish little man?", she taunted, cracking the whip against the stone floor.

"Of course not Atlanta, he's too stupid to understand" Zach appeared from out of the shadow. He wore a black, hooded cloak and carried a cat-o-nine-tails.

James whimpered in response. He tried to speak but realized he was muzzled. Panic seized him, he had never been so scared in his entire life. Sweat began to ooze from every poor in his body. Atlanta and Zachary merely laughed in response to James' distress.

"You, my dear, are going to suffer the same fate as them!" Atlanta gestured to the wall.

James looked over and saw the Backstreet Boys arrayed on it. They were all fastened to the wall by a variety of chains and hooks. Clamps were fasted to their nipples, to their testicles. Their faces, muzzled as well, were locked in grimaces of pain. Dried up tears cut passages down the grime on their faces. Their eyes bulged from their heads, in a maniacal fashion.

James tried to scream, and chocked on his gag. He pulled at his bonds to no avail. Atlanta and Zach continued to laugh mockingly. They pulled back their arms and prepared to strike. James saw their arms jerk, and saw their whips come flailing towards him in slow motion. He felt an instance of pain as the connected with his flesh.

"Nooooooooo!!", James screamed, waking up with a start.

"It's okay, it was only a dream", a voice whispered in James ear, soothing him.

Where was he? James felt so disoriented. His body was still trembling, and he was drenched in sweat. Who... James looked up and saw Brian Littrell leaning over him, a look of concern in his eyes. He was making soothing noises, and running his hand through James' hair. Brian....

The events of the morning came crashing back... the morning press conference, his desire to see Nick, Burchard's story, Brian's near drowning... He looked up again at Brian, taking in the young man's flesh tone - which had returned to normal. His hair was still damp, but he appeared much healthier.

"You okay?", Brian asked gently.

"Yes. Yes I think so. How `bout you?", James asked. He sat further up in bed and gazed over at Brian, who looked away.

"Okay I guess. I suppose you're the one who saved me?"

"Yes, Brian, I am. But I suppose I'm also the one who almost killed you."

Brian pulled away, taken aback by James statement. He went to get up out of bed, but realizing he was naked, stayed put. He pulled more covers up to his waist self-consciously.

"Why?", he finally asked.

"Well, I couldn't just let you drown. Not over this", James replied.

"No, not about that. I mean why did you have to... y'know...."

"Well, that's a long story Brian. In fact I don't even really know the answer to it anymore."

Brian looked at him, confused. Then his eyes widened when he looked at James' stomach. James looked down, realizing for the first time that his belly was sore, stinging in fact. His eyes grew wide when he saw that the sheets were stained with blood. What the fuck? He pulled back the sheets to reveal several long slashes across his abdomen. Wow, some fucking dream... They were thin, and not very deep, but still....

James realized that Brian had gotten out of bed. He caught a fleeting glimpse of his pale backside disappearing into the bathroom. Brian emerged a moment later carrying a wet rag, some hand towels and some bandages. He walked over without a word and started tending to James' wounds.

"It's the least I can do", Brian said with a slight smile.

"Thanks", James replied, touched that after everything they had put him through, Brian remained such a good person.

"While I do this, why don't you tell me what the hell that dream was about that it could have cause this!"

James supposed it was the least he could do, and besides, he really wanted to confide in someone. And so he started telling Brian everything. He told him about the dream first, which only served to confuse Brian more - so James backtracked, starting at the beginning. He explained that their purpose had always been to seduce and dominate all the Backstreet Boys. Their motives had been a mixed bag - partly it was plain old desire for such delectable young men. Another part had been the money that the Boys could have offered. James even confided his own infatuation with Nick Carter.

"Yeah, you and the entire prepubescent female population!", Brian remarked with a laugh.

Once he'd gotten started, James discovered Brian to be an attentive and even sympathetic listener (he guessed that Brian really wanted to hear this). It was easy talking to him, so James continued - telling him everything. He told how they had seduced A.J., how Atlanta had worked on Kevin, and they had worked on Nick, the steamroom incident with Kevin, how they had plotted to dominate Brian and Howie... James told him every step they had taken since joining the group as their P.R. representatives.

"It was all so carefully orchestrated...", Brian interrupted, amazed.

"Yes, well, Atlanta is nothing if not meticulous", James replied.

James continued speaking, explaining his run-in with Burchard this morning.

James started to tear up as he explained his sense of betrayal, and his confusion.

He had been so sure that what they were doing was right, and that once the Boys had gone through the initiation, everything would have been great. But now he wasn't so sure.

"Well, I guess that explains your nightmare then", Brian concluded.

"I'm so sorry Brian" James began, but was overcome with tears.

"It wasn't all your fault you know. I mean, me throwing myself into the pool... I was just so confused, and then I walked in on A.J. and Howie this morning...

"You walked in on them? Was there anybody else there with them?"

"I don't know, I didn't stick around", Brian replied.

"Well, if I were you I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. It could have been Atlanta and Zach's work you know. Howie really seems to care about you", James tried to console Brian - who finished bandaging James' stomach and sat down on the bed next to James.

"I guess but..."

"Brian, you have to understand that some people are just naturally submissive to orders, and I think that A.J. and Howie are two of them. I thought you were too, but I guess we were wrong about that, horribly wrong..."

"No, I think you were right. I did enjoy it, but I was so scared at what happened..."

"That's because we went too fast, we got overconfident. I'm so sorry", James said, placing his arm around Brian's slim shoulders.

"I guess so..." was all Brian could think of to reply.

"You know, under the right circumstances, it really isn't that bad you know.

It's not bad at all. Unfortunately, the circumstances are not what I thought they were." James clenched his jaw, once again angry at the havoc Atlanta and Zach (and he) had caused.

Brian didn't reply, so James got to his feet and pulled some clothes out of the dresser. He winced as the bandages on his stomach moved. God, what a dream that had been... James tossed some of his clothes over to Brian. He was larger than Brian, but the clothes would probably still fit him. Brian's own clothes still sat in a sodden heap in the corner. James selected his own outfit and got dressed. He turned around to find Brian still sitting on the bed naked. He appeared to be in a daze.

"You okay?" James asked.

"What?" Brian shook himself out of his daydream and noticed that James was dressed. He started pulling on the clothes he had been given.

"Why don't you go find that boyfriend of yours and make everything alright?" James suggested with a smile. He couldn't help but admire Brian's slim physique.

Brian got up, pulling his pants up and fastening them. They were loose around the waist and a couple of inches too long, but they would do for a little while. Brian came toward James, and placed his arms around him. James returned the hug warmly. He felt like they had both gone through near-death experiences, and that they now shared a bond. Brian pulled away and smiled.

"I think I'll take you up on that suggestion. And I think I'll make one of my own. Why don't you go find Nick and tell him everything you just told me. I'm sure he'll understand, but he should hear it from you."

"That's what I was thinking, but I'm afraid of hurting him", James replied.

"Don't be. I've known Nick for quite some time, and I'm sure he'll understand. Although to be honest, I really don't know why he never told us he thought he was gay. Howie and I have been out for a while, he should have known we'd understand."

"Nick is surprising insecure y'know. He was probably afraid of admitting it to anyone. It wasn't until-", James broke off suddenly.

"Wasn't until what?" Brian asked.

"It wasn't until Zach that he felt safe enough to open up", James finished dejectedly.

"Yeah, maybe, but your motives were pure, or at least more pure than Zach's were."

"Yeah, I guess so. In any case, I have to warn Nick, and Kevin too I suppose while I'm at it. You take care of Howie and I'll see to the rest, okay?"

"Deal! And thanks again for everything James." Brian leaned in and his lips brushed James' lightly.

And with that Brian turned and pulling on his still-wet shoes, left the room in search of Howie. James stood there for a moment, marveling at Brian's sensitive and giving nature. How he had managed to forgive him, he did not know... James tried to resolve himself for what he knew would be awkward confrontation with Nick. God, just this morning he was so full of hope of telling the young man how much he loved him, but now that would have to wait. The important thing now was to warn Nick, to tell him the whole truth. Then Nick would have to decide for himself. He was hoped he would be as understanding as Brian.

Zach looked down at his watch. It was just passed noon now, and the rain continued to pour down outside. He'd never seen such a storm in his lifetime, and he couldn't believe he was missing it. He longed to be out there with Nick in his arms...

Atlanta was wearing a track in the carpet, pacing back and forth. Zach had never seen her lose it this way before, and he was rather scared of what it meant. Things had gone from bad to worse apparently. Not only had their plans for the Backstreet Boys gone awry, but they appeared to be losing James too. Despite their recent rivalry over Nick, Zach had strong feelings for James. He was a great guy, and he had made an ideal replacement for Stefan, who had just not worked out at all. James was like a brother and lover roled into one, but without the incestuous implications... He hoped that they could resolve their differences.

"Where are A.J. and Howie?" Atlanta demanded suddenly.

"Huh?" Zach's thoughts were disturbed.

"Pay attention dammit! Where are those two?"

"I don't know, you tossed them out of here remember? They couldn't have gone far though, they didn't have any clothes with them."

"Well go find them dammit!" Atlanta shrieked at him.

Zach was really taken aback by her tone. This was serious, Atlanta was really losing her composure. He felt for her. Despite her dominance, Zach loved her as well. They had been together for a long time. They had a rocky relationship, but at its core it was about mutual respect for one another. He got up and walked over to her, barring her way and stopping her pacing. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her in close, hugging her to his body.

"It'll be okay", he tried to assure her.

She pushed away from him, but she appeared less frantic. Slowly she regained her composure. She reached up and patted Zach's face affectionately.

"Thank you, I needed that. Now, would you please go find A.J. and Howie. Let's work on salvaging what we've got left before we start worrying about our rebels alright? I don't want anybody else getting hurt now. This was not supposed to happen."

"I know. It's okay you know, we'll get through this. We're nothing if not survivors."

Zach squeezed Atlanta's arm in reassurance and headed out the door. Howie and A.J. could not have gone far. They were probably hiding in a closet someplace. He doubted that they had made it into A.J.'s room, unless he had left it unlocked. He walked down the hall and knocked on the door, but no one answered. He tried the handle. Locked.

So they must be hiding elsewhere...

Zach looked over at James' door, wondering if he should go talk to him. No, he decided, Atlanta would probably want to take care of that. She had asked him to find Howie and A.J. and that's what he would do. Zach continued down the hall, checking the utility closets along the way. He hesitated outside of Nick's room, longing to talk to the boy. But again, his sense of duty took precedence. First he would find his naked little lost ones and then he would deal with his own personal agenda.

Atlanta stood in the middle of the room, still staring at the closed door. She should have told Zach that Nick had walked in on them, that he thought they had all betrayed him. But she was afraid of how he'd react, and more than ever now she needed to rely on him. She suspected that James was gone. She'd lost partners before, but James had been special. She just wished she knew for sure what had gotten to him, why he had revolted. It must be Nick Carter, she surmised. That was the only thing that made sense. She had to talk to that boy again she realized. But not wearing these clothes. She felt ridiculous in Howie's ill-fitting outfit. First she'd head back to her room and change, and then she was going to have another little chat with Mr. Carter.


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