Gung Hay Fat Choy

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 5, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Gung Ho Fatso!" Jimmy yelled to his sister as entered the kitchen at a near-run.

"That's `Gung Hay Fat Choy!'" His sister retorted with the proper expression of Happy New Year in Chinese. His sister was new in the house, having come home for a visit from her university.

Jimmy went into the kitchen. "I meant what I said. How's school, Sis?"

"Not bad. Grab some candy and help me with this." His sister was working on the candy tray, an octagon-shaped plate she was forming with each of the eight wedges containing a different sort of candied fruit, all in a neatly formed design she was painstakingly erecting.

"Okay." Jimmy instead wrecked part of her work by snatching up a handful of lychee nuts and kumquats, a glory of separated gold and red that mixed and scattered under his hand! "I'll get these out of your way!"

"Jimmy!" his sister squealed.

Jimmy would have made a clean getaway, but his grandmother blocked the way, a tiny white-hair-bunned woman with a red gown and a fierce attitude that far outweighed her little size. Her tongue was sharp, but unleashed a flurry of Chinese syllables.

"Hey, hey, Grandma, Grandma calm down!" Jimmy said. "You know I can't understand you when speak Chinese so fast!" He didn't speak Chinese well at all; who needed it here in the United States? As for anyone who was surprised by this, he always pointed out, "Hey, you're German, so how come you don't speak German?"

"I said you boy no good!" Grandma said in her fractured English. She'd never bothered to learn any more than she had to in order to get along. As long as she was understood, that was enough, and if that meant she had to use more words to get her point across, that was okay, she could deliver the ones she had with a fury that rivaled the sound of a machine gun--ratatatatat! "Where you going today in a hurry?" she insisted.

"Out." Jimmy said. God, Grandma was such an old relic, he knew he was supposed to honor her, but God, she didn't have any clue! He didn't know where he was going, he only knew this fire in his vitals said he had to go!

"Why you not stay and help with party?"

"Aw, Grandma, not another one!" Jimmy groused. "Who is it this time?"

"They your cousins, come from San Francisco, and my sister come with her daughters from Dallas." Grandma said. "This is New Years, this is time to visit family."

"How many more days is this going to drag on?" Jimmy groused, though he knew the answer. The Chinese New Years festival was fifteen days long, from the first new moon to the full moon, and the moon had just turned full, so he'd had two weeks of this and he was sick of it by now, and except for the parade, he was ready to get it all over with! And besides, there was this fire inside him, driving him, he couldn't spend another day at home, he just couldn't!

"They come to see parade." Grandma nattered on. "You be good boy, you be good host, you help sister, you help me."

"Sorry, Grandma, but that's women's work." Jimmy parroted some of his father's friends blithely.

That was a mistake. Grandma reverted to vehement Chinese and unloaded another stream on him. He nodded and shook his head as best as he could figure out he ought to, while he sidled sideways and got around her by running his rump along the counter, and beyond that was the back door out of the kitchen, he got to the edge, felt the corner poke his ass, and said, "Okay, love you Grandma, later, bye!" and raced out the door and down the alley, to freedom!

He sauntered as he got to the street, their house was one of a row of houses, all side-to-side, with only a tiny peak of roof and the choice of color to denote which was which. The fronts of the houses were decorated in banners with red letters and flowers in abundance, for red was good luck and flowers were new life.

Jimmy figured on hanging out at the carnival until time for the parade got started, then he could slip back home. Tomorrow, the New Years celebration would be over and except for a handful of relatives in the house, he could return to life as normal. Meanwhile, he had the red envelopes given him by relatives, and each one had money inside, so he was flush and ready to spend!

But there was a fire inside him that burned and he couldn't quite figure it out. It was like he wanted to go somewhere new, do something new. It was like...being hungry, but the candied fruit and nuts he had did nothing to stoke the fire. He bought a bowl of noodles and ate that, but while this distended his stomach, it did nothing to ease the hunger. This hunger, it was closest to being horny, but he had jerked off earlier that day. It hadn't eased things at all. This It was mixed up with a sort of longing that chewed at him the way he had wanted a new bicycle for his tenth birthday. Not just any bicycle, but this one red bicycle he'd seen in the store. He had dragged his mother and father there and even his grandmother just in case she'd buy it for him for his birthday. She'd cursed him in her scathing rhetoric and dragged him away.

Then he'd woke up on his birthday and went into the living room and there had been the bicycle! God, the sensation he had when he had touched that bicycle had been as intense as anything he'd ever felt before.

"At least not until I hit puberty and had my first orgasm." he sighed. "Well, a new year means new things." he said to himself somewhat philosophically. Maybe what he was looking for would be somewhere out here in the night and the carnival and the parade.

He played the games, losing mostly, giving away the two small prizes he did win to little children, and passing on. If he could only find what he was looking for!

A group of people were gathered around a large box, and he wandered over. A rat race, of course. Six rows side by side for the rats to run down, the rows set apart by wood.

"Place a bet, quarter a chance. You win, you win a dollar!" the hawker was calling out. "How does that sound to you?"

"Sounds like the house has a big percentage." one guy said.

Jimmy laughed along with everyone else."

The hawker didn't try to deny it. "Sure, I make some money. But you make more, huh?"

"Okay. So set me up two dollar's worth on Number Seven." the guy said. Jimmy looked at him and suddenly his hunger had a name!

The guy was his age, maybe a touch younger. His face was marked by a pair of dark-rimmed glasses, but on him, they looked right. His skin was the color of soft, fresh-baked bread, lightly golden as the clouds at sunset. The guy looked at Jimmy and winked, and Jimmy suddenly knew that this guy was all a part of the act.

"Two dollars on Number Seven!" the hawker said, and suddenly he was beset by people placing their bids. Jimmy waited until the crowd slacked off, then he said, "Give me a dollar on Number Seven, too."

He felt the guy's arm go around his shoulder. "Yeah, Number Seven, that's the ticket." the guy said.

Jimmy sheepishly took his tickets and said, "If we win, I'll buy you a drink."

"You're on." the guy said.

"And they're off!" the hawker said as he lifted the board that opened the rows and the six rats (there was no Rat Number Four, the number was felt to be unlucky on the New Year) came out of their cages and went down the rows.

"Race" was too strong a word, though the rats were moving. Some stopped to place their forepaws on the top of the dividing walls to get a whiff of the men standing over them, urging them on. The hawker would bat their noses and they would get back down, one of them turned around to run back the way he'd come! Everyone laughed at this.

Number Seven was doing well enough, but he was about a rats-length behind the winner.

"Number Two the winner!" the hawker bellowed out. "Who has Number Two?"

"Not me." the guy said.

"Me, either!" Jimmy threw his tickets into the air (four tickets--bad luck!). "Come on, I'll buy you that drink anyhow."

"Okay." the guy waved to the hawker who waved him back absent-mindedly, he was too busy getting ready to take bets, the rats now in their cages at the other end of the race track. They'd run back and forth as long as there was business, and for now, business was good for the rat race!

Jimmy bought the young man the drink, but at a stand and the drink was the seven-vegetable drink traditional for the holiday. Supposed to bring good luck, Jimmy normally hated this mixture. Tonight (it was just beginning to get dark, the parade would start at full sundown), he didn't even taste it. All he had eyes and ears for was this new friend.

His name was Bao "But call me Bobby." Jimmy responded by saying his Chinese name was actually "Shi" though that was a fib, his mother and father had firmly believed in becoming full Americans, furious grandmother notwithstanding. It was why he had to speak with Bobby in English, he had tried Chinese but he had learned Mandarin (as a second language!) and Bobby spoke Cantonese, it defeated him.

But that didn't matter. He was chattering away with Bobby as if he hadn't spoken to another human being for a dozen years, talking about everything and anything as quick as he could.

Especially if it would make Bobby smile, or better, laugh. When he laughed, he would raise up his head, and the lights of the many lanterns hung overhead would gleam off of his eyes and his teeth. Somehow those glasses never glinted, never flashed back those lights, only his eyes. And when they flashed, his heart would pound suddenly within his heart, and he was off again, trying to make him laugh again, laugh more.

He had just concluded a rather lame punchline and as Bobby laughed at it anyway, there was a cacophony of sound. Firecrackers, hundreds of them, going off at once.

The parade had begun. Jimmy was startled, and he shouldn't have been, they had gravitated to the edge of the parade route along with the others, and the number of people had become increasingly heavy, until he and Bobby had been nearly pressed up against each other. The only thing he had noticed about this was that it felt good, almost touching. And if someone squeezed by and he did have to touch Bobby...that was even better!

The crowds got thicker, pressing against them as the parade started, and Jimmy found himself shoulder-to-shoulder with Bobby, watching the parade, pretty girls in costumes, some floats meant more for the tourists than tradition, kids carrying lanterns on poles over their heads, the lanterns swinging freely.

Bobby's hand, pressed against the back of his hand, slipped into his and their fingers interlocked. Jimmy gave Bobby's hand a squeeze and it was returned.

Jimmy shuddered, he felt his cock get so hard it hurt! He wanted more than anything to take Bobby in his arms and kiss him, right here and now! But the crowds, the people! How could he do what he wanted?

"Let's get out of here." Bobby whispered to him, and the words were a fire in his veins, and a roar in his ears, he could only nod.

And follow Bobby through the crowds, the men and women laughing and smiling, and ignoring them even as they pressed them aside. The crowd was thick, but it was only a few people deep, they were through them and then it was like the back half of the sidewalk was for people walking, and they skittered side-to-side to let other people past, and then there was an alleyway and Bobby was there at its mouth, pulling his hand to pull him into it.

This was the Chinese district, and New Year's traditions required cleaning up everything, the alley was practically spotless. Not that Jimmy would have cared if the alley had been nasty, all he cared was that Bobby was there, and when Bobby leaned back against the wall, Jimmy leaned in and he kissed Bobby, kissed him hard. God, the taste of those lips, they were burning against his own. He moaned as his hands roamed over the body, feeling how smooth and supple it was, he had never known how soft a young man's body was, he'd expected it to be tough and ungiving, but it was smooth, so smooth, and yet there was nothing of a woman's body about it, it had a virility to it that Jimmy had never known in his prior explorations of women. Maybe it was the lack of a brassier beneath the shirt, maybe it was the lack of breasts beyond the slightest padding on the chest, maybe it was just knowing that this was a man he held and not a woman, but the fact of it was unmistakable, and it seized his senses, this, yes, this was it!

And Bobby was not the passive lump woman so often were, he reached his hands down to cup Jimmy's buttocks and grabbed hold and he lifted Jimmy off the ground for a short time, and this ground their crotches together, Jimmy felt the hardness waiting inside those pants for him and he groaned yet again as Bobby's lips kissed the hollow of his throat.

When he was lowered, his hands went to Bobby's pants and caught the waistband and a yank undid the top and then the fly rasped after it as he pulled them apart, and then Jimmy's hand could reach in, balked only briefly by the briefs, and then he had those pulled out and was reaching in...ah, there it was!

Bobby's cock was a shaft of fire that he held, it throbbed in his fingers and pulsed in his palm as he worked it, feeling the heavy rush of slimy precome as he tugged on this pud.

But Bobby wasn't idle, his own hands came down and found Jimmy's own pants, held by a string and elastic band instead of a fly, soon as Bobby's hands realized this, they both came up and by brute force tugged them off from Jimmy's hips and the loose fabric, bereft of their sole support, fell to his ankles.

Now only a jockstrap remained, and Bobby's hands soon disposed of that, while Jimmy pulled on Bobby's cock, Bobby was removing this final barrier and then his body was exposed to the chilly night air, and he didn't care!

And any coldness ended when Bobby knelt before him and that warmth enclosed his cock, those lips pulled upwards upon him, and he could only croon out his pleasure at the warmth and the moisture and the pressure and the joy!

Bobby's movements sped up and Jimmy could only ride along with it, he couldn't bear this delight and he couldn't bear not to have it, he could only keen out his agonized ecstasy as Bobby sucked on his prick and as the excitement raced up his body and seized upon his brain.

Not all the sounds in his ears were the firecrackers! He'd never felt this before in his own masturbation, when joy exploded like so many flowers in the night sky of his mind!

When Bobby's movements slackened, Jimmy looked down and realized that his new friend/lover was tiring, and he said, "Your turn now." and he tugged at Bobby's armpits.

Bobby stood up, equal measures of relief and expectation upon his face, and Jimmy kissed those wet lips once more, and tasted upon them his own salty essence, and that taste excited him, it was time now to see if Bobby's would be different!

Bobby's pants and briefs were back in place, though his dick distended the fabric from inseam to near the waistband, and Jimmy pulled those pants down, past the knees, and then the briefs as well and a golden pair of legs shimmered in the glow of the lanterns and the fireworks and the streetlights. Above that was...glory!

Jimmy caught that prod in his mouth and exulted in the taste of it, no, this was better than his, much better! Warmer, sweeter, indefinably more masculine, he found the flavor intoxicatingly delightful, and he sucked Bobby's prong with a will, Bobby groaning above him and Bobby's cock was pulsing and it was beating like Jimmy's heart within his breast, and Bobby's groans were harder, higher, greater! And there it was!

Bobby's climax announced itself with a hearty spurt of come right into Jimmy's mouth, and Jimmy moaned himself when he tasted it, God, this was even better than the thin-flavored precome, this was the pure stuff, concentrated, the difference between the sparrow and the eagle, the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning, the difference between the fireworks and the explosions of battle!

Jimmy could either swallow or spew, his mouth chose for him and he gulped, felt the hot jizz flow down his gullet in large clumps, rather like noodles when you chewed them up, there was still a bulk to them that you could only swallow down, and so it was with the come, he could feel how it bulged his throat and then was gone below, and hot come left a fiery trail down his entire body from mouth to stomach, and then it was gone, Bobby panting heavily above him.

Jimmy suckled the prick until it was as limp as a noodle, and then he released it, looked up at Bobby. At those eyes that gleamed now and it was the entire glasses, like two huge eyes staring down at him.

And his eyes asked Bobby the question, and Bobby closed his eyes, raised his head, swallowed and looked down, saw the question. "Lie back." was the only answer he gave.

Jimmy obeyed, wondering, feeling the cold asphalt beneath him, and he watched as Bobby removed his pants entirely and then knelt down and leaned over to suck on him once again.

Jimmy enjoyed this, though he would have more had not the ground been so hard and so cold, and yet this was still good, better than his bedroom and a grandmother who would walk in whenever her fancy struck, and who had more than once practically caught him in the act of masturbating. Yes, this alley was cold, but it was private, nobody came this way, not with the dragon about to appear, the highlight of the parade.

He was prepared to simply be sucked to climax, and was well on his way, when Bobby stopped and Jimmy opened his eyes, saw Bobby standing up and wondered if this was all that would happen. He wasn't done yet!

But Bobby got straddle of him and Jimmy watched this with open eyes as Bobby's thighs parted, and he saw the little cleft between the buttocks, knew what lay between and his cock was guided by Bobby's hand right up into that cleft and found the nexus point, and then it was a hot ring that slid upon him and in its path was flame!

"Ah, oh, oh!" Jimmy groaned as Bobby sat upon his prong, "Yeah, oh, yeah!"

Bobby responded with words that could have been Chinese, or could have been just sounds, there wasn't enough volume to them to let him tell which was which. But in that muttering, if that was what it was, Bobby managed to send Jimmy's pud deep into his bowels, and then he was bobbing up and down, still talking so softly, and now it was talking and it put Jimmy in mind of a chant, or a prayer.

He could only lie there, to move would have dislodged this most wonderful of burdens from atop him, and he held as still as he could, though his joy was unbounded and his senses were afire, and he knew that he could not endure for long!

"Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!" Bobby panted as he bounced upon Jimmy, Bobby's body so smooth and so real and it was his destiny to be here underneath Bobby and to be used in this way, to be ridden by this wonderful rider.

He reached for Bobby and his fingers clutched, spasmed as Jimmy's orgasm began. "Oh, oh, I'm coming!" he gasped out. "Now, I'm coming now!"

"Huh-uh-huh-uh-uh!" Bobby panted and his body managed to speed up even more, and Jimmy writhed, jerked, thrashed and he screamed out his climax, and his cock burst wide open, he ejaculated heavily upwards, and Bobby's bowels clutched him tightly when he did, and it was like being caught in the most magnificent of vises to be squeezed utterly, completely dry!

Squeezed he was, and that exquisite pair of buttocks continued to move upon him, and Jimmy could only hump upwards awkwardly in response, his cock in control of his body now, and he jetted the last of his wads upwards, and it was over and he was limp and he was insensible and he was adrift in the vast ocean of the night sky that was all he could see right now, a band of black between the two buildings, and through all of this, a few stars managed to gleam and wink at him though they would vanish when he looked right at them.

There was a huge explosion of fireworks, and Jimmy knew what that meant. "The parade is over." he panted. "Must get up, must get up." People would walk any direction they could to leave the parade, and this alley was there, right there, to be used by them, and he and Bobby were two semi-nude young men lying upon its length for any who did to see.

Bobby's hand steadied him while he fumbled up his sweatpants, and then Jimmy did the same for him, held Bobby upright while he fought his trousers back up, and then they were ready to see the crowds that now came their way, not too many, fortunately, a couple-score of smiling people, and then it was done. More had chosen to go back along the streets, and that was the way Jimmy needed to go.

"Let me have your number." Jimmy said. "I will call you tomorrow."

Bobby shook his head. "Tommorrow we leave for San Diego." he said. "I live there."

"Damn." Jimmy said. "It's not fair."

"But give me your number." Bobby said. "We come this way once a month, I can call you when I know I am coming."

"Okay." They had to search for pen and paper, but found it in the guise of a friendly man in a business suit with a briefcase, he opened the case and loaned them the items. Jimmy got Bobby's number, too, after all, he might go to San Diego some day, though he hadn't yet!

A hasty hug and kiss in the still-populated street, and Jimmy bade his new friend farewell, headed home, his heart burning from the paper his shirt now held nearby it.

At home, his family were just returning from the parade and so he couldn't pretend he had missed the parade. Jimmy listened to his sister talk about what they'd seen and he nodded like he knew anything at all about the parade. Jimmy went up to go to bed and met Grandma in the upstairs hallway.

"Well, New Year over again." his Grandma said. "You bad boy, you not spend it with family. That what New Year is for, family, and honoring your ancestors."

Jimmy only smiled. "It's also a time for new beginnings." he pointed out. "And I think my real life is just beginning."

His Grandma smiled, she was very astute in some ways. "You find someone tonight, yes?"

"Yes." Jimmy said.

"In that case, it different." she said. "It good luck to find bride at New Years, mean a long life and many children. Or in your case, maybe just happiness. He any good, you bring this boy by some time, and we talk."

Dumbfounded, he nodded and she smiled and walked on past him. Boy, Grandma had more on the ball than he'd thought!


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