Guys Who Like NSYNC

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 18, 2001



This story takes place shortly after the Madison Square Garden concert. And is centered around events that happened right before the concert and after the concert.

Disclaimer: I don't know NSYNC. I don't know their true sexual preferences. This is fiction! Not true. Any similarities to actual living people is strictly coincidental.

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Guys who Like NSYNC


"Guys who like NSYNC!" shouted two very attractive young men into the camera.

"Pause that!" Justin shouted at JC. JC rolled his eyes and hit the pause button. Justin gazed at the shaggy haired youths staring into the cameras. They were very attractive and he could tell by the way they looked that they were mischievous as well. "They are cute!" Justin blurted out. JC rolled his eyes again. "I want to find them!"

"Justin we can't find them!" JC argued with his younger friend.

"But JC!" whined Justin as he pouted and looked at JC with his trademark puppy dog eyes. "I wanna boyfriend."

"You just had one!" JC retorted. "Remember who sat up all night and held you while he broke your heart?"

"Yeah but that was like ages ago!" Justin replied as he grabbed the remote from JC hand and started to replay the scene. "They are soo hot! You could probably date one too!"

"Justin!" hissed JC. "I am not looking for a boyfriend! And just for the record it was three days ago that you broke up with what's his name!""

"Donny was his name and that is because you never had one before. I can help you with that!" Justin insisted. JC groaned as he got up and headed into the kitchen. He could hear Justin following him.

"We are not having this conversation Justin!" JC scolded him.

"Fine!" Justin said as he plopped down in the chair at the kitchen table. "I'll just go through life and not find happiness or love. I'll probably die a virgin!" JC giggled as he tried hard to stifle the laugh.

"Justin, you will not die a virgin," JC said in comforting tone of voice.

"Please JC?" pleaded Justin. "Help me find them. You have to admit they are cute!" JC sighed and nodded. "YESSSS!" squealed Justin as he hugged JC around the neck. "You are the best friend in the world!"

"I know I am going to regret this!" grumbled JC. He looked at his friend and shook his head. "You know one of these days you are going to give me stroke!"

"You love me JC and you know it!" smirked Justin.

In New York.

"Ohh yea Tray, suck it baby," sighed the blonde headed youth. A darker haired youth was bobbing down on his cock. "OOOh baby, I'm so close!" sighed the youth. "God you suck such good cock. I'm gonna blow baby!" He waited to see if Tray would pull up. "I'm gonna cum!" he tried to warn him again. Instead Tray just applied more suction and bobbed faster. "OOOOOHHH FUCK!" Screamed the youth as he blasted his load down Tray's mouth. Tray swallowed hard and fast until he let the limp cock drop out of his mouth. After a few minutes he snuggled up to him and kissed his lips and lapped up the remains of his cum on his lips. "Thank you baby," he whispered to Tray.

"Your welcome Daniel," Tray said as he grinned up at him. "So what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know. Watch the NSYNC Concert again?" Daniel said.

"Cool," Tray said. "Man I still can't believe that we made it on TV!"

"Yea but it is a shame that NSYNC will never get the chance to meet us," Daniel pouted. "What I wouldn't give for one night with JC!"

"Screw JC," Tray said. "I want Justin! I bet his cock is at least eight inches if not longer!"

"Yea well we can dream on cause it is never going to happen!" Daniel pouted as he pushed the play button. "It is just never gonna happen." He watched JC as he danced around on stage. His eyes glued to the screen as JC rammed his crotch into the air. JC had gotten in the habit of wearing very tight pants so that it showed his package really well. "I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming." He sighed.

"Hey!" Tray said as he wrapped his arms around Daniel. "You still have me."

"It is not the same Tray," Daniel side. "I mean it is great that we have sex and all but we don't love each other. I want an honest to goodness boyfriend."

"We could try and be lovers if you wanted," Tray replied hopeful.

"We've tried before. We are horrible as lovers," Daniel sighed again. "The sex is great but there is more to love than just sex."

"I guess you are right," Tray sighed as he laid in Daniel's lap and closed his eyes.

Back in Orlando.

"Yea you heard me right," JC said into the phone. "Find me those two guys who were on HBO. You know the ones who shouted, Guys who like NSYNC!" JC waited for a few minutes before he wrote something down on a piece of paper. "So they did sign release forms. Cool!" He hung up the phone and looked at the piece of paper. "Tray and Daniel, those are pretty cool names I guess," JC mumbled as he went off to find his hard up friend Justin. He found Justin laying in bed looking up at the ceiling. "Guess what Justin?" JC asked as he waved the piece of paper in the air. Justin sat up and grabbed the piece of paper from JC's hand and stared at it.

"You mean this is it?" Justin asked as he glanced at the paper. "These are the guys?"

"Yep," JC said smiling as he sat down next to him. "Their number and everything. You want to call them?" Justin reached for the phone and dialed the number.

In New York.

Daniel looked down at Tray who had fallen asleep in his lap. Tray was a cute guy and very sexy. His hair was all wild and gelled in place. His ear was pierced which made him look even hotter. But Daniel liked him best when he was sleeping. He looked so innocent. The ringing of the phone startled him out of his daydreaming.

"Daniel here," he spoke into the phone.

"Umm Daniel?" asked a males voice. "Umm you don't know me and you are probably going to hang up on me but I umm I am umm Justin umm Timberlake."

"What?" Daniel yelped. "Yea right! If you are Justin Timberlake than tell me how did you get my number."

"Well umm you signed a release form to allow you and your friend to be on the HBO special and that is how we got your number. Actually JC is the one who got it for me," Justin stammered. The more Daniel heard Justin talking the more he realized that it was indeed Justin on the other end.

"Ok say I do believe you. What does Justin Timberlake want with two teenagers who are gay?" Daniel asked.

"Well JC and I want to meet you two," Justin said. "That is if you guys want to."

"Yea we want to," Daniel said. "But why?"

"Well we are always surrounded with female fans and we thought it would be nice if we hung around some male ones for a change," Justin stammered.

"Yea right, you just want to fuck is all," Daniel thought to himself. "Ok so when do you want to meet?"

"Umm is tomorrow good for you?" Justin asked.

"Where?" Daniel asked.

"Here in Orlando," Justin said. "We could fly you out here if you want."

"Ok we can do that," Daniel said. "What time?"

"Just go the airport and go the ticket counter. There will be tickets for you and Tray," Justin said. "I can't wait to meet you."

"Ok I guess this is all right," Daniel sighed. He couldn't believe it. He was going to meet JC! His idol and dream! He looked down at Tray. "Ok Tray, it is time to get up. We have a trip to go on."

TBC Let me know what you all think.

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