Gym Buddies

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 29, 2021



Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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He had pushed his body for over two hours in the WB gym and he was feeling every minute of it now as he stood under the hot shower. He had always been the tall, gawky one in any group. Not built enough to be a bodybuilder and too smart to be a jock, he had always wanted to be more than he was at the moment. And ever since being cast as Sam and being consigned to rot in Vancouver for 9 months out of the year, he decided he would use what extra time he had to transform himself.

He wished he was built more like his co-star Jensen. That guy was compact, sturdy yet still cut. He was far handsomer than anyone Jared had seen in real life and he had to admit was a little intimidated when he first met his new "brother". But a few months in now the sheen had worn off and Jensen had become his goal. He would watch Jensen as they both worked out, sweating, straining, all the while Jared saying to himself...he will be better than that some day.

His soreness started to fade as the hot water worked its magic on his taut muscles. Slowly his hand trailed downwards, feeling his abs as as the water cascaded down the ridges, past his trimmed pubic hairs until his hand felt the half hard warmth of his cock. He may not be as built as his co-star, but there was a place he beat Jensen hands down...and that was in the cock territory.

A massive Texas sized member it quickly hardened as Jared thought of his girlfriend Sandy in the shower with him. Her body moving as he pushed her up against the wall and slowly entered her...

"SHITFUCKFUCKSHIT!!!!" echoed through the empty locker-room along with the crashing noises of a door being slammed open. Jared was yanked out of his fantasy, jerking his head around to face the clamor. He stood stock-still, the water from the showerhead cascading down his lean, taunt body, both his hands still gripping his large cock. That's Jensen's voice Jared despondently thought, releasing his already deflating dick, I guess I won't be creaming the shower wall today.

The cursing continued and appeared to be bringing the angry man closer. Jared reached up and turned the water to cold. The last thing he wanted was to be caught with a boner by his co-star. The cold water hit his lean, muscular frame with a noticeable force.

Immediately tiny goose bumps covered his entire six foot six body. He quickly shut the water off, happy to notice that the frigid water had the desired effect of shrinking his immense hard dick back to it's normal resting size.

Even at its limpest, Jared's cock was larger than most of his friends sporting hard-ons. It was nearly six inches in length and so thick Jared could barely wrap his fingers completely around it. When it was hard he couldn't wrap his fingers around it at all and it stuck out obscenely from his body. The other guys used to tease him, but Jared didn't mind; he knew that they were jealous and he was proud of his huge schlong. Still, he had no desire to be caught by Jensen playing with it. Jared wrapped his towel around his waist and ventured out into the locker room.

Jensen Ackles was bent forward with his hands on the small of his back. His ruggedly handsome face was grimaced with pain. Jared took in Jensen's muscular frame and was once again amazed at what a studly build he possessed. Hell, Jensen was pushing 30 and a pretty notorious pussy hound in Hollywood. He had dated some incredible girls in his time and he had only seemed to get better looking as he aged. Jared didn't know how Jensen could remain in such good shape since he didn't seem to work out as much as everyone else he knew did. Looking at him Jared could see there was almost no fat on that body. At 6'2" Jensen weighed in at 190 pounds of solid Texas muscle in a way that made Jared quietly admire him from afar.

"Jensen are you okay? Can I help you?" Jared asked.

"Shit, I didn't know you were here. I thought I was alone" Jensen replied, "I'm having a helluva muscle spasm in my back. Help me into the sport tub."

About the only thing that could be said for the WB was that they provided their actors an incredible gym. Decked out like no other, it could have easily been used for a professional sport's team instead of just some pretty actors keeping their bods tight. One of the nicer features were the sports tubs. Small, one man hot tubs that could loosen almost any muscle given enough time.

"Sure thing bud." Jared agreed, rushing over to the one-man therapy hot tub to get it filled up and running. Once that was done Jared turned back to see him struggling to take off his shirt. "Here let me help" Jared offered, reaching down to grab Jensen's t-shirt and lifting it up to expose his hard, ripped stomach. Pulling it further up he exposed more of his buff body, his solid meaty pecs jutting out and covered with almost a perfect tan. Jeez, Jared thought, Jensen's pecs are nicer than Sandy's tits. Jared stared at the thick pink nipples capping off the muscled man-tits, then he pulled the shirt completely off.

"Dude, my back's killing me. You're gonna have to take the rest of my clothes off and help me into the tub."

"Sure thing." Jared dropped to his knees and untied Jensen's shoes and helped him out of them. Then came the socks. Jared stood up, not sure how to proceed, after all Jensen only had his shorts on. Before he could say anything Jensen turned his back on him and started pushing his shorts down over his round jock butt. Jared found he couldn't stop himself from watching the smooth white ass come into view. Before Jensen could push his shorts halfway to his knees he let out a groan and grabbed his back again. Jared reached out and put a hand on his muscular back. "Are you alright?"

"Shit no I'm not alright. Get my shorts off and get me in the tub."

Jared again dropped to his knees and grabbed the shorts and pulled them the rest of the way down. While he was slowly stepping out of them, Jared looked up and saw Jensen's ass right in front of his face. It was a meaty ass, white compared to his tan legs. It was covered with a light amount of hair, which seemed thicker in the crack. Jared watched the muscles in Jensen's bubble butt move and flex as he stepped out of his shorts. Jared felt his dick begin to stir beneath his towel.

"Help me into the tub!" Jensen barked as his back spasmed again.

Jared quickly jumped up and put his arm around Jensen's waist and led him to the Jacuzzi. As Jensen stepped into the tub he leaned heavily on Jared for support. Jared felt the grip of Jensen's muscular arm around his shoulder; he felt Jensen's meaty pec brushing against his face as Jensen leaned into him. Jared felt his heart racing as his friend stepped up and into the hot tub.

Before Jensen let go of the boy he suddenly had another back spasm. Writhing in agony Jensen let out a howl. Jared held on to him as he doubled over, his hands roaming over the man's buffed out body. Jared's hands finally came to rest; one hand cupping a heaving pec and the other at the small of a muscularly veed back. Jared looked down at the hand on Jensen's back and then looked further down at Jensen's bubble-butt. Without any conscious thought Jared slid his hand down over the firm buttock. Jensen was still suffering the aftershocks of his severe back spasm and Jared took the moment to assess the situation. Looking over the humpy body of his co-star, Jared's eyes came to rest on his own hand on Jensen's ass. Jared squeezed the ass, marveling in its firmness. Then Jared squeezed his other hand feeling the equally muscular firmness of Jensen's tit.

Jared's mind reeled as he felt the blood draining from his body and into his monster dick. He felt his dick start to throb and grow. He knew he should let go of him but it was as if he was holding a live power line and he was unable to break the connection; instead he once again squeezed down on the tit and ass. He had never touched another man like this before, he had been approached in the past by guys...but this...this was different. He had made Jensen up in his mind as the perfect level of fitness for him...the pinnacle of what he was trying to achieve. And having it here...touchable...strokable...

Jensen straightened up, breaking the connection with Jared, thus yanking Jared back into the present. Jared looked at the god-like frame of the man's back, his v-shaped back with the skin pulled tightly over the over-abundance of muscles, that hard butt jutting out firm and high, the thick legs disappearing into the swirling water. Then Jared looked down at his own piece of meat sticking out from between the towel, thick and veiny, curving upward with a large plum-sized head dripping puddles of clear sticky pre-cum. He realized that he had to get out of there quickly before Jensen also saw it.

He turned quickly and headed back to his locker calling over his shoulder, "Ummmm, aaah, Jensen, I've got some muscle relaxers in my locker. They're left over from the time I pulled my shoulder. I'll go get them."

"Great, hurry back bud". Jared barely heard Jensen as relief flushed over his being at getting away unnoticed. He took a few deep breaths then retrieved the prescription drugs from his locker. He glanced down at his treacherous cock only to see it throbbing with the beat of his heart, the veins sticking out prominently and pre-cum oozing out copiously covering his swollen cock head and running down onto his thick shaft.

Jared readjusted the towel to cover, but could not hide, his throbbing joystick. He fetched a cup of water, the whole time willing his dick to go limp. It was all to no avail.

"Hey Jared, hurry up. I could use those pills."

"Sure thing Jensen." Jared re-entered the room, painfully aware of his towel jutting out in front of him, but determined to reach the hot tub as quickly as possible. As soon as he was next to the tub he sat down on a stool then looked up. Once again he was filled with relief. Jensen was lying back with his eyes closed!

"Here you go Jensen" he croaked as he handed the water over then proceeded to open the bottle and pour out its contents into Jensen's hand. He swallowed the pills then laid back to wait for them to kick in. Jared sat there, afraid to move. His dick still hadn't gone down. He just sat there and stared at Jensen, his rising pecs as he breathed, his handsome face occasionally scrunching up in pain as his back spasmed. After a while he noticed Jensen was looking peaceful.

I wonder if he's asleep, Jared thought. As if to answer him Jensen opened his eyes and lazily turned his head to face Jared. "That's some powerful drugs dude. Thanks a lot, I'm starting to feel pretty great." Then he giggled as he turned his head back and closed his eyes.

Jared sat there dumbfounded staring at his wasted co-star. Jared looked at the bottle and realized it was empty. How many did he take? How many pills had been in the bottle? Jared thought there couldn't have been more than 5 or 6. Still, they were powerful pills. Jared had only taken 1 every 6 hours. But Jensen was a big guy too; he could probably handle it.

"Jensen...Jensen...Jensen", Jared shook him by the beefy shoulder.

"Yeeaa, .....wacha want", Jensen replied with half open eyes, his head lolling about.

"Let's get you out of this hot tub Jensen", Jared said while standing and tugging him up by his arm. Jared pulled Jensen up, coaxing and tugging him into a standing position. "Come on Jensen, step out of the tub", Jared prodded, but looking into the looped eyes of the drugged man he wasn't sure how much he was understanding.

Jared continued to prod him, holding him up by his arms. Jared reached down with one hand and grabbed Jensen's leg with it, trying to help him step out. Even though he was trying to help Jensen out his eyes were feasting on the succulent body before him. Jensen was built like a shit brick house! The years of growing up as a jock, playing High School sports and then keeping in shape for Days of Our Lives, working out with weights and jogging thousands of miles showed in every well-defined muscle on his body. Jared was taking all of this in, from his hard pecs to his massive arms and shoulders to his washboard ripped stomach down to his thick muscular thighs. And in-between those thighs....what a beautiful sight! Jensen's cock was thick and long and limp and his balls were big and heavy and hung low. Jared thought it looked like his own cock and balls when it was limp but wasn't as big.

Even through all of this Jared's prick was still rock hard, forcing his towel up and out in front of him. "Come on Jensen, step up and out", he coaxed, pulling on the fellow Texan's arm and leg. Jensen replied but Jared couldn't understand what he was saying. Jared pulled forward once more and succeeded in knocking him over. Jensen fell forward, not quite being able to step out of the tub, and landed half in and half out of the tub, his butt high in the air riding the wall of the hot tub. Jared stared in amazement and frustration at Jensen's rock-hard Bubble butt. He stepped forward and reached out a hand and caressed the firm jock butt, rubbing and squeezing it as Jensen floundered and teetered on the tub wall. Jared had had enough. He brought his hand up high then swung down hard to deliver a stinging blow to Jensen's right buttock.


Jensen let out a grunt and continued to struggle about. That felt good. Jared smiled, then and continued with the spanking, starting with the left cheek.


Jared stared down at the reddened butt of Jensen. He felt powerful. Jensen was speaking again and still not making any sense. Jared grabbed a wet leg and yanked Jensen out of the tub once and for all. Jensen sprawled out on the tiled floor, belly down. Jared could see his handprints on Jensen's ass. Reaching down, Jared helped him to his feet and into the locker room. Jared was holding the man up by draping one of Jensen's huge arms over his shoulder and wrapping his other arm around Jensen's waist.

By the time they had reached the benches in the locker room, Jared was winded and he had to sit Jensen down. He looked down at his wasted naked buddy. He reached down and grabbed Jensen's chin in his hand and lifted his face up and stared into Jensen's glazed over eyes. "You're really wasted, aren't you? Huh? You're so wasted you couldn't even stop me from whopping your behind. How does your ass feel Jensen?"

Jared continued to stare into the handsome man's face and down at his body. He let go of his face and reached both hands down to caress Jensen's pecs. They felt hard and firm and soft all at once. "Jensen, you're titties are bigger than Sandy's and I bet they even feel better", Jared cooed as he continued to massage the broad chest. He started working his fingers slowly together, working from a large area to a smaller and smaller one. Soon he was down to just the nipples. Jensen had large round nipples that normally stuck out. Jared had noticed Jensen's nipples before, the way they jutted out from behind Jensen's tight white tee shirts. Now Jared was pulling and twisting on those large nubbins, working them between his fingers, sometimes easy and sometimes hard.

Jensen was beginning to moan and grunt. He reached up and put his hands on Jared's arms and weakly tried to pull Jared's hands away. "What's the matter Jensen, don't you like having your titties played with?" Jared continued to twist and pull, releasing one nipple so he could reach down and yank off his towel. His cock sprang up smacking him in the stomach with a solid thud. His dick head was not only as big as a plum but was now as purple as one. Jared ran his free hand up and down the cum-lubed shaft and he watched as a large dollop of pre cum leaked out. Letting go of his shaft he reached down and again grabbed Jensen's chin and lifted his head up. Staring into the drug dulled eyes he spoke, "Sandy don't like giving head. How about you Jensen, have you ever sucked cock? No? Well, how about letting me be the first. I've never experienced this before because the girls think my cock's too big. You're a big guy and I bet you're dying to try it."

Using both hands Jared positioned Jensen's head then aimed his tremendous shlong at Jensen's pouty, full lips. Jared's cum soaked cock head mashed against those lips, pressing forward and inward. Holding Jensen by his chin and a handful of hair Jared pressed forward wedging his cock into the warm moist mouth. Jared never felt anything so heavenly! Jensen's mouth was wrapped around his cock head!

Instantly Jensen started struggling, twisting his head, reaching up with his arms and pushing out at Jared. Jared ignored Jensen's feeble attempt to prevent his blow job. He let go of Jensen's chin and grabbed the back of Jensen's head, then he shoved his hips forward forcing several inches of his cock shaft into Jensen's mouth. Jared started fucking the soft, warm mouth. He couldn't believe the sensations coursing through his hard as steel fuck pole. As he slid his cock in and out of the gagging man's mouth he felt Jensen's thick, soft lips stretched around his fuck pole massaging him in ways he had only dreamed of up to now. Jensen's muffled protests only added to Jared's pleasure, the vibrations of his grunts and the movement of his tongue sent thrills down Jared's joystick. Jared shoved his cock in until it hit the back of Jensen's mouth and then pulled it out until he felt Jensen's lips stretch around his cock head.

Jensen continued his vain resistance and Jared continued to fuck his mouth. Jared was so horny that he was already ready to shoot. Feeling that warm, moist mouth and tongue and lips around his shaft for the first time was too much for Jared. He felt his nuts pulling up, his load boiling and boiling up, shooting up his long, thick shaft and gushing out of his piss hole, spilling out into Jensen's waiting mouth, filling that mouth up again and again. The whole time Jared kept fucking and fucking and cumming and cumming. Jared load was plentiful and intense, filling Jensen's mouth and forcing its way down Jensen's throat. Finally Jared's orgasm was coming to an end. He slowed his fucking down but he didn't quite stop. Staring down at part of his huge schlong engulfed in his Jensen's mouth, seeing cum dribbling out of that mouth, looking at those huge yet momentarily weak arms pushing at him made Jared feel more powerful than he ever did in his life. He liked that feeling.

Jared let go of Jensen's head, letting his still stiff prick pop out of the warm, sweet mouth. Jensen started to fall backwards, no longer being held up by the younger man who had just raped his mouth. Jared's reflexes were fast as his arms shot out to save Jensen. His fingers quickly latched on to the two large nipples that capped Jensen's jutting pecs. Pulling forward Jared held Jensen up by his nipples. Staring down at the helpless man Jared was again filled with a feeling of powerfulness. He started twisting and pulling on the nipples until he felt them swelling and sticking out on their own. Letting go Jared held him up by his shoulder and admired his handiwork. Jensen's nipples were hard and pointy; they were red and swollen from their assault.

Jared bent down and looked into the drugged face of the man. Jensen's eyes were half-open and glazed, his lips were puffy and cum soaked, cum and spit were dribbling from his mouth and down his chin. Jared thought he was beautiful. "Jensen, you have a helluva mouth and great tits. I bet you have a great ass too. Why don't we find out how great your ass is Jensen." Grabbing the man by the shoulders Jared turned him and pushed him face down onto the locker room bench. He quickly adjusted the his position to have him straddling the thin bench, one arm and one leg on each side. Jared's eyes took in the muscled form of his co-star. Jensen had a tan from all of his athletic outdoor ventures. The one spot that was pure white was his bulbous meaty butt. Jared straddled the bench behind the drugged actor and started kneading the firm jock's buttocks with both hands.

"Yeah Jensen, it feels like you have a perfect ass." Feeling the muscular hardness beneath his fingers, Jared grabbed hold of each cheek and spread them. Hidden between the two cheeks Jared found what he was looking for. Small, round and puckered, Jensen's asshole winked up at Jared. He reached a finger down into the crevice and touched the pink little hole. Jared had heard that guys could fuck other guys up the ass. Pushing his finger into the tight little hole Jared didn't see how that was possible. Jensen's sphincter clamped down on Jared finger, only allowing access to half of his finger. Jared looked down at his huge throbbing meat between his own legs and thought, there's no way I'll get my meat up his tight hole.

Pushing harder,he was able to spear his finger up into the tight inferno. Jensen let out a groan, which Jared answered by pulling his finger out then shoving it back in. Jared felt the heat and tightness of Jensen's asshole. He felt it spasmodically clutching at his finger and he wondered how that ass would feel wrapped around his cock. "You're tight Jensen, I need you to loosen up for me", Jared said while working his finger in and out of his asshole. The only answer was Jensen's grunts and moans.

Jared pulled his finger out and grabbed the round cheeks and spread them wide. He leaned in, looking close at the tiny puckered hole. It looked clean. He sniffed. It smelt clean, perhaps a little funky. Leaning in closer Jared stuck his tongue out and tentatively swiped at the tight hole. The taste was like the smell, a little funky but mostly clean. Pushing his face between the meaty globes he started to eat out the hot ass. Licking his tongue over the hole again and again he began to work the tightness out of the clutching butt hole. Jared was starting to get into his first ass rimming. He was rubbing his hands over Jensen's humpy body, caressing his thighs and ass as his tongue was working over his asshole. Shoving his tongue at the asshole Jared pushed with all of his might. He was rewarded as the rosebud blossomed out allowing his tongue to slide into the inferno.

Jared had never been so turned on in his life! He was moaning and grunting right along with Jensen as he worked his tongue in and out of that hot asshole. His hands started roaming further up Jensen's hunky body, feeling up his tight waist and ripped abs. Moving further up to his heaving pecs, kneading the man tits in his overflowing hands. Jared latched onto the nipples and started to work them over again, pulling and tugging and twisting the firm large nubbins. Jared's face was encased in the meaty buttcheeks, his tongue working further and further up Jensen's funky hole.

Jensen was responding to all the attention his body was receiving. He was moaning loudly, his body squirming about, his butt pushing back into the face buried in it. Jared was lapping away at the hole and tugging away at the tits. His cock was once again throbbing with excitement. He was humping the bench, rubbing his fuckpole around in the pool of precum that was constantly puddling from his engorged cockhead.

Releasing the nipples and pulling his tongue out of the ass Jared sat up. He was breathing heavy, with lust burning in his eyes. Jared was ready for Jensen's ass, but first he had to get Jensen's ass ready for his huge fuckstick. He parted the meaty cheeks and pressed two fingers against the hot lovehole. Pushing gently but firmly he worked both fingers up the ass. Twisting the fingers in and out he slowly loosened up the hole. Jensen was mumbling and groaning as his ass was being worked over. Jared pressed a third finger into the burning hot chasm. Soon all three of his fingers were embedded up the virgin ass. As he worked the fingers in and out of the tight hole he keep widening his fingers outward, opening up his ass as much as possible. His free hand was stroking his engorged battering ram, rubbing his precum all over his cock until it was juicy all over.

"Hey Jensen I hope you don't mind but I'm about to turn your virgin ass into a sloppy pussy." Jared removed his fingers and replaced them with his bulbous cockhead. With his cockhead pressed against the slick hot opening Jared realized that soon Jensen would no longer be a virgin, he would be fucked for the first time and it would be Jared who had done it! Excited and horny he raised himself up, still pressing into Jensen, and he started to push forward. His cockhead was pressing against the tight man-pussy with more and more pressure being applied yet Jensen's hole remained unyielding.

"Fuck! Open up baby, open up for that Texas meat", he cooed. Then placing both hands on the small of Jensen's back he raised up a little bit more and pressed forward with all his might. At first nothing happened, then suddenly the hothole gave, rising open. Jared's cockhead was engulfed by the moist heat of Jensen's ass and his thick shaft slid in about half way. The sensations surrounding his cock flooded his being. Jensen let out a yell and his whole body spasmed as he tried to shake out the unwanted intruder. Jensen's asshole clutched down tight on the thick fuckpole. Jared let out a gasp as he felt the whole chasm clamp down on his invading prick.

"Oh,..Oh,...Oh my God, Oh my God", Jared began to chant. He tried to pull his dick out but he was trapped in the crushing hole. So instead he heaved forward with all his might sliding the last 6 inches up Jensen's canal!

His hips were pressed against the jock buttcheeks. His fuckpole was encased in the molten, spasming chasm. Jensen was suddenly jerking about trying to get up and unimpale himself, yelling in a guttural language that Jared couldn't understand. Jared did understand that if his co-star got up that would be the end of his first male fuck. Pressing both hands into the small of Jensen's back Jared shoved down with all his might. Jensen was pinned to the bench but he continued to struggle using his returning strength. Jared was struggling also, trying to keep Jensen under control, but he was beginning to realize that Jensen might just buck him off.

Out of desperation Jared did the only thing he could do at that moment. He pulled his hips back sliding his huge cock most of the way out of Jensen's ass, then he slammed forward forcefully re-impaling the struggling stud. Jensen let out a yell and fell forward but he continued to struggle so Jared repeated his act. He pulled out again and slammed forward again. He kept it up, fucking Jensen's ass with all his might. Jensen continued to struggle, but it was obvious to Jared that Jensen wasn't going anywhere until he was through with him.

Jared continued fucking, slowing down a bit after a while. He started rotating his hips to open up Jensen's butt. Jensen was now lying defeated on the bench grunting each time the huge battering ram slammed home. He wasn't completely sure of what was going on. He knew that there was something huge ramming in and out of his ass and that he couldn't do anything to stop it. But as for what was exactly happening he was very fuzzy on the details. He lay there as the huge pole repeatedly slid out and slammed back into his ass.

Jared was really getting into the fucking now! Jensen's ass had opened up and was accepting his cock. It was doing more than that; it felt like Jensen's ass was sucking and massaging his thick prick as he plowed away. Jared started letting his hands explore the muscular back in front of him while he continued his first fuck. He would slow down on his fucking then speed up; he would go easy then start slamming away with all his might. Jensen's ass felt like the perfect fuckhole as far as Jared was concerned. Jared started speeding up his fuck again, feeling the velvety warmth of Jensen's sucking hole working away on the full length of his huge fuckpole. He could feel his cum boiling away as his nuts pulled up tight in their sac. He closed his eyes and started to moan as he fucked and fucked and fucked that sweet tight hole, again and again and again, until finally his world exploded around him. He was shot into outer space, the only thing keeping him anchored to the earth was his thrusting cock and the hot clutching hole clamped around it. Again and again he slammed his cock home, shooting wad upon wad into Jensen's ravaged asshole.

He collapsed onto Jensen's bronzed back, still heaving and gasping for breath. He lay there trying to calm himself down feeling everything his overloaded senses were transmitting. The young stud felt Jensen's hard, slick muscles moving under his body, he felt his cock slowly deflating while the his ass muscles squeezed then released then squeezed again at the huge pole stretching them wide open. As Jared's breath slowed to normal he felt one more thing; he felt Jensen's ass pressing up into his hips, grinding slowly while the semi-conscious jock let out a low, continuous moan.

Feeling Jensen's love canal gripping down on his near-limp dick, Jared gasped. He pushed himself up off his Jensen and pulled his sensitive cock from the heat of the muscular ass. Jensen's ass continued to grind upward into the air. "Well, well, well, you horny slut!!!" Jared muttered, not believing his eyes. He reached between Jensen's thighs and grabbed hold of a pair of heavy, hairy balls. Pulling them back he was able to reach his other hand down and latch onto Jensen's thick, hard cock. He pulled it backwards through Jensen's thighs and examined it. It was thick and long, but Jared could see it wasn't as thick or long as his own.

Jared's hand was encircling the thick pole and he began to slowly stroke it, moving upward to the base then downward to the bulbous head. His other hand was rolling the giant balls around, lightly tugging and squeezing and kneading at them. Jensen's moans grew louder while his ass continued its repeated upward motion. With Jensen's ass up in the air Jared could see his asshole winking through the slightly spread buttcheeks. The ass lips looked puffy and there was a mixture of cum and ass juices dribbling out of the hole and down his thighs.

"You slut! You're nothing but a bitch in heat." Jared taunted, "I know what you want baby and I'm just the stud to give it to you." Continuing to fist Jensen's big piece of meat, Jared released the balls. He pressed his hand into the deep crevice between the round hard buttcheeks and pushed two fingers into the squishy, willing hole. Jensen's ass was an inferno; Jared's fingers felt like they were encased in molten lava. He began to finger-fuck his stud-slave Jensen.

He was working his fingers in and out and stroking his hand up and down while his lust starved co-star squirmed about and moaned. Jared was pushing his fingers in this way then that way, trying to feel as much of Jensen's insides as possible, suddenly Jensen let out a louder moan and reared his ass back onto the invading hand. Jared shoved his fingers in the same way again and was rewarded with a repeat performance by Jensen. 'Well what do you know...Jensen has a love button.' Jared was in awe over the power he held over this doped up Demi-God. Continuing to hit the same spot over and over again Jared added a third finger. Though Jensen's ass lips were clutching at his hand he was able to work his three thick digits in and out of the ass with relative ease.

Jensen's moans were continuous and growing louder. Jared was straining to keep Jensen's hard as steel prick pulled all the was back while stroking it's length. Jensen's ass was squeezing and clutching at the invading fingers. Jared decided to add a fourth finger. Pulling the three fingers out, Jared added the fourth to the group. Pressing all four fingers together Jared shoved forward with a twisting motion. The hot wet asshole accepted the fingers, and Jared shoved inward passed the first knuckles and just up and over the second set of knuckles. Then Jensen's ass lips clamped down hard refusing to open any wider. Jensen's moans cut short and his hips stopped gyrating. Jared slid his hand up to the base of Jensen's pole and grabbed on tight. Then he strained forward with his other hand, determined to open up that hot ass even further. Pushing with all his might Jared's fingers slid in up to, then past his last set of knuckles.

And then a voice came from the door "That is fucking hot as hell."

Jared looked up in shock as he saw the shirtless form of Chad Micheal Murray standing there, stroking his obviously hard cock through his shorts. He leered at Jared "Don't stop on account of me man." he said walking towards them "How long is he gonna be like that?"

Jared shrugged as Jensen kept back up on his fingers "No idea, he took a lot of them."

Chad pulled his shorts down exposing a nice sized cock extruding from a base of blond pubes "Awesome...mind if I play though?" he said running a hand down Jensen's back.

Jared slowly withdrew his hand as Jensen's body tried to follow "Be careful, we don't wanna..."

Chad pushed Jared aside "I ain't gonna break your co-star man." he said watching Jensen's hole wink at him "I just wanna take him out for a ride." he said resting the head of his cock against Jensen's ass' He was a complete asshole to me at the Upfront's last year" he said as the drugged actor slowly pushed back on the rigid pole "I just wanna a little payback." he said closing his eyes as that ass engulfed his cock.

Jared watched as Jensen backed himself on Chad's cock, slowly beginning to fuck himself by instinct. Chad hissed "Fuck it's like a oven..." he said putting his hands on either side of Jensen's slim waist "....gonna tear this ass up." he said slamming his hips forward as hard as he could. Jensen's eyes flew open for a moment as he yelped and Jared thought he was going to start screaming but he watched as a slow grin moved over that flawless face and his eyes closed again. Chad whooped as he pulled back and pushed in again "Oh fuck yeah. Who's the punk now bitch?" he said as Jensen unconsciously backed into his thrusts. Chad looked over to Jared "Come on man...take some pics of this...we need to immortalize this moment."

Jared blinked a few times, the sight making his own deflated cock begin to plump again and then nodded. He ran over to his locker pulling out his phone, clicking it over to video. Moving in front of Jensen he began to film as Chad moved in and whispered in his ear "You like that Jensen? You like getting plowed?" Jared watched as Jensen just kept rutting back into the One Tree star's cock, it looked like he was drooling in pleasure. Chad grabbed a hunk of Jensen's dark blond hair and pulled his head back as he stopped fucking "You want more Jensen?" he said smirking "You want more of my cock?"

Jensen mumbled something unintelligible as he he kept pushing himself against the cock. Chad held still as he rolled a tongue around the drugged stud's ear and asked "You want more?"

In a slur Jensen cried "Ooohhhffuccckkmeeee"

Chad looked up at Jared, who was filming as he stroked his cock "You got that?"

Jared nodded as Chad began to fuck Jensen full force, each thrust making the sex symbol grunt and moan like a bitch in heat. Jared could not believe how hot this was, he knew he should feel bad or guilty...but all he wanted was to fuck Jensen again.

Chad looked up at him with a devilish grin and asked "Why you over there stroking dude?" he jerked his head over to the bench "More than enough room for two."

Jared paused, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was saying...and then rushed to the bench. Chad pulled Jensen back, until the sexed up actor was sitting on Chad's cock, his back resting to the blond's chest. Jared moved down as Chad leaned back, Jared saw Murray's thick cock logged up that ass and he felt his own tool throb. He pressed his fingers to the hole, pushing upwards as he pressed his cock to the space.

Slowly he pushed forward, feeling the insanely tight hole open millimeter by millimeter, allowing the thick head passage into Jensen. Chad moaned out loud as he felt the huge Texan cock slide next to his own. Jensen's eyes flew open again, this time in shock. He was face to face with Jared as the his ass was stretched farther than it ever had before.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to fight, but his body wouldn't respond. He could only just lay there as he felt Jared's body move closer to his own, until he was resting between the two warm bodies. There was some pain, but the pills mostly made him obvious to it...all he knew was that he was getting fucked by something huge. And it was Jared's.

Jared felt his cock stop as Jensen's tried to tighten his hole. His instinct was to just force his way unto him but he knew he could tear something and the last thing he wanted was to actually hurt his co-star. Make him a fuck toy sure...but bleed? Never. Pausing he slipped his hands under Jensen's arms and looked to Chad "Pull him up some." he said. Chad raised Jensen up some, and both of them felt the tight ass squeeze their cocks tight. Jared maneuvered him until his ass was pressed around both of their tips. Then he began to move his hands "Let him go." he said.

Chad pulled his away and Jensen began to sink slowly...his ass moving around the two massive cocks. As the muscle gave Jensen moved down more and more, his head resting against Jared's shoulder as he moaned out loud. Jared moved his head back and said "That's it Jensen...ride our cocks." he said pushing his tongue into the half conscious man's mouth. He felt his buddy's tongue remain motionless as he kissed him passionately. It seemed Jensen had no desire to kiss until he moved down another notch...and suddenly he went nuts.

His tongue pressed against Jared's as his entire body jerked once, gripping both their rods like a velvet fist. Jared was deep in the kiss as he heard Chad chuckle "There we go." he said grabbing Jensen's waist, pulling him up slightly. Again Jensen's mouth devoured Jared's as he gripped their cocks tighter. Chad let him fall and the man seemed to go nuts, bucking his hips harder and harder.

"We're pressed up against his fuck button." Chad explained as he kept raising and lowering Jensen on the same spot over and over again. Filling the Texan's mind with pure pleasure as his body became accustomed to the sensations of two cocks in him. Jared could not believe the feeling as his co-star's hands wrapped around his back he began to fuck himself on both cocks.

Again Chad whispered in his ear "You like that Jensen? You want more cock?"

This time Jensen's voice wasn't as slurred as he broke the kiss "Oh god!" he gasped "What are you guys...fuck!...what are you doing...unngghhh....doing to me?" he said through thrusts. The entire time he kept fucking himself on the cocks, pushing himself harder and harder on their rods as he fucked himself now.

"Jared...come on...get this!" he said gesturing to the phone.

Jared grabbed the phone and put it in Jensen's face as he moaned "Oh god....fucking're both fuckin me..." his face was twisted into ecstasy as he rode both muscle bound actors for his life "...both fucking me so hard..."

"You like that Jensen?" Chad cooed as he nibbled the side of the sexed up actor's neck.

"Oh fuck!" he said oblivious to the camera "Fuck me...fuck me harder!" he said his arms still around Jared's as he rode himself down harder and harder.

Jared panned the cell phone down to show Jensen's hard cock dripping precum as he rode the two cocks like a slut. Chad whispered to him "Jerk yourself off Jensen...jerk yourself off as you fuck yourself."

Jensen took a hand from Jared's shoulders and started to fist his cock "Oh fuck...oh fuck!" he called out...obviously closer than even he expected.

"Yeah come on Jensen...fuck yourself on those cocks." Chad repeated as Jensen sped up his thrusts onto the two cocks. Jared was gasping as his friends ass gripped his cock in a grip tighter than any pussy he had felt. The sound of smacking flesh filled the locker room as Jensen continued to jerk himself off on the two studs. "want me to stop Jensen? Want me to stop fucking you?"

"Don't stop" Jansen cried out as his hand moved faster "Almost there...almost there..."

"I'm gonna stop Jensen.." Chad taunted.

"Please...almost.. cum....gotta cum..." he said, his voice pleading now to be fucked.

Chad grinned as put his hands on both of Jensen's shoulder and pushed him down hard "Then cum for us slut!" both cocks thrusting deep into him...

Jensen's cock exploded between them as he cried out in delirious ecstasy, spurts of thick cum hit Jared in the chest and face as Jensen's cock tightened on both of their cocks. Chad began to squirm as he came into the spasming Texan...between the tight muscle of his costars ass and Chad's cock swelling to set off Jared's own massive rod...the two of them filling the straight sex symbol with more cum than his ass could take. Jensen was sweating profusely now, his head resting against Jared's as his whole body shook from his orgasm. The two cocks still moving against his overworked prostate.

"Please..." he said through gasps of breath "...please no more...: he said unable to raise his own head.

Chad laughed as he pulled his cock out with a wet plop. He motioned for Jared for the camera and took a picture of Jensen's now open and abused hole dripping cum. Cackling Chad called out "Now such a hot stud now are you Jensen?" he made sure to get as much footage as he could before turning the camera off. Jared slowly let Jensen rest back on the bench, he had passed out from the pills and his orgasm.

Looking up at Chad, Jared asked "What are you doing?"

Chad's grin was evil as he said "Sending a copy of this to myself..." and he looked at Jared " case he wants to play stuck up asshole to me again."

Jared lunged for the phone but Chad moved it aside until it chirped "There we go." he said handing the phone back "All sent."

Jared pulled his now soft cock out of Jensen's hole "If that gets out!!" he said standing.

Chad held up his hands "Hey I have no intention of showing anyone." he backed up "I'm on there too remember? I just want it to hold over him." he said pointing to Jensen "And if you are'll keep it for yourself."

Jared paused "Why?"

Chad just shrugged "Never know when you'll need something over him." He moved over and grabbed his clothes "Anyways...always fun fucking with you Jared. This one was MUCH better than Paris."

"That wasn't me!" Jared screamed.

Chad cocked his head "Then who the hell did I fuck her with?" and then shrugged as he pulled his shorts on "Oh well...who cares." he waved once as he walked out of the locker room "Good luck with your series and all that."

Leaving Jared with a passed out and well fucked Jensen, a cell phone with footage of him begging to be fucked and a guilty conscious.

But not guilty enough to delete it.

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