Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 8, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Copyright 2009 -- feed back welcome

The Gym Lad Part 1

(This first part is setting the scene)

I had seen him almost every morning in the gym for the past 6 months, he is one of the early morning lot that get to the gym when it opens. He is one of those men early 20's turns heads of the woman (and the men). About 6ft tall, not a ounce of body fat, great upper body and legs. I have seen him change but never shower at the gym, his body is not shaved just some hair on his chest and down his treasure trail.

He looks great when he is working out and I am careful to eye him up but not so he sees me, well one day I looked a little to long and he clocked me watching him working out, I looked away quickly my face going bright red. I quickly finished up and moved to another part of the gym, hoping he was not the type of guy to punch another guy for looking at him a little to long.

I am older than him, I have been a "bottom" for a long time and my sex life is defiantly more on the kink side than vanilla, in fact I love the bondage side of sex and more and more I am moving to topping men younger than me. I have thought about him being tied up and ready to take what I dish out many time, one of those fantasies you have as you wank off. I always think the best top has worked up from being a bottom, you know what works, what doesn't, what buttons to push to get effect. I still like being bottom (or sub/slave depending on the session) and have great night long session being tied up, but topping a fit lad is something that sends my mind into overdrive. Most people are surprised when I top them what sort of things I can do, I think they expect me to be quite gentle, nothing is much further than the truth.

I finish my work out and go to the locker room, he is already in there getting changed, he had his top off showing off his tattoo on his chest, nice!

"Good workout mate?" he asked, the first time he had talked to me.

"Yea not bad mate, you?"

"Yea good, although I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to come here, its not cheap so looking to start working out at home, but the equipment expensive."

Shit thats not good, no one else like him at the gym, but it could work to my advantage, I was selling some old equipment I had, it was gathering dust in the spare room and I had plans for that room!

"Really, shame I can't get the motivation at home, brought loads of equipment but never use it, actually selling it at the moment if you interested?" - Well it was the truth.

"yea, cool what you selling?"

I gave him the list and how much I was looking for, he seemed interested so we exchanged numbers and he agreed to come over at the weekend to have a look at it. I could not believe my luck it was just what I wanted this fit lad coming round my house, he would be able to see what I had planned for the spare room!

He arrived on time on the saturday afternoon, I opened the door and he looked as cute as hell. His hair was that just out of bed look, dark and thick (not sure how much longer it would be like that mind), he had a tight t-shirt on, he is def one for showing off his body, and a pair of low cut jeans, you could see the top of his underwear above the belt of his jeans, very nice.

I invited him in and asked if he wanted a beer, he excepted and this was getting off to a good start. I showed him into the main room, I had the football on flat screen TV Manchester United were loosing 2-0 to Chelsea.

"Shit, there loosing, bollocks they are playing rubbish at the moment" he seemed pissed so he follows Man U then.

I faked interest in the match, it was one as I knew he would be into his football and something to talk about, told him to sit down if he wants, he can watch a bit of it while I sort the stuff out in the spare room.

I leave him watching the football, taking a risk I know I had only meet him properly for the first time today and I was leaving him in my front room watching TV, with a beer in his hand, but if the plan worked it would be worth it. I moved a few things around and heard him getting into the match on TV.

"Fuckin get in there!" he shouted

"They scored?" I shout down to him.

"Yea, Ronnie with a beauty of free kick 2-1 now just coming up to half time"

I walked back into the room just a whistle went for the end of the first half.

"Follow me, while its half time, have a look at the equipment."

"Cool, sorry mate did not mean to just sit there watching the football, can't get it at home and thats a sweet TV."

"No worries, always better watching football on a big screen, its in here"

I show him the equipment I was flogging a bench press, weights bar and dumbles. Nothing major but would do for the start of a home gym, He seemed to like it and agreed to buy it off me. He told me he would need to hire a van to get it back to his.

"Don't worry we can use my van, saves you spending more money."

"Cheers mate, at least it will save me money, now I am single again, having to cut back on the money going out in the house on my own." He does not seem to mind telling me details of his private life so only think its fair to asked a few more questions.

"So no one else at home then?"

"Nah, bitch of a ex was sleeping with someone else, she moved out with him so I was left with the flat and all the bills." "Shit, not good" - I said back so no one at home to miss him not coming back soon. "So where you from then got family around?"

"Nah, move here from London a few years ago, family still down there, not that I seem them much anymore, mum and dad never agreed with the girlfriend. Goes to show they were right!" He said with a laugh.

"yea true, well tell you want have another beer and finish watching the game then we can load up and get the stuff back to yours, you drive here?" I asked.

"nope, no car the train and walked up, was going to have a look and if I wanted the equipment come back with a van"

"Ok cool, well let me get you another beer", I was on my first still, I needed a clear head. We sat back down just as the second half was kicking off, within the first few minutes Chelsea scored again, he was not happy!

I had left a joint on the side, and though this was a chance to offer him some, help get rid of his anger. I offered him a joint and he excepted without question, good good. He took the first breath in and remarked how strong it was. Yea I know that was the idea. By the end of the match Chelsea had won he was pissed and had smoked the whole joint at drank another beer. I could tell his mind was spinning, his speech was sleared, just where I wanted him.

"You better sleep that off mate, stay here and I will go load the van, take it easy for a bit."

He mumbled something back to me and I knew it would not be long before the weed took complete hold of him, along with the beer he would be out of it very soon.

I left him for 10 minutes, as I walked back into the room he was out of it, lying back on the sofa. His right had was under his shirt resting on his abs. I sat next time him and asked if he was alright, I got no real response, he was so high I knew he would not be able to respond. That extra money on the special weed was well worth the money. I slowly lifted his t-shirt up, move his hand away and replaced it with mine, he sort of groined but not in a bad way. I was feeling his abs, they felt amazing a real six pack, each muscle bumping up. Nice. I did think for a few minutes then thought its now or never. I leaned him forward, resting his head on my chest and put his hands slowly behind his back. I got a pair of police handcuffs out from my back pocket and slowly clicked on his left wrist, nice and tight, then quickly moved his right arm into the other cuff, his hand we now tightly cuffed behind his back in ridged police handcuffs.

I slowly lowered him back onto the sofa and lifted him t-shirt up over his head. I stood back and looked at him, he looked even better this close, the hands cuffed behind his back pushed his chest out, he had hair on his chest a nice covering, his stomach and 6 pack was moving slowly up and down as he breathed. He had that V shape at the bottom of his stomach and his treasure trail coming up from his underwear. My cock was solid this was a dream come true, it would not be a dream for him, in fact it would be a nightmare but thats what was going to turn me on.

Next: Chapter 2

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