Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 12, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Copyright 2009 -- feed back welcome

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The Gym Lad Part 2

Part 1

I slowly lowered him back onto the sofa and lifted him t-shirt up over his head. I stood back and looked at him, he looked even better this close, the hands cuffed behind his back pushed his chest out, he had hair on his chest a nice covering, his stomach and 6 pack was moving slowly up and down as he breathed. He had that V shape at the bottom of his stomach and his treasure trail coming up from his underwear. My cock was solid this was a dream come true, it would not be a dream for him, in fact it would be a nightmare but thats what was going to turn me on.

Part 2

I knew the special weed would last about an hour before it started to wear off, so I had about 30 minutes to get ready. I moved close towards him and took his trainers off, followed by his socks. I started to unbutton his jeans and slowly pulled them down and off his legs. His underwear and t-shirt were all he had left on, both would be used later. He was wearing nice tight boxers showing a nice bulge contained within. I felt his underwear but was careful not to touch his cock and balls. I got some white rope from the spare room and tied his legs at his ankle and at his knees, I made sure they were tight so he had no chance of getting his legs loose.

I got a porn DVD out the draw brought especially for this day, it was a straight porn movie of some woman giving a blow job to a man, he was fit but that was not the point, I was using it to confuse my newly captured gym stud. Along with the DVD I got my riding crop ready, he was soon to feel what he would be in for. I started to play the DVD and turned the sound up to quite a high volume, I was lucky it was one of the few porn movies which did not have the cheesy music over it. The woman started to moan and suck off some guy of the DVD as it started I slowly pulled down his underwear, this was the first time I had seen his cock and it was nice, thick and I would think about 8 inchs when erect. He was unshaved, which I would have to sort out later. I lowered my head down and started to suck him off, my hands moved up towards his chest, feeling his tight stomach as they went, I got to his chest and started to pinch his nipples while sucking him off, his cock was getting harder all the time after about 10 minutes of playing which his balls, cock and nipples he had a rock solid hard on and started to moan. He was coming round.

I started to pinch his nipples harder, twisting them in my fingers. They were getting harder, his breathing was long and deep, the moaning started to get loader, his brain must of clicked into gear as all of sudden his was back in the room, the porn DVD was making his ears think a woman was in the room, he could feel a warm mouth around his cock, giving him a blow job.

"oh what the fuck" where the first words he said. "what the fuck is happening, get these fucking handcuffs off!". I said nothing the DVD on the other hand was at the perfect time, the woman just said "relax, your getting the best fucking blow job you ever will". His cock tasted so good in my mouth, it was a big as I thought and he was leaking pre cum, my tong was rolling around the head of his cock, he was uncut and the moaning kept cumming, his breathing was getting deeper and I would tell he was not far off cumming. Not yet he is not. I let his cock out of my mouth, remove my hands from his now hard nipples and slowly get up still not saying anything. As soon as I stop sucking him he starts to complain, he can't see anything through the t-shirt pulled up over his head.

"who the fuck are you, fucking let me go you bitch, why the fuck have you got me tied up, I am not into the kinky shit! How the hell did I get here, is it that fucking bastard from the gym!"

His head must be spinning the last thing he remembers is watching football, drinking beer and smoking a joint at someone house. As he continues to moan and complain his cock remains as hard as ever, its resting on his stomach. I stand up and pick up the riding crop, I lift my hand up and bring it down on his abs, one quick hard whack!

"aaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhhh fuck that hurts what the fuck are you doing" - that brought him back fully.

"Shout the fuck up boy!" My voice changes now, not shouting but a hard tone

"Fuck you man, let me go"

"I said shut the fuck UP!" I bring the crop down again hard, he screams. I bring it down again for a third time, then keep flicking the crop hard on the same spot, his body is wriggling around but I keep going, I count up to 30 quick sharp slaps with the leather end of the crop all over his abs, he is glowing bright red and small marks are starting to show. My cock is harder than I thought it could be.

"arh stop please that fuckin hurts, get the fuck off me you sick cu.."

Before he could finish the last word, I draw my arm back and bring it down on top of his cock, the pain must be running all though his body. I then go to work on his chest and nipples, short sharp flicking of the crop. I learned from having this done to me, the more you do it with the crops the more the pain builds up. If you want a sharp sting you do quick hard hits, to build the pain higher and higher you do little short sharp flicking on the same area. The nerve endings go all over the place. I hit him with the crop another 30 times on each nipple, then stop. His breathing is now shallow and rapid, he is groining and shouting at me.

"stop please, why are you doing this, fucking get off you bastard"

I learn in close to his ear, I quietly whisper in his ear "scream all you want boy, I have watched you for months in that gym, showing off your body to anyone that would watch, well I was watching and this is what you get boy. You are mine now, you notice how far back we are no one will hear you begging and you will be begging, begging me to stop."

I swing one last hard hit with crop on his stomach, almost straight away a large red mark appears where the crop landed. The last one brings a scream from his mouth, it sounds like it was from deep inside him.

I take the shirt off his face, his cheeks are bright red, his eyes almost glazed over, he looks at me with such anger but there is also fear in his eyes, he had no idea why I was doing this or what I am going to do to him. I walk up to him and he tries to get away, I stand with one legs each side of him, I pull a pair of scissors from my pocket, his face changes to shock.

I say nothing but start cutting his underwear off him, shame as they are a nice pair of boxers. When I am finished I move up to his face and force his mouth open, I stuff his own underwear in his mouth all of it going in with some pushing, I grab some sliver duck tape from the side of sofa and start to wrap it around his head, after 5 time round I ripe the tape off.

"MMMMmmmmpppppphhhhh, mmmmpppphhhh" is all I can hear out of him, his nostrils are flaring as he sucks in the air. I then get up and leave him alone as I walk out the room I hear him trying to scream in the gag, but only muffles are coming out.

I go back into the room about 5 minutes later, he is still tied up as I knew he would be, the cuffs must be digging into his wrists now, I did them tight so he would feel them, his breathing was still quick and he looked at me in fear as I walked back into the room. I went and sat next to him.

"I am going to undo your legs now, struggle or try to fight me and you will not know what has hit you, you understand I control you now, fight me and you will be on the floor knocked out before you know it. YES BOY?"

He nods slowly "Good" I undo his legs from the side careful not to get in front of his legs, I don't want his foot flying up and connecting with me. When his legs are undone, I pull him up by the t-shirt, I put my arm around his neck in a sleep hold and pin his arms to his back, I can feel his body tense up. I walk him forward out of the room and into the another spare room, as I walk in I walk past a table with holes drilled in it, next to that is a chair with a bar across the back and two metal rings at the end of the bar. I walk him into the middle of room and without letting go around his neck I bend him forward, I take a clip hanging from the ceiling attached to a winch fixed on the wall. I move away and start to winch his hand up. This causes him to bend forward, I get his arms so they are pulled up high, he is almost unable to keep his balance, his head is now pointing towards the ground. I lock the winch off. I grab a metal spreader bar from the side and attach it to his legs, as I push his legs wider apart his arms are forced higher, putting more and more pressure on this shoulders. All the time he is groining and moaning into the gag.

Once he gets his balance I get a thin long bit of rope. From behind I grab his balls and start to wide the rope around, pulling his balls into the bottom of his sack, I then tie the rope to the spreader bar, I pull his balls down hard, they are stretched hard and he is now screaming into the gag, I can see sweat starting to form on his back as he uses his muscle legs to keep his balance. He is still able to have his feet flat on the floor, not for long though I crank the winch up again, he is screaming harder into the gag, I stop when he is on tip toes, his arse is now high in the air and his arms raised about 5 foot in the air, I can see the police cuffs digging into his wrists, his legs are showing the muscles well as he strains to hold him self upright. I walk behind him and feel his arse, his cheeks are spread wide from the spreader bar, his hole looks clean and not to hairy, I get some lube and slowly trickle it down his crack, I start to work my finger into his arse, its tight. I move to two fingers and he screams into the gag even more. I don't say anything to him, he does not need to be told what I am doing he can feel it. My other hand moves round to take his cock, I start to stroke it and to my surprise it starts to swell.

"Like that boy? Like another mans fingers up your straight hole do you?"

"MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH" is all I hear out of his gagged mouth, I remove my fingers and pick up a small butt plug, well small to some people his arse fights it, but I work it in, slow to start then I just push it in. His whole body jumps and as he does the rope around his balls pulls even harder, causing him more pain. I walk around to the front of him, I look in his eyes and tears are starting to form, I smirk and just say "oh this is only the start boy, you live on your own and no family around so whos going to miss you?" I stand up and grab a pair of metal tit clamps I place one on each nipple, the chain that connects them has a thin bit of rope I tie this off to the spreader bar, pulling his nipples to his feet. If he tried to put his feet down his balls are pulled if he tries to lift his head up that will pull on his nipple, he is going no where and his whole body must be feeling every bit of pain.

"I need a rest boy, stay tight" With that I stand up leave and turn off the light. I hear him sobbing into the gag, this is just the start.

Next: Chapter 3

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