Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 14, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Thanks for the all the comments and suggestions and glad you are enjoying the story.

Copyright 2009 -- feed back welcome

Part 2

I stand up and grab a pair of metal tit clamps I place one on each nipple, the chain that connects them has a thin bit of rope I tie this off to the spreader bar, pulling his nipples to his feet. If he tried to put his feet down his balls are pulled if he tries to lift his head up that will pull on his nipple, he is going no where and his whole body must be feeling every bit of pain.

"I need a rest boy, stay tight" With that I stand up leave and turn off the light. I hear him sobbing into the gag, this is just the start.

Part 3

I leave him for about 90 minutes, I had things I needed to do, and I want the weed to leave his body before we moved onto the next stage, I wanted him to feel everything I did to him. I know his name is Matt, I have followed him into the gym a few times and the person I reception said his name. Matt suits him.

I open the door, he is just how i left him, his leg muscles are so tense they are showing off every muscle fibre. His hands are now blue, his arms fully stretched out and pulled his, his nipples look red and his balls are a nice purple colour. I walk round infront of him, kneel down and look into his eyes, they are bright red and blood shot, no sound comes out the gag but I can tell he is scared, his eyes are showing his emotions. Without saying a word and rip both nipple clamps off in one go, his eyes expolde with pain, the gag does it job of holding back the screams, before he has chance to recover I pinch each nipple, they are warm to the touch I start twist and rub his nipples causing him more pain as the blood rushed back into them. He starts screaming and tears are coming down his face.

"you like Matt? You like the pain I am giving out to you? You think you work hard in the gym well you will work harder than you have ever worked before, your body will be screaming in pain, you will want to give up, but I will keep you on a level you did not know was there. You understand me Matt?"

I wait for a responce, knowing he can't give me one with the gag in.

"I said you fucking understand me you fucking straight slut?" with that i go for his nipples again pulling them hard he has to lean forward even more as he does so he pulls more on his balls. I let go with and walk behind him, I yank the butt plug out, this gets another moan and scream into the gag, I get a bigger size and without warning or lube I push it straight up his tight arse, as it goes in he jumps off the ground screaming in to the gag.

"That stays in until your arse is fucked by me, you get that, your hole is mine."

I grab the leather flogger off the wall, I stand back and to the side of his ass, he can not see me so has no idea what is coming, I pull my arm back and with all my strenght I bring the flogger down on his cheeks, he jumps off the ground again, I bring my arm back again and repeat the flogging for 20 strokes, each one he jumps each time screaming into this gag, his arse is bright red, the flogger leaving welts all across his arse. It looks beautifull. I stop to take a breath and decide on two more strokes with the flogger but this time i angle it right so the tips of the flogger flick around hitting the top of his legs, I know this stings even more than being hit full on. His screams seem to come from the whole of his soul, he sinks into the cuffs holding his arms high behind him and sobs.

I put the flogger back on the wall and start to bring the winch down his arms start to come back to normal, he slowly bring himself to standing his arms now able to hang normally but still cuffed. I move infront of his to give he a look over. He whole body is covered is sweat his eyes are red. His chest is moving up and down showing how good he has developed it, His abs are really showing now, each time he breaths the beads of sweat roll down his abs.

"You look good like that Matt. A stunning male form. But you are now my male form, my bit of male meat to use abuse and fuck over, you understand that Matt?"

I don't get a responce his eyes are changing from fear and sadness to anger. He could still put up a fight even after this amount of time, his whole body must be screaming at him, but his mind is on the flight or fight setting. Excellent the next bit should be interesting.

I unlock the cuffs enough to push them up his arms slightly, the marks from his cuffs are dark purple, another mark to add to the collection by the time I am finished. I grab a long lenght of rope hanging from a hook in the cealing, and tie it around his left wrist he knot of the rope facing his palm so he can't get to it, I take another lenght of rope from the right side of him and do the same with his right wrist. I step back and unconnect the rope from the centre of room from the winch then attache the two pieces of rope to the winch. I turn the handle twice the rope cuffs now start to pull his arms apart, I take it so the cuffs are stopping it go any further. I walk up behind him.

"I am going to uncuff you know, don't fight you will live to regret fighting me you understand?" I get no reply, so I put my hand around his still tied balls and squeeze, tight,

"I said you fucking understand, I don't give a shit if you have a gag in you. You answer me when I ask you a question!" All the time squeezing his balls tighter and tighter.

"MMMmmmppphhhh, aaarrrrrhhhh!" is all I get from the gagged gym boy but its enough.

"Good boy, well done". I let go of his balls and he takes the biggest breath in through his nose. I almost laugh to myself, I do that when someone has been squeezing my balls!

I quickly undo the cuffs and step back, he starts to struggle now, trying to turn around, he is finding it difficult with his balls tied to the spreadbar. I just start turning the winch and his arms are being pulled wider and wider apart, i keep turning the winch until his arms are wide spreadeagled, he is still not as high as I want him. His feet are flat on the ground so I untie the rope to his balls and take the spreader bar off, his feet instandly come together and he start to kick at me, luckly I moved away quick enough. I quickly return to the winch and carry on turning. As I do I shout at him.

"What did I say you fucker, don't you fucking fight me or you will regret it."

I think I hear "Fuck you" out the gag. "What did you say you cunt, FUCK YOU" oh no you are wrong you idiot, it is me who is going to fuck you. Your body will be screaming, you think you hurt after your work outs at the gym. That is 5% of what you will be feeling soon." I stop the winch he is in on tiptoes now. "Tell me to fuck off again, and you will never see the day light again, tell me to fuck off again and you might never see anything again. YOU HEAR THAT YOU FUCKER!".

With that I continue with the winch, he is now off the ground his arms wide apart, I keep going until he is about a foot off the ground. I watch him for while, the realisation that he can not get out of this, he is fighting the rope, his arms tense showing off his biceps, because he is stretched off the ground his whole body is tight against his skin. It shows off every muscle he has. The only thing not hard at the moment is his cock but it still looks nice, to much hair for me though.

I take two bits of rope and being carefull I tie one around his left ankle and pull it wide and tie it to a bolt in the floor, i do the same on his right foot, he is now off the ground spread eagled, he is thrashing about as much as he can, the rope will not give his any relief, its soft rope but it must hurt like a bitch on his wrists, I might have to do something to take the mind off that pain.

But first he needs a shave, I take a pair of hair clippers. When I turned it on he jumped as much as he could tied like he is. His eyes had turned to fear agian, my cock was hard and could not be contained any longer, I stripped off infront of him.

"You see what you do to me Matt, I have been thinking of this for a long time, when you said you might be leaving thegym I had to acted quickly."

I walk up to him and start to shave his hair around his cock and balls, I had the clippers set to 0 so it was taking all his hair off, I finished his cock and balls and move the clippers over his trasure trail and up his stomoch, he moaned as I nicked him a few times. I moved to his chest it did not take long to remove all the hair from his upper body, next I took the hair off his arm pits, he smelled of sweat and it was such a turn on I could of wanked off there and then just sniffing him all over. I brought my mind back to the job. I walked behind him and shaved his arse and crack, the only hair left on his body where his legs, arms and head. His legs and arms can stay as they are I like hairy legs, but his hair on his head had to go. I grabed a stool and stood behind him, this got his moaning and shouting into the gag, he was shacking his head left to right.

"Stay the fuck still or you'll make me cut your ear off with these things!" That got his attention and he stopped moving his head. I changed the clippers to a number 1 and worked from back to front his hair falling down to the ground, 2 minutes later he was shave to a number one. I moved my hand over his head and could not help myself but started to kiss the back of his neck and top of his head. I put my arms around his chest and started to push my nacked body against his. His body was warm and clamy the body sweating as he strained against the rope, I kept kissing his neck and head as my cock pressed against this ass, I started to move my hips back and forth fucking him my cock inbetween his cheeks but not in him, that would come later. This could not be going any better. I had to stop or I would blow my load there and then. I stepped off the stool and grabbed a bottle of clear liquid off the shelve behind him, it looks like water but it defently is not water.

I walk in front of him, his newly shaved body showing his body off even better.

"This should cool you down" I lie, as pull the spray trigger, the mist covers his body, it takes a few seconds to have an effect but it soon starts, the moans are getting loader and longer and the alcohol starts to seep into this shave body, he is screams into the gag as the mist starts to cause the feeling of his body burning, I srapy some more concentrating on his cock and balls, his face is screwed up his eyes closed tight as the liquid does hits the mark. I will take 10-15 minutes for the feeling to wear off, so I lean back on the wall, take a drink and light a fag, watching his whole body move hanging off the ground.

(Part 4 coming soon)

Next: Chapter 4

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