Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 21, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Thanks for the all the comments and suggestions and glad you are enjoying the story.

Copyright 2009 -- ibtow feedback welcome

Part 3

"This should cool you down" I lie, as pull the spray trigger, the mist covers his body, it takes a few seconds to have an effect but it soon starts, the moans are getting loader and longer and the alcohol starts to seep into this shave body, he screams into the gag as the mist starts to cause the feeling of his body burning, I srapy some more concentrating on his cock and balls, his face is screwed up his eyes closed tight as the liquid does hits the mark. I will take 10-15 minutes for the feeling to wear off, so I lean back on the wall, take a drink and light a fag, watching his whole body move hanging off the ground.

Part 4

He takes 20 minutes to stop thrasing around on the ropes, this lad has one hell of a stanimer level, every inch of his body is covered in sweat, he is cleaming off the lights in the room, his breath is shallow, he has no energy left to keep himself from slumping in the ropes that hold him above the ground spread eagle. His head slumps forward, I walk up to him and take his head in my hand and lift it up. He opens his eyes and I look deep into them. I can tell he is exhausted, anything he has done in the gym before this have never made him feel like this. His mind must be screaming at him that he needs to fit but he has no will to listen to it. He has been hanging like this for almost 45 minutes.

"You had enough yet Matt? You willing to submit you body and mind to me?"

His eyes widen even further, I let go of his head and it slumps forward again, I walk behind him and stand on the stool, I start to cut the tape holding the gag in him mouth.

"I want you to say you submit to me Matt this does not end until you do." - I take the tape off his head and pull the gag out his mouth. "What you got to say to me Matt?"

I don't get an answer as I walk infront of him. "I said what you got to say to me Matt?"

"Fuck you" he says weakly.


"Fuck you, I said fuck you" his voice is getting stronger "I am no fucking fag for you, let me the fuck go you sick shit!"

"Wrong fucking answer Matt! Wrong fucking answer! This does not end until you submit to me." I do not raise my voice but by the tone of it he will know I am not messing around with him.

I grab his still tied balls and pull the rope down to a bolt in the floor just below him, I pull his balls until they are stretch as far as they will go I then tie off the rope. "ARRRRHHHHHH, that hurts, fuck stop it, why are you doing this to me, why me?"

"Because you are mine, you paraid yourself around that gym thinking you are the dogs bollocks, well you not, you are nothing more than a piece of meat. All the sweat in the gym to make yourself look good for what? Your a prick tease to all the men and woman in that gym and you know it. Well no longer you are now mine, mine to do what ever i want to. Do you understand that Matt?"

"FUCK YOU!!" is all I get back

I say nothing more to him, he still has fight in him, which I need to get out of him. I am feed up of his talking, so I take a large cock gag walk behing him. I press it against his mouth and he clasps his jaw closed, without saying a word I just pinch his nose, he tried to hold is breath but his body is screams for air to feed his muscles and soon enough he take a large gulp of air, before he has time to breath in the cock gag is in his mouth, I pull it tight and buckle it closed around his head, I let go of his nose and he take a large breath in. I stand behind him on the stool and take a bottle of poppers out of my pocket, I unscrew the top and place it under his nose. I pinch one of his nostrols close and he has to breath the poppers in. He takes about 10 deep breaths of poppers and is moaning into the gag.

I step down off the stool and walk infront of him, I kneel infront of his cock. I take it in my mouth and start to suck and role my toung over his cockhead. His uncut cock start to swell as the poppers take his head on a trip, he is almost fully erect as continue to suck on his cock taking it all in my mouth. The pressure of his balls being pulled down is making his cock get even harder. I can hear groans from his gagged mouth, groains on plesure, he is not fighting his cock being suck, he seems to be enjoying it, tied off the ground his head spinning from the poppers. I let his cock out of my mouth and without warning I slap his cock hard with my hand it bounces down and springs up almost hitting his stomoch, his whole body jumps and the groans turn into moans. I do it again this time hard, he is now making lots of noise into the gag. I carry on hitting his cock as I stand up.

"Pleasure and pain go hand in hand boy, you will learn this over time. Me giving you pain gives me pleasure, you taking the pain might give you pleasure if you let it, overwise it will be pain, but pain you have never felt before."

I stop slapping his now red cock and start to stroke it slowly. I start to suck and bit his nipples gentley at first then with more pressure, taking each nipple in turn, the nipple clamps he had on have made them very tender so it does not take a lot for him to struggle to pull his tight chest and body away from me. His cock is still hard, so I keep on strocking his cock taking it faster and faster. It is not longer before he is moaning into the gag again, he seems to be liking this, this straight lad, tied up as he is with another man wanking him off. I keep going until his moans are getting more and more prolonged, he is pushing his body into my hand trying to fuck my hand.

I keep wanking him off as he takes a sharp breath in, his whole body tenses up, from my viewpoint I can see all his muscles working, he has no fat on him at all the sweat on his body seems to bring out all the contors of body, he arches his back, bringing his cock higher, with a groin into the gag like I have not heard before his whole body spasums as he cums, 6-7 shots of cum come flying out of his cock and shoot across the room some 5-6 ft on the floor, I let go of his cock and whip some of cum on his chest, his cock is still twitching, his head is leaning back, as he comes down off his high he starts to slump again into the ropes. I grab the flogger.


I take the flogger and bring it down hard on his still hard cock, I catch the top of his cock with the tips of the flogger, a perfect hit. He goes from the high of cumming to shock of stinging pain in his cock and screams so load in to the gag, his head snaps forward, his eyes are wide in pain and shock.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU CUM WHEN I SAY YOU CAN!!" I shout at him, as I bring the flogger down on his abs, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 times as hard as i can all on the same spot, the tenth one is the hardest I have ever flogged someone and a small line appers on his stomoch, its more than a welt its cut the skin and a small trickle of blood start to come out. I don't stop, I take the flogger to his chest, one after the other I flog his chest, his moaning and shouting into the gag does not stop, I must of done it 20 times, he was finding it hard to breath as he could not catch his breath. I stop on strock 20. I look at his face, its bright red and he has tears coming down his face, he body is glowing bright red, the cut on his abs, is not much but a line of blood is coming down from it. I don't care he needs to learn his place. I walk behind him and start to flog his back without mercy, I get upto 30 hard flogs and stop.

I take a plastic tube off the shelve and stand to the side of him and start working again on his stomoch, the tube is like pipping but thinker and harder plastic it has no give on it at all. I am carefull not to cause him internal damage, so work on his abs.

"You get this 10 times for cumming, you understand?" of course I get no reply.

"1" i count and hit his stomoch, his abs are tense and its like hitting a wall but he feels it, he grunts into the gag, "2" I hit him again the same spot this time he grunts harder and tried to pull his body away. "3", the same spot again, I get him just as his is swinging slightly forward full force. By number nine he is screaming into the gag, his cheeks are covered in tears. The tenth hit knocks the wind out of him and he just slumps into the ropes, trying to breath, that one winded him. I walk away to a draw and get a box out.

I let him rest for a minute his breath soon returns and he is just fallen into the ropes, his head forward sobbing. I walk behind him again and tie a blindfold on him, he does not even move as I tie it on, does not move his head, he is just hanging in the ropes.

The box I got contains heavy duty pegs, 15 of them, this are not your cloths pegs these are metal pegs about 5 inches long with the tips about ½ and inch. They are strong as well, they are used for clamping bits of wood together. I don't want him to see these going on but he will feel it.

The first one goes on his left nipple as soon as it is on his head snaps up straight and the moaning returns to the gag, the second is on his right nipple, two more go on each nipple. He now has six on his chest. I pinch his skin just above his cock and place a clamp there, then work up with 5 move clamps up to his belly button. The 7th goes between his cock and balls, number 8 goes on his already tied balls. By this point his is screaming again into his gag, shouting god knows what, the gag does it job.

"One more you fucker."

I place the 15th on the tip of his cock, this gets the biggest reaction as it bits into this cock head.

"These stay one for one hour, you will not be let down, they will not come off for 60 minutes, when they come off I will ask you again if you submit to me. Give me the answer I want and we stop, give me any other answer and it will only get worse."

He moans and screams into the gag, he is thrasing into the ropes, shacking his head back and forth, the clamps are going no where, the same for him. I walk out the room and close the door with a slam. I go to my computer and turn on the monitor, infront of me is a live video feed of him strung up spread eagle off the ground, gagged and blindfolded 15 heavy duty clamps on his body. I sit and watch as I take my cock in my hand. I look at the clock he has 60 minutes to think of his fate, I will break him no matter what.

Next: Chapter 5

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