Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Feb 11, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Thanks for the all the comments and suggestions and glad you are enjoying the story.

Copyright 2009 -- ibtow feedback welcome

Part 5

I pick up both tens machines and move each setting without warning to 10, instantly his whole body raises off the table and arches up, only the heals of this feet and his shoulder blades are touching the table and he lets out one long scream. I leave the setting at 10 for 30 seconds, it must feel like the longest 30 seconds of his life as his whole body can not move, nothing he does stops the pain from the electro running through his arms, legs, chest, stomoch, cock and balls. When the 30 seconds is up I turn both the machines off, and he slumps back into the table sobbing and crying, the tears running down the side of his face. He opens his eyes and looks at me directly pleading for me to stop, he is ready to submit to me, I am want to ask him the question but he still has 3 hours left before I can ask him the question again. I turn the tens machine back on set to level 5, his eyes are wide again looking at me, I just turn and leave the room as his body is rocked by the electrictiy again.

Part 6

I walk out the room and close the door and return to the computer, I move the camera in the room round to where Matt was tied to the table. The electro was still going through his body and his whole body was uncontrollably twitching and moving as the pulses went through his muscle, I thought he would never get a workout like this at the gym, he will be sore for days after this, deep muscle soreness as the electro works like a workout. It reminds me when I first spotted him at the gym, I go to the gym before work so arrive for when it opens at 6:30AM, as its early it tends to be the same people day in day out at that time in the morning. The odd nice looking guys but when he first walked into the weights area I clocked him in the mirror. He was wearing shorts and a tight workout vest, he knew he had a good body and was not afraid to show it off and his outfit did, I also noticed the piercing at the top of his ear, something sexy about that on a guy, he had short and styled hair. I was trying so hard not to stare at him in the mirrors but was finding it hard not to. He sat down on the bench one up from me and start working out on his arms. Now some people love chests, bums, abs, mine is arms. I love nice arms not sure what it is but it something that I just think looks so sexy. So this fit lad working out his arms was like heaven to me. I tried to pull my eyes away from him and carry on with my own workout. I managed after a while and carried catching the odd glance in the mirror. I finished my workout and went to hit the showers, when I was coming out the showers he was just coming in to get changed, he was not bothering with having a shower so was just changing his top, he peeled off his top to show an amazing body which complemented his arms even more. His torso was amazing, defined abs, strong chest and had that sexy V shape, his chest had a nice covering of hair (not anymore mind) and his treasure trail I would happily follow all the way down to his cock, I carried on getting changed and walked out of the changing rooms the same time as him, I held the door open for him and he smiled and said "Cheers mate". I could of pushed him against the wall there and then and snogged the face off him, I think my mind thought I was but brain told me its not the best idea to jump a straight guy like that. That required some planning.

He would be in the gym most mornings so it was always a pleasure doing a work out with something to look at in between set. I had been into bondage for as long as I could remember and was a sub for a long time and moved to topping after discovering the rush it gives you giving out punishment and pain to someone else. My tastes had changed from mild to wild over the years, when I was a sub I wanted more and more abuse and punishment and found a top that I just clicked with, somebody I would allow to do anything to me. We explored and expanded our meetings every time I visited his, pushing my limits more and more. I learned a lot from him about how to pace a session, how to build up the adrenaline in a sub, build it up and then bring them back down again, how pleasure and pain go together, how feeling pain can be as bigger high as the pleasure. It was with him that I enjoyed topping the most, we had arranged for other subs to come round and for to top them in front of him. The Master watching his sub topping someone else was sexy and horny, but finding the right person is not easy sometimes, a lot of people on line will talk about taking this and that but when it comes down to doing it they take a lot less than you hope they would.

It was during one of our sessions that we were talking about fantasies and I had always had one about topping a straight guy against his will. Making him suffer, taking him to breaking point until he would submit to a Master, knowing nothing would stop the pain until he said two simple words "I submit", this fantasy sprung into my head during a gym session when I was watching him working out, he would be my ideal person to break, my ideal person to act out my fantasy for real.

I opened my eyes my cock was rock hard again, I focused on the computer monitor, Matt was still tied and pulled tight his body still moving from the electro, I glanced at the time an hour had passed already, he had another 2 hours before I would ask him the question again. I was watching him on the monitor and stroking my cock while he was tied up in pain and torture.

I pulled my mind back on the task in hand, I stood up and returned to the room, Matt was moaning into the gag his body covered in sweat and his muscles bulging from the work out the electro had given him, I turned the power off in each box and his body slumped to the table, spent and screaming for the torture to stop.

"Two more hours Matt before I ask you the question."

His eyes opened up and looked at me, I felt like I was looking into his sole, he could not talk but his eyes were screaming at me to stop the pain and the torture, if he could talk I would imagine his body was thinking it could take no more. It is amazing how much the human body can take when it is forced to do so. The pleasure he had from cumming twice would be in stark contrast to the pain he had been suffering for many hours.

I took a candle from the side and lite it, along with a fag, Matt's eyes following me, he jumped at the sound of the lighter going off and looked on as the candle started to burn, it was a plan white table candle, it had a low burning heat. When it hits his body he will feel like it is is red hot fire landing on him but in fact it will not burn. I have had colored candles on me before and they burn, so I always use plan white candle, no scent.

I hold the candle above his stomach and tilt it over, it takes a few seconds but soon the drops of wax are landing on his already sore body, the first one lands and he squirms as much as he can against the bound holding him down tight, he's yells and screams into the gag are weaker than before but he still manages to make enough noise for me to know he is suffering. I continue to more the candle over his abs, each muscle of his six pack gets special attention of the wax, drip after drip lands over each one. By the time I have done each one he is covered in cooling wax, I move the candle up towards his chest, slowly of course a drip of wax comes off the candle every half second or so, so I take 20 seconds to move from his abs to his chest thats another 40 drops of wax. His body is moving back and forth his arms pulling against his cuffs, his head shaking back and forth. I move to his chest and start to circular his right chest slowly dripping the hot wax over him, I stop over his already sore nipple, now with no hair and nothing to protect it. I leave the candle over it for 30 seconds until it is covered in wax, the blood is rushing to the areas the wax is landing and soon his whole chest is glowing red, he tries to move his body away from the hot drips but gets nowhere. I move the candle again back up his chest and across to his arms, his biceps are tense and showing the power in his arms, I start at his now hairless arm pits and slowly draw the candle up his arm, taking my time to hit his whole arm so it is covered in wax, his stomach, right chest and right arm are now covered in drops of wax. I lift the candle up and move round to his left side. I let a little well of wax form and tip it over his right nipple, this brings a scream of pain from him, his body rises off the table and then slumps back down.

Its amazing how much energy he still has in him, his body is still able to bring the strength to try and fight what is hurting it. I repeat the path on his left side, his chest and arms on his left hand side are covered in wax once I have finish I stand back and look at the result, his whole upper body is now glowing read from the flogging and now the wax, it shows off the white of wax really well. I look at his face and his eyes are still following me and I think he knows where I am going next. I move in line with his cock and balls, again a well of wax has built up in the candle and a tip it up and it lands in a splash at the top of his cock, this again get a load scream and moan out him, he lifts his arse off the table and tried to twist away form the candle but his is tied so tight he can not twist, instead it just brings his cock and balls closer to the candle. The close you get to the drip the hotter the wax feels, so far I had been about 20cm from his body, now I lowered the candle so it was about 5cm above his skin. I moved the candle slowly around his cock and balls covering his cock, I then took his cock in my hand and rolled back his foreskin and dripped the wax on his cock head and down his piss whole, this brought the scream back louder and louder, I thought I heard through can him begging me to stop, I just carried on dripping the wax over his cock head and his balls, I was now almost three quarters of a way through the candle, his cock and balls were covered in wax.

I let another little well of wax build up in the candle and dripped it in his belly button I then pushed the remainder of the candle into his belly button, I look up at his face and he had lifted his head up, his eyes wide.

"You struggle Matt and the candle falls over it is your body it will burn not mind, I don't give a shit if it does it will all add to the pain you are suffering, stay still and breath light and it will melt away Matt, getting hotter and hotter and the candle melts over you body."

I stepped away and lite another fag from the candle burning on his chest. I took a seat on the chair and watched as he breathed in and out as the candle moved up and down. We were now less than an hour away from asking the question I would love to be in his mind, he must know by now that the only way to make this stop was to submit to me, if he does not it carries on for longer, he must know his body and mind can not take much more. He must know I have almost broken him.

Next: Chapter 7

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