
By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 5, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


When they pushed the next slave up onto the block, Valerius felt the need to rub his eyes in disbelief! Apollo made flesh! Beautiful well-formed face under blond hair and pale blue eyes, fair skin that was flawlessly stretched taut over muscles that bulged and rippled and shone with the faint patina of sweat in the warm Italian sun!

"From the northern forests, north even of Germany, we have Heder. He learned Latin at his uncle's house and, until he picked a fight with his cousin and his uncle sold him into slavery, he was one of his uncle's personal warriors. No danger of a family member coming to his rescue with this one, but he'll make you a victorious gladiator or a loyal personal bodyguard. Observe his well-formed arms and broad, strong back muscles." At his prodding, the blond-haired slave turned about, nude, now denying Valerius his view of the sizeable dong but revealing a pair of taut, dimpled buttocks. The slave auctioneer urged the slave to form a muscled pose, arms raised and bent to force the biceps to show as paired globes upon his upper arms, the triangular shoulder muscles rippling as he raised, then lowered them. All the time, the auctioneer was praising the slave's virtues, but Valerius didn't hear it. He had to have this slave, he had to!

The bidding started high and stayed brisk. A slave would normally sell for forty or fifty gold pieces. Valerius still had four competitors bidding at a hundred! It was down to two at a hundred and fifty, and Valerius finally got the slave for his own at a hundred seventy-five. His heart burning, he went to the table at the side to pay his coins. He heard the sound of chains by his side and turned from the counting table to view the robust body of the slave. They had wrapped a loincloth for him, of course, the display was for buyers only, and now Heder belonged to him.

The title transferred to him, Valerius stood upright and regarding Heder carefully. "Take those chains off him." he ordered.

The guards looked doubtful. "Are you certain, sir?" one of them said. "He isn't very well controlled, you should keep him shackled until you can get him to your own house and work on training him. A nobleman sold into slavery is always troubled, you'd best turn him into a gladiator, put him in where he has to kill or be killed, and he'll perform well for you...."

"He is not to be put into the arena." Valerius said. "So take off those chains!" He smiled at Heder. "He will be called Haderius, and he will be my personal servant, to live in my house by my side and eat what I eat and sleep by my side in luxury. He was raised as a nobleman and he will be treated as a nobleman!"

So why didn't Heder's face change at all with this news? He could have been dumped into the arena to fight or die. He could have been sold to a quarry owner and spent his days using those magnificent muscles to drag marble up out of the pit. Didn't he understand?

"Let us go, Haderius." Valerius said after an uncomfortable pause. He turned to walk away and didn't look back. Not for nearly a mile, and when he did, Heder was there, still not smiling, but present.

That would do for now.

He was greeted at his home by the house slaves. They looked at his latest acquisition with carefully concealed curiosity. "This is Haderius." Valerius said. "Take him and give him a good meal, equal to my own, and then provide him with a hot bath. After that, show him the way to my room. And treat him well throughout, he is noble-born and not to be mishandled, any who takes a strap to him will answer to me."

And his heart burning, he went to his own dining room. He would feast well and bathe himself before taking to his own bed.

Though he dawdled at both activities, he found himself in the room ahead of Heder. He had hoped that Heder would be naked and in bed, waiting for him. Heder would see the room, the single bed not very wide and know what was to be expected of him. Had he arrived first, he could have thought it over and acquiesced, for the treatment he had received (Valerius trusted his servants not to disobey his orders in any wise, upon pain of being sold to a less tolerant household) would have been excellent, he could have thought about it, known when he had a good thing and been willing by the time Valerius walked in the room.

No help for it then. Valerius could either sit on the edge of his bed and appear to be waiting for his slave to arrive, and placed at a disadvantage with the slave from the beginning, or to be in bed and naked and from there, face the mental adjustment of Heder head-on.

So he undressed and was in bed, his bedcovers carefully adjusted to both cover his manhood but show his thighs from waist to knees as bared under the sheets, and thus his intent was clear as Heder parted the tapestry that shielded the bed from the other part of the room. Heder, wearing a tunic of his house, stood stock-still as the tapestry fell behind him.

Valerius looked up as casually as he could. "Ah, Haderius, you are here. Come to bed, I have been waiting for you."

Heder's face could have been carved in stone. He didn't speak, he didn't move.

"Come to bed, Haderius." Valerius said more sternly. He didn't want to insist, he wanted Heder to come to him willingly. If he had to bring in other slaves to force him to obey, it would tarnish his pleasure considerably.

Slowly, Heder stepped toward the bed, and Valerius saw he intended to get into bed fully clothed. "No, Haderius, remove your clothes. All of them."

Heder froze again. Valerius saw he had to be direct. "I have bought you, Haderius. I intend to treat you with every kindness. You will be as free as any slave in the Empire can be. As long as you do what I wish, you will not be beaten, you will receive gifts from me regularly, you will have every delicacy that my table provides to me. But you must do what I wish. That is not too much to ask, is it Haderius?"

Heder's lips moved as if they were made of stone, jointed sections that were being plied from mechanisms within. "You do not understand."

"What do I not understand?"

Heder's lips moved, but no sound came out. Instead, his hands moved and caught, lifted the tunic over his head and ferried it to one side, arm extended fully with tunic in hand, dropped it there. The loincloth he now wore was undone with one hand and lifted the same extended way to the other side, and dropped. The organ that Valerius had admired before up on the slave block was there, but instead of being the flaccid pud that had dangled was now filled, rigid, erect and pointing toward Valerius. One barrel-sized leg flexed and placed its knee upon the bed, then then other leg rose to place its entire length there, then Heder was upon the bed with him, and lifting the covers to place his nude body beside Valerius', unfettered and delightful, bare flesh against bare flesh.

Valerius turned in bed to face his new possession, Heder's lips were as soft and warm as he'd imagined they'd be, he kissed his slave and was kissed back, softly, warmly, gently, sweetly!

Heder's hand gripped Valerius' dong, held it firmly and began to pump it back and forth. Valerius moaned and returned the favor, while they kissed, their hands worked their organs until both were steel-hard and dripping salty precursors of their masculinity.

As Valerius' passion built, he pushed himself over on top of Heder, who raised his legs up until those keg-like thighs were pulsing around his waist, until his heels rested in the bends of Valerius' knees, until Heder's dong pounded its energy against Valerius' stomach, and Valerius felt and guided his pud toward Heder's sphincter, found it and pushed against it gently.

Heder gasped, but then his hands came down and cupped Valerius' buttocks and shoved him down hard. Valerius groaned as his cock plunged roughly down into Heder's bowels, and he was surrounded by the hot juices of Heder's intestines. Heder's face was contorted, grimacing, and yet that didn't diminish the heady maleness of his features, he was a man making love to another man, and he was wrapped up in his discomfort at the very penetration of his body he had brought on himself, but he was enduring it and intended to keep on enduring it.

And seeing the giving of oneself that his slave had done, Valerius felt his lust grow ten-fold, and he began to hump at Heder's butt, driving his dong in deep and pulling out to plunge it in again and Heder's hands rubbed up and down Valerius' back as he was fucked by Valerius' throbbing tool.

"Ah, ah, Haderius, my new one, my beloved one." Valerius groaned as he bounded up and down in Heder's embrace. "You shall grace my bed every night, and this shall be your only duty, to love me and be loved by me."

Heder's answer was a groan and he began to thrash under Valerius, and Valerius realized that his new slave was about to climax. The thought of this majestically handsome, noble-born slave being brought to his joy by Valerius' dong within him charged his own orgasm and he rose upon the stallion of climax to the mountain's height. As he crested, he felt Heder's jizz splash against his stomach and chest, Heder's anus clamped tight upon Valerius' cock and Valerius exploded, ejaculated through the convulsed sphincter almost painfully, but still his pud filled that beautiful ass to the brim with come while his own body was bathed with Heder's heady mixture of male musk, the odor sharp and strong within his nostrils.

Valerius sagged down when his sexual convulsions ended, panted as his head rested snugly in the valley formed by Heder's breasts, and sighed contentedly as his breath returned to his body. "Yes, this will be the first of a long life together, Haderius."

The words he heard in return startled him. "You do not understand."

Valerius rose and placed his hands under his chin and looked into Heder's eyes. "You bewilder me, Haderius. Have I not said that you will want for nothing? That the life you live with me will be as fine or better than the one you held in your uncle's court? What do I not understand, what is it that keeps a smile from your face, even though you and I have shared the most joyful joining of our bodies this night, and it is but the start of many fine nights such as this."

"You do not understand." The face was unmoved, still carved from marble.

"You will learn to enjoy this life." Valerius said. "You distrust me still, that is all. You will come to trust me, as I will come to trust you."

And he rolled off of Heder and settled in under the arm that Heder presented for him. Whatever Heder felt, he gave Valerius the form of the caring lover. For now, he'd settle for that.

Over the days that followed, Valerius enjoyed Heder's body in every way that he could think of. Heder was always not only cooperative but active, anticipating and fulfilling Valerius' every desire. And yet...that smile never came to Heder's face.

Valerius took every opportunity that presented itself to give Heder gifts, of gold and jewels and fine clothes. His friends joked that when Valerius and Heder went about, one could not look at the two of them and know which was master and which was slave. This suited Valerius fine.

He trusted Heder with tasks, all of which Heder performed perfectly, and without the slightest attempt to line his own pockets when another would seize the chance as merely being the slave's due. Yet whenever Valerius would say something to the effect that Heder was adapted well to his life as a slave, Heder's response was invariably the same, "You do not understand."

Still, Valerius trusted Heder. He needed a confidante in these days. The Emperor was old, sick and dying, and the old fool hadn't named a successor. The jostling among the hopefuls to fill the position were unceasing, and Valerius, though he couldn't bring forward enough popular support himself, could hope by supporting the right man in the right way, to become a man of power in the new regime.

His main chance went from three men to one man. Antoninus. This man was bold, charming, brave and covered in military honors. The legions would support him in large measure, enough to let him seize Rome and hold it.

Antoninus came to Valerius' house and Valerius laid on a feast beyond any he had done before. Antoninus was pleased, enjoyed himself and Valerius at the end of it, leaned over and said to Antoninus, "And now it is time for us to retire. You have seen the prettiest of my slaves, if there is one I can send to your bedroom, pray tell me so I can do so."

"You are gracious. And I admit that there is one that intrigues me."

"But say the name and she will be yours. Or him, if you prefer."

"I do prefer." Antoninus agreed.

"Which one, then?"

"I admit that I would like to enjoy the favors of your own Haderius. Just for this one night, of course."

"Of course." Valerius felt a sharp pang in his stomach. He forced his mouth to form the words, "I shall have him there soon."

"Marvelous." Antoninus rose. "I shall make ready for him."

Valerius forced himself to walk to his room. Heder would be in there by now, as he always was.

Heder was waiting, his face as expressionless as it had always been. "The evening is over?" he asked Valerius.

"Yes, for me, but not for you." Valerius started and choked. He couldn't do this! Not even for Antoninus, not even for the power and prestige that it could win him! Not his beloved Heder. All right, he had become enamoured of his slave, other men had failed in this wise in the past.

Heder said, "I have been told who Antoninus chose for his bedmate."

"You have?" Valerius gagged on the words.

"And you have come to take me to him." Heder rose. "I have bathed already, and will place perfumes on my body for him and be ready in but a moment or two."

"I have come." Valerius said and stopped. Then started again, "But not to take you to him."

"Are you certain of this?" Heder asked.

"I have never been more certain of anything in my life." Valerius said firmly and took Heder in his arms. That body was still as enticing as ever, his cock stirred up and rubbed at Heder's crotch. As always, Heder's prod rose to the challenge and Heder kissed him and rubbed back at him.

He lowered Heder onto the bed and kissed him with a tenderness he had never felt before. The price he'd paid for Heder was as nothing to him now, he would pay for Heder's affections now for true, in the only coin that ever really mattered.

"Fuck me, Haderius." he said. "Fuck me, please."

He had never asked Heder for this before. He had always been the dominant in the bed, and Heder had always complied completely.

Nor did he do any less this time. He took an unlit lamp from the bedside and poured the oil from it onto his palm, used it to grease up the pud that had splattered Valerius numberless times in the past, and now would finally enter him. With tender kisses aplenty, Heder lowered him to the bed. Valerius placed his legs firmly around Heder's waist and the lubed dong poked at his sphincter.

He'd never expected it to feel this large, this huge. He couldn't take this, he couldn't! He grunted, struggled, and Heder pushed into him slowly, stretching his body beyond any point of tolerance. Valerius moaned, grunted, squirmed. But every time Heder would pause, he would mutter, "More, Haderius, push it in more."

Finally, Heder's prod was inside him enough that Heder could begin to thrust in and out. Then he shifted slightly and Valerius gasped. The shift had done something Valerius had never thought could exist. That dong in him wasn't just invading him, it was...it was pleasing him. Valerius felt an intense orgasm building up in him almost instantly from this new and ecstatic feeling.

His fingernails dug into Heder's back, sharply, and Heder hissed and arched his back in response. That drove his dong even deeper into Valerius, and Valerius howled and sprayed his jizz all over Heder in return. Heder responded with wide-opened eyes, he began to ram into Valerius' ass hard and fast, and as Valerius was sinking into his lassitude after orgasm, Heder moaned and his jizz pumped into Valerius' ass. Long and slow and sweet.

Valerius let Heder rest upon him afterwards, and when Heder lifted his head up, he kissed that sweaty brow tenderly. "That was marvelous. No wonder you cling to me so ardently every time."

Heder's face was expressionless as always, and he said to Valerius' disgust, "You do not understand."

"But I do understand now!" Valerius protested. "The pleasure that comes from being another man's source of joy is inestimable. I wish it over and over again. I must have it over and over again."

Heder said nothing and Valerius went soundly to sleep soon after. The next day, he feared what Antoninus would do at being denied his choice, but found Antoninus jovial. "I wondered what had happened and peered into your room." he explained. "I thought that you were playing the man with Haderius, but now I see that I was mistaken." He said. "I did not care to be impaled by such a slave no matter how attractive, so I selected another for my pleasure. Do not fear, I shall not reveal your secret, though it is not meet that a man be violated by a slave." This last in terms of reproof.

Valerius hastily agreed. "I had intended to free him all this time, this just gives me more reason to do so." And he had his servant fetch the paper of Heder's ownership that very moment, and with Antoninus as his witness, signed with a flourish.

"Now fetch Haderius to me." He said. Heder appeared and Valerius was surprised to see him accept the announcement with the same lack of expression. It annoyed him immensely, and he accepted Antoninus' offer to go with him to see some senators.

He returned that evening. "Where is Haderius?" he asked the servants when he didn't see him as usual. While he had freed Heder, a freedman stayed with the former master, usually accepting a job doing the very job he had done as a slave. And in Heder's case, it would be more than the same, better.

"He has left, my Lord." the slave told him fearfully. "He left before the noonday meal."

"Left?" Valerius couldn't believe it. "Did he say where he was going?"

"We asked, my Lord, but he did not name a place. He said only he was going somewhere that he could be free, and would search as long as he had to for that to come true."

"Someplace he could be free?" Valerius frowned. "But that is nonsense. He was a slave, and once a slave, he can never be truly free again. Everyone knows that."

"I know, my Lord, but that is what he said."

Valerius sat in silence and after a time, all alone, he said, to nobody in particular. "I do not understand! I shall never understand!"

And realized that this was what Heder had been saying all along.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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