Hailey's Story

By xckid77

Published on Jun 23, 2016



Hailey's Story (F/F, D/s, BD, Humiliation, Toys, Consensual) by xckid77 2014 ============================================================================ Hailey's Story Prologue ============================================================================ The first time I walked into writing 101, I and saw Miss Abigail and I knew we were not going to mesh. She was tall, slim, and dressed very sexy. She was wearing 4 inch black pumps with a mid-thigh length skirt that rode up her legs when she sat and a blouse that made sure the world knew she was a women. She had long blond hair that was very well kept, expensive feminine clothes and she liked the attention she got for looking sexy. She was what I resented for the past 7 years. Ever since I learned about how mistreated women are and how we are used for our looks and sex appeal I have refused to wear heels, dresses, skirts, or make-up. I have been completely goal oriented wanting to change the way our society views women, not as objects but as individual that are equal to men, not just eye candy. I have been fighting for women rights ever since I realized this injustice. Due to this I have never dated and am still a virgin. Not that I find myself unattractive, I am just dedicated to living out what I believe is fair...

Hailey's Story Chapter 1: Enslavement ============================================================================

"Hailey, hold up sweetie", came Miss Abigail's deadly sweet voice. I rolled my eyes and turn to face her. There she was in her 4 inch red stilettos, tight black skirt that hugged her figure perfectly and showed off her long legs, a v-cut red blouse that showed off her perfectly shaped breasts, enough make-up to cover up any flaws in her porcelain like skin. Her wavy blonde hair flowed perfectly to mid back. The heels really did accentuate her curves, especially her butt. She was about 5'11" with the heels, about 115 lbs, with 34 C breasts and deeply blue eyes. She truly was gorgeous but everything that I resented and stood against. I fight for women's equality, but it was people like Miss Abigail, who used there looks and sexuality to get ahead that made it that much more difficult. Being a feminist you are fighting more than just men but all the women who did this. "Hailey I would like you to meet me in my office at 5 P.M please." "Today?" I asked taken aback. "Yes, I wanted to help you on your next paper." Doubtful I ask, "Why now? I have struggled on your papers all semester and this will be the only class ever I will not get an A in." "Because I want to just help a struggling student" "I am only struggling because you don't like me." I tell her sternly, trying to be a true feminist. "What would give you that idea Hailey? I like all my students, you are the one that has a problem with me." I glare at her as she smiles at me. "Fine, I will see you at 5." "Good I will see you at 5." She responds back. I notice an odd, almost evil smile on her lips as she turned and walked away. Ohh well I think to myself. I am just imagining that because I don't like her and what she stands for. It will be nice to get a better grade in her class anyway. I check the time and see that it is 4 P.M. and decide to study for the next hour until I meet with this women...

Hailey's Story Chapter 2 - 5:20 P.M. ================================================================================ I knock on Miss Abigail's office door, kind of hoping she had already left. "Come in." Comes her voice from behind the door. I open the door and immediately notice something different about her, although I could not place it. "You are late Hailey" "Yes, I know I just got caught up in my studying." "You know the rules, don't show me disrespect, how do you address me Hailey?" "umm.... Not sure... What do you mean?" "hmm, shouldn't expect a slacker like you to have read the syllabus I guess. You are to address me as Miss Abiagail, and you wonder why you haven't been doing well in my class." "I am not a slacker!" Raising my voice a little as I sit in the chair across her desk. "Shhh, don't raise your voice at me. Now thank me for helping you." Holding back my raising anger. "Yes Miss Abigail, thank you for helping me." In a deadly sweet voice she simply states, "You are welcome sweetie." This caught me off guard as I stumble out a weak reply, "ohh ok..." I did not understand why all of a sudden she was showing interest in helping me. "So why do you always wear sweatpants or jeans with a t-shirt Hailey", she asks as she gets up to shut her office door. With a suspicious look, "umm, that's an odd question Miss Abigail. Why do you care?" "ohh just curious sweetie, I just think you could be so pretty if you tried a little." "Well to be honest I am for women's equality and I do not believe in using femininity. I want to work my way up the right way." I tell her as she sits back down behind her desk and opens a drawer. "Ohh, is that why you don't like me? Because I dress like a women should dress." "What, dress like a slut." I tell her raising my voice now. "Ohh sweetie that is just what I wanted to hear from you." "What do you mean....."

Hailey's Story Chapter 3 - The Basement ================================================================================

Slowly waking up out of a deep grog I try to gain my bearings. I realize that my wrists are bound together and tied above my head, my ankles are also bound tightly together and not able to move. I frantically try to recall how this happened. The last thing I remember was going to Miss Abigail's office. What happened after that I could not recall. I could not even recall meeting with her. At least I am laying on my back on something soft I think. I lift my head as far as it could go and look around and find myself in a dungeon of sorts. I am only able to move my head from side to side. To my left is a grey brick wall. To my right I see what looks like a steel medical table on the far wall with a closed armoire next to it. I could not see the other two walls, but on the ceiling hung an assortment of hooks, some with ropes lazily draped over them, others with chains hanging from them. What did I get myself into I thought. I have always been a pretty good girl, never using drugs and only having the occasional drink. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I must not show fear. I am a feminist and must be strong not some weak minded girly girl slut. Then her voice echo's in my head. That deadly sweet voice of Miss Abigail. "Good morning sweetie. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep all day. We have a lot to get done today so I am glad that you woke up." Trying not to show any fear I firmly say, "Let me go now, you will not get away with this. You cannot keep me tied up like this forever." Still in her sweet voice, "Ohh sweetie you are in no position to make demands to tell me what I can and cannot do. And remember when you address me you are to address me as Miss Abigail." "Screw you!!" I yell. "Please there is no need to yell, and I can assure you that it will not help you. Now do you know why you are here sweetie?" "Don't call me sweetie" "Your voice is still too loud, would you like me to give you a reason to be loud sweetie? I can if you would like." My mind races as I try to figure out what her intentions are. This is completely crazy. She is crazy. I decide to play along for the time and fish for information. "No I have no idea why I am here." "Very good tone this time sweetie. You are here because I am in need of a new slave. One that I can train. One that is undefiled. And one that I can show the true power of a women's body. One to be my personal slut and will obey me without question. I have done my homework on you sweetie. You are the perfect student. You are all about the feminist's movement. You have no family left and only one friend, who will miss you, Rebeckah. "How in the world do you know all of this?" I squeak out, my voice now showing obvious fear. "The internet is a powerful thing sweetie. You have posted much on your blogs and Facebook. You probably didn't even realize anyone read those did you. Well I have been. From the very first day of class I could tell that you needed to be taught some things. You have been arrogant all this time. And you have never once complimented me on how good I look." Tears come to my face as I realize I am in trouble. I hate crying. I have not cried in years but this is too much. Miss Abigail walks into my view and wipes away a tear. "It is ok sweetie. I actually think you will enjoy this life. You will just have to learn to obey and it won't be too bad. But if you disobey you will be punished." This just brings more tears. "Now sweetie I am going to ask you some questions, ok. You are to answer everyone honestly. If I find you are lying, and I will, you will regret it. Do you understand?" "Yes" came my weak reply through my sobs. "Are you a virgin?" "That is priv..." a shock hit me in the arm and I screamed in pain. "This is a cattle prod sweetie. One of many many toys you will be introduced to. Now know that I can turn this up. Right now it is on as light as it will go. Nothing is private anymore. Everything you are is now mine. Now answer the question with 'Yes Miss Abigail or No Miss Abigail.'" "Yes Miss Abigail" Giving in due to the pain that is still lingering in my arm "Yes what?" "Yes I am a virgin Miss Abigail." "ohh very good, that is exciting. I did figure by the way you dressed though. Now for the next question, have you ever done anything sexual with another person?" "No Miss Abigail" "Not even kissing sweetie?" "No Miss Abigail" "ohh a prude, you are the perfect girl. Have you ever sexually pleased yourself? "No Miss Abigail." "Now these next few questions I want you to answer with my name and then give an explanation where needed. When was the last time you wore high heels" "7 years ago Miss Abigail, to a wedding before I became a feminists." "You are such a quick learner sweetie. That is good. Now how old are you sweetie" "19 Miss Abigail" "Do you wear make-up?" "No Miss Abigail, it has been years since I have worn any type of make-up." "Now please describe exactly how you look. All of your features and measurements." "Yes Miss Abigail. I am 5'2", I have short brown hair, dark brown eyes, I am 110 lbs, and I have 32 A breasts." "What size shoe do you wear sweetie" "Size 7 Miss Abigail." "Very good sweetie. It is now time to examine your body." I hear her heels as she walks away. About 5 minutes later she returns and opens what sounds like a tool box. I knot in my stomach appears. I then feel cold metal on tummy and what sounds like the slicing of scissors. She moves up my tummy, slowly cutting away my t-shirt. "Stop it I scream, please don't do this." The scissors stop and then a zap from the cattle prod explodes on my exposed belly. I scream in pain. "Don't talk unless spoken to sweetie." She says, still in her same sweet calm voice. With that she continues to cut my shirt off. She then cuts my bra off and revels my tiny breasts. She runs her hand all over my abdomen and then up to my breasts." "Ohh you have such a nice tight tummy and boobs sweetie. Although your boobs will need some enlarging done. Do you work out sweetie?" Remembering the pain of the electric shock I reply with a weak voice. "Yes Miss Abigail, I work out and run every day." "ohh very good. That will continue for sure. I like a nice tight body. And starting tomorrow you will start taking a hormone to help out these tiny breasts of yours. Within a few days your breasts will be much fuller and useful." Then a squeeze and pull on my nip ples. I scream in pain. "Very nice, your nipples are nice and tender too. You are going to be so very much fun to play with sweetie." Next I feel the cold metal of the scissors on my waist as she cuts through my sweatpants. I try to struggle but I am bound tight and am not able to move much. She slowly reveals my thighs and skin colored panties. "Ohh sweetie, you will never again wear under garments, or outer garments that are so unattractive." When she is finished with those she snips off my panties leaving my body completely exposed. I then realized that my feet are already bare. "Too much hair under the arms, on the legs, and your vagina sweetie. We are going to have to have that laser removed. Now let us take a look at this vagina. Ohh very tight. You really are a virgin, your hymen is still intact. Open your mouth sweetie."

I at first refuse and then a zap on my left inner thigh leaves me screaming. With that she sticks her middle finger in my mouth. This is my chance I think and I bite down. Immediately the strongest zap yet lands on my clitoris. This brings me back to screams as waves of pain rush through my body. I had never felt so much pain at one time in my life. She then zapped me again on my clitoris sending me into another whirl of pain. Closing my eyes I try to wish the pain away with no avail. As the pain starts to subside I realize something is in my mouth. "See what I mean sweetie, it is much easier if you just obey me. In your mouth is a ring gag." And with that she slides her middle finger in my mouth getting it nice and wet. She then slides it into my vagina. "Wow, my one finger barely fits. This is very nice." "I am now going to tell you the rules that I expect to always be followed. One, you are always to address me as Miss or Mistress Abigail. Two, you are only to speak when spoken too. Three, you will always wear stilettos. Four, whatever I say you do. Five, when a friend of mine asks you to do something you do it. Six, you will respond to whore, slut, or anything else I choose to call you. More rules to come as we start your training. Do you understand my slave?" I weakly nod my head. "Good. Tomorrow we will start your training. Until then try to get some sleep." I hear her heels clicking as she walks away. I could still feel the throbbing where she had zapped me. My jaw was already getting sore from the gag in my mouth. I try to clear my mind as I start crying. What have I gotten myself into.

Hailey's Story Chapter 4 - Pain, pleasure, humiliation, and obeying ============================================================================

"Good morning sweetie." Came that deadly sweet voice. I continue to lay there sleep deprived and unable to move due to the restraints. Not sleeping at all due to the ring gag and being restrained so uncomfortably. I stayed up all night trying to figure the best way to handle the situation. I decided that I must not make this easy on her. I must be a strong women and not give in to this witch. "So today begins your training. I think you will enjoy and learn so many things about yourself. All you must do is remember and obey the rules and life will be very easy for you. Now are you ready to begin." Ignoring her as best as I could I turn my head and look at the wall. "Trust me sweetie you don't want to make this hard on yourself. Now look at me." I continue to look at the wall. "So be it, if that is the way you want to treat your mistress." She walked away only to return a few minutes later and then pain, over whelming pain, as the ohh to familiar shock from the cattle prod landed on my tummy and then each of my nipples, ending on my clit. Tears immediately came streaming down my face. Continuing in her sweet voice as if nothing happened, "Now are you ready to begin your training sweetie." Sobbing I nodded, wanting to avoid further pain. "Very good sweetie. I will take your gag out so you can respond to me properly, when I do I want you to thank me." Then with the loving touch of a mother she took my gag out, and how much I appreciated her for doing so. "Thank you Mistress Abigail." "Now do you remember what you are to call me sweetie?" "Miss or Mistress Abigail." "For remembering you get rewarded sweetie." She walked out of my view again. When she returned, this time she landing something that vibrated right on my pussy. "How does that feel sweetie?" A pleasure that I had never felt before swept through my body, but immediately I threw up barriers against the pleasure and responded as forceful as I could, "horrible mistress." "Well then, what if I move it up a little bit onto your clitoris?" And with that I lost my breath and my eyes rolled back, not able to resist the pleasure. Then she pulled it away. "That is just a little taste of what awaits you if you obey sweetie. Now I am going to untie you. You are to do exactly as I say, anything else will result in punishment is that understood?" "Yes. Mistress." Responding more rapidly and with more eagerness than I realized. "Good. Now when I untie you I want you to sit up and slide off the table and stand as tall as you can. You are to look straight ahead and your hands should be folded behind your back. Is that understood sweetie." "Yes Mistress." I responded almost naturally this time. I hated her for this, but I hated the pain more, and the pleasure I had felt urged me to obey. But NO I thought to myself I am smarter than this high heel loving bitch. I cannot allow her to manipulate me like this. Then it dawned on me she wears those tall heels all the time and I can easily outrun her. That is when I decided I was going to make a run for it as soon as I had the chance. "There you go sweetie, now stand up." I slowly get up trying to look around the room for the door. I spot it just across the room. As I slide off the table my feet hit the ground and immediately I feel a zap on my right breast. Pain floods through my body and tears start to form. I look angrily at Mistress Abigail as she winks at me and quicker than I could think she grabs my right wrist and puts a handcuff on it then with a swift movement both my hands are locked behind my back. Then her sweat voice hits my ears. "Sweetie I could tell you were going to run. I saw you look at the door. Tsk. Tsk. We will fix that soon enough now I will tell you again if you do not listen to exactly what I say you will be punished. Now keep your head up and look straight ahead." I glare at her, then noticed that she actually didn't look all that bad. She was wearing a black corset that really gave her nice form and bushed her breasts up nicely. She had at least 6 inch pumps on with nylons and a garter belt. Her face was done perfectly with make-up, and her lips were a sweet cherry red that reminded me of how hungry I was. Then with a twitch of her wrists she lands another zap on my clit, sending me into more tears and screaming. "Now are you still thinking about running sweetie?" "No Mistress Abigail" I weakly say as the pain subsides. "And are you going to do exactly as I say sweetie?" "Yes, Mistress Abigail" I respond feeling humiliated as the words flowed from my mouth naturally. "Very good, now let's get you dressed. Do you see the Walnut Armoire across the room to the right?" "Yes, Mistress Abigail" I say keeping an eye on the cattle prod, fear of feeling that pain again. "Good, I want you to walk over to it, open the doors and pick out a pair of heels. I do not care on the pair, when you find a pair put them on and walk back over here. Do you understand sweetie?" The thought of wearing heels was so humiliating. So feminizing. So horrible. But despite my thoughts I responded like a good girl "Yes Mistress Abigail" fearing the pain. "Good, you have 3 minutes as soon as I say go." With that she released my right wrist from the cuff and then guided my hands to my front where she re-locked it. "Now go." I walk strait over, doing exactly as she said. When I opened the Armoire I found myself starring at forty pair of heels. Every pair at least 6 inch heels on them. As I starred at them I started to cry. The embarrassment of wearing something like that was too much for me. It went against everything that I believed in. How could I so quickly give up my beliefs... "Two minutes left sweetie" came her sweet voice from across the room. I continued to stare, trying to find a pair that were less feminine. They were ordered by color on four different shelves. The top shelf had 10, all black. Each pair had a label under them with the heel height. They varied from 6-8 inches with one pair that looked like ballet shoes with heels on them. The next row down was the same but all red pairs. The bottom two shelves had an assortment of colors from white, green, blue, pink, gray, and orange. I then notice that none of them had platforms on them either, so the difference from the ball of the foot to the heel was the heel height on every one. I had no idea how I was going to stand in any of them, much less walk. "One minute sweetie." With that I decide that I am going to stand up for what I believe in and be a strong women. After what I guessed was a minute I heard her heels clicking on the floor as she walked towards me. "Ohh sweetie I thought you were learning. You are so easy to draw tears from I thought you would be tired of the pain by now, and be desiring more pleasure." I glare at her, "You are an evil bitch and I am a strong women." A giggle of amusement came from the bitch then, "Is that so sweetie, I have been nice so far but you have forced my hand." She quickly grabbed my hands and dragged me to the middle of the room where she attached the cuffs to a chain hanging from the ceiling. She then grabbed a controller and the chain rose from chest level to above my head and kept going until I was on my tippy toes. As the chain was raising an over whelming fear started to overtake me. "Now you see you are in a very vulnerable position. I can do whatever I want to you. Let us see how much of a "bitch" I can be." Drawing out the last few words. Then with another evil laugh she went behind me and rolled something that sounded like a tool chest across the floor. Crack, a whip across my back, without any notice, causing me to stumble and scream out in pain. Then two more in quick succession came across my back. Screaming anew at each whip, tears started to flood down my face. "Now sweetie, picking out a pair of heels and putting them on seems like an easy thing doesn't it." I nod my head, squeaking yes Mistress Abigail between sobs. Coming around to my front she walked right up to me and brushed away my tears in such a kind way. "See sweetie, I want to take care of you." She then kissed me across my lips. The taste of her lips was intoxicating. A feeling that I had never felt before fluttered inside of me. An undeniable feeling of wanting to please her. She continued to kiss me for well over a minute, letting her tongue run across my tongue, and her hands over my naked body. Her hands lingered on my pussy, not pushing in, but tempting me to push myself into her hand. Then just as I start to push my pussy into her hand, not being able to resist the feeling of earlier she pulls away. With a smile on her face she whispers into my ear, "Now I am going to give you another chance sweetie. Do you think you can follow directions this time?" Shivering and aching to obey I respond meekly, "Yes Mistress Abigail." "That's a good girl. Don't disappoint me again." She brought down the chain and unhooked my hands. "Now go and pick a pretty pair of heels for yourself. Make mistress proud." As I was walking away she again lightly touched my clit, sending shivers through my body. I walk back to the armoire, my back feeling tender where the whip had hit, but the rest of my body urging me forward so that I could be rewarded. Where did those feelings come from I wonder, I hated Mistress Abigail all the more for making my body betray my mind. The mind is the one thing that a strong feminist women must rely on, but how could I. I arrive to the armoire and select a black pair of stilettos with six inch heels. They were strappy with open toes, and an ankle strap to hold them securely. I sat do wn on the cold floor and put them on. Never before had I worn anything as sexy or expensive as these shoes. I hated giving in like this, but wanting to avoid further punishment and wanting to please, and maybe get kissed again and have her please me was worth it I reasoned. Getting up I try to stand, wobbling I find my balance in them. I take a step forward and fall to my knees. I catch myself and finish my short walk, my feet already hurting from the accursed height of the heels. Mistress Abigail watched me as I walked over, "It looks like you were not lying when you said you never wear heels. No matter, I think it is cute when you stumble, so innocent. You will however get used to them in no time." As she was saying this she bent down and put padlocks on each shoe. "There, now they are on your feet until I choose to take them off." More dread filled my thoughts and body. It had been less than five minutes and my feet were already killing me. "Now spread your legs and reveal you're tight pussy to mistress Abigail." I spread my legs as far as I can, naturally thinking of the pleasure that she could give me. "What do you want me to do sweetie?" Came a question that I had no answer for. I desired for her to touch me as before, but I could not bring myself to tell her that. "It's ok sweetie, you can verbalize what you're body has already told me. Do you think I have not noticed you catching glances of me dressed like this, and how your eyes rolled back earlier, and how you lost your breath for a second, and now how your pussy glistens with juices, begging to be pleasured? Now tell me sweetie, what is it you desire me to do with you?" Looking down from embarrassment I whisper, "I want you to touch my pussy Mistress Abigail." "Aww that's so cute sweetie." Then she grabs a big vibrator and puts it on my pussy, not yet touching my clit. I start to gyrate my hips, letting the pleasure overtake me. Then she pulls it away, my hips continue to gyrate, missing the feeling. "Now sweetie, do you remember the rules of the house? For each rule you tell me you will receive one minute of this." She holds up the vibrator. "For each one you forget or get wrong you will receive a zap on your clitoris. Is this understand sweetie" "Yes, mistress Abigail." My mind starts to think desperately to the day before. I must get them I think. "Name the first one sweetie." "Umm, always call you miss or Mistress Abigail." "Very good sweetie, now a second." Struggling to remember I say, "Only speak when spoken two." "Very good sweetie. Now give me the rest." "Umm, umm," I think as I stare at Mistress Abigail then seeing her feet I remember, "Always wear stilettos and whatever you say I do." Thinking as hard as I can I cannot recall the other two. I start to tear up thinking about the pain. "Ohh my little slut." Taken aback by the term I look at her. Smiling she looks at my still gyrating hips and gleaming pussy. "Only a slut needs sexual pleasure that bad sweetie. And if only you would have thought of yourself as a slut then you would have remembered that rule six is for you to respond to any name I call you. And five is that you will obey my friends." She then grabs the cattle prod and shows it to me, I start to cry and beg for her to have mercy. "Ohh my slut I have had lots of mercy on you, but you know I must punish you so you will learn to obey me. I can't have disobedient slaves." Then pain tumbles through my body and I fall to the floor, losing my balance in the heels. Closing my legs I try to stop the next from landing by she lands it with precise aim on my pussy. Tears continue to come and my body trembles at the pain. I lay there for a few minutes waiting for the pain to subside then I feel the vibrator on my pussy and my legs open almost immediately, letting it have full access. I lay on my back looking at Mistress Abigail in all her beauty as she smiles at me and rubs my pussy and clit with the vibrator. Just as the pressure starts to build she stops for a moment and kisses me whispering in my ear, "Remember this pleasure that I am giving you. And rule seven is whenever you want to cum you are to ask me for permission and thank me afterwards." "Yes Mistress Abigail, please make me cum. Please Mistress." Then the vibrator land back on my clit and within moments waves of hot pleasure rush through my body ending in my toes. I lay there breathing deeply, trying to catch my breath. I look at Mistress Abigail and whisper "thank you Mistress." "You are welcome sweetie. Now I am going to put you in a slumber so I can make you a proper women. Good night sweetie."


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