Hairy Ever After

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Jun 21, 2024


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

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Mark Stevens

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two

Bren opened the apartment door and invited police officer Danny Jordan inside. He smiled and welcomed the officer to his home. "Come in, Danny". Closing the door behind the man, Bren pointed to one of the wall hooks and said, "You can hang your robe there."

He watched Danny remove his robe and hang it on the hook. He was happy to see that the man appeared comfortable being naked in front of him. "Give me a hug," he said when Danny turned and faced him.

Bren took in the man's body covered heavily in blond fur as the officer walked to him. He pulled Danny close and gave him a kiss. When those blond curls pressed against his black fur, Bren felt his dick jerk between them. He stepped back and offered his guest a beer, saying, "I made an early morning trip to the market, so the bottles should be nice and cold by now."

"A beer would be nice," Danny said.

When Bren returned with two cold bottles, he handed one to Danny and said, "I've been meaning to ask you something. Are you and Parker related?"

Danny took the bottle and sat down on one end of the sofa. He shook his head and said, "Not that we know of. When I first moved here Parker and I got together and shared our family history with each other. As far as we can determine, the only thing we share is the same last name."

Bren took a seat on the other end of the sofa. "I guess Jordan must be a fairly common last name." He took a drink of beer. "Related or not, you both are good men. Tom and I love having you guys in our lives."

Danny took another drink from his bottle. "Speaking of Tom, he seems to be missing." He looked around the apartment.

"He went for a swim," Bren explained. "He's of the same mind set as I am concerning Keith, so he will be okay with whatever we decide."

Danny moved on the sofa so he could look directly at Bren. "So, Keith. What's the plan?"

Bren took a moment to choose his words. "Everyone in Chad's office agreed that Keith deserved to know how Matt's fate turned out. The boy needs to know the man won't hurt anyone ever again."

Danny spent a little time digesting Bren's words. "Yes, I agree. Are we still meeting in the conference room?"

"That's right, and I think it should be soon."

Danny was surprised. Soon? Soon, as this afternoon or evening?"

Bren shook his head. "What do you think about tomorrow after lunch?"

"That okay with me, and I'm sure Mason and Cole will be free. What about Rob?"

"Hang on." Bren reached for his phone and punched in the counselor's number. When he had the Rob on the line, he explained the purpose for his call. A short time later he ended the call and said, "Rob's free around two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. He'll meet us in the conference room."

"How about another beer?" Bren asked when he saw Danny's bottle was empty.

Danny gave a nod with his head, and Bren left the sofa. He returned and handed a bottle to his guest and returned to his seat.

"So, Tom went for a swim?" Danny tipped his bottle and enjoyed the feeling the cold liquid made against his throat.

"He did. He tries to swim two or three times a week."

"He must really enjoy swimming."

"He does," Bren agreed. He grinned and added, "He also enjoys spending time with Don. They're good friends."

"Friends with – "

"Benefits," Bren said when Danny didn't finish his sentence.

"And that's alright with you?"

"Of course," Bren answered. He finished his beer and sat the empty bottle on the table beside him. "Now, enough about us. What about you, Danny? Are you settling in well here in the Community?"

"I am. I must admit it took me a while to adapt. The Community and what it stands for took a while for me to accept."

"But you have now? Accepted that you belong here with the rest of us?"

"Yes." Danny looked around the apartment once more and remarked, "I do wonder why Chad put me in a cottage. It's more room than one guy needs. It would be perfect for you and Tom. For Evan and Chance, also."

"No need to wonder," Bren said. "Tom, Evan and I are teachers, and Chad thinks we should live close by our students. And I have to admit, it's definitely easier heading to class from here. Trust me, you have nothing to feel guilty about. "Care for another drink?" he asked.

Danny handed Bren his empty bottle. "No thanks, I'm good."

Bren dropped the bottles in the trash container stored underneath the sink in the kitchen and returned to the sofa. "I know you have a brother, Danny, but you don't talk about him."

"I do. His name is Carl."

Danny's face seemed to freeze, and Bren was afraid he had upset his guest. "Danny, I'm sorry if I've offended you." He place a hand on the officer's knee.

The man remained silent, and Bren mentally kicked himself for bringing up the subject of Danny's brother. "Forgive me, please."

Danny's face suddenly relaxed. His lips formed a tiny hint of a smile, and he said, "You don't have anything to apologize for. My brother – Carl – he's probably one of the strongest homophobic people I have ever been around." His mouth tightened, forcing the smile to go away. "My brother isn't married, so the two of us have shared an apartment for several years. A few months ago I fucked up really bad. It's not easy living with someone that close and keep a life like mine a secret. It was making me crazy. So, one weekend, after drinking a lot of beer, I suddenly felt brave enough to tell Carl."

"I assume the talk didn't go well," Bren said when Danny didn't continue.

Danny shook his head. "No, it did not. He kicked my ass out. Literally and at that very moment."

"You have to be kidding."

"I'm not. He told me I could come back home when I realized I was choosing to make a bad mistake. I slept in my car that night, and the next morning I found all of my things on the curb next to my car. My phone and wallet were buried under a stack of clothes." Danny shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't seen my brother since then."

Bren felt his throat tighten up. When he could speak, he said, "I am so sorry, Danny. What did you do? Where did you go?"

Danny smiled. "Turns out I wasn't the only gay person on the police force. When I first joined, I became friends with a fellow officer, Joe Burke. I was new on the job and very green, and Joe took me under his wing. After our shift we'd meet at a local watering hole and drink a few beers. Long story short, we admitted to each other that we were gay and had a secret to keep.

"The next morning when I realized Carl meant what he'd said, I was scared. I didn't know what I was going to do. I loaded my things in the car and drove away. I suddenly found myself driving down Joe's street. I stopped the car, took several deep breaths and pulled into his driveway. Joe opened the door just as I stepped on the porch, and I saw a surprised look on his face. My clothes were a mess from sleeping in the car, and I'm sure he could smell the scent of old beer on my breath. He pulled me inside his house.

"I explained what had happened, and without any hesitation, he told me I could stay with him until I got things worked out. And that's my story, Bren."

"How long ago did this take place?"

"Almost six months ago. The arrangement worked out well, and Joe told me I could live with him as long as I wanted."

Bren smiled. "I see. Worked out well, did it?"

Danny nodded. "It did." A second later it dawned on him what Bren was referring to. "Hold on. It wasn't like that."

Bren leaned over and kissed the officer lightly on the cheek. "Danny, you don't owe me any explanation. Your life is your business, not mine."

"But nothing ever happened between us," Danny declared. "We were friends, nothing more. Well, that's not exactly true. After work we became good drinking buddies, but that's all we are. Were," he corrected.

Bren scooted next to Danny. He pulled the man to him and said softly, "I'm glad you had a friend you could turn to. I know exactly what you went through, and sometime I'll tell you my story."

"You had a problem with your brother?"

"A story for another time." Bren slid off the sofa, pulling Danny with him and said, "Shall we continue this in bed? I think we'll be more comfortable."

For some reason Bren found himself wanting, no, needing to hold Danny close. The sofa kept him from doing so. He led the man into the bedroom and threw the covers back on the bed. He gently pushed Danny down on the mattress and laid next to him. He turned on his side and placed an arm on Danny's furry chest. "I'm sorry for everything you went through, but I'm glad you had a friend you could turn to."

"Joe literally saved my life. He has a very supportive and loving family, and they welcomed me with opened arms."

"It's too bad the Community doesn't need two officers. I think Joe would be ideal for Community life."

Danny rolled over and faced Bren. "He would, but I'm also glad he's living on the `outside'. It's nice to know there's someone out there who knows what we go through."

"There are several," Bren reminded. "Tim Wilson and Judge Compton for starters."

Danny agreed. "However, I don't know them very well."

"Give it time, and you will. They are great guys. Marshall is definitely an important ally to have, because he knows what most of us have had to endure before moving into the Community. As a Judge of the court, he's been a great help to Chad, as well as the Community."

Bren ran a finger through the curly blond hairs on Danny's chest and continued down to the man's furry belly. He shivered with excitement and felt his dick jerk. "Danny, in case I don't say it enough, I love the friendship we're developing. I want you to know that I will always be here for you. Tom and I both will," he added. He brushed his lips lightly against the officer's mouth and smiled. "I hope you believe that."

Danny hugged Bren and their cocks quickly found each other. "I do believe you, and I'm thankful for our friendship, too."

Talking came to a halt as hands began exploring hairy bodies. Words were no longer needed, but moans filled the room as a hot need to fuck began controlling them. Bren suddenly pushed Danny on his back and crawled between his legs. With a hairy leg on either side of him, he made a fist around Danny's thick cock. "I going to get this ready to slide up my ass." He wrapped his lips around the officer's leaking cockhead and made a slow journey with his mouth down to Danny's thick patch of blond curls.

Danny groaned. "Fuck that feels good."

Bren worked his wet mouth up and down Danny's hard shaft, leaving the man's dick coated heavily with his saliva. As he continued sucking Danny's cock, he trailed the fingers on one hand up the officer's belly in search of his nipples. He found one and was happy to see it already hard. He pinched it gently between his forefinger and thumb.

Danny's body jerked, and he cried out, "Shit!"

Bren pulled off Danny's cock and asked, "Want me to stop?"

Danny shook his head. "No way!" Another shiver ran through his body.

Bren pinched the nip harder and traveled over to the other tit. It wasn't quite as hard, but his fingers soon had it jetting up and pointing out through the blond fur. Moans were coming out of Danny, one right after another, and Bren felt more pre cum leak onto his tongue. He swallowed the sweet nectar and greedily waited to be fed more.

"Fuck!" Danny cried out when he felt Bren's finger gently tracing his furry nut sac.

When Bren felt his tongue coated with another load of pre, he pulled off Danny's cock. "It's time to fuck." He leaned over and snatched a condom and some lube from the bedside table. "I can't wait to feel your hard dick in my ass."

He opened the foiled package and brought the rubber out into the open. He carefully unrolled it down Danny's hairy shaft making sure none of the officer's hair was sucked inside the condom. When he had the rim planted securely against the blond patch of pubes, Bren filled the palm of his hand with gel and covered Danny's thick dick heavily. He handed the bottle to Danny. "Your turn. Get my ass ready for your dick."

Danny took the bottle and asked, "How do you want to be fucked?"

Bren ran a finger along the officer's slippery gel-covered cock and answered, "Your choice. I just want to feel your dick inside me."

Danny took a moment to consider. Fucking a guy was still a new thing for him, but so far he had loved everything about the subject. Finally, "Get on your hands and knees. I want to watch my cock slide inside you."

The mattress moved as Bren rolled onto his hands and knees. It moved again as Danny crawled up behind Bren. He took a moment to study the teacher's hairy crack. Thick black curls spread from one end to the other, and the sight caused his dick to jerk inside the rubber. He ran a finger slowly through the hair, loving the tickling sensation the curls gave his skin.

Bren wiggled his ass. "Do you like my ass?"

Danny sighed. "It's beautiful." He covered a finger with his saliva and slowly pushed the wet digit through the hairy circle surrounding Bren's entrance. He took a deep breath and pushed all the way inside. He felt Bren's ass lips clamp onto his finger, sucking down to the joint that connected the digit to his hand. It took some effort to pull his finger back out. He coated two fingers with gel and worked them both inside the teacher's ass.

Feeling the movement, Bren pushed back, forcing Danny's fingers to go deeper. The officer finger fucked him until Bren saw a steady stream of pre cum leaking from his cockhead. He moaned, and his brain focused on nothing but the pleasure Danny's fingers were giving him. The fingers suddenly pulled out, but before Bren could complain, he felt the tip of Danny's tongue make a wet trail around his entrance. When the tip push inside, he cried out, "Yeah, feed me your tongue!"

Danny concentrated on Bren's ass, giving it a good workout with his tongue. He watched the black curly hair, covered in his saliva, plaster itself to the teacher's flesh. He was suddenly filled with desire, wanting, needing to feel his cock buried between the walls of Bren's ass. He worked more lube between the wet walls and gave the bottle a toss. Using his knees, he crawled up behind Bren and pointed his dick at the teacher's hairy opening. He placed his cockhead in the middle of the hairy ring and pushed just the head inside.

"God, yes! Slam that dick inside me, Danny!"

Danny placed a hand on each of Bren's ass cheeks and pulled the man back to him. His thick cock slid slowly inside until he could see nothing but his blond pubes pressed tightly against Bren's flesh.

"Fuck, Danny! God, your dick feels good." He pushed against the man's body again, and this time he felt Danny's cockhead tap his prostate. He watched his cock jerk and send out a thick drop of pre cum. He caught it with a finger and smeared it on his dickhead. Another drop followed, and he used it to give his cock a couple strokes.

Danny groaned and dug his fingers into the skin covering Bren's hips. The need to fuck, to drive hard, drill the teacher's ass deep, took control of his body. He slammed Bren hard as he pushed in, pulled back, then back in. They both were moaning loudly when Danny felt his balls tingle and then tighten up. His cock shook inside the rubber, and his toes curled as he felt the first wave of pleasure travel though his body, his dick firing out the first jet of juice into the tip of the rubber. "Jesus Christ!" The next spurt was even stronger, and it took his breath away. His entire body felt hot as more pleasure cascaded from the balls of his feet to the top of his head. "Oh. My. God." The words came out slowly, softly, as his balls drained themselves of their heavy load.

Bren had been stroking his cock, using one hand to jack and the other to balance his body. When he felt his orgasm approaching, he stopped and pulled his hand away from his dick. Placing it back down on the bed, he felt Danny's dick fire the last bit of cum in his ass. "Danny, I'm going to slowly fall to the bed on my back. I want you to keep your dick inside me."

Danny's dick was still hard, and it wasn't difficult at all to keep his cock buried inside Bren's slippery ass. He remained still and watched the teacher position his body. Bren's actions were forcing Danny to lower his body, but he managed to keep his dick inside. Bren made a fist around his cock and began jerking it hard. The sight of watching the man's fist bounce back and forth against his black pubes caused Danny's dick to twitch.

"You gonna – gonna cum again?" Bren asked between strokes.

Danny shook his head. "It feels fucking fantastic, but I think I'm done – for now."

While Danny might not be able to cum again so quickly, his dick continued to stay hard, and as Bren jacked, Danny pushed his rubber-covered dick, full of his spunk, back and forth between the teacher's ass walls.

The stiff cock sliding back and forth in his ass pushed Bren over the edge in less than a minute. His balls exploded, and his cock fired hard jets of cream out onto his hairy chest. The first spurt landed between his nipples. The remaining ropes made a river of white as it trailed down his belly, coming to a stop in the middle of his bush. "Wow," he said when he felt the dick inside him give a hard jerk. He raised a hand to Danny's cheek and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You may not have cum just now, but I have a feeling you just added more pre cum to your already cum-filled rubber."

Danny felt his dick going soft, but he still managed to keep it inside as he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Bren's mouth. The action made a sticky mess between them.

Bren laughed. "Something tells me we're going to need a shower."

Danny rubbed his body against Bren and said, "Probably will, but for now, I just want to enjoy being attached to you."

"Attached in more than one way," Bren said clinching his ass muscles. The action caused Danny's dick to withdraw.

"Only one now," Danny sighed.

"Let's lay here for a while. Something tells me we're going to be reconnecting."

"I think that sounds like a good plan." Danny rolled to his side and Bren faced him.

They wrapped their arms around each other, and Bren suggested, "Let's take a quick nap, refuel, and this time, I'll fuck your hot ass."

Danny smiled and pulled away. He carefully removed the rubber off his cock. "Can't wait," he said tossing it in the general direction of the trash can.

"Me either."

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