Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 5, 2019


Chapter 1 Awkward Beginnings

In the beginning I was engulfed in the warm relaxing darkness until I was forced out into the harsh light by external forces I could not fight or understand.

My earliest memory was of the warm dark being ripped away from me. Most people don't remember their own birth. I am one of the exceptions.

I grew up with a mother and father but my mother was gentle and weak and didn't last more than a year after my birth. She died from a wasting sickness that had plagued her for years. My father was heart broken and I was too young to really appreciate her passing. My father was fierce and strong of body and did his best to raise me properly.

I learned early on to value strength but I was a weak sickly child, frail and struggled with the simplest of tasks in my youngest days. I spent a lot of time in bed requiring many medicines & high grade magical beast meat just to hang on to life.

My father provided me with many books to read during his many absences. He was often busy as he's the chief of our small farming village.

Whenever he was home, he'd regale me with stories from his early adventuring career. I grew up on tales on epic adventures, fair maidens and monstrous beasts.

My father was a C rank adventurer, who served as his party's tank, taking the heavy blows so his team mates wouldn't need to. He wore heavy armor, wielded a Blessed sword & used a Templar Shield to block ranged attacks. His party consisted of my mother Melissa a Mage specializing in fire magic who could unleash fiery hell on enemies. Grindor a Cleric blessed with Divine Magic used for healing and protection spells.

Their Ranger Frederic helped with scouting in forests and provided support from afar with his bow & arrows. They had a Thief named Serge, who served as the team's scout & helped find & counteract traps in Dungeons they explored, he was also able to dual wield daggers in order to sneak attack enemies from behind as needed.

Dad along with the 3 remaining members of his party retired here after losing Serge in the last Demon War. Mum died not long afterwards, now there's only 3 of them. Frederic & Grindor are like uncles to me, though they only visited infrequently as Grindor needed to use Divine Magic in order to Purify them so I wouldn't catch anything from them. I was sickly and fragile, so I spent a lot of time alone; sleeping, eating & reading.

I was told that I was smart for a child but intelligence wasn't much use in my world which values strength & power. Even our village was frequently beset upon by dangerous magical beasts and monsters. This world is dangerous and power is everything.

I wanted to learn how to handle a sword like my father but I lacked the strength. I watched instead as Minos, the son of the retired Ranger (Frederic), learned from my father instead. I was jealous of the time he spent with my father (Dominic) learning the sword & even the time he spent with his own father learning the bow.

I had tried the bow too but I lacked the strength for that too. Alec became the apprentice Ranger instead and learned about stealth and archery.

At the age of 10, my father took me to the nearest town to get me Assessed. This was to tell what sort of potential I had and what kind of skills or magics might be hidden within me.

According to my father, I was a sorcerer, he told me not to speak of it to anyone as of yet as being a sorcerer had some negative connotations.

Father didn't seem overly pleased and kept my status stone for safe keeping. I wasn't bothered, the news of being a sorcerer filled me with excitement. Sorcerers were unusual, they gained magic through blood lines, slowly developing magic, without needing to be taught.

Mages meanwhile had to learn spells the hard boring way, learning magical theories and practicing for years. There was of course a catch, Sorcerers couldn't learn any other magic or skills until they had fully developed otherwise they'd ruin their own bloodline potential.

Instead of apprenticing for any demanding physical work that I wanted, I was forced by circumstances into becoming the apprentice of the Cleric at the age of 10. While Grindor had the magic of divine healing, it was a taxing power and he would often substitute divine healing for using alchemical solutions to treat simple ailments & illnesses.

Dad wanted me somewhere safe, so that if I had a relapse, I'd be able to have immediate attention. It was a 'compromise'.

I learned instead how to gather medicinal herbs from Grindor's herb garden. I lacked any talent for healing magic so I was quickly relegated to a position as his secondary apprentice. His successor would be John, an aspiring adventurer. He was a somewhat stocky 15 year old.

My early life was filled by disappointments and jealousy.

Despite that I had many fond memories of my father, telling me tales of his adventures when he put me to bed. Or of reading the many books in Grindor's library, which opened my eyes up to all sorts of different worlds & gave me knowledge of various subjects. I even learned one rune, Sound, which resonated with me.

I was fascinated by the human body, it was so complicated and was so fragile, even the strongest man, could be brought down by a common sickness or a sharp blade or a poison. I learned the basics of anatomy & alchemy.

After my 13 Name Day, I started to change, I found myself filled with a strange hunger. No matter how much food I ate, I was never satisfied & I was often tired & moody.

The only thing that helped when I was overcome by the malaise and fatigue of the hunger was my father's warm embrace. His body felt so warm and alive compared to mine.

Afterwards I would feel stronger but over time, I noticed my father was becoming more withdrawn and spending more time drinking ale.

It wasn't the only strange development in my life. I found myself unnaturally drawn to watching Alec & Minos. They often sparred, Minos had learned how to handle the broad sword from my father while Alec had learned the rapier from his. Alec favored evasive movements followed by jabs, while Minos favored bold movements & overhead strikes.

My excuse for watching was that if one of them were injured I could help with emergency care with my supply of bandages and potions but mostly I just liked watching them being so PHYSICAL. It appealed to me.

They didn't complain about my presence, they seemed to enjoy having an audience.

One day Minos complained of a sore shoulder after the sparring and I rushed over to 'help'.

I trailed my fingers over his well muscled arms & back, gently so as not to aggravate anything but firmly enough so I could check for any dislocation or inflammation.

Alec smirked at my ministrations for some reason while Minos let me examine him without comment.

Alec said "So is he going to live?"

Minos looked right at me with his bright blue eyes wide open. "Give it to me straight, will I make it?"

I crossed my arms over my chest feeling like they were making fun of me again. "Nothing wrong with you, well not physically anyway, mentally that's another thing entirely."

"He's got you good there." Alec said, wrapping his sweaty arm around my neck. He was also shirtless and while he wasn't as built as Minos, he had a wiry, lean strength, built more for fast movements than feats of pure strength like Minos.

Alec felt good, I liked being touched, every time I was touched, I felt more alive, the stronger the person touching me, the better it felt. I didn't know why at the time but it meant I spent as much time around the younger fitter men of the village as possible. The fact that I lusted after their muscles was irrelevant.

"As long as my manly body is fighting fit, who cares about my mind?" Minos said flexing his biceps, they were mouth watering in their beauty of form and function. I wanted them badly, my muscles were practically non existent despite my attempts at strength training and eating lots of meat. My growth spurt was all height & no muscles. It infuriated me.

"Well at least girls want you for your body. Girls appreciate my wit and my sexy body." Alec rotated his hips in an imitation of sexual intercourse.

In my job as an apprentice healer, I was familiar with the biological acts of procreation and the results. Having helped deliver babies I was firmly aghast at the prospect of engaging in the acts proceeding it.

Babies were noisy smelly things & child birth was not a miracle of god but a disgusting biological process in the same vein as shitting. Which... Lets just not talk about it, I don't want to even think about it. Curse my insanely good memory..

"If you say so."

"Shut up."

"Hey buddy, think you could give me a massage, I'm feeling a little stiff." Minos said, turning over revealing the broad expanse of his back.

"Um, sure." I squeaked, eager to be of assistance and rub my hands all over his body and discover the secrets of his body. Maybe if I could understand his powerful body, mine would somehow follow suit.

I don't know why I thought that but I was straddling his waist and running my hands over his body with firm and familiar movements in seconds. I had basically pounced on the chance and him. I had become well known in the village for my eagerness to provide massages and how relaxing they were.

"You're totally shameless." Alec complained.

"You can go next." Minos said spreading his arms to the side, allowing me greater access. "Yeah right there buddy, a little harder. Oh yeah, that's the spot. Mmmm." His deep rumble vibrated through my body

I found myself getting short of breath & hard. I prayed he wouldn't notice.

"Shouldn't you ask him before offering his services to someone else?"

"Nah, he loves rubbing up fit blokes don't ya." Minos said, his hand reaching back and groping my hard penis and giving it a squeeze.

I was shocked, it was the first time anyone else had touched me there. I rarely touched it, it seemed to have a mind of it's own and when it got like this I usually just waited it out or bathed in cold water to get it back to it's normal soft safe form.

"Ummm." I stammered helplessly, his hand felt good, but also bad, he was squeezing too hard now. I was on fire, I felt like I was totally exposed, how did they know, why was he doing this to me ?Why? WHY?

"Give the kid a break, he can't help it."

Minos let go and I was relieved but also disappointed and scared. What were they going to do to me now? Would they tell the others? Would they not let me touch them if they knew how much I craved the contact?

"You're such a wet blanket."

"Do you want to be a prick tease like Mandy?"

"Ouch, that one stings, should I let the kid play with this?" Minos was on his back now, his pants open, his penis hard and much bigger than mine. It was very large and somehow intimidating.

I don't know why a pillar of flesh should intimidate me.

Alec looked around quickly. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Come on don't act all self righteous, it's not like you haven't messed around with Dale too."

Dale was Minos younger brother, he was the same age as me and attended the village school with me at a time, where he learned his letters and numbers. He was unremarkable. Admittedly I didn't find many of the children remarkable, I had only been there for a little time before returning home in disappointment.

"That's different, Dale started it."

"Sure he did. I believe you."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

I looked between the two confused, they didn't look mad at each other, in fact they were smiling at each other. Alec had also pulled out his penis and was stroking it, making it bigger and harder, it was fascinating and confusing.

Minos reached up and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down . "You don't need this" tugging off my shirt.

Alec was suddenly behind me and he tugged off my breeches. "You don't need these either."

I was naked and very hard and confused. Alec's hand rubbed cooling circles on my hot back. "Don't worry, we'll be gentle."

"Speak for yourself. My pud needs some loving, work your magic hands already."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Alec grabbed my right hand and placed it on Mino's very large penis, it felt soft yet hard, it was oddly fascinating.

"Mmm yeah. Just like that buddy." Minos said. Without thinking about it, I had been using my fingers to rub & squeeze this strange alien flesh in front of me. He seemed to like it.

I felt something strange on my backside, something wet & moving. I looked back at Alec's face was in between my butt cheeks. I was confused, that wasn't right...

Then his tongue pressed deeper inside me and thoughts of the oddness of his actions were buried by a host of strange cravings. I wanted him to do more. I wanted... something else even though I didn't know what it was exactly.

I didn't have the chance to ask as Mino's took my open mouthed moaning as an invitation to press his leaking penis into my mouth.

I found myself struggling to breathe for a moment, before remembering that I could just as easily breathe through my nose.

I could taste something salty yet strangely sweet & bland on the back of my throat, his penis was providing a trickle of the strangely compelling substance.

However I couldn't focus on that because Alec had inserted something long and hard inside me. It felt weird, it sort of hurt. Before I could complain, his finger was removed and I felt strangely empty and deprived.

His finger was replaced by his warm wet tongue. I liked his tongue a lot. Maybe Minos would like it if I used my tongue on his penis. I moved my tongue over his throbbing penis & he groaned happily "Yeah you're getting it now. Keep doing that." His rumbling voice pleased me.

I liked pleasing him. I wanted to please him more.

I experimented with rubbing the base of his penis as I licked and tried fitting the head of his penis in my mouth.

He grabbed the back of my head and started pushing his penis deeper into my mouth, it was hard, he was so big.

Alec was back at it, but now he was putting 2 fingers into me, it was weird, it was stretching me out , which hurt but also felt sort of interesting. I didn't understand what his purpose was. I couldn't ask any questions as Minos penis was occupying my mouth, moving back and forth. I was holding onto his butt, which was oddly firm. How was his butt so firm? It's supposed to be soft tissue.


Alec pulled out his fingers and instead had put his penis inside of me. It hurt a lot. I would have shouted out for help but my mouth was full & resistance was pointless as they were both bigger and stronger than me.

'What was he doing?' I thought to myself.

A penis was supposed to go into a vagina & 9 months later a baby would appear disgustingly out of the woman followed by mess and screaming.

This was wrong & it hurt but neither of the older boys seemed to be interested in my thoughts, making weird pleased grunting noises like pigs. It started to hurt a little less now.

Their movements got faster and Minos let out a shout of "YESSS!" before unleashing spurts of that weird salty substance down my throat.

Alec's movements behind and inside me picked up speed & his hard hips hammered my backside. It still hurt but a lot of the pain had subsided and there was even a bit of pleasure in it now. Alec's pleasure grew muted and he let off a drawn out "Ohhhhh."

I could faintly feel the pulse as his penis pumped inside me.

"Well that was fun. Next time we'll invite Dale." Minos said

What just happened?


Author's note : A new story I was inspired to start, points if you can guess what the MC's 'secret' is.

Any complaints or criticisms feel free to send me a message & I will try and address them the best I can. This is very much a work in progress. Thanks for reading :P

Also shameless plug to read another one of my tales. https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/vainglorious/

Next: Chapter 2

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