Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 3, 2019


Chapter 12 The Talk

I woke up on my 14th Name Day naked in Dale's bed with Alec cuddled up behind me.

Minos and Dale were naked in his bed, tired from my late night cravings. After tiring out Felix and Fred last night, I had come to Minos & Dale for some more attention. They had provided it a few times along with Alec before they collapsed from exhaustion. I finished myself off a few times afterwards to lull myself to sleep.

Just thinking about it got my cock stiff and my hole aching for another filling.

Anything to distract myself from worrying about what dad would have to say to me. I looked behind me and Alec was dead to the world. He always tired out so easily.

I eased out of bed, careful not to wake him, he always got so grumpy being awoken after an eventful night.

Dale lay face down, ass up, with Mino's hairy leg and arm draped over him.

I walked over to Dale's pert little butt, spreading his butt cheeks and exposing his little pink hole. I straddled him, careful not to accidentally knee Minos anywhere important. I lined up my stiff prick, with Dale's hole and pushed in, sinking into his wet warmth. It felt like home.

Dale moaned sleepily.

I always woke up first and went to sleep last. Sex never seemed to drain me as much as it did everyone else. I always wanted more.

I started thrusting eagerly into the darkness seeking my own morning release.

The movements of the bed woke up Minos who groggily reached over and stilled my hips with a single hand and rolled around until he was directly behind me. He used his other hand to line up his own stiff prick to my hole and shoved it inside me with a single thrust.

Frequent fucking since Minos & Alec first initiated me into the world of sex, several months ago had opened me up a lot. With a muffled groan, I stayed still as Minos filled me up inside with his massive member. I pulled Dale closer to me. I loved being sandwiched between the two brothers.

Dale had grown broader & more muscly, thanks to a diet of monster meat and daily chores on the farm. Early mornings were the only times I got to dominate him, usually he was the one holding me down and fucking me. I rammed in and out of Dale while Minos stayed a couple of inches back, letting me do all the work, driving myself back and forth on his cock as I fucked Dale. Something I was more than happy to do.

I liked these lazy early mornings where I had full control over the sleepy brothers and the sex.

I fucked faster, chasing the elusive high of pleasure. Fucking forward to sink into Dale and moving back to get fucked with Minos' cock. I panted with pleasure and exertion as I fucking chased the high.

I moaned mindlessly as release found me finally.

I unleashed a load in Dale's ass.

Minos unloaded into me and Dale... was still barely awake.

Minos pulled out with a "happy name day" and I extricated myself from the brothers embrace.

Minos quickly took advantage of the empty space to move closer to his baby brother. With a contented sigh from Dale I could tell that Minos had filled up Dale's hole with his own cock.

I moved over to my own pack and got out my magicite pencil and scrawled [Sound Cancel] on my own chest in runic language.

I stealthily walked into Fred's room where he lay naked underneath his sheets along with Felix.

I slid in between the sheets and reached out for Fred's long soft cock and with a little bit of kissing and licking, it quickly rose to full size. I sucked on it for a little to make it a little wetter.

I sat on his cock and rode him.

"Morning." Fred said sleepily.

The rocking of the bed woke Felix who knelt behind me and shoved his hard cock into my hungry hole. "Happy name day baby." He knew what I loved.

"Oh fuck me."

They did just that. Fucking me stupid, until I was a hot wet mess, soaked in cum, lying on top of my own rapidly cooling cum puddle shot on Fred's abdomen with my ass full of both of their loads of early morning cum. Their cocks were still lodged deep inside me as I recovered my breath. Neither of them would pull out of me until they were completely drained. Fred's stamina had improved greatly since our first time together.

It didn't take them long to recover and for them to make use of me again and again until they were both too tired and hungry to continue.

We went and got some breakfast and helped with some chores before leaving to go back to Alec's.

Alec had organised a lunch time event for my big day. I was officially classified as an adult now, capable of going off on my own on adventures and other things. Half the guards attended as did Frederic and his family, along with some of the household servants. Any excuse for a feast.

I got many gifts on my big day; Sammy gave me a short bow, Dean, a rapier, Felix, an enchanted tunic and Mark gave me a small selection of spices. Alec gifted me a book of Runes, George, a new Almanac, Will gave me a riding crop and Frederic, a pair of daggers.

Felix offered to come with me to confront my father but I told him that would be a bad idea considering how it went the last time the two met. I needed to do this myself.

I made the short walk to my father's, musing to myself how easy it was to get around, compared to this time last year. I knocked on the front door, it was weird to knock considering that I used to live here and still had the key but I didn't want to just let myself in.

The door opened to reveal my dad, he looked tired but otherwise good for his age.

He looked me up and down. "You've grown a lot I see." He sighed, dragging his fingers down his face in obvious frustration. "Come in I need to talk with you."

"Hello dad. Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically. I was sad and angry and scared and I wanted to hurt him but he just moved aside without a word.

I looked around, everything looked familiar and yet felt so foreign. The ice chest that stored all the meat I used to stuff myself with, now I mostly get stuffed with a different kind of meat. The table we used to eat together on, on the odd night that he would actually be home. It was also the place where I got fucked by Felix, bent over and lying on it as he drove his big cock into me over and over again. There was the wooden tub in front of the fireplace where I used to wash myself, now I get gangbanged in the bathhouse by whoever is around. Everything made me think of sex. I should have let Felix fuck me before I left. Instead I had simply showered alone to clean up after the morning's sex. My hard cock strained against the tight confines of my breeches.

I looked at my dad and wondered what he'd look like naked, he was broad shouldered and solid looking, not fat, just beefy and his cock should be a good size considering how mine had grown. I wonder what he'd taste like, what he'd sound like as he unloaded into me. I shook my head, that wasn't helping. Fuck. I needed to get a grip on myself, preferably when Dad wasn't watching me so intently.

He sighed. "I didn't want to have this discussion ever but I guess I have no choice. Sit down."

I sat opposite to him at the dining table and said "What did you want to talk about?"

He stared at me for a long time. "I have something important to tell you. You're half incubus."

"That explains a lot."

"Aren't you shocked?"

"Not really, I read up on potential reasons for why I was always hungry and abnormally tired all the time and I discovered a possible answer in Grindor's books. It's obvious in hindsight considering Mom's condition and my memories of how she grew more tired every time she touched me and died not long after I was born. I just didn't want to admit it to myself but I had my suspicions for a long time, especially how you acted after I got my status stone and how horny I am all the time and how energised I am after sex. What I've always wondered is why you've kept me around for so long? I did kill your wife and I'm not even sure I'm yours."

"You were a baby, you didn't know what you were doing and you're definitely her son, I felt like it was my duty to keep you fed and out of trouble at least. I tried to keep you from developing into your demon nature by having you stay with Grindor but when I saw you with Felix, I knew that was doomed to fail. You are my son, or at least you might be. I'm not sure how the incubi reproduce, it's said that demons have no souls and can't reproduce without human seed that they corrupt. Other accounts say they directly impregnate a mortal, so perhaps not. I don't know. It's all a mess."

"Why did you kick me out when you saw me with Felix?"

"It was a sign that all my efforts were in vain. I love you like a son but I also am reminded how you drained the life out of the love of my life so at times I hate you and I killed a man for you to keep you safe and in that moment with Felix fucking you all I wanted to do was fuck your throat and cum inside you. I resisted the urge as I knew that was the demon inside you wanting to drag me into sin and depravity but even knowing that, it was hard to resist. Seeing you now, all strong and healthy makes me want to strip you down and fuck you over and over again. I know you're poison and I still want to fuck you."

That was a lot to take in, dad wanted to fuck me and he killed someone? "Who did you kill and why?"

"The man who activated your status stone saw what it said and he tried to blackmail me. He was stupid about it, so I slit his throat and left him in an alley and stole his coin purse to make it look like a robbery."

"That explains a lot. No wonder you've been so angry since we left there."

"You can't stay in this village much longer, unless you want to kill everyone here. As you get older, your demonic powers will get stronger and you'll take more life energy every time you touch someone or fuck them."

I sighed. "I understand. So can I finally see my status stone now? It would be nice to get some clarity about what I can actually do other than just suck the life out of them."

"No point in hiding it now."

He goes off into his room for several minutes before coming back with a small ruby like stone.

He hands it to me.


Lucius Age 10 Incubus Human Hybrid

Strength: 1 Vitality: -2 Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 1 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 5 Luck: 5

Abilities Energy Drain Rank A Potential Charm Locked Shapeshifting Locked

Status – Severe Energy Deficiency

Body Potential F

Wow my stats were terrible, I didn't even know you could have negative vitality while being alive. It must be because my incubus half was attempting to devour my human half to keep myself running. It explained a lot. No wonder I was so sickly and fragile.

I used my new dagger to slice open my palm and inserted the status stone into the open wound.

Status stones were used publicly to allow you to project your stats to other people as identification or as a prestige thing to show off your abilities. It was much safer to project that you could cast Meteor rather than actually casting the spell in a public setting. It also allowed for some trump cards to remain secret as you could use old status stones to reveal some skills, not all.

The private method allowed someone to keep track of their status changes in real time by absorbing the stone. Now I could check what had changed since then.

Lucius Age 14 Incubus Human Hybrid

Strength: 10 Vitality: 20 Dexterity: 10 Stamina: 11 Charisma: 7 Intelligence: 20 Wisdom: 10 Luck: 5

Abilities Energy Drain - Rank A Potential Charm - Rank A Potential Shapeshifting - Rank S Potential

Body Potential (D)

I looked into the ability description, available only when you blood bind your first status stone.

Energy Drain (D)– Draw energy from the world around you constantly to empower your mind, body and soul. Can be used with physical contact, only when target is in a relaxed state.


Life Drain (D) – drain the life from those you touch. Mana Drain (F) – Drain the mana from targets in close range Energy Perception(F) – you can sense the energy of the things around you.

Charm(C) – Your charisma is amplified by your intelligence & wisdom, effects vary depending on target.

Derivatives Siren's Call – Cause targets to be drawn towards you with an inexplicable yearning Demonic whispers - increases persuasion & command capability (minor mind control) Sweet Damnation - reduces inhibitions with every taste of the user, addictive and deteriorative

Shapeshifting (D) – You can shape your body according to your will dependant on those you devour and the strength of your mind and energy reserves


Minor Recovery – Recover vitality & stamina slightly faster than normal Disproportionate Strength – Perform feats of strength greater than you'd normally be capable of. Enhanced Reflexes – react faster to threats. Hawk Eye – See further and clearer

Soul Wavelength, runic affinity: Sound

I looked over at my status and thought about what it meant. There were pages of information to read over and try and understand, including a page on potential classes, I could select.

"So I take it you know what this means."

"Yes, it means that I'll have to figure out a way to get strong enough to avoid being killed by an adventurer or the Church."

"I guess I don't need to explain anything to you. You were always a smart child, scarily smart at times. The fastest way to get stronger is to become an adventurer, they don't tend to ask too many questions and they'll pay you for accomplishing what you would need to do anyway. You should progress quickly given your natural talents."

"Will be hard to do without a party."

"You'll manage some way or another."

I was somewhat sad at the thought of abandoning my home village but I knew I was bad news for the people around me. It was most noticeable with Felix's behaviour, considering how quickly he became obsessed with me, I had literally fucked with his mind. This explained why he always wanted to fuck me till he passed out.

It also explained why so many of the guards ordered stamina potions. I had been literally draining them of their energy.

At least now I knew for sure why I felt invigorated from physical contact and why I found taking a load so... important.

It also explained how I had developed like I had, gaining Felix's cock, Dales tight butt and Alec's lean muscles.

"When are you going to leave the village?"

"I'll leave tomorrow morning, I'll get Alec and Minos to take me."

"Good. I'm glad, I'll no longer have to worry about you accidentally massacring the village. Come here and give your old man a hug." He said standing up and moving over to me.

I stood up and went to meet him, it'd been a long time, since he had hugged me. "I'm sorry for everything."

He held me tight, pressing me tight against his hard body. "Fuck boy. It is what it is. Let's go get a drink." He grabbed my ass, grinding his hard bulge into mine. "Then I'm going to fuck you stupid, you little demon slut. Don't think I haven't heard about you getting fucked by everyone at George's. I want a piece too."


Author's Note

A version of this chapter was the third chapter I wrote, then it kept getting pushed back by other developments, mostly the introduction of more characters and sex scenes. Mmm plot, I have missed you. Soon Lucius will actually start his adventures away from his backwoods village. After one or two last goodbyes...

Next: Chapter 13

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