Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Dec 13, 2019


Chapter 16 Feeling horny

After getting dressed, I went downstairs and picked up my new copper tag marking me as a beginner adventurer.

Paul helpfully explained that I could use the tag to identify myself to the guards whenever I come back into town to skip waiting in line with other people. Adventurers were always in high demand as they were needed to make sure the roads were clear of monsters and bandits. As such certain allowances were made for them so as to ensure their loyalty and their ability to do what was needed with the minimum of interference from local authorities. Essentially making it easier for adventurers to enter and leave towns and cities, among other things.

I left the adventurer's guild fully dressed with a few loads from my new friends lodged deep inside me. This time I could better appreciate the city as I walked through the busy streets. The buildings in this area were solidly built and decorated with carvings and engravings. The people in the central district were expensively dressed in rich fabrics and jewellery. The further out from the centre, the less fancy the buildings and people were.

I had started the day a little later than I originally planned but meeting an up and coming hero was worth the delay. I really enjoyed his cock ramming me and the prospect of gaining more skills from him later on was also very appealing.

I was dressed in leather armour and my sword and bow were in my bag ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice for taking on bunnies or bandits if need be. I wasn't too worried, the request was only to help cull the local horned rabbit population and the roads were generally considered safe. Horned rabbits were a very low ranked threat considering all the other things that lived in the dark and wilds.

Since I was far cleaner than I was when I entered town, I felt more free to enjoy the sights and sounds of the place without the worry that I was being judged for being too `filthy'. I also enjoyed the looks of interest as people spotted the copper tag hanging around my neck. I didn't waste too much time on preening, after all I was only a copper tag and the people that lived in this area of the town weren't THAT impressed by my copper tag but it was a start.

I liked being the centre of attention and it was a change to be fully clothed while doing so.

I made my way through the town, doing my best to remember the various landmarks so as to be able to find my way back later, though if I did get lost I could always just ask someone for help. I stopped at the marketplace near the outer gates, which had a lot of people about, either trying to loudly sell people on the worth of the goods they offered or shoppers trying to find a bargain.

I browsed the stalls in search of anything interesting, like a new dagger or a book I hadn't read or something else that might take my fancy. I should have checked out the adventurer's market before I left but I kind of got sidetracked what with Michael needing gold. It'd pay off when he was rich and famous, until then I should try and earn some more money before spending too much on anything new.

This job provided multiple ways of getting paid, I'd get money from providing the iron horns as proof of completion and more money for the actual horns themselves. From what I've read, the horns of horned rabbits provide mana rich iron that's particularly useful for the crafting of daggers and the like. Their meat and fur were also more valued than they were back home. It made me wonder why more people didn't kill the horned rabbits. Oh well more for me.

Eventually I made my way out of the town gates, after giving my name and letting them take an imprint of my tag for their records.

Adventure here I come.

I took the dirt path east of town to the forest about a mile out. I made quick progress as I wasn't encumbered by weapons, heavy armour or distracting companions into the forest where the horned rabbits had been sighted.

It took a couple of hours of walking through the forest path until I spotted a horned rabbit. The horned rabbit wasn't very large but it was surprisingly nimble, darting deeper into the woods as soon as it saw me.

Like an idiot I chased after it without drawing a weapon from my bag, too concerned about it getting away to think about my safety. I don't know how long I chased it but it escaped underground into a burrow, it was just small enough to get in there, it must have been an adolescent male.

Typically when a male horned rabbit reaches full maturity, it's unable to live underground, resorting to aggression to secure a food supply above ground. They supposedly use their horns to carve a path into a dying tree or simply find a fallen tree to make their homes instead. I had read a lot about them and other potential threats during my time at Alec's, admittedly not as much as I would have liked as my time kept getting eaten up by the demands of horny men.

I was very frustrated, I was off the beaten path and I hadn't even managed to capture or kill one of the most basic and least threatening of all monsters. Not a great start to my adventuring career.

Still I knew where my prey was likely to come out presuming of course there wasn't another exit to this rabbit hole. Then again, it wouldn't be much of a warren if there weren't multiple exits.

It didn't matter, I didn't really choose to be an adventurer simply to kill things, it was more of an excuse to be alone outside and practice my natural gifts without anyone getting suspicious. Adventurers tended to acquire unusual skills and abilities during their travels and their lives depended on being stronger than monsters.

Adventuring also gave me the opportunity to venture to strange places without being questioned, as adventurers often roamed around seeking danger and profit.

Now the question was, what would be the most useful skill to make use of in this situation to deal with the bunny that had outwitted me.

I gave it a moment's thought and decided I would see if I could use demonic charm on animals.

I sat on the grass near the hole and closed my eyes and tried to empty my mind and better understand my abilities.

Some instinct or ancestral knowledge allowed me to understand that demonic charm wasn't a single action, it was a multitude of things that could draw someone or something to me. At it's most mild, it just made me more noticeable, gave me a sort of physical presence, that drew the eye. At it's most powerful it made it hard for someone to ignore me or what I wanted. Due to my nature, the hornier I was or the more sexually explicit the situation I was in, the more people would be drawn to me. Or at least that's the impression I got from what I could glean from the System and my own urges and experience.

It was time to test out my Siren's Call ability, I wasn't sure what to sing, so I settled for a low kind of hum, that made my lips tingle.

My eyes still closed, I tried to reach out my thoughts to the bunny to try and make sure it was still nearby for it to be effected. It was, through some kind of sixth sense, I could feel it beneath me, I could sense the beat of it's heart, the desire for a mate and food and safety and dominance.

It wasn't so much that I could read it's thoughts, so much as its desires, it wanted and through the sound of my humming, I was drawing it closer to me. It was moving out of the tunnel towards me, all thoughts of danger had escaped it and all it wanted to do was be closer to me.

I hardened in my breeches, using the Siren's call was costing me mana to inflict my desire onto the bunny. I wanted it closer to me and he felt the same, he felt my desire and my desire became his presiding desire.

I guessed this ability was supposed to lure potential victims to me for sex and I was using it on a bunny. It was a little ridiculous but so was my life.

I was knocked out of my meditation when the horned bunny jumped onto my lap, impacting my cock in a not entirely unwelcome way. I stared at the bunny, it's short 3 inch iron horn was pressed against my belly and it's weight pressed down on my cock.

I moved slowly so as not to startle it into jumping off me, that would be a waste. I took a firm hold of him and he squirmed on my cock, making me miss Felix and his welcoming hole.

He was so soft and warm and he felt very nice on my hard lap and I simply didn't have the heart to kill him for his uninspiring sized horn.

I petted him for some time, enjoying the mewls of his content and his hunching into my crotch amused me.

I didn't want to kill him but that didn't mean I wouldn't use him to practice my skills more.

I took a firm hold around his middle and closed my eyes and waited until I had reached a kind of peaceful bliss state where I was relaxed and ready.

I had three main skills that belonged to me and derivative skills that varied from solely mine to ones I had copied from others through shapeshifting. Not even including the newest one gained from Michael, that I wasn't sure as of yet how to activate.

I used Energy Perception to not only `see' my new bunny friend while my eyes were closed but to trace his mana pathways, a lot of it was going to the growth of his body but a certain amount was focused on his forehead and his horn.

I should name my new pet something. "I'm going to name you Roger."

An alert popped up in my vision.

Identify had become active suddenly.

It showed up with

{Named Beast: Roger. Type: Horned Bunny. Unique Skill: Iron Growth Horn.}

It wasn't a lot of information, nor was it anything I didn't already know.

I looked around and all of a sudden, a lot of the trees and vegetation had little blue boxes next to them indicating their species name, common uses and natural defences.

It seemed that Identify didn't give me much more information than I knew already but it made it a lot easier to spot certain herbs in a crowded environment.

Using the skill so haphazardly was making my eyes and head hurt, so I had to forcibly stop it.

I felt weak and dizzy. It was a good thing I was sitting down. I laid down on the ground, making sure not to accidentally drop my new furry friend.

I whispered in Roger's ear "Stay" as I placed it on the ground next to me, so I could test out Demonic whispers, to see if I could fast track his training as my animal familiar.

It seemed to work as he sat and grazed on the grass.

A reason why horned rabbits were a common pest was that they bred quickly and easily and they had an abundant source of iron rich food available in other animals and mineral rich plants. Feros was famous for it's abundance of iron ore and as such we had a higher population of horned rabbits than other nations.

While Roger snacked on the grass, I placed my palm on a nearby tree and tried using a different demonic skill Mana Drain.

Even trees had mana, not a lot admittedly but some, it helped them grow faster and stronger than those that didn't. I felt a pull on myself as I activated the skill deliberately and on the tree.

I didn't profit from draining the tree, Mana drain was expensive and the tree didn't store than much mana to begin with. I would have profited more by simply waiting several minutes for my mana to recover instead of draining the tree but I needed to test my skills.

The more I practised, the easier it would be to use them in an emergency or to not cause an emergency by using it unintentionally.

Now for practising something really dangerous and deadly.

"I'm sorry tree but you do a great service with your sacrifice."

I placed my palm against the trees rough bark, closed my eyes, thought about what I wanted and could sense that both my energy perception skill and life drain had activated. As my mana drained, my vigor increased as I stole the life from the tree.

As I was already at full health, the effects were more psychological than physical. I felt more awake and more energetic as if I had a full night's sleep, a warm bath and a great lazy fuck session.

Still horny though, maybe even more horny than before, it sorta felt like more blood was going down south than before. My cock strained against my breeches, wanting freedom.

I unfastened my breeches, freeing my stiff aching cock and giving it a stroke. I looked down at Roger who looked up at me with black unblinking eyes. I felt judged by him. I giggled at the absurdity as if I would care about the opinion of a bunny. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've done in a forest.

I leaned against the twice drained tree and I could sense that it was much weaker than before, near the verge of death, I couldn't do much for it other than offer a tribute to the soil beneath it.

I stroked myself one handed, my other palm on the tree, facing away from the judgemental bunny as I pictured my man Felix behind me fucking me and also thinking about how good he felt under me, taking my hard cock into him. Fuck I missed him already, his lips, his tongue, his huge cock ramming into me, his ass that opened up to my thrusts, his arms wrapped around me during long sweaty nights, his fingers holding me down, opening me up. I missed every glorious inch of him, even if he did drive me crazy sometimes with his clinginess and sulkiness.

I came hard, gasping, as I spurted my seed upon the ground as I thought of Felix inside me while I drove my cock inside him. My fantasies didn't have to be logical after all, they just needed to be hot enough to drive me over the edge.

I felt better after my offering to the tree, less guilty about taking from it twice. I had to admit it was harder to give energy then take it. I doubted it would help much, it needed a better offering if it was to survive. The fastest way was to kill something for it.

Death fed all things even trees that just stood and grew quietly into sentinels of the woods.

I pulled up my breeches around a still stiff cock and moved over to a still grazing Roger. It was time to give in to my darker urges and have Roger prove his loyalty to me. Or see how far I could push the Demonic Whispers, one of the other, I'm sure.

I whispered to Roger "Bring me your friends and family, bring them to me."

He looked at me for a long moment then scampered off back down the hole.

I rested against the dying tree and bled for it, drawing Sound runes in blood around me while I waited.

If it worked it should hide the sounds of my breathing and movements from the rabbits and also feed the tree whatever nutrients within my blood.

An appetiser before the main course.

I waited a while for Roger to return with a slightly larger buck, his horn was at least 4 inches long, he didn't notice me at first but when he did he tried to jump back into the burrow. It didn't work so well for him, in his haste, he landed horn first into the sides of the burrow, so that his little bunny legs flailed back and forth outside the hole.

I yanked him out by the paws and dragged him off feet first to the tree and slit his throat with the dagger I had been sharpening on my lap during the wait. The blood gushed out onto the ground in a large spurt at first but quickly died off as the rabbit thrashed in it's dying moments before growing limp and cold in my grip.

I felt a certain sense of ambivalence. I had killed a horned bunny to save a tree I had wounded during my experimentations.

I felt guilty for killing it but also a sort of grim satisfaction for killing one horned rabbit and receiving assurances that the demonic whisper didn't have a problem influencing a horned rabbit into a loyal servant. If I could control multiple monstrous pets, I could make quite the name for myself and save myself a lot of gruesome effort.

I idly entertained the thought of a pack of Shadow Wolves obeying my every command and tearing my enemies to pieces. It would be highly entertaining and effective but would also bring far too much attention to me that could be dangerous for my longevity. Still it was a nice thought, though a horned rabbit was far simpler and stupider than a Shadow Wolf. I doubted it'd be easy to control one Shadow Wolf, let alone a pack of them to obey me.

Maybe I should try buying a horse for practice, then again, I couldn't afford it's upkeep at the moment without steady payments from something.

I shouldn't get so far ahead of myself. I needed to focus on the mission at hand instead of daydreaming about future glory.

The mission was to kill at least ten Horned Rabbits and return with their horns. Extra rewards for older bucks with longer horns, with higher quality mana rich iron.

I still had 9 more to kill.

Now for the more unpleasant part, I knelt on the ground and traced the edges of the horn with my dagger and pressed down until I hit bone, then I had to sort of dig around for the seam that separated bone from iron. Once I found the spot where the dagger dug into more easily I had to stab and jiggle and slide the knife under the iron horn and lever the tip of the blade to pry it up and out.

Alec made it look so easy when he did it but despite the fact that I was frequently occupied while he showed off his skills, I still paid attention. I might have missed some minor details when I was bouncing on his cock or the other's but I got the gist of it.

My knife work could do with some work, I needed a lot more practice to be half as good as him with a knife.

Still it got done, I got the horn and placed it to one side. Then I stabbed into the dead bunny's heart and started the even messier process of skinning the rabbit. It took a while and I didn't do a great job of making clean cuts as sometimes my hand would slip on the blood covered hilt.

I looked at the bloody skinned rabbit and the ragged fur hide in each hand and sighed. There was one more awful thing I needed to do. I chopped off the bunny's head, crushed the skull underfoot and dug into it's brains for it's pea sized mana core. After a little bit of digging I found it, a tiny blue mana core. It could be used for a variety of magical reagents along with enchanting and other uses. It could be sold for a bit of money and every little bit would add up.

I should have brought more water for this trip, I didn't want to waste water just on cleaning the mess.

I put the horn into my inventory bag and looked around for inspiration on what to do next.

I crouched on the ground and beckoned to Roger while humming seductively while using Siren's Call. It made me hard and horny again, stupid skill but it did it's job and drew Roger to me. He chomped into his former friend? Rival? Sibling? without a care in the world.

I just shook my head in amazement, bloody animals, brutally efficient.

I waited for Roger to stop eating, which only took a minute, his little tummy could only hold so much meat after all. "Find water." I said to my amoral pet and it hopped to it like a good little bunny, though it might have been because it was thirsty after it's meal.

Still I followed it as it made it's way to a small stream nearby. Made sense, after all it lived here and it would need a source of water to stay alive.

After washing the remains of the bunny and it's hide, I hung them up on a branch of a nearby tree to dry off.

I figured I should make use of the time necessary for them to dry to wash the blood off my hands and clothes. I stripped naked and scrubbed my blood stained clothes clean. Once my clothes were washed, I hung them up to dry as well, on a different tree. I placed my bag on the opposite side of the stream, within easy reach in case of predators or other threats.

I had a leisurely wash and another wank while thinking of my days on the road with the guys filling my mouth and ass with cock and cum.

I stood naked on the stream's bank enjoying the cool breeze on my wet naked skin for a little while before dressing again.

I grabbed the skinned rabbit and wrapped it in certain leaves to keep it fresh and out of the way and shoved it into the spatial bag to be cooked later.

My armor was still a bit damp, so I put on normal clothing, it wouldn't offer much in the way of protection against threats but it'd have to do for now. I was tempted to just be naked next time I needed to cut something open, so I didn't need to wash my clothes and myself every time I stabbed something but that might be dangerous for my dick.

Still wanted to avoid blood splattering my clothes more. Something to think about later.

I whispered to Roger "Find home." Roger helpfully led me back to his warren, which made up for the fact that I was a little lost in the woods now that there wasn't a path to follow.

What can I say I'm more an indoor child and my sense of direction isn't great outside familiar haunts.

Once we returned, I had Roger fetch me some more of his compatriots but most of them were female and essentially useless to me. Only males had horns and I only managed to get one more kill and one more horn from Roger's bunny treachery. Presumably it was Roger's older brother, though bunny family dynamics were beyond me. It had a 4 inch horn as well.

When I killed the bunny I was naked and had drawn the sound rune on my own skin to mask the sounds that might alert it to my presence.

After I took it's horn, skinned it and carved up it's meat into easy to eat portions and wrapped it sweet smelling herbs. I was more than ready for a meal break.

It took far longer than I would have liked to collect enough branches to set a cooking fire.

Still after an hour I was licking my lips along with Roger, after a filling meal. I gave him a small portion of meat, the little kin killer.

Admittedly it wasn't as tasty as the treats I got from Alec's house but still that's why I had a spatial bag. I fished out a sugary treat from my helpful spatial bag, a small little cake made by Mark. It was delicious, I let Roger lick my fingers clean of the crumbs and icing.

It was time to hunt for more horned rabbits, hopefully of the older more useful variety.

I picked a random direction and the hunt resumed...

After finding a couple more horned rabbits and killing them, I set up my bedroll and had Roger take the first shift to watch out for predators for a couple hours while I got some sleep. Then we switched shifts, Roger was a growing boy and he needed more sleep than I did. I was used to long nights, though usually not by myself surrounded by trees and the nocturnal rumblings of the wildlife.

Day two of my wooded nightmare

I took stock of my situation, I knew where I could get water, I had more than enough food in my pack to last at least a couple of weeks. The only real problem was securing a proper shelter for myself, a bed roll wasn't going to be enough to protect me against poor weather.

I went looking for a cave.

Which I found after several hours of searching (wandering around aimlessly, getting more and more lost within the woods.)

It wasn't much to speak of and was already occupied by a stone bear, a rare and dangerous opponent.

Identify provided more reason to avoid it.

Stone bear Level x


Strength 40, constitution 50.

It wasn't comprehensive but it's strength and constitution were far higher than mine and I would need a superior strategy to compensate for my lack of individual power.

I did the only thing I could think of, run away so I could fight it later on my own terms. I was nowhere near strong enough to fight it directly and I was too scared of it to try and use Demonic Whispers on it.

I set up not too far away from the cave and pondered my options.

First I needed to make use of this isolation to practice my skills more.

I practised shooting my short bow at the nice stationary trees, working on my accuracy and when that got too tedious and my arms were aching from the prolonged effort, I switched to magic.

I had Roger on my lap and I used Energy perception to sense the movement of mana into his horn making it incrementally bigger and tougher. I wanted to learn how to channel iron into my own skull.

The elite members of the Feros army that protected our nation could make their bones as hard as iron to block attacks and also to inflict brutal damage in melee combat. I needed to try and follow their example from a different angle.

While I ate horned rabbit meat, I thought more about what I wanted. My shapeshifting skill would be the key, it allowed me to change my body to some degree based on what I ingested and my desire.

After an hour of effort, I had channelled the iron in my blood and my soul into a round circle of about a centimetre of hardened skull in the middle of my forehead. Not super helpful for what it cost in time or mana but it was a start.

I gained Iron Cultivation as a skill according to the voice of the world. Eventually I would be able to channel my mana into generating iron all over my bones. I'd suffer a speed penalty proportionate to my weight gain, though. My current accomplishment inflicted no speed penalty as of yet as it probably only added like ten grams to my total weight.

I had started on the path to improving my body but I needed to practice my offensive magic, which meant it was time to continue my practice of using life drain. There was an abundance of stationary targets to practice on, sorry trees, it's better to kill you than talking thinking people.

This time I took less life from the tree, only taking a little bit of life energy to ease the headache from overexerting myself with the iron generation.

Then I picked another healthy looking tree to help me recover from my tired feet. Using life drain on the trees was nowhere as fun or as fulfilling as getting a hit of life energy during the sexual release of a hot horny hunk but it had it's own appeal. It was less messy for a start and I wasn't sore afterwards.

Fuck I missed sex though, I wanted someone to fuck me but there was nobody around to help me with that. I ached for some manly attention but none was to be found.

I had an idea for a way to take down the stone bear, even if it would be time consuming and painful.

I tried digging a hole using my hands and Roger's paws. Sadly neither of us were well equipped for the task, my hands too soft and prone to bleeding and Roger lacking the necessary enthusiasm. Which is when I remembered that females while not being as aggressive as their male counterparts were far better diggers.

I should have picked up a female rabbit when I had the chance. Something I could fix at least.

I whispered to Roger "home" and he led us back to his hole in the ground. On the way I tapped on every third tree, draining it of it's life energy, making easy to find markers on the path to the cave.

I used Demonic whisper to get him to get me a female and he complied quickly. I didn't bother naming the second bunny as I didn't plan to keep her around long, protecting her against predators above ground would be counter productive to my goals in the long term.

The three of us trudged back to the half completed hole and I used demonic whisper to get her to help dig it out some more.

By the time we were done, it was already getting dark. Stone bears had one main characteristic, they were dense, in form and function. They weren't particularly cunning predators, preferring to whack at problems with their heavy paws until they either were victorious or grew bored and shambled off to nap.

I engaged the bear by shooting an arrow at it, I aimed for it's eye and instead got it's shoulder. I was probably too far away for a good shot or something. That or the fact that it was a moving target made it a lot harder to shoot. One or the other.

So I ran away from the bear, jumping over a patch of loose soil and twigs, which the stone bear busy with chasing me and angry at his wound didn't notice. He suffered for his inattention, his front paw sinking into the hole, causing his hole body to be off balance. He tried getting out but his front right paw was buried up to the elbow, locking him in place for the moment.

This time I could shoot at it from a closer distance, so I aimed and fired and I hit it in it's right eye partially blinding it.

I circled around to it's blind spot and touched it's right side, trying to use Life Drain on it to kill it. It had zero effect, which was disappointing and dangerous to my health. The enraged beast tried to body slam me but it was too slow.

I resorted to my second option and rammed my rapier into it's side. There was an awful grating crunching sound from within the beast. The bear roared in agony and I yanked out a ruined rapier. It was bent out of shape from the impact. I needed a better weapon.

The bear was wounded and bleeding, it's thrashing just making the blood loss worse.

It managed to free itself and it spun around to attack me, Roger took advantage of the situation to ram his horn into the Stone Bear's hind leg, right into it's ankle. The Stone bear growled in Roger's direction, I made use of his temporary distraction to stab my dagger into the soft eyeball in his left eye socket and right through into the brain.

The bear groaned as it succumbed to it's multiple injuries and died, collapsing practically on top of me.

It was a nightmare getting it's big heavy body off of me but disproportionate strength and persistence finally got it off me. I gained a point of strength from the feat.

I gained a few levels for defeating the stone bear and a new home in a cave...

I was so physically and mentally tired from the battle, I just kind of shambled into it's cave and collapsed into a dreamless sleep on the floor.

Day 3

The next morning I spent cleaning up the mess outside, some predators and scavengers tried to make use of the bear's carcass, leaving bloody bite marks here and there but even dead the bear was a tough meal. The whole area reeked of blood and death.

I stashed the bear in my inventory with some difficulty. I had to break it down into smaller pieces by tearing off it's limbs from their sockets then carefully gutting it so that I could fit the useful meat and fur in my spatial bag.

The main drawback to a spatial bag was that you had to get a thing inside the bag for it to be included into your inventory. If you couldn't fit it into the opening, you couldn't store it.

I tidied up the small cave and practised using commands with Roger, our last battle was won more out of luck than skill on either of our parts. A well trained attack bunny was better than nothing.

Day 10

Several days later, I had killed more than ten horned rabbits through a variety of methods, including with the damaged rapier, a short bow and a dagger. For some reason I found the dagger more enjoyable to use than the other weapons. Despite the short bow being a useful and effective way of killing older bucks while Roger distracted them with a mating challenge; it was boring. Sneaking up behind a buck while naked and runed up and slitting it's throat with a dagger was more challenging and more rewarding.

I had gained the skill Sneak and Backstab and my proficiency with dagger and bow had risen.

I still had no idea how to get back to town, I couldn't seem to find the road back.

Roger at least had a harem, since I helped him kill off his competition for breeding rights. At least one of us was sexually satisfied.

I had to make do with my hand and the 6 inch long Iron horns of the older male bucks rammed up my backside. It was not satisfying, the iron was cold and hard and dangerous to my soft insides but I was so fucking horny.

I was worried that I'd be stuck in that forest forever with no one to fuck me properly again.

So when I saw a skinny guy around my age skulking about the forest dressed in ragged black clothing, I thought I had found salvation.

Instead he snatched the three skinned rabbits hanging on the branch drying while I was distracted with the seven inch Iron horn that I had been riding on the river bank.

"Stop! Wait."

He ignored me and ran off without a word said.

It was very frustrating.

I yelled out. "I NEED YOUR COCK."

Only silence remained. "Fuck. I really need to escape this stupid forest and get fucked like a hundred times in a row, celibacy is fucking torture."

I had made way too many mistakes, I had failed to bring a map along or pay adequate to my surroundings and now I had no idea how to get back to civilisation and more importantly cocks.

Next: Chapter 17

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