Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jan 23, 2020


Author's Warning: Don't try this stuff at home... It'll hurt! This chapter has some dark undertones, with hints of addictive personality disorders, mental degradation, sexual depravity and some dubious interactions.

Chapter 18 Civilisation here I come.

Derby Day 1

After arriving at the main outer gate, I undergo a quick examination and questioning by the city guard as to whether I had brought in any contraband.

Contraband being cursed items, demonic entities, shapeshifters, necromantic items and dark grimoires. There was also the question as to whether I had brought in any plants or animals not indigenous to the region that might cause ecological disasters.

I make use of misdirection to lie my way through the exam without technically lying.

I tell them that it's just me and the iron horns I collected from my quest which was true while not being very truthful. Still I passed their lie detection spell. Not a very discerning security process but I won't complain as their negligence allows me through.

I made my way through another couple of inner gates, which was a lot less involved than the first and finally got back to the Adventurer's Guild. It wasn't hard to find, I just followed the well armed people to the centre of the town.

I walked into the guild and there's only a small smattering of adventurers having late breakfasts, like maybe half a dozen customers and about the same number in staff. I guess all the real adventurers are out questing or something.

I head to the ground floor reception desk and ask the female at the counter if I could talk to Paul. She calls out his name and he steps out from out of the back office. Paul smiles at the sight of me.

"I'm glad you're back, I was worried you got yourself killed when you didn't return."

"No I just kind of got side tracked by a Stone Bear and practising my archery and foresting skills." It's technically true but I don't mention the more complete truth that I got lost and needed someone else to guide me out of a forest close to a town.

I'm getting a lot better at lying without lying.

"Now that you're back, you've got a couple of messages. One from an adventurer named Michael, who left the name of the business he's working for, Merv's merchandise, a place in the merchant district selling high end gear. The other message was from your friends who came in looking for you and said that if you came back into town either return home to talk to your father or remain here and wait for them to return."

"Thanks for telling me."

"Of course, it's my job to help out adventurers and it's no problem relaying messages."

I gave it a moment thought and said "I've still got a lot of things to do, so I'll stay here for a week and see what happens, I'll catch up with Michael later."

"I'll leave a note for them for when they arrive. Did you manage to complete your first quest alright even with a stone bear around?"

"Yes." I pulled out the small collection of iron horns, ranging from 4 to 8 inches in length.

"Nicely done." He said and fished out a pouch of coins from beneath the counter and hands me a fistful of copper coins in exchange for the horns, which I quickly shove into my spatial bag to deal with later.

"I've also got these." I said, carefully plucking out the small magic cores from my spatial bag to show him.

He smiled ruefully. "Most people don't bother with the cores of horned rabbits, not really worth the effort but you can probably get some copper coins for them in the market behind us." He said gesturing behind him. "Do you have any details about the Stone Bear to share, I can pass the information along so that you can be credited for the updated information on the area. Sometimes rogue monsters enter a territory and the Adventurer's Guild rewards adventurers for that information either with coins or prestige."

"Um I already killed it."

"YOU DID WHAT?" He shouted before taking a hold of himself as the female receptionist and several other people looked at him in confusion and curiosity. He said in a much lower and quieter voice. "How?"

"I dug a hole, used myself as bait, lured it into a trap of sorts and stabbed it repeatedly. I lost a sword doing it but it was good experience."

He just shook his head at me "You're lucky you didn't lose your life. Did you get a proof of kill?"

"Um yeah but it was a real pain to get and I think I stuffed up the cutting but it was my first time dealing with one in person and" I rambled on as I yanked and tugged the cumbersome Stone Bear hide out of my spatial bag. "I kind of ate most of the meat already."

I looked up to find that we were no longer alone, the female receptionist had sidled over and was looking over the hide with Paul. "Where did you find this beast? Shame the knife work was so sloppy or you could have gotten a small fortune for it."

"I'm dealing with this thanks." Paul said with gritted teeth to his coworker.

"I really need to work on my knife skills."

"So you did this alone?"

"Well not exactly there was this horned rabbit I kind of befriended while I was out in the woods and he helped stab it in the forearm a few times."

He raised an eyebrow and said "Interesting and do you think you could mark the location where you felled it, so we can alert other adventurer's that there may be D level threats in the area." He placed a hand drawn map on the counter, with the town fairly small in comparison to all the dangers marked around it. Of note was the hazy markings around the main road out of the small forest labelled with `bandit raids' in red.

I looked at the map for a bit and gave up and shrugged. "I'm not that great with forests to be honest, one tree looks much like another, the only thing of note was that it was living in a cave and I killed it not that far away from it."

"Ah I know that cave, the guild has been keeping an eye on it, it has a habit of being a home for higher level beasts from time to time. We've been hoping for another dungeon to spawn so that we can expand outwards."

I gave him a half-hearted shrug in response. "So do you want to buy it off me or something? I'm not looking forward to cramming that thing into my pack again."

"Obviously, it'd probably fetch a higher price at a tailor's but this should help improve your guild ranking." He handed me a couple of gold coins. "I'm going to bump you up to a Rank D, normally it'd just be a single rank increase from G to F for finishing your first mission but I'm counting the Stone Bear as a Rank D promotion battle."

"You can do that?" I asked uncertain about the adventurer's guild policy about confirmation of kills.

"I have some leeway with these things, I'll organise a new tag for you too, which will probably be ready for you in the morning, if not tomorrow evening at the latest."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"Next time, try and avoid battles with big brutes, at least until you get some human helpers." Paul said giving me a smile and wink to let me know that he was being playful rather than patronising me.

"I'll try, I'm not eager to go through something like that again any time soon."

"I'd imagine not. At least you'll be able to have more options quest-wise after you get your new tag."

"Yeah... So how do people normally rank up in the guild anyway? I've read some stuff but I'm not sure how accurate it is."

Paul explains that adventurers gain ranking by completing quests and are judged on how quickly and proficiently they do so. The more reputation an adventurer gain with the guild, the more influence they're likely to have and the more likely they'll get better paying quests. The tags on the other hand are an external measure of strength, dependent on how powerful you are as an individual. Some people can have a higher ranking than a tag would imply if they're part of a group of powerful/skilled adventurers. It's complicated.

It's something to think about later.

I asked "Would you like to go for a drink later tonight to celebrate my return?"

"I guess, one little drink couldn't hurt, you can tell me all the gristly details of your Stone Bear battle."

"Yeah I guess."

He gave me a crooked smile. "Meet you here after sun set."

"Looking forward to it." I said with a smile and a wink and I walked off before he could change his mind. I walked up the stairs, eager for a warm bed and a hot shower after making do with bathing in lukewarm water in the woods for far too long.

I booked a room with the nice enough middle aged woman with brown hair and eyes and a heavy set body, for the next week. I had no desire to leave town until I recovered from the last disastrous excursion outside the walls.

Sam is called out to show me to my room, along with carrying along some fresh towels and bedding. The place was dead quiet as most people tend to book rooms after dark, since staying at the adventurer's guild isn't exactly the cheapest option for a place to sleep, though it had certain advantages compared to other places.

I followed Sam's plump and bouncy ass into my new room. "Micheal has been looking for you."

"Really?" I asked, stripping off my clothes. "What did he want?"

"Same thing..." Sam said lowering his trousers to reveal his engorged cock. He pushed me down onto the bed, "I want." Stuffing his cock into my backside. It goes in smoothly, my insides still coated with Kered's attentions.

"Great. Fuck me." He started railing me almost as soon as he was inside me, making it hard to think. "I'll meet him later."

"Don't. Have. Much. Time. Need to be quick." Sam grunted/groaned as he fucked me harder and faster with each word.

"Yeah go for it. Pound me!"

He did, descending into animalistic grunts and groans on top of me as I squirmed in painful delight, my cock sliding back and forth on the soft sheets.

"Uh, fuck FUCK." Sam groaned, spurting a nice juicy load into my bowels and filling me with warmth. He pulled out of me abruptly. "I just want to keep fucking you but I'm stuck at work till sunset, can I come visit after work?" He said pulling up his trousers around his slick stiff cock, looking anxious about my reply.

"I'd love that, where's Michael staying anyway?" I asked, turning onto my back, looking at the discarded sheets and towels on the floor with amusement as I fingered my gaping hole and stroked my stiff cock.

"He's living here at the moment, he's got a well paying job in the merchant district, along with a scholarship at the Mage guild. He's just down the hall and to the left, I've been um keeping him company while you've been away."

"Nice, you should bring him along with you later." I stood up. "I'd love for the both of you to fill me up."

"Fuck you're so hot." Sam said, his eyes a little glazed and distant. I should probably be careful with him, he's got a very tame job and he's not as strong as the other's I've incidentally drained with my sexing.

"You're sweet." I stood up, naked and sweaty and still very horny and kissed him, enjoying the press of his clothed body against my naked one. I slapped him on his ample bottom and break the kiss. "I desperately want a shower and you should get back to work, I'll see you later tonight."

"Mmm yeah. I'm looking forward to playing with both of these tonight." He said, a hand on my cock and the other squeezing my butt.

"Should be fun." I replied

Sam reluctantly let go, but not before giving me a heated goodbye kiss. It was a shame that he had to go but watching him walk away was a nice treat for the eyes. His ass looked especially fuckable in his form fitting pants.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to the showers. It's unoccupied and I enjoy a thorough scrubbing under the hot water and a lazy wank afterwards. I head to the baths to think, there's only one other occupant, a square jawed man that looked to be in his 40's with an interesting array of scars on his chest and arms.

His hair is tinged with silver. I'm tempted to try my [Siren's Call] on him, as he's kind of hot for an older guy but I just wanked not that long ago and I should make use of this time to think rather than engage in more sex. It's tempting though, as he sees me looking at him and gives me quite the piercing once over. I merely nod at him in greeting as I strip off my towel and sit opposite to him, my raging hard-on difficult to hide. He merely raises an eyebrow at my large stiff cock and says nothing.

I shrugged to myself at his lacklustre response, a little disappointed at his lack of apparent interest and simply enjoyed my time in the hot water as I try and think through the things I want to do in the town.

I needed to sell off the magic cores for profit, buy some new equipment and armour and see what was available at the market that might come in handy later.

Then I needed to have sex with Michael and Sam and maybe even Paul if I can get him drunk enough.

I should probably figure out where my friends were.

I also wanted to visit the town's library to check out their selection of books.

I should also visit Kered again and pound his tight ass some more.

Um what else? I should probably find another quest, maybe the goblin one, this time I'd take some company along, like Kered and Michael. That way in between the goblin killing I can have my ass violated by Michael while I impale Kered on mine.

The strangers gaze gets more intense on me. I try and stifle a moan with little success, all the thoughts of sex had made me lose control of my hands. Somehow while my eyes were closed thinking of all the fun adventures I could have with Michael and Kered, my left hand had begun rubbing up and down on my cock while my right hand had shoved three fingers into my butt.

I tried to stop myself but it felt so good. I just couldn't, I needed a cock in me badly and there was a fit naked man so close and...

"Fuck, I'm sorry, it's...- uh" I said/stuttered as I tried to get the words out to explain my lewd behaviour.

"Don't worry about it youngun, the hot water can get the blood pumping, I understand, I'll leave you to it son." His voice was somehow smooth and gravelly, a rich baritone, it send shivers down my spine. He stood up revealing a nice thick 8 incher.

"Don't go. Please. I want. To. Suck you." I begged, mind gone under the pleasurable ministrations of my newly improved [dextrous fingers] and thoughts of cocks in me. (the main ability was dextrous touch, the ability wasn't too far removed from the original, as the ability didn't deviate from either of my pedigrees, both demons and humans had hands, at least the higher ranked demons had hands)

He looked down at me at my open mouthed, panting lust crazed self and shrugged. "Won't say no to such an offer, it has been a while so don't blame me if it's get a bit rough." He waded over to me in a moment and I devoured his cock in a single second. "You're a hungry lad, I'll give you that." I bobbed up and down on his cock, my world diminished to my hands working on my body and his cock in my mouth.

He grabbed onto the back of my head. "Is this what you want boy, to be used by a stranger in the bathing area?"

"Mmm yeah." I mumbled with a mouthful of cock.

"That's what you'll get then." He held my head in place and just slammed his pelvis against my face over and over again. It felt unnatural, his body too dense for flesh and bone. It felt like my face was getting pulverised and yet, it only made me hornier, my fingers working frenziedly to push me over the edge. His movements got even faster and rougher, his hands on my skull digging in painfully, along with his pelvis moving faster against my face. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but the pain mixed with the pleasure and it all got muddled up together until I had no idea where one began and the other ended. "Oh Lumos preserve me." he groaned and his movements stilled. His cum gushed out in what seemed like a never ending torrent into my mouth and down my throat. He pulled out and said "Shit, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. Are you -"

"That was amazing." I said in a daze, I had gotten multiple notifications, the most relevant was one that said I gained [Dense Bones], the rest being about increased regeneration levels and damage reports. "Thank you so much."

"But your face, it's like ground meat, how are you even talking?"

My face was aching but most of the damage was only skin deep with the important part of my skull being protected by iron and the rest of my bones had been improved by his precum. My nose had gotten the worst of his face fucking me.

"I can take a beating and keep going. I'm going to have a shower though, don't want to get blood all over this place." I stepped out the bath before I made it any filthier. The area around me had gone pinkish.

"I'm going to take you to a healer. I'm so sorry about this, I really don't understand what came over me. I've never done anything like this before."

I shrugged, not even bothering to replace my towel, I was leaking too much from my messed up face to waste time on something like propriety, if someone saw me naked, too bad for them.

I walked quickly to the showers, located two rooms away from the baths, all the while being followed by an increasingly more aggravating, apologetic man. I ignored him, his apologies unnecessary and kind of annoying. I stepped under the nozzle and let the warm water soothe my aching face. It was transitioning from a throbbing burning pain to a mild ache.

[Rapid regeneration] being of great value in this situation. It would take longer to fix the minor dents in the back of my skull but I wasn't too concerned, I'd buff it out later with some minor [Shapeshifting].

[Shapeshifting] was an exceptional skill, even if it was very mana intensive skill and it had been one of the Skills I practised the least while in the woods. At least not deliberately, it seemed to activate during the acquisition of new genetic material.

I was so very very hungry.

The scarred man was staring at me. "How are you so indifferent to your injury, you should be crying or something. You're worrying me. Are you in shock? I'm going to get a healer."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'm quite happy, let me know if you want to fuck me sometime." I said grabbing onto his limp dangling dick and giving it a squeeze. "That was fun. Now to get dressed and get some food in me. I'm starving." Sadly his cock didn't have much of a reaction and I just walked off, a little disappointed that there wasn't going to be a second round but eager for other forms of meat.

A moment later I was at my room but out of the corner of my eye I saw the man dressed only in a towel watching me. I shrugged and went into my room and locked the door behind me and put on some casual clothes. I really needed more adventuring clothes if I was going to spend more times out in the woods. I took a swig of a recovery potion to help speed up my recovery.

A few minutes later, there was a hurried knocking at the door.

I opened it, curious what the hurry was. Maybe it was Sam eager for a round two. Instead it was that man with the dense pelvis, dressed only in a half buttoned tunic and leather pants. He was accompanied by a different man dressed in a white robe with a red sash, who looked at me in confusion, then at the bath man with irritation. "What injury? He looks fine. Are you dying young man?"

I shook my head confused by the odd line of questioning.

"I swear his face was all messed up and bleeding." Dense man stated looking concerned and annoyed.

"He seems fine now. I have other patients to attend to." The healer stomped off unimpressed, without so much as a goodbye.

"Explain how you were bleeding ten minutes ago and fine now."

I shrugged "I have [Rapid Regeneration] and I'm working my way into Iron Cultivation."

He crossed his arms "You look pretty young to be fighting trolls young man, unless you're a scion of some sort and you just bought your way into power."

I shrugged again "I'm an alchemist, I have my own methods of advancing without the need for trolls."

He looked unconvinced but simply sighed. "I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, you're fine and we can just forget the earlier unpleasantness. The least I can do is buy you lunch for ah..."

"Fucking my face off?" I said unrepentant for my indifference to his concern.

He scratched the back of his head, looking suddenly guilty and embarrassed. "Yes, I would appreciate it if you didn't mention that to anyone, I have a reputation to uphold here."

"It'll be our little secret but it's going to cost you."

He GLARED at me, his teeth gritted as he asked. "What do you want for your silence?"

"Nothing much, just after you treat me a meal, I want you to come into my room and pound my ass with your big hard cock."

He stepped closer to me. "Are you insane? I'd break you in half like a twig, little boy, did you learn nothing from the last time?"

"Oh I learned a lot." I licked my lips thinking of how he tasted after my face was tenderised. "I'm hoping you'll break me more, that previous session was great for increasing my pain resistance and durability. I even got a feat for endurance and fortitude for it."

He huffed out a held in breath. "You're insane. So be it. You can suffer the consequences yourself. Let's eat." He pivoted on a single foot and stomped off, moving quickly for an old man. I scrambled to keep pace, all the while watching his well muscled ass moving about hypnotically in his tight leather pants ahead of me.

I followed him downstairs to the quasi tavern. We were watched by several people, who watched us with open curiosity. He glanced at the menu briefly and said "I'll have a tankard of mead." to the barman and looked back and me and sighed "What are you having?"

"I'll have a tankard of mead too and a haunch of Iron Stag."

The barman just stared at me open mouthed and wide eyed like a fish, before giving me a quick once over with his eyes and just shrugging his shoulders as if he stopped caring.

"Get the kid what he wants, I'd like a haunch of rabbit glazed with honey."

"Of course sir, it'll be ready shortly." Any curiosity he had about the situation was buried behind the mask of professional courtesy.

"Take a seat wherever." My new friend said, somewhat wearily.

"Thanks. So what's your name anyway? I'm Lucius. It's nice to meet you." grabbing myself a seat at the nearest empty table and holding out my hand for the warrior's clasp. (Warrior's clasp is when two warriors clasp each other's arms, gripping them by the shoulder usually in order to check that they're not hiding any weapons up their sleeves. I just wanted him to grope me a little in public)

"I'm Arnie, most people here call me the Armsmaster as I teach some of the adventurers wishing to advance their skills with various forms of armed and unarmed combat." He said giving me a casual and all too brief warrior's clasp, his grip firm and familiar on my upper shoulder.

"Is that fun?" I asked.

"It has it's moments. It beats being in the army."

"You were in the army?"

"Yes, I served for two decades as part of the Iron Legions, I retired after becoming a Legionnaire."

"That explains a lot, no wonder you're so dense, you must be quite far along on the path of Iron Cultivation."

"Yes all my bones are coated in iron, it makes me quite durable in a fight, I served as Vanguard on an adventuring team during the last Demonic War."

Before I could ask him more about his past as a soldier the food arrived, along with our drinks, delivered by a buxom female waitress that Arnie gave an appreciative once over to and I politely nodded to before tearing into my haunch of Iron stag with my teeth.

Mmm cooked fantastically with an interesting herb infusion. Absolutely divine. I tore into it in a frenzy, savouring the taste with every mouthful. I could feel the eyes of Arnie and other people on me but I didn't care. Eating was a great way of restoring energy to my body and more fun than draining trees of their life energy.

After devouring my tasty lunch I swilled my tankard of mead, enjoying the heady rush as the alcohol effected my thoughts with a rush of giddiness.

"You have quite the appetite." Arnie said.

"I'm a growing boy."

"How old are you exactly?'


"Young to be an adventurer."

"Yeah I guess. You nearly done?"

He looked down at his meal, which looked half eaten. "Nearly done boy, don't be so impatient." He said with a grumpy tone. He sounded so OLD, and yet it made me want to sit on his lap and get a happy sleepy sexually satisfied smile on his face even more.

I raised my hand and waved to the waitress, she walked over. "Enjoy your meal?"

"Yes it was great, can I get another serving please?"

She looked from me to Arnie and back "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Another haunch and tankard please."

She looked at Arnie "Did you want anything else sir?"

"No I'm fine, just get the boy what he wants."

It didn't take long for my second round to arrive and this time I took longer to enjoy my meal so that the time waiting for him to finish would go by faster.

After our meals were done. Arnie followed me upstairs to my room reluctantly. Once there I stripped naked and laid on the bed with my legs spread and my ass up and told him "FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD!" I waggled my ass around to make myself a better target.

"You're going to regret this boy." He said practically ripping off his clothes and exposing his solid body and thick hard cock.


That was the final straw he just pounced on me, pinning me down beneath him and just ramming his cock into my hungry ass. He slammed his body against mine in a frenzied violent mating.

It was brutal. It was beautiful. It was so painful and yet so pleasurable. I felt like I was being broken down and built up with every stroke, thrust and grunt.

It felt like forever but was probably only five to ten minutes before he growled in my ear and his cock throbbed and spurted into me, filling my ass with his cum. My whole body ached.

He checked to make sure I was still alive by poking me and asking "You still alive?"

I merely said "Yup." drowsily.

"Shall I fetch the healer?" He asked tinged with concern and worry.

"Nah, I'm enjoying this too much." I said as I lay in a pool of my own blood, sweat and cum. I freely admit that I may have gone a little crazy out in the woods.

"You're a very strange young man." He said as he hurriedly dressed. "Come find me if you need something. I feel guilty just looking at you."

"It's fine, I asked for it."

He left after that without another word and I just waited for my body to recover enough to move the short distance to my spatial bag.

It took some time to recover from the downright brutal fucking enough to grab my spatial bag, grab a suitable potion and swig it down. After imbibing a stamina and recovery potion I went off for a quick rinse before getting dressed and asking for my sheets to be changed. It got me a very strange look from the motherly matron at the counter but a wink from Sam who probably expected it was some kind of excuse to meet up. He was bound to be disappointed once he discovered the truth.

I had been fucked enough for the moment, he'd have to wait for another time. I had other things to do first.

I went out the back to check out the Guild market, which was different from the stalls in the markets in the less exclusive sections of the city, where stalls were made of cheap wood and cloth. These miniature shops were made of more obscure substances and had a wide arrangement of goods, catering solely to adventurers, or the rich and the powerful.

A thing of note was the silver tagged adventurer guarding the entrance with suspicious eyes and a light grip on a double handed war axe. It was almost as large as I was.

He wore a single waist cloth to cover his privates and everything else was basically exposed. He BULGED. His biceps were big, his thighs were thick, his torso was very manly, furry with black hair all over but still showing the definition in his abs and pecs. He was built for fucking, he looked HUNG, he bulged in the front and back.

He noticed me eyeing him up and he stared me down until I looked away and scurried into the nearest stall. He probably thought I wanted to fight him or something considering most normal people would probably be intimidated by his size and stature and his ability to lightly grip a 50 pound double axe in one hand but I'm not normal. I wanted him to bend me over and fuck me like an animal. Arnie had tenderised my face and ass but this guy looked like he'd own me...

Furtado wanted that desperately, to be just dominated and ruined bodily until all reason was lost.

The rational part of me ran away before I made a fool of myself by kneeling down in front of him and begging him to give me his cock and offering to be his mindless sex slave. His face was a bit too squarish and his hair a little long for my liking but that was mere superficial complaint to fixate on to resist the urge to cling to such a powerful, impressively built man.

I ended up in a clothing store, with a dry mouth, a racing heart and a throbbing cock, my mind filled with a mess of thoughts and arguments between my rational mind and my insane other half.

A youngish man in his thirties came to see if I needed some help, he looked well dressed, slim and attractive. With great effort I resisted the urge to take him into one of the screened off changing areas and fuck him stupid.

Instead I did the sane boring thing and picked up a few changes of clothing, some of which had various enchantments to add durability and stealth. The main one that I planned to use while adventuring was made of Monstrous Spider Silk, which had the reputation for being light and durable.

The store clerk's name was Anthony and he had a very nice ass. He told me that he worked there most days and if I needed ANYTHING else he'd be happy to help. I couldn't tell if he was flirting with me or just trying to butter me up for more sales. I thanked him for his help and continued on harder and hornier than ever.

I spent a few hours in the market, browsing the stalls picking up various items before essentially bankrupting myself.

I picked up a magical Compass, that I could use to navigate to certain locations, I had set the adventurer's guild as home so that I could always find my way back from wherever I ended up. I didn't want to get lost again. For a similar reason I picked up a more professionally rendered version of the map Paul was using, detailing local danger spots and general landmarks.

I also bought a book on the town's dungeon, a popular item judging by how many other adventurers were buying copies. It had details on the layout of each floor and the general theme of monsters defending along with each of the floor bosses stats, skills and general strategies.

For combat purposes I bought a new sword, made of magically enhanced steel, inscribed with sharpness and durability rune to go with my new light weight armour. I also picked up chain mail armour, that I could wear either over or under my clothes depending on the situation.

The last item really blew my budget. I had a few more coins to my name for some food and drinks but I probably would have to leave town sooner than I would like, unless I could pick up some extra coin by doing a job in town.

That would be tomorrow's problem.

I gave the sexy barbarian a wave goodbye on my way out and he smiled at me in a way that made my cock ache. It was a smile that said he could take me down easily in a fight but I took that as an open admission that he'd be on top taking me over and over again. I may have a one track mind on ocassion.

I went to my room for a relaxing read of my new book, enjoying the creature comforts of my bed before having a quick shower before getting dressed for drinks with Paul.

He met me downstairs looking kind of anxious.

"Hi, how's it going?"

"Good, what were you doing with the Armsmaster?"

I lied "I just wanted to see if I could get some private training."

"He doesn't buy prospective students meals. Want to tell me something more believable?"

"Not really, shall we grab a drink or not?"

Paul tried to sulk but I ignored his attempt at emotional manipulation and bought him a drink from the bartender. It took longer to get served as the place was full up of adventurers drinking and eating.

We were forced to stand and drink as there was no seating available.

"Want to grab a drink for the road?" I said after we drank our first round.

"Sure. I'll buy this one, where to next?"

"How about my room?"

"You're not very subtle."

"About as subtle as a sledge hammer. Is that a bad thing?"

"You could get into some trouble, some adventurers aren't the most open minded or friendliest of people to those that are different."

"Maybe but isn't adventuring all about living life dangerously. We may die any day from monsters, might as well as enjoy ourselves, while we still can."

"You're not wrong, lead the way then."

It didn't take long before we were in my temporary bedroom and we were both seated on my bed, nursing our quickly disappearing drinks.

After we had both finished there was a pregnant silence as we waited... Then I made the first move, diving head first into his crotch.

"Woah steady on." he said as I fumbled to remove his pants.

He tried to get off the bed, but that just made it easier to remove his pants and expose his hardening cock.

I grabbed his cock and put it into my mouth. He had a tasty 7 inch cock. He quickly gave in after that and started fucking my mouth and not long after that I was swallowing his salty load down my throat. I straddled his lap and was soon bouncing up and down on his hard cock, riding him for all he was worth, enjoying the feel of his naked body beneath mine.

Not long after that I was face down, my face ground into the pillow as he slammed into me from behind.

A knock on the door was quickly followed by a familiar voice asking "Can we come in?"

To which I responded with a somewhat muffled, "Fucking cum in me."

"Shit." Paul said, trying and failing to stop fucking me. I had my feet locked around his ankles as he remained lodged inside me, his squirming just made me hornier as his cock jiggled about me in new and unfamiliar patterns.

Michael pushed in the unlocked door. He gave us a look over. "Looks like we're interrupting." he said looking behind us to Sam, who was following him.

"Looks like fun." Sam said.

"I can explain." Paul said, still trying unsuccessfully to get off me but his one arm wasn't providing sufficient leverage to escape from me. I was fucking myself with his cock and he felt so good inside me. I didn't want it to end. Actually the unwillingness just made Furtado more excitable.

"No need bro, he's a cock hungry homo and I'm fucking horny." Michael said moving forward while unbuckling his trousers and shoving his hard cock in my mouth.

Sam lowered his trousers, stroking his hard cock as he watched and waited for an open hole.

Paul's pace picked up briefly before he came in me and this time I let him go when I went to move off me. He fumbled with his clothes as Michael took his place pounding my asshole and Sam shoved his cock in my mouth.

I heard the door close behind Paul but I was a little too distracted to say goodbye and he seemed cranky about something. I shrugged, a little disappointed but I had other guests to entertain.

I pushed Sam back a bit so I could spit out his cock. "Can you two double fuck me, I'm in desperate need of a good hard fucking."

"Fuck. Why does that make me so horny?" Michael asked somewhat rhetorically.

It didn't seem to matter as he moved us about so that he was lying face up on the bed, with his cock buried within me. Sam pushed in his cock from behind and he was quick to start pummelling my prostate.

I loved both of them fucking me, sliding their cocks against each other's inside of me, stretching me out, making me theirs. I nuzzled into Michael's neck, licking and sucking on him as my cock rubbed up against his abs.

I loved it even more when their thrusts sped up to frantic speeds and their cum flowed into me along with their life energy. The next few hours flew by as they took turns fucking my face and ass.

During a lull between fuckings, we got a little talking in.

"Sam has been doing a great job sucking me off every day and taking my cock up his butt every night but I've really missed fucking you. You just love it so much and you can take a real pounding, I always have to hold back with Sam."

"Thanks." I said unsure how to feel about that. "I think."

But I didn't have much time to think or even finish my thought as Michael had me on my back with my legs up in the air as he slammed his recently risen cock back inside me.

Sam sniped back in a similarly dry tone from the other side. "You know you've been doing a good job fucking me but I've just been using you to warm up as he's got such a huge cock compared to yours and I want to know what it feels like inside me."

Then he sat on my cock, with a screwed up face, torn between pleasure and pain. It wasn't long before his face settled into a happy blissful state and he was riding my stiff cock up and down.

"Whatever Man." Michael said sounding unconcerned about being the warm up act for fucking, his cock was steadily slamming away at my insides, while Sam bounced up and down on my stiff cock.

Whatever issues they may have had with settling for second best, they were both making thorough use of me and I wasn't about to complain.

They felt good and I just luxuriated in the way that our bodies fit together so nicely. I pulled Sam closer, grabbing the back of his head and kissing him hard as I drove my hips upwards to fuck him harder. His tight wet hole, warm and smooth and slick from Michael's fucking earlier.

The last thing I remembered that night was cumming in Sam's ass as Michael came in mine. Civilisation is the best. So many wonderful men to keep me company.


Author's note: I originally planned to post this a week ago but my laptop charger frayed and started to get really dangerously hot so I couldn't use my laptop until I got a replacement. Long story short, I've found a work around and now I can get back to working on the next chapters. Hopefully I can get back to more regular updates soon.

On other news...

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Next: Chapter 19

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