Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 18, 2020


Disclaimer: This chapter features some questionable and disturbing events involving the MC, namely `grey rape' & mind fuckery. Not for the squeamish or faint of heart.

Chapter 27: Interlude: Mind Fuckery

Six weeks earlier, before I left for the caravan mission, I was called in to speak with the Derby's Adventurer's Guild branch manager and now I remember exactly what happened. What I had thought had happened, had been a lie, a mental suggestion left for weeks without question in my memories.

The truth was this...

I had been escorted by a well dressed man in his mid to late twenties, dressed in an expensive tailored suit, past his office and into the Branch Manager Oneus' office. He led me forward, placing his hand on the small of my back, it was very distracting, I didn't even really notice his office, too busy wondering if his hand would drift lower and take a squeeze of my ass. I had a bad case of sex on the brain, it'd been HOURS since my last fucking.

Once I entered the main office, I'm struck by the sight of Oneus with a piece of glass up to his eye like it was a monocle but this was no simple piece of glass. This piece of glass has two very particular Runes enchanted onto it; Truth & Sight.


I've learned hundreds of Runes by rote memorisation in the off chance that more than the Sound Rune would resonate with me and be added to my internal rune collection. That didn't really pan out but I have an exceptional recollection of runes and their associated uses, so I know what this means. This is used for interrogation purposes. Not a great sign. I glanced back and the door's been closed by the well dressed functionary, who obviously serves as Oneus' assistant, who's now behind the door, leaving me alone with the Branch Manager.

"Thanks Abus." Oneus said, looking me over, with a barely veiled look of contempt on his face.

There was a muffled reply through the door but I couldn't hear him over the rush of blood, resounding in my ears. FUCK.

The Guild Master is a silver tagged Mind Mage, judging by the tag around his neck and the runes on his staff and robes. At least a level 50 Legend, there's no way I could run away from him. Even if I could, I'd have to get past Abus and the rest of the Adventurer's Guild. I looked him over, he was a well dressed man that looked like he was in his late forties but looks were often deceiving.

Everything about him spoke of power, his expensive enchanted rings, clothes and even the stuff on his desk put my efforts and equipment to shame. He had a fucking communication crystal on his desk, just lying around, with a bunch of other random trinkets and tools. Dad had a communication crystal locked within the vault in the Village Hall, they were very expensive enchanted items allowing people with similar crystals to communicate with each other over very long distances. Their sale and distribution were limited strictly by The Immortal King.

I tried to stay calm and be polite. "Good to meet you kind sir, how can I a lowly Adventurer be of service to one such as you?" I asked, shamelessly trying to ingratiate myself with him.

It was of no use, he ignored me and started with the interrogation, ignoring my attempt at flattery and brown nosing entirely.

"Are you plotting anything against the Guild or it's members?"


"Are you in contact with the demonic kingdom of Azragul?"


"Have you been in contact with any demons?"

"No. Is that all?"

"What is your purpose in coming here?"

"I just wanted to get stronger."


"Why not? It's a scary world and I might want to kill my maybe demon daddy one of these days if he's not already dead. Can I go now? The use of the Veritas glass is considered a violation of human rights and I've answered more than enough of your questions."

"Human rights are only applicable to humans." He said leaning back in his ornate Iron-Wood chair, looking back at me as if I was a curious specimen, rather than a person.

"According to the Alliance of the Mortal Realm, section 5, paragraph 8, line 10, all sapient species with an intelligence of ten, with benign or beneficial intent is considered a human for the duration of the alliance against the Nine Hells. Or are you saying you're countermanding the Council of Kingdoms and denying my sapience, because that's a dangerous road to follow considering the Demon Kingdom has an outpost in this realm now."

"You smug little brat. You think you can talk to me like that and get away with it. I'm a hundred year old Master of Mind Magic and I will not be talked down to by some half baked, half breed adventurer."

"I'm leaving. My friends of which I have many are waiting for me." I said, turning on my feet, having long lost any semblance of patience with his interrogation of my motives.


All control over my body was lost, it was like my mind had disconnected from my body, I was still aware of my body but I couldn't move it an inch, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even talk any more, I couldn't even get my lips to move.

"Come here..." he said gesturing towards me and beckoning me over. I was helpless to resist, my body moving mechanically despite my strongest effort to resist.

[Mental Resistance increased to Level 1. 10% resistance to mental affectations from external and internal sources.] The system notification another mental distraction I could ill afford.

"Strip naked, I'm curious what a half incubus looks like, from what I've read the true bloods can assume any form, male or female. I'm assuming that your abilities are only half as strong, if that, it's rare for the males to survive to maturity, demons aren't the most progressive or peaceful." His voice a rich baritone was devoid of any sympathy or sadism, tinted simply by a mild curiosity that he wished to explore, with no regard for my desires or personhood.

All the while he was talking, I was removing one piece of clothing after another. I was helpless and yet I was hard as a rock and craving more domination.

I hated the loss of control but the demon within loved the feeling of domination, it craved being pinned down and fucked. It was getting harder to keep my thoughts on track, my sense of self was degrading under this mental domination.

"Turn about" I did as asked, turning to face him. "Hmm about what I expected." He said getting closer. Now that he was closer I got a better look at his face and a better impression of his body. He had silvering hair and his eyes spoke of many years spent living through good times and bad, he looked as if he was in his late 40's not early hundreds. His body seemed trim for a Mage, with a bit of muscle tone under the robe but not as much as a Warrior would have.

He took off his fancy Rune embroidered Mage's robe, revealing his bare chest with a thick pelt of silver chest hair trailing ever downwards into his bulging trousers. Even his trousers were ridiculously expensive, made from Wyvern skin and enchanted with multiple runes of protection.

He walked around me running his fingers over my chest and around me to grab onto my butt cheeks, only to spread them apart. "Looks like the rumours are true, you've been quite busy judging by this." He pushed two fingers into me. I let out an involuntary moan and he chuckled. "Even now you want to be fucked. Don't you?" he asked digging his fingers deeper.

I groaned as he touched my sweet spot but I couldn't reply, my mouth wouldn't move, I didn't know if I wanted him to fuck me or not but it didn't matter in the end. My choice was taken from me.

"Obviously you do. Get down on your knees and suck my cock, you little demon slut, see if what they say about you is true."

I finally had movement again but I still had no control, without any direction on my part, my body moving on it's own, I reached into his trousers with one hand grabbing onto the thick meat hidden within. I crouched down and lowered his trousers so as to more easily expose and devour his hard thick 8 inch cock.

It was in my mouth in seconds and I bobbed up and down on it. "That's it boy, that's great."

"Get on the couch, ass up, ready for a fucking." He said gesturing at the expensive looking couch. It reminded me a little of the one I used to have in my office at George's.

I complied quickly assuming the position and he was even quicker in slamming his cock into me. I groaned wordlessly as he filled my ass with his cock.

"This feels so good. No wonder this drives them mad."

He railed me hard for a few minutes before we were interrupted by his functionary, who walked into his boss's office, presumably attracted by the muffled groans and grunts of his boss. "What are you doing?" He asked entering the room while closing the door quickly behind him. The glimpse of his office on the way in gave the impression that his office was a smaller version of his boss's. Presumably they worked closely together, the short distance between them making it easy for them to communicate.

"I don't know, he was annoying me by mouthing off and the next thing I knew I was dominating his mind and fucking his hungry ass." Oneus replied, his hands still on my hips, still fucking away.

"Stop it, you know you can't feed an incubus, it only makes them stronger and more dangerous." Abus said, slowly approaching closer as if he was dealing with a wild beast.

"I know but I can't stop fucking him, it feels way too good." He said still ramming me, his pace had picked up since his aide showed up.

I could sort of see the functionary rubbing at his crotch. "It can't be good enough to risk it."

"Try his mouth before saying something so stupid."

"I don't know if I should."

"Just do it, neither of us has had a woman in a long time, it'll be good for you. We can erase this memory afterwards and it'll be like it never happened."

"Yes sir." He moved around to the other side of the couch, lowering his fancy black trousers and stuck his thin 7 incher into my mouth. "Sir, make him suck it."

"Oh yes. Suck his cock. Act like you do with the other Adventurers, show us a good time."

I burst into movement, whereas before I was merely existing to get railed... I became greedy for cock, like usual, I grabbed onto the functionary's butt, taking a firm grip of his pert little butt and giving it a squeeze as I bobbed up and down on his cock while squeezing and grinding with my butt on Oneus' cock to better please the man behind me.

"We just have to remember not to feed him any of our essence.." Abus said, still trying to be the voice of reason.

"Could you be quiet? I'm trying to enjoy this." Oneus said, his nails digging into my hips as he fucked me faster.

A short time later. "I'm close sir."

"Me too."

"We got to pull out." Abus said, his fingers digging into my upper back as he continued fucking my face urgently.

"I'm trying but he's got his ankles locked around my legs, look at him go, he's desperate for it." Oneus replied, he was being truthful, I did indeed have my ankles locking him in place. If they were going to fuck me, they had to feed me their cum.

"Dominate him." Abus whined, his voice getting higher pitched as he grabbed at my skull, fucking my face more frantically. His words said one thing, while his body wanted something else entirely. I was the death of reason.

"I can't, my concentration isn't strong enough to push through his-" Oneus tried to explain, all the while fucking me faster and faster.

"Oh sir.. I'm" Abus and he leaned over and kissed his boss.

They gripped tighter, the mature mage, gripping my waist and hips, while the junior mage pressed one hand on the back of my head, so that I couldn't move away as he fucked my throat. His other hand was pressed against the back of his boss's neck so that he couldn't pull away from the sordid kiss. Their thrusting increased dramatically for a moment as their kiss got noisier and a muffled groan came from the both of them as they spurted a load in each end before they pulled out and apart. A rush of warmth and a notification about Mind Magic affinity distracted and pleased me even if I couldn't say anything about it.

"Well that happened." Oneus said having pulled his cock out from my ass, I felt empty and greedy but now I was left loose...

"I'm so sorry sir, I don't know what came over me." Abus said, looking away from his boss and back again nervously.

"It's fine, we both got carried away, let's clean up this mess quickly." Oneus replied indifferently moving away from me, to stand opposite him, placing a hand on his shoulder comfortingly, their softening cocks, almost touching each other.

I reached out for their cocks, putting the heads of both of them in my mouth. "What?" the junior asked.

"Damn open ended order, he's uh, still wanting more. Oh, his magic is making me horny for more. What about you?" Oneus asked as I bobbed up and down on his now hardening cock.

"I could definitely go again, I mean we've already screwed up, once more can't make it worse."

"I know that's wrong but somehow I can't work up the energy to care."

"Me either." I was alternating between their two hard cocks, switching between sucking them to get them wet and hard and stroking them to keep them that way. "How was fucking him?" Abus asked.

"I hate to say it but I think it was the best sex of my life. Definitely planning on doing it again."



"I was hoping to try it but I should wait till you're done."

"Well I've heard he takes them two at a time. We could do that too, if you want?"

"Two at a time?" He said quietly.

"Yeah he's apparently loose enough to fit two in his ass, though you'd never guess that judging by how tightly his ass squeezes on your cock. Want to try it?" Oneus asked.

"That sounds amazing. Let's." Abus replied, hard cock in hand.

Oneus moves onto couch, cock standing ramrod straight. "Sit on it."

It's easier to force someone into doing something according to their nature like enjoy pleasure than it is to force them to do something contrary to their Self, like suicide or murdering a loved one or depriving them of an indulgence. Water follows the path of least resistance as do many things and people.

I sit on Oneus' cock, and Abus sticks his cock in me and Oneus' mind links with mine and Abus and their sensations become mine and mine becomes theirs. It's like my mind and body splits into three different but linked parts. It's trippy.

{This is a problem, he's got Mental Resistance level 2 now. We're going to need to place a suggestion to avoid checking his system with any depth, otherwise he might remember what happened.}

{This feels so incredible, I've never done this before.}

{Not recommended for anyone below a master mind mage, it's too easy to lose your Self in the mess of sensations but it's hard to resist the feelings of multiple bodies in pleasure.}

{I want to cum in him, in me, you to uh so good, I can feel my cock in his ass from his body, this is so ... } Abus telepathically replied.

{Keep a little above the sensations, let your mind master your body, our bodies.]

Oneus' hands move over Abus' torso eliciting a tingle of awkward pleasure from Abus, all the while I feel how it's like to be both of them, giving and receiving pleasure. Their bodies, their thoughts, extensions of me.

I'm a mess, all I can think about is how much I need them to blow inside me, I need to learn how to do this, I need to know how to make myself more bodies, fuck them be fucked by them, feel them inside me from multiple minds. I need more.

I lose myself to pleasure and all becomes motion and sensation as they fuck me and ourselves and themselves and all is pleasurable drownings. They cum inside me and it pushes me over the edge into madness and I'm gone.

I come to myself later, finding myself on my back on the edge of the couch getting fucked by Abus again who's hands are pressing down on the back of my knees, pushing them against my chest as he drives himself into me over and over again as we're locked in a fierce fiery kiss. Behind him is Oneus, fucking him, hands on Abus' hips as he fucks him hard. It doesn't take long for Abus to explode within me and for Abus to pull out and for Oneus to take over the fucking.

Abus after watching us for several minutes while stroking his cock, moves to straddle my waist and sits on my cock with a needy groan while I'm still on the edge of the expensive cushioned couch as Oneus fucks me some more. I tongue, suck and nibble on Abus' slim and tender neck as he grinds his ass on my stiff cock.

"Please, I want to feel it, I want both of you inside me." Abus begs and Oneus as a kind and generous boss fucks him too.

They've both been driven to the brink of madness by lust and magic and soon we're both fucking Abus' ass and Abus squeezes so tightly around my cock that I cum again, we cum again, in a messy tangle of bodies and Selves.

They tear me out of them and I'm alone again and they build walls around me and the thoughts and the memories all are buried under flimsy lies. Essentially that I had spent the last few hours doing boring paperwork, with the memories deliberately vague. They leave an impression, an illusion over my thoughts, a directive so that I don't notice the notifications of gaining mental resistance and increased mind affinity by making my natural disinterest in checking my status into an aversion from checking certain sections of my System.

At some point I'm washed with careful attention by Junior who brings me to a messy finish with his hand and mouth before I'm dressed and my mind prettied up with casual thoughts of sex...

I go upstairs along with Felix and others horny and oblivious to what had happened over the preceding hours and resume `normal' activities, driven by the urge to get fucked more and drain more life and power from as many men as I could.

After giving a basic response of doing paperwork when asked as to why I was gone so long, no one brings it up again. but I was soon naked as per usual getting fucked like there was no tomorrow and a tickle in the back of my mind wanted relief from the itch.


So I've remembered what happened for the most part, some parts of the memories are a blur due to all the mind fuckery and actual fucking involved. Now I wanted payback. They would pay and pay some more. I'm far stronger than I used to be, oddly enough thanks to goblins and a fledgling dungeon core.

It was time to make use of this betrayal of my mind and get what's owed to me. I'm less concerned about them fucking me, I like fucking, the possession of my mind and fucking with my memories however is not acceptable.

They'd be of use, whether they'd want to or not. After all it's far harder to control a mind that's alert than it is to control someone who doesn't expect it. I should know, my stock in trade is knowing how to exploit desire to get what I want from someone while they think they're getting what they want.


Author's Note: This is the expansion of the couple of paragraphs in Chapter 21 where Lucius is sent to the Guild Master's office in order to answer for his odd behaviour in the showers and so forth. Where before he thinks he just did boring paperwork for some reason, instead he was subjected to `technical rape' and mind rape. The problem of getting a reputation is that people notice you and pay attention to you which can lead to all sorts of awkward and unforseen complications.

Next: Chapter 28

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