Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 21, 2020


Chapter 28 Aftermath

There was a moment of silence as Felix and Kered digested the news.

"How could you not have told me this before?" Felix asked in a voice just shy of shouting, his eyes wide with shock, his fists clenched tightly at his sides in barely restrained rage, his every action shouted that I had betrayed him with my deception.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how." I said standing up looking at my leathery skin with disgust. Dungeon Paul may have had little concern for how my `improvements' looked but I didn't approve.

I still had an overflow of mana within me and I had a much better understanding of my own physiology and in a way my body was much more in line with my demonic half than before. I felt powerful and also a little more unstable and out of control, like I could conquer the world and bathe in it's blood quite happily. Which was a bad idea in general for a multitude of reasons.

I shook off the idle thought and focused on my outsides, remembering the taste and texture of my old skin and recreating it. My skin lost the old leathery texture almost immediately, becoming paler and a little more fragile and yet I kept the changes made a few layers beneath the skin. While my skin would look normal, the inner layers would remain tougher and more durable.

It came so easily, all it cost was mana, which I had an abundance of at that moment. Then my mana ran low and I could feel a flood of raw unfiltered mana pumping into me on the way to the dungeon core.

The core room was the perfect place for a Mage to advance their regeneration, no wonder Archmages loved their Dungeon Core Staves.

"Did you know about this?" Felix asked Michael.

"Yeah since I first met him, I kind of blackmailed him about it actually funny story really -"

"I can't believe you two" Felix said, before he stomped off and Kered followed him silently. Michael and I looked at each other.

"Well that didn't go well. How are you doing?" Michael asked.

"I don't know, I feel odd still, like I'm half baked and I'm still waiting to settle, everything feels off still and I know I should be concerned about Felix and I am but it feels kind of distant like it's a problem of a friend, I care but not as much as if it involved me. My head's all fucked up."

"Well that sucks. So what's happening with this dungeon core?"

"Oh yeah, claim the core, his name is Paul and he's from Earth too."

"Wait what? How?" Michael asked, his voice rising in volume and pitch with each question.

"Just touch the core and it'll give you the option to claim it and you two can talk about your home world or whatever."

Michael [Flash Stepped] to the Core placing his hand on it and his eyes shut and I realised how odd having a conversation with a Core was when you were on the outside looking in and had no idea what was being said.


"Uh yes?" The fairy appeared, in front of my face, giving me a better look at it, it had been squealing and crying and fluttering about so much before that I hadn't really paid much attention to it's appearance beyond noting it's gender was male and it shimmered. Then again my mind is such a weird and busy place with all the thoughts and impulses that I struggle to pay attention to all the things in the world outside my own head.

He's a male, around 6 inches tall with shaggy red hair that flowed halfway down its back, long pointy ears, with iridescent wings, a grass skirt and no other clothing. If he was 6 feet tall, instead of 6 inches, he'd be an attractive male with broad shoulders and chest leading into a tapered waist, with narrow hips and strong legs, as he's tiny, I thought he was cute but not fuckable.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Alaro, sir?" he asked uncertain as to how to address me.

"I don't care much for honorifics, now that I'm also bound to the dungeon just think of me as your dungeon brother."

"As you wish, so are you and your party going to stay in the dungeon and help us grow?"

"That's a good question, I don't really know the answer to be honest. I will inform the Adventurer's Guild that we've eliminated the goblins terrorising Talon's Peak and collect the reward, which should buy us some time before Delvers arrive. As for my party, I don't really know, half of them are mad at me and I should probably deal with that sometime soon. I'm guessing Michael will stay, those two are probably bound by fate and destiny and whatever other bullshit. A core that can produce endless armies and a Mage with increasing control over spatial travel will be a force to be reckoned with. I'll do my part and help, I'll lay claim to the land around it so that when a dungeon town forms around this place, I will get paid for my efforts. Other than that I don't know."

"I'm amazed that you could get Paul calm so quickly. I've been trying for weeks."

"Well I have the advantage of Charm being one of my major abilities." I placed a hand out so that Alaro could land on it instead of fluttering his wings to stay aloft. His tiny feet tickled my palm a little as he landed, it was a curious sensation, it made me wonder about some very strange things.

"So what was your name?" Alaro asked.

"Lucius, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too."

"It's a shame you're not bigger." I blurted out without thought or consideration.

"Why's that?"

"You're very cute but far too tiny to play with."

He blushed, from his cheeks to his chest, it all went red. "That's very kind um I'm not sure what else to say. I've never -"

"Can I touch you?" I asked cutting him off.

"Uh why?" He asked, his face flushing a deeper shade of red.

"I'm curious, you're the very first dungeon fairy I've ever met and accounts are very vague about your species and I'm curious what you'd taste like."

He fluttered away out of reach, "I don't want to be eaten."

"I just wanted to lick you a little. I'm not going to eat you. Come on, come back here, I won't bite."

I was stuck with Michael silently communing with the core and the others mad at me, somewhere else in the dungeon and a fairy hiding from me scared that I was going to eat him. Today was proving to be a total failure, failing at everything and with everyone.

I knew that I should be more concerned about Felix and Kered but Alaro made for a welcome distraction from more serious concerns. I didn't know how to deal with Felix or Kered and I didn't really have a good excuse for endangering their lives except that I didn't want to stop having sex with them. Which when said aloud, sounded terrible, then again, I am terrible, letting my lust get in the way of good judgement but it's hard to tell my friends and lovers to stop fucking me without letting them know my secret and if they knew, things would spiral out of control. Like they are now. Fuck it. I don't like thinking about it at all, burying it with all the other things that I don't want to think about in the deepest recesses of my mind. Back to Alaro...

Alaro returned after a few minutes of my assurances and pleas fluttering not that far away from me. "You promise not to hurt me?"

"No, I'll be super gentle and I'll do my best to make you feel great." I said, doing my best to sound sincere and trustworthy, it reminded me of calming a nervous horse into letting you ride it. Mmm riding with Will was often fun, because most rides ended with me riding him or being fucked up against a tree.

"You better!" Alaro said looking fierce but because of how small he was, he just looked super adorable, I did kind of want to eat him up.

When he landed on my hand again, he was half crouched, ready to burst into flight the second I tried anything bad, his paranoia was so cute in how useless it was. If I wanted to hurt him, it wouldn't be hard, I'd simply crank up [Energy Drain] and overwhelm his presumably weak defences in seconds. "I'm just going to touch you very slowly to see how different your skin is compared to mine. Is that acceptable?"

"Just be careful, you're huge."

I smiled and said. "I hear that a lot but in this case it's actually true." I reached out with my left finger carefully brushing against his leg.

"Ah." He squirmed in the palm of my hand.

"Does that hurt?" I asked, concerned.

"Um no, it feels nice actually, just wasn't expecting it." He said, face down, trying unsuccessfully to hide his full body blush.

"Good then, I'll keep going, let me know if it's too much."


I traced my finger up his smooth supple leg, he was practically hairless except for the hair on the top of his head and his eyebrows, making him look perpetually youthful. "How old are you anyway?"

"Thirty." He said, voice deeper.

"You're older than me then, I'm only 14. You're lucky I like older men." I said stopping my finger halfway up his grass skirt, the grass was the familiar and pervasive Trail's Grass.

"Um, faeries live for centuries, so I'm kind of young, this is my first outing outside our realm." His voice trembled, whether it was because of how I was touching him or the troubles he found after leaving home, it was unclear. "It was terrible before you came."

"Oh aren't you a sweetie. Can I lick you?" I asked moving him closer to my face so I could do just that.

"Um, if you want." his blush had spread down into his crotch which had sprouted a stiff pink thing about the size of my finger nail between the blades of grass. It was an impressive sized cock in proportion to his size but he was the size of my hand so that didn't mean much.

I stuck the tip of my tongue out carefully and licked the little fairy's chest. He giggled and squirmed and I traced wet circles over his smooth hairless chest, it tasted just like a normal guy's chest, complete with sweat and a particular flavor I'd become familiar with, the taste of warmth and life.

"How about we get rid of this?" I asked rhetorically as my nail sliced through the string of braided grass holding his little grass skirt up, the remnants of his grass skirt falling into my palm. I licked his hard rod or to be more accurate I licked his entire pelvic region, cocklet included. Size differences made focusing my attention to one very small region very difficult.

He groaned in ecstasy, before he lost his mind and started fucking my tongue with his whole body and cock. It was remarkably weird to have the red headed fairy grabbing onto the sides of my tongue, rubbing his entire body against my tongue while thrusting his stiff prick into my tongue over and over again. His prick kept jabbing into my tongue which tickled. He lasted mere seconds before squirting microscopic amounts of cum on my tongue. He was even more of a hair trigger than I was my first time getting some sexual attention.

"Seriously? Is there anything you wouldn't try and fuck?" Michael asked, having broken mental communion with Dungeon Paul at some point without me noticing and turned to see me getting my tongue fucked by a dungeon fairy.

Alaro flew away, still naked, and wet from the neck down and disappeared from sight, the last I saw of him was his tiny pale ass as he fluttered away somewhere unknown, leaving me with a handful of trail grass. I pocketed it, in case Alaro wanted it back.

"What? I wanted to see if I could maybe get wings like his."

The thought of flying through the air instead of being stuck on the ground walking like a chump seemed like a dream come true. I had to take the chance.

"And did you?" Michael asked hands on hips, looking decidedly unconvinced.

"Um I know how to replicate his wings, I'd have to use a lot of mana to make wings that'd actually let me fly though." Michael just looked at me, like he thought I was ridiculous and I shrugged and said. "What? He's cute!"

"He's literally 6 inches tall, you've had dicks bigger than that inside you, his entire body could be shoved in your ass and you'd probably not feel it."

"Hey, he's a sweetie pie, don't be mean to him."

"You know I don't think I'll ever understand you."

"I want what I want, what's complicated about that?"

"True enough, want a real man in you?" Michael said dropping his rune staff and stripping off his robe, and immediately grabbing at the bulge in his trousers.

"Don't mind if I do." I said walking over to Michael, cock straining in my Monstrous Silk trousers. Alaro had gotten me horny with his tongue fucking but there was no way for me to stick anything in him, unless I figured out a way to shrink myself, which I could do, now that I had Alaro's essence but getting back to the right size would be a nightmare. Instead I'd just have to settle for Michael's cock inside me, to help keep my mind off all the things threatening my sanity.

I knelt down on the cold hard stone floor and pulled out his stiff cock and crammed it into my mouth. "Yeah suck it, get it nice and wet, I'm going to fuck you so hard."

Ten seconds later he pushed my face back and I asked a mostly rhetorical question. "Want to fuck me?"

He nodded, stroking his hard wet cock, eyeing me hungrily, kicking off his boots. I burst into action, scattering my clothes and stuff everywhere in order to be naked faster. Seconds later, I was completely naked and on my hands and knees facing away from him.

Michael was on his knees behind me practically instantly, his cock taking less than a second to sink in deep. "Yeah fuck yeah, I love fucking you, you horny little fucker." Michael mumbled/muttered as he grabbed onto my hips.

"Yeah fuck me hard." I wanted to forget my multitude of problems and thoughts and just be in the moment and the best way I found to do that was to get thoroughly fucked. Or you know get super focused on a chemical problem but that was less enjoyable for other people and I'm a people pleaser at heart.

"Fuck, fuck yeah take it." Michael groaned, his hips in motion, driving his hard cock into my hungry hole. The more he fucked me, the more I moved my butt to meet his every back stroke, wanting more, wanting it harder, wanting to be fucked into bliss. His cock was an even better distraction than messing around with Alaro.

Of course that was the moment that Kered walked in and asked, "Can we talk?"

"He's busy, getting busy, he'll be with you shortly..." Michael said, ramming his cock into me harder and faster.

"Fine. I'll wait." Kered said, his arms crossed over his slim chest.

"Why don't you fuck his face while you wait, it might help ease the tension."

"No." Kered said, continuing to watch us silently from that point on.

As per usual I was too busy enjoying a good fucking to care too much about other people's feelings. All I wanted was for Michael to fucking cum in me and fill me with his warmth. I would have liked for Kered to fuck my face too but he was out of reach and I was already digging my nails into the cold ground to stay focused. Michael was hitting the sweet spot a lot and it was hard to think or worry any more. I just wanted...

Some time later, Michael gave me just what I wanted a burst of wetness and warmth as he groaned and pumped a fresh load of cum in my ass.

Michael pulled out and stood up. I got to my feet, still naked, still hard, still horny and ready to go. I glanced at the floor where my clothes had been dumped, to find nothing there.

"Fucking dungeons, I want that back." I looked around worried for a second that it took my spatial bag, but luckily it was still safe and sound where I had last left it. Dungeons would absorb anything that was considered abandoned by it's owners (or were no longer owned because they were dead usually because of the dungeon itself). It stole my Monstrous silk outfit, the bastard, along with my chain mail shirt. It also absorbed Michael's robe and runeword staff, along with his trousers. Our spatial bags, which were bound by blood binding magic remained as long as we were alive (or the enchantment timed out or was unbound).

Kered just said "Come on, we should talk."

I followed Kered to a different room. "I'm sorry about everything. I should have told you guys earlier, I just didn't want you to think differently of me."

"Felix is too furious with you to want to talk to you but I'm ready to hear you out. Tell me everything."

So I told him everything, starting from when Minos and Alec first had their way with me up until now, including what I had been doing to reduce the risk to them by spreading my drainage around to multiple people. My aim was to simply take less energy from each person while mastering my demonic abilities as best I could. Which often meant having sex with as many men as possible.

He seemed unhappy with the deception but seemed generally willing to forgive me.

I explained how when I fucked someone, I didn't take anything from them unless I made them cum... He laughed at that... which hurt a little.

But he made up for it by sucking on my hard cock (I may have gotten a little worked up talking about being gangbanged).

Once he made my cock good and wet he commanded. "Lie down on the ground, cock up, you're not allowed to move and you can't cum until I do. You're mine now."

"Sure whatever you say." I said doing as I was told, lying on the cold stone floor with my cock sticking straight up waiting and hoping for something fun to keep my mind off Felix.

He stripped himself naked, revealing his own stiff cock. He straddled me, slowly lowering himself onto my stiff cock, impaling himself on my meat spear. He groaned and I clenched my fists to resist the urge to pound his sweet ass hard. He slowly lowered himself an inch at a time, taking his sweet time. I bit my lip, fighting the urge to just grab onto his hips and start railing away at his insides until I blissesd out within him.

I tasted blood in my mouth as I accidentally bit too hard.

Kered started a slow ride, hands on my chest as he leaned forward to look at my face and directly into my eyes as he teased me with his slow movements on my aching cock.

I suffered my punishment like a man.

It was painful how hard it was to resist cumming into him, his ass was so tight and warm and squeezed my cock so good...

Still I managed to hold until the moment after he blasted his load on my stomach and chest and then I emptied myself into his ass with a long drawn out groan of relief..

Once we got back on our feet, Kered said, "Well that was fun but you should try talking to Felix, see if he's cooled off a bit."

"Thanks." I kissed him lightly on the mouth giving his bare ass a squeeze.

He groped my ass in return, pressing his whole body against mine tightly. "I'd fuck you right back but then we'd be out of order wouldn't we?" He asked with a cheeky smile at the end to prove it was just a joke, rather than a mockery, though considering I was the butt of the joke either way...

It had been a thing since I mentioned that they should fuck me in order of size that they brought it up regularly and it had become something of an inside joke at my expense. Not that it stopped any of them from pounding my ass when we were alone in the tent together but it got brought up a lot during meal breaks, when they took turns pounding my ass.

It was kind of embarrassing for reasons I couldn't really explain even to myself every time they mentioned it but it still made things easier when they followed the proper order. Of course sometimes, they'd complicate it by double teaming my ass. One moment I'd be riding Michael's cock and Felix would come up from behind and fuck my ass too, stretching me so that it'd be a bit longer before any of them could single fuck me before it felt as good.

I changed the subject, moving my hands off his very fuckable ass before I pinned him down and fucked him some more, this time more roughly until all my frustrations were gone (I refrained as Kered's ass couldn't and shouldn't take that much abuse) and said, "Looks like the dungeon has stolen your clothes too, we can be naked buddies together."

"What the fuck?"

"Don't worry about it, talk to Michael and he should be able to get the dungeon to make you an even better outfit."

The dungeon had absorbed his thief's outfit of soft leathers, not that it was a great loss, considering how much damage it took from all the goblins during the various battles.

"Why Michael?"

"He's the dungeon owner now."

"Well that's going to make him worse."

"Yeah..." I said. Michael could be a chore to deal with a lot of the time.

"Well I guess I should see what he's doing while you go off and talk with Felix."

"ugh." I groaned out, not looking forward to having to explain things to Felix.

Kered laughed. "No use putting it off. Get to it already." He said slapping my ass.

I smiled, I liked Kered, he was fun, it didn't hurt that I could cuddle up to and kiss instead of the more animalistic fucking that I experienced with most of the other men I met. Not that I disliked just getting pinned down and fucked by one horny guy after another, I quite liked it, it's just nice to be able to cuddle up naked with someone cute who'd suck your cock for you and let you bury your hard aching cock in their butt. Fuck I wanted to fuck Kered again but I knew that I should deal with Felix first. "Thanks for forgiving me. I really appreciate it."

Kered shrugged, "It's not like I expected anything really from you so I was just annoyed. You've really hurt Felix though, he loved you and now he doesn't know how much of it was a lie." I sighed, Kered's words cutting right through me. "I didn't really lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth."

Kered merely `hmmmed' at me and I took that as my cue to leave.

After that I sought out Felix and I found him remarkably easily, the dungeon had become like my second home, as familiar as if I had lived there for years... A side effect of the monster pact and the bonding with the dungeon. The sounds of slashing and the sounds of heavy exertion made it easier too. I just had to follow the sounds to find him. The dungeon knowledge just helped to avoid the dead ends along the way.

Felix was swinging his spear furiously around the room slicing and slashing at the waist high plants that had been used to hide goblins.

"Hey." I said awkwardly standing at a distance, unsure of what to say.

"What do you want?" Felix asked, not looking at me.

"Can we talk?"

He glanced at me, still naked and dripping cum from chest, cock and butt and rolled his eyes. "I can't trust you. You're a liar and hell spawn and you've sold your soul to a dungeon."

"I didn't sell it, I just kind of put a lease on it of sorts. It's only a problem if I actually die and then I'm more bound to the dungeon, if I don't, well I just have to pay a little experience tax to keep all the improvements gained from the pact."

"I'm not interested, I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me before I kill you." He said pointing his sap stained spear tip at me.

"I really am sorry about everything." I said as I backed away, I was less concerned about a physical injury than his fury further degrading my heart and head.

I should have felt more upset but there was like a distance between us now, the truth and the dungeon pact opening a chasm between us.

I loved Felix and I wanted to be with him but I was bad for him, he was human and I was not and my love was literal poison. The older and stronger I got, the easier it'd be for me to steal his life with one mistake and sex made it easy to forget restraint and lose control.

There was a disconnect between my thoughts and feelings now. It was easier to avoid certain actions, I didn't have to have sex with anyone while within the dungeon, the steady flow of mana made the instinctual need to drain mortals unnecessary but it had become a habit. I didn't need to and in some ways I didn't even really want to but it was fun and it was distracting and it was so easy.

I didn't even have to try that hard and men would give me what I wanted. I wondered if that was what it was like to be a woman, which made me think, could I shift into a woman and see what that was like. Probably, but did I want to? Not really. I'd have to get a sample from a woman. Then again if I got a sample from Emily, Stan would be much easier to seduce.

Bad thoughts.

This was the problem of being naked, all I could think about was sex.

Felix ignored me and it didn't really seem like this was the right moment to talk to him. I'd have to give him more time and see if that helped. I didn't like losing his love and his friendship at the same time but I couldn't force him to love me again. Well I probably could but it'd be hollow and I'd really be worthy of his hatred then.

I walked back to the core room and found Michael and Kered in deep discussion as to what to do now, since our party was splintered at the moment. Both of them were fully dressed so I couldn't distract myself with the sight of their naked bodies or them just fucking me stupid.

I took charge and said, "I'm going to lay claim to the land around the dungeon, while Michael will stay within the dungeon to make use of the mana and the monsters to advance."

"Wait how are you going to get the land?" Michael asked, now with a new robe and rune staff, which looked clean and tasted stronger. (Energy perception had increased post dungeon pact and detecting how strong things were was much easier and much more sensitive to changes.)

"I'll buy it obviously." I said.

"Don't you have to be nobility to own land in this world?" Michael asked.

"Yeah and I'm the son of the Chief of the village of Respite and have the same right as him to own land and claim lands that I've conquered as my own, presuming of course I pay a tithe to the king."

"Wait, you're nobility?" Michael asked, looking to me, then at Kered, who shrugged.

"Didn't I tell you that?" I asked.

"No, I'm sure I would have remembered that." Michael said.

"It's not that surprising, so are Minos and Alec, it's just that I'm slightly higher in the ranking than they are, since my dad is the chief and their dads are on the village council." I said.

"Guess that's how he bought my debt, I should have known he'd be rich enough to buy a fucking title. Fuck I'm stupid sometimes." Kered said.

"Wait so your mom's the succubus? I'm confused." Michael said, eyebrows raising in question.

"No, my mom's a fire mage, my dad is a magic swordsman and my other dad is a demonic bastard that raped my mom and most likely my dad too."

"Fucking hell your backstory is so fucking Days of Our Lives that I don't even know what to say about it. You have two gay dads that's hilarious." Michael started laughing.

Kered just looked confused. I shrugged, not too concerned about their confusion, it had been a long day and there was still so much to do.

"Kered will you come with me back to Talon's Peak, so we can make sure that there's no more incidents any time soon?"

"You are my owner and I guess lord too, that's going to take some getting used to, what else am I going to do?"

"Great, Michael, I leave the dungeon to you, make sure to spend as much time in it as possible so it can absorb your extra mana. Try and get it to make some more floors so we can get things rolling. Dark times are coming."

Kered and I left after one last attempt to talk to Felix, suffice to say he said good riddance and was very hostile. It made for a bitter parting.

Kered tried to comfort me and said "He just needs time to get used to the truth and then maybe he'll get over it."

I shrugged, whatever happened happened, there were bigger concerns now, namely trying to prevent everyone from being slaughtered by greedy nobles and their armies.

We visited Talon's peak to explain that there had been an abnormal dungeon pumping out Goblins and we had cleared it and claimed it as our own so it would no longer bother them.

The Elder Alucard tried to throw a feast in our honour but we advised them that we'd do that on the way back once we secured the rights to the area so we could grow it into a dungeon town. If done right it could bring great prosperity to the area. I asked him to keep it between us for the moment until we got things sorted out. Alucard agreed, not wanting to deal with the politics of claiming a dungeon either. He'd said he'd notify the other villagers of the news and the need for secrecy but it was unlikely that news wouldn't get out sooner or later.

Alan (the cute village boy) wanted to check out the place and practice his skills on the tamed dungeon goblins.

Dungeons grew from the life force of those who remained within it's walls and died within it's walls. There were rules about how it worked, some of which I had learned from the book I bought about the dungeon in Derby and from the books about the Essex dungeon I read in the Essex library but the majority of it was from my union with Paul. I knew far more than I wanted about him and his world and Dungeons from our union. Most of which I put in a corner of my mind to deal with later, there was just so much to unpack, a whole lifetime of knowledge in fact, including something called welding which had been his sometime profession before transmigration.

We left Talon's Peak behind us, Kered served as my guide on the way back to Essex. The both of us made much better time on the way back as we both ran the majority of the distance. I wanted to test out my improved build and Kered wanted to make the most of his recently spent & increased stat points. We were both a lot faster than we were before and without a strength focused Warrior and an intelligence/wisdom minded Mage slowing us down, we made excellent time.

Instead of a week's travel, we knocked it down to three days, making the use of our increased Agility to run fast in between frequent breaks to have light meals and stamina potions during our meal breaks. It's a good if tiring way to naturally boost stamina gain.

Upon arriving at Essex we're waved through thanks to our adventurer's tags and the fact that we'd been seen coming and going with the merchant's caravan.

Our first stop is at Uffron's to tell him of the situation. Partly because it's geographically close to the city gate and he's our nearest ally.

We told him about the dungeon and how we planned to set up a dungeon town there as soon as we could buy the land and protect it.

"I'd rather not, I'm doing quite well here and I don't want to get involved in dungeon politics. I'm happy here, I dungeon delve when I want, I make my own hours, I get a steady supply of customers and there's very little competition. I hope that's not a problem." Uffron said, brows furrowed in concern.

"It's fine, it's a little disappointing, would have been nice to have you join us but you do what you feel is right. I won't hold it against you. That said, did you collect the slime cores like I asked you to while I was away."

"Yes yes, I've also got some potions that should keep you stocked up for your journey." Ufrron said handing me an unbound spatial backpack, it had potions and slime cores within. His tone much lighter now that he got my approval for him to remain in Essex. I guess at some point during the month or so of training he's come to respect and value my opinion. How strange.

Without Michael, creating more EMB's is a lot more difficult and far less effective, so slime cores would have to do. It didn't help that my memories of Alchemy had been diminished through the monster pact, including the Golem related skills. Dungeon pacts gave a lot but they required an equivalent exchange, lifetime loyalty was a common price but I had lost quite a bit of knowledge in order to feed the baby dungeon. I could relearn it all given some time and with all the knowledge I had gained from Dungeon Paul, I could reach even greater heights than most Alchemists could dream of.

Time was the problem, it'd take time to relearn the things I had known, understand the things Paul knew from his world and time was in short supply. I needed to secure the Dungeon at all costs or my life and very soul were at risk.

The first step was to visit the Adventurer's Guild and after another hour of walking made it there without incident.

I dropped off the goblin ears at the Essex Adventurer's Guild, keeping the knowledge of the newly found dungeon secret, don't want a tide of greedy Adventurers descending on the place before I gain the deed for it.

It was tempting to spend the night at the Adventurer's Guild facilities and leisurely wash away the sweat of grime of fast travel and enjoy a nice long soak in the water. Or to spend a day and a night making use of Marcus' hospitality to work out some built up frustrations but we simply don't have the time. I settled for a quick shower and fuck, with Kered pressed up against the tiled wall under the warm spray as I fuck him hard and fast as I haven't had nearly as many opportunities for casual fucking as we've had to do watches with one person watching out for threats and the other sleeping. I greatly missed the leisurely and repeated fucks that I had on the way to Talon's Peak, that were mostly absent on the way back. Between Kered's concern about [Life Drain] & circumstances, we mostly just ended up fucking once or twice a day, usually with me fucking him quickly before we set off for the day or more often before he slept.

We dried off, changed clothes and we head out again after I say a quick goodbye to Marcus promising to fuck him properly when we return. He's very satisfied by entertaining the Spears of Sorrow every other night but they don't suck cock like I do. I plan on bringing them along on the way back, possibly after a mutually satisfying sexual free for all. Be good to have more spear men on side, since they have so much thrusting accuracy...

What I want is to talk to Dad and get his advice on how to claim the land for myself.

Being a second degree noble with no military force meant that any noble who wanted to claim my property could just take it from me by right of conquest. Considering the potential value of a new Dungeon, I definitely needed supporters to back my claim, otherwise I'd be overwhelmed by fending off greedy nobles.

Dominic hadn't faced too much opposition for his claim of Respite, mostly because it didn't produce much of value other than food and had semi frequent sightings of monsters that needed to be dealt with. Dominic and his militia filled with retired veteran adventurers dealt with those and Grindor provided potions to help speed up recovery of those who got injured or sick. Respite worked but it wouldn't fare well under the leadership of a pampered noble. Dad had gained his `nobility' in recognition of his service in the Demon War.

My increased intelligence made remembering certain events easier even if I lacked the wisdom necessary to make full use of them quite yet. All of those village reports I read out of boredom suddenly becoming far more meaningful.

We bought a horse for the journey, a stallion like Boga, except this is just a horse, where Boga is a Night Steed. I named my new stallion Penrith.

We left quickly, lightly packed. I wanted to make the most of the time to head to Derby and get some reinforcements, from my Dad, George, Alec, Swords of Destiny among many others.

When we returned with sufficient forces we could even undertake some recruiting of the Essex adventurers to build up the dungeon faster.

We'd already lost half the day by dealing with Uffron and the Adventurer's Guild.

The ride on my new horse was very stimulating as there's something so thrilling about being on top of a big beast with a massive dick. I mean, Kered's hands wrapped tightly around my waist as he held on for dear life. Kered hadn't the experience of riding a horse before since he was a child of the slums and horses were expensive to own and maintain. He was pressed very tightly against me and the steady canter of the horse was making my trousers tight.

I wondered if I could get Kered to be my knight, since I technically owned him, at least until he paid off his debt to me. He'd need to learn a few more weapons though, Knights were a good class for physical minded fighters as they gained increases to all physical stats per level.

Something to think about once I've dealt with Kered's cock rubbing up against my backside, maybe after dealing with mine too, preferably by sinking it into Kered's tight hole. Who knew that riding for hours with a sexy man behind you would lead to being horny?

Still much better than walking even if we didn't make great time, considering we were doubling up on a horse, we were still a couple of hours away from Bent. I had hoped to get there before nightfall so we could make use of a soft bed but a bed roll would have to do as I rail Kered from behind. Or maybe he'd just fuck me once before we settled down for the night, since he whined about sore thighs and butt from riding bareback.

He might not be up for multiple rounds tonight, though we should probably set up a watch but it's probably safe since we cleared the area of wild monsters since the Caravan should of cleared the path less than a week or so ago.


Author's note: I'm thinking of Pips from Ferngully: The Last Rainforest, when writing about Alaro, except with a more pleasing symmetrical face. Pips looks kind of goofy though rule 34 makes a valiant attempt to make him hotter in the face.

Also somehow I had completely blanked on Agility and forgot to mention it in chapter 21. Agility is max speed, movement speed.

Kered gains +1 Agility +1 Dexterity per level as a thief and + 1 strength +1 Agility + Dexterity per level as an Assassin

Since he gained one level as a thief and about 5 levels as an assassin from the goblin dungeon battle, he's gained 6 extra agility from Class levels and spent a couple of points across the board on his other attributes.

People gain 3 free stat points per level that can be assigned as they wish at the cost of reduced natural stat gains. It gets explained in more detail when the stakes are higher, next chapter.

Lucius gained a bunch of free stats from the `dungeon upgrade' allowing him to improve in most areas except for wisdom and luck. Wisdom because it's a byproduct of applied learning and luck because it's a fundamental result of Gods fudging probability in certain directions.

Next Chapter: Bandits... It gets really really bad for our MC next chapter, like really fucked up, Kered suffers. They'll never be the same again...

On other news I walked into the base of the bed frame this morning when I was half awake so next chapter may or may not be up in the next couple of days. Depends on how productive I feel as I'm trapped in bed with a throbbing foot, instead of a throbbing cock. Might feel inspired to write more or maybe less, depends on how the reading of Lament of the Fallen goes I guess and my general mood.

As always feel free to contact me on waynewriteswords@outlook.com to distract me from the six kilos of chocolate I bought for 7 bucks and the general boredom of the coronapocalypse.

Also as I'm obligated to point out donations keep the nifty site alive so... if you've invested heavily in crude oil or the stock market blue stocks during this time of uncertainty, you might think to send a few dollars Nifty's way after you cash out in a month or so when the lockdowns cease and life return to some kind of normal.

P.P.P.P.P.s My foot hurts and I've posted way too many addendums in this section, I think I may have gone crazy due to isolation and injury. IANAL is the funniest disclaimer there is.

Next: Chapter 29

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