Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 22, 2019


Chapter 3 Dinner & Double Dipping

After we had dressed, Minos & Alec went off to their daily activities while I went off to mine.

Minos to work with his father on the farm, while Alec patrolled the forests for game to hunt.

Minos had told me to keep our activities quiet.

I wasn't in any rush to tell anyone about what had happened. I was still trying to decide how I felt about it myself.

I liked parts of it while other parts of it felt strange, painful or disturbing.

I still felt strangely empty after Minos had his way with me.

I could understand that we had sex but I was unclear as to what it meant. Typically sex was between a man and a woman either as a prelude of marriage or a consequence of courting.

Minos displayed no interest in courting me, nor did Alec and I didn't feel that way inclined about either of them.

I liked them well enough, well Alec more than Minos most days but I didn't dislike them and I liked the feel of their bodies beneath my fingers and it had felt nice when they were pressed up against me and inside of me.

I felt myself hardening again. I slapped my penis to get it to behave. Or should I call it cock? Minos seemed to find my referring to it as a penis laughable.

I didn't understand the other people in my village very well. I spent a lot of time alone, reading or eating due to my condition.

While I knew a lot about the world and it's history and inner workings due to all the books I read, I had no clue why people did what they did.

Regardless I did my duty by doing my daily tasks, collecting herbs, mixing health potions & doing my best to memorise and understand the almanack of plants, minerals and animals and their various interactions to better my alchemy skills.

The day passed surprisingly quickly, with no unwelcome episodes from my condition. I felt oddly good today, despite an aching bottom and an inability to sit down for very long without discomfort.

After my typical dinner by myself of roasted horned rabbit I went to Minos for a second dinner.

I went to Frederic's farm and said hello to Frederic and his family. Frederic was six feet tall with a strong muscular build, very unlike the stereotypical image of a wiry archer. He was somewhat skilled with a sword but preferred a bow to fight his enemies from a safe distance.

There was his wife Hilda, a buxom blond, with an easy smile. Fred the first born son who was as tall and broad as his father, practically the spitting image of his father. Minos was a bit shorter and stockier than his father. Dale was my height but skinny and lacklustre.

We gathered around for a meal, it was unsatisfying as I could only eat the same amount as the others and it didn't really fill me up. It did have an interesting flavor and was a welcome break from my regular meal of roasted horned rabbit or iron deer. It was a vegetable stir fry, heavy on the vegetables, with a light sprinkling of chicken bits throughout.

I had a similar condition to my mother, except in some ways it was less severe and others it was worse.

I was frequently hungry and tired, I ate a lot to try and keep my body going and gained very little weight. I drank stamina potions during the day like other people drank water to prevent fainting from exhaustion. One of the reasons Dad insisted I learn alchemy instead of the sword was that I could keep a steady supply of stamina potions on hand.

I had read up on it and couldn't find a similar condition listed in any medical tomes, the only thing that seemed similar was something in Grindor's private religious documents. It was concerning but there was nothing much to be done about it. Either my condition would stabilise over time or I would die.

I used to feel more about my condition. I raged against the gods but it left me even more drained from anger and helplessness. I cried out of misery but it did nothing except make my throat sore and my eyes red.

After years and years of sickness and suffering I had learned it was just easier to accept that I couldn't do much about it and endure for as long as I could. Calm acceptance was the least emotionally and physically draining state of being.

During dinner I stayed mostly quiet watching as Minos and his family interacted with each other with familiarity and cheer.

It felt alien to me. Ever since my mother had died, there had been a growing distance between my father and I. Even before she died, between my mother's failing health and mine, our dinner table was often heavily laden while a sombre mood was ever present.

I craved the warmth of this family but I did not know how to engage with these people. I felt like an intruder, it didn't help that I kept wondering what Frederic would look naked and whether he packed a monster in his pants as well and whether Hilda enjoyed his carnal attentions.

After dinner was done, Minos took me to the room he shared with his youngest brother. It was a three bedroom farm stead. Frederic and his wife shared a bedroom, Fred had his own & Minos & Dale shared one.

I just looked at Dale, curious as to what he'd show me while Dale looked back at me with open contempt. It was curious, I didn't remember doing anything to annoy him during my brief time at the village's school but then again I was notorious in my obliviousness to human interactions. It was entirely possible that I had aggravated him unintentionally. It had happened before. Some of the other children thought I was weird or showing off due to my choice of words, or that I could read and write long before they had or other things I didn't really understand even after years had passed. People were weird, children even more so.

Minos just looked between the two of us before raising his hands up in frustration.

"Lumos save me from this nightmare. Come on you two, it's not that complicated, give him a kiss."

Dale looked between me and his brother a couple of times before giving a defeated shrug and giving me a peck on the lips.

It seemed odd, I hadn't received much in the way of affection since my mother died, kisses especially, that felt nice if a little unwilling.

I tried to return the favour, but Dale seemed remarkably unimpressed with my attempt. Admittedly it was my first attempt at kissing anyone, so it was highly likely that I failed at it. I tried again and Dale assaulted me with his tongue. I pushed him away. "What are you doing?"

"You're such a freak, why did you want him to come over, when you have me?"

"I like to have my options open, this way I can have two horny boys to suck my cock whenever I want."

"But I do it any time you want." Dale whined.

"Yeah and quite a few times when I don't want you to. This way you'll have someone else to bother."

"Isn't that why you brought Alec around?"

"Yeah but this way next time Alec comes over, he can pound your ass while I pound Lucius."

"That's unfair. You're my brother."

"Fine, I'll pound your ass while Alec pounds his, the important thing is that you can have someone to suck your cock and ride your pole. Don't you want to try what it's like being me?"

Dale looked at me again. "Come on take off your clothes then."

Dale stripped naked, revealing a pale, skinny body, with a hard cock, bigger than mine, but not as big as Alec's or Minos.

I looked at Minos whose shirt had been tossed aside and his breeches lowered for ready access to his growing cock. "Let's get the fun started little bud. Get Naked."

I didn't really want to get naked in front of Dale, it seemed like I didn't measure up to anyone. It was embarrassing but there was no easy way out of this situation so I simply shrugged and tried to embrace the serenity of unavoidable suffering.

I got naked. I covered my stiff penis best I could. I got a once over from Dale who didn't look that impressed. I was skinny and gawky and not as well equipped as any of the boys I'd seen naked.

"Come on, let's see what you taste like." Dale said dropping his knees and pulling my hands away from my cock with surprising strength. "Meh. It'll do." he said before his tongue licked at the head of my cock.

So that's what that felt like. It felt nice, warm, wet and a little tingly. I brushed the hair of Dale as he engulfed my entire prick in one go.

"Uh." I said senselessly as Dale bobbed up and down on my stiff prick.

It was so warm and wet and hot. I found myself vacantly clutching at the back of his head as I thrust in and out of the dark, it felt so good and right that I exploded into the dark and lost myself in bliss.

The sound of Minos' laughing broke me out of my blissful trance. "Sorry Dale, he's a bit of a hair trigger, total virgin, well before Alec broke him in this morning." He said, stroking his stiff cock.

"He tastes watery, like nothing. Your turn." Dale said standing up.

"Um. What?"

"Suck my cock already." He said looking increasingly angry with his fists at his hips. The fact that he looked comical, naked, hard and pouting angrily was distracting me. Even with my poor social skills, laughing at the absurdity would not be appropriate.

I still felt a little out of it due to the orgasm but I felt like it would be best to try and follow Dale's lead. He seemed much more experienced at this kind of thing and I had liked it a lot when he did it to me so he'd probably enjoy it too and then he wouldn't be so angry. Hopefully.

I dropped to my knees and took a firm but gentle hold of Dale's cock. It looked even bigger with his small frame.

I opened my mouth wide and leaned forward, engulfing his cock inside my mouth.

Dale moaned and I was pleased he was pleased. Maybe he would like me more if I pleased him.

I went to work on his stiff cock, noting the differences between his cock and Minos as I bobbed up and down on his cock. I tried to adopt some of his techniques as my own and before I knew it he was clutching at my head and fucking my face.

After Minos and Alec doing the same this morning, I had come to expect it.

Not long after, Dale was shooting his sticky stuff down my throat, it tasted a little saltier than his brother's. A faint feeling of warmth filled me as his seed entered my belly. Odd but interesting.

Minos was laughing again, his hand stroking his cock idly. "Guess he wasn't the only one with a hair trigger."

"Shut up, it's the first time anyone sucked my cock." Dale said glaring at his brother.

"Still cranky that I brought him around?" Minos asked cockily.

"SHUT UP!" Dale shouted.

"Bonus game, you both start sucking on each other's cock and the first to make the other cum, gets a good butt fucking from me."

"I'm so going to win." Dale said, pushing me on to the ground.

Before I could complain about the pain he caused by pushing me down onto the hard floor, his lips was wrapped around my cock again, expertly getting me hard and eager for more. His cock was pressed against my face, I reached out and pulled him into me...

"That's it boys, work for this piece of meat."

Dale was working on my cock, making me feel so good, it was only fair to put in the same effort to make him feel as good.

I found myself holding onto his butt and squeezing it rhythmically. It felt so right, perfectly fitting into my hands, with just the right amount of softness and firmness. It was distracting how good it felt to squeeze and grope his butt.

Combined with Dale's tongue and mouth moving up and down with exquisite pleasurable wetness and warmth. I lost myself again. I exploded in his mouth again.

Dale wasn't that far behind me. Shooting his load into me like 30 seconds later.

As the winner Dale went for his prize, he was on all fours sucking on Minos' cock.

I was directly behind him and couldn't help looking at Dale's butt, it was perfection, smooth elliptical shapes drawing my eyes towards it in appreciation.

"Never pegged you for an ass man but my brother sure does have a nice one. Want to get him warmed up for me?"


"Spread his cheeks, lick his hole, then stick your dick in him."

I felt like I was possessed, I reached out and did as I was told, spreading Dale's butt cheeks apart, exposing his little pink hole. It looked strangely appealing, I buried my face in the gap, sticking my tongue in there as deep as it could go.

I should have felt repulsed considering it's function but... it felt like I was under a mind control spell, helpless to resist the allure of Dale's butt.

I dove in deep, he tasted mostly of freshly washed skin with overtones of muskiness and sweat.

Dale seemed to enjoy my attention, judging by his muffled moans. My dick was rock hard, I pushed my hard cock into Dale and I was lost again in the warm darkness of his insides, ramming away into him over and over again, unable to stop or slow down. It just felt so good. I was lost in a mindless rut.

I exploded again for the third time of the night inside of Dale, this time up his posterior.

I flopped onto my butt feeling confused, aroused and exhausted. I dug into the pack I brought along to swill a stamina potion.

Neither of them noticed because as soon as I moved aside, Minos had shoved his huge cock into Dale's tiny little pink hole.

The ease and pure joy on Dale's face as he took it over and over again amazed me. Minos was a double handful and I was torn between his attention feeling good and terrible. Looking at Dale, there seemed to be only happiness for him. Maybe I just needed more practice. It did feel really good towards the end, last time.

We had a break, just cooling off, I took out some meat from my bag, I was hungry again.

"Still hungry?" Minos asked.

"Um yeah."

He looked me over. "I don't know where it all goes, your dad buys practically all the monster meat in town for you."

I looked down, food was a complicated problem for me.

"Can I try some?" Dale asked.

"Sure." I said eagerly, if he was eating, then he couldn't talk about my eating habits and that would be much easier for me.

"I guess you boys worked up an appetite after blowing so many loads." Minos said, leaning back, his soft cock still bigger than mine when hard, which was disconcerting.

"It tastes different." Dale said.

"That's because it's monster meat." Minos explained. "If you eat enough of it you get really big and strong."

"Really?" Dale asked excitedly, shifting position so that he was on his knees, eyes bright with eager anticipation.

"Usually." He said, staring at me with a piercing gaze before shrugging. "I'll take you on a hunt one of these days."

"When can we go?" Dale asked pouncing onto his brother, they were still both naked and I could see Minos cock rising up again, getting harder and bigger.

"Next week baby bro. Don't forget our guest."

Dale pouted but then his brother whispered something in his ear and the next second a broad grin appeared.

He clambered off his brother and he pushed me onto my stomach, Dale was oddly forceful and strong, or perhaps I was just really weak. Hard to tell, this was all too new for me to work out. I hadn't really had any friends before, I didn't really understand what I was expected to do or how I was supposed to behave.

All the thoughts in my head competing for space quickly disappeared a couple of seconds later. Dale had spread my butt cheeks and buried his face between them. It was strange but I quite enjoyed Dale's attentions, his tongue felt really good, wet, warm and wriggly inside me. It sort of tickled.

When his tongue was replaced with fingers it also felt good and when his fingers were replaced with his hard cock I found myself getting fucked by Dale, while Minos fucked Dale again.

Dale rutted into me over and again, unconcerned about anything else. Considering Dale's size, it didn't hurt half as much as it did this morning and the pain disappeared much faster, replaced with that warm gooey feeling as he hit something inside me over and over again.

Dale's hands on my hips felt gentler now as he moaned and groaned as he moved back in forth with a faster and faster tempo. It was starting to feel really really good. A couple of minutes later he shot another load into me.

He pulled out of me, taking a time out to recover.

Minos came over and flipped me onto my back, he was quick to take advantage of the vacancy to slam his hard cock into me.

With Dale's load inside me and the utter relaxation I felt from all the sex the entry wasn't as rough and painful as the last time. It still hurt quite a bit as he stretched me out but I just gripped on tight onto his muscular back, took a deep breath and let him bury himself into me and waited for the tide of pain to wash away.

Minos stayed still for a long moment, letting me adjust to his girth.

"You ready little buddy?"

I looked into his brown eyes and I saw concern mixed in with lust. It touched me...

"Yeah do it."

"Say Fuck me hard."

"Fuck me hard?"

"Not like a question. Say it like you mean it."


He smiled evilly. "If you insist." and he started ramming away.

I clutched onto him, pawing at him as he railed away, every time he hit bottom inside me, a helpless moan escaped me.

I don't know how long went by with him thrusting into me with me going `Uh uh uh."

I felt stupid, driven to incoherence by Minos but I didn't dislike it, after the first twenty thrusts, the pain had gone and all there was the warmth of Mino's carnal embrace and the feeling deep inside me of rightness. This was what I was born for.

Minos held me tightly as he exploded "Fuck yeah, take my load, you horny little slut". A rush of warmth filled me and I felt much stronger for a moment, the sex was much better than last time.

I looked over and Dale was glaring at me, one hand on his cock.

Minos rolled off me.

Minos looked over at his brother.

"You've got to learn to share little brother. Why don't you feed him your cum."

Dale looked between the both of us. "You're right, I should."

Dale pulled me to a seated position and fucked my face while standing. It felt like he was trying to fuck my face off. I didn't mind, I was too busy playing with my new toy, Dale's butt. I liked it, I wanted it, I had to have it for my own.

Squeeze, grope, finger...

I slid a finger deep into Dale's butt, trying to find that spot that made me feel warm and gooey.

I found a rough spot inside him that felt curious but before I could perform a proper examination, Dale was screaming "FUCK FUCK FUCK." and cumming down my throat.

Apparently cum was the word for the sticky stuff. Not semen. Or at least that's the word they used. I had so much to learn. I was eager to learn more.

Dale pulled away. "You're such a horny little bitch, maybe you will be good to have around."

"Told you little brother, though I'm a little concerned he may even be hornier than you. I may have created a horny monster."

Dale gave him a distracted "yeah"

"He might wear me out."


"At least I'll die doing what I love, fucking."

Dale gave out a "mmm" and sat on his bed while Minos sat on his. They both looked somewhat drained.

They were both visibly exhausted, while I felt oddly satisfied. Sure I was naked, sitting on the floor, with a sore throat and butt with cum trickling out of me but I no longer cared about propriety any more. I was strangely comfortable with my nudity now.

My cock was hard and a little sore and red but I was excited about all the things we could do tomorrow when they recovered. I wanted to fuck Dale while Minos fucked me. I wanted to be in between the brothers, enjoying both of their warmth. I wanted to try a lot of things, to see what they felt like.

Maybe this was the way for me to be warm and happy.


Author's Note: Like it, love it, hate it, let me know. Feedback let's me know how much I suck or blow... lol

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Next: Chapter 4

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