Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 15, 2020


Chapter 31 Training wheels

On the road Day 1

After suffering through a short but frustrating lecture from Dad about the failure of preparation for the Caravan mission, we finally head off.

What can I say? I'm not used to having to actually manage other people, usually they did whatever they wanted and I just kind of did my own thing most of the time. Last time I took this route via caravan, it was organised by other people with more mercantile goals. Most of the people who tagged along for this leg of the journey were freeloaders anyway, so I had little interest in them.

If the people that tagged along on the excursion, hadn't brought enough supplies, I didn't really care. I found myself not caring about a lot of things as of late. Possibly a result of increased intelligence making everything feel less personal and more like a maths problem or maybe it's all the nightmares about eating people. Who can tell?

Dad had bought a lot of stuff with my money, essentially bankrupting me, not that it was an uncommon thing for Alchemists to experience. Alchemy was an expensive Class to progress and without a patron to bankroll your experiments, it's a costly and time consuming activity. Poverty was to be expected from time to time.

My caravan was far larger than the last one I participated in, that was only a couple hundred people, most of them Adventurers, with the rest being support staff of one sort or another. Mine on the other hand had at least a couple of thousand, turns out a lot of people wanted to try their luck in a new place, with potentially limitless opportunity. Of course a lot of them might die if things turn out badly but it's a risk they're apparently willing to take.

The Adventurers had already received half their pay to take the journey and they'd be paid half again when we arrived. Then when we got to the Dungeon, Paul, Abus and Sandra would distribute the rewards for those who chose to stay. Inevitably we'd get some people who'd try and cheat us out of money by taking the sign up reward for staying then leaving immediately afterwards but I wasn't too worried. The rewards would be staggered with minimal up front rewards with regular payments of the lower strata with in built bonuses for those who achieved above expected. Dungeon Paul had left a lot of garbage in my brain when he `upgraded' me but incentive structures made for a welcome addition for motivating people to do more.

This time around there were far less merchants along than last time. There were only three, Nessa, the Madame, Dalton, Derby Market owner and Richard the weapon merchant. The three merchants had split about half the Adventurers among themselves, while the other half remained free agents. Technically all the Adventurers already worked for me so I didn't see the need to pay them more to be more loyal to me for the duration of the journey. As such I didn't involve myself in the Adventurer auction at all.

Dad had bought me a carriage of my own, big enough to fit 4 people if not comfortably but securely. It lacked the enchantments that George's carriage had, I'd have to upgrade it when I had more time and energy to be bothered. Dad had organised William and Will the stable men from George's estate to accompany the carriage and manage the horses. Dad had his own carriage filled with supplies, with it's own horses. I had missed Will because he had been dealing with stabling the horses when I met up with Dad and I hadn't really talked that much with Dad before leaving. My own fault for leaving before I found out everyone who came along to Derby, but I had been distracted by Dominic and my conflicting desires. My carriage was driven by Will while William drove Dad's carriage, inside my carriage, there was Jim, Melville and Sven keeping me company.

There were a lot of familiar faces in the group, Deva had come along again escorting Nessa's faction. Badrick took charge of Dalton's faction and Richard had his own well armed contingent of adventurers. Of those from the Adventurer's Guild, Sam, Paul, Abus and Sandra were along. Stan and Emily once again travelled this route, as part of Richard's faction. Kered was walking with Alec's group as `independents' as were Dale and his group. My other minions were busy with other activities. Travelling via carriage was much more tolerable than walking places.

Dad had outlined a rough schedule of travel barring unforeseen delays. We'd travel for three days, taking a break in the morning for an hour for a morning meal, then travel for five hours then break for a couple of hours for lunch and other activities, then break once more briefly during the mid afternoon to rest the horses and people for about half an hour. Then one last break for dinner at sun set, then set up a camp for the night so most people could rest up for the next day.

Dad had purchased a basic map of the area to Essex and outlined areas that he planned for us to camp, if we made good time, we'd break for longer, if we made bad time, there would be shorter breaks. If the weather was bad, there could be other delays, travelling was rife with potential problems. Something I never really thought about, I preferred to be indoors as much as possible preferably naked with someone hot and horny to play with but life has so many obligations to suffer through.

Things went pretty well for the first day.

I spent my morning in the carriage productively, with Jim on my lap, testing out the extent of Jim's Perks, all the while Melville watched and learned. I had both of the young whores on retainer, so even though it might seem like I was just fucking around, satisfying my carnal urges, in truth I was helping Jim and Melville level up their Class and their Skills. Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Melville practised what he saw Jim do on Sven and me. I still hadn't fucked Melville, though Sven had, quite a bit actually after learning that his cock would fit quite nicely into his butt without Melville suffering at all.

That said, Jim was exhausted by the time we stopped for the midday meal, I had both sucked and fucked him dry as I licked, sucked and nibbled on him. He had made improvements with his intelligence, stamina and constitution through my very pleasurable experiments on his Perk Make a Man out of you.

He also gained a level to his Prostitute Class, which gave him 1 constitution, 1 wisdom, 1 endurance, 1 charisma and 3 free attribute points to use later. The Prostitute Class had some interesting stat growth and perks. Of course the Knight Class and Lord Class had even better Perks and Skills, with the Knight having stat growth to 5 attributes and the Lord class having stat growth to 7. The Lord class had very particular requirements, namely that you had to have your own territory and military, I'm half way there, now I just need to raise and maintain an army to defend the land. I think George has the Lord class, though I'm not sure, I've never used Identify on him before.

Once the carriage stopped, Jim and Melville stepped out to stretch out their legs, after putting on some clothes. Sven and I followed them, I winked at Will, who blushed, he must have heard everything I had done to Jim while he was driving the carriage. I could practically taste the desire in him when he also got off the carriage and even if I couldn't taste it, I could see the bulge in his trousers which he groped as he looked at me.

Outside the carriage, the sun was high in the sky and there were hundreds of people nearby in varying sized groups, a lot of them sitting on the ground, resting up after hours of walking. I had travelled in relative comfort with a couple of horny boys to suck my cock and one I could fuck as I watched Melville getting his ass pounded by Sven.

Sven stayed at my side as the boys left to get some food of their own and check in on their other boss Adrian. Before they left I gave Jim a stamina potion, a recovery potion and a mana potion to go with his meal. I had to be careful with Jim, so I didn't hurt him more than he could handle.

During the midday break, while I was sitting down trying to eat from my own supplies, I had several different people come up to me wanting things.

First was Dad, who showed up dressed like the powerful Adventurer he was, with a magic sword strapped to his waist and enchanted armour to protect his vitals. It was the first time I had seen him looking ready for battle, he looked quite impressive, though I couldn't help remembering him naked, fucking me like a beast. The memory made me hard even though it also made me a little sad for some reason.

"How was the carriage ride?" Dad asked.

"Good, might need to put some enchantments inside to make it noise proof."

"I can imagine." Dad said drily glancing at Sven. The last time the two interacted, they were both fucking me, their hard cocks rubbing against each other inside of me.

"Anything you need?" I glanced at Dad's crotch, half expectantly and half anxious.

Dad smiled "Just need your approval to have the Adventurers go off to hunt some game."

"Why are you asking me?"

"Frederic reminded me quite often that you're supposed to be in charge and I shouldn't just do things without your approval and while I hate to admit it, he has a point, you're a man in a position of leadership and you have to be responsible for the people under you." He glanced at Sven. "Even if you spend a lot of time underneath them getting your ass fucked."

I glanced at Sven, I hadn't actually been fucked by him since Dad showed up and things had descended into drunken depravity. I kind of prefer being the one doing the fucking as of late, I like being in control of what happens and being fucked brings back bad memories.

I looked back at Dad, "You have my permission to do what you think is best for the Caravan, however I will expect you to justify your reasoning the next time we meet. There looks to be other people wanting to talk to me, you're dismissed."

Dad guffawed but noticing where I was looking he saw Adrian and five of the bandit captains, along with Abus and Arnie waiting not too far away. Far away enough to maintain some privacy but close enough that it was obvious that they wanted my attention. His laughter ceased abruptly. "Guess you won't be a figure head after all."

Dad left and I waved Adrian and his gang over.

Adrian came forth while the other five bandit captain stayed behind, shifting about nervously, maybe I had been a bit too intimidating last time.

Noticing a theme, I cut to the chase. "What can I do for you Adrian?"

"Uh sir, I just wanted to get your permission to collect payment from all the free loaders who've followed us out here without paying for the privilege."

I smiled, I needed to recoup my losses, of which there were many. "You have my permission to round them up and extort payment however you see fit, try not to kill them though, that would be counterproductive."

"A few broken bones should get the message across nicely." Adrian said with a wicked smile, still looking quite dapper in his new clothing.

"Just make sure not to hurt anyone that's got any skills I need, there's not much use in a crafter with broken fingers."

"As you wish. Um, a few of the captains have decided to join us and want to know if there's anything that you need done."

"Why don't they ask me themselves then?"

"They're a little uh shy?" Adrian said as if it was a question.

I shrugged. "Just tell them to keep their subordinates in line and see if there's anyone that might like to join us in future endeavours, scouts will be in high demand when the dungeon gets deeper."

"As you wish. I'll take my leave if you don't mind."

I smiled, Adrian's such a good minion. "Sure, come visit me later tonight and we can have a nice little chat about what I expect from you going forward."

Adrian audibly gulped, nodded and ran away, followed at a more sedate pace by the other bandit captains.

The sheer amount of Classless and lower classed individuals along for the ride was both a problem and an opportunity. Getting them to pay for following along might sound harsh but most of them would get it back anyway in the form of food and payment once they did some work in setting up the Dungeon Town. Hell some of them would probably cost me money in the long run once I provided them with potions, armours and weapons so they could dungeon delve.

Abus was next in line and walked forth, somewhat confidently.

Abus and I had a very tenuous relationship, he had taken advantage of me while I was under his boss's dominion but oddly enough I didn't hate the guy as much as I did Oneus. Maybe it was because of the way Abus sat on my cock and rode me to orgasm that I couldn't find it in me to hold a grudge. I planned to bend him over and fuck out some aggression on his ass when I could find the time to.

"Lucius." Abus said trying to sound confident but sounding nervous all the same.

"Abus. What can I do for you today?" I asked, with a smile, trying to come across as warm and welcoming. After all I wanted for him to beg for me to fuck him harder and that wouldn't happen if he was too afraid to get closer to me.

"Oneus has assigned me to provide you training in the art of mind magic as you obviously have talent with it and the two of you don't uh get along."

"That's an understatement."

"So I thought we could start with [Telepathy] as it's the weaker version of [Mental Probe] which I've been told you know how to do now and um that could serve as the basis of us working together."

"Sounds good to me. So how do I do it?"

"So normally we just project a thought at each other to start with, um you might want to raise a [Mental Shield] around your mind to start with and then I'll project a thought at you, then you try the same on me."

I raised a [Mental Shield] around my thoughts. "Done. Now what?"

{Can you hear this?} I heard inside my thoughts.

"How does that work when I've got a [Mental Shield] up?"

"It's the weakest form of psychic projection and only involves the outermost part of your mind, the part that deals with your immediate thoughts and surroundings. It serves as the basis for illusions and long range communications. It doesn't change your mind, at least not more than any other normal conversation. Give it a try. Just direct the thought of what you want to say to me clearly and with intent."

I skim through my memories of Oneus and what I had learned from him. Knowing something and understanding something, aren't the same thing, so while I had read a lot of the Derby's library, doesn't mean I'm an expert on any of the topics. All my knowledge is shallow and without practice and application, is without much merit.

I think through the very vague and unhelpful direction of Abus in the context of Oneus memories and realise that while [Mental Probe] carries across personality, intent and a certain will, what Abus is talking about is just carrying a weak intent. {AM I DOING IT?}

{Yes. Just less intent next time, it sounds like you're shouting.}

I focus more on the volume, which is how much effort I'm putting on the concept of transmitting my thought into him and more on making it a casual thought, expressed to a friend, than shouting something to a stranger across the room. {Better?"}

"Excellent. Seeing that you're in high demand, I'll come back tomorrow around this time to teach you some more advanced stuff. You're obviously a natural."

"I can't take all the credit, you and Oneus helped provide some talent yourself." I said licking my lips and raising my eye brows suggestively.

"Uh yeah. I'm sorry about that. We got carried away." Abus said, looking embarrassed and apologetic.

"I'm sure you'll make it up to me."

I projected a more complex thought, whereas before I simply thought what words I said, this time I sent an idea mixed with a memory. Far simpler to do than carrying my will and all my bad memories across into someone's mind via a [Mental Probe].

I packaged the spoken words with the memory of Abus riding my cock consumed with lust.

"Uh you should practice while I'm gone on improving your range and level of communication."

{Tomorrow?} Abus sent along with the idea of him needing to be thoroughly washed inside and out.

{Tomorrow!} I sent back with the memories of what I've done with Jim during the last five hours but with him as the recipient.

[You've learned Telepathy: Communicate through thought and magic over short distances.]

"See you tomorrow." Abus said out loud before racing off, his cock straining against his trousers.

Arnie strode forth, standing in the position that Abus had just vacated, the position I had started thinking of as the petititioner's circle by how many people were here wanting stuff from me. Deva and Nessa were now in line along with Paul and Sandra.

I couldn't help myself from remembering how fun it had been when Arnie had fucked me brutally and how funny it was watching a veteran of the military worry about my health. I should invite him to fuck Jim sometime and see how Jim takes a pounding from the older gentleman.

"Hello Arnie, how can I be of assistance to you today?" I asked with an actual smile, thinking of how Jim would look under him, getting brutally pounded.

"I cant stand watching them fail to march in any order, it aggravates me." Arnie said clenching his hands looking around at the other people around us. None of the peasants were that close to me, rumours of my power had spread and Adrian and the other Bandit captains ensuring a certain distance from me and the rabble.

"They're not an army, you can't expect them to have military discipline."

"You're going to need an army if you expect to hold your dungeon and you can't rely on Adventurers to stick around long. Most Adventurers are adventurers because they want to explore the world and seek out new challenges."

"You do have a point. What do you suggest?"

"I want to start training up as many men as possible and bring some order to this chaos."

I looked around, a couple of thousand people gathered around in no particular order did kind of remind me of an infestation of insects that came to the village one spring and ate half the crops before anyone could react. Then again the insects were more organised than this rabble. My fault for allowing non Adventurers to join but I needed a lot of people to set up a town even if they may not live that long.

"You're free to do as you see fit. I won't stop you."

"Well I didn't want you to think I was building up an army behind your back, some might see that as an act of rebellion." Arnie deliberately glanced at Adrian in the middle distance and my dad not that far away.

"Yes, I see your point, you might want to talk to my dad and Adrian too, to get some advice from them."

"Yes, I'll do that too. At the moment I'm thinking I'll have a couple of large group sessions working on the basics with the people, so they'll be able to defend themselves from the dungeon if need to. One session in the morning before breakfast and the other in the evening before dinner."

"Thanks for your help, I might want some private tuition myself, improve my combat skills some more in case of emergency."

"Doesn't hurt." He said, with a smile, noticing my gaze drifting to his hard cock. While I was less than enthused being fucked at the moment, didn't mean I wanted his hard cock to go to waste. Definitely needed Jim to help satisfy Arnie.


"I'll visit after the training session."

"Looking forward to it."

"Me too, I'll leave you to it." Arnie said before walking off with a confident strut.

Nessa escorted by Deva and her two mithril golems came forward to talk to me.

Nessa was quite busty and her top did little to hide the fact. Nessa bowed before me, exposing more of her breasts to me, which did nothing for me but make me ponder the attractiveness of those fatty lumps for other men. No idea what the appeal is.

"Greetings young sire, pleasure to make your acquaintance, I hear very interesting things about you, rising up in the world as of late."

I glanced at her as she stood straight again, she was an unusual woman and I had little interaction with women generally, they could be so temperamental and I had little patience for their little games.

"Indeed, what can I do for you?"

I eyed up Deva's mithril golems with keen interest as I waited for a response.

Her golems were silvery with a hint of blue sheen, mithril was known to be light weight and quite durable with natural magical resistance. Judging by the enchantments engraved on their `skin', these golems would be very dangerous indeed if used against me.

"Straight to business, well then, I'm looking to get my girls to ply their trade when the Caravan stops for the night like they did on their last trip. As this Caravan is being paid out of your pocket, I wanted to talk terms with you."

"That's fine, it's nothing new, but I have a couple of conditions."

Her delicately plucked eyebrows arched upwards in curiosity. "Which are?"

"I have a couple of whores of my own, Jim and Melville, I want them to get some training under more popular professionals and I want a cut of the profit."

"The first isn't a problem but how much were you thinking?"

"Ten percent of the profit."

"That is far too much, my girls will be doing all the work."

"Five percent then, I am providing the abundance of men for them to ply their trade on and there's no other competition around."

"I suppose I can live with that but I am curious, would you be fine with us setting up our services in your new dungeon town?"

"I don't have a problem with that."

"You're very gracious."

"Not really, you provide a service and I'm willing to accommodate for a price."

Nessa let out a small sigh. "How much?"

"Just a percentage of the profits, this time, ten percent is non negotiable." Before Nessa could open her mouth and say something regrettable I continued. "In exchange I'll let you select a suitable piece of land either for lease or for sale, as well as materials and labour to build and maintain your establishment. I'll let you have exclusive rights to ply your trade for the first year without competition, so you can make the most of the surge of new men that will come through."

Nessa took a moment to process that. "That's quite generous, I'd imagine you'd expect certain favours in exchange for our operation."

"Not particularly, maybe a discount on services for favoured employees or for bulk business but we can discuss terms in more detail when there's less demands on my time." I said looking behind her.

Nessa looked back and more people had arrived wanting to talk to me, Dalton and Badrick had joined Sandra and Paul in line, as had Alec and his party. "We'll talk later, I'll see if I can visit you this evening, though evenings are quite busy for me."

"No rush, we'll be travelling together for at least a few days, plenty of time to talk later and work out the fine details then."

"Thank you for your time." Nessa said, nodding to Deva who glanced at me before leaving along with her golems.

Sandra and Paul were next, neither looked very happy.

"And what can I do for you two?"

"I wanted to discuss Adventurer rotas for night watch and the scouting patrols and various other matters. As you're the client, I want to make sure your satisfied with the Adventurer's performance."

"That's fine, I trust you to keep the Adventurers in line, do as you see fit. If you have any trouble or need any advice speak to my father. Actually it's probably best that you talk to Dad and Arnie so that you don't accidentally get in each other's way."

"Thank you for your trust." Paul said before shooting a dirty look at Sandra before leaving.

"And what would you like?"

"I've come to provide you with much needed help, your new town is bound to have a Mage's Tower sooner or later and I could help."

"How exactly will you help me?" I asked, feeling the weight of expectations growing ever heavier, still so many people to get through and I had a strong dislike of Sandra to stifle in an effort to try and be polite.

"I can provide you with training on water magic and some blood magic, a dungeon town is going to need healers if you want people to survive."

"I suppose you do have a point. Show me your grimoire."

"Uh what?" she asked, her mouth and eyes opening wide in shock.

"Well I need to see if you are qualified to teach me before I have you in charge of something so important and your grimoire would give me an idea as to whether you're qualified or not."

"I cant.. believe you... I've never been so insulted in all my life."

I held out my hand impatiently. "Hand it over or get out. I'm busy."

Sandra looked like she was about to burst but she grudgingly pulled out her grimoire from her spatial bag and handed it over. "Here, have a look."

I flicked through it and it took a couple of minutes to glance through the small book and memorise the pages. Grimoires are kind of a sensitive subject as they are part text book and part note book. The text book part, covers the basic to advanced spells in general detail, while the note book section details the personal notes and discoveries of the Mage in question. Typically a Mage won't show another Mage their grimoire unless they're particularly trusted or they're looking for advice. This is because if you see their grimoire, you've got an idea of what kind of magics they're strong with and weak with based on their notes.

Even though it was easy to quickly memorise and internalise the information within, it still didn't mean that I comprehended water and blood magic, it just meant that I could refer to a mental copy of the contents at any time as necessary.

"Thanks, you can provide me training in the afternoon breaks." I handed the grimoire back to her.

"That it? You just expect me to bend over backwards to teach you magic with that attitude."

"You don't have to, you're the one looking to get a Mage tower, not me, I'm sure Michael would be more than happy to run a Mage tower instead and his magic is far more impressive than yours."

"Who's Michael?"

"He's the owner of the dungeon and a Spatial Mage and a Champion, so he's probably far more qualified than you, especially after spending so much time with a Dungeon Core."

I could practically see the greed in her eyes, I could definitely taste it and I could guess where her mind was going due to the unwanted knowledge of her personality. She'd try and ingratiate herself with me, while plotting to get into Michael's pants to gain leverage on him. She might even succeed but at the end of the day, whether Michael ran the tower was my decision not his. Michael may be powerful in the future but I'm the one with the small army around me and the deed to the land.

Sandra gritted her teeth in a poor imitation of a smile. "See you in the afternoon then." She stomped off.

I called out to Edward and Vincent, having them bypass the others, figuring that their needs would be relatively simple to address. Also I didn't really feel like talking to Dalton or Alec at that moment. It would bound to be troublesome.

"What can I do for you?"

"We can't decide who should be in charge of our group." Ed said.

"I should, that should be clear to anyone with half a brain." Vincent said.

"Honestly this is stupid, you can both be in charge, you can pick four other minions to train in whatever way you like, then in a week or a month I'll see which team has the best results."

"What if he takes all the good people first?" Ed whined.

"Just alternate selections, until you have an equal amount, that should even it out. As a trial run, I have a bunch of ingredients that I need collecting and I have far too many things to do at the moment, so I would like you to collect them."

"Yes sir, I'll get you whatever you need!" Vincent said.

I showed them the plants I wanted them to collect and sent them on their way, they continued arguing the second they were a few yards away.

Next up was Dalton and Badrick.

"Greetings, what can I do for you?" I said with a smile directed at Badrick and his big bulge.

"First I'd like to thank you for allowing me to sell my goods while taking advantage of your generosity in paying for everything. Secondly I like to thank you personally for ridding us of the menace that were those bandits." Dalton said.

"Yes, well I'd rather not be reminded of them, thank you very much."

"Sorry, sore subject, I'd imagine, still uh I overheard your arrangement with Nessa and was hoping you'd be willing to allow me exclusive rights to building a marketplace."

"No." Before Dalton could object. "You can build a market for Adventurers but I don't want you to have a monopoly on goods as that could cause inflated prices and a drop in competition and visitors. I have someone else in mind for organising goods for bulk sale for people other than adventurers and I also want to foster the growth of more individuals looking to establish themselves."

"Well then, I guess I can live with that, Adventurers spend the most coin anyway, I'm sure you're probably looking to set up a business of your own in town."

"Doubtful, I'll probably live in the dungeon and work from there."

Dalton's mouth opened in shock. "Aren't you worried about dungeon monsters?"

"I'll be fine. The dungeon and I have a unique relationship."

Dalton shrugged and said "If you say so. We'll talk more later, perhaps you'll want to join the Merchant Guild, I can put in a good word for you."


Badrick stepped in close as his boss started to walk away. "Got time tonight for fun?" He asked as he groped his thick bulge.

"I'll squeeze you in." I said with a smile and a wink.

Dalton looked back and smiled. Dalton didn't seem to mind Badrick talking to me on his own, probably thought it would help him if Badrick was favoured by me. Possibly even true...

Last group to deal with. Alec, Minos, Sammy, Dean and Kered.

Kered was still silent and broken, he'd need more time to recover mentally. Physically at least he looked perfectly healthy, the healers at the temple using divine magic to restore him to full health. His mind would take more time to recover from the trauma.

"Hello, what can I do for you guys?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know why you've been avoiding us." Alec said.

"I don't know, I just didn't want to be reminded of bad stuff." I said looking at Kered.

"Is that really all?" Minos asked.

"Honestly I've just kind of wanted a break from sex and every time I see you guys I'm reminded of how much I used to love fucking around with you guys and now everything is a lot more complicated and I don't know."

"If you're not into it, you don't have to do anything you don't want. We'll just pound Dale's ass instead." Minos said.

"It sounds simple but it doesn't feel that way."

"Stop being so stupid. We're still your friends even if you don't put out. I'm still friends with this asshole and he's never sucked my cock." Minos said punching Alec on the shoulder playfully.

Then Alec punched him back "Yeah well some of us can't unhinge our jaws like your brother can."

"How dare you talk about my brother like that." Minos said tackling Alec to the ground.

Ah guys, so energetic. I watched them for a minute wrestling around on the ground like overgrown children and laughed at the two idiots. It broke up the tension a little. I pulled Minos off Alec "Come on you two, I've got an image to protect."

"You've gotten so beefy lately, I can do this now without worry." Minos hugged me, tightly, pressing his hard body against mine. I hugged him back, enjoying the strength of my improved body as I squeezed him in a bear hug.

"Group hug" Alec said, coming up behind me, squeezing me from behind.

Being in the middle of them, reminded me of all the hot sweaty naked times we had together and I hardened up. "I should introduce you to Jim and Melville some time."

"Who are they?" Minos asked.

"Some boy whores I've picked up. You've already fucked Jim, remember."

"Oh, I never got his name, just his bill." Alec chuckled briefly. "Well we're probably going to make use of some high Class Prostitutes tonight, so maybe later." Alec said, giving my butt a quick squeeze before letting go.

I give a quick hug to Sammy, Dean and Kered before they left. They had merely watched the conversation in silence. Sammy and Dean probably out of professionalism and Kered, well Kered was a different thing entirely, looking at Kered made me sad and guilty.

Time had run out and the call for the camp to pack up and get going had arrived.

Jim and Melville returned a few minutes later looking pleased with themselves and energetic again.

Finally the mid day meal and meetings were over. I had only had time to eat horned rabbit, which didn't really fill me up. Then the people headed out for more hours of walking, while I went back within my carriage, to mess around with the boys and think about things I wanted to test out during a longer break, specifically golems.

The next few hours I spent my time multitasking doing a few random things simultaneously and concurrently.

First was practising [Telepathy] as Jim and Melville took turns sucking my cock and draining my balls of cum. I sent telepathic images and orders to Jim and Melville so that when my mouth was busy I could order them around.

At one point as I kissed Jim as he rode my stiff cock, as I sent messages to Melville to lick and suck my balls, lick my hole and finger it as he was fucked from behind by Sven. I also sent messages to Sven of varying complexity to test whether he could receive them and relay them. It would be useful if I could psychically broadcast orders to him at a distance to have him command battles on my behalf. The usefulness of which was proven when Melville moved aside once he loosened me up after receiving my telepathic prompting and Sven slammed his hard cock into my ass, while Melville stood between Jim and I to get his cock sucked and his tiny ass munched on. Then he sat on Jim's cock and I had two naked boys bucking and grinding on top of me. So much slim, supple boy flesh to kiss and grope. It didn't take long before Sven pumped a nice load into me, filling me with warmth and life before I pumped mine into Jim's sweet ass. Jim unloaded into Melville and Melville's load splattered against my chest.

Afterwards Jim and Melville needed a break.

While Jim and Melville napped for an hour cuddled up naked together on one side of the carriage, Sven sat at my side as I practised my spell craft, using mom's and Sandra's grimoires as guides. I used the low tier spells of [Spark] and [Call Water] with an empty vial to fill it with natural water and heat it. I gained the spell [Heat Water] through the practice, a simple but useful spell for an Adventurer and an alchemist. Now I wouldn't have to bother with flint any time I needed to boil water or heat up a potion. A nice convenient time saver.

I also practised sending messages to more than one person at a time, including to Will outside the carriage. I sent poor Will my memories of all the times he used to fuck me. Good times.

When we stopped for an afternoon break, Sandra showed up looking sulky. I ignored her poor mood, disinterested in making her feel better and she taught me [Water Blast] an intermediate spell used to control water and attack someone. It didn't take me that long to learn as I already knew the advanced spell [Water Wave], though I've yet to use that in a combat situation. It involves similar concept, [Call water], [Shape water] and [Command water]. It's less taxing than [Water wave] as it involves far less water, shaping and control.

Then I spent a couple of hours enchanting the inside of the Carriage to be sound proof. Thanks to my ability to telepathically communicate with Will, I didn't need to allow sound to escape the carriage. Then I tested out the sound proofing by ramming my cock into Jim repeatedly while Sven did the same to me as I sent messages to Will telepathically to test the sound proofing. The response from Will was very impressionistic, I had to direct him to think louder to get a better idea of what he was thinking back at me. Not as simple as it was communicating telepathically with Abus, but it worked well enough for what I wanted. An all round success, I got a load up my ass, as did Jim and the Carriage was considered sound proof.

Evening rolled around and Arnie arranged a group practise session for those who were looking to get some free training in. Arnie stood in the middle between Deva and Badrick as Arnie explained some basic footwork techniques. A few hundred people attended, mostly ragged commoners looking for an edge.

After Arnie tried to teach the commoners proper stances for attack, evasion and defence; Arnie, Deva, Badrick and Nessa came to talk to me.

As agreed Nessa took Jim and Melville away for some Prostitution training and practical experience and Deva said she'd back in an hour to talk to me.

That left me with Sven, Arnie and Badrick. Will had already left with the horses to get them fed and watered and other horse related stuff. I smiled and asked Arnie, "So I'm curious what style is stronger, yours or Badrick's"

"The nation of Feros has a strong history of powerful defense and offensive might."

"Slow and weak, more like." Badrick said contemptuously.

Before Arnie could argue further I clapped my hands together, "How about the two of you spar and the winner will get a prize."

They both looked at each other before looking at me, Arnie was the first to speak. "Why do you want us to fight?"

Badrick asked a second later, "What's the prize?"

"I want to see different fighting styles in action so I can come up with better programming for my golems and the prize is the pleasure of my company for a little less than an hour."

Arnie just shook his head and said "children, I'll show you how a real man fights."

"Bring it on old timer." Badrick said with a smile.

Arnie punched Badrick in the chest and Badrick smiled with a mouth full of blood that he spat out at Arnie, what followed was a brutal flurry of punches and kicks.

Arnie's style seemed to favor blocks and heavy strikes to exposed areas of which Badrick was full of, considering he was only wearing a loin cloth.

Badrick on the other hand, his style was erratic and practically non existent, just taking blows with little worry and attacking without concern for his own health. It was utterly reckless and violent but Badrick won out regardless.

While Badrick suffered damage striking Arnie's armor and iron reinforced body, Badrick seemed to get stronger the more damage he took so Arnie was eventually knocked out despite his superior style and techniques.

It was weird, Badrick was practically covered in his own blood as he stood triumphant while Arnie despite being knocked to the ground was essentially unmarked, though he might have some internal bruising and bleeding.

"Let's go into my carriage and see to your wounds." I said, to the both of them, Arnie having regained consciousness, blinking and rubbing at his head and eyes.

"Yeah I want my prize." Badrick said, his hard cock straining against the limits of his loin cloth, while Arnie ruefully got to his feet, looking quite embarassed by his defeat.

I opened the carriage door and Badrick and Arnie followed me in while Sven stayed outside to stand guard.

I close the door as they take seats opposite each, they're both kind of glaring at each other. "The both of you have a recovery potion, should help speed up things." I said as I take out a couple of potions from my spatial bag.

"Don't need one." They both said.

I shook my head at their stubborness. "Well then, get naked so I can perform a full examination to make sure that you're both fine."

"I only have scratches." Badrick said as he complied and took off his one piece of clothing, revealing his foot long cock to Arnie who was grumbling to himself as he took off his iron armor.

I strip naked rapidly and move the very short distance to Badrick and rub my hands over his chest and examine his wounds, I lick up all the blood and watch with fascination as his wounds visibly close up before my eyes. My examination and efforts drift ever downwards and somehow Badrick's cock finds it's way into the back of my throat.

"I should go, I'm obviously in the way." Arnie said.

"Yeah you should." Badrick said.

{Fuck me} I said telepathically to Arnie.

"You sure?" Arnie said

"Yeah, go away, he's mine." Badrick said, his grip tight on the back of my skull as he fucked my throat.

{FUCK ME HARD} I demanded and I received a new notification [Mental Dominion has been learned.]

I was distracted from the prompt by Arnie's 8 inch cock getting rammed into my bare ass. It hurt for a second as I adjusted to the thick hard length inside me. The pain didn't last long as my higher constitution adjusted for it. Just in time too, because Arnie gripped my waist roughly and started hammering away at my insides like a madman, like an iron man. His iron reinforced pelvis and fingers slammed and dug into my flesh but I didn't mind, the pain reminded me that I was alive and it was quite enjoyable.

Badrick was less than pleased muttering "sneaky old man".

It wasn't that comfortable as I was kneeling in the gap between the two seats which was only supposed to accomodate people's legs and feet, not two full grown men, it was cramped.

{STOP. PULL Out.} Arnie obeyed.

I climbed onto Badrick's lap, impaling myself on his big fat cock. "See old man, he doesn't need you, he wants my cock in him, he only wants the best."

{FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD.} I must have said it to the both of them because a second later Arnie had shoved his hard cock into me as well.

"Hey." Badrick tried to complain about having to share but I kissed him on the mouth and distracted him and soon all there was pleasure and pain as Arnie's fingers dug into my waist as he hammered at my insides with his hard cock and Badrick's fingers on my ribs as he fucked ever harder and faster upwards and into my guts.

I lose myself to the pleasure of being between two well built men as they fuck me like hungry horny animals.

They both cum into me, filling me with warmth and life as I absorb their essence into me.

Arnie pulls his deflating cock into me, barely getting dressed, just putting on thick trousers before leaving with an armful of iron armor pieces. He leaves the door wide open, revealing the faces of Will and Sven, watching Arnie depart and me still naked, still on Badrick's hard cock. Badrick has lots of stamina, he makes for a fun fucker.

{Come on in and close the door behind you.}

Sven and Will are quick to comply, by the time the door close, Sven already has his cock out and in hand.

{Oh yeah, fucking fuck me.} I said telepathically and Sven gets in first, shoving his hard cock alongside Badrick's in my butt. Will looks lost for a moment but he soon finds a solution to the problem and does what Melville did and feeds me his cock, standing between Badrick and me, so that he can fuck my face as the other two pound my ass.

"Oh yeah I missed this." Will said as he fucks my face.

I'm not really capable of coherent thought any more and command the three {Yeah fill me up with your cum. FUCK ME!}

There's not much talking after that as the three of them just go at me, seeking their own satisfaction in me, slamming their hard cocks into me relentlessly until they cum. Will is first, spurting his thick load down my throat, followed shortly after by Sven, then some time later Badrick.

Afterwards there's kind of an awkward silence and Will wanders off saying something about seeing his dad. That leaves me with a sweaty Badrick and Sven.

"I feel dirty." Badrick said, still hard and inside me, looking at me with an odd expression on his face.

"Yeah we should wash up." Sven said in response, putting on his clothes.

I agree with the two and we go wash up in what counts as the bathing facilities available, there's lots of naked men bathing in the river and the view would be more interesting if I hadn't already been fucked a few times and the vast majority weren't so... soft. [Enduring] provides no apparent benefit from all the rough fucking but I'm not overly concerned, I still thoroughly enjoyed the time getting railed by the guys.

I rinse off all the sweat and cum and use [Heat water] to cleanse the water around me of impurities and make bathing slightly less unpleasant.

Badrick leaves to return to his employer and to sleep.

Then I return to practising golem creation, making use of [Mana Manipulation] to improve the speed and potency of my EMB. It's a lot easier to create EMB's with my higher intelligence and the knowledge gained from all those Alchemy books. At a rough estimate, the new EMBs should be able to make an earth golem that lasts for about twenty minutes. With a higher mana pool, the EMB can be larger, allowing for faster accumulation of earth around the core while also improving the duration of the 'summon'. I've used [Extraction] on the Slime Core bought at the Derby market to transfer the trait of Slimes to use magic to maintain a layer of inorganic material around their core into the EMB.

Deva shows up and I command Sven to go inside the carriage to rest and also to give Deva and I privacy to talk.

"How can I help you?"

"I've come to apologise for my earlier attitude, I thought you were like all the other men, who just saw me as someone they could try to buy or conquer, I didn't believe that you actually wanted to learn from me and I'm sorry for that. I understand now that you have no interest in women and my assumptions were faulty and I shouldn't have jumped to those conclusions."

"It's all water under the bridge. Let's start anew, I really would like to learn from you, your golems are superb and I would be happy if I could get my golems half as good as yours."

Deva laughed. "It took me a long time and a Legendary Class in order to be able to have my two body guards be this good."

"Would you mind telling me more about it?"

She looked up and to the side of me. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell you. I'm a level 60 Mage and my sub classes are Water Mage, Earth Mage and Enchantress which all adds up to the Legendary Class of Golemmancer. My speciality is golems, I have these two permanent ones made of the best metal available for the task and I can summon temporary golems that are technically elementals but I can make it that they're permanent if I need them to but it requires a lot of mana so I usually don't bother unless there's a great need for them."

"So um can I ask what your Legendary Perk and Skill is or um that a secret?"

Deva shrugged "Golem Mastery is the Skill, provides a ten percent boost each level and my Perk is Half Priced Golems, which essentially means that all golem related costs are halved, which includes casting time, mana cost, materials, runes and some incidental attribute requirements."

"Wow that's amazing." I said, the both of them boasted significant value if in a very specific area.

"So since I've shared my Class Build with you, what's yours?"

"Ah well, mine's kind of weird due to unfortunate circumstances with bandits."

"Yeah I've heard about that, I was very surprised by that news, hence why I was curious about you and what you could do."

"Well it was more luck than skill, my Class Build is Alchemist, Magical Assassin and Mage."

"That's a very unusual combination indeed. How do you usually fight?"

"I mostly don't, my team mates usually do the fighting while I stay in the back collecting plants and helping with potions and the occasional golem."

"So how did you defeat all those bandits?"

"Poison and killing them while they slept for the most part."

"Oh, well that's one way of doing it."

"Why what would you have done?"

"I would have just sent an army of golems to wipe them out and been done with it."

"That sounds nice and easy."

"It's a lot easier than getting my hands dirty myself dealing with bandits."

"Yeah, must be nice to be a Legend."

"Who knows? You might become a Legend yourself one day."

"I don't know, I can't follow any of the three Legendary paths for Alchemists with the Classes I've selected."

"Maybe you'll forge your own path."


"What kind of affinities do you have? Your aura is very muddled."

"Mind, fire and water."

"That's very rare, I only have two affinities."

"Earth and Water I'm guessing?"

"Yes indeed."

"Though affinities isn't everything, as it only allows for conversion from raw mana into elemental mana easier."

"I know, I've read up quite a bit on magical theory."

"Have you now?" She asked with a patronizing smile. "Are you also aware that it's said that out of one thousand people, one of them will have an affinity for a certain type of magic, if you had a thousand mages, one of them like me would have a dual affinity, whereas you, you're likely to be a one in ten thousand mage's territory, very unusual indeed."

"Are there those with more than three affinities?"

"No one normal, those blessed by Gods, Gods themselves, supposedly dungeons can have affinities ranging from no affinities to all of them. I wouldn't be so greedy young man."

I smiled. "Just curious."

"On that note, I have work to do, I'll leave you to your practice."

"Thanks for the advice, have a pleasant night."

"Doubtful." She said walking off her brown robe fluttering in the breeze as her two mithril guardian golems followed her.

I'd have to see if she'd agree to let Badrick fight one. Would be interesting to see who was stronger a pseudo legend or a mithril golem made by a Legendary Golemmancer. The difference between a pseudo legend and a Legend is clear, even though Badrick is a pseudo Legend, he's missing that one powerful and winning strategy, a particular combination of skills to push him from a high levelled adventurer into a Legend. Deva on the other hand uses Golems for basically everything and can create short term golems, she's basically a one woman golem making machine.

I spent the rest of the night alternating between three activities, working on making better golem EMBs, testing out new fire spells and 'reading'.

With a greater intelligence, mana pool and mana recovery rate, along with a few new Perks and Skills, my EMBs were a lot more complex and larger than they were when I used them against the goblin dungeon. At a rough estimate they should last at least twenty minutes before the mana maintaining the golem fades and turns an earth golem into a useless pile of dirt. I used [Extraction] to remove the trait from the Slime Cores that allows them to have a layer of inorganic material around them and transfer it into the raw EMB. The instructions that I infuse into the EMB are more complex, transferring more commands into the programming within the golem's core to better direct their movements and fighting style than before.

I also add a new enchantment in the form of the rune for renewal. If I can master the enchantment I can create semi permanent to permanent golems. The rune is fundamental for turning a mana battery into an artifical mana heart. The concept empowering the rune is inherently complicated and difficult. Not only do you have to have a deep understanding of mana and how it's generated, stored and renewed, you also have to have an understanding of the medium involved. In my case, since I use earth golems, due to the prevalence of dirt and it's general durability and relative stability, it involves understanding the process of accretion that earth undertakes. This involves an understanding of how mana interacts to speed up the downright glacial process that happens naturally and streamlines it from a process that takes years into one that takes minutes. It's difficult to do and my efforts simply make the golem last longer. It's passive mana regeneration is too low to remain functioning for long.

I test out two new fire spells listed within Mom's grimoire, [Fire Ball] and [Fire Blast]. The first requires me to spend more mental effort and mana to turn [Lesser Flame] into [Fire ball] then to [Fire Blast]. [Fire Ball] produces a fist sized orb of flame that I launch mostly at my feet and at the fire pit to test it's effects, it's moderately useful attack magic with a maximum range of about six feet before becoming ineffective due to external factors. [Fire Blast] is much more taxing mentally and mana wise as it results in shooting a stream of flame from my palm. It's impressive and flashy but requires an enemy to be uncomfortably close to be effective which isn't that useful. I couldn't test out [Fire Wall] or [Flame Wave] due to concerns about safety and I wasn't sure if my mana pool could take the abuse.

The third activity was simply done during the time I spent in [Meditation] making use of [Energy Drain] to recover my mana supply faster. [Mana Manipulation] helps to better control the flow of mana into me, giving me an active mana regeration of around 300 mana per minute, which considering my pool of mana is around 9500 still means I have 30 - 35 minutes to kill. My 'reading' involves reviewing the memories of the books I memorised at the Derby library and both my mother's and Sandra's grimoires and thinking about the information contained within with greater mental concentration. Instead of simply focusing on the one 'book' I review multiple books at a time thinking through different things at the same time. I gained [Parallel thought] from my efforts, the new Skill gained through a lot of mental effort allows me to maintain multiple thoughts with less performance impairments, 10% correction at the first level. The more books I try to read at once, the less I can focus on each book and what it can offer me. Dungeon Paul's memories refer to multitasking failure or multi tabbing. The context behind that one is especially confusing but features a lot of porn being watched at once, simultaneously and switching between multiple tabs for maximum stimulation.

Sven, my muscular shadow serves as my beefy protection during my [Meditation] sessions. [Meditation] normally would only double mana regeneration but due to my unusual talents I can turn one mana into 10 quite easily through [Energy Drain], since I've only got a low level with [Meditation] I need to keep my eyes closed and remained seated for it to work well. All the other mental efforts mean little as I don't have to move my body at all.

Not that I think that there's much chance of an attack since my displays of fire magic should discourage all but the fool hardiest but my acquisition of control of the Thieve's guild probably made me a few enemies so I can't discount the possibility. Adrian shows up late at night and we have a short chat about the success of the recruiting drive before I take him into the carriage for some fun, I suck him for a little bit before riding him to a groaning gasping orgasm. I'm the best boss. I don't even bend him over and fuck him, even though his pert butt is practically begging for it.

After all my efforts and the minor distraction of Adrian's visit, I return to the carriage with Sven for the night, locking the carriage door for some fun before getting a few hours sleep. All my magical efforts are tiring on my brain, the ability to have multiple thoughts running at once just makes my head even more cluttered than normal.

I fall asleep with Sven on top of me naked, if someone got through the lock, they'd have to attack him first before they could get a clear shot at me. The fact that Sven passes out on top of me after I keep him UP for a couple of hours DRAINING him repeatedly is completely beside the point.

Day 2

Jim and Melville stagger back to the carriage early in the morning shortly after the morning work out with Arnie concludes, looking utterly wrecked. They promptly passed out upon the carriage seats, dead to the world. Arnie's morning session had twice as many people as it did the last time, word had gotten around, at least five hundred people, most of them men, working on their footwork. It's something to behold, one could say it's inspiring, or a display of rank incompetence, depends on your state of mind. I think it's a first step in the right direction.

I leave them to it and take a walk to visit Dad and share a meal with him. Dad gives me a report on the movements of the Adventurers and the tasks they've been assigned, which I relegate to the back of my mind as potentially interesting but something to think about later. He then take me aside to review the food carriage, several Adventurers had needed to stand guard over it during the night to prevent thieving.

Frederic accompanies us as I look through the food carriage. It's got a series of enchantments I recognise as being spatial enchantments and the effects are obvious as it's twice the size inside as it is outside. Sven waits outside to stand guard and talk with the Adventurers outside.

Dominic places a heavy hand on my shoulder, standing close to me and asked "So did you sleep well?"

"I did indeed, Sven makes for a very warm blanket."

Dad's hand moves off my shoulder and onto my butt. "You know, there are rumors about you getting fucked by half the Adventurers here."

"Well you know rumors aren't to be trusted."

"So you deny it? I've seen your carriage rocking after that barbarian and arm's master got into it, the camp is abuzz with gossip."

"I'd say a quarter is probably more accurate, maybe a third, it's hard to tell, I didn't see a lot of faces during some of it and there may have been some alcohol involved and some mind fuckery too."

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do with me?" I asked glancing at the bulge in his trousers.

"I think you know." Dad said, pulling out his stiff cock and stroking it.

I dropped to my knees and got to work sucking on it. "So we're doing this again?" Frederic asked, stepping up to stand next to Dad, his hard cock out as well.

"Seems like." "Suck him son." Dad said pulling me off his cock and nudging me over to Frederic's bigger meatier cock, which I was quick to swallow down to the root.

Dad yanked down my wyvern trousers and shoved his saliva slick cock up my backside, I groaned around a throat full of Frederic's cock as Dad bottomed out inside me.

Frederic said, "This reminds me of Serge, remember how we used to pound his ass day and night."

"Yeah fuck, good times." Dad grunted out as he hammered away at my insides with his hard cock.

"Switch?" Frederic asked.

"Yeah." Dad withdrew his cock from inside me, leaving me empty as he backed up a step. "Turn around boy." he said as he nudged my foot with his.

"Yes sir." I said as I turned about in the empty aisle and reached out for his cock.

They moved as one, and plugged both ends, Frederic more than filling the vacancy Dad had left. Frederic immediately starting fucking my ass hard, while Dad fucked my face equally as hard.

"This is hell on my knees, want to double team him standing up?" Frederic asked, still maintaining a rigorous rhythmn on my backside.

"Yeah let's fuck him real good."

The next moment, Frederic had stood up, having pulled me up with him, his hands under my knees, his cock still pumping in and out of me uninterrupted. Dad tugged off my trousers and boots and shoved his stiff prick up alongside his buddy's and I wrapped my near naked body around Dad's mostly clothed body. My legs around his waist and my hands on his shoulders. Dad had his hands on my waist as he thrust into me.

The two of them fucked me hard and fast until they both groaned and shot their load into my hole, filling me with a rush of warmth and life. Then we all got dressed in silence and I left to get some more dick...

I met up with Alec and the gang and we go on a scouting mission, I ask to speak to Minos alone, Minos agrees and leads the way until we're about a minute away from the others, Sven shadowing us as we walk away from the others.

"So what do you need?" Minos asked.

"This!" I said, grabbing at Minos' cock contained within his trousers.

"Thought you needed a break from that?"

"Yeah well, after your dad and mine fucked me this morning, I had a craving for your cock."

"You're so fucked up." Minos said as he lowered his trousers to reveal a quickly hardening cock.

"Yeah." I said before dropping to my knees to add some saliva to his meat before the main event.

"Got to be quick, or the others are going to get pissed."

"Then fuck me already." I said turning to the nearest tree and dropping trou.

He covered my mouth with one hand as he lined up his hard wet cock up with my hole and PUSHED.

"I missed this." Minos whispered in my ear as his grip on my face tightened and he grabbed my hip with his free hand and started fucking me HARD and FAST.

A minute later, Minos pumped his load into me, giving me his warmth and life energy.

"Thanks, I needed that." I said as I pulled up my trousers.

Minos chuckled and said "Any time mate."

When we returned to the group, Alec gives us the side eye but says nothing about our side trip.

Minos mentions that Dale and his group has signed up as part of Nessa's escort and that Dale had a busy night last night and that I should say hi to him if I can when he wakes up.

I spend the rest of my time with the group testing out some spells on defenceless trees alternating between [Fire blast] and [Water Blast] to devastate the poor trees.

When I return to my carriage, it's already lunch time and the two boy whores are awake again and hungry. They're tucking into some food when I arrive.

"Did you have a fun night last night?"

"Yeah I had so many guys fuck me last night and the women showed me some really weird stuff." Melville babbled excitedly.

"Busy." Jim said with marked lack of enthusiasm.

"Did you gain any levels?"

"I got two." Melville said.

"One." Jim said.

"Look at what I had to wear." Melville said dropping his thin cotton trousers to reveal that he wore a black jockstrap underneath.

"It's so they don't have to see your junk flop about as they fuck ya." Jim explained to his younger coworker.

"Think you've got it in you for some more fucking?" I asked.

"YES!" Melville exclaimed. "yeah." Jim said less enthused.

I pulled out some stamina and recovery potions to help get Jim back in the mood.

He swigged them down and a minute later, I was balls deep slamming into him as Sven fucked Melville.

Abus interrupts my mid day fuck fest with his arrival in my carriage, just as Sven had moved over from fucking Melville's ass to fucking mine as I continued to fuck Jim. Abus helpfully chooses that moment to teach me [Sense sharing]. It involves the two of us linking through the middle section of our minds, sharing our sensations with each other.

I pick it up fairly easily as Oneus had done it to me before and I remember it vividly thanks to the quantum brain upgrade.

It allowed me to suck Abus' cock while experiencing my own blowjob skill. It was very enlightening, allowing me to perfect my technique on Abus, all while getting hammered by Sven and pounding Jim's butt while getting a psychic blowjob from myself. Very stimulating.

Abus busts in my mouth and Sven in my ass. Jim just lays there like a dead fish on one side of the carriage. I bend Abus over and fuck him stupid, while fucking him I use [Sense Share]. It's like I'm fucking myself and yet also experiencing the fucking from Abus' body too. It helps me work out the perfect way to get him insanely horny and drag it out...

I cum hard in him and it gives me wicked ideas... for later.

The caravan starts moving again and Abus leaves and I experiment on Jim and Melville some more.

I [sense share] with Jim as he sucks me, then again as I fuck him. He gains a level with his Prostitute Class and his skills improve at a rapid pace, thanks to the increased sensory feedback.

I do the same with Melville and due to the skill and level difference between the two, Melville's skill increases much faster. I also fuck his ass as now his pain is my pain, so it's easier to hold back from pushing him too far, too fast.

I'm balls deep in Melville savouring his youthful joy of sex in all it's glory when the caravan stops and Sandra makes an unwelcome appearance.

I really need to post some kind of sign so people stop just entering my carriage. Will is polite enough to do his job and not bother me during the day.

Still Sandra chooses to ignore the stink of sweat and sex within the carriage and offers to teach me [Mend Minor Wounds] after seeing the state of Jim and Melville.

Jim and Melville both are covered in minor wounds, scratch marks from when I gripped too hard during climax, bite marks from when I nibbled a little too hard, light bruises on their legs and butt from being hammered from behind.

Sandra had served as a Mage and Healer on her party. She wasn't at the stage of Grindor or those dedicated to the art of the healing but she could deal with minor wounds relatively easily and quickly. Healing potions were more useful for more extensive wounds but every little bit helps in combat situations.

I learned [Mend Minor Wounds] relatively quickly and easily, all it required was an understanding of human biology and a degree of control over mana. I had an absolute understanding of how my body works due to all my shapeshiping experience and Dungeon Paul's upgrade and soul bond. The only real difficulty was doing the same to someone else, which took a lot more effort and care.

After fixing Jim and Melville I decide it might be a good idea to take a break from training them and give them some time to rest up for the night ahead.

Still with sex on the brain I visit Nessa's camp and am allowed into her private carriage, she has a few others for the whores to sleep in during the day and more than enough Adventurers to protect them.

"So I wanted to discuss an alliance of sorts with you."

"What did you have in mind."

"I could improve the Skills of your prostitutes by casting [Sense Sharing] on them when they're with their clients, it'd allow them to know what their clients like with even greater accuracy."

"I am intrigued in the possibility for mind magic to be used in such a way but it's probably a waste for this journey as the clients we're getting are Adventurers looking for a cheap thrill or those at the bottom of the barrel wanting a quick release before sleep."

"That makes sense."

"I'd like for you to talk to Deva about it, she would be the best person to speak about it."

I repeat my sales pitch to Deva and her response is interesting.

"I want to join your next session with Abus, I haven't had an opportunity to talk to him what with work being as it is."

"Well he usually visits me during lunchtime for private lessons, if you wait outside my carriage, you should be able to talk to him when he arrives." Which should hopefully prevent either of them from interrupting my naked fun times.

"Excellent, I'll see you tomorrow then, this might help with organising my golems in battle."

"Great and maybe you can help me with my efforts at golems."

"I'll see what I can do."

Evening comes and Sven keeps me company when I accompany Jim and Melville to their work... We've arrived at Bent, the in between village between Derby and Essex and some of the people have made use of their facilities but most of still remain outside in desperate need of entertainment.

I watch Melville as he's continually used by a line of men in both directions, it reminds me of the best of times and the worst of times...

I practice [Sense Sharing] on him, creating two one way links, one for each client, with the client's pleasure linking to Melville, so that Melville experiences their sensations but they don't experience his. My efforts pay off as not only do I get a lot of practice establishing short term links but Melville reaches Prostitute Level 10. Melville follows Jim's example and chooses [Makes a Man out of you] as his second Perk. He chooses [Talented Tongue] as his Skill which improves his blowjob efforts as well. The line on his mouth moves faster after that and Melville moves faster and last longer thanks to all the customers and the Perk. He's a little sex machine now.

I leave him to it and I check on Jim who is in a similar situation as the one I left Melville in, getting fucked by a line of men, but he has three lines in front of him, two lines for those looking for a quick hand job and the middle line looking for a blow job.

Handjobs are 10 copper, blowjobs 30, anal 60.

I'm paying him and Melville a gold a day to use and abuse them as I please. I may be overpaying them a little to raise their Classes faster.

It's a lot harder creating four one-way sensory links than it is two... it really pushes my skill with the spell further, increasing the mana cost accordingly, still it has an immediate effect on Jim's motivation and his hands, hips and mouth move faster and more skillfully as their pleasure become his.

If I thought the clients would appreciate it, I'd make the links two sided but I'm not sure if they'd appreciate the sensation of getting psychically fucked. Something to consider as an option for more perverted clients.

I run out of mana after an hour and watching Jim getting fucked over and over again, make me restless and horny so I head off to see if I can find Dale.

I find him at the back of one of the carriages, naked, on his knees, with a cock in his mouth, a cock in each hand and two up his backside. Two of the other Swordman of Destiny stand watch as their party members dick around.

I take a ride on Dale's pole as the last two horny members fuck my mouth and ass.

After the four of us cum, I get dressed again and I head off back to my carriage intending to practice golems by using them against Sven.

Nessa's section of the camp is quite noisy, with the sounds of moaning, groaning and the non stop sound of flesh hitting flesh.

I run into Deva as she patrols the area with her two Mithril golems, we have a little chat as Sven trails behind us. She shows off the myriad of enchantments on her permanent mithril golems. The mithril golems are both light weight and extremely durable and magical resistant. They make excellent body guards and enforcers.

Deva is essentially the protector of the prostitutes ensuring that the clientss know that if they act out of line, they will suffer at her hands or more accurately the hands of her golems.

I watched with some amusement as she settled one dispute with some thuggish looking man who complained that he didn't get his money worth and she simply ridiculed him and told him to leave before he gets his teeth knocked out by her golems.

She's not the most polite customer service operative but she sure leaves an indelible impression.

Seeing a Legend working for a Madame is a very odd experience and I ask her about it and she explain that as a Female Mage she knows that women often get the short end of the stick.

I shrugged and moved on, life was unfair in general but I guess women had to deal with certain issues more often than men. Men were killed more often, while women got raped more often. Life could be cruel, all the more reason to get stronger.

I returned to my carriage and had another late night practicing golem craft and spell craft, which ended with me sleeping under Sven again. Badrick also paid a visit during the night fucking me stupid in my carriage while Sven waited outside.

Day 3

Morning Arnie's training now had a thousand people participating with Badrick and Deva helping to keep things in line, Abus provided some assisting by projecting Arnie's instruction to the crowd via [Telepathy].

Another talk with Dad who reported on the progress of the Caravan and supplies. Current projections have us arriving late evening at Essex if we push it or early morning the following day if we don't. Another sordid session of sodomy with Dad and Frederic in the food carriage.

Outbreak of The Itch, an irritating infliction which causes their hosts an ever increasing itch, typified by excessive scratching and redness which delays the Caravan as we seek to treat the problem. The Itch is caused by tiny little bugs that feed off the skin and blood of the host. The able bodied are sent off to collect herbs and other ingredients so that I can make a topical remedy.

I used my sample of Weeping Widow to show the Adventurers what I need them to collect.

Weeping Widow is a poisonous plant that's used for a lot of different potions, from Mother's Bane (an abortifacient) to a general insect repellant to a topical ointment for The Itch and other parasites of a similar nature and in dire cases a straight up poison. I mostly keep a few around to make insect repellents for travelling, helps to keeps the insects away.

I asked Adrian to gather together a collection of higher leveled thieves and Nessa to borrow her prostitutes for a bit. I recruit Abus to teach me a couple of vital Mage skills.

Abus helps by teaching me [Mage Hand] and [Psychic Link]. [Mage Hand] creates an invisible to semi visible hand to move objects, the more mana, the more complex the actions that can be undertaken. [Psychic Link] on the other hand allows me to share memories with others and direct their movements through telepathic communication. It's what allows Oneus to run the Adventurer's Guild as in an emergency he can quickly gather and orchestrate an organised and cohesive defensive.

Using a combination of [Meditation], [Mage Hand], [Psychic link] and [Energy Drain] to turn my nimble fingered army of crooks and whores into an impromptu sweat shop of apothecaries. [Multi Mixing] finally shows its strength as it allows for a certain correction for mixing multiple potions at once. [Mage Hand] allows me to manifest a hand or four as needed to correct the movements of my inexperienced helpers and [Psychic Link] allows me to give instructions and share memories of the correct methods involved. [Meditation] & [Energy Drain] allows me to maintain the mana requirements to orchestrate 40 people into a skilled labor force.

Deva sees my efforts and offers to help as do four apothecaries, (two apprentices and two journeyman). They mostly help with supplying more glass ware in order to mix the ointment up. They also add another four pairs of hands to the group, which is helpful too, in that they help to provide examples for what to do to my makeshift assembly line.

Deva proves most useful as she can create an army of water golems to wash people and things, while her army of sleek earth golems can apply potions and keep people in neat lines to get treated, all with a steady hand. She also helps to produce stone bowls to store the completed ointment that people can just pick up and take away with them, without having to worry about having to collect them afterwards, it's really helpful as glass ware is also expensive to purchase and a pain to replace.

Thanks to my efforts, the malady that spread from too many people travelling too closely together was successfully treated and forty people gained the option to become apothecaries. I also gained 2 levels to Mage and 1 to Alchemist from my efforts. Thieves and prostitutes usually have decent dexterity and hand eye coordination due to the nature of their professions so they make useful if odd apprentice apothecarists.

Afternoon session with Sandra allowed me to learn [Frost ray], another intermediate l technique that creates a layer of ice around a target, stalling it in place, allowing for limited control function.

Evening session with Deva teaches me how to manifest a water and Earth Elemental. It's easier to summon a Water elemental than it is to summon/create an earth elemental. They have different weaknesses, water doesn't do a lot of damage and is hard to maintain. Earth is durable but slow. Earth elementals are usually used for defensive purposes and water for distractions and long range damage.

Deva produces both easily and using raw mana manages to enchant both summons so that they can run off their own mana pool and maintain their own shape with a minor sacrifice of intelligence and wisdom. It's impressive and intimidating.

She says her intelligence and wisdom are in the hundreds (at least 300 each) so I shouldn't be too discouraged. Mage & Enchanter both give automatic attribute points in wisdom and intelligence per level. Her free stats from her other Specialisation classes are spent on empowering her spells.

It'll be a long time before I'm on her level.

Day 4

Morning, we arrive at Essex a few hours later than intended but without too much trouble.


Author's Note: This chapter took longer than expected as it got a lot more involved than I expected. I kind of skimmed some of the details at some points because I got a little sleepy and there was also a power outage that caused me to rewrite the deva/Lucius conversation at the end of day one and generally caused me to have a mini rage blackout and lose 'the zone' of creativity I was in before.

Next chapter, Essex Mess: Where things get even messier for our slutty hero as he deals with unhappy assassins, Elven royalty and the problems of insufficient finances.

Something something, send validation to waynewriteswords@outlook.com your words of encouragement make me write more, an unloved writer writes less, it's been scientifically proven. (I have no idea if that's true or not)

On other news, my toe is mostly better and I still have 22 chocolate bunnies waiting to be eaten. Yes the lockdown has made me insane but only a little more than usual.

Next: Chapter 32

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