Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 28, 2020


Chapter 32 Essex Mess

Upon arriving at Essex we receive an unexpected and unusual welcome, there's hundreds of armed soldiers above the city gate, tense and ready for a battle. Judging by the looks of them, they were made up mostly of archers, armed with bows and ballista with a few Mages added in for extra ooomph. I guess we should have sent a message ahead announcing our arrival. Having two thousand people show up on your doorstep unannounced might seem a little hostile.

Normally a tide of unwashed commoners arriving out of nowhere bodes ill for a city as it's usually the first sign that a monster surge has hit unprotected villages and a warning that danger would wash up against city walls soon after. That or a prelude for a battle between humans for more power, prestige or profits. In hindsight, it's obvious that this would be the reaction of our arrival, I should have put more effort into researching Caravan practices before leaving Derby but I had been preoccupied with other concerns. I was probably supposed to send a message before leaving but I didn't even think of it, a potentially fatal oversight on my behalf.

To minimise the threat level posed by our large gathering, the Merchants went ahead first to talk to the armed guards manning the closed gate. Merchants are usually considered `safe' as their builds focus on Intelligence and Charisma and pose little threat to soldiers. I stayed in the back, I wouldn't do well under such scrutiny, [Disguise] could only hide so much and Mages were a concern, especially if they all focused their attention on me.

The Merchants did what they did best and bargained on our behalf.

Dalton returned to advise me of the agreement struck, the Adventurers could come in along with those with papers to prove their standing or those vouched by the Adventurers but no one else. This meant the vast majority of those in the Caravan would have to remain behind and set up camp outside the city a little way away from the main thoroughfare.

In theory as the Lord in charge of the Caravan I should have bargained for better treatment but my status as a Lord was iffy at best and I had far too many secrets to hide. As a result, only those with suitable credentials or were otherwise vouchsafed went ahead while Dad stayed behind with Frederic and Arnie. Most of the Adventurers and the Merchants (and their support staff) entered the city and headed towards the centre for payment and the sweet amenities of city life; proper bathing facilities, warm beds, private rooms, etcetra.

I allowed the procession to move on ahead of me and went to visit Uffron and see what he's been up to. I'm accompanied by my own little entourage which includes Ed, Vincent and the 8 other oath bound minions as well as Sven, Adrian, Jim and Melville. I've become annoyingly popular as of late and have so many people to manage.

I chat with Uffron and check on his financial situation and other details.

I learned that Ygos has been visiting Uffron in the evenings to help him with his enterprise in some kind of secondary partnership. Ygos provides blacksmithing experience while Uffron provides the material and Uffron mostly outsources the collection of resources via the local commoners.

I spend a couple of hours doing some enchanting of Ygo's weapons in order to maximise profits. Enchanting the weapons is a lot easier than it was last time, probably due to my higher mana pool, intelligence, wisdom and mana recovery rate. Along with extraction and Mana manipulation allowing me to extract traits from my blood and better apply them to items through infusion.

I have Uffron spread the word that I've found a dungeon and that I'm recruiting for people to join us in our journey to the dungeon in a few days.

I need time to resupply.

Adrian leaves to talk to his contacts in the city and I split the group into three to undertake different tasks. I captain my group on a mission to harvest the local dungeon, Ed and Vincent captain the other two groups on a raid of the sewers in order to harvest vital slime cores.

I go with Sven, Jim, Melville and Uffron to the Essex dungeon and use my golem in combat. Interestingly enough it counts towards my Magical Assassin growth... At least when the golem punches a kobold in the back of the head. It counts more towards Alchemist and Mage growth due to my efforts at enchanting it and controlling it through more specialised mind magic. My golem can last about 25 minutes at a time and takes about 2 minutes to form via ambient mana, half that time when activated on the first floor of the dungeon.

I fill my bag with plants while Uffron collects metal and Sven and the golem block and kill. Sven gets little worthwhile experience harvesting such low level floors. Jim gets some decent experience to his thief class from all the trap detection, as does Melville. Thief classes gain experience from stealth, stealing and sidestepping traps.

After harvesting the first couple of floors for everything valuable we return to Uffron's to await the other two groups to come back with their loot. While we wait I have Jim and Melville entertain Sven and Uffron with their mouths while I take turns fucking their sweet asses.

I'm balls deep in Melville, with him on my lap, riding my cock as I grope his sweet little butt, kissing him and nibbling on him as he moans and begs for more when the others return. Sven and Uffron are in a similar compromising position, Sven lying on the floor with his cock ramming into Jim's sweet hole, along with Uffron's who's kneeling behind Jim and double fucking him.

Ed immediately starts complaining "Hey why'd you start without us?"

"You were too slow. The fast delver gets to fuck ass."

"We're done now. Time to fuck." Ed said dropping his filthy trousers to the ground, stroking his nice looking 8 incher of a cock one handed.

"Not so fast, you're all filthy go wash up and I'll send you Melville when I'm done." I point them to the wash room and they grumble a bit before heading off, the air lingers with the smell of rot and shit. I do not miss sewer diving for slime cores, the joys of minions.

Speaking of joy and minions, I get back to fucking Melville's sweet ass, harder and faster than before to make up for all that time I wasted talking to Ed, it doesn't take long until I pump a load in Melville. I'm still hard and horny, so I lift up Melville, and fucking carry him forwards. I look over my shoulder to Jim who's sprawled on his front, ass up, after satisfying Uffron and Sven. Melville clings tightly to me rocking up and down on my very hard cock moaning "Fuck me, fuck me." He's crazy horny, reminds me of me, not that long ago.

"Come on Jim, let's reward them for their efforts."

"Ugh do we have to?" Jim says getting to his feet and stretching.

I enjoy the view of his naked sweaty body and I fuck into Melville some more while thinking that I'm going to need fuck Jim again soon. "They did good work, they deserve a reward and your ass is a sweet reward."

"What about me?" Melville asked with a pout.

I kiss him. "Your ass is sweet too, that's why I like fucking you so much." I said before proceeding to kiss him and fuck him while holding his weight and ramming upwards. The extra strength comes in handy for stand-fucking Melville's sweet butt.

I'm reminded of my original goal when Jim loudly clears his throat and asks "Are we going or not?"

"Yep, onwards and forwards to glory and fucking."

"That's not how that goes." Sven says behind us, still naked, but now standing with his cock only half hard.

"Close enough." I said walking forward, still carry fucking the sweet, sexy and very fuckable Melville to the wash rooms.

Sven, Jim and Uffron follow behind us. Soon I walk into a room filled with naked men, in varying stages of hardness and wetness, there's only a few tubs of fresh water to clean up with and they're helping each other get clean, I very much enjoy the view of the guys soaping each other up and scrubbing off the dirt from each other's bodies. I hold Melville tighter and fuck him harder as Jim walks over to Vincent's group, he likes them more than Ed's group. Vincent's group prioritises defense, while Ed's prioritises offense. Vincent's group has shield and swords, which make them slower but safer as they can block, bash and bludgeon with the shield, while still using their sword to stab and slash as needed. Ed's group from what I've seen prioritises overwhelming enemies by stabbing them with swords, they're armed solely with a sword, which makes them faster but more open to getting damaged.

"Cum in me master." Melville begs as he rocks back and forth on my cock with even more vigor.

I can't hold back any more and I groan and cum, bliss making my knees weak as I empty myself into Melville.

He clambers off me and goes straight to Ed's group, where Ed is first to fuck his ass. Melville is quickly surrounded by hard cocks and gets to work. Jim is already bent over by Vincent as the other guys surround Jim and present their cocks for Jim to suck or stroke for them.

Seeing all my minions getting along so well, warms my cold calculating heart... well not really but it does make my cock hard and I gesture Sven and Uffron over to the free tub so they can fill it up and get it ready for me. My minions are so considerate, leaving the third tub empty for my use as they made do with the other two. Sven helps me to wash up and I help him wash off the sweat from fucking Jim and somehow inexplicably I end up bent over as Sven fucks me while Uffrons feeds my face with his cock.

Maybe it has something to do with the non stop sounds of sex as the warrior minions take turns face fucking and fucking my two whores. Might have something to do with Jim and Melville swapping places and getting another five cocks in their greedy holes.

Who knows? All I know is that when Sven and Uffron fed me their loads, I suddenly felt a lot more energetic and proceeded to fuck Jim and Melville's sloppy holes again. Then we actually got clean and got dressed to get some stuff done in the center of town.

I leave Ed and Vincent and their groups at Uffron's workshop to look after the place while taking Uffron, Sven, Jim and Melville to the heart of the city and to the Adventurer's Guild.

Upon arrival at the Essex Adventurer's Guild I find that the Adventurers are still celebrating their payday with heavy drinking.

In an effort to avoid a repeat of what happened the last time I got drunk with the guys after the last Caravan I head upstairs with the guys minus Uffron who joins in on the celebrations. I sweet talk Marcus into giving me a free room with promises of sexual bliss.

Marcus leads us to a large unoccupied room and I said "Get naked" and we all do..

Jim and Melville help to strip Marcus of all his inconvenient clothes and push him naked onto the bed. Melville is kissing him while Jim is sucking him.

"Prep him." Said Sven, stroking his stiff cock one handed.

Jim proceeds to stop sucking Marcus and instead starts rimming his eager hole as Melville straddles his face and shove his stiff cock into Marcus' mouth. Jim proceeds to finger fuck him, then actually fuck him for a bit before moving aside and letting Sven shove his much bigger cock into Marcus' prepped hole.

Marcus lets out a stifled groan as Sven sheathes the entire length of his cock inside him. Jim sits on Marcus cock and starts riding him.

I watch this for a minute before Sven pulls out making room for me on the large bed, I slide my much bigger cock into Marcus' hole and enjoy the sweet bliss of his warmth. Sven grabs me by the waist and slams into me. I establish multiple sensory links through [Sense Share] making everyone feel everything everyone else is feeling. I descend into a frenzy and fuck Marcus hard then pull out and double fuck Jim before slamming into Marcus again.

The session is intense if brief. Marcus breaks a little too quickly shooting his load into Jim and losing enthusiasm for sex afterwards.

I move onto fucking Melville as Marcus lies between Melville and Jim as Sven fucks Jim and I fuck Melville hard. Marcus watches us in action with bemusement while stroking his semi hard cock.

After I'm done pumping yet another load into Melville's sweet butt I give Marcus a stamina and recovery potion to swig down in the adjoining bathroom as he cleans up.

Afterwards when we're all dressed again I asked Marcus where one armed Paul is staying and he tells me.

I visit Paul in the secret section of the Adventurer's Guild and sweet talk him (suck his cock) into agreeing that'll he'll get his compatriot at the Essex Adventurer's Guild to post an advertisements of my wares tomorrow morning along with the information of the next stage of our journey.

I return to my fancy new room and get back to work. I have Sven drag Uffron from the party downstairs and have him help.

I have Jim, Melville and Uffron work as my assistants in producing recovery and stamina potions. I spend the majority of my time making berserk and mana potions. Sven guards the door to prevent unwanted distractions.

It's only partially successful as Badrick shows up drunk and horny and pushes his way into my new room. I pass on the message for the guys to finish up what they're working on and take care of Badrick's stiff cock. After the boys are done with the potions they're working on, they join us on the bed and Uffron fucks both Jim and Melville. Badrick also fucks the two boys and he passes out drunk on the bed.

We continue working until the sun sets and I snuggle up to Badrick whose cock ends up in my rear end as mine lodges itself deep in Jim. Melville falls asleep naked underneath Uffron.

I stay awake longer than I like and I spend the idle hours `reading'.

Day 2


Badrick wakes me up by slamming his morning erection into my ass roughly and repeatedly. I wake to his nails digging into my chest, drawing a trace of blood, which should worry me but it doesn't, it just makes me horny and I pull Jim closer and start fucking him awake. I like the contrast of Badrick's hard body slamming me from behind as his muscular arms hold me in place, all while enjoying the sensation of Jim's slim body accepting my carnal attentions. I reach around and stroke Jim's cock as I fuck him.

I watch with amusement as our fucking wakes Uffron and he promptly starts pounding into the slender boy beneath him.

Then we go off to get some breakfast, I'm hungry. I decide on a light breakfast of horned rabbit and I'm annoyed when I realise the food has been poisoned...

Thankfully between my high constitution and my poison resistance and Resistance, it's just a nuisance rather than a fatal dose. It causes mild nausea rather than the death the person was aiming for.

I stormed into the kitchen, somewhat enraged and have words with the cook about my poisoned food, who is understandably anxious when he hears that someone poisoned my food. The disappearance of one of the serving boys is very suspicious but there's not much I can do about it without more to go on.

I shelve the problem to be dealt with later, most of all I need a large infusion of cash to bankroll the next leg of the journey and the construction of a dungeon town. Hunting down an unsuccessful poisoner can wait.

A quick look at the Adventurer's board confirms that there's a notice about the caravan mission and subsequent quest for establishing a dungeon town alongside the advertisement of alchemical products that I wish to sell along with ingredients I wish to buy.

I return to my room and get back to working on mass producing potions.

Sven had spent the previous night in the next room after Marcus realised that he had been put out by all my overnight guests. Marcus took the liberty of sharing the bed with Sven and keeping him nice and warm and satisfied, like a good little cock sucker. Both of them were a little sleep deprived but very pleased with themselves.

I get some customers and word quickly spreads that I'm back in business, Sven passes on the word that I'm no longer providing extra services but that there's a couple of boy whores in the next room if they need someone to help empty their balls of built up cum. Sven doesn't provide quite the same customer service as Felix used to but it does speed up the buying and selling of product when he remains fully clothed the majority of the time. (he takes breaks to check on the boys and unload into their holes)

I stay within the room and work, getting a steady supply of ingredients and money in and a steady supply of potions out and money out. My potions are more expensive this time around as my [Infusion] has improved and the effects of my potions improve as a result. I make a tidy profit on each potion sold, especially with the higher end potions I produce.

Melville and Jim are busy next door entertaining clients so they don't provide much help to my potion craft but the four apothecarists from the Caravan hear about my efforts and are interested in apprenticing under me or working for me.

I recruit them to work for me along with a couple of prostitutes and thieves looking for a new side profession. I end up with 8 workers under my command.


Adrian and a few other thieves arrive along with my other minions, Ed, Vincent and the other blood bound minions arrive and due to the cost/value ratio, I decide to relocate mass production from the Adventurer's Guild to my workshop in the slums so that can I get them set up on mass production of lesser potions.

I get the ten minions to help oversee and protect my new workers at Uffron's base of operations. Ed and Vincent can organise raids on the sewers and the dungeon along with a thief or two so everyone benefits. Uffron has enough practice to oversee the simple manufacture of recovery and stamina potions.

On the way back from Uffrons' to the Adventurer's Guild I got a crossbow bolt to the head, it pierces through both the iron covering my skull and through the bone too. It lodged perilously close to my brain and knocked me to the ground. By the time I recovered from the shock of a random attack in the middle of the street and burned the crossbow bolt, the assassin had already gotten away. Sven is understandably upset at his failure as a bodyguard to stop the assailant, we had gotten a lot closer than the average war slave and master. My high constitution and [Shapeshifting] allows for a speedy recovery but that attempt had been a lot closer to a success than I would have liked. Admittedly I probably should have been more upset by the multiple assassination attempts but I had a safety net in the form of the Dungeon contract so even if they were successful, my body would simply be reconstituted at the Dungeon. Still I'd rather not die.

Before there was a third attempt on my life I decided it was past time to visit the Temple of Death and get some much needed assistance. As an arguably neutral god, I could visit his temple and get some counsel. Neutral Gods don't consecrate their temples like those of the `good' faction, so I can enter without concern.

I knew that at least some of the assassins visited the temple as they would devote their kills to the God of Death, which isn't as strange as it may seem. Soldiers also did the same before a big battle, it was considered that the God of Death would more likely pass you over if you gave him regular tribute. If you were particularly good at killing people you may even get a Boon from the God of Death that could protect your life. Of course the religion wasn't as popular in Feros as it was in other countries, most people prayed to Lumos for protection in this and the next life. Lumos didn't hold a monopoly on worship in Feros, just a majority share.

When I talked to a priest, he said, "If you want me to provide you with information, you must seek the blessing of my patron god."

"Fine. What do I need to do?"

He hands me a strange potion to drink and I swig it and everything becomes dark and then there's a bright light and a man appears.

He's remarkably average in appearance, brown hair, brown eyes, medium height and build, neither handsome or ugly, someone you'd pass without a second glance.

However looking at him I couldn't help noticing that the pupils of his eyes were particularly black when he spoke. His eyes spoke to an endless abyss and I had to slap my face in order to focus to prevent myself from being lost in his gaze. While a casual glance would be fine, looking into his eyes had a strange unnatural compulsion and the hint of the abyss.

"Welcome to my divine realm. It's so nice to see an intellectual visit for a change. My disciples tend to be of the crazy and violent type." I just stared at him. "Well you're a little crazy but you're not writing my name in blood and sacrificing virgins in my name which is a pleasant change of pace."

"Why am I here?"

"Well your hands are reasonably red and I have this premonition that you will bring a wave of death upon this land so I wished to speak to you and offer you a boon."

"What kind of Boon?"

"Banishment, it'll help you later against all sorts of unpleasant creatures that don't belong in your realm, ghosts, demons and even gods. You'll be a novel type of cleric, a demonic one, it'll be a real point of interest to the other players."

"So what do you want from me?" Even when a God grants you a Boon it is not without cost, they either want you to be a piece in their game or want a tribute to further their own power.

"Well I wouldn't mind you offering me tribute in the form of death, it'll help to balance the debts you'll acquire later, also if you offer me enough death, I'll grant you some nice boons. I'm thinking you might like some of the ones I have, I can grant you all sorts of fun boons, those that give you poison damage, more soul attacks, some really violent blood magic or if you want to play it defensive, I've got boons to keep you on the edge of death, resist poisons and soul damage and generally make you immune from necromancers."

"Don't you empower necromancers?"

"No, that's Undeath, different domain, which is different again from the God of the Undying, which wait, we haven't gotten to yet, spoilers, time gets a little wonky for me, I see the death of everything, it gets hard to tell where everyone is up to at any moment."

The god of Death seemed very ... excitable? Unhinged? Odd!

"Thanks, but I don't really plan on killing a lot of people-"

"Oh it doesn't have to be people, I am DEATH, you can kill anything and offer it to me as tribute, monsters, magical beasts, plain old animals and plants. You can even offer me your blood and I'll feed on the death of your cells, or you can feed me your old ideas and preconceptions, the death of abstract concepts are particularly tasty. And Gods, I love it when you kill Gods. I mean, um if you kill Gods, you definitely need to offer their deaths to me as tribute. Or demons, or ghosts or elemental spirits, they're nice and crunchy oh and all those dead golems are amusing and the clones, so many dead clones, they're just like popcorn, I simply can't stop munching on them."

"Can I go God of Death?" I asked, my head hurting from the pure unbridled manic energy of the God of Death.

"Call me Nil, when you kill something, or something dies because of you, just say my name and offer it to me. The intent is what matters and our time appears to be up."

I awake from my vision on the floor and my immediate reaction is to scream in agony, my head throbbing in pain and my body shivering from unnatural coldness.

The priest who looks down on me with mild interest said "Seems like Nil likes you, he says that I should give you the information you seek and you'll bring a tide of death and destruction the world has never seen before."

I glance at my the description of my new boon.

[Banishment: causes damage to all those that do not belong to your realm. You're welcome]

The You're Welcome, disappeared a moment later as if it was never there. Fucking Gods, dicking with the system announcements.

"I'd hate to see what would happen if he didn't." I said, feeling deathly ill.

"Death, mostly." The priest said with eerie calm.

I chose to ignore that ominous statement and asked, "So who do I talk to about assassins in this town?"

The priest provides me with a contact and an address. I leave and end up in the merchant district to talk to a middle aged man.

Upon entering his shop I perform an [Identify] in order to determine his class and general stats.

I get

Merchant, Scholar, Mage.

No levels, no stats provided. [Identify] sure was glitchy.

As for the shop itself it seemed to be a general store for random items, the shelves cluttered with things of varying purposes, potions, storage items, small daggers, herbs and rings. It was a very eclectic array of goods all scattered about with little care, it seemed like a mess.

"What can I do for you honoured customer?"

"I want to know more about assassins."

"What makes you think I would know anything about such a subject?"

"I talked to a Priest at the Temple of Death and he gave your name and address."

"Did he now? How strange. What did you want to know?"

I thought I might make more progress piercing through his act of mundane shop keeper if I was direct. "I'm a Magical Assassin, I'm looking for tips, among other things."

"Well that's an unusual Class, before I give you any tips, I'll have to know more about your specialities, Skills and Perks."

"I'm an Incubi, my specialities are Energy Drain and cannibalism, Skills are Shadow Blade, Stealth and Disguise, Perks are Critical Strike, Born to Shadows and Cloak of Shadows."

The man reveals a split second of surprise, either at my reveal of demonic heritage or my selections of Perks and Skills is unclear before he said, "You look familiar."

"Yeah I think there's a bounty on my head, I've had a couple of assassination attempts so far and I'm thinking you might be responsible."

"What makes you think that?"

"A guess after talking to the God of Death, if someone wants me dead, they're going to have to try a lot harder than that to do the job, I'm quite durable."

"Contracts don't tend to get cancelled."

"Who issued the contract, I'll talk to them instead?"

"I can't disclose that."

"Well if you won't call it off, at least advise the next person that tries that I will retaliate by killing them, offering their soul to Death(Nil) and eating their corpse."

"That's a very vivid image, so I'll pass it along."

I decide to leave before I let my building rage end in me burning down the shop with the man inside it, which would not be good for my cover. After all that, I didn't really achieve anything of note and learned little, an all round failure.

I need to make better preparations to ensure my life, Sven is not enough.

I meet up with Adrian and ask him where the black market is, I need supplies. He advises they're not going to gather until tomorrow night.

I try to distract myself with Badrick and the boys, fucking until I'm all fucked out.

Day 3


Duggan knocks on my door before letting himself in a second later, as I'm still naked and sandwiched between Badrick and Melville rocking back and forth between Badrick's big cock and Melville's sweet hole I'm a little annoyed by the interruption. Jim is lying face down, ass up, having already been thoroughly fucked by both Badrick and me, I woke up hard and horny and Jim's hole beckoned. He suffered somewhat for it as Badrick and I double fucked him quite roughly, then we moved onto Melville. Or I did, and Badrick pounced on top of my ass a moment later.

"Am I interrupting?" Duggan asks, hands on his hips, smile on his face, Sven trailing a step behind him.

"Sorry, I don't know how he got past me." Sven said apologetically.

"Doesn't matter, what do you want Duggan?" I said still slamming my stiff cock into Melville even as Badrick stayed stationary behind me, his hard cock beckoning me back, moments like this made me wonder what I loved more, cock or ass.

"I heard that you've found a new dungeon and I couldn't wait any longer for my invitation, so I came here to see why you don't love me."

Duggan is such a dick. A handsome, dexterous dick that knows how to move his fingers in a way to get people to climax with just his fingers. I rammed Melville harder. "It's a fucking open invitation to every fucking Adventurer, you're more than welcome to cum. Fuck."

I stilled, heart racing as I unloaded again in Melville's butt, he'd gone quiet and still. I eased off, I had kind of pinned him to the bed by the shoulder and the back of his head. I let him up and he gasped for air. "FUCK THAT WAS SO HOT. DO IT AGAIN!"

This was why I liked Melville so much, he's a little sex freak and he's got so much more energy than Jim does. Melville loves getting fucked, over and over again, he's the perfect little fucker. So slim and supple and warm and fuckable, and I continue fucking into Melville, the moment of bliss insufficient to sate my lust. "If you insist." I whispered into his ear as I push him face down into the pillow again as I leverage my body to give me more fucking room, pushing up against Badrick's cock, lodging it deep in me, before ramming myself back into sweet Melville, all the way in on a single fuck stroke with just the head of Badrick's cock in me.

Sven has helpfully closed the door behind him and I watch with amusement as Sven pulls out his hard cock. "You going to join in or not?" Sven asked impatiently.

"Don't mind me, have at it." Duggan responds.

Sven is quick to kick off his trousers and boots and lodge his hard cock in my face. "Thanks" Sven responds, ramming the back of my throat with his cock head impatiently and insistently. Must have been a couple of hours since he last pounded Marcus. He grabs my head quite forcefully and face fucks me hard and fast. I love it.

"So Badrick, is that what you've been doing with your free time?" Duggan asked.

"Uh yeah." Badrick responds awkwardly, his hard cock a stationary target for my desire for dicking. I usually preferred it when he really let loose and just fucked me like an animal but this was interesting and fun too in it's own way.

I kept sucking and fucking {Either join in or fuck off}

"You've learned some new tricks I see." Duggan said with an odd expression on his face and a hard dick in his pants.

{I've learned a lot of new tricks actually.} I used [Sense Share] on him so that he felt as I did, crammed full of horniness and fucking. Then I linked with all the others, Sven, Badrick and Melville, their pleasure becoming my pleasure becoming a message to Duggan.

Duggan pulled out his hard cock and Badrick took that as his sign to let loose and fuck me and boy was that what I needed, his hard cock slammed into me over and again, hitting my sweet spot relentlessly and I quickly lost myself, grabbing onto Sven's butt and Melville's butt and choking myself with Sven's cock as I pummeled Melville's insides as Badrick did the same to me. All was fucking motion and pleasure and the urge to dominate and be dominated and to be filled up.

Some time later, Sven pumped a fresh load down my throat while Badrick pumped his load into my butt as I pumped mine into Melville.

"Well that was fun but I need to wash up and do some reading."

Duggan just stared at me, dick in hand as I pushed Badrick's sweaty body off me and walked past him.

I was followed a moment later by Badrick and Sven and a very horny Marcus.

Marcus graciously offered to help me wash up and due to the fact that the place was empty, I allowed him to and he promptly ended up on his knees sucking my cock a moment later, his face pressed up against the wall as I rammed his tight ass again. Badrick sidled up behind and soon was slamming my ass again. Sven stayed out of the fucking frenzy and washed up and watched the entryway for any more interruptions.

A few loads later and some actual washing up and I returned to my room to find Melville riding Duggan's cock while Jim sucked on his nipples.

"I see the appeal, they're very talented." Duggan said, lazing back in my bed being pleasured by my two whores.

"Yeah, they're great, keep them entertained while I'm gone."

Badrick leaves to go off to his day job, while Sven follows me to the library.

An uneventful day of reading follows where I skim read as many books as I can on a wide variety of subjects as possible.

I return to my room to find Duggan and the boys, naked and sleeping all cuddled up together. It's kind of cute, Duggan's in the middle with a boy on each side, resting their heads on his chest.

I strip naked and shove my stiff cock into Melville's butt, Sven does the same but with Jim. We fuck them awake and they quickly end up kissing over Duggan's cock, which they alternate sucking and slobbering on his balls like hungry horny dogs.

After satisfying my pent up urges on the two boy's butts, I wash up and get dressed in order to visit the Black Market. I leave the boys behind to do as they see fit, slut it up or sleep it off.

Night I visit the black market accompanied by Duggan, Adrian and Sven, Duggan because he's a pain and likes to invite himself along to things he might find amusing. Sven for obvious reasons and Adrian to provide explanation and advice.

The black market takes place in a region of the outer slums and is remarkably filled with a mix of all sorts of goods, ranging from low tier stuff to high tier stuff. Most of which are presumably stolen, illegal or otherwise questionably sourced.

There's spell scrolls, skill books, unbound void rings and spatial bags, assorted slaves of various races and ages, intended for a variety of purposes ranging from `special' servants to sacrificial offerings. There's also low to mid tier magical beasts for sale along with some really high quality items that I'd love to buy as an Alchemist, including a pheonix feather, a dragon's heart and various vials of blood for the major monster species.

I roam through the market place with hungry eyes and a purse that is insufficient to meet my desires of claiming all the goods for myself.

I purchase a variety of goods.

I pick up four new slaves to add to my collection.

Two fraternal twins, an Elven prince and princess, they're not wanted as people are afraid that their father will hunt them down and kill them... He's a third prince and she's a fifth princess. Kal and Dagara, they had tried to run away from their royal responsibilities and ended up captured by bandits who were situated on the border of the elven kingdom and human kingdom of Mistros.

They're also of low cost due to their insufficient ages, they are actually 18 years of age, the both of them, in elven terms they're little more than children. Typically pure blood Elves don't leave their homelands unless they're at least 100, ideally not until they're 500.

Elves are particularly at risk outside their homeland as their beauty makes them prized as pleasure slaves. Of course the capture of Elves is highly illegal due to various treaties and the fact that Elves can live thousands of years as after they reach physical maturity at 18, their aging slows to a hundredth of that of a human, so their youthful appearances can last for a millenia or two. You really don't want to run into an old Elf as they tend to be Grandmasters in practically anything and everything.

Most Elven slaves are of the half breed variety, with slightly higher aptitude for archery and magic than humans but with a tragically short lifespan compared to their full blooded kin. Half breeds only live a couple of centuries at most, compared to the thousands of years, pure blooded Elves can live.

The Elves are both slim, with the female, having a slight bust and long silvery hair, with the male having short silvery hair and a flat chest. Compared to the other slaves, they're fully dressed and generally well treated whereas the others are tied, chained or shackled in place in rags if they're wearing anything at all. They both maintain a silent and stoic demeanour as I arrange their purchase.

The other two slaves are even cheaper than the Elven twins, being beast kin, little more than cubs, stolen from their packs. Beast men tend to gather in loose tribes, which makes them easier to be raided than the heavily protected Elven homelands.

I pick a boy and a girl.

The boy is a dog kin, heritage wolf hound, he looks about ten and his name is Tunkux, of course age is a subjective concept with beastkin as they age a lot faster than humans. As a dogkin, he ages 7 times faster than an average human, so he's probably only like a year or two old.

He has a dog nose instead of a human nose, floppy ears and sharper teeth and a fluffy coat of fur with a tail. Kind of cute. Racial traits are enhanced sight, smell and hearing compared to humanas. They tend to be highly social and territorial.

As for the girl beast kin, her heritage is that of a raccoon, they're known for high intelligence, stealth and shadow magic. She also looks humanish, with larger than average round eyes, black striping around arms and legs and roughly 10 years of age, racoon kin, age around 5 times faster than humans. Her name is Munaac.

I also buy a Shadow Wolf, an acidic slime (for Badrick), a lower end Night Steed and a Spell scroll of Fireball, which when torn allows someone to cast [Fireball] even if they have no natural talent. Scrolls are useful for those wanting to become Mages and those who want a random spell without having to learn it the old fashioned way. I also buy a low tier Skill book of the Way of the Fist, a fighting manual that essentially uploads the knowledge of the fighting style if you open the book and infuse it with the tiniest amount of your magic power.

Once I return to Uffron's I give my new slaves their own rooms, the elven pair share a room as do the boy/girl beast kin. I take a sample of their blood for future experimentation purposes. None of my new slaves are particularly eager to talk to me, probably thinking I'm up to something nefarious and evil, which isn't exactly untrue. Alchemists buying illegal slaves, don't exactly have the best track records.

I let my other minions provide them with food and bathing options and move on to dealing with my three magical beasts, though slimes barely qualify but... anyway. I use mental dominion on the three to keep them in line and have them stabled separately.

When Badrick arrives for his nightly satisfaction, I gift him with the acid slime.

"What am I supposed to do with this thing?"

"It's an acid slime, it's particularly nasty as it's a magic core that has bound with mild acid and can leave nasty and painful wounds."

"And?" Badrick asked still staring at his wobbly acidic gift with barely hidden disgust.

"You can use it to keep your berserker state at full power, it'll latch onto you causing you increasing amounts of pain and damage which you can turn into rage and violence against others and when it pops out offspring you can use them as a little slime army for distractions or attack or whatever."

Badrick thought about it for a moment, thinking it through. "You're a genius." he said before wrapping me in a powerful hug. "How can I repay you?" he asked with a smile.

"We both know the answer to that."

What proceeded was a thoroughly pleasant if violent coupling upon the floor and Badrick took his new pet to play with in more upstanding location.

Day 4

The day of the gathering is finally upon us and we leave the outskirts of Essex with three times as many people as we started off with, which includes a couple more merchants and their entourages. Six thousand people head off towards the dungeon, in preparation to set up a new dungeon town and make money.

It'll take some time with so many people but both Arnie and Adrian have been busy.

Adrian had recruited 10 captains, five of them from Derby and five from Essex. who brought along ten thieves/warriors of their own with them and they recruited another fifty or so aspiring thieves/scouts. Adrian now commanded a small army of thieves that he was training up in the art of lock picking, trap detection and pick pocketing. Adrian also had them attempting to naturally improve their dexterity with crude puzzles and needle threading. He also sent them on runs to improve their running skills and their overall agility and stamina.

Arnie's army was technically the largest as he had nearly every able bodied man, that wasn't already an Adventurer, receiving training from him twice a day. His favourites got special attention and private tuition during the day on their own weapons and general tactics and strategies for warfare.

His `elites' numbered around a hundred and his rank and file included over a thousand men. None of them would be considered close to a professional soldier but over the last three days camped in one spot had allowed Arnie to let his inner commander run wild and drill the poor guys day and night.


Author's note

This chapter got delayed due to writer laziness and me making the terrible decision to start reading a new wuxia... I managed to get 1300 chapters in before the repeated contrived situations became too ridiculous to bear and I went back to writing instead. There's only so many treasures that should end up in the hands of the MC before you start rolling your eyes and sighing. After the twentieth time you're like, how many treasures must you have already, I can't keep track of them all.

Um... on topic, next chapter: Dungeon Town- Lucius returns to the dungeon and his former friends and there's conflict and construction and mass murder and mayhem...

I wanted to flesh out the market scene some more and the four new slaves but I was too sleepy, all my creative juice had disappeared. They'll probably get more screen time, when they get more relevant.

Next: Chapter 33

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