Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Feb 3, 2021


Chapter 5 Training from Hell

Lidan and I followed Omega down into the depths of the dungeon all the way to floor ten. None of the monsters stood in our way, giving us free access to the lower depths. Beta, Alpha and Bugger had already abandoned us to go to Nilbog's Mage Tower to resume training under Deva.

Lidan and I settled into our own room within the goblin palace, what followed after was mostly violence and sex, separately and together. He helped me to stress test the new body, and help streamline it's shape while keeping the function mostly the same. Mostly it involved a lot of bone jarring sex. Lidan kept me UP all hours with his hard cock, during the day and night and I enjoyed every moment of it. After a few beds got destroyed by our antics, we ended up settling on furs on the floor every night for a few hours of sleep once exhaustion settled in.

We did manage some productivity, or at least I did, his wings provided a template for something I wanted, he could retract them into himself at will and use them for flight... I hadn't quite mastered my own version as of yet but I was much closer to it than when I first started. Sadly I was still stuck with DDBG, I guess the mind' or soul' of DBG was still busy with Nil. I would have complained to Nil about it but I didn't need it much while at home. Mostly I just practised using it to improve the effects of Troll transformation and provide emergency clothing.

During the time that I focused on improving the effects and duration of [Troll Transformation], he'd entertain himself by visiting floor 11 and massacring the imps and hellhounds. He claimed it was nostalgic and reminded him of his childhood.

Sadly the good times ended too soon with the arrival of Damien, Steve and Terry, they came to bring us back to the capital. Lidan was wanted by his king for a report and I was to undergo a day of `preparation' in the city before being reassessed by Zazu.

Apparently Lidan's word wasn't good enough and I'd have to undergo an evaluation by every member of the group before they'd allow me in their group. Something to do with each of them wanting to see how I measured up or something. Then after that, I'd still have to undergo a provisional mission with the group to see how I meshed with them to see if I could fit in with the group and be of use.

Frankly, I found the idea of joining them less and less appealing, the only thing of any merit about the prospect was sharing my days and night with Lidan.

Lidan was less than pleased to be pulled away from all the sex and violence but duty called. We separated at the capital with a lingering kiss and grope before Damien, Steve and Terry left to the demon territoy.

I only got a quick telepathic update from Steve and Terry about their progress at establishing spatial beacons and improving their spatial enchantments before they left again.

At least I could bring along Alpha, Bravo and Bugger again, so I wouldn't be alone during my stay, I hadn't interacted with the two of them that much since Lidan had arrived. They'd been fine with it since they had been happy with their own little threesome. Bugger had taken my place in the middle, getting fucked by Alpha each night while fucking Beta into blissful sleep.

Once we arrived within the castle I followed the assigned guard to our rooms and we quickly settled in for a free for all on the bed. I ended up fucked by Alpha and Bugger, while pumping a load in Beta, then Bugger. After unloading a few times, we worked up a sweat and got a bit sticky, I ended up bathing with Alpha first and for some reason as we soaped each other, I ended up getting plowed from behind while on my hands and knees. Then Beta and Bugger shared a bath and judging by Beta's moans and the thwack thwack of flesh against flesh, I could only assume Bugger was filling up Beta with much needed cock.

Eventually we got dressed and went to the Dungeon Emporium. Beta had never gotten around to selling the troll hearts and fire gems he'd picked up from the dungeon last time.

After waiting for half an hour in line, we got into the shop and sold our goods and picked up a token so that we could enter the dungeon separately. I wanted to practice some techniques on my own first.

Alpha, Beta and Bugger allowed me to go first.

First Delve.

Upon entering the dungeon, I created a single `striker' for defense and cut myself in order to create [Blood Butterflies]. The aim of my first delve was to work on improving the speed of creating the bloody minion and to improve it's lethality.

A use of [Astral Projection] and I knew the layout of the first floor and the position of every slime. Unless there was an enemy nearby they wouldn't be likely to move much, making them perfect to test out my butterflies.

I spent some time creating a small flock of [Blood Butterflies] before sending them out to attack slimes. In most cases, each butterfly could take out a slime with a suicidal attack but sometime the angle was wrong or the strength of the butterfly would fade by the time it arrived. When the butterfly assassin failed I'd simply create another and I'd have my striker go forth in front to disable or destroy any trap in the way of my progress.

In this way I proceeded from floor 1 – floor 10. The slime king wasn't something one or two Blood butterflies could take out, so I simply created dozens of [Blood butterflies] and bombarded it with one after another until it's core was damaged enough that it `died'.

At floor 11 I stalled upon the `entrance room' working on an upgrade of the [Blood Butterfly], while they were decent enough at killing small fry, they lacked a certain oomph necessary for taking on larger prey. I also had a desire to push my abilities at creating minions more, creating my family had been in some ways much easier since, we had so much in common while this was a different challenge altogether and what better way to push my magic classes than with some novel spell casting.

After some time, maybe an hour or two, I created two [Blood Bat]s utilising various principles, a magic core of a golem, a variety of innate abilities that I've acquired and understood. The blood bats had a single basic attack, bite with a host of supporting spells/traits, [Blood absorption], [Blood refinement] and [Blood Bath] being the main ones.

I decided that I'd have a couple of blood bats as permanent minions, whereas the stone golems and blood butterflies would simply be temporary companions. As such I gifted the two blood bats with a small piece of my soul, some telepathic training and names. Admittedly they're not the greatest of names, but Never and More as names for blood bats tickle my fancy for some reason.

I send Never and More scouting ahead to attack and drain the spiders ahead while continually creating and launching blood butterflies to provide support while they feed and grow.

Never becomes a Mage at my urging while More becomes a Warrior. Never chooses [Mana Manipulation] for his free mage skill which allows for greater control over mana reducing spell costs and improving effects and [Magical Proficiency] for his first Mage perk which provides a twenty percent increase (per milestone) in the speed of learning new spells. I make use of that to teach him [Blood Bolt] to improve his spell casting ability allowing him to be a ranged caster while More takes over melee combat. As such Never tends to either hang out on my shoulder or engages in aerial scouting while occassionally firing off [Blood Bolts], while More is aggressive in attacking everything in sight. I also teach Never the spell to create blood with mana, while feeding it some of my own blood so it gains [Rapid Regeneration].

As for More, he chooses a more aggressive skill and Perk as a Warrior, [Piercing Blow] which increases penetrative force by 10% at each skill level and for his Perk he chose [Vigorous] which increased his health and stamina regeneration by 20% per milestone. Mostly I just wanted to test out whether it would work for an enhanced golem and surprisingly it did.

My progress through the floors is quite fast and easy compared to my previous efforts, since I have at least two stone strikers to trigger traps and delay enemies, two blood bats to serve as scouts and offense, along with a innumerable amount of blood butterfly assassins to provide distraction and death. Floors 20 to 39 are particularly bloody as I accumulate kills in the bloodiest way possible, I used [Troll Transformation] at the start of floor 20 to deal with Ogres then [Vampiric Tethers] to absorb blood and expel it to form a [Blood Tide] to move quickly using [Reign of Blood] to kill as needed. With so much practice, my methods become more refined and less mana intensive, instead of simply pouring out blood everywhere recklessly, I absorb as much into me as possible, refining it so it's more powerful, while releasing a little blood at a time in the form of [Blood Butterflies] to provide distraction and death to my enemies, and enough to pool around my ankles to serve as less dramatic [Blood Tide] so that I move at a rapid pace without having to do any actual walking. Why work hard, when you can work smart?

Whenever I feel strained mentally I pause and [Meditate], whenever I feel strained physically I stop and take the time necessary to recover either through [Rapid Regeneration], [Vampiric Tether] or via [Shapeshifting] into a more idealised version between human and troll, slowly but surely perfecting [Troll Transformation] with every moment. Even though my combat style has matured, it still feels somehow lacking as if I'm fighting like a cross between a Blood Mage and a Berserker. It's not enough to push me into becoming a Legend, I need something more than just levels, I need inspiration and bloodshed, so I stop once I hit floor 40 to experiment. I proceed to practice creating and destroying [Blood butterflies] and stone golems repeatedly. My aim is to create butterflies and stone golems of high quality rapidly and the fastest way to do that is with lots and lots of practice.

Floor 40 is the best place to pause and to make use of the time differential and the resident monsters to train blood magic. I carve a bloody path to the Troll town to make use of the elite version of Trolls to further refine [Troll Transformation]. I kill every occupant of the town one at a time via [Vampiric Tether] while using [Blood Butterfly]s to wound and distract the Trolls, the strikers serving as backup. Never and More take turns of roosting on my shoulder and scouting and sucking... They bathe in the blood of Troll Elites over and over again as do I. It's a bloody baptism for the three of us, helping us to refine ourselves in the blood of the strong and the durable.

Never and More have both grown quite powerful from absorbing and refining the blood of three types of monsters over and over again. The spiders granted them a paralysing bite, the Ogres gave their bites a little more oomph, the Trolls gave them the ability to recover from injuries faster. Never and More have both achieved level 10 and have chosen a secondary Class along with a second skill perk for their primary class.

Never chose [Meditation] for Mage Skill allowing for faster mana recovery and [Mana Efficiency] as a perk which provides a ten percent bonus to all spells and magical abilities, allowing for it to cost less to activate/use. Never chose [Blood Mage] as secondary class choosing [Blood Control] as skill and [Bloody Madman] as his perk which increases damage done while bleeding, increased effect of blood magic (20% per milestone) with a minor trait [Vampire's Regeneration] that allows user to recover from injuries by ingesting the blood of others.

As for More, he chose Fighter as his secondary class, an offshoot of Warriors who focus solely on unarmed combat, whether that's fighting with their fists, feet or their entire body. His skill choice was [Body Slam] and his [Perk] was [Iron Body] which increases durability of the body. Interesting enough despite the fact that the names didn't quite match up with either of their existences, the effects were the same regardless, another successful experiment.

As they feasted, their bodies became more complex, and with countless kills, their souls became denser and more powerful. The bats had drunk rivers of blood, refining every drop into more power, their magic core, became a blood core, better aligned with blood magic, their `skin' was reinforced with magic resistant blood, and the core was surrounded and protected by a churning sea of blood. Days and weeks went by as I tested different ideas and minions until I had three new working blood minions in addition to the blood butterflies and blood bats. Their leveling speed wasn't as good as my 'brothers' possibly due to the amount of soul I gave them or their body types, more experiments would be necessary to reach a conclusion.

Still they made progress as did I. Mostly I worked on creating new and possibly insane new blood mininons to cover more of my weaknesses.

[Blood boar] – modelled after the boars that served as my daily dinner within troll territory, large, and wicked, capable of a powerful charge, they serve as fearsome ground attackers.

[Blood bees]– serve as a compromise between the butterflies and bats, while not as powerful as the latter, they're far more powerful offense wise than the butterflies. Their cores are the size of a grain of rice and they operate on the same principle as blood bolt. They strike once and victory or loss, they die. The blood bees pierce a target and explode in a [Blood Burst] showering their target with shards of empowered magical blood.

[Blood beetles] – serve as supplementary forces, taking over the role that DBG used to serve in `cleaning' up the battlefield. After an enemy is killed, the blood beetle burrows its way into it's corpse/carcass and starts consuming it's flesh and blood to refine it into magic power and refined blood.

The blood boars are used to take down tough ground based enemies such as ogres and trolls, they also make for useful decoys and vanguard forces. Blood boars serve to replace stone golems in my arsenal as I'm not an earth mage, so a blood based defender provides me with a better experience gain to my blood Mage class.

The blood bees serve as my aerial attackers providing support to my butterflies and to my two blood bats.

The beetles are sent to scavenge the blood that Never and More don't collect, since they're far less complex than my blood bats, and only the size of my index finger, they can be mass produced relatively easily. The increase in levels for my mage and Blood mage help with this. Beetles can also reproduce by ingesting enough blood.

Second Delve

I used [Soul resonance] to message Beta {Regroup} and get him to meet up with me at the dungeon emporium again. The month I'd spent alone testing out my new blood minions on floor forty while productive was kind of lonely, towards the end the trolls were starting to look more and more appealing, particularly their big swinging dicks. I tried to satisfy my craving with a stone golem and a blood bear but it wasn't the same, I craved to be dominated, I missed Lidan, I missed my 'brothers', I missed a good hard fuck where I didn't need to think at all. Using a golem to fuck myself was like fingering myself, fun but required thought and effort, where someone just pounding me into the floor required none.

Despite the month I spent within the dungeon, less than three hours had passed outside, which I knew thanks to the usefulness of [Soul Resonance] in keeping up with what time of day it was. The youngest brothers serving outside as apprentices in various crafts provided me with snippets of information, one word at a time. I had an appointment to keep after all and I was mindful of each second that passed.

I stowed away both Never and More, so that they turned from blood bats to fist sized blood cores. It would require my spilled blood to reactivate them but coming out of the dungeon with blood bats would cause problems. I also released DDBG from within, covering myself in a thin blood layer to preserve my 'dignity' going from combat mode to civilian mode.

I exited through the exit portal on floor 40 and met up with Alpha, Beta and Bugger, I gave them a quick hug and quickly sold all the troll hearts I had collected and exchanged them for gold then we returned to the dungeon.

The second I had them within the dungeon and away from prying eyes, I pounced on Alpha and tugged down his pants, exposing his quickly hardening cock to sight and more importantly to my hungry cock starved mouth. It didn't take long for him to be fully hard as I bobbed up and down on his dick, covering it in my saliva, the second he was hard enough I demanded "FUCK ME" and he was quick to oblige me. My bloody outfit disappearing inside me with a thought, back to it's job of cycling my blood through me in a virtuous cycle. Alpha pushed me down onto the ground so that I was on my hands and knees like a dog, a horny bitch in heat, that needed to be bred.

Alpha shoved his hard cock into my ass hard, it hurt but I didn't mind at all, I welcomed the feeling. Beta's robe and pants were quickly discarded and his hard cock filled my mouth. Bugger lived up to his name and bent Beta over and buggered him as he pumped his hard cock into my mouth. The sounds of our moans and groans echoed down the dungeon tunnels but we were still in the entrance room so according to dungeon rules, we were safe to engage in as much sex as we wanted.

Both Alpha and Beta were thrusting their hard cocks into me with great vigor and I was so happy to be sandwiched between them again, going alone had been a terrible idea, sensible and boring but also terrible.

The tempo quickly escalated as did my stifled moans, Alpha went wolf mode, his enlarged cock stretching out my ass delightfully as he rutted me fiercely. Beta's thrusting became more urgent as Bugger's fucking became more violent and intense. Alpha was the first to cum in me, groaning in ecstsasy as he filled my guts with wetness and my soul with warmth, what he lacked for in endurance, he made up for with vigor and frequency.

Beta followed not long after, filling my throat with salty goodness, he pulled out of my throat with a sigh and I lay on the ground on my back with my legs up in the air and my hole gaping and leaking cum, I needed more fucking and Bugger was happy to oblige, he pulled out of Beta and shoved his still stiff cock into me, he seems to have grown even bigger during our seperation. Beta not to be left out, sat on my stiff aching cock, and I was buried in his warm wet hole in a second, he felt so good, I missed fucking him, he was such a good fuck, he knew how I liked it.

Bugger grabbed the back of my knees and slammed into me, throwing his entire body weight into his cock, making me moan as he hit my sweet spot, he'd gotten so much better at this. Beta was not to be outdone, he started riding my stiff cock and before I could kiss suck or bite him, Alpha was on me, shoving his slick cock into my mouth. I grabbed onto his meaty butt as my 'family' made use of me, Alpha fucked my face, Beta rode my cock and Bugger fucked me like a horny devil.

It didn't take me that much longer to cum, what with all the stimulation, so I soon unloaded into Beta's butt and was hit by a wave of sleepiness.

Only a month and I felt out of practice fucking, how strange. Beta got off my cock and our fuck pile dissambled into its component individuals. Beta and I moved aside to 'talk'.

After relieving some of my sex starved madness, I shared my exploits with Beta via [Telepathy] and he helped me with ideas on how I could potentially improve my bloody minions, while we were busy exchanging our technical expertise, Alpha pinned Bugger to the ground and was fucking him hard, Bugger didn't put up much of a fight, submitting quickly to the rough and ready fucking. By the time they were done, Beta and I had already finished our telepathic discussion entirely and were just watching the show with amusement. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Horniness temporarily satiated we got cleaned up thanks to Beta's water spells and got dressed (except for myself) and proceeded to dungeon delve together.

I hadn't been the only one to make use of my time in the dungeon, Beta had progressed further than I had into the dungeon and had made remarkable progress in developing a more well rounded combat style as had Alpha and Bugger. None of them were legends as of yet but each of them had gained significant levels and combat experience. Alpha and Beta had reached level 50 with their main classes and had chosen their fourth Class, Alpha had chosen Shadow Mage for his and Beta had chosen Enchanter. Beta was much closer to advancing to a Legend than Alpha due to the nature of the Legendary pathway he was following. Alpha's pathway was a bit more difficult to progress as the path he's following is a bit more obscure than Beta's that of the Shadowed Reaper. Beta's is all about golems, either focusing on quality or quantity with just a dash of support magic.

Beta takes over for me, so I can focus my efforts on advancing to becoming a Legend, I don't have a path to follow, so I have to forge my own path, as such I have to focus on how best to combine the qualities and strengths of all four of my classes to provide a unifying power that's more than the sum of it's parts. At least that's the theory, pursuing Legendary status, isn't just about levels it's about understanding and utilisation of skills and perks among other things, at least according to the books I've read about them and what I could glean from Deva, directly or indirectly.

Beta provides a variety of golems to serve as scouts and soldiers, he has eight mud golems, covering us from eight direction, north, south, east and west and those in between, two stone strikers to serve as scouts and two 'shooters' that serve as mid to long range attackers. The shooters are water golems that fire off streams of water or shards of ice at enemies. Thanks to his Enchanter skill and Perks, his golems are superior to mine in quality, though they take a bit more time and effort to create. Beta's already reached level 10 as an enchanter during the months he's been in the depths of the dungeon.

The mud golems specialise in sapping the enemy's momentum, they range in size from six to seven feet in height and consist solely of mud, physical and magical attacks have limited effect on them as their form is a more advanced version of the slime, with the only point of weakness being the core, that once damaged causes the golem to collapse into a pile of mud. Even with a 'sapper's' death they impede an enemy from advancing, while not as durable as a standard earth golem, they still can take quite a bit of punishment before being broken.

Thanks to the efforts of Beta, his minions, along with Alpha and Bugger serving as additional scouts and vanguards, I can focus exclusively on further refining my combat style. Due to the fact that Beta negates the need for large scale minions, I contribute by producing a slow and steady supply of smaller blood minions, namely blood bees, butterflies and beetles. As soon as I produce one, I have them stick to me, so that when needed I can send them off to engage.

There's not much need for my blood butterflies or blood bees to do much of anything, since they're vastly outmatched by the damage output of Alpha and the gang, so I simply send them out to scout and find enemies and I report that back to Beta who passes it onto his team. The minion that I end up using the most is the blood beetle, as harvesting low level monsters isn't worth the trouble but feeding them to my blood beetles allows for me to further refine and perfect their usage. The blood beetle becomes a lot more impressive as we progress through the floors.

It doesn't take us long to reach floor 41, what with Beta's quality minions and my quantity minions. I've ended up with a lot of blood butterflies and blood beetles, above and around me, there's some blood bees but not that many due to how unnecessary they've become.

The blood butterflies prove to be useful scouts for grounded enemies and the blood beetles are generally small enough to be overlooked until it's too late for enemies to do anything about them.

The blood beetles don't do so well against flying enemies, so they end up on top of me, covering my naked body in a blood beetle army of sorts. They're not as useful as DBG's blood armor but they're self sustaining which is good enough to cover the weakness of nudity in a dungeon.

I send out my small army of blood butterflies to attack firebirds along with Bugger's and Beta's long range attacks. I start churning out blood bees to serve as additional support to the others. Alpha and the mud golems take over the slaughter of ground based enemies while the rest of us focus on the firebirds.

As we progress from floor 41 onwards, I notice more differences in the fire birds, as they get more powerful, their colors, size and composition change. The closer we get to the phoenix the more similar the more powerful firebirds are to it, the most basic version was a bird with some fire magic, the deeper down, the larger they were and the more potent their fire magic would be until they were mostly fire rather than flesh.

Around floor 48 my various blood minions became more and more useless as the flames countered the ability of the blood to stay together and resist the heat and the fate of being evaporated.

I relied on Beta to take care of the rest of the firebirds and the pheonix until we were finally on floor 51. They'd been here before, so they knew what to expect, as for me I only knew what I had read about it in the dungeon guide.

According to the records, the monsters for floor 51 to 60 were originally lizard men of great power but once they got their own god, they were no longer available for dungeons to spawn any more so instead they were replaced with other lizards of various power and pedigrees. A similar event happened for floor 61 – 70 but with Nagas, snake people. At a certain point if a monstrous race becomes powerful enough and has a member ascend to godhood they can protect the members of their race from being fodder to be slaughtered in dungeons.

Regardless, our group went through floor 51 – 69 with relative ease, traversing through an arid wasteland, with sparse vegetation and many a cave or underground cavern to explore, all the while killing the lizards and snakes that got in the way. The lightning salamander was particularly annoying as it was six feet tall and about 16 feet long, with tough scale armor and a ranged lightning attack, along with [Total Regeneration] which allowed for it to recover from damage over time. Eventually Alpha made use of his new abilities to assassinate the thing while we distracted it with a variety of attacks. He cloaked himself in shadows while in wolf mode, [shadow step]ped on top of it and shoved a shadow blade into it's eye piercing skull and brain and inflicting fatal damage on it.

As for the lizards and snakes along the way I dissected some and drained others, in order to understand their biologies better and to attempt to gain their strengths for my own. The lizards have a scale armor and regenerative properties that I find interesting but I make little progress in mimicking either. Their nature is too far removed from mine to be easily adopted. I might need to get closer to Zazu later.

As for the snakes, they have dislocating jaws, potent stomach acid and poison. Similar to the lizards, I gain little from them immediately but they serve as interesting subjects to examine. I'll have to get Sigma to visit to see if he can make better use of them than I can. Despite that their blood allows Buggers natural regeneration to improve a little.

We were stopped from proceeding any further that floor 69 by the King's Guard, apparently we need higher standing than to attempt the Hydra. Something to do with a failed attempt resulting in a chaos hydra, that's far more aggressive and dangerous.

We leave the dungeon entirely after that.

Third Delve

After a short break, we called upon Steve and Terry to join us in a final exploration of the dungeon.

We proceeded through the dungeon and I checked out Steve and Terry's various dimensional magics and enchantments myself.

They had become a lot more powerful during their stay in the capitol. For them, nearly a year had gone by. The benefits of a temporal differential is ridiculous, the higher the standing of a mage, the higher the floor they can stay on and the faster they can progress.

If they didn't spend so much time fucking around on the lower floors with various Mages of other affinities, they'd have progressed even further.

Regardless their progress is impressive, while they have focused primarily on spatial movement, they have learned a bit about spatial defense and attack.

They've learned

[Spatial gate], allowing them to transport from one place to another dependent on various factors.

[Void] – an offensive technique that exposes a target to nothingness

[Dimensional wall] – a defensive technique that blocks a segment of reality from another, serving as a perfect defense against most things.

We settle down at floor 40, where Steve and Terry spend a month to establish a spatial beacon and a spatial array. The spatial beacon locks the floor down so it cannot move and the spatial array allows for us to transport to other places. Steve and Terry set up a transport to our home dungeon and we leave to home.

With this we can transport at will from the capitol's dungeon floor 40 to our dungeon floor 10 base. Steve and Terry had visited during our 'absence'.

Fourth delve

Return to the home dungeon to test out a theory of mine, I'd already reached level 50 in all my classes and I still wasn't a Legend, there was something missing. I needed something more and I had an idea on what I'd have to do to achieve success but it would be painful.

The first thing I did upon arriving home was to consult with Dungeon Paul via his dungeon core and compared earlier versions of myself with current version. Then I visited with Steve and Barry to explore their bodies with great thoroughness in order to collect samples and better identify our similiarities and differences. For a clueless third party observing the scene, it would have simply appeared that the three of us got naked and engaged in vigorous and violent sexual intercourse, with them taking turns fucking my mouth and ass and concluding in the two of them double fucking my ass until the three of us reached a final messy climax. In actuality, I was multitasking, I got some quality sex and family bonding time, along with a progress report on their class progression and affinity usage via [Telepathy] along with three different samples of their genetic make up along with an energy profile every time they shot their loads inside me.

Afterwards I tore out my affinities for water and replaced it with blood affinity, which felt like tearing off my leg and replacing it with a different one, suffice to say it was painful and mentally exhausting, not only did I have to remove every trace of the original affinity from my body, I had to tear it from my soul as well. Thankfully the process of adding an affinity is easier than removing one, all I needed was a sample and a clear understanding of it to add it to my body, the soul would acquire it over time. Once that was done, I had to go through the pain once again as I tore out my affinity to fire with some sadness as it was a relic of my mother's talent but did it anyway and replaced it with affinity for soul magic. It was even more painful than the first time, where my water affinity was essentially copied, my fire affinity was innate, with me from birth, where removing my water affinity was like losing an arm, losing fire affinity was like being chopped into pieces. Slowly and maliciously with someone pouring salt into the wounds after each cut. Suffice to say, I don't think I'll be changing affinities ever again or at least not any time soon.

My new affinities were mind, soul and blood, all for the goal of creating more minions cheaply and efficiently. I had a direction for my Alchemy for a while but I wasn't able to explore it fully until I returned home, now I just needed to see whether I was right or not.

After shifting my affinities, I can bleed butterflies and bees and beetles, they flow out of me... while things like blood bears, boars and bats, require actual effort. It's nice to know the new boundaries of my power, though with more practice and maybe some inspiration, I'll be able to do more with as little effort. It' ssomething to look forward to.

I visited floor 11 and basked in demonic exploration. Namely I killed, bathed in the blood of, dissected and examined the bodies of various imps, with a focus on Wrath and Lust demons as they're the most common. I focus my efforts on replicating their nature and power using blood magic, first as simply more complex blood golems, then as actual imps.

My efforts are finally recognised by the universe and I become a Legend.

As for my Legendary Class, it's a unique class, predicated by my race and behavior.

Monstrous Alchemist - Monstrous alchemist, known for his army of monstrous creations that serve him solely, the bulk of his power resides within his minions, which are legion. As long as blood flows through his veins, he can create more and more minions to fight for him. Even without an army of minions, he is a force to be reckoned with, having acquired the traits of many monsters and absorbing them into himself to become a powerful individual in his own right.

Legendary Skill – Monstrous Creation – the creation of monstrous creatures becomes 10% cheaper

Legendary Perk: Pound of flesh: By sacrificing a pound of flesh and blood and a piece of your soul to create minions that others would claim to be monsters such as blood golems, humonculi and demons, you have mastery of them. Your creations are bound to you and cannot betray you or ignore your commands. As you become stronger, so do they and vice versa.

Effect – loyal minions, empowered by amount of flesh, blood and soul involved in creation.

This completed my efforts, I had already made my choices with something like this in mind.

After reaching level 50 for Magical Assassin, I picked [Killer Training] for my skill, which allows me to subject pupils to an intense regimen of physical, psychological and paranormal training. For my Perk I chose [Killer teacher] which allows students to gain combat skills at a prodigious rate or die, surviving students benefit from a thousand percent increase in training speeds/efficiency, unsuccessful students die painfully from mental, physical strain.

For my Mage skill/spell I chose [Overdraw] – draw on powers beyond your mana pool (life energy, spiritual energy, ambient mana) to fuel spells (+10% over mana pool). For my Perk I chose [More than a Man] – Allows for a reduction of penalties for overdrawing on energy (25%) 75% in total.

After reaching level 50 as a Blood Mage, I chose the spell [Flesh and blood] which allows for the sacrifice of one for the other, or the creation of either. As for the Perk I picked [Blood is life] which increases blood affinity, effectiveness of blood spells for healing, cost of harmful blood spells by 20% per milestone


Author's Note: Apologies for the delay but this chapter was painful, I kept wanting to go into more detail about the dungeon and stuff but it felt pointless, so I ended up stuck in analysis paralysis for ages. As a result of a few things I've skimped out on some details this chapter and will address them at a later point, such as Alpha's and Beta's class Skill and perk selections. I'm not quite happy with this chapter but if I drag this out any longer, I'll never post again.

Next chapter: Reassess - Zazu oversees Lucius's next dungeon delve and Lucius explores the extent of his new Class

Next: Chapter 43: Monstrous Alchemist 6

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