Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 3, 2021


Chapter 7 Craftiness

I woke up to the sound of rhythmic knocking on a door. I looked around in confusion and found Lidan naked on the bed next to me and remembered how I ended up where I was. After seperating from Zazu yesterday, I had gone to my room to rest and relax and fell asleep naked on bed only to wake up to Lidan's cock pushing deep into me. After that we kind of kept fucking around until he passed out on top of me some time in the depths of the night with his hard cock lodged in me. We broke a couple of beds in the process and we must of seperated while sleeping.

I got out of bed reluctantly as Lidan looked good naked, on his back, with his hard cock up and ready for action, even while sleeping, he looked somewhat indulgent, like a lazy lion. I vaguely remembered Lidan mentioned Fourdom coming to give me another test but I was kind of distracted with `stress testing' the latest improvement to my body. The scaley skin gave me an extra level of defense that provided resistance to fire, blunt force damage and piercing. During the testing we left numerous strange stains on the walls and floors, including bloody hand prints, ash silhouettes and red, white and brown drip marks.

I moved towards the door slowly, a little sore from all the fucking the previous night but nothing serious, I stretched my arms and legs, making my walking somewhat exaggerated and comical but helping relieve the kinks and aches of my body greatly. DDBG provided a blood red suit' to cover me for my unwanted guest. I opened the door and looked down to find Fourdom at crotch height and my cock twitched as I thought, perfect height to give a blowjob while standing'.

The dwarf looked up at me and our gazes met "Rough night?" he asked with a smile.

"Nothing I couldn't handle, still waking up, think you could give me an extra half and hour to shower and change and get something to eat?"

Fourdom looked down, drawn to my twitching cock barely contained within my `red suit' and said "Sure, we've got time, I'll get some breakfast, while I wait."

He turned to leave and I watched his 3 foot tall body walk off and thought about the dwarven racial trait [Sturdy] which provided a physical boost to their short stature, allowing them to have disproportionate strength and stamina and a hearty constitution, helping them to maintain long hours of mining, fighting and drinking.

I rolled my eyes, I was way too horny, I still hadn't properly adjusted to Zazu's gift, I shouldn't be too quick to add another, also Fourdom was way too short, sex would be super odd, despite my mind's instinctive imagination of potential positions to capitalise on his shortness and sturdiness.

Instead I rode Lidan's cock, using him for my own gratification, he woke up mid way through and he quickly dragged me off to the bathroom and we ended up fucking in the bath again.

After he dumped a hot load in my ass, I quickly got showered again and snacked on some monstrous spiders, I may have collected some samples along the way of various things to see how they tasted. The spiders had a pleasing crunch and a spicy aftertaste, they made for an amusing snack.

Fourdom showed up again at the door and this time, I was far less horny than before and yet I still had filthy thoughts, as to how his mouth would feel if I shoved my cock down his throat. Then as I walked behind him, looking at his tight tiny ass, clad in leather trousers, as he walked ahead, wondered if I'd split him apart if I shoved my cock up his ass.

Honestly I kind of drifted off down a twisted path in my mind, thinking of many a depraved thought, while coming to the conclusion that I really could do with fucking someone. Lidan was a great top but I could really do with Beta beneath me, taking a pounding and shooting a load into him.

"Well we're here." Fourdom stopped in front of a large building with several guards patrolling the area.

"Um where exactly are we? I kind of wasn't listening."

"Yeah I gathered that. We're at the royal alchemist laboratory, wanted to see what kind of Alchemist you were and what you could add to the team. It's rare to run into an alchemist who lives in a dungeon and is so capable in combat."

"Uh thanks." Inwardly I was just relieved that I'd have a break from the dungeon delves, while they were useful, it was starting to get a bit repetitive and I didn't want to slog my way through the fire birds again any time soon.

"I'll introduce you to the guys." Fourdom said, strolling through the guards inside with a few words. I followed behind him, finally thinking about something about fucking and remembering what I had read about the Royal alchemists, which wasn't a lot, according to some books, the king sponsored an alchemist lab in the capitol, granting them a subcore to work with and recruiting one of each of the three legendary type of alchemists.

I continued following him, as we walked down a lot of stairs and into what appeared to be a blacksmith foundry?

"Here's Tyrone, he's the Mecha Master, a great guy, he's in charge of creating war machines to protect the capitol from higher level monsters and weapon research."

"Nice to meet you" I said politely, looking over the 5 foot 8 guy wearing a leather apron.

"You too." He said going back to what he was doing, it looked like he was enchanting a large sword with various runes, though it was a little beyond me. I didn't recognise most of the runes he was inscribing, so I had no idea what the sword was supposed to do beyond any other sword, presumably something worth the effort of enchanting by a Legendary Alchemist but metalwork wasn't really my area of expertise.

The conversation stalled for a bit and Fourdom saved the day "Well we're going to say hello to the other two and meet up later."

Tyrone gave me a small smile and a chuckle and said "good luck" but for some reason I had a feeling he was laughing at me, not with me.

More walking and I finally give in to the urge to use [blood tide], walking is tiresome. Fourdom gives me a brief look, smirking to himself and I start to rethink about eating him... to acquire his [sturdy] trait for myself and improve my constitution while reducing my stamina drain.

We finally arrived at our next location after walking down many stairs and through and past various store rooms filled with weapons, ores and mechas.

On the eleventh floor we met up with the next Alchemist.

"This is Damien he's our Drug kingpin in charge of medical research and stimulant research, as you can see he also dissects corpses to determine causes of death and for other reasons."

"Hey. I'd shake your hand but you'd probably throw up."

I looked at the corpse dispassionately. Its a youngish guy with his chest torn open and half his organs removed. As for Damien his hands are covered in blood and gore.

I shrug. "Nothing, I haven't seen or done before."

This elicits a curious eye brow raise. "Why would you be dissecting bodies?"

"They were mostly mine though, I was testing various poisons and other stuff."

"Interesting, we'll have to have a longer chat when you're done with the tour."

"Sounds good."

We continued walking through many a cold room, with corpses and carcasses everywhere, it was more cluttered than I expected.

"Each of them have ten floors to themselves to store materials and advance their craft." Fourdom explained as we walked.

"I get it." I respond laconically not at all bothered by the literal mountains of dead things we pass by, just a little curious what they'd taste like. Quite a few of them I don't recognise the species of, which makes me curious as to whether they're chimeras or simply rare and unusual monsters.

"Last but not least is Chuck, he's a Chimera king in charge of beast taming and human modification research. He's a little intense."

Chuck is green and scaled and has four arms and small dragon wings on his back, I'm immediately excited and horny. Just judging from the look of him, I'd say he'd incorporated lizardmen, dragon and hydra essence into him. Presumably for the benefits of scaled armors, limb regeneration and greater magic control. Or at least that's my guess, he might have some other things mixed into him as well, hard to tell by just looking. Chuck is only wearing leather trousers and nothing else.

Chuck stares intently at me for a few seconds. "Nice, very nice, you're going to be a great addition to the lab, we're going to have to expand, at least another ten floors, at least, but till then you can stay with me and I'll introduce you to all my lovely spiders, they're great, a little excitable so you probably shouldn't visit them without me or they'll eat you and that'd be a shame, they usually like Trolls the most, so it'd be a waste." Chuck said in a rush, barely stopping for breath in his excitement?

"Chuck, he's not staying, he's just visiting, so I can see what he's capable of."

Chuck chuckles, for a disturbingly long time and Fourdom and I exchange a meaningful look as we wait for him to finish. Eventually Chuck stops chuckling and says in a monotone voice as he hadn't been laughing incessantly for several minutes. "Oh he's definitely staying, I can see it clearly." He said pointing at his eyes and he blinks and a nictating membrane covers his eyes. "I'll just get a sample if you don't mind."

Before I could even respond he slashes at my bare arm and collects some of my blood into a beaker. I should be angry but honestly I'm kind of amused, for some strange reason I like the guy and I'm left wondering what he'd be like in bed. I return his greeting word for word "I'll just get a sample if you don't mind." I used a [Vampiric tether] to connect our hearts together for a few seconds.

Chuck doesn't try and stop me, he just smiles at me happily as if I told him a funny joke. "I like you."

"I like you too." I said, watching as the hole I made in his chest heals up almost instantly.

"Looking forward to taking more samples from you." Chuck said intermittently licking the beaker of the last of the blood, a normal person might be disturbed by his behaviour but luckily or unluckily it just kind of makes me more intrigued.

"Me too, me too." I said, as DDBG refines his blood for me. His blood is very interesting but I need an energy profile and a more thorough exploration of his body before I can be clear on what traits I can adopt.

"Right, well, I'm going to show you what I can do, then you'll show me what you can do and me or one of the others will help work on anything you might need help with, since you're one of the youngest alchemists I've run into." Fourdom explains.

"Sounds good."

Fourdom takes me downstairs, past where green and brown spiders are penned up, they're different from the normal spiders, they seem to have hydra blood in them as some of the spiders have more legs than they should. They're called hydric spiders and any time they're injured they become tougher.

We go all the way to the 31st floor which is currently empty and is apparently used as an all purpose room.

"First I'll show you what I can do then I'll see what you can do and we'll go from there."

"Sounds reasonable to me." It seemed a lot faster and more efficient than wading through a dungeon.

Fourdom demonstrates by raising up earth walls around us, creating a small earthern fortress, in seconds, but then he really starts to show off his power. The walls around us condense and glow red with the heat of fire, the reddened walls cool and reveal walls made of thin metal which are promptly reinforced with layer after layer of runescript.

"In tough battles I provide bunkers for the party, repair weapons, forge new ones and from time to time sling some oversized fireballs at enemies."

"What kind of weapons?"

"Whatever you can think of really, I can forge it." The floor shifts around, clods of dirt breaking up into sand and reforming into the images of swords, spears, shields, and a dozen different weapons.

"I'm not really much of a weapon wielder, I've had a little training but I mostly rely on magic and or my creations."

"Show me." So I retrieve a few of my blood cores and open up my veins, bleeding onto them to activate them. "Do you always end up naked when you're activating them?" Fourdom asked looking at my very erect cock with curiousity.

"Uh yeah, recent problem, I used to just use stone golems and they weren't so needy and one of my helpers ended up stolen and well bleeding would ruin most outfits."

Fourdom laughs, "I'll forge you some metal shorts and enchant them with a cleaning rune, don't want you swinging around that thing during a battle, you could poke out my eye with it, not to mention our enemies laughing their heads off or targeting your obvious and very large weak spot."

"Uh thanks. I'd appreciate that."

Thankfully my awkwardness is relieved when Alphonse, Alice and Betty are fully awakened, a little smaller than they were last time I saw them but ambient mana is lower.

"Interesting, you've given them souls and the ability to breed."

"Just a fraction of my own soul and they only produce lesser unsouled versions of themselves." I rush to explain as there are very explicit laws about self replicating golems.

Fourdom shrugs, "Not my laws, just curious, they could do with better weapons, if you plan to use a summoners strategy going forward."

"I haven't really had the time to really flesh them out that much."

"Not a problem, I'll help you figure out some good enchantments for them, along with the others, it's been a long time since we've had some new blood, should be fun to work on something new. How many of them do you have?"

I told Fourdom about each of my blood minions and generally what they could do and what I was aiming for with each one.

"You have too many, you're over reaching, I'd suggest you focus on upgrading a few of them at first, then work on the rest when you have more time."

"Which ones do you think would be best?"

"Alice for support, Betty for attack, Noph for vanguard and Alphonse for cleanup. I'll call the others over and see what they can add to the discussion."

Fourdom opens a gap in the fortress which closes up after him, leaving me alone in the metal bunker to think. My efforts have been somewhat scattered, there are just so many things I want to explore at the same time that it all gets away from me. I can't seem to hold onto anything, too busy trying to get stronger faster, that I lose so much along the way, pieces of my soul, blood, companions, friends, family, lovers. I should care more but there's this sense of urgency pushing me, telling me that to be weak is to be at the mercy of strangers and events outside my knowledge.

I need to stop and think, to focus not only on becoming stronger, smarter and more resilient than before but to share that with select blood minions and my `brothers'.

First thing, I need to accept the help of Fourdom and the other alchemists, learn as much from them as possible, while I can to improve myself and what's mine. Second I need to perfect my combat system as a Legend and work on improving my Legendary skill.

Some time later Fourdom returns with all three of the Alchemists.

"So we've all decided to help you in our own ways, I'll provide you with some much needed basic equipment to get you started, Tyrone will help you come up with the best runes to use on your pets and equipment. Damian suggested adding some poisons to your arsenal and Chuck will..."

Chuck rushes over and hugs me tightly, which feels weird as four hands squeeze me, two on my lower back and two on my shoulder blades. "I will be working really close to you and we'll find you the very best traits for you and your pets, I hear you're an incubi and that makes you a natural Chimera and now with your pets, you'll be just like me and with my help you'll be even better and with the two of us together, we'll make some awesome pets and people will cower in fear at our presence."

"That's enough of that." Tyrone tugs at Chuck. "Let him breathe, don't scare him off already."

"I'm not scared, I look forward to working closely with you." I say to Chuck, feeling an undeniable attraction to the strange man, I wrap my own arms around him, running my hands over his scaled back comparing the texture to mine.

"This is going to be so much fun, I'm so excited, I can't wait to get my hands all over you and see what you taste like." Chuck's hands have slipped down to grab at my butt and in response I wrap my legs around his waist and am not surprised when I feel something thick and hard prodding at my stomach.

"Oh gods, there's now two of them." Damien said abruptly turning around and leaving through the newly made exit.

"I should warn you that Lidan and him are close, so you should be careful -"

"I think you're wasting your breath, let's leave them to it." Tyrone said, tugging Fourdom away.

The exit disappeared and darkness descends and Chuck bites down on my shoulder, hard, drawing blood, what would terrify a normal person only excites my inner demon and I bite back, sliding a hand into his trousers to grasp onto his cock, which turns out to be two cocks, which are thick in the darkness. I moan as his many sharp nails dig into my back and butt. "You get stronger with sex, right?"


"Good." Chuck's fingers push into my hole, one after another, until nearly all one of one hand is lodged in there. I'm incoherent with lust.

"FUCK me!"

Chuck's mouth moves from licking my bloody shoulder to clamping on my neck, one wrong move and his sharp triangular teeth could rip out my throat. Instead of fear, it just excites me more and a moment later I'm given what I need as two thick cocks are rammed into my guts. "So strong, I'll make you so strong."

Chuck kisses me, my mouth filling with the taste of my own blood. I clutch at him as his long tongue overwhelms mine, dominating my mouth with frenzied motions as he continues thrusting into me.

I'm pressed against the wall as Chuck fucks me harder, faster, the cold steel at my back, not enough to cool my lust. I clamp down on the cocks within me as I rock back and forth, rubbing my hands all over his body as I seek our mutual release. "Yes, give me it all."

"Fuck." he groans as he unleashes into me and for the very first time, I get an energy profile so complex, that I cannot make heads or tails of it.

Obviously this means I'm going to need to try again, over and over again until I unravel every single complexity of his body.

Several orgasms later, Fourdom returns to find Chuck passed out on the floor, naked as I straddle him, running my hands over every inch of him to try and understand him better. He's added so many traits to himself that it's hard to discover how they all combined into one coherent whole.

"I've brought you your shorts. Is he still alive?"

"Obviously, he's just a little sleepy, I haven't fucked anyone to death in ages. Months maybe years, depending on how you count it."

"I don't think that's as reassuring as you think it is."

"Bandits don't count anyway, so it's like it never happened, so just forget I mentioned it at all."

"Right well, regardless, I had a thought, since you and Chuck obviously get along so well, you should have Alice petition the goddess of life to be one of her priestesses and use that to help Chuck with his pets and that should provide useful blessings to your other summons."

"Sounds good." I grab the metallic shorts and put them on, they're a lot more comfortable than I expected, the metal clinging to my hips and butt, yet shifting with my movement, acting like liquid metal.

"This is really impressive."

"Tyrone helped."

"Thanks and give him my thanks, should really help avoid embarassing exposure at least until I learn how to retract my cock."

"Uh yeah." Fourdom looks distinctly uncomfortable.

"I'll work on Alice while I wait for Chuck to recover. Just leave the door open till then."

"Good, I'll um keep Tyrone company till you're ready to leave."

"Thanks for the help."

I have a telepathic conversation with Alice about the new direction I have in mind for her and she uses [Blessing] on me repeatedly as we wait for Chuck to wake up from his post sex nap.

According to Grindors theological records, Yala the Goddess of Life, rewards those that seek to extend or improve upon the lives of others. This often is a pathway open to apothecaries with priest Class, or those who know enough about healing to help others.

After an hour or so of non stop [Blessing] fuelled in part my own mana infused into Alice, Alice is granted favor by Yala, though it's not as personal as my audience with Nil. It's more of a rubber stamp kind of feeling from an overworked official than the strange interest Nil had with me.

Alice is granted [Recovery] a weaker variation on healing, that simply accelerates the body's natural recovery with mana. Alice casts it on Chuck repeatedly.

Chuck finally wakes up and I ask him if it'll be alright if Alice practises her blessings on his spiders.

"She just has to fly high and avoid the queen." Chuck said, still a bit groggy from our earlier activities, spreading both sets of hands out and waving at the ceiling.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Alice is sent to roam floors 21 to 30 and practice using [Blessing] & [Sermon] on the hydric spiders.

After a quick round of riding Chuck's cocks again, we get dressed and he gives me a tour of his floors, showing off his ten legged Hydric Queen that's almost as tall as me and about my full height wide. She's surrounded by spider sacs and Hydric elites. It's downright terrifying or it should be if I was anywhere sane, instead I sidle up close to them and take little tiny samples of their blood with a miniature [Vampiric Tether] to determine how the hydra essence combines with the monstrous spider essence to form a whole.

Afterwards Chuck leads me to the subcore hidden on floor 31 so that I can customise my floor to suit my own needs. I use the options provided to create a small herb garden, an apothecary room filled with beakers and measuring tubes, a small forge equipped with an anvil and tongs and various moulds for swords. The main feature of my new floor is a large sunken blood pool, filled with mana infused blood that can serve as a place for my blood minions to further solidify themselves.

After the initial excitement wears off, I settle into a pleasurable routine, I check on my plants, practice my potion crafting, rune work and sword making skills. I also spend some time with my newest blood minions to test out different fighting strategies, check on the development of their blood cores and blood crystal armaments before ending the day with some quality time naked with Chuck, talking about chimeras and having my insides pummeled.

In this way roughly four months pass on floor 31 where my levels don't change much but my general knowledge and combat abilities further solidify. Sadly the good times never last long and Fourdom comes to collect me, apparently the Irregulars have decided that I'm good enough to go on a probation mission to further test my skills somewhere a little more chaotic. Lidan was right, becoming a member is very convoluted and time consuming, thankfully due to floor 31 having 128 time dilation, the four months inside the alchemy lab is equivalent to a single day outside.

While I did have fun with Chuck, I have missed Lidan and our hot demonic sexy times. It will be good to see him again and have him 'stress test' my newly condensed, streamlined body, my blood minions weren't the only ones to improve themselves, though I suppose the probationary mission will also help to field test the new and improved body.


Authors Note: This chapter got a lot more sexual than I had originally planned. *sigh, teenagers. Also I'm really bad at timely updates, I just kept putting off finalising this chapter until months went by. Maybe I'm in a dungeon of procrastination.

Next chapter: Probation – Lucius gets to go on his very first mission as a probationary member of the Irregulars.

New characters Tyrone – Mecha Master Damien – drug kingpin Chuck – chimera Kingpin

Next: Chapter 45: Monstrous Alchemist 8

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