Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on May 14, 2021


Disclaimer: Weird sex... I do not condone bestiality but beastmen are a fantasy trope for some reason and they make for interesting fodder for creative liberties. Also animal cocks have such variety, it's disturbing but also kind of hilarious, if you think horse cocks are obscene check out sea turtle dicks... it's reminiscent of Alien face huggers. Or not, I'm not your space supervisor (archer reference).

Chapter 8 Probation

After leaving the Royal Alchemist Lab, it took me a moment to adjust to all the people on the streets outside. I had spent the majority of my time lately alone, with periodic appearances from Chuck, being surrounded by so many people all at once, after so many months was a bit disconcerting.

Still I shrugged off the feeling, ignoring the looks I got from being in metallic shorts and nothing else (except for my rings). I was eager to get back to Lidan so I followed Fourdom as he waddled oh so slowly towards the castle and Lidan's room.

Eventually I reunited with Lidan and I pounced on him.

"You look different." He replied before my mouth on his cock distracted him and he got to work skull fucking me against the wall.

I think Fourdom might have left before I dropped to my knees or maybe he didn't. Who cares? He was gone by the time I was pinned bodily against the wall and Lidan's cock was rammed into my hole.

"FUCK ME!" I demanded.

Lidan was quick to reply with "My pleasure" all the while, grabbing onto my hips as he slammed his cock into me with more force. I clawed at the walls for stability as he railed me brutally, the temperature of the room climbing drastically as Lidan got all worked up.

"Fucking hell I've missed you." I moaned, mindless with lust as Lidan brutalised my insides with his hot cock.

"I've missed you too baby, even if you're a horny slut." He said smacking my ass for extra emphasis.

I couldn't reply as Lidan savaged my neck with his sharp teeth, tearing my neck open and drinking down my blood. The blood loss, the painful pleasure, the heat all conspired to leave my breathless, bloodied and speechless.

Some time later and several orgasms later, knocking interrupted our naked reunion.

"WHAT?" I yelled, annoyed at the interruption from Lidan ramming into me from above, pinning me to the remains of the bed.

Fourdom's voice, "a meeting has been called, we'll be leaving for the badlands soon."

Lidan just fucked me harder into the ruined mattress, speeding up his thrusting. "We'll be there soon."

"Fuck" I whimpered as Lidan's grip on my shoulders became crushing and his stiff cock jack-hammered into me without mercy.

For some strange reason the more Lidan hurts me, the more turned on I am and the faster I cum. I cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain, cumming on the already soiled sheets. Lidan follows a moment later with a groan and a surge of heat and he squeezes me with a painful embrace as he unloads his seed into me yet again.

Lidan pulls out, leaving me feeling limp and empty. He smacks me on the ass and said "up and at them, time waits for no one."

"Ugh, next time we should go to the dungeon together and spend the entire time fucking, at least then we won't have to worry about people interrupting us."

"Hmm, after our mission, we can spend some time in the dungeon killing wyverns and getting your nature under control, then you can come home with me and meet the others."

"Ugh." I complain as I'm lifted bodily and carried into the bathroom to be subjected to a quick rinse. We didn't even have sex again, Lidan was thorough but dispassionate in washing me. Fucking tease.

Anyway we set off to the meeting room within the castle where the rest of the Irregulars have apparently been waiting for us with varying degrees of impatience. Stormgrip the leonid druid gives us a brief outline of the mission.

"The goal today is fairly easy, we're going to have you bleed off some of the excess dungeons on the outskirts while the rest of us work on weakening the dungeons further in. Any questions?"


"To prevent a dungeon break and beast tides."


And that was that for the question and answer session, the rest of the Irregulars looked bored for the most part, amusing themselves with their own thoughts as we waited for our 'ride' to show up.

Damien and my two erstwhile `brothers' Steve and Terry show up not long after to provide us transport to our destination.

They open a quick dimensional gate to Derby then another to Respite, where Damien, Steve and Terry create a spatial beacon outside the new beast dungeon.

I catch up with Daddy dearest and introduce him to Lidan.

"Dominic this is Lidan, Lidan, this is maybe my dad or one of them, I'm not sure."

Lidan doesn't really comment on that, thankfully simply reply with a banal "Nice to meet you."

Daddy Dominic eyes me up and down once before replying "You're all grown up, I guess and ready to explore your heritage, should have known it'd happen sooner or later."

Then Dominic just left without another word. That was awkward, luckily for me we don't stay in my former town for long and we head off on foot deeper into the bad lands.

I used [Blood Tide] to follow along after the others while Lidan flies forward at a sedate pace a little bit behind me, covering the rear and maybe perving on my ass, it's hard to tell with him.

We run into a large group of horned rabbits, thousands of them, grazing on grass relatively peacefully. I took out four vials, containing the blood cores of my four helpers' contained within a solution of my enriched' blood and dropped the vials onto the ground. As soon as the glass shattered, the blood cores activated forming into four distinct forms ready for action. The activation of my blood minions have been greatly streamlined during my time in the royal alchemist lab.

Noph charged forward, his blood crystal hooves making short work of the distance between him and the horned rabbits.

Alphonse stops in place allowing me to mount him and ride him at a leisurely pace forward.

Alice took up position behind me, having grown a lot since she was first created, so that her body was the size of my torso and her wings the length of my arms. A bloody tether connects from my heart to her blood core, allowing for increased effectiveness in the form of mutual cooperation. I provide mana and blood, while she provides blessings of life, lesser minions and healing.

As for Betty she sets up a position in front of me, covering my torso, with a blood red thread connecting us, my heart to her blood core. Betty sends her unsouled replicas into the oncoming horned rabbits, their stingers plunging into vulnerable eyes, blinding the enemy before exploding with [Blood Burst].

Alice provides blessings of life, providing a significant boost to movement, regeneration and other miscalleneous `life' aspects. She also provides limited healing in the form of blood butterflies that merge with Noph to recover his wounds from the horned rabbits.

Alphonse replicates a small swarm of lesser beetles to swarm and devour the dead and dying horned rabbits while Noph draws attention as a one boar charge and stampede. Noph attacks with his entire body, making use of his blood crystal hooves and tusks to stomp and stab the horned rabbits.

I assist using low level [Vampiric Tethers] that shoot from my finger tips to pierce through the targets and drain them of blood. Due to how low level the enemy is, I don't need much blood or mana to pierce and drain them. Sadly killing them does little to improve my level. I'd need to kill millions of this kind of low level enemy to gain even a single level.

The Irregulars just watch me without doing anything, I guess they don't see much point in clearing out the rabbits, but I feel it's a good warm up for my blood pets.

Stormgrip takes over as my personal supervisor as he leads me to a beast dungeon on the outskirt of the badlands.

The others set off deeper into the bad lands to attack more powerful dungeons with more floors.

Stormgrip watches me quietly as I slaughter my way through a twenty floor dungeon. It's not a very interesting dungeon delve as my minions slaughter the ten floors of horned rabbits and ten floors of various kinds of wolves with very little effort needed on my part. Noph triggers the low level traps without getting too damaged, Alice provides healing as needed and Betty provides the aerial offensive and Alphonse deals with processing the carcasses.

After working my way through the dungeon, we leave the dungeon to catch up with the others.

I see Fourdom slaughtering thousands of goblins from within a self made fortress, he's using a combination of [stone spikes] and [rock break]. [Stone spikes] to single kill and create obstacles to prevent swarming and [rock break] to wound, slow and in some cases kill with an AOE attack with rock shrapnel. He's backed up by Taranath the elf who plays a lullaby on his flute debuffing the goblins and making them sleepier and easier to hit and kill.

Zazu, the lizardman, Lidan my demonic lover and Larongar the dragon mage have already gone deeper in to kill the monsters on the outside and to solo clear the dungeons. Lidan is more than capable of looking after himself as is the dragon. As for Zazu, I'm unclear about his full strength, even after our various interactions but even if he's maimed he'll recover with enough time, so I'm not too concerned.

Fourdom opens up a gap for us in the back of the fortress, but I simply dismount from Alphonse while he deactivates and returns to a blood core state, as does Noph. Alice and Betty remain upon me, as their activation is easier to maintain outside a dungeon as they drain me directly instead of relying on murdered foes and background mana.

Alice provides me with a lift so that I can make the two story jump to the battlements and talk to Stormgrip directly.

Swarms of blood bees and blood butterflies spread out from around me and devastate the remaining goblin forces, finishing the siege quickly.

After regrouping for a few minutes so that Stormgrip can get a report from the others Stormgrip takes me deeper into the badlands. Fourdom isn't suitable for soloing a large scale unknown dungeon due to lifespan restrictions and class type. Tanarath prefers to work with a group as his flute is better for buffing allies and debuffing enemies, rather than solo combat.

Stormgrip directs up deeper into the badlands and we engage in meaningless small talk on the way. Mostly asking about our respective backgrounds and childhood. Boring stuff...

We find an uncleared dungeon and venture within... It's a goblin dungeon, so it's familiar and easy, even if there's lots of goblins. The first ten floors are basic goblins, floors eleven to twenty are populated by goblins lead by goblin variants such as goblin riders and hobgoblins. Floors thirty one have onis leading hobgoblins. Floor 40 is protected by an Oni chieftain.

Upon finishing the dungeon, we don't return to the surface as I expect, Stormgrip stops me and said "Wait, you should take the dungeon core."

"Why? We didn't take the last one."

"It wasn't a threat, goblins are much more troublesome pests, they develop quickly and pose a threat to the women in the area. Also a level 40 dungeon core will provide you with more benefits than a level 20 dungeon core."

"You're the boss. I'll do what you say." I'm not sure what his goal is but I might as well play along as see what he's after.

"That's what I like to hear." Stormgrip says with a smile.

I grab the dungeon core and I can sense an unwillingness and impatient hostility. Thanks to my personal experience dealing with an isekai dungeon core and my previous reading on the subject, I know how to subdue it.

Dungeons typically have very limited intelligence when they start off, like a small animal, having only rudimentary instincts that push it to eat, digest, grow and so forth. Dungeons follow certain logic that only make sense to themselves, either due to acts of gods or just their nature, it's unclear. My time with Dungeon Paul left me with more questions than answers in that regard.

I infuse my mana and will into the dungeon core, creating a temporary connection between us. I dominate it's simplistic and aggressive nature with my superior power and intellect. It's not exactly tamed, just subdued for the moment. It'll take more time to have it obey me totally as it has a preexisting will and a limited intellect to understand our relative positions.

Not that I really know what to do with it right now. I could use it for a lot of things, creating a powerful magical staff, a mage tower, a different dungeon or an alchemy lab of my own. Either way, I'm not really set up for making use of it at the moment and I'd need to do a lot more thinking and possibly research to determine what would be best.

I put away my blood pets, as the dungeon has been cleared and the core removed.

"So I've heard you've been getting along well with Lidan."

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, I just find it curious that Zazu reeked of you after your dungeon delve."

I simply shrugged, not sure what he was getting at. "And?"

"I'm just curious as to whether you're going to have sex with every member of the team."


"Oh you do have standards? Who doesn't make the cut?"

"I don't think Fourdom would survive me fucking him and I don't think he'd measure up if he was on top. Not to mention the awkwardness of our different heights."

Stormgrip chuckled "Cruel but can't argue against that. So does that mean the rest of us are on the to do list?"

"I don't know, maybe, adventuring can get boring at times, sometimes things just get away from me."

"I'd imagine, you'd also get stronger after working your way through us all. Right? That's an incubi thing, I believe."

"Yeah to an extent, depends on whether you guys have anything interesting to take. I've already tried with an elf, the experience was underwhelming. Longevity is meaningless to a demon, we either live forever or die young, there's very in between."

"So what about me? Do I measure up?"

"I'm not sure what you got to offer."

With that Stormgrip removes his loin cloth and reveals his hardening cock. "Good enough?"

After a few seconds it seems to achieve full length and girth. 8 inches, respectable enough. "Worth a try."

I dropped to my knees having already stashed away the dungeon core in my spatial ring, to taste his cock. Stormgrip has the head of a lion, his body is mostly that of a man but furrier, except his cock is unique, while my tongue roams over the tip of his penis, there's an unusual texture.

He pushes me off his hard cock after I apply a healthy coating of saliva to it and tugs off my metallic shorts before mounting me from behind. Initial entry is a little rough but I appreciate the intensity of Stormgrip as he immediately starts fucking me hard and fast. Sadly Stormgrip doesn't last that long, he shoots his load within ten seconds. Somewhat disappointing considering his muscular nature. I'd thought he'd be able to keep up the pace a little longer than that.

"Uh sorry, I can go again soon." He said as he pulled out of me, when pulling out his cock has hooks that scrape the walls of my ass, exciting my urge for pain. It leaves me wanting more but sadly Stormgrip is now soft and apparently needs another twenty minutes to go again.

I roll my eyes. "Let's go."

At least I got his energy profile and an interesting if brief fuck. From what I remember about beast men, they all have different racial talents based on their ancestor, the purity of their pedigree and the degree of their `awakening'.

I got a lesser talent [Explosive stamina] – burst forth with three times your attack power for ten seconds, cool down twenty minutes.

Useless. I am however more interested in the barbed hooks, from what I can tell their made from keratin, the same as fingernails. Perhaps I might make my cock an even fiercer weapon, that could be amusing. Later, though, first it's time to leave the former dungeon, after a dungeon core is removed, the mana sustaining the effects of the dungeon start to fade and all that's left is an underground cavern that will soon collapse in on itself as normal space reasserts itself.

After leaving the goblin dungeon, we regroup as a team, Zazu has discovered a large demon dungeon and we're supposed to clear it as a team as it's large and will require a dungeon destruction. Demonic dungeons can be a national disaster as demons can grow stronger with every kill and imps have high potential for fast growth as demonstrated by Bugger.

In a way I can tell this is also a demonstration of my stance towards demons, considering I'm a demonic half breed, it stands to reason that I could be conflicted about slaughtering those of a similar demonic nature. To be honest, I'm not overly concerned about killing demons, in fact, I'm looking forward to draining and dissecting the higher grade demons for the sake of furthering my alchemy.

The line up for our dungeon entry is kind of interesting.

Lidan and Stormgrip are the vanguard. Taranath right, me, fourdom zazu left larongar rearguard

Stormgrip explains the line up for me, since I was just kind of dragged into a position in the middle of the group.

"Lidan is in charge of taking damage and dealing damage in the close range. I will serve as a secondary attacker and will be in charge of crowd control, using plants to root enemies as needed among other things. Tanarath will provide buffs and debuffs using his flute and a mixture of mind magic and sorcery, he's also nearby to provide support to you and Fourdom. You will be our scout for the moment, using the lesser minions and Noph to find the quickest path through, we'll take care of most of the fighting but you can kill whatever gets in your way. Fourdom is in charge of repairing weapons and building fortresses as necessary, along with providing a stone golem to serve as an additional disposable vanguard. Zazu is in charge of protecting the centre along with mid to long range water magic attacks. Larongar is in charge of providing cover for the entire back line and providing large scale magical bombardment if necessary. Got all of that?"

"Yes I understand." I release my four pets, riding upon Alphonse, Alice and Betty directly in front and behind me and Noph ranging ahead along with some lesser blood butterflies and blood bees.

Tanarath provides a lively marching tune that seems to increase our movement speed.

Lidan leads the way with his fists glowing with flames, Stormgrip on his right.

Not much happens for the first nine floors as my blood bees and blood butterflies are more than enough to kill low level imps in droves and none of the others seems concerned that I'm stealing all the kills.

It's not until floor ten that Lidan gets a chance to show off a little, when he runs into a floor ten boss and it's a lesser demon of wrath and they get into a brawl, that Lidan quickly wins.

From the eleventh floor onwards things get a little more difficult as the denizens of floor eleven seem to be a mix of lesser wrath demons, greater wrath imps and hellhounds. While my blood bees and butterflies can take them down, the abundance of fireballs makes it less efficient. I let Lidan and Stormgrip take the reins, Lidan charges in fists blazing and punches everything in his way to death while Storm grip throws seeds into the middle of groups of enemies that grow quickly into vines or roots that wrap around the feet and legs of enemies. Zazu sends out jets of water at random into enemies causing the air to quickly get muggy and the ground to get muddy, sure some of the enemies get knocked off their feet or ice spikes to the head but it's all very messy or maybe I'm just biased since Zazu is still ignoring me. Tanarath plays his flute, this time a quick erratic melody that seems to make the demons more reckless and violent. Fourdom launches rock spikes over and over again, killing enemies as they try and get closer to us and swarm us to death. Neither Larongar or I do anything during the next several floors. It's not until floor 21 where we run into succubis that I get a chance to resume slaughtering again, the sight of 'beautiful naked women' singing and beckoning with dances and song, irritates me for some inexplicable reason, Lidan is also quick to join the slaughter ripping the 'women' apart limb from limb in some cases, disemboweling others and ripping the heads off the more fortunate ones. Of course for the most part the appearance of women is mostly an illusion, so it doesn't really work, the reality is more banal, it's just demons with sharp claws and a hunger I know too well. After nine floors of attempted seduction, most of the group is weary of the slog, so when we get to floor 30 and the boss is a whole group of succubi, along with a succubi matriarch, Larongar simply uses a oversized fireball to render them to ashes with one attack. His magic is far more impressive than Zazu or mine.

Thankfully the 31st floor was the last floor and only had some hell hounds protecting the dungeon core and they were easily wiped out, once we got to the end of the dungeon, Lidan simply swallowed the dungeon core, which I have to admit shocked me.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked of Lidan.

"It makes me stronger." He replied, providing with no substantive response.

Stormgrip said "That'll do for now. Let's return to the castle."

He activated his ring and a moment later, Damien and company appeared from a dimension gate and beckoned us through. SHortly afterwards we were back in the castle. Having a high level spatial mage on call is definitely handy, hopefully my brothers will finish their apprenticeship soon and return back to the fold to provide our little 'family' with a similar support.


Author's Note: When I think of what Stormgrip looks like, I think of the lion guy from restaurant in another world. This chapter isn't as exciting as I'd hoped for originally but expectation is the mother of disappointment or something.

Next chapter: Time out - Lidan and Lucius spend some time together in a dungeon, helping to tame Lucius's demonic tendencies

Next: Chapter 46: Monstrous Alchemist 9

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