Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Nov 16, 2021


Chapter 10 Demon King

After leaving the dungeon, I sell all the useless stuff I had acquired during my time inside the dungeon, as did Lidan. We discovered that it had been less than a day since we entered even though it had been more than a year for us subjectively. Time variances make dungeon explorations easier and more complicated. Either way, I was overdue for some much needed relaxation.

Spent a week in the capitol relaxing, enjoying all the benefits of a civilised society, such as clothes, books and furniture. It's strange how you can end up missing the comfort of a warm bed, a solid chair to sit on and a good book to read.

Most of my time during the day is spent at the library reading and adding to my mental library, with early mornings spent enjoying the attention of a horny demon and nights spend cuddling and enjoying slow sensual sex with my lover.

Did have one visit to the royal alchemist lab before leaving with Lidan for the demonic capitol in order to transform that dungeon core into an enchanted necklace. Due to it being a low grade dungeon core, it has limited use, however it still provides two useful benefits. Benefit one, it draws in mana itself, allowing for faster mana regeneration for myself. Second benefit it also enables for a secondary source of mana storage, that I can draw upon as needed. I'll have to hunt down more powerful dungeon cores to get transformed into more useful artifacts, such as a dimensional base or a divine staff.

There's a teleportation gate that gets us within a couple of miles of the demon capitol. We fly most of the way there. The aerial view of the demonic capitol is both horrorfying and awe inspiring.

The Demonic capitol is surrounded by a seven story wall of mixed colors, of red, brown and black, with a horrendous moat filled with various lesser demons and other denizens of the seven hells that are constantly fighting and killing each other. Their numbers seem endless as they're constantly reinforced with more demons that appear from five hell gates located in strategic positions in the form of a pentagram. Just with a glance, there appears to be millions of imps of various sins along with thousands of hell hounds savaging each other in endless bloody carnage. There are other denizens that appear from hell gates, though their numbers are far less than hell hounds, such as harpies, fire elementals, balrogs, fiends, nagas, nightmares and even some fallen. The situation is brutal, bloody and chaotic.

Those of a certain strength are either picked up by the greater demons upon the walls and are brought into the city itself or they fly/climb up and get on the battlements themselves. The city seems to recruit on the basis of survival of the fittest, low level imps are beneath their notice.

Lidan leads the way towards the gates, ignoring the chaos beneath us.

I'm fascinated by the organised chaos, it's obvious there's a method to the madness, but the details of how it works eludes me. I find myself wondering if the demons have a library. It'd be interesting to find out what the demons would say about themselves in their books. So far I've only read about how evil demons are and how they're the manifestation of human sin and depravity. Theological books tends to be somewhat biased at the best of the times, only being useful in their detailed taxonomies.

Regardless of my errant thoughts and musings, Lidan continues flying, and we fly over multiple large buildings and crowds of demons, most of which seem strangely civilised, barring the occasional public fight to the death.

Lidan finally slows down a little to provide some context to what I was seeing.

"Broad strokes, the coliseum is where the majority of wrath demons entertain themselves, through battle, though others are welcome to join in to battle or the bet on victors. The pleasure pit directly opposite are where the succubi and incubi spend their time, getting fucked or fucking. The bank and markets are where the greed demons collect or consume various metals and precious gems. Gluttony demons are found running the various farms and beast stables. Sloth demons are generally the worst and hang out in the slums doing little of value. Envy demons hang out in the dark guild and are responsible for managing thieves and assassins. Pride demons are generally managers of one sort of another, they tend to run the various shops and businesses."

"So where are we going then?"

"To the castle, where the Demon king and the 14 Demon Lords reside."

"Well this should be interesting."

After several minutes of flying we arrive at the castle, it has 7 towers with a sprawling complex in the middle, it's part castle and part labyrinth.

Lidan stops at a blood red tower. "This is my tower, or at least the tower I share with the other Lord of Wrath."

"Hey, you're back and you've brought a toy with you." A hulking man wearing an even shorter loin cloth than Lidan arrives and jumps onto Lidan, bringing him into a fighting hug, wrestling hold thing. It's hard to describe as it starts as a grab that could be described as a hug but it quickly descends into chaos, with punches, headlocks and quasi wrestling before they break apart, sweaty and hard.

It's hard not to notice that this newcomer is equally gifted as Lidan and I try to squash the thought that instantly comes to mind as to whether it'd feel just as good as Lidan.

"His name is Lucius, I'm grooming him to take over as the Lord of Lust."

"Oh fun, a hybrid, that's new, do I get to play with him too? He reeks of your seed."

"Lucius this is Emry, he's a friend of sorts."

"Asshole." Emry says in a deadpan tone.

"Prick." Lidan responds in an equally monotone manner before they look at me and laugh.

I shrug and say "nice to meet you."

"Don't be shy, I don't bite so much any more." Emry says pulling me into a crushing hug, I can feel his foot long plus erection pressing along my torso, my hard on presses against his and a thrill runs through me as he moves his hands down and grabs my butt with both hands and rubs against me.

"Come on let's take this inside at least.." Lidan commands with an eye roll.

Emry just throws me over a shoulder and he talks as if his hard dick isn't sticking out in front of him in plain view of the hundreds? Thousands? Of wrath demons that we pass. It's kind of hard to tell their exact numbers what with all the bouncing and the angle I'm at, where mostly I see his back and flashes of other wrath demons. "Those are the infernal legionnaires, we're the generals of the standing army, they're in training."

I'm eyed up briefly by those assembled before they continue with what they were doing, which seems to be a mix of battles, spars and weapon training. Emry moves quickly up multiple flights of stairs until we're in his bedroom, where there's a large bed waiting, which he throws me on.

"Hey!" I protest in vain, as Emry ignores me.

"So can I play with him? I've been bored without you around." Emry pleads with Lidan, which gives me a strange feeling that they're more than just friends.

"Hmm." Lidan responds noncommittally.

"Come on buddy, Edward hasn't been letting me pound him and you've been gone for ages, I need it."

"Fine, go for it. I'd doubt he'd mind."

Before I could comment, Emry was on top of me having stripped of his loin cloth entirely not that it had been successful in hiding his erection anyway. His mouth covered mine in a steamy kiss and seconds later my legs were pushed to either side of his broad torso and his prick had been shoved deep inside me. I moaned into his mouth as he fucked into me. Lucky for me I had already been fucked prior to arriving otherwise this fuck would have been much rougher on my insides. Not that Emry seemed too concerned about my pain tolerance as he continued to slam into me with his big cock, fucking me hard.

Lidan pushed our mouths apart to insert himself in the middle of us. Not to stop Emry from fucking me but to stick his own hard cock into my mouth.

Emry grabbed onto Lidan's meaty butt cheeks and started slobbering over Lidan's hole as I swallowed his pole. Definitely not normal friends, then again, considering how much cum I've drained from my friends' balls I can't really comment. Then again even if I wanted to, Lidan's cock was jammed down my throat blocking my speech.

Lidan moaned "i missed you man."

Emry pulled off eating Lidan's ass to reply. "I missed you too, especially your sweet ass."

Emry and Lidan both fucked my holes faster, giving me no time to think about their conversation as they eventually released into me, filling me with warm energy and liquid.

"Well that was a fun welcome home."

Emry pulled out of my ass, leaving me feeling somewhat empty and lethargic.

"Mmm" Emry replied. "Incubis really know how to relax you, after you finish inside them. This one seems more durable than the usual riff raff."

"He's a keeper, that's for sure." Lidan said cuddling up to my left side, sticking his stiff dick inside my just used butt.

"Hmm, he's good but I still prefer pounding your ass." emry responded nudging Lidan on top of me before mounting Lidan's tight ass. "Yeah that's what I've missed." He said as he sunk balls deep inside of Lidan.

What followed was the two of them fucking on top of me, while Lidan fucked me, it was hot but also kind of crushing. They seemed oblivious or indifferent to the fact that I was under the both of them and might need air.

Eventually Lidan shot his load into me, followed shortly after by Emry groaning and pulling out of Lidan's ass and rolling off to the side. Lidan pulled out of me and rolled to the other side, leaving me in the middle of the two of them, thoroughly fucked.

Yet I couldn't help noticing that the both of them were still hard. Emry reached over and somehow I ended up on his lap and shortly afterwards I found myself impaled on his cock.

What followed afterwards was Emry bouncing me up and down on his cock, which was followed soon after by Lidan shoving his cock up alongside Emry's stretching my hole to absurd dimensions.

I may or may not have whimpered for the following twenty minutes as they railed me into a red hot mess.

After they finally finished fucking me, they went back to fucking each other while I took my sweet time in the adjourning bath cleaning up. By the time I came out their balls were well and truly emptied, at least for the moment. Lidan and Emry finally got around to taking care of official business and took me to the `court' to meet the King.

The Demon King sat upon a throne of iron.

Observation provided me with this information.

Aldric - demon king - level 110 demi god warrior, mage, fire mage, lord, priest

Other than the King there were 14 demon Lords including Emry and Lidan.

The Lust Lord and Lady drew my immediate attention, like calling to like.

"Oh one of mine, I didn't think any of you survived." The lust lord said.

"Edward be nice to the boy, can't you see he's Lidan and Emry's pet." The busty Lady of Lust entreated, clinging onto him, practically plastering herself onto him. She wore a skin tight leather ensemble, showing generous amounts of cleavage. Edward my demonic sire looked to be a disturbingly attractive adrogynous mix of masculine and feminine beauty. He wore tight fitting leather pants and a billowy shirt, revealing hints of toned abs and smooth chest.

It brought home, that to them I wasn't powerful or important, I was a pet, an oddity, a curiosity at best.

I'd have to get a lot stronger for any of them to take me seriously.

The demon king said "Lidan you'll report to me privately after the court adjourns."

"Yes my king."

What followed was a suprisingly boring discussion about various departments and statistics of the demonic kingdom. Theoretically it was all fascinating information, at least the implications behind the statistics they talked about but the details themselves were mind numbingly dull.

I amused myself by looking over the eclectic Demon Lords.

The Lords of Greed, were fascinating, one was coated in mithril, while the other was coated in adamantium and by coated, I don't mean they were wearing armors, I mean their skin and bones consisted of those metals.

Shapeshifting comes in various forms for demons, the methods vary but the end results are that demons seek perfection through endless conflict, seeking to change their forms to better suit their natures.

The Lord and Lady of Envy, are respectively an elder Lich and a Banshee Queen. The Lords of Gluttony are pudgy bile demons. The Lords of Pride are dressed like mages in robes with staves, though their reports are all about the foot traffic rates and purchase amounts of the commercial district. The Lord and Lady of Sloth sleep through the meeting.

After the court meeting finished Lidan left to talk to the demon king while Edward came to `chat'.

Edward's information

Level 66 Assassin, mage, apothecary, magical assassin.

His lady didn't come with him and Emry makes himself scarce, telling me that he'll meet me back at the tower when I'm done.

I walk off with Edward to a random room in the castle, it basically has a large table and chairs so I assume it's a meeting room of sorts but it's hard to tell as the demon capitol has overturned a lot of my assumptions about demon society.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, not sure whether chatting with my demon daddy was a good idea or not but I suffered from terminal curiosity.

"Isn't it obvious I want to check how well you've grown." He says as he starts running his hands all over my body.

My blood `clothing' falls apart pretty quickly revealing my very hard cock which he grabs and strokes. "what are you doing?"

He ignores me "Not bad, decent body, above average cock, above average levels, acceptable self control. You'll do."

Then he just walks off and takes a seat upon a nearby chair as if he didn't just grope his long lost son.

I'm left naked, hard, horny and generally frustrated. I take a deep breath and reinstate blood `clothing' this time I armored up.. the flowing blood hardening up into blood crystal around my body.

I didn't bother with armor before because depending where you are wearing armor to certain places indicates a lack of trust in your host. In this situation I find myself in desperate need of armor to keep my dick safe from strange hands. I reinforce the blood armor around my groin and abs for obvious reasons.

I chose to address the real issue "so are you really my demon daddy?"

"Definitely. I can feel my seed in you and since I haven't seen you before let alone fucked you. You're definitely one of my spawn."

"How cheerful. So did you fuck my mom or did you fuck my dad as well?"

"Hard to tell, who's your mother?"

"Fire mage, warrior dad about 15 years ago."

"hmm, rings a bell, got your father's seed when he fucked me, then demonized it then fucked your mom. I think we were in a threesome at the time. Then again that might have been a different time. I'm fairly sure sure I seeded her at one point. My memory of then is a little blurry, it was a busy time for me, still growing and what not."

Dominic was 75% likely to be one of my dads. Not really sure how to feel about that.

"So you knew you sired me and still left."

He laughed. "I fucked a lot of people back then, partly for power, mostly for pleasure, why would I hang around?"

"You're the worst."

He shrugged, "are you going to challenge for the seat of the Lord of Lust?"

"Probably not, I have enough nonsense to deal with, without having to monitor how many demons fuck."

"Shame, it would have been fun, if you challenged me, we'd fight and if you challenged lady emilia and won you would be my consort and we'd fuck. Either way it would be amusing."

I took a chair on the other side of the table so I had the table between him and me, it made me feel marginally safer as I continued to reinforce my blood armor and added blood crystal spikes to key spots.

"ugh, you disgust me." I said all the while fighting the urge to pin him down and fuck him. I could tell he was using his incubi powers on me, though whether it was deliberate or not was anybody's guess.

He didn't respond, simply watching me with a smirk, seemingly enjoying my suffering.

The room descended into silence for several minutes before a knock at the door broke the stale mate.

"Come in." Edward responded cold as ice.

"Lucius, the King wants to talk to you." Lidan said upon entering the room.

I got up and Lucius looked down at my crotch before glancing up and smirking.

"I had to protect my dignity." I said as I reabsorbed and redistributed the blood crystal spikes that make a line from my groin to my abs. It looked somewhat ridiculous but each spike could provide a bit of offensive defense as necessary.

"yeah I should have warned you about the perverts around here." He said glancing toward Edward who just smiled devilishly without a word.

We left quickly and Lidan led the way to the throne room where the demon king was waiting.

Lidan left the room.

"Now we can have a discussion, lidan told me lots about you."

"Hopefully all good things."

"He thinks you have the potential to become a unique Lord of Lust and I have to say I'm intrigued to see the results. So the question is when are you going to stake a challenge?"

"I'm not really interested in challenging anyone at the moment."

"You're going to at some point, otherwise you'll only be a Demon Lord's consort or a concubine. Only Demon Lords are qualified to stand with another Demon Lord."

It looks like I'm going to have to fight for a position I don't want, just to keep my man happy. The things I have to do to enjoy a somewhat stable sex life.

"I guess I'll aim for a month or two then, I'll have to undergo some more training in the badlands and acquire some items."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm looking forward to having an alchemist join us. There's very few alchemists in our kingdom, we're lagging behind in that regard. If you don't progress you stagnate."

"Forgive me for saying, you're not what I imagined."

"Pictured some bloodthirsty monster in an evil lair, waiting for heroes to show up, not office meetings and management issues?

"Something like that."

"I'll tell you something important, demons have periods of rapid growth and long plateaus of stabilisation. Currently we're stabilising but my end goal isn't this little kingdom I've carved out on this stupid continent, nor even conquest of the world. My goal and that of most demons that gain enough intelligence to have goals is to become a devil and conquer all sins and oversee the conquest of worlds and the corruption of mortals."

"So what's that got to do with me?"

"Battle is a means to an end but it's not the end goal. I'm looking for talents that have more to them than merely being able to fight. I want demon lords that can become devils alongside me, so I'll have my own faction when I descend to Pandemonium."

"That sounds like it'll take a while."

"I'm not worried, time is on my side. We also have our own dungeon downstairs for helping improve levels. You might want to check it out afterwards, it'll help shore up your weaknesses a little more."

"Which weaknesses are you referring to exactly?"

"Your class levels are high for your age and getting a Legendary Class is an achievement but your skill levels need more time to grow and you're still a little too soft for a demon lord. While battle isn't the primary goal, being able to defend yourself against various threats is still important. Take it from me and make use of every opportunity in order to get stronger. Especially if you want to compete against Demi gods and gods one day."

After my meeting with the demon king, I'm left with a strong urge to get stronger, fast.

Author's Note: something something explosion

Next Chapter: God are you listening? - Conversation with Nil (God of Death) provides new avenues to explore in the pursuit of power.

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