Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 24, 2019


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Please understand this is a work of fiction. The actions described in the story are not real, encouraged, or condoned in real life. Its just a fictional tale about a horny teenager with some issues.

Chapter 6 Dick Daze

I took a sip of my emergency healing potion, just enough to ease the pain of the morning's activities and help my wounds recover faster.

Despite how mentally and physically draining the morning was, I was happy if a little confused, or more accurately very confused but strangely satisfied. The past few days had overthrown what I had expected out of my bland and bothersome life. I still didn't really understand what it all meant yet but I was excited to find out.

I knew a lot more than I did before, I had experienced a lot of sex, some strange, some satisfying and some surreal.

I had a new favourite in Felix, I looked forward to seeing him again, he had been the nicest to me and I liked the way he held me and kissed me and touched me and stroked me.

I was hard again. I had to stop thinking of sex all the time.

Only a few days ago I had been preoccupied with the way men looked, thinking that I only idolised them because they were strong and powerful and everything I wasn't. Yet now I wondered if it was always something else, something more sexual.

I felt so stupid. How could I be so blind? I guessed this was the problem of living life vicariously through a meagre collection of books, they skipped over so much of the details of life as to make a useless guide for growing up.

I had to get my mind off these thoughts and focus on what I was supposed to be doing. I needed to improve my concentration enough that I could be trusted to mix and produce potions of greater value. My focus was even worse than usual as now I was hard and horny and there was no one around to touch, suck or fuck.

Now that I was alone, I craved that disinterest I had just after I had cum. I looked around the shed, I had the privacy, maybe if I tried to relieve myself of this incessant craving for warmth and pleasure then I could think.

So I stripped myself naked, taking a firm grip of my cock and placed my fingers in my mouth, thinking of Felix, his easy smile, his lean body, his big hard cock and how good he made me feel. I didn't even have to think about it and my fingers were already rubbing up inside against my sweet spot, making me warm and gooey like warm chocolate on a summer day.

I closed my eyes and pictured Felix naked with me seated on his lap, driving his hardness into me over and over again as he kissed me until I grew fevered with lust.

I wanted more than just my fingers inside me, I craved a man on top of me, any man would do and just then I heard my name said in a firm authoritative manner and I wanted to be pinned down and used by him.


I startled into reality, staring blankly at an aggravated Grindor, for a moment I wanted to see what Grindor had hidden beneath his robes but a wave of revulsion quickly followed. Grindor was middle aged and going to seed, plumping up from years of soft living and more importantly he was like an uncle to me.

The uncle thing was more of a repellent than him being plump. Right? I wasn't that superficial. Maybe I was, I did seem to be only interested in fit men with muscles, either the lean type with understated muscles or beefy guys with obvious muscles.

"Lucius I'm surprised at you, what has gotten into you?"

I looked down at the fingers still lodged inside my anus and resisted the urge to reply with `my fingers'.

Sex seems a short sojourn into insanity. Only a few days ago I could be trusted to be hard at work mixing potions, though sometimes my mind would wander and a potion or two would be ruined but now I was caught naked fingering myself, wondering why I wasn't interested in seeing what my mentor's cock felt like inside of me.

How did anyone function once they had sex? All I seemed to want was sex, well sleep and sustenance also factored in but sex preoccupied most of my waking moments lately.

"Are you listening to me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling myself as of late." It wasn't strictly true as I was feeling myself up at that moment. My fingers still inside myself and my other hand wrapped around a sadly softening penis.

"Self abuse is a sin, as is sex before marriage." Grindor explained.

I stared blankly at him, I couldn't follow his train of thought, I had enough trouble following my own thoughts lately.

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say.

"I think you need to walk off this strange state of yours. At this rate, I may have to demote you again to collection duty if I can't trust you by yourself."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I said, not eager to spend hours traipsing the woods every day looking for particular plants again. It had been a terrible mix of mind numbingly boring and downright physically exhausting with all the walking and hiking involved.

"Go see if Minos is free to escort you into the woods, see if you can collect some Maiden's Tears and Warrior's Boon. Maybe then you'll be more focused on your work."

"Uh yes. Of course Sir." I pulled up my breeches and put on my shirt quickly, happy for an excuse to see Minos again. Minos should be able to help me out with my problem, he was the one to start all this, if nothing else, he should be able to scratch this itch deep inside me.

I raced to Frederic's farm, getting there in record time and asked Fred "Do you know where Minos is?

He just pointed north east without a ward, continuing to work up a sweat digging a row in the soil with a hoe. He seemed busy, so I thanked him quickly and I rushed over and found Minos balls deep in Dale, rutting on the ground like dogs.

"Oh hey, little man, come join the fun. Dale always wants more cock." Minos said, looking very hot, naked, sweaty and a little bit furry as he pulled his big cock nearly all the way out of Dale and then shoved it all the way back in with steady strokes, taking his time and enjoying himself thoroughly.

"Do not." Dale protested, looking somewhat like a dog, on his hands and knees, mouth open, tongue flopping about.

"Do too." Minos insisted, hands firmly on Dale's hips as he casually fucked him.

"Oh oh oh fuck." Dale moaned losing grip on the conversation as Minos started fucking him faster. My hard cock throbbed in my pants, wanting attention again.

Dale's open mouth looked far too inviting to decline. I lowered my breeches and pushed my hard cock into Dale's face, whose immediate action was to suckle on it like a babe suckling on his mother's breast.

Dale's technique wasn't as good as Felix's but his mouth felt so good and warm for a moment and it helped scratch the itch inside me, even though it wasn't how I originally planned on doing so.

My cock and hips did most of my thinking for me and I found myself grabbing onto the back of Dale's head and fucking his face. Minos meanwhile continued to rail Dale from behind, without missing a beat. Dale's muffled moaning around my cock sent thrills to my brain as I revelled in my domination of Dale and the pleasure of his warm mouth.

It didn't take me more than a couple of minutes to get what I wanted, though this time it felt even better and more painful. This dry orgasm left me gasping in painful pleasure but I found that sweet disinterest in sex I had wanted and the sudden fatigue felt comfortingly familiar.

As soon as I pulled my cock away, I looked into Dale's eyes and felt immediately guilty for just using Dale like that to fulfil my urges.

"Did you want a hand?" I asked Dale, my eyes on his hard cock unloved by him or Minos swaying back and forth as he was fucked.

"Suck my cock you bastard." Dale said.

That was a mean way of asking for it but considering my recent experience of saying weird things with a hard cock inside me I was more than willing to overlook it. I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth, after all he had helped me out with my problem and I wanted to make him happy.

Unfortunately, sucking on Dale's hard cock soon made me hard and horny again and I was back to stroking my cock again, wanting more sex.

It had a similar effect on Dale as he said "Bend over and take my cock you homewrecker."

"Such a filthy mouth on this one, ask him nicely" Minos said, pulling his brother upwards by the throat, his teeth biting on Dale's ear. Minos shook his head comically "I don't know where he picks up this behaviour." Minos said in a mockery of a stern parent's voice, just before slamming his hips against Dale's backside even harder than before.

"Please. Let. Me. Fuck. You!" Dale panted out as Minos fucked him harder and harder, his hands on his shoulders now as he slammed their bodies together.

I wonder if that was the way it looked when Felix fucked me. Hot yet violent.

I sighed, I was trying to stop having sex and focus and yet I couldn't seem to stop myself, my brain told me to behave but my hands were busy lowering my breeches again and I bent over in front of Dale expectantly.

Dale shoved his hard cock in me with no attempt at preparing me, I guessed it was good to have warmed myself up prior. I'd have to remember to do that before any meeting with a guy that might fuck me. "Fuck." I moaned as he sunk his way into me, it didn't hurt as much as it felt a little rough but good. Hard to explain.

Then I was moaning as Dale fucked me as hard as his brother was fucking him. This was more like it, this was the proper way to relieve my craving. Getting fucked. This was what I needed. Dale's hands on my hips, his cock inside me, thrusting away railing away at my insides mindlessly lost in animalistic need. I met each hard thrust eagerly, with my butt, wanting more, wanting it harder, faster.

It wasn't long until Dale was filling me with his cum and his warmth. He pulled out of me gasping "Oh god." getting all limp and floppy on me.

Minos didn't even miss a beat, pulling his hard cock out of Dale's ass and nudging Dale aside, before shoving his big cock into me. "Oh fuck." I grunted, Minos was much bigger than Dale's, about twice as big and Dale's cum only helped a little.

A couple of seconds after sinking in deep into me, he starting moving at the same pace he had with Dale. It was like he didn't even consider that I might need to warm up more before being railed with his monster cock.

I would have complained if I wasn't too busy digging my nails into the freshly tilled soil as I moaned and mumbled as I was thoroughly fucked. I couldn't even think enough to string together words. There was only Mino's body against mine, his big cock slamming into me over and over again and the increasing pleasure building up inside me.

My face ended up in the dirt several times over the next several minutes as Minos would get more intense and push me face down into the dirt.

He got got into a semi standing/kneeling position pulling me upwards, with his cock still lodged inside me. He fucked me like that for several thrusts and it felt really good, his cock pushing even further into me than normal.

He stood up, holding me firmly just above my knees as he continued fucking me in a weird way. I scrambled at the dirt as he held me partially suspended above the ground. Trying not to fall face first into the dirt, with limited success, my arms struggling to maintain a distance from the dirt as he continued fucking me in such a weird position as if I was some of strange human wheelbarrow.

And yet despite how weird it was it still felt good, as I just gave up trying to keep myself up above the dirt and just let him fuck me and enjoyed the fucking. I couldn't stroke myself, so I could just let myself relax on the ground, the cold dirt rough against my cheek, eyes closed and enjoying every fucking thrust. Minos cock felt so good inside me, I kind of never wanted it to end and yet nothing lasts forever.

Minos shot his load in me, with a feral howl, filling me with gentle warmth and energy. Minos partially collapsed onto me, his head resting on my sweaty back, his semi hard cock still inside me.

Minos was on his knees behind me, his hands on my hips now as his heavy breathing echoed through the air. I couldn't budge him as my arms were limp like wilted grass from trying to hold myself above the dirt. Minos seemed in no hurry to get off me either.

That's how we were caught by Fred, Minos naked and somewhat hard inside and on top of me and Dale jacking off nearby watching and waiting for his turn again.

"What the hell are you doing now? I knew you were fucking Dale, but even this kid? What's wrong with you?" Fred asked Minos.

"Not my fault, the little slut was practically begging for it. You should have heard what he did at Alec's house, he got fucked by all ten of his guards. The little bastard can't get enough fucking."

"Only 5 of them." I protested, though I wondered if I could handle being used by all ten at a time, the thought caused my traitorous cock to twitch with the image of all the guards taking turns on me one or two at a time until all their warmth was mine. Mmmm. My cock hardened and throbbed with desire.

"Lumos, the boy is indeed a slut. How's his ass compare to Dale's?" Fred asked rubbing at the growing bulge in his breeches.

"Try him out, he's great at taking it." Minos told his older brother.

"That's not fair, you won't fuck me." Dale complained.

That got them arguing... What a weird situation, if only I had the strength to get out from under Minos. I needed more muscles, I reached behind me and squeezed Minos bicep, it was big and firm and Minos just grinned at me and flexed his bicep for me, making it even bigger and harder. His cock throbbed in me, getting bigger and harder too.

I squeezed down on Minos cock with my insides, making it feel even better, Minos squeezed my butt with both hands in response.

"I'm not going to fuck my little brother, I'm not fucked up in the head like some people." Fred said, looking at Minos with visible contempt.

"Am I not enough for you?" Minos asked of Dale.

"That's -" Dale tried to respond but was interrupted by Fred.

Fred chuckled. "Guess not."

"Who you calling fucked up? Want to fight?" Minos asked in escalating volume towards Fred.

Minos' cock was back to it's former glory inside me and it felt so good. His anger made his cock harder, maybe I wasn't the only one whose body did weird things.

I groaned, squeezing my sore stiff cock one handed and rotating my hips just a little, to get a better feel of Minos' cock inside me.

"Move aside, let me show you how a real man fucks." Fred pushes Minos aside and I feel empty inside as my gaping hole is exposed to the cool air.

"Fucker." Minos complained, sitting on the ground, a little stunned from the attack and yet fully erect again, I looked longingly at it for a moment before my focus was pulled by Fred.

Fred shoves his semi hard cock inside me. It goes in easily and he starts to move inside me slowly at first but as his cock plumps up inside me, getting thicker and longer, he starts fucking me faster and harder and I move to meet his every thrust.

"Fuck me." I beg, one hand on my cock. It was starting to feel really good.

"Pfft that's nothing, I'll show you how to fuck a boy slut." Minos said, grabbing onto Dale and pushing him down on the hard ground as well and slamming in deep on the first thrust.

Dale moaned and I moaned as our respective partners railed away at our insides with increasing intensity and volume in perverted competition with each other.

Fred strips off his shirt, mid fuck, exposing his furry torso and lean muscles. He tosses his discarded shirt onto the pile of clothes that Minos and Dale had left to the side. Fred pulled me tighter against his body, his hands on my shoulder, his mouth near my ear. "You like that, little slut."

I couldn't speak, he was fucking me so hard and so fast that my teeth felt like they were clattering together. My mind started to blank as my pleasure rose and warmth flooded into me but a moment later Fred cums and when he cums inside me, I'm filled with warmth again and I think to myself, this can't be normal.

Why does Fred's cum feel better than Minos? Minos' cum feels better than Dale's but nowhere near as good as Felix's.

What was I missing? What was going on?

I had so many questions and I didn't know who I should ask or if anyone would have the answers I needed. Life had become so confusing as of late.

Fred pulled out of me, leaving me empty again and frustrated. I was so close. I looked around and Minos and Dale were fucking away and Fred was pulling on his clothes. That was unfulfilling. I sighed and shook my head. I had already cum enough today. I needed to STOP doing this kind of thing.

Fred and I got dressed, I felt somewhat awkward around Fred, I had little interaction with him prior to this day and now his cum was inside me along Minos' and Dale's cum. Fred was being quiet and weird while Minos and Dale were being noisy and thoroughly involved in each other, totally ignoring us.

We watched as Minos continued to fuck Dale, Dale seated on his lap, holding tightly to his older brother.

"So how long have you been doing this kind of thing anyway?" he said pointing at his naked brothers fucking.

"Just a few days."

I looked at Minos and Dale locked together in sexual embrace and I felt lonely. I wanted to join in but I didn't want to interrupt them since they looked and sounded like they were having a great time together. It made me really want to see Felix again, he said he would visit after he finished the day's work. Something to look forward to at least.

I clenched my hands into fists so I wouldn't touch myself again, I had to allow myself the time for my cock to recover, it was a little red and I was little worried that I would hurt myself if I kept this up.

"I'm impressed, actually I'm a little ashamed of myself now. Feel like I used you to get back at my brother for having more sex than me and that's all kinds of fucked up and you didn't even blow."

"I'm trying to avoid cumming now, I'm a little worn out from all the sex."

"Not surprising after my brother and me taking turns on you. From what I've heard about you, you were the last person I'd expect to be underneath my brother." He looked down at the ground "I guess I never expected to be balls deep in you either but there was just something that made me want to pump a load in you. I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologise, I liked it." I thought to myself that it would have been even better if he could have lasted like another minute so I could blow again.

He looked at me and smiled, I could see the family resemblance in his cheeky smile. He leaned in closer and spoke softly. "So tell me honestly. How do I compare to my brother?"

"Um in what way?"

"In fucking obviously."


"I'm a guy, I'm competitive."

"The truth?"

He nodded. "Give it to me straight." he laughed for some inexplicable reason for a little bit after saying that "I can take it... Or you can take it enough for the both of us." He burst into laughter.

I just waited for him to finish laughing and explain what he meant but by the time he finished laughing, the other two were reaching a fever pitch of fucking and were both moaning/groaning "Fuck fuck fuck" and I watched as Minos held onto Dale before releasing a long drawn out "Fuckkkk."

"So? How did I measure up?" Fred asked, his hand heavy on my shoulder.

"Oh, Minos is a bit bigger and he's better at fucking for longer but I guess he's had more practice, so I'm sure you can catch up." I said absentmindedly as I watched Dale and Minos cuddling up post orgasm. They looked so comfortable and content like that and an ugly sense of jealousy curdled my stomach for a moment.

"Wow, that stings a little but I guess that just means I have to work harder to catch up."

"Uh yeah. Good idea." I said thinking if I'd have that one day, someone who'd hold me tight and love me after they blew their load in me. My mind went back to Felix and how nice he was to me before, during and after he had blown. Maybe I could have what Minos and Dale had with Felix. Would be nice to have someone to cuddle up to every night, whose big cock would keep me happy and warm.

"So would you help me?" Fred asked.

I turned to look at him, lost. "With what?"

"You really are off with the fairies a lot. With sex obviously, Minos has Dale to practice on and I was thinking I could have you over to my room next time you're over and I'll fuck you as much as you want, if you want. I have class C Recovery, so I have a lot of stamina, I could go again even." he said groping his bulging crotch again. "What do you think?"

"What's Class C Recovery?"

"How can you not know? Your dad has Class B recovery, it allows you to recover from wounds a lot faster, slows down ageing, makes it easier to gain muscles and is considered bare minimum to being a front line warrior."

"Oh I knew Dad had that skill, I just didn't know what it did or that it had different levels."

"So? Do you want to hang out in my room and try again?"

I thought about it for a moment, picturing myself in his room, naked underneath him, avoiding Dale and his unhappiness at me, then I thought about how Sam and Dean both fucked me at the same time and how Fred and Minos together inside me would either be the best thing ever or completely break me in half. My cock strained against my breeches and my butt itched with the now familiar urge to get fucked again, this time perhaps by two different brothers with very large cocks.

"Sure. We can do that."

"When?" Fred asked getting much closer to my face than I expected or was used to.

"Um not tonight but tomorrow night?"

"Great" Fred smiled at me "Looking forward to it."

"Should be good." I said, sure Fred was a little more eager and insistent than I was used to but a night alone with him could be quite fun. If not there was always Dale or Minos in the nearby room to help me out with my urges if necessary.

"Shit! Get dressed. Dad is coming!" Fred said with increasing worry and urgency.

Minos and Dale scrambled to get dressed, while I roughly scrubbed the dirt off my face and clothing. Frederic senior arrived just as they finished getting dressed.

Meanwhile Fred and I were just sitting on a log relatively relaxed.

"Why are you boys not working? There's acres left to till." Frederic asked.

"Sorry dad, we were just taking a break since Lucius visited." Minos replied

"Oh and what did you need Lucius?" Frederic asked, giving his boys a suspicious glance and he took a sniff of the air and looked between his sons with an odd look on his face.

"Um I just wanted to ask Minos if he could provide an escort through the forest as Grindor told me to collect some plants for potion making but it looks like he's busy today."

"You said that we could go on a hunt soon so I can have some monster meat." Dale complained, looking at Minos.

Frederic chuckled. "How about we continue working for a couple of hours then we can go on a family hunt and I can show you how it's done."

"Oh." I looked down, feeling left out again.

"That includes you too. You're part of the family too." Frederic said lifting my chin up so that I could see how serious his expression was. "Isn't that right boys?"

"Yes" they all said with varying levels of enthusiasm. Dale the least happy and Fred surprisingly the most cheerful about my inclusion into the family.

"Good now that that's settled, how about you come back in a couple of hours and we'll go off together."

"Why doesn't he have to help with the chores if he's part of the family?" Dale asked petulantly, arms crossed.

"For one, because I said so and secondly you know he has a tough time with physical activities."

It was nice that Frederic was so considerate, on the other hand I was frustrated how weak and worthless I was. I needed to be bigger and stronger in order to be able to live out my dream of becoming an adventurer. I needed the sorcery to make itself known already so I could become a mage like my mother or grow up more and get some actual muscles and become a warrior like my father.

I had enough of being so fragile, though the last few days I had been surprisingly active with little issue.

"Pfft he's tougher than that." Dale said with his arms crossed.

In a roundabout way that was the nicest thing Dale had said about me.

"Thanks." I said to Dale and to Frederic I said "See you soon." and left.

I found myself wondering on the way back to Grindor's what would Frederic look like naked and whether his cock would be big as his sons (excluding Dale obviously). He had a wife, who was nice to me, so I shouldn't be thinking of him naked, his hard cock buried inside me, pushing me into the dirt like his sons had done before.

It was wrong, it was sinful, it made me so horny. I struggled to keep my arms pinned to my sides.

When I got to the shed, I took the book I had borrowed from Alec on trade from my bag and proceeded to read through the treatise within. It was about the relative values of nation's goods and the scarcity of those objects compared to the demand which helped take my mind off naked men.

A couple of hours went by quickly as I learned more about what this nation was known for, Iron, it's value varied depending on the demand from people. It became more expensive during war time when demand was high and had low to moderate value during peace times.

It was interesting reading about the various exports of nearby nations. One kingdom sold various fish and other seafood exclusive to inland kingdoms/nations to inland nations. They apparently had very pretty sea shells and their own merchant navy.

This was what I needed to do whenever things got out of control in my breeches, read until the urge subsided and I could pretend to be human again instead of some slavering beast in an endless rut.

I went off to Frederic's farm with a list of questions in my head.

They were all armed with various weapons. Dale had a small dagger. Frederic had a long bow in his hands and a sword and dagger sheathed at his waist. Fred had a sword as well as a small crossbow strapped to his back. Minos just had a sword.

Frederic gave me a look over and shook his head in disappointment. "You need to have a weapon boy, just in case. At the very least, it'll be useful for you to learn how to skin various animals."

I was not looking forward to that part at all. Dad handled the butchery at home or just had the meat prepared before delivery. His cooking skills weren't that great but he could roast and fry things quite well.

Frederic went back in the house and fetched me a spare dagger, it felt weird in my hand, like it had more weight than it should but maybe that was because I was too weak.

We proceeded single file with Frederic in the lead, taking us into the forest outside the village wall, where Horned Rabbits, Iron Stags and a rare Shadow Wolf made their home.

Dale followed directly behind his father, with Minos taking the middle, me second last and Fred taking up the rear guard position.

Frederic told us the basics of keeping quiet in a forest, pitching his voice at a low level that still carried just far enough to be heard by all of us.

He had us follow our footsteps so we wouldn't scare off any horned rabbits.

Frederic had decided that would be the easiest monster meat for Dale to start off with.

I kept mostly quiet keeping a lookout for Maiden's Tears and Warriors Boon.

Maiden's tears were a blue plant that served as a sedative of sorts, allowing those with serious injuries to be sedated while more serious measures were taken. Maiden's Tears grew best under direct moonlight.

Warrior's boon was a reddish berry bush that grew best in areas frequented by predators. It was said it grew best after monster blood was shed in an area. It was an important ingredient in recovery/health potions and in various stimulants used for battle potions to help win tough battles.

This reminded me of the first time I was sent off to collect plants and I met Minos and Alec for the first time properly. Neither of them acted as seriously as Frederic did. They spent the majority of the time joking with each other while I followed behind, taking frequent breaks to catch my breath.

After some time I found the plants I needed, harvested them and added the ingredients to my pack. Along the way Frederic and Fred both shot down some horned rabbits and Minos decapitated an Iron Stag while his brother and father flanked it from either side.

Frederic had me finish off some of the wounded rabbits along with Dale. Neither of us took well to having to do the dirty work of actually killing our food, though Dale was less squeamish than I was as he had witnessed the slaughter of many an animal as he lived on a farm.

Then we suffered more, with having to learn from Frederic and the other two as to the proper way to skin the horned rabbits. The Iron Stag felt like it took forever to properly butcher into smaller parts. By the time it was done, I was thoroughly tempted to swear off meat and become a follower of the Elven Druids who were dedicated to eating only fruits that fell on their own.

That urge was quickly overcome after Frederic said he'd have his wife Hilda cook us up a lunch of spiced rabbit. My mouth salivated at the thought and the idea of abandoning meat was quickly forgotten.

Frederic stored the skinned rabbits and butchered Iron Stag in his own spatial pack from his old adventuring days.

We returned back to the farm eagerly, hoping that Hilda would help us out by cooking her famous spiced rabbit.

She sighed a long suffering sigh and went "Men always expect me to drop everything at a moment's notice for their benefit."

Frederic whispered into her ear and she went red in the cheeks and completely changed her tune and said "You boys clean yourselves up while I get it ready."

We went to the stream and stripped down to wash off the smell of sweat, spilled blood and for at least 4 of us the smell of sex. I tried not to be too obvious as I sneaked glances at the others but Fred and Minos gave me smug smiles and were quick to grab a squeeze of my butt under the water. I retaliated by having a squeeze of their semi hard cocks.

Frederic said "No tomfoolery boys, your mother is expecting us clean and well behaved and if not you'll all get the rod."

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of Frederic's rod inside me. I had only gotten a quick glimpse of his naked body before it was submerged into the water. He was all man, his soft cock hung at about 6 inches and he had a furry chest and legs.

Minos and Fred smiled at each sharing some unspoken communication before they said. "We'll get them clean." Then they were upon us with bars of soap, lathering us up, Minos with Dale and Fred with me. They were quick but thorough, rubbing their hands over every body part, scrubbing off the day's detritus. Fred's fingers probed my somewhat tender hole, letting the warm water seep into me. It felt weirdly good.

Frederic washed himself slowly, facing away from us.

Then they handed the bars to us and gave us superior looks and said "Your turn."

I ran my soapy hands over Fred's furry chest, my hands drifting under the water's surface to stroke his big cock to which he replied with "Don't expect to get any sleep, tomorrow night." with a quiet low voice.

"Looking forward to it."

We quickly rinsed off and got dressed in fresh clothes, mine from my spatial pack and the others from clothes they had brought with them earlier.

The spiced horned rabbit meal was delicious and there was something primal in eating something that you killed yourself. For some reason I felt a lot closer to Frederic and his sons and to my own dad as a result. It felt like I was beginning my own journey as an adventurer, the first baby step perhaps but a step in the right direction.

That said I didn't like the noise the Horned Rabbits made when they were stabbed it made me feel icky inside. I suppose I would have to get used to the sounds of agony if I was to become an adventurer. They don't mention that in the books, how pitiful the sounds an animals makes as it bleeds to death or when it's 'finished off'.

I guess that's why I'm an alchemist apprentice instead of an adventurer. I may be a little too squeamish for the adventuring profession.

Why won't my magic show up already? All this waiting was so frustrating, especially since I had no idea what I was supposed to get out of it. I just hoped it was useful after all this waiting.

If it was something useless like scrying or minor clairvoyance, it'd be utterly depressing. Maybe that was the reason dad wouldn't tell me.

Or maybe it was something he'd never heard of. Or something he didn't want to talk about at all because it was horrifying in some way, which considering his attitude to me after we got the status stone was a real possibility.

Maybe it was something forbidden like necromancy or blood magic. Maybe it was something super powerful but dangerous like powerful combustion magic which could destroy things far too easily, with unpredictable and huge explosions. UGH. The uncertainty was frustrating.

I shook off the useless thoughts, I'd find out sooner or later and obsessing over it wouldn't help. Deep breaths.

I returned back to Grindor with the necessary plants and spent the rest of my work day, re reading the Almanack and generally trying to avoid thinking of anyone naked hard and on top of me thrusting away. It was a real effort.

Eventually the day was over and I could relax at home in my night clothes with my borrowed book in bed using a candle for light as I waited for Felix to show up.

I heard a knock on the door and I rushed out of bed to answer it.

I opened the door and looked up to find Felix's smiling face looking at me, he had brought flowers.

"Hey sweetie, is your father home?"

"No. He's probably at the village hall or at the pub, I usually don't see him until the morning if at all."

"That's a shame. I wanted to ask him something important."

"What was it?" I asked confused as to what it could possibly be.

"Well maybe I should ask you first." He dropped to his knees, confusing me entirely. "Will you make me the happiest man and be mine forever? Will you marry me?"



Author's Note: Cliffs; I'm not sure if I'm good at them or not but this felt right to me so I'm going with it. Lucius gets his first marriage proposal. How will he answer?

Also when I think of Felix, I picture Felix Jones, the straight porn star of limited fame and success. https://xhamster.com/videos/awesome-guy-jerking-off-9797948#mlrelated

He's nowhere as popular as Danny Dong (straight version) or Matt Hughes, his previous gay porn star name but I like his cute face and big dick.

As always remember to play safe in the real world and never trust white trash ho's not to steal your stash during the night when you're dead to the world.

Or send me emails telling me about your favourite sweets. I don't know, it's been a bad week for me. Don't expect sanity in this section. There is little to be had.

On other news, my attempts to skip ahead to the juicy revelations as to Lucius's heritage and actual adventuring has been vetoed by Lucius and I am now forced to write about his non adventurey adventures as (future plot points). sigh I can't even get the fictional men in my life to behave.

Next: Chapter 7

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